
By UsakiGiorgio

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[TWICE A MONTH SERIALIZATION] LIST OF SAGAS AND ARCS: Miyagi Island: - Aftermath of The Storm arc: 1 - 11. Ky... More

Chapter 1 - The upcoming storm
Chapter 2 - Azure rescue
Chapter 3 - Hospital in the skies
Chapter 4 - New Dawn
Chapter 5 - Memory
Chapter 6 - What hides beneath your smile?
Chapter 7 - Forgotten Legacy
Chapter 8 - Hiro's secret
Chapter 9 - departure!
Chapter 10 - Fools' Idyll
Chapter 11 - From storm to hell
Chapter 12 - The right hand
Chapter 14 - Bashful

Chapter 13 - Preceptor

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By UsakiGiorgio

The journey proceeded without complications. The new soldiers rode in the same vehicle as the colonel, but unlike Nakamura, Hitoshi didn't attempt to engage the newcomers in any conversation. He sat across from Rui, occasionally observing the young men. No one could guess what he was thinking. A thick atmosphere filled the car, and silence added notes of uncertainty. Hiro was relieved, he was able to find the teacher, but the longer they drove, the more he felt the terror associated with the assignment. He had read manga or books about assassins before, but he never imagined he would be in a similar situation. By nature, he was a kind and sensitive boy. The thought of taking others' lives filled him with deep fear. Despite trying to convince his own conscience that he was doing it for Eito and Ichika, he still couldn't come to terms with it. He constantly saw the image of a falling soldier, whose life slipped away in a fraction of a second. His mind led him to the darkest corners, what if one day he commits a similar act to the stranger with a katana who took his sister away. He didn't know how to cope, he felt that his psyche was barely holding on, but he decided to be strong, he didn't want others to start worrying about him. Everyone who arrived on the mainland has their own problems and matters to attend to. Hiro returned to the mindset that urged him to hide the most painful emotions within himself, so that no one would notice them. For the curly-haired boy, it was a way of dealing with problems that he had been using since childhood.

Meanwhile, Daichi tried to devise a plan that would allow them to have a private conversation.
- "First off, Hiro will get off. Miyazaki and the Ichifusa mountain are about a hundred kilometers apart. I noticed a sign with 'Saito' written on it, so we've already covered about thirty... He'll be escorted by a soldier, they most likely won't allow us to say goodbye. The colonel doesn't seem like the kind of person who would permit such situations... I have a notepad in my pocket, I could write a message, but I'm afraid it'll be confiscated immediately... I need a diversion" - the chairman looked at Rui sitting to his right.
- "No, that's a bad idea. He's already facing punishment for insubordination, and additional complications will only worsen his situation" - he added, turning his gaze away.
-" Yo, what's with his gaze? This Colonel dude is just like Daichi, all rigid and you can't even read his mind. Seemed like he was about to spill some beans, then suddenly clammed up" - remarked the energetic one, slumping slightly in his seat.
- "Orine is acting strangely... I don't want to expose her, especially since she recently had a breakdown."

Elegant was in a fix. He felt like this journey was a test of his cunning, reminding him of Suguna. The chairman's gaze settled on the windshield of the vehicle. The streetlights illuminated the road, the dark night enveloped the horizon. He stared at the endless road, as if searching for answers, inspiration, anything that would help him devise a plan. While lost in thought, two soldiers sitting in the front interrupted the silence.
- Did you hear they blew up the refinery? - the uniformed man sitting by the window asked.
- Don't even get me started. Good thing Colonel Nakamura's unit went there - the other replied, waving his hand dismissively.
- Who would've thought the Marshal's tentacles would reach so far into our territory? What are those Kagoshima idiots doing?
- Don't ask me, but I guess it's not surprising. It used to be the safest place until now. Now, try to get some shut-eye knowing some blue can blow you up.
- Yeah, let's not talk about it - he said, crossing his arms.
- We still have some time. Did you bring the cards?
- I got 'em in my pocket. Blackjack?
- Bet.
The man took the pack out of his pants pocket. Taped up and nearly stripped of colors, it looked like it would fall apart any second. He clumsily shuffled the deck and dealt two cards to his companion, both of clubs. The dealer placed two cards, one face up, a ten of hearts, and the other face down on his knee. He tilted the card slightly to check for a blackjack but quickly let it go.
- Alright, hit me - the player said firmly.
The dealer dealt a card to the soldier, who saw a jack of hearts.
- No luck with these cards, sixteen, pass - he resigned. He knew his chances of winning were slim.
The dealer smiled and revealed an ace of hearts.
- Blackjack - he said with a smirk.
- Fuck, I knew it - annoyed, he lightly punched his knee. - You even checked for blackjack, forgot how to play?
- I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to see your face - he chuckled joyfully, taking his cards.
- Ah, forget it. I had sixteen anyway, no luck with cards or love.
- You didn't hook up with that blonde from the other day?
- Don't even remind me. She said I must be losing it and guys like me don't interest her.
- Don't you think you should change your approach? Starting a conversation with 'nice legs' is a shot in the foot, if you ask me.
- Look who's talking, Mr. Know-It-All, when you don't even have a girl and you talk like an expert.
- I'm not even looking, don't need the hassle of some hag nagging all the time. I have enough of the constant lieutenant complains.
- Maybe you're, you know... homo? - he barely held back laughter.
- Wanna have my fist on your face? - he asked, embarrassed, shaking his head.
- Okay, okay, ease up. Life's like gambling, sometimes you gotta take a risk and bet on one hand. I'm for example, in the mood for a quickie hehe.
- You better shut up or the Colonel's gonna smack you with punishment and that'll be the end of your chatter.
- Alright, alright... let's keep playing.
The chairman involuntarily overheard the conversation between the two men, though he seemed absent. He squinted slightly, as if something had occurred to him. Again, his mind showed him an image of Suguna, this time thinking about their dance together.
- "Yes" - he widened his eyes.


- You did pretty well, but you lack finesse - the woman said, looking at the young man's face.
- I couldn't read you, miss, I lost - he replied eloquently.
- You're making a very simple mistake, it's strange that such an intelligent person falls for the simplest trap - she said, raising the left corner of her mouth.
- Trap? - he repeated, not knowing what the doctor meant.
- You try too hard to plan everything. You established what questions you were going to ask me, and then point by point, you ticked off each item, almost like in a checklist - the golden-eyed woman remarked, turning to face the chairman.
- I had to adjust my strategy during the conversation - he explained, with a slight smile.
- That's true, but you're too uptight, you lack flexibility, imagination. Not everything can be planned, allow yourself to add some "luck."
Elegant looked at Suguna with interest. He couldn't understand her definition of luck. The chairman was someone who always meticulously planned the course of events. He didn't allow for gaps, and improvisation was his weak point.
- Relying on luck isn't worth it - he declared firmly, quickening his pace.
- I'm not talking about leaving things to chance. Observe people, their behaviours, habits, way of speaking. You don't even know how much you can read from others after the first meeting - she unexpectedly stopped and brought her face closer to his ear.
- What are you aiming for? - he asked, confused, standing still.
- You're sharp, but sometimes you have to go with the flow. Life is like poker, it's not about what hand you have, but how you can use it - she said, then quickly returned to her position in front of the eyeglass. - Besides, what kind of life would it be if you could plan everything - she sincerely smiled at him.
Bewildered, he couldn't understand the message. Astonished, he looked at the radiant expression on the woman's face. Although she was older in age, her impeccable beauty pleased his eyes. He had met many girls, even if his goal was only to fill the emptiness in his heart, he didn't choose them randomly, but according to his preferences. The charm of the woman was undeniable, and the sincere smile made his heart beat faster for a moment.


- "No, no... Wait... I didn't think about that... it's risky, but if I do nothing, we'll be separated without a plan" - he felt the stress building up in him with each passing second... fear of failure. If he executed his plan poorly, he would condemn his friends to punishment. Hitoshi turned his gaze to the chairman, examining his behaviour as if assessing it, but his analysis didn't last long. In just a few seconds, he redirected his gaze to Rui. Oblivious to the scrutiny, the charmer had to decide which aspect of his plan to leave to chance. Suddenly, a noisy sound filled the car, and after a moment, an unfamiliar voice echoed from the speaker.
- PT6, come in.
The driver swiftly grabbed the microphone, pressing the button.
- PT6, 10-17.
- Komon (advisor), 10-18.
- 10-4.
The colonel glanced at the driver, then responded loudly.
- Status.
- Code blue.
- 10-4, 11-98: Kawa (river).
- 10-4. 10-3.
Okamura glanced briefly at the four newcomers, then spoke.
- Change of plans, we'll drop you off at the torii - he declared firmly, piercing the low one with his gaze.
- What happened? - asked the surprised one, fearing what news the colonel had for him.
- You'll find out on site from the Preceptor - he said categorically, cutting off the boy's curiosity.

The curly-haired boy lowered his gaze, plunging into a whirlwind of thoughts even more chaotic than before. In his mind, he saw many possibilities, from being abandoned in the middle of the forest to his own demise. He couldn't calm down, a fact noticed by Orine, who sat across from him. She looked at his bowed head with pity. Deciding to approach him and offer reassurance, she leaned in and embraced Hiro. Gradually, the boy began to calm down, his thoughts slowing. One thought emerged in his mind: he felt sorry for himself. He didn't want to worry his friends. He wanted to keep these emotions to himself and quietly weather the storm of thoughts. However, since arriving on the main island, it had become increasingly difficult to pretend that everything was okay. The minute in the embrace of the blonde girl passed quickly. The future medic slowly straightened up and returned to her place. Hiro slowly lifted his head, meeting her empathetic gaze. Looking into her azure eyes, he felt as though he couldn't hide anything from her. During their meetings on Miyagi Island, he thought he had concealed his emotions skilfully, but this gaze was different. He couldn't quite define it, but for the first time in his life, he felt that someone understood his problems, even without words. Astonished, he couldn't look away from her. He remembered how she had told him that he needed to open up about his problems eventually. He had already fulfilled her request upon arriving on the island, but he still wasn't convinced he could do it again. His philosophy was shaken only now. If there was someone who could understand what he was going through without the need for words, he no longer had a reason to remain the same. However, his habit, cultivated over many years, prevented him from breaking away from attempts to keep his problems hidden. On the contrary, despite his positive thoughts, the end result was the opposite.
- "I can't worry her... she has plenty of her own problems to deal with. She should focus on herself, not me. But... no, there's no 'but'. My problems are my problems. I shouldn't involve her in them... I'll manage."

The silence lingered, and the journey seemed to stretch on indefinitely. Suddenly, the car came to a halt. Hiro, knew what that meant —it was his stop. One of the soldiers sitting next to the colonel stood up, opened the door, and then stepped out of the vehicle. The commander followed his subordinate, then turned his gaze towards Hiro.
- We've arrived - he said shortly.
The boy slowly rose from his seat and stepped out of the car. He looked at his friends whom he was leaving behind. He didn't know for how long. Would they meet again? Would they be able to laugh and share stories together? He felt a strange force squeezing his heart. With each passing second, the gloom enveloped him more and more. Even if he didn't like to confide in others about his problems, the mere presence of close people gave him strength.
- You've got a face like you just won the lottery and found out it's all in Monopoly money - remarked the green-haired friend, his grimace breaking Hiro's desolation. The irrational comment completely threw him off. It was so absurd given the situation that he didn't know what to think at that moment.
- Chill out, you got this. Ichika ain't got no weak links in the fam - the energetic one said, with a tone full of admiration for Hiro's potential.
- We'll see each other soon - the bespectacled one said, smiling.
- If I see you bruised up again, I'll personally tie you to the bed - she joked.
- You guys moved bases quickly - the green-haired one remarked with a smile, looking at his ring.
The girl immediately blushed upon hearing the comment. She realized that what she had said sounded overly suggestive.
- Take care... see you later - Hiro replied, forcing a smile on his face.

He couldn't muster a genuine smile at that moment, but he decided he wouldn't bid farewell to his friends with a gloomy grimace. Contrary to the chairman's suspicions, the Colonel didn't intervene, which surprised the bespectacled young man. The aura emanating from the commander wasn't exactly friendly, so his human gestures seemed odd. Hitoshi nodded, and the soldier closed the car door. Darkness enveloped them. Inside the vehicle, a small lamp was on, but outside, there wasn't a single artificial source of light. Only the stars and the moon tried to pierce through the tree canopies. Hiro felt someone grab his left arm. Almost immediately upon feeling the touch, he felt someone touching his eyes with their fingers, moving them left, right, up, and down. He felt excruciating pain, as if someone was trying to gouge his eyeballs out, yet he didn't make a sound. He gritted his teeth, hoping for the torture to end soon. Eventually, the stranger stopped moving his fingers. The boy still felt intense pain. Instinctively, he closed his eyes tightly. He put his hands on his face, then slowly started massaging his pupils.
- Open your eyes - a firm voice commanded.
He didn't want to obey, but he knew he had no choice. He slowly lifted his eyelids. The sight surprised him.
- This will help you find the meeting place. Walk through the torii gate, then head to the temple.
- What is this? - he asked, surprised by the phenomenon.
- You'll find out on-site. That's all from me. We'll probably meet again - the Colonel announced, then signalled the soldier to open the door.
Okamura turned his back on the young man. He was about to enter, but to Hiro's surprise, he stopped.
- Remember one thing, I don't like to repeat myself - he said sharply, as if compelling action from the short guy.
Experiencing so many emotions at once left him speechless. Completely paralysed, he stared at the man's silhouette, unsure of what to do. What could the Colonel mean? He couldn't answer that question. The soldier who left with the Colonel struck him on the back of the head. The sudden blow, though not strong, caused pain throughout his body. Still under the influence of adrenaline, he didn't feel the impact on his liver, but his body reminded him that the soldier's attack from over two hours ago had left a mark on his internal organs.
- Did you brain shut down or what? Salute the commander instead of standing there like a pole - the soldier said with an irritated voice.
As if on cue, the young man brought his feet together and saluted the Colonel. The Officer glanced at him from the corner of his eye but said nothing. Hitoshi got into the car, followed by a member of the platoon, who closed the door behind him. The vehicle started again, moving further and further away from the boy. He only relaxed when the car completely disappeared from his sight.

His surprise stemmed from the fact that he could see everything. The darkness receded, he could see as if it were daytime, or even better. He looked up at the sky,the black canvas enveloped the firmament, the moon was visible, but thanks to unknown lenses that had been forcibly placed over his eyes, he had no trouble finding his way around. He glanced around. He saw a wooden torii gate. Neglected, it looked like it was about to topple over, yet it proudly stood, pointing the way to the temple.
- I hope I'll encounter someone more normal than Okamura. Honestly, I wouldn't want to meet him again, they might gouge out my eyes...ouch - he said to himself, feeling the pain from the blow.
Being in the forest, beyond the flicker of streetlights, didn't scare him. Compared to his previous experiences, a short walk without supervision seemed like a blessing. The boy smiled, then walked leisurely toward the temple. A slight wind brushed against his back, he felt himself getting colder, maybe from stress, or maybe from the different weather than he was accustomed to on his native island. The slow walk allowed him to breathe. The Colonel's presence only heightened his anxiety. He walked for twenty minutes until he finally saw the red and white temple before his eyes. It stood to the right at the end of the path. A rectangular building with gray windows and an entrance devoid of doors. Hiro looked at the structure, which was in much worse condition than the one on Miyagi Island. He cautiously approached the entrance. He leaned against the wall and slowly peeked out to check the interior. However, he couldn't see much because the entrance to the temple was on the left. He only noticed a few chairs and wooden benches. He slowly moved away, quietly approaching the next wall. He leaned out cautiously to see inside. The only word that came to mind was "emptiness." Only stairs leading into the depths of the temple stood out against the white walls covered in gray. He decided to enter, trying to make as little noise as possible. When he found himself in the middle, a slight shiver ran through him, the pain in his liver bothered him again, and his legs seemed to lose strength. Is he alone here? Where is his companion waiting? He took a deep breath, wanting to move deeper into the building, but before he could take a step forward, he heard words coming from behind him.
- Not bad, but you'd already be dead - said the unfamiliar voice.
The boy quickly turned his head and looked behind him. He noticed a man with bright purple hair. Unlike Daichi, whose purple was subtle and intertwined with white, the stranger's hair was completely covered in purple. A parting at the top of his head caused it to naturally fall on either side toward his ears, adorned with round, black earrings. His eyes glowed with the same colour as his hair, and his gaze sent shivers down the spine. Dressed in a black coat with silver buttons, as well as pants and a shirt of the same colour, he stood out among the other army members. From his right shoulder diagonally across his body ran a belt with many small pockets. His neck was wrapped in a black snood, which perfectly blended with the shirt.

- Okamura sent you, right? - he asked. His tone sounded friendlier than Hitoshi's, but it carried bitterness.
- Yeah... - he replied, slowly turning to face the stranger.
- The army has completely hit rock bottom - he commented, shaking his head disapprovingly. - Although we've had a tragic level from the very beginning.
- So, I've been assigned to you? - he asked awkwardly, unsure of what to say.
- Do you see anyone else here? - he raised his right eyebrow in surprise.
- No... - he replied shortly. His mind was a mess that he couldn't tame.
- Are you freaking out? Well, no wonder. Instead of sending you to our General, they sent you to this dumpster fire - he said resignedly, exhaling slowly. - Listen, I've become your Preceptor, so it's up to me to introduce you to our ranks and teach you how to effectively send others to the other side.
- What do I need to do?
- You'll get a crash course, we have company - he said, glancing at the windows on the left side, as if indicating from which side they would come.
- Who? - he asked, worried. He had barely recovered from his first murder, and now he was supposed to do more. He felt like his heart was about to stop.
- The Bluecoats.
- ... - he didn't reply. He was so terrified that he couldn't connect the dots.
- Soldiers from the Marshal's Legion - he explained, returning his gaze to the crushed one. - We have five more minutes before they get here. Do you have a weapon? - he asked, slightly moving aside the right side of his coat, revealing a black silenced pistol.
- No.
- I could overlook the lack of uniform, but they didn't even give you a weapon? I thought nothing would surprise me anymore - he said disappointedly, lightly tapping his forehead with his right hand. - Alright, take my backup - he reached for the left holster, then pulled out another pistol. - Here - he smoothly threw the weapon towards the boy.

Clumsily, he caught the gun, almost dropping it. The man glanced at the boy's front pocket, which seemed to contain some object.
- What do you have in your pocket? - he asked curiously.
- In my pocket? - he repeated, disoriented, convinced they were empty.
- In the front one, something's sticking out - he said, pointing to his own chest.
Surprised, Hiro reached into the pocket and noticed a piece of paper folded into quarters. He took out the paper and looked at it from both sides. He didn't know what could be inside, but he certainly didn't want to open it in front of a stranger.
- You can open it, I don't care about your private notes.
Hesitating for a moment, the curly-haired boy knew that if he didn't do it now, there might not be another chance later. He quickly unfolded the paper and looked at its contents.
- "When?" - he asked himself.
With a stiffened expression, he recognized that the note belonged to Daichi. Its content read: "Hospital visit." He knew it wasn't written now. The note alluded to the evening when he joined the visit to Koharu, shortly before his sister was taken away.

- "Hospital... hospital, it must mean something" he tried to grasp the significance of the message, but he couldn't focus enough to analyse it.
- Time's up. Now listen to me carefully - he interrupted the youth's contemplation, knowing they couldn't linger any longer. He had to prepare him for battle.
- What do I do? - he asked, tucking the note into his pants pocket.
- We'll take care of them before the temple. You'll lie down beside the path, find some sticks, leaves, and cover yourself with them. I'll give you my coat as well - he declared, stripping off his coat and handing it to the youth.
- Why? - he asked, surprised. While he could justify hiding under leaves, putting on another layer of clothing seemed like a strange idea to him.
- Let's start from the beginning... Only our unit, commanders, and others chosen by officers have access to these lenses. They're not mass-produced, and our clothing is made from a material that interferes with night vision goggles. They'll still be able to see you if you approach at a closer distance, but it will effectively prevent them from locating you when you're lying on the ground - he explained, tossing the coat to the younger one.
He glanced piercingly at the windows again, then at the exit. In the meantime, the curly-haired man put on the coat he had received. It was too big for him, but in this situation, it worked to his advantage. If he could cover more of his body with material, his chances of remaining undetected would increase significantly. The stranger, immersed in strategising, exuded an aura of experience and thoroughness. After a minute, he turned his gaze back to the bewildered boy.
- You'll go down, I'll stand behind the tree on the hill. I'll take out anyone I see, but it's possible that reinforcements are following them, so if you notice anyone, shoot immediately. There's no one here except us. Can you handle the weapon? - he asked, pulling out a pistol from his holster, sending an impatient glance towards the shorter man.

Hiro looked at the pistol he had received from his instructor. The black HK USP Tactical 45 with the attached silencer almost gleamed. Thinking that he would soon be forced to take a shot, he started to feel nervous, his hand beginning to tremble slightly. He quickly grabbed it with his left hand to stop further shaking.
- Reload, safety off, and you're ready. Normally, you'd have to attach the silencer yourself now, but we don't have time for that - the man said quickly, stepping closer.
The man's gaze carried a deadly seriousness that frightened the boy. The situation with Orine was exceptional, he had to defend his friend. This time, he can't make the task easier for himself by excusing his actions with the lives of his friends. He had to behave like on a mission, follow orders. Hiro was already about to set off, but the elder stopped him with a raised hand.
- Reload now, you don't want them to hear you loading the weapon - he stated firmly.
The young man reloaded the gun, which made a characteristic click. The man nodded, then adjusted his belt.
- Show me how you hold the weapon.

Hiro grasped the pistol. With his right hand, he wrapped around the grip, placing his slightly bent index finger along the barrel. He supported his grip with his left hand, resting the bottom of the pistol on it. Seeing his technique, the older man nodded slightly before quickly presenting his own weapon.
- Look at me. Firmly grasp the USP, get your right hand as high up as possible. Straighten your finger. Make sure your arm is directly in line with the barrel, don't bend your arm or you'll break the structure. Straighten your thumb, see? Now the other hand. Look, there's this empty space here, right? Take your left hand and place it at a forty-five-degree angle in that spot. You need to completely cover that gap, otherwise the energy will be dispersed there and the gun will start slipping away from you. Alright, now quickly. Grab the pistol and aim straight up, just like I showed you.
The man's explanation was lightning fast. Hiro tried to remember as much as possible, but he felt immense pressure. Trying to mimic the leader's movements, he grabbed the pistol and aimed it upward.
- Okay, stop - the man said, raising his hand in a stop gesture. - Your left index finger is below the right one, see? - he added, pointing out the boy's grip error. - Raise it a bit... there, perfect - he declared, nodding. - Now aim forward and release your bottom fingers.
Curly-haired one followed the command again. This time, the task went perfectly, noted by a slight lift of the man's left lip corner.
- Good, that's done. Now listen carefully, when you're on the ground, you won't use this grip. You'll have to lie on your armpit and raise your left knee. For stability, clench your left hand into a fist, place it on the ground, with the pistol on top. Remember to shoot quickly twice, you don't want to let the opponent get a shot off, clear?
Hiro involuntarily nodded, but couldn't understand why the previous two exercises were necessary if he would be shooting from the ground anyway.
- Why were the earlier exercises needed? - he asked, bewildered, sending a confused glance. Knowledge swirled in his head.
- What if you get up and more Bluecoats appear?
He didn't answer. He realized his question was completely unnecessary. After all, he wouldn't always be shooting from a lying position.

Under pressure, he sometimes asked irrational questions. It was one of the mechanisms that involuntarily kicked in.
- We have three minutes left, take cover and wait until I shoot them all down. Keep your eyes peeled, shoot at anything that moves, even if it's near me.
- Won't I shoot you? - he asked, surprised. If he had to shoot at everyone, he didn't rule out accidentally hitting his companion.
- You'll understand soon, now get ready - he stated firmly, then approached the boy.
He grabbed his left arm, then inserted two fingers into his eyes and deftly turned the lenses. The boy was surprised, despite the sudden movement, he felt no pain.
- You can't trust the idiots from the sixth platoon - he reassured him, patting his shoulder. - Ready? - he added decisively, trying to encourage him into action.
- Yes - he replied shortly. He didn't feel fully prepared, but he had no choice. He had to quickly control his emotions, or else not only his life but also his companion's could be in danger.
The man nodded, then pulled up the neck gaiter over his face, covering his nostrils and part of his visage.
- My name is Ishin. When you pull the trigger, think as if the lives of your loved ones depended on it - he looked deeply into his eyes. His gaze, although stern, conveyed the trust he placed in the boy.
- Hiro - the companion responded shortly.
The man firmly gripped the pistol and then exited the temple. The young man adjusted his coat with his left hand. He glanced once more at his weapon, he felt that his conscience urged him to discard the pistol, but he couldn't afford such a luxury. He took a deep breath and grabbed the gun as Ishin had done moments ago. With agile steps, he left the temple, heading down, next to the path leading to the cult site. He scanned the ground. He noticed the brown mulch, which looked as if it had been laid out specifically for him. All he had to do was lie down and cover himself, which he promptly did. He stretched out on the ground, assuming the agreed-upon position. He looked closely at the pistol. It was still secured. He stared at the switch, thinking that when he touch it, he would not only have to prepare to shoot but also completely change his life. The symbolic switch represented transformation. In just a week, he had transformed from an average university student into a soldier who, on command, must take lives.
- "So, this is what the mainland looks like... Suguna was right, it's time to grow up, for Ichika..."
Click, the gun was switched to firing mode.

Silence fell. Gentle gusts of wind cut through the area. The atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Hiro's breath deepened with each exhale of air. Despite supporting the pistol with his left hand, he still couldn't shake off the slight trembling. He carefully observed his surroundings, right, left, straight ahead. He saw no one... heard no one. The boy even stopped blinking, not wanting anything to escape his gaze. He desperately tried to focus, to gather the willpower to pull the trigger. Switching modes and pulling the trigger were separated by a vast chasm of difference. He took the violet-haired man's advice to heart, but he couldn't deceive his psyche. Suddenly, he heard faint footsteps, seeming to approach him. In a moment, Hiro would be faced with a decision he so feared to make. Doubts had plagued him since he received the weapon and had not let him forget, even after he decided to unlock the pistol. He calmed his breath and looked ahead, surveying the terrain in front of him. He opened his eyes even wider, as if trying to see the entire horizon. Unexpectedly, he noticed bright red outlines, almost human-like. He scrutinized them, they came from the same place Ishin had gone. He remembered his words - "You'll understand soon." - He realized that this was exactly what his mentor had meant. He didn't dwell on the properties of the lenses now, as he had a much more serious task at hand. He had to cover the main shooter, he was responsible for his life. If he missed or didn't shoot in time, they would both die. The stress caused the young man to bite his lip and the inside of his cheek.

Click, click, click.

The sound of footsteps grew louder and louder. Hiro slowly swallowed, adjusting his grip. He spotted them — six figures marching in formation toward the temple. As they drew nearer, his heart pounded louder. The chaos in his mind reached its peak, and time was running out. The leading soldier approached his position. Suddenly, before the blue-clad soldier could take another step, a shot rang out. The enemy fell to the ground, dropping his rifle. The others immediately went on high alert, attempting to form a defensive circle, but more shots from behind the trees were sent their way. One by one, they fell lifelessly to the ground. Hiro watched their lifeless eyes, blood slowly seeping from their bodies onto the steps and ground. He scanned for others but saw no one. Was this the end? All sounds fell silent once again. He looked towards his mentor's silhouette, still concealed behind one of the trees. They waited another two minutes, but no one appeared on the horizon. Hiro noticed his companion gesturing for him to rise. With relief, he emerged from hiding, brushing off the debris that clung to his cloak. He quickly joined Ishin.
- Don't stand like that, hide behind the tree - Ishin whispered as quietly as he could. His admonishing expression immediately registered with Hiro.
Hiro realized he had made a fatal mistake. Reinforcements could be nearby, and he had stood out in the open, completely exposed. Ishin sensed someone's presence, he wasn't sure of the location, but he knew they were being watched.
- Damn it, get down! - Ishin threw himself at the dark-haired one, tumbling to the ground. A sniper rifle bullet whizzed past them, striking a tree. The man knew where the shot had come from. He squinted, then turned his gaze to the youth.
- There are six of them, two snipers. They're probably positioned similar to us. Listen carefully - he said with deadly seriousness, observing their surroundings. - Roll deeper into cover. Slowly rotate, and when you count to ten, stop. Make sure you end up on your stomach... crawl slowly, count to ten again, and hide behind the nearest tree. I'll keep the snipers busy, and you deal with them - he outlined the plan as quickly as possible, knowing that every second lost was working against them.

He quickly rose from the ground and somersaulted backwards, landing on his feet.
A loud shot echoed through the forest. The bullet missed Ishin, who immediately rolled to his left side. He took cover behind the nearest rock and then fired two shots towards the shooter. He knew he wouldn't hit him, but he wanted to buy as much time as possible for Hiro. He peeked out, fired again, and changed positions between the trees. Meanwhile, Hiro managed to roll down the forest floor swiftly. He stopped on his stomach. He moved as fast as he could. One, two, three... he counted in his head, closing in on the enemy. He felt his breath shallow. He didn't stop, he charged forward... Thirteen, fourteen shots. The purple-haired man had only one bullet left. He carefully surveyed the area in front of him. He moved parallel to Hiro, but he knew the sniper changed position after each shot. He couldn't determine exactly where he was, but he knew where he was during the first shot. The last shot before he had to reload, the last second before the young man would rise and take cover behind the tree. The moment of confrontation had come. Ishin grabbed the object on his belt. It was a grenade, which he quickly armed and swiftly emerged from cover.
- "Here" - he said in his mind.
The bullet pierced through his left arm. He felt a sharp pain coursing through the wound. However, the hit worked in his favor. It revealed the sniper's position. With all his strength, he threw the grenade, which landed a few meters into the forest.
A loud blast echoed through the area, the earth erupting upwards. Hiro, who was now behind the tree, swiftly glanced towards the explosion. He noticed the silhouette of a soldier lying under the forest cover. It was his moment. He saw the enemy shoot the preceptor. In his mind, he focused only on one sentence: "When you pull the trigger, imagine it's for the life of your loved ones." He conjured up the image of the duel with the stranger on the island. The shot he fired in defence of Orine. The helplessness he felt slowly bleeding out in the yard of his home. He grabbed the gun with both hands. He slowly exhaled... He pulled the trigger. Bang, bang. Two shots were sent towards the opponent.
- "All who threaten the ones I care about, will die" - he repeated in his mind like a mantra.

Hypnotized, he shifted position, leaning against another tree. He looked further to his right. Where was the second sniper? He scanned the area until he noticed a branch moving unnaturally along the ground. He aimed, one, two. The bullets struck the soldier, hitting their mark. Hiro peeked out from behind the tree. He wanted to change position, but then he heard the sound of a broken twig. Someone was on his right. He turned, but there was no time to react. The stranger had a finger on the trigger. Green-one felt that he was about to say goodbye to life. He was disappointed, having given his all, yet his efforts seemed to be in vain. Sadly, he watched as the enemy's finger pulled the trigger all the way. He lowered his head slightly, preparing for the shot that would end his life. Suddenly, he heard the swoosh of an object flying past his ear, hitting the soldier straight in the throat. The soldier fell, spraying bullets into the air.
- "Ishin" - he thought, surprised. He hadn't expected to be saved.
Quickly shaking off the fear, he hid behind a tree. The purple-haired man smoothly ran towards the remaining soldiers. He confirmed their positions as soon as the first one appeared. Dodging the gunfire as if he could see the trajectory of every bullet, he sent four shots in different directions. The figures fell to the ground. He hid behind a rock, then pulled out another item from his belt. This time it was a flash grenade. He threw it without exposing himself. Upon explosion, it blinded the remaining soldiers who were wearing night vision goggles. The blast, damaged their goggles and caused serious eye injuries. They howled in pain, staggering. Four more shots rang out. The blue-clad soldiers fell, their bodies embracing the ground.
Hiro peeked out to check if anyone else was nearby. Ishin also glanced around, then pointed his finger at the youth. The latter cautiously approached him. Both under cover, they stopped as close to each other as possible. They exchanged serious looks. The man pointed again at his student. He slowly moved his finger to the right, indicating the direction to lean out. The calm boy nodded. Ishin counted to three on his fingers. One, two, THREE. He waved his hand violently, and both of them popped out of their hiding places. They slowly scanned the area, back to back. They could only hear their quiet breaths. Focused, they looked around for another thirty seconds. The shorter one felt his companion tap him on the back. He lowered his weapon, then turned to look at him. The taller one removed his mask, then looked him up and down. He looked funny in the oversized coat, but he was full of admiration for the younger one's performance. He hadn't expected him to execute the task so well.

- Not bad - he said with audible approval.
Hiro felt relieved that they had come out of it unscathed. He sighed in relief, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his free hand.
- I can't believe it - he muttered to himself. After the gunfire ceased, the weight of his actions overwhelmed him. Every passing second was a struggle.
- We need to take their equipment and bury it somewhere, they won't recover it - Ishin declared, glancing at the bodies behind Hiro.
- Why didn't we do this inside the temple?
- I'm not particularly religious, but it's not right to turn a temple into a massacre site. It's a house of kami (god), not a graveyard - Ishin explained with a serious expression. He didn't concern himself with beliefs or life after death, but out of respect for others, he never conducted operations inside temples.
- Souka (I understand) - he replied, looking at the scene of destruction behind his companion.
He slowly tried to calm himself down, what he had done would haunt him for the rest of his life. He had become a killer, and there was no turning back from that path. Suddenly, he noticed his comrade flinch, as if he had heard something. The partner immediately turned and waved his hand forcefully to the right. BOOM. The grenade explosion threw his companion back. Hiro widened his eyes. He glanced at the departing figure from the corner of his eye. He felt it again. The coldness and calmness. He took a breath, then aimed towards the soldier who was already pulling the trigger.
- Die, you red dogs of the General! - the stranger shouted, his voice filled with hatred.
He looked closely at the silhouette. He fired the first shot, hitting the right shoulder. After being hit, the blue-clad jerked the weapon to the left, shooting into empty space. Bang. The second shot, aimed straight at the heart, finished off the aggressor. The situation from a few hours ago repeated itself. He felt that this was the last opponent. He immediately approached Ishin. He saw that he was still moving, still alive. With relief, he helped him roll onto his right side. The men looked at each other, Hiro's face taking on a hysterical expression that resembled a smile but looked like a reflection of inner despair. The preceptor smiled confidently, but seeing the young man's face, he knew that the boy was in emotional turmoil. The mission was accomplished. Hiro looked at his right hand. He was shocked. His hand no longer trembled, he held the pistol steadily, as if accustomed to the thought of its use. He still felt the pain associated with taking others' lives, his conscience tormented him, and each additional corpse left a mark on his psyche. He felt that with each subsequent killing, he was getting closer to doom.

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