Unraveling Secrets

By Reading_Ig2

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Nova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 18

356 11 2
By Reading_Ig2


A new fucking school. 

This is gonna be just great. More annoying bitches, boys who get on my fucking nerves, and teachers with attitudes who like to send me to the office. 

I am currently awake at 4 in the morning since I couldn't sleep. This gives me a good 4 hours to stress about school. I decided that I shouldn't work out today, since my pain has been super bad this past week. I was hoping my ribs would get better, but they seem to only be getting worse. I know I am supposed to rest if I want them to be getting better, so I attempted to do that throughout the week, but I can't do it any longer. I need a good fight. 

One good thing about today, the only thing calming me about school, is being able to see Jax. I feel like its been so long, but that could be because me and Jax are use to hanging out everyday.  I debated on calling Jax and waking his ass up extra early, but he did just get in the other day so I will be nice and let him sleep.

2 of my vehicles had arrived last night so none of my brothers have seen them yet. Lorenzo knows of their arrival but didn't go out of his way to look at them. He already knows the type of car I had shipped, but he doesn't know I have a bike.  

I take a shower and brush my hair while its wet. Having this much time before school gives it time to dry naturally. I then cover any bruises or scars left from Leah and Greg. I make sure my ribs are wrapped tight. I am wearing black leggings and a black hoodie with my white converse. This makes it so nothing is noticeable. I don't need people asking questions on the first day of school. I also don't need my brothers asking questions, they have their 'secrets' so I will have mine. 

I put mascara and eyeliner on, but I didn't feel like wearing any other makeup on my face today. I wonder what those at school are gonna say when the new girl shows up looking like she just rolled out of bed, but I honestly don't give a fuck.

I sat on the mini couch in my room and scrolled through my phone until a little after six. I figured now was a good time to go downstairs, the others should be waking up soon since they twins have school as well. I walk down the stairs and head towards the kitchen. 

I grabbed a muffin off the counter. I wasn't hungry enough for a huge breakfast. I wasn't normally a breakfast person anyway, but the thought of school made me even less hungry. 

I heard movement, and slowly my brothers entered the kitchen one by one. The twins looked forced, I have a feeling Matteo woke them up and dragged their asses out of bed. He wasn't kidding when he said they were not morning people.

"Hey Nova. Do you want anything for breakfast?" Matteo asked.

"Oh, no I'm all set. I just ate a muffin, I am not a huge breakfast person." I said in response. "Especially this early in the morning."

"Are you sure? I could always make you something." 

"Yes I am sure, I can't even stomach the thought of taking another bite of something."

"Okay." He says with a small smile.

"We are going to be leaving in a little over a hour." Elio says. "I figured you would want to know so you could be ready by the time we leave." He says.

"Oh I am already ready, I just gotta brush my teeth now that I ate." I say. "Oh- and also you don't have to wait for me, I will be driving. My vehicles arrived last night so I will drive myself." I say. I was going to drive my car for the navigational system, but I spent a good time memorizing the route while I was up that I think I will take my bike. 

"You have your own car?" Elio asks.


"Did you say vehicles as in plural?" That comes from Antonio. 

"Yes." Again another short response from me.

Lorenzo has recently joined us in the kitchen, in time to witness this conversation.

"What do you drive?" Elio asks. 

Lorenzo is smirking, already knowing what car I have. Matteo also is interested in my answer. Marcello knows what I drive, but he isn't here for this discussion. He must still be sleeping.

"You can come see for yourself, they are in the garage. I was about to go out anyway and make sure no one damaged them while they were putting them in." If I see anything off at all, I will kill someone.

Everyone follows me out, including a smirking Lorenzo. I spot my babies right away and walk over. My brothers follow along. They soon stop and their jaws drop. 

"These are yours?!" The twins yell at the same time. Matteo is just standing there stunned, while Lorenzo is looking at my bike.

"Si" I say.

"There is no way." Antonio says.

"Why? Because I am a teenage girl who was kidnapped as a child, so I shouldn't be able to have nice things?" I snap. "I worked very hard for all I own, unlike others who were just handed it." I say.

Antonio glares at me, about to speak when he got cut of by Lorenzo. "I think he was surprised principessa. We believe you worked hard, it shows. That is a very nice bike you have there. How'd you learn to ride?" He asks.

"I taught myself, well me and Jax learned together. It was a very... eventful time." I say thinking back to how Jax almost ran me over. 

"You must miss him." Matteo said.

"Eh. He gonna meet me at school so I will see him then."

"He's ... here?" Asked Matteo. The rest of my brothers are just as confused and seemed to forget about my amazing vehicles.

"Yeah him and his mom moved down to be close to me. They just arrived the other day, and told him if I had to go to school he did to. I made sure Mary got everything set up so he couldn't ditch me. Oh yeah Mary is his mom, she is kinda like a mom to me to." I say realizing they don't have a clue who Mary is.

"So we are gonna meet him today? Finally can put a face to the famous name." Elio says.

"I mean yeah, you will probably see him around." I say. "Imma go finish getting ready. I am planning on taking my bike to school today." I told them before walking back to my room to brush my teeth. 

I thought about messaging Jax, but I will be seeing him in less then 2 hours so I can wait. 

Word Count: 1148

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