Lost In The Darkness {Edited}

By Ms_CornSalad

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Disclaimer: Any edit used in this book is mine. The pictures, however, have been taken from Pinterest and doe... More

Copyright ©️
Author Note
Introduction and TW
Chapter ~16
Chapter~ 24
Chapter - 28
Chapter ~32
Chapter ~ 51

Chapter ~39

172 19 29
By Ms_CornSalad

~ Constructive feedback is appreciated~
♦ Please don't be a silent reader,and at least leave a like to motivate me♦

Vanessa's POV:

"I hate humans, and no, there's no specific reason, but yet so many examples," I muttered to myself, my frustration simmering as I surveyed the room filled with people whose presence felt suffocating. They stared at me as if I were some ancient artifact unearthed from the depths of history.

Minutes ticked by, yet the silence persisted, intensifying the pressure in my head. Finally, unable to bear the quiet any longer, I broke it with a sharp jab of my voice.

"Was silence part of the job description? Are you all paid to be silent? Does that make you paid silent prostitutes?" I quipped, my words sliced through the stagnant air with a hint of sarcasm, dripping with a mixture of frustration and dark humor as I addressed the motionless figures before me, hoping to provoke a reaction from the lifeless crowd.

"Huh?" The puzzled expressions on their faces only confirmed my suspicions about their lack of intelligence, a common trait among those with a low brain IQ. However, Armano, Vincenzo, and Nic couldn't contain their amusement, snorting in response to my words.

"Dante, darling," I cooed, my voice dripping with saccharine sweetness like honey-coated chocolate, though Dante knew it was just my way of having fun with a polite facade. "Would you care to introduce me to these... creatures?"

Dante cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with my playful demeanor towards the guests, but I couldn't help but revel in the amusement of Lorenzo joining the laughter. Thanks to my loyal companions, I knew my sense of humor was appreciated.

"Vanessa, these are your cousins: Giovanni, Elio, and Marco," Dante introduced them one by one, pointing out each individual to me. Their ugly expressions only added to their pathetic appearance, which I couldn't help but notice with a sense of satisfaction.

I nodded in acknowledgment of the introduction before turning my attention to the girl who spoke up after Dante finished. "And I am Alessia, your step-cousin," she said with a small, genuine smile.

Her sincerity caught my attention, and I couldn't help but wonder why Nic and Armano had labeled her as a certified bitch. It was disappointing to realize that I still didn't have any competition.

"Now that I've had the pleasure of meeting these not so delightful individuals, may I bloody well go and rest my eyes?" I directed a playful grin at Dante, fluttering my eyelashes in an attempt to add a touch of innocence to my request. What on earth am I doing? I thought, feeling a wave of nausea at my own behavior, but Dante's reaction spurred me on.

Giovanni, the self-appointed patriarch of the group, couldn't hide his disdain as he sneered at me. "What's wrong with her? She's behaving so crudely. Has she not been taught any manners?" His words dripped with disdain, as if I were a stain on his impeccable reputation.

"Excuse me, fucker?" I arched an eyebrow, refusing to be cowed by his attempts to intimidate me, his misogynistic attitude poisoning the air around us.

"You're not a sailor, young lady. Behave with manners and show some class," he scolded, his voice rising in an attempt to assert authority over me. The nerve of this pompous prick.

"And a classless prick will tell me how to be classy? What a bloody joke," I retorted, rolling my eyes at Giovanni's audacity. With a dismissive huff, I leaned back into the plush cushions of the sofa, refusing to entertain his delusions of superiority any longer.

"Dante, why are you entertaining this behavior of hers?" Giovanni attempted to appeal to Dante, his Alpha male facade crumbling in the face of my defiance.

"Giovanni, stop being a dick-" Dante began, only to be abruptly cut off by my snort of amusement.

"Be classy, Dante. That's not how one speaks," I interjected with a smirk, enjoying the playful banter.

As I glanced around the room, I noticed Vincenzo and Armano leaning casually against the wall, munching on popcorn, while Nicolo sat beside me, seemingly conjuring a drink out of thin air. Lorenzo scratched my dog's head affectionately, while Angelo observed the scene with a neutral expression, assessing everyone's reactions.
The other two cousins sported smirks on their faces, clearly enjoying the spectacle. Alessia, on the other hand, looked horrified, her eyes wide as saucers... and strangely familiar. Why hadn't I realized before that I'd seen those eyes somewhere? Or is my mind just playing tricks on me?  

"You need to do something about her mouth, or no one will want to marry such an uncultured swine," Giovanni's words sliced through the tension, his disdain palpable.

"What world are you talking about? A world where everyone shares your stinky attitude? I'll pass," I shot back, swiping the drink from Nic's hand and taking a defiant sip, relishing the glare Giovanni shot my way and the weary look on Dante's face.

"What? Did you think you were some paragon of virtue or something?" I scoffed, adding fuel to the fire with a dismissive wave of my hand.

"Giovanni 0, Vanessa 7. I've lost count," Armano hooted triumphantly, clearly on Team Nessa.

With a sly wink tossed Armano's way, I silently acknowledged his allegiance to Team Vanessa, a subtle gesture of camaraderie amidst the escalating tension.

"That's it. She needs to learn some discipline."

Giovanni's ominous proclamation hung heavy in the air, signaling impending repercussions for my perceived insubordination. As he closed the distance between us with determined strides, a chilling resolve enveloped my senses, drowning out any flicker of fear or doubt.

In that harrowing moment, a familiar voice echoed in the recesses of my mind, a dark counterpart urging me forward with a single, sinister command: 'Do it.' It was a macabre agreement, a pact forged between the fractured facets of my psyche, united in a shared desire for retribution and control.

With a swift, practiced motion, I retrieved the pocket knife from its concealed resting place, the cool metal a reassuring weight in my hand. It was as if Vanessa herself whispered in my ear, guiding my actions with ruthless precision: 'Aim for the eyes.'

In a swift and calculated maneuver, I unleashed a decisive strike, the blade finding its mark with a sickening thud as it pierced Giovanni's left eye. The visceral sound of flesh yielding to metal echoed in the air, mingling with his anguished cries and the metallic tang of blood.

As Giovanni recoiled in agony, his hands instinctively flying to his injured eye, I stood transfixed by the aftermath of my actions. Crimson streams cascaded down his face, painting a gruesome tableau of pain and suffering. Yet, amidst the chaos, the pocket knife remained embedded in his eye socket, a stark reminder of the brutality that lurked beneath the surface.

It was a moment of twisted beauty, a grotesque masterpiece born from the depths of my fractured psyche. And in that chilling stillness, I felt a surge of dark satisfaction, a grim acknowledgment of the power I held within myself.

Before I could fully grasp the gravity of the situation unfolding before me, Nicolo appeared like a guardian angel, positioning himself protectively in front of me, shielding me from the gruesome scene unfolding beyond. My gaze remained fixated on the macabre spectacle, the vivid crimson of spilled blood mesmerizing me like a potent drug, flooding my senses with a heady rush of adrenaline and euphoria.

In that moment, I was entranced by the intoxicating allure of violence, the seductive pull of chaos and destruction. Blood pooled on the ground in dark, glistening rivulets, staining the pristine floor with its sinister hue. It was a sight both horrifying and intoxicating, a visceral reminder of the raw power and primal instincts that lurked within us all.

Lost in the hypnotic trance of the carnage before me, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, heightening my senses and drowning out the chaos unfolding around me. In that fleeting moment of surreal clarity, I was consumed by the insatiable thirst for more, an insidious craving for the rush of violence and bloodshed.

It was a dangerous dance with darkness, a delicate balance between sanity and madness, pleasure and pain. And as I stood there, enveloped in the crimson haze of addiction and desire, I knew that I had crossed a threshold from which there could be no return.

"It's okay. You can sleep now," Vanessa's voice echoed through the recesses of my mind, a soothing lullaby beckoning me to relinquish control and surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume me. And in that moment of vulnerability, I yielded to her influence, allowing her to take the reins and guide me back into the comforting embrace of oblivion.

My eyes grew heavy, weighed down by the burden of the monstrous entities that lurked within me, their seductive whispers coaxing me to succumb to the irresistible pull of sleep. With a sigh of resignation, I surrendered to the darkness, allowing it to envelop me in its velvety embrace as I slipped away into the depths of unconsciousness.


A/N:- Did you like the chapter?

Hopefully, you did!....

How is the cliffhanger by the way???

Your opinions? Any thoughts or feedback?

Any theories?

Take care ❤️



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