By _HopeInWinter

901 122 236

Jungkook x Reader 'changed you' Update whenever it's ready . . . . "Love hurt, it causes jealousy, anger... More

The Truth


18 3 6
By _HopeInWinter


Morning with my girls I sat on the back seat of our car, Lucas is driving, we're going to our grandparents for this weekend.

Daisy is four months, she's strong enough to travel. It's Daegu not too long with the smooth drive Lucas very good at. I could calm down as if resting on my bed. Even Taena is sleeping since she still sleepy because she wake up too early helping me packed. We're staying for two nights and go back on Tuesday.

At the same time Irish call. Bring smile on my face. I pick up her call joyfully.


"I missed you, Peanut." I frown at at her weak voice.

"What happened? You're not going to the park with Pru?" As she usually went after school or every weekend. They always go to the park or public Library. But now she seemed to be gloomy.

"She went to the hospital with aunt Amy, she's been sick and I was locked at home alone because they don't want me to get contagious."

"She okay?"

"She's been vomiting something green from her stomach, and that's freaking me out, also she had fever since last night. Her face pale and I being separated from her."

"Oh God." I'm speechless to hear it, that must be hard for her. But I'm worried more of Irish. She's alone at her flat. My mind goes wild that I fear someone break into the house and hurt her.

"Did you locked all the doors and windows?" I ask something else that I'm worried about.

"Aunt Amy have the keys so I'm sure she is."

"Where are you now?"

"In my room."

"Did you locked your room? Put the chair under the knop?"

"Peanut, I'm fine, I don't have to do that because it's safe here."

"Is Jungkook not home?"

This sensitive topic must be triggered his curiosity. But I care more about my niece's safety.

"Uncle Kookie is not home, he's been working for months and tell us will be home in early May."

That's what I fear, my niece is alone in a locked house unprotected. I manage my breathing to stay calm which to no avail. I realized that I'm shaking in fear once again.

"Baby, you okay?" My husband asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Irish, you there?"

"I'm here."

"Okay, listen to me carefully. I'm gonna asked someone to come there to guard your house to make sure you're okay."

"You don't have to do that, I'm safe here."

"I know you are, I'm just adding your protection since you're alone. I'll call you back later."

I hung up the phone and look at Lucas hopefully he is listening the whole conversation.

"Lucas, can you pull over, please." My breathing was uncontrollable. I need some air so when the car stopped, I told Butter to hold Daisy and I step out.

The breeze blown, I breathe the air greedily as I hold my chest, my heartbeat faster than usual. Lucas got out of the car and approached me.

"Irish is alone in her house. Please, do something." I told him and he understand the assignment.

"Calm down, Mrs. Kim. I'm gonna call my friend to make sure giving her protection."

"The house is in Hannamdong, Seoul, Hillary building fifth floor, flat number 543."

"I know, Mrs. Kim."

"Please call him to hurry."

Lucas nod and took out his phone to call his colleagues. He has a friends for a reason. My husband get out of the car as well, I look at him and almost cry win fear.

"What's wrong?" He ask in detailed.

"Irish is home alone, I'm worried that somebody will break into the house and hurt her."

He hold my shoulder and sighs in disbelief, but pull me to his embrace. This will be difficult to focus and atau calm. I know myself.

"She's safe, baby, don't worry too much. Lucas is on the way to sent his friends to keep Irish safe, she will be okay."

I should calm. The threats is gone, I shouldn't be this worried. My niece will be safe.

"Come here." He pull me closer and hug me. I need it.

"Are we still going to my parents? We can go back if you feel the need to rest."

I can't disappoint him.

"No, I promise that we'll have this weekend with mom and dad. They are waiting,"

"You sure you good?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I got distracted, I was worried."

"I understand," he smile, but not entirely honest, I was already ruin his mood and I know it.

"Mrs. Kim. My friend is on his way to your niece's apartment. He will inform me soon as he get there."

I breathe slowly in relief as Lucas tell me the good news.

"Thank you, Lucas."


I look at my husband smiling in relief, I'm relieved that Irish is not alone. I stare at him and lean closer to kissed him. I know I'm happy and I expressing it. I lean back only to catch him shock but having a little smirks. He hold my face and slowly leaning in and repeat the action pretty slowly and lovingly.

I kissed him back, clutching his shirt to pull him closer. If anything, I don't mind doing whatever he want to keep him good mood.

"Let's go,"

He hold my hand and open the door for me, I step in and he is closing the door, sitting next to me.


Mom cook her signature dish I love most whenever I come visit. And I never get bored with it. Father came home bring some new fresh roses and place it to the vase. Taena hugged him like her life was depends on it. Taena always love her grandparents. This child has compassion and respect towards elders.

"You're staying, my little angel?" Her grandfather ask her and she nod excitedly.

"That's good, you sleep with grandma and me?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, grandpa, but my sister need me, so I'm sleeping with her."

"Ah, this child." He said I disbelief but Taena laugh with him. Everyone having warm lunch together.

"Y/n, dear?"

I'm startled by my mother's voice entering the kitchen when I was wash dishes.

"Mother." I wipe my hands and took off my apron.

"Is everything okay, Y/n? You look, unfocused." She hardly choose the right word to describe her concerns.

"Yes, everything is fine,"

"But you weren't showing it. You know you can always tell me what's going on, right?" She hold my hands which I really appreciate that she's trying, but I can't made her worried for something I can handle.

"Irish is home alone unprotected, that's why I'm worried, mother. But I told Lucas to look after her, now it's fine."

She sighs but smile, pats my shoulder to console me.

"That's good, you can always have someone to count on."

I nod, at the feeling ease when I finally calm, the worried subsides, replaced by two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I startled unconsciously hold the arms with my hands, try to get it off of me. But when I realized that it's my husband, my heart beat ease.

He snuggles into my neck, trying to move my hair to the side so his lips will touches my skin. I struggle to move him away since his mother is standing in front of us.

"Hun, mother is here." I smile shyly at her as she just smile, crossing her arms and lean her body to the kitchen counter enjoying the scene.

"You never call me Hun before." He managed to place soft kisses on my neck, I squirmed, pushing him away a little bit. I'm speechless but look at her shaking her head in disbelief.

"Seeing you two remind me of me and my husband when we were young." She said playfully. And I was already red in embarrassment.

"I got the best DNA in the world." I stare at him in disbelief with his statement, agreeing that makes me embarrass even more.

"I'm sorry, mother,"

"No honey, don't be, I'm glad you two spend the weekend here with the kids. By the way, where are they?"

"Find your granddaughters, mother, I need to have a moment with my wife, don't you think having a grandson will be great?"

This man is unbelievable.

"Give this precious woman a break, Taehyung."

She is about to go away but then she return back to us.

"Oh, and I, uh, I fix your old bedroom upstairs, you two can stay there tonight, the door is soundproof, because we need to sleep quietly, if you two want to make noise the whole night, I guess I will receive a good news soon."


She laugh. "Have fun!" And she walk away from the kitchen.

How was that feels to have such a supportive mother?

I look at the empty space, being startled once again when he hook his arms u der my legs and lift me up, carrying me to his arms and walking out of the kitchen as well. He take me upstairs to the bedroom.

"Please, put me down." I ask kindly but he just smirks.

"You know I won't."

"Honey, Daisy is four months, mother says you'll have mercy on me."

"By the time our son will born, she will be a year old." I shook my head I  disbelief.

"You're unbelievable."

"At least let's have fun like mother suggest us. Don't worry about the girls."

"In a broad daylight?"

"You didn't pay attention of what my mother says? The door is soundproof. We can make noise as loud as possible."

I roll my eyes on him. "I'm not loud."

He stops in front of the door and put me down.

"Let's prove it, then." He open the door and I walk in backwards when he keep coming towards me. I'm excited, but not something we're about to do. He will surely take control as usual, but I want to lead once that it's today if he ever give me a chance.

"Only if you let me take control." I mess his mind with my eyes, batting my lashes and hold his gaze. I keep walking backwards until I touch the bed with my legs. Realize I have nowhere to move. I sat in the bed. He kneel down in front of me.

The next move he would trace his fingers from my toes and keep going up to my thighs, lift up the white dress I was wearing. I keep looking at him for what his next move. He slowly lean down and give my knee wet kisses that surely will make me weak. I move my hand ato touch his hair, diving my fingers to his soft strands that I like to touch.

My eyes closed and my lips parted as his kisses goes up.

"You got me so weak." I tell him with my breathy voice, he lean back and in a swift move he grasped my wrists with one hand and pushed my body to the bed and pinned my hands above my head.

"Tell me what to do." He said. And my head works to think of something I like most when we were on the bed.

"I always wanted to try something." He smirked when I start to speak.

"Tell me."


I can't believe I reveal the most dark kinky that I love to try but never got into the moment for it.

"I'll get them." He's about to move away but I hold his shirt to stop him.

"Where? You can't possibly have them here?"

"That's what you don't know, honey."  He left an down to kiss me and then move away, he is walking towards the old closet and open them. He took out black gym bag and walking back to me. I sit up properly to see what's inside the bag.

"What's in there?"

He open the zipper and reveals what's in the bag. I surprise to see enormous toys. I look at him in disbelief, he could have kept these toys for a reason. Casually rummaging the bag to look for a blindfold. He found long back cloth and took it out, showing it to me.

"How come you have all these stuff?"

He smile, take a seat next to me before explaining.

"I was always wanted to use it, but never I have ever found the right person, so I put them as my collection. All of them are new, unused, just by this time I have courage to show them to you." His explanation making my jaw drop in disbelieve.

"After six years marriage?"

From desire to shock, that's what I feel when I found put about his secret. I may not really know what my husband really wants and makes me feel more guilty to not even asking.

"That's not something to be point out the guilt. It's my secret I'd like to reveals to you now."

"Has anyone know besides me?"

"Of course not, sweetheart, why would I tell this to someone uncertainly."

"What about your ex, did you have any?"

He look at me, I was already shocked, maybe he can obviously read them from my facial expression. He take some times to breathe before carry on.

"I have one, but I swear to you I never touch her inappropriately. I always respect woman, my limit were kissing her lips and that all but it's also never happened. I found you before I feel my first kiss with her."

I am so,

"Butter, you." I have no words to say, I rub my face and cupped my cheeks, from any gestures he could read, shock was on top of them.

"This is make me feel awkward, am I not asking anything about yourself? Why do I  not know you wanted it?"

"Because I decided to hide it until I choose the right time to tell you. That's not your fault for not asking me."


"Y/n, I love you, I want to respect you the way I respect my mother. Woman is not supposed to be treated like this. Something we have to talk about until we agree on it open mindedly. I know I have kinks, I love sex with you, every time was different, but that's not want marriage is, not every thing about sex but we can use them to have fun, and other reason to build our family together."

"Butter, I know." I lean closer and grabbing his nape and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back like our lives was depends on it.

He remind me of how he make me fall in love. He remind me of how my cheeks become crimson red as he makes me shy, he make me smile at his silly jokes. His smiles contagious, like the feeling he spreads all over my sanity. He teacher me how to survive but I was too cruel to not realize it sooner. The Shivers I felt when we had our first kiss. The speeding heart beat as he kneel down desperately to propose me. He cries to see me walk down the aisle with Irish. Everyone witnessing the happy moment but we are happier. The day full of love, the harmony of our love story that I will never have if he wasn't him. The silly boy who lost in a train station. Him that I used to call Butter.

I forgot the blindfold slipped down his hand as he raise them to hold me, carry on the kisses and lay me down the bed hovering me. The revelation shook me, he may or may not wanting to admit it but something deep on his heart is scream out want some recognition.

I thought kinky and stuff is something we can discuss for the sake of our open minded about what we like in bed. It's important to stay honest about with each other. But the more I dig, the more i found out about the new fact which I'm happy that I know.

"Let's hold on the plan, if we have time, we'll surely have Daisy and Taena a little brother soon. Right now, I just want to love you." I tell him breathlessly and he leaned down to take me into his passionate kisses.


The sun will sets soon, I carry my little baby and stays on the porch, watching the workers come back from the garden. My father in law walking in the middle humbly with them, gladly witnessed the harmoniously around the house.

I look at Daisy as she already stare at me, she smile wider when I poke her nose. Lucas came approached in between the moment.

"Mrs. Kim."

"How was it?" I ask, knowing the reason why he came. He took his phone showing me the picture from the CCTV he hacked from Irish's apartment. I smile at the fall guy standing in front of their home.

"My colleagues name June, she arrived an hour ago."

I look at him in disbelief that he sent a woman with a body looks like man. And a hour ago which I spend with husband.


"Don't worry, she's one of the best in her team." I nod at him.

"Do you hear anything from her?"

"Yes, nothing seems to be suspicious."

"And Jungkook? Do you have any information about his whereabouts?"

"Mr. Jeon has been staying in Italy for less than five months, he's been occupied with works."

That's what I want to know, Jungkook left since he drop me off to the hospital and even stay with me during labor, now he leave without a trace and I have to do this to make sure he is fine and well. I maybe move on with my husband, and happily live our lives, but I can't get away from him until I make sure he's happy. I know this isn't my responsibility, but I feel like I should responsible for what happened to him.

"He never go home?" I ask desperately.

"He did, a few weeks ago he spotted to visit his mother, and also went to his grandmother last month but he is not meeting Dr. Amy or the girls, because someone else is already live there with them."

I look at him with fear cannot be hidden from my face.

"What do you mean?"

"Dr. Amy had a boyfriend, and now he is living with them."

"That's why Jungkook never come home?"

"Occasionally, he is busy working also I heard Mr. Jeon and Dr. Amy is no longer associates."

My thoughts goes wild knowing stranger stay with my niece in a far away town and unreachable by me. Neither Amy or Jungkook didn't speak a word about it at least to respect me because I have my niece with them.

"How long this man stays in their house? Who and where did he come from?"

"He is her fellow doctor, move in just a few weeks ago but he's rarely stay during the night because his schedule mostly at night, a surgeon name Dr. Choi, he is 36 years old. He lives in Gwacheon before assigned to Seoul."

"Do you have his picture?"


He again show me the male picture, tall and skinny with his long hair that he always tied up in a bun, his feature is not that bad, he is kinda good looking man but also fear me because I never know him.

"Keep an eye on him, put more protection on Irish at school and the house without her knowing."

"Mrs. Kim, I'm sorry but it seems like I have a bad news." I look at him with fear plastered in my face.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Jung left unsold property back in Paris when he started his business, no one knows about the property except me, he asked me to keep them secret, but since Irish now come of age, she has to receive what her father left for her."

I pay attention to what he is explaining to me, which bad news of that fact that Hoseokie owned property he left for Irish.

"And, what's the bad news?"

"Someone from the shareholders of Mr. Jung's company figure out about it, and he wants to buy it. Irish is too young to decide, we can use you as her legal guardian to decide for her. We can't sell it, Mrs. Kim." He said hopefully.

"How many property Hoseokie owned?" I ask this question for myself, every time since his death I keep receiving the new fact about what he left, either it's taken by forced, or he actually earned it from his hard work, as I know, Hoseokie do some illegal stuff to collect these torture, the only thing that may clean from those dirty money is his company. This property Lucas talk about was in Paris, I can never going back there, not ever, so does Irish.

"We have to leave to Paris to look at the property, as the owner."

"Why can we take care of it from here?"

"We can't, the caretaker wants to meet you an Irish."

"Lucas, it's difficult to be there, I need times to prepare myself, also I need to speak about it with my husband. We don't need to bring Irish to Paris."

"Whatever you decide, Mrs. Kim."

I look away to the garden to at how beautiful the orange shades shining on them, slowly day turns into dark, replaced by the lights. That is how long I have been thinking.


His voice startled me as I look back at the main door where he walk towards me. Lucas excuse himself and he look at him suspiciously. He pull me to his embrace and kissed my forehead. He leaned back and ask.

"What happened?"

"Lucas tell me about Irish, someone is already there to keep an eye on her." I explain the point of our conversation. He look surprise.

"Really? Does she know?"

"What matter is she's save. That's all I care about."

I'm a bit selfish but I know it's for her best since she choose to be away from me to be with her best friend. Now Jungkook is not around her, he's busy with works so does with Amy, her boyfriend fears me that he may do something that can harm my niece. She gave me no choice.

"Let's go inside, it's getting cold here."

I nod and walk inside with him. He close the door behind me and I saw Taena running towards e happily, she carry a sun flower as I look at it. I smile at her when she hugged my leg. I caress her head and thank her for picking me a beautiful flower.

The blessing moment always cane towards my life since I choose this kind of way. I missed my family, he gave me his family so I won't feel lonely, I have Irish but he added two more beautiful girls that makes my day more colorful.

I was wonder, what else do I want?

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