Divinity ~ Male KPOP Idol

By Arakage

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Minatozaki Sei, a rising star in the Japanese football scene experiences an event that could change his life... More

Prolouge - Break Every Bone
Chapter 1 - Shout Out
Chapter 2: Unveiling Truths
Chapter 3: Day After
Chapter 4: Rising Stars
Chapter 5: Stage Lights
Chapter 6: Win
Chapter 7: Music Bank
Special Chapter: Eunchae Star Diary
Chapter 8: Celebration
Chapter 9: Comeback
Chapter 10: Solo
Chapter 11: Puppies & Meetings
Chapter 12: Doona!
Chapter 13: Movie Star
Chapter 14: Awards & Films
Chapter 15: Night Winds
Chapter 16: Lub Dub
Chapter 17: Feelings
Chapter 18: Announcement
Chapter 20: Stir
Chapter 21: Baddie
Chapter 22: Run on, Running Man!
Chapter 23: Class Takeover
Chapter 24: Airing
Chapter 25: SM
Chapter 26: Preparations (+Special Omake)
Chapter 27: MAMA
Chapter 28: World
Chapter 29: Nothing Much Prepared
Chapter 30: No More Seraphim
Chapter 31: One More.
Chapter 32: Show
Chapter 33: Asian Artist Awards
Chapter 34: Chance Encounter
Special Chapter: Dining with Divinity Ep. 1
Chapter 35: 22nd

Chapter 19: Japan

949 51 9
By Arakage

"Hello?" Sei's voice rang out as he picked up the call.

"Wah, have you forgotten how to speak Japanese already?" Bachi-chan's teasing voice spoke from the phone.

Sei chuckled as he shook his head at Bachi's sillyness. "I'll be there soon, if you're free we can meet up with everyone?"

"Honto?!" Came Bachi's excited voice.

A small smile made it's way onto Sei's face "Hai, Suzy will be coming with me, as well as some of our co actors."

"Uuuu! I'm so jealous you get to act with Suzy!" Sei could only shake his head at Bachi's sillyness. "I'll go and tell everyonw, see ya soon!"

The call finally ended, Sei tucked his phone back into his pocket, a smile playing on his lips as he does it.


As the days passed and the excitement for their upcoming trip to Japan continued to build, Sei found himself consumed by a whirlwind of preparations. Between rehearsals, script readings, and packing for the journey, time seemed to slip through his fingers like grains of sand.

On the eve of their departure, Sei found himself standing in front of his open suitcase, staring at the jumble of clothes and personal items scattered haphazardly within. With a sigh, he began the arduous task of sorting through his belongings, trying to decide what to bring and what to leave behind.

"Sei-ah, do you need help with packing?" Jaehyun's voice broke through his thoughts as he entered the room, a concerned expression on his face.

Sei looked up from his suitcase, grateful for the offer of assistance. "Ne, hyung. I don't know where to start, I think I should pack less as it's only a 5 day trip, but..."

Jaehyun nodded sympathetically, crossing the room to join Sei by the suitcase. Together, they began to organize his belongings, folding clothes neatly and arranging them in the limited space of the suitcase.

As they worked, Jaehyun began to reminisce about his own experiences traveling to different countries with his family before he became an idol.

"Do you miss them, hyung?" Sei asked "Your mom and dad."

"Mmm, sometimes." He pondered out aloud as he continued to help Sei fold the rest of his things. "I'm used to it anyways, I've been independent for quite awhile so it's fine with me."

"And what about your girlfriend...?" A wry smile formed on Sei's face as he looked at Jaehyun.

"Yah..." He swatted back playfully. "In all honesty, it's bit tiring trying to hide it from the media, but we make do. I'm just grateful she's still sticking around, knowing how hard it is to 'date' me now."

"Waah..." Sei's eyes shine brightly as he stared at Jaehyun. "That's why you're our leader, you're really good at doing 'leader' things..."

"'Leader things'?" Jaehyun let out a small chuckle. "Honestly, you're more talented than me, Sei-ah... I'm happy I got to know you better during our trainee days."

A small smile made it's way back onto Sei's face. "Ani, without everybody's help, I'd just be lost at what I'm doing. Besides, you were the very first who approached me during practices."

"Ah, I remember that." Jaehyun chuckles at the memory. "You were sitting alone at the corner after dance practice, Minho and Wei were too scared to approach you because you were, 'Minatozaki Sana's little brother'."

"You know..." Sei plopped on the ground and stared at the ceiling, thoughts swirling in his mind. "I once hated that title..."

At this, a look of curiosity formed on Jaehyun's face, prompting Sei to continue. "It felt like I had no identity of my own, I'd be just the little brother of a famous idol, and then I discovered football. I...I wanted to become the very best there, and make a name for myself, but well, things happen I guess."

A look of comfort appeared on Jaehyun's face, patting Sei om the back. "Don't worry, you're standing out already here, we're gonna get that award, and prove ourselves even more.

Sei's eyes shined at the thought. "Yeah, the rookie of the year award..."

Before long, the suitcase was packed and ready to go, thanks to Jaehyun's guidance and assistance. Sei couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards his hyung for always being there to support him, both on and off the set.

"Thanks, hyung," Sei said, offering Jaehyun a grateful smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jaehyun chuckled, ruffling Sei's hair affectionately. "Don't mention it, Sei-ah. We're a team, remember? We look out for each other."

With their packing complete, Sei and Jaehyun made their way to the living room, where the rest of the DIVINITY members were gathered, their excitement palpable in the air.

"Are you ready to head to Japan, Sei-ya?" Minho asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Sei grinned, nodding eagerly. "Ne, hyung! I'll make sure to bring you all souvenirs, although, I have a very long list."

As they waited for the rest of the crew to arrive, Sei's mind wandered to the adventures that lay ahead. From filming on location to exploring the vibrant streets of Tennojiku, he knew that this trip would be an experience unlike any other.


The next morning, Sei found himself at the airport posing for the press. Masses of people came to see them off before their flight to Japan. He stood next to Suzy as he wabed at the fans and smilex at the cameras.

"Waah, so many people..." He said out loud.

"You'll get used to it, Sei-ah." Suzy flashed him a comforting smile, as the crew made there way inside the airport. "Pali, let's get checked in.

After getting checked in time seemed to fly by as they waited for their boarding. Hours after, Sei found himself boarding the plane with everyone, excitement coursing through him.

"Sei-ah, if you're scared of planes, you cam hold onto noona, araseo?" Suzy teased.

"Yah, did you forget that I was in a plane for my debut MV noona?" He bit back, prompting the both of them to laugh.

As they soared through the clouds, Sei's thoughts drifted back to his childhood in Tennojiku. He remembered the narrow alleyways lined with traditional houses, the scent of sizzling takoyaki wafting through the air, and the sound of laughter echoing through the streets.

Lost in his memories, Sei barely noticed when the flight attendants began to distribute snacks and beverages to the passengers. He was too busy envisioning the adventures that awaited him in Japan, from filming scenes for the drama to reuniting with old friends and family members.

Hours passed in a blur as the plane made its way across the sky, eventually descending towards its destination. As they touched down on Japanese soil, Sei felt a surge of excitement wash over him like a tidal wave.

"We're here, Sei-ah!" Suzy exclaimed, clapping him on the back. "Remember your promise, ok?"

Sei grinned, nodding eagerly. "Ne, noona!."

With that, Sei and the rest of the crew disembarked from the plane and made their way through the bustling airport, ready to begin the next chapter of their journey in the land of the rising sun.

As they made their way outside, Sei was shocked as a huge banner was put on display.


"Wah..." Sei stared in amazement as he was greeted by his fans from his football days, still supporting him.

Suzy nudged him playfully. "So, you were this of a big deal in Japan."

Sei smiled at her, as one of the reporters approached him, intent on asking him a question. "Sei-san, how do you feel right now, that you're fans are still actively supporting you even if you are not playimg football anymore?"



Sei was dumbfounded as he stared at the microphone the reporter was holding. "Uhh, honestly, I'm at a loss for words. All I can say is, thank you, everyone, for continuing to stick with me in my journey. I can promise you all this, you won't be disappointed in what I'm all gonna show you soon."




Numerous hands reached out to him, asking for high fives or fistbumps, some even asking to sign his albums. Sei smiled warmly as he did so, smiling warmly, clearly touchdd by the love they had shown him.

"And, that was Minatozaki Sei, everybody. Japan's Golden Child has finally returned homs, even if it's for a little while!"


As they arrived at their hotel in Osaka, Sei couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view of the city skyline from his window. The lights twinkled like stars in the night sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets below.

With a contented sigh, Sei sank into the plush armchair by the window, feeling a sense of peace wash over him like a gentle wave. Despite the long journey and the hectic schedule ahead, he knew that this trip would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that he would cherish forever.

As he gazed out at the cityscape below, Sei couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunities that had brought him to this moment. From football star to idol, was never something he had expected. Even now, his fans from then, were still there to support him.

"Are you tired, Sei-ssi?" His manager for the trip, Mr. Kim Joon-ho asked him, as he settled on the bed beside Sei's.

"Only  little bit, hyung." He smiled warmly, opening his phone and dailing a certain number.

"Moshi mosh?" His mother's voice sounding out.

"Okaa-chan, tadaima..." He spoke back with a smile.

"Sei-chan, is that my little boy?! Are you back in Japan?"

"Do you not watch the news anymore?"

Sei continued to have small conversations with his mother, and his father joining in after awhile, asking about how he is and if his sister is doing well as well. After awhile, the call finally ended, Sei plopped down onto the bed, intent on gettinv some shuteye.

With a smile on his face and excitement in his heart, Sei knew that the adventure was only just beginning. And as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, he couldn't wait to see what the future held in store.


The days flew by in a whirlwind of activity as Sei and the rest of the crew threw themselves into filming the final scenes of the drama. From early morning shoots to late-night rehearsals, they worked tirelessly to bring Director Lee's vision to life on the screen.

Between takes, Sei found moments of respite to explore the city with his fellow actors and crew members, immersing himself in the rich culture and history of Japan, taking the time to also get the souvenirs everyone had requested from him, slowly crippling his wallet.. From visits to ancient temples to sampling the local cuisine, Sei also found the time to visit his parent's for a short time.

"Try this, noona." Sei said as he handed a street food snack to Suzy. "Say, 'Ah'"

"Ahhh." Sei plopped it onto her mouth, Suzy's face brightened at the tatse, clearly enjoying the food, a tinge of pink forming on her face at the gesture.

"Delicious, we should get some for the trip back." She suggested with a smile.

As they neared the end of filming, Sei couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving Japan behind. But as he looked back on the memories they had created together, he knew that the experience would stay with him forever.

And as the final scene was filmed and the director called out "Cut!" for the last time, Sei felt a sense of pride wash over him like a warm embrace. They had done it – they had brought the drama to life in the heart of Japan, and he couldn't wait for the world to see the finished product.

Arriving back at the hotel, Sei turned towards his manager. "Hyung, is it alrighr if I go out for awhile? I want to meet up with some friends, I haven't seen them in awhile."

"Hm, it's dark out already, but it should be fine." Mr. Kim nodded. "Don't take too long."

"Gomawo, hyung." Sei replied, as he put on a  hoodie and rushed out the door.


Sei weaved through the streets of Tennojiku, his mind knowing it like the back of his hand. He finally found himself infront of an ramen shop, situated secretly in the corners of the area. The sign reading, "Tomo's Ramen"

He entered the shop with a smile, seeing the familiar figure of four people gathered around a round table, eating ramen.

"Oji-san!" Sei called out, gainimg the attention of the old shopkeeper, who's eyes proceeded to widen in shock. "One bowl of your best, please!"

"Oh my, is that you, Sei-chan?" The old shopkeer, Tomo, exclaimed "Uu, look at how much you've grown, you were this small last time."

"You're exaggerating things, Oji-san." Sei replied with a chuckle as he pulled up a chair, and placed it beside the four who had gathered around.

With a chuckle, Tomo disappeared into the kitchen, softly calling. "This one's on the house!"

"You finally made it." A voice spoke from beside him.

Sei turned to face them with a smile, finally seeing his friends after a long while. "It's been awhile guys, Isagi, Chigiri, Kunigami, Bachira."

Kunigami brought him into a tight hug, ruffling his hair. "It's been awhile, man! How are you doing, huh? I lost all my money buying your albums."

"It's a shame we can't play together like we used to, Sei." Isagi voiced out, a somber smile on his face.

"Hey, man. No need for that." Chigiri voiced out "Sei's home, let's enjoy it, yeah?"

"Besides..." Bachira's voice cut through, a toothy grin adorned his face. "It's still the re isn't it, Sei?"

Sei smiled at him, as Tomo placed his steaming hot ramen bowl infront of him. Sei took a pair of chopsticks, and swirled the contents of it. "I don't know what you're talking about, Bachi..."

"Bachira's right, y'know." Isagi added. "You're hunger to win, you're ego, it's still there."

For a moment, time had seem to stop. Chigiri sensimg the tension, decided to steer away the topic. "Let's forget about it already, yeah? Anyways, I'm so jealous, Sei! Did you get to meet, Eunbi already?!

With this, their conversation strayed away from the previous topic, the mood finally returning to its' lighthearted aura once more, as the five friends caught up eith each other's life.

After their little get together, everyone else had already went their separate way, leaving Sei and Bachira behind, as they walked the streets.

"Have you really given up on it?" Bachira's voice cut through the silence of the night. "Football."

Sei stared up at the sky, lost in his thoughts. "Yeah... I can't change the past anymore, Bachi. I'm leaving it all to you guys now. Continue our dream, yeah?"

A sad smile made its' way onto Bachira's face at hearing Sei's declaration, giving only a small nod in response.

"But you guys were right, I still haven't lost my ego..."

At this a confident grin smile formed on Sei's face as he stared straight ahead at the road.

"I still wanna win it all."


The followimg day, Sei found himself back at Japan's airport, receiving a warm send-off from his fans. The conversation with Bachira still lingering in his mind. Boarding the plane, they made their way back to Korea, even having a comedic situation at the airport where his baggage had gone over the limit due to the amount of souvenirs he had brought.

As the plane took of, Sei was lost in his thoughts once more, barely noticing the people around him, as he stared out at the airplane window.

"I still have it, huh?"


Another chapter done!

Surprise, Bachi-chan was actually Bachira, haha! 

Anyways, there isn't really a plausible explanatiom as to why the five of them are the best of friends, other than they're my favorites in blue lock.


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