your mother is gay

By DoodooDrop4970

1.4K 46 221

"THe Only THERaPisT You're evEr gonNA bE iS a COnvERSIoN THerapiSt BECaUsE You mAke all ThE GAY MEn sTraIgHT... More

omw to commit homocide! #yay
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a hedcanon
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tf yall
Tamari roasts Fayrouz
the third sister...???
pretty ass song
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a few things from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
by the way
a normal day for the ✨flower sisters🤍🖤✨️
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yall yall yalll ayll
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hi again
Gather round, gather round! I have a theory to share!
Say and Arc in: TV Troubles #tv
Hi folks
vane's songs that have 1mil+ views
Mariyam Vs. Mayriam
meh may

another fucking sequel

29 0 2
By DoodooDrop4970

Aw shit, here we go again

Now featuring a bit more Vane stuff


Warning for possible gore and murder cannibalism and uhhhhhh

Mentions of obsession?

Idk we'll seeeeeeeeeeeee

Spoiler alert: there's no obsession and also this chapter is super fucking long like I honestly didn't intend it to be so lengthy but here we are

Also it's not as entertaining as I thought it would be so if there's another part I'll try to make some parts entertaining

Anyways enjoy part 3 of this thing I got going on


So once again, it has been a while since Abbi's disappearance. And Sarai and Cakey are living somewhat normal lives again.

But guess what else was being built by Cakey's bakery?

A damn butcher shop.



Sarai decided to take a break after packing half of her orders. She also decided to be nice, so she called up Cakey.

"Hey," Sarai said when Cakey picked up. "Are you on a break at the moment?"

"Yeah, why?"

Sarai chuckled. "Wanna check out that new butcher shop next to you?"

Cakey thought for a second, before responding. "I dunno, I dunno. I've seen people come and go, but some people didn't come back out."

"Bah! What's the worst that could happen?" Sarai said.

"Um, a lot?"

"We'll be alright. Meet me at the Candy shop," Sarai said, and hung up. Cakey sighed, threw off her apron, and went out to meet Sarai.


When the two met, they went down the street to the butcher shop. It was called, 'Butcher Vanity' (very original I know 😜). It seemed to be a restaurant as well, serving up meat delicacies and various cuts.

The interiors were a vibrant yellow, with black tables and seats, and the walls were adorned with cleavers, saws, and knives of all sorts. It smelled of a strong cinnamon vanilla aroma, enough to make one's head hurt if you inhaled too much.

At the counter, you could see every cut of meat that was served, and the prices. And Cakey and Sarai were greeted by, who they assumed, was the owner.

The owner looked a bit childish, wearing a sweet expression. Her long black hair cascaded down to her middle back, crowned with a red baseball cap. She had on a red jacket with white sleeves rolled up past her elbows as well as a black cropped turtleneck top with a red ribbon (I think it's a ribbon correct me if im wrong) tied around her neck. Her sweatpants were black and baggy, and her black shoes had red soles.

"Nǐ hǎo! Welcome to my shop! Care to take a look?" She said kindly. She was playing with a cleaver with black rubber gloved hands.

"Sure!" Sarai said, and took Cakey's wrist and dragged her to the first end of the meat display. The owner followed.

"You have fresh bacon!?" Sarai exclaimed, her hands on the display glass. "And porkchops?!"

"You'd be surprised with how many cuts I have," The owner giggled playfully. "Oh, and I haven't introduced myself!" She reached out her hand, waiting for one of the girls to take it. "You can call me Meatgirl (idk i just snatched that shit from the description of the song lol)."

Cakey took her hand, allowing her to shake it firmly. "Well, I'm Cakey. I own the bakery right next to you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms!" Meatgirl said with a sweet smile. "I would love to visit your bakery some time. And you look beautiful."

Cakey felt her cheeks warming up, reddening at the compliment. "Why, thank you. You look nice yourself."

Meatgirl nodded, and looked at Sarai through the display case. She was a little startled at her appearance, as her eyes were closed and her mouth was open in a circle shape (kinda like this: ^q^ yk like in the pv). "Oh!" She said in surprise, and bounced back up. "Sorry."

She and Meatgirl giggled, and Meatgirl shook her hand too. "What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Sarai. I own a bakery too. It's nice to meet ya, Meatgirl." Sarai shook her hand and went back to browsing the meats. Cakey begrudgingly followed along. Sirloin, breasts, ribs... this shop had it all! They were priced reasonably as well.

That's when they got to the end of the counter, and the names of the meat were crossed out in black ink. It looked like any other type of meat, but it spiked Sarai said Cakey's curiosity.

"Hey," Cakey asked, "What kind of meat is this?"

"Oh, that one?" Meatgirl asked. Her eyes were back in that arc shape.

"Yeah, this one. The one you crossed out?"

The face they made to Sarai came back. "Do you realllllllly wanna know?"

Sarai checked the clock on the wall. "Oh shit! I think we should go, Cakey. We're still working!"

Cakey looked at the clock too. "Hmm, yeah. We should get going. It was nice meeting you!" Cakey said, and ran towards the door. Sarai followed suit.

"Come again," Meatgirl called after them. And just like that, the two were gone. She grabbed her cleaver and went to the back.


Alright yall this a gore/cannibalism section read at your own risk or don't read it


Past the kitchen and into the meat closet, you could hear someone whimpering. Meatgirl hummed a melody to herself and stood before a man, who was entangled in butcher's twine, who was emitting the whimpering noises.

Meatgirl flashed that face, and lifted the man's arm up. With a flip of her cleaver, she began hacking away at the man's flesh as he shrieked in agony.

Once she got the arm loose enough, she yanked it off, and took a bite. "You have only a few more moments, sweetheart." She told him. It was almost like a reminder, but the man knew what it was for and it scared him.

As the man's blood pooled on the dirty tile flooring, Meatgirl started to cut off the bottom of his leg, making the man scream again. Even screaming hurt, since his lips and throat were slit.

The pain was incomprehensible, because the man had already gotten some of his body parts chopped and torn off. This was his other leg that was getting desecrated.

Once his leg was cut off, the pain overwhelmed him again, and he passed out. Before he did, he knew that with how much of him was gone and bleeding out, he wouldn't wake up this time. Meatgirl knew this too, and went all out. Chopping his skin with the cleaver, ripping his innards out, and leaving nothing but the man's bones.

When she finished, she was sweating, and panting shaky breaths. She stared at the bones, and said nothing. Then, she began cleaning up.


Meanwhile, Sarai and Cakey were in their bakeries, finishing their orders and waiting for new ones. They were on the phone with their friends for a few minutes. But then they realized they were low on sugar.


So Sarai and Cakey both burst out of their bakeries and ran to their vehicles and sped to the store. They saw each other at an intersection, and gave each other a death glare. Once the light turned green, it was a race to get to the store.

The girls ran into the store, and into the sugar aisle, and...

There was no sugar.

"GODDAMMIT!!!" Sarai screamed, and everyone in the aisle looked at her. Cakey looked visibly upset as well. She rolled her eyes. "Well, now what?"

Sarai rubbed her temples. "I don't wanna borrow any sugar from Lucian..."

"Me neither. Doesn't he, like, not work there anymore? Didn't he close the business down?" Cakey asked.

"Yeah. I think he became too controversial, or they found out he laced his candy." Sarai said. "Actually, I'm sure he still works there."

Cakey sighed. Then she took off in a run, remembering another store she could go to to get sugar. "EY COME BACK YOU BITCH" Sarai yelled after her, running too.

"NEVERRRRR" Cakey yelled back.


Abbi came from a tree, with a want to steal from the butcher shop. She knew it was new so that's why. Wearing a cheap ass ski mask, and a different outfit so that nobody would recognize her, she went to go inside. The store had maybe 2 or 3 other people in there besides Abbi, so this would be simple to her.

She cocked her gun and directed it at Meatgirl. "Put the money in the bag or I'll shoot!" Her light high-pitched voice yelled. Meatgirl stared at her in annoyance and disbelief. She then scoffed. "Really? Is this how you pass your time? Robbing small businesses?"

"Well," Abbi thought about it for a moment.

"Let me tell you, you really are pathetic, huh?" Meatgirl chuckled, then put her hands on Abbi's shoulders, speaking lowly. "You could be doing anything else with your worthless life. Getting a job or an education. But you decided to take what's not yours."

Abbi raised the gun. "Are you gonna pay up or not?!"

Meatgirl giggled softly. Then made that face. "Only if you do me a favor. If you want it so badly, you'd comply, right?"

"Well, yeah." Abbi said, lowering the gun. She did kinda needed this money, so she was willing to do anything at the moment.

"Good. Now, come with me to the back," Meatgirl said. Abbi followed her. The other customers looked visibly calmer.

In the back, Meatgirl opened the meat closet and shoved Abbi in there. "Stay there for a moment, would ya?"

Abbi, confuzzled, made a sound of agreement, and Meatgirl shut the door and locked it. She came back to the counter and continued business.

Abbi looked around the meat closet. Fresh meat hung from hooks, butterflied open. Some blood dripped on the floor. It was dark, and smelled horrible. As Abbi's eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw more flayed animals, as well as bones on the floor. She decided to just wait for Meatgirl to come back.


More gore and cannibalism y'all read at your own risk againnnnn


It was 9 o'clock when Meatgirl closed her store and went to the back of the store. With a saw and butcher's twine in hand, she quietly unlocked the door to the meat closet and shut it.

"Where are you, you pathetic little thief? Not stealing again, are you?" Meatgirl said in a mocking voice. Abbi came from behind some hanging carcasses. "I'm here. Don't call me a thief if I haven't stolen anything."

"Don't you dare contradict me," Meatgirl said firmly. "Now don't resist if you know what's best for you. And I'm assuming that you don't, trying to steal and all." Meatgirl said.

"I didn't even steal anything!" Abbi was insistent on this.

That's when Meatgirl dropped her saw and shoved Abbi on the floor. She grabbed her saw back off the ground. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't devour you right here, right now."

"Devour me!? What do you mean!?" Abbi began panicking.

"You have two seconds."



"I have so much to live for!" Abbi blurted out. "I promise I'll never steal from anyone again! Please, just don't kill me!"

Meatgirl stared at her with that face. "It really is a shame I caught you this way, ey?" She shook her head in disappointment with a few teasing giggles. "And it's such a shame that I'm hungry..."

With that, she picked up her saw and slammed it into Abbi's arm, as if she was a lumberjack chopping wood. Abbi screamed in pain, and tears instantly spilled from her eyes. The scream turned into sobs as Meatgirl dug her saw in deeper. Abbi's blood freely flowed out of her, and she began struggling to breathe.

"I'll just rip you apart." Meatgirl said coldly. "That'll teach you to not steal." Ignoring Abbi's blood-curdling screams, she eventually cut a large peice her arm off. "Perfect," she whispered to herself when she got it off.

Abbi watched in horror as Meatgirl sank her teeth into the severed flesh of her arm. Now she understood what she meant by devour. "No, please! Please don't eat me! I don't taste good! Spare me!"

"What do you mean?" Meatgirl chuckled after she swallowed her bite. "You taste pretty good. I hope you learned your lesson."

"I'm never stealing again, I swear!" Abbi blurted out. She began to stand up, and stared at her in fear. "If anything, I severely regret my actions, and I'm sorry!"

"I think you should be. And dear, you should be grateful. If you had resisted even a little bit more than you have..." Meatgirl locked eyes with Abbi... "You wouldn't have been spared."

She dragged her to the backdoor and shoved her out the shop. "Scram. If I see your face again or hear anything about this, you're as good as dead." Abbi ran in sobs.


That's the end of that


"Did you hear about who robbed the Butcher shop last evening?" Sarai asked Cakey the morning after the event.

"I have. What happened to the thief?" Cakey asked.

"I guess we'll never know," Sarai said with a shrug. She took a sip of her herbal tea. "But I saw some blood trailed from the backdoor, so that's saying something."

Conveniently, Meatgirl came from her shop, and saw Sarai and Cakey chilling. "Hey again! It's nice to see you!" She said happily, as if last night didn't happen.

"Hi!" Cakey said with a wave. "How are you?" Sarai didn't say anything. She just eyed her up and down.

"I'm fine, you?" Meatgirl replied. The two were having small talk that Sarai didn't pay attention to. She was too lost in thought. But when she broke the train of thought, that's when she realized the two were ending their conversation. Meatgirl said goodbye and Sarai turned around.

"Wait!" Sarai cried. Meatgirl turned her head around.

"What happened to that thief from last night? What'd you do to them?"

Meatgirl turned her head around and laughed in her hands.

"Do you realllllllly wanna know?" Once again, she made that face.

"Yeah, I realllllllly wanna know," Sarai retorted, crossing her arms and walking up to her.

"You'd be scared, I just know you would be."


To be continued because this is getting way too fucking long

You know what this means

Part 4 is cominggggg

Why'd I make Meatgirl like this she's crazyyyyy

Ok anything else I wanna say


Whatever I'll see you lovely folks later


Edit: I'm editing this because Abbi has lore too and I wanna use her in other parts that are unrelated to this so if you see any edits that's why

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