The Rejected|BxB

By money_festing

34.5K 1.5K 239

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



294 17 11
By money_festing



“I think he likes you.” My friend nudged me on the shoulder, looking over to the side. I followed his gaze to see who he was referring to, and my eyes landed on a small male omega surrounded by women.

He looked at me, and once we made eye contact, he looked away, and the women started to giggle.

“Why wouldn't he?” I asked Cyro, and he rolled his eyes.

“You're too cocky for your own good. Let's go.” He laughed and tugged me along with him.

My eyes went back to the omega who smiled at me softly, but I didn't return it. Instead, I looked away and kept walking. When I was some distance away, I looked back at him. His eyes were now down as he pouted. He looked disappointed.

I felt bad, but I couldn't lead him on or show any sign that I was interested in him.

“What are we even doing here?” I asked Cyro as we stood at the edge of a cliff staring off into the distance.

“ Patrolling.” He replied.

“There hasn't been anything of danger in years, so why would we patroll?”

“Because there might be danger today.”

“I doubt that. Elarian will know as soon as someone steps foot in the kingdom.” I said.

Cyro took a loud dramatic breath in and nodded. “You're right.”

“Of course I am.” I said, leaving him standing at the edge by himself.

The kingdom was far too boring for my liking. There was nothing to do but live, live peacefully without interruption. I think good and evil balances each other out, and without one, you'll just fall into a routine.

That's what was happening now, Elarian prided herself on creating a world where no one will be miserable or unhappy. All the bad stayed on earth, and the good stayed here.

I, however, was miserable. I was tired of just doing the same things every day. It was as if nothing fun happened around this place, and it pissed me off.

I walked back through the valley, taking in the scenery around me, and the pretty omega from before kept popping up in my mind. I've been seeing him around quite a lot lately.  He looked young, probably 17 too young for me, so it was of no use to even think about him.

Eros! Did you hear? We're having visitors.” My little sister, Erian, practically screamed as she ran up to me.

Erian was still a little pup but loved to leave home by herself to the valley where she could pick flowers.

“Visitors?” I asked, and she nodded her head, bobbing up and down.

“Yes, the Queen's son found his mate, and she wants us to meet them.” she said enthusiastically.

I blinked at her. I had no idea Elarian had a son, but he must've been 18 or above for him to have found his mate.

“Ohh.” Was all I managed to say, and Erian clung to my arm.

“Can you believe it? She had a son, and he was under our nose this entire time, and we still didn't know.”

“Right-Why are you out here?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.

“I can't believe Elarian was with a man.” Erian said, ignoring my previous question. I stopped and looked down at her.

“What's that supposed to mean, little girl?” She looked up at me sheepishly.


I thought so. Clasping my hands with hers, I led her back home. Once we got to the house, I saw our mother outside with her hands on her hips, staring in our direction.

She's in trouble.

“Where have you been?” Ma asked Erian, and she looked up at me with pleading eyes. I kept quiet and let her handle this all on her own.

“I was picking flowers.” She mumbled, and Mother crossed her arms.

“So where are they?”

Erian's eyes widened, and she looked all around her.

She knew very well she didn't pick any flowers. Looking up at her mother quiltly, she flashed her a smile.

“Get inside, both of you. We have to prepare for the Queen's announcement. “ She said, stepping to the side, allowing us to pass her.

I didn't want to go to this stupid thing, I've never met Elarian in person, but I knew of her, and knowing now that she has a son, he might just be as hypocritical as her.

I wasn't saying fuck the monarchy but, I was. She served no purpose here so why does she get to rule.

I guess because the wolves on earth needed someone to bond with and call their inner wolf but aside from that and granting us a mate she was useless.

Now, I'll have to stand half of the night watching her and her son, and his mate flaunt their royalty in everyone's face.

Sighing I walked over to my closet pulling out a hand-me-down suit that my father gave me. He gave me the suit when I was just 15 years old and it's been 4 years since that and this will be the first time I'll be wearing it.

I hope when we get to this thing mother doesn't force me to mingle in hopes of finding my mate. It's been almost 2 years and still nothing, so I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.

I took my sweet time to get ready and when I was done I made my way down the stairs where my family was waiting for me. Surprisingly I was the last one to go down.

My mom and dad were dressed elegantly as they usually are and my little sister was in a dress with sneakers.

I stopped walking to look down at her and she shrugged.

“Let's go. We are already late.” Mother said and headed for the door as dad followed behind her.

Stepping outside, there was a carriage and a man sitting patiently waiting for us to come out.

“I think I'll meet you there..” I voiced and my mother turned to me swiftly.

“No, you will not run away from this.” She said and I frowned.

“I am not running away.”

“Prove it.” She said and I held eye contact with her for a minute before rushing past her to sit in the carriage.

I wasn't running away from finding a mate, if the person didn't show up there are lot of options out there.

The petite omega with stunning blue eyes flashed in my head, reminding me of all the times I've seen him looking at me. I mostly see him when I train. He would come to every training session just to sit there, his eyes solely focused on me.

When I would make eye contact he would look away as if he wasn't looking.

If he was my mate I would've known, so he was just a pretty face I couldn't have.

Staring out the carriage window I toned out my mother's voice as she told my sister to be on her best behavior for tonight.

It took a couple of minutes, probably half an hour to reach the marble white castle. It was just as big as everyone said.

On the outside, unlike any other day where the streets would be empty tonight, it was filled with people in ball gowns and suits, as they walked towards the entrance of the castle.

The castle was lit with many lights that filled the space with much life and it was captivating. Pulling up to the gates a man came up to the window.

“Names?” He asked, holding up a scroll to his eyes.

“Daedra, Dominic, Eros and Erian.” My father answered and the man ticked off what I was assuming to be our names and said something to the men holding the gates.

The carriage started to move again and we made our way into the castle grounds.

I watched as the building became too big to see out the small window, and when we came to a stop, I was the first to hop out and take in the view.

Erian got out next and gasped as she stared up at the castle.

My mother walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her forward.

We walked up the stairs to the entrance, the double doors were already open and we followed the hallway full of people towards the ball room.

Once we were there I took in the crowded room. People were dancing, conversing, eating and drinking. The music that was fast and classical switched to a more soft and sensual one as men and women gathered to dance slowly in the center of the room.

“Okay, Eros go mingle.” My mother urged me and pushed me forward into the swarm of people.

I stiffly stood by the side as I watched the men and women dance. I wasn't one to dance so I hope she doesn't expect me to go ask someone to dance.

My eyes scanned the room, definitely not looking for the blue eyed omega. When I didn't find who I wanted disappointment settled within me.

The music was cut and everyone stopped dancing and turned towards the staircase when they heard trumpets playing. I, too, turned to look in that direction.

A woman with deep brown hair stood at the top of the stairs in what looked to be the most elegant blue dress in this room.

She looked young, beautiful and somewhat fake at the same time. Her face was youthful, she looked to be around 20 something and that's just me guessing. There were no wrinkles or bumps that could be seen from where I stood.

She resembled a porcelain doll.

“Welcome all, it is truly an honor for me to open my home to you guys, so we can all celebrate the mating of my son and his beloved.” She said, extending her arms over the crowd beneath her.

This was her? and she supposedly had a son that was eighteen when she herself didn't look anything above the age of 20.

Just then, someone who I never thought I'd see here tonight came to stand by her side. The omega from this morning.

Whispers and gasps went around the room when he made his presence known.

I gaped at him, not really registering the fact that he was the moon goddess's son. He was more beautiful than I've ever seen him. Dressed in a white suit, his dark black hair was slicked back and a few curly pieces fell on his forehead. A radiant smile perched upon his beautiful pink lips.

His eyes scanned the people that stood in the ballroom, his smile faltering every now and then.

“His mate.” Elarian said and stepped aside, allowing a tall man that looked to be older than Elarian herself to stand beside her and her son.

“Laurence.” The male looked down at the omega and smiled.

My jaw clenched at the sight of them, the way he was looking at him, the way his hand wrapped around him I was upset with it all.

I had no right to be though, I wasn't his mate.

The mated couple made their way down the stairs hand in hand as the music resumed and the people formed a circle around the couple so they could dance.

Laurence pulled him in by his waist, holding him close as they started to dance.

Staring at them for a while, I turned and walked away leaving them and this party behind. I had no clue where I was going but anywhere would be fine at this moment.

When I eventually found the garden I stopped and took a deep breath, I knew this wasn't my place to get riled up but something inside me burned at the sight of the omega with that man.

He wasn't my mate so I had no right to feel like this.

peeling off the tie from around my neck I laid on the grass looking up the stars that scattered in the sky.

I had no right to feel this way, but I did.

“What are you doing here?”

I jumped slightly at the sound of the voice, sitting up to see who it was and to my surprise the omega that has filled my thoughts and dreams for the past few months stood here all by himself.

“Uh, I'm just admiring the stars.” I said turning back to lay down on the grass once again..

The omega hummed and I could here the soft footsteps making their way towards me. He sat down with his legs criss-crossed beside me.

“They are beautiful this time of the night.” He said staring up at the sky. My eyes shifted to him and the only thought that filled my mind at that time.

Why was he here?

“Shouldn't you be inside with your mate?” I asked and he looked over at me.

“Shouldn't you be inside as well?”

Linking my fingers behind my head I smiled up at the sky. “I should.”

“Same, but here we are.” He said.

“You know I could've sworn you liked me.” I said catching him off guard.

“Really, what made you think that?”

“Maybe the fact that you always look at me when I'm training.”

The omega hummed.

“I do like you.” He said and I turned on my side to look up at him. He was still not looking at me, instead he was looking straight ahead.

“But you have a mate.”

“I do, don't I?” He said in a very unsure tone.

“You don't sound all too sure.” I said and he finally looked at me. His lips stretched in a smile and I couldn't help but admire the way his eyes twinkled.

“I am not yet eighteen. I still have a few more days to find out if he really is-”

“Then why is everyone here tonight to celebrate you and your mate?” I asked curiously.

“My mother wanted it to be announced sooner so she wouldn't have to do it again.”

“But why? What if he's not your mate?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Even if he isn't I still would take him as such. He accepts me for who I am and what I am capable of doing.” he said his voice softer as he looked down at his hands that were in his lap.

“I don't understand.”

“He does, he understood the baggage,that I am different from the people here. If I do find a mate I am not too sure they would accept me.”

“I think you need to have faith In your mate I am sure they will accept you. You are perfect.” I said and he looked down at me in surprise.

“This is the first time you've talk to me and your telling me I'm perfect. Why now?” He asked and I knew he was referring to all those times I looked away from his burning gaze, all the times I've stepped past him without saying a word even when I knew he wanted to say something.

So why now?

“I guess, you don't know a good thing till it's gone.” I simply said and he bit his lower lip.

“We can still talk right? Like friends?” He asked after a while.

I didn't want to be his friend. I wanted to be more than a friend to him but that was unlikely at this moment.


The beautiful smile that I once saw returned back to his face and his eyes crinkled with happiness.

I, too, smiled just by looking at his smile.

“Good, I have to go now. I'm sure he's looking for me.” He said and got up.

I also got up from my laying position, brushing off my clothes as there were a few specs of dirt on the suit.

“Okay, I guess I'll see you around your highness.” I said and the omega’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

“Y-yeah I'll see you around, Eros.” He said before turning and running out of sight.

“I didn't get your name!” I said but released a breath when I saw that he was too far to hear me.

After that night, we continued to talk again. It has been 2 days since I have officially been friends as he called it, with him. I would still see him at training and he would still look at me but his prince charming was also there. Now that everyone knew he was the prince, heir to the throne he was receiving a lot of attention and those attentions took him away from me.

He told me that his birthday was just some days away and I couldn't help but anticipate the day to come. I had a gut feeling he was my mate and I was pretty damn sure he was, or maybe I just wanted him to be.

Seeing him with that man for the past 2 days had me all over the place. I tried to be everywhere I knew they would not be. It was crazy how he went from eyeing me up and down everyday to clinging onto the arms of another man who wasn’t even his mate.

“You’re not focusing!” Cyro snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention. When my eyes focused on him I pushed his hand away.

“I am just not into it today.” I said and walked over to the big tree stump, sitting on it.

“You said that yesterday, what's wrong?”

“Nothing.” I said, hanging my head low with my elbows to my knees.

“If you say so, but you really need to get out of your head maybe you need to-”

“Eros!” my head shot up at the sound of his voice and I saw him running towards me.

“Exactly! this is what I was saying: a cute little omega to take your mind off things.” Cyro whispered before the omega could reach us.

“Eros hey. I have been looking for you.” he said, panting.


The omega hummed and straightened himself, with both hands behind him as he swung his body side to side. A smile threatened to break out on my face at the cute little action but then I remembered that Cyro was still here.

The blue eyed omega looked up at Cyro.

“What? You want me to go?” he asked, looking at the omega who nodded.

“Alright, it was nice to not officially meet you. I am Cyro by the way.” He said and started to take steps backwards.

The omega smiled at my best friend. “I know who you are. I’m Cassius.”


Once Cyro was out of sight Cassius turned back to me with a bright smile. I allowed myself to give in and return his smile.

“Cassius, you have never told me your name.” I said and he erupted in a fit of giggles.

“You’ve never asked for a name.” He said and I rose to my feet.

“You never asked for mine either.” I said , stepping closer to the omega towering over his small height.

He took a deep breath then looked up at me with captivating eyes, “Yet still I knew it.” he whispered and I was so tempted to lean down and connect our lips. It was almost painful not to.

I was about to step back but he grabbed my shirt stopping me from moving.

“I know we can not, but I would like to stay this close to you for now.” he said looking up at me, his eyes flickering between mine.

I nodded and he sighed. Unable to control myself I pulled him in, so he was now caged in my tall frame as I wrap my hands around him.

Cassius immediately slid his hands around my torso and we stood like that for what felt like hours. Neither of us wanted to let go.

After that, it was revealed that Laurence was his mate after all. We still continued to talk but he was so wrapped up in his love life but my feelings for him only grew each and every passing day.

I still felt as if we belonged together, and no matter how I tried to ignore the feeling when he came around me, it brought on a feeling of wanting and possessiveness.

Few months after his mateship I did my best to stay away from him, if he wasn’t near me I wouldn’t feel the way I do and as long as he wasn't in my line of vision I wouldn't do anything to sabotage his relationship.

Now it has been exactly one month since I last saw him, and from what Cyro told me, he still attended training. I would not know because I’ve taken to training at home just to avoid seeing him.


Erian barged in the house, screaming on top of her lungs.

Her little footsteps were heard running up the stairs, making their way towards me.

“Pick flowers with me?” she asked as she poked her head inside my room.

“I will go alone. What flowers do you need?” I asked my sister as I got up from the bed and walk over to the closest to retrieve my coat.

“There are these beautiful white flowers with kind of lime green stems. I saw them near the castle and wanted to grow one of my own.” she said, and I sighed.

“Okay, I’ll be back.” I told her and made my way out of the house. Shifting into my jet black wolf, I ran along the path that led to the castle in search of the white flowers.

When I neared the castle, I slowed down and shifted back, walking towards the castle. Where was I supposed to find flowers in this place?

There was no sign of a garden anywhere near here. Stopping in front of the gates, I pinched the bridge of my nose as realization settled within me.

Erian meant the garden within the castle.

How does she expect me to get into a place like this?

Walking further to the gate, I paused when a man dressed in uniform blocked my path.

“Are you the messenger?” he asked in a rough tone.

“Yes.” I said almost immediately, and the man opened his scroll and ticked something off.

“The queen is awaiting you.” he said and stepped aside as the gates opened.

I can not believe I am doing this for a stupid flower. I walked towards the gate, entering the castle grounds, and made my way towards the garden that I was partially familiar with.

There was a loud crash, and my legs subconsciously sped up going towards the sound. The first thing I saw was Laurence holding onto Cassius’s wrists tightly as the omega fumed at him and that was all I needed to see for me to be running over to where they were, grabbing his hand and twisting it so he would release the omega.

Just then, the sweet scent of flowers entered my nostrils and made them flare as my gaze snapped to the omegas. His eyes swirled with a bright blue as he looked up at me, and one thing rang through my mind.


I shook my head and focused on the matter at hand. More specifically, the person's hands that I was about to snap in half. I twisted his arm further while he howled in pain, but I did not stop there. I stopped only when I heard bones breaking.

“Eros, I can take care of him. There is no need for that.” Cassius said, holding onto my hand softly urging me to let him go. I looked down at him, and he nodded his head. I hesitantly released the Alpha wolf who fell on the grass holding his hand.

Cassius knelt down beside the alpha and reached for a blue flower that was beside him, he plucked one of the leaves, crushed it in his palm and gripped the wolf’s jaw pulling his face to look at him.

“What you wanted shall be your demise.” He whispered, and Laurence started to shake his head as Cassius forced the leaf into his mouth, then released his jaw. Laurence's face started to turn a nasty shade of red as all the veins rose in his forehead. He clawed at his neck with elongated claws drawing blood. Cassius turned away and started to walk in the opposite direction, leaving Laurence in his dying state. I stood there for a moment, completely stunned before I followed Cassius out of the garden.

When I reached him, he whirled around, smashing himself into my chest as his shoulders shook. Holding him as tight as possible, I rubbed the back of his head, trying to calm him down as he continued to sob in my chest.

“I am so stupid, I should have known it was a trick. He just wanted one of those stupid flowers. We were in the castle, and he t-tried to-” I cut him off by holding him as tightly as possible.

I felt bad now, disappointed in myself that I wasn’t here with him.

“Mother, she's not who you think she is. She’s the one who has been tricking me to think that he was my mate. I-I am so sorry.”

“Please stop. It is not your fault. I am here now, and I will protect you from this moment forth.” I whispered, pushing my face in his soft hair.

Cassius fisted my shirt as he continued to sob, and I tried my best to comfort him.

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧


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