
By Tintedsoul_19

1.2K 150 67

In the vibrant heart of Delhi, Reena Rajendra Desai, a passionate event planner, and Rajveer Krishnappa Bairy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 7

33 7 2
By Tintedsoul_19

Fairy lights twinkled on Reena's mood board, casting an ethereal glow on the riot of colors vying for attention. Crisp white tablecloths and silver candelabras formed the base, but the heart of the celebration – the color scheme – remained undecided. Reena, the event planner extraordinaire, tapped her pen against the table, her brow furrowed in concentration.

This wasn't just any party; it was a celebration of Bairya Constructions' latest triumph – a state-of-the-art hospital wing. Reena, with her infectious enthusiasm and knack for creating immersive experiences, was tasked with transforming a sterile space into a vibrant celebration of hope and healing.

The key element? The color scheme. It had to be uplifting, yet calming. Joyful, yet sophisticated. A tall order, even for Reena's seasoned expertise.

Suddenly, the doorbell chimed. A wave of relief washed over her. She was expecting two crucial opinions – Rajveer's grandmother, Nani Bairya, a woman with a timeless elegance, and Manveer Bairya, Bairya Constructions' flamboyant marketing director, a walking kaleidoscope of personality.

Nani arrived first, her silver saree shimmering like moonlight. Her eyes, sharp yet kind, scanned the mood board with a discerning gaze. "A lovely base, Reena," she commented, her voice a soothing melody. "But the colors... they seem a little... muted."

Reena nodded. "That's what I'm struggling with, Nani. I want it to be cheerful, but not childish. Hopeful, but not overwhelming."

Nani chuckled, a warm sound that filled the room. "Perhaps a touch of nature's palette, Reena?" she suggested. "The calming greens of new growth, the hopeful blues of a clear sky..."

Reena's eyes lit up. Greens and blues! It was perfect – a reflection of both healing and the promise of a healthy future. She quickly added swatches of those colors to the board, the mood instantly shifting to one of serene optimism.

Just then, the doorbell chimed again, and Manveer burst through the door, a whirlwind of color in a floral printed shirt and bright orange trousers. "Reena, my dear!" he boomed, his voice a touch too loud for the tranquility of the moment. "Let me see what magic you're conjuring!"

Reena winced internally, bracing herself for Manveer's usual maximalist approach. But to her surprise, he studied the mood board with a thoughtful frown.

"Hmm, interesting," he murmured. "Nani's suggestion of greens and blues is a good start, but it needs a pop! A burst of life to reflect the joy of healing!"

He reached into his overflowing bag and pulled out a swatch of sunshine yellow. "This!" he declared, holding it up with the enthusiasm of a magician revealing a rabbit. "A touch of sunshine to chase away any lingering shadows."

Reena hesitated. Yellow felt a bit too... loud. But as she looked at the swatch, a vision materialized in her mind – vibrant sunflowers, their cheerful faces reaching towards the sky, a symbol of resilience and hope. A smile spread across her face.

"Manveer, you're a genius!" she exclaimed. "Yellow it is!"

With the addition of the sunshine yellow, the mood board transformed. It radiated a sense of hope and renewal, a perfect reflection of the occasion. Reena, Nani, and Manveer stood back, admiring their collaborative creation.

"A perfect balance of serenity and joy, Reena," Nani said, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. "Just like a well-designed hospital wing – a place of healing that also inspires hope."

Manveer, ever the showman, clapped his hands with glee. "This party is going to be epic, Reena! Everyone will be talking about it for weeks to come!"

Reena beamed. The weight of responsibility lifted, replaced by a surge of creative energy. With a carefully chosen color palette, she had not only designed a party, but also forged an unlikely connection. Nani, the epitome of quiet elegance, and Manveer, a walking kaleidoscope of color, had come together, their contrasting personalities merging to create a masterpiece.

A thought flickered across Reena's mind – Rajveer. She wondered what he would think of the colors. Would his stoic demeanor find them too frivolous, or would he see the deeper meaning, the symbolism woven into each hue?

As if summoned by her thoughts, her phone buzzed. A text message from Rajveer. "What's the color scheme?"

Reena's lips curved into a smile. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she typed a reply. "Sunshine yellow, serenity blue, and a touch of healing green. What do you think?"

The reply pinged back almost instantly: "Intriguing. Sounds like a celebration that reflects more than just bricks and mortar."

A warmth spread through Reena's chest. Rajveer's words mirrored her own vision, a testament to the power of a well-crafted experience. She typed back, "Exactly. It's about celebrating life, hope, and the impact this new wing will have."

Their conversation flowed easily, discussing the finer details of the party – the music selection (a blend of uplifting classical pieces and cheerful contemporary tunes curated by Manveer), the selection of hors d'oeuvres (healthy yet delicious options reflecting the hospital's focus on well-being), and even the choice of floral arrangements (sunflowers, naturally, alongside calming blue hydrangeas and white lilies).


The air inside the Bairya Mansion hung heavy with the musky scent of old money and polished wood. Reena, perched precariously on a stepladder, adjusted a string of fairy lights, their warm glow casting an ethereal sheen on the grand hall. The venue for Bairya Constructions' upcoming charity gala was undeniably impressive – soaring ceilings adorned with intricate plasterwork, marble floors that gleamed like a mirror, and an air of hushed grandeur that whispered of generations past.

As she fiddled with the lights, her gaze fell upon a lone figure huddled in a corner of the vast hall. It was Manveer Bairya, Rajveer's younger brother, a stark contrast to the opulent setting. Unlike Manveer's usual flamboyant attire, he was dressed in a subdued grey suit, his posture slumped, his brow furrowed in a deep frown.

Intrigued, Reena climbed down the ladder, the soft click of her heels echoing on the marble floor. Manveer, startled by the sound, looked up, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy.

"Manveer?" Reena approached him cautiously. "Is everything alright?"

He offered a wan smile, struggling to mask his dejection. "Hey Reena. Just... feeling a little out of place, I suppose." He gestured at the opulent surroundings. "This kind of stuff isn't really my scene."

Reena understood. The Bairya family, despite their wealth, had a reputation for stoicism and a focus on business efficiency. Manveer, however, was a walking burst of color – a free spirit with a passion for art and a penchant for flamboyant self-expression. He often felt like a misfit amidst the Bairya clan.

"I know what you mean," Reena said, offering a sympathetic smile. "Sometimes all this grandeur can feel a bit... stuffy."

Manveer let out a weak chuckle. "Exactly! I'd rather be surrounded by paint splatters and a canvas than all this marble and mahogany."

Their conversation flowed easily, a welcome respite from the frantic preparations. They talked about art, music, and their shared love for creating experiences that evoked emotions. Reena learned of Manveer's secret passion for sculpting, a talent he kept hidden from his family's judgmental eyes.

Suddenly, the grand hall doors swung open, and Rajveer entered, his sharp suit and confident stride a stark contrast to Manveer's dejection. He spotted Reena and Manveer deep in conversation, a flicker of surprise crossing his face.

"Reena," he greeted, his voice laced with a hint of formality. "Didn't expect to find you here."

Reena gestured towards Manveer. "Just making sure your brother doesn't get lost in the Bairya labyrinth."

Rajveer glanced at Manveer, his stoic expression softening slightly. "Lost, or hiding?"

Manveer straightened in his chair, a hint of defiance in his eyes. "Neither. Just... having a conversation with Reena about something other than profit margins and boardrooms."

Rajveer raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Profit margins, huh? Sounds like you've been eavesdropping on our family meetings again."

Manveer rolled his eyes playfully. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. But at least my meetings involve creativity and a little bit of fun."

Reena watched the exchange, a sense of amusement bubbling within her. The Bairya brothers, despite their contrasting personalities, shared an undeniable bond.

Rajveer cleared his throat. "Well, Mr. Artist," he said, addressing Manveer, "perhaps you could lend your... unique perspective to the lighting arrangements. Reena could use another set of eyes, wouldn't you agree?"

Reena couldn't help but grin. Rajveer, in his own way, was extending an olive branch, acknowledging Manveer's talent and inviting him to contribute.

Manveer's eyes lit up. "Really? You'd let me tinker with your precious lighting plan?"

Rajveer chuckled. "Let's just say I'm willing to consider all options. As long as they don't involve strobe lights and disco balls."

Manveer's face broke into a wide smile. "Deal," he declared, his earlier dejection replaced by a spark of creative energy.

For the next hour, the three of them collaborated, transforming the grand hall into a space that reflected not just Bairya Constructions' business acumen, but also a touch of Manveer's artistic flair. The warm glow of the fairy lights was accentuated by strategically placed spotlights, highlighting the architectural details and creating a sense of intimacy within the vast space.


The air crackled with unspoken hostility as Reena surveyed the cavernous exhibition hall. Two weeks until the Bairya Constructions' charity gala, and already her vision for a vibrant, hopeful space was under siege by Rajveer Bairya's relentless pragmatism.

"Fairy lights? In a construction-themed event?" Rajveer scoffed, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness. "Hardly practical, Ms. Desai. They'll be a safety hazard and a waste of resources."

Reena gritted her teeth, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "The fairy lights, Mr. Bairya, are meant to create a warm, inviting atmosphere. This isn't just about showcasing construction materials, it's about celebrating the impact Bairya Constructions has – building a brighter future, quite literally."

Rajveer, ever the embodiment of corporate efficiency, tapped his foot impatiently. "Warmth and fuzzies won't raise money, Ms. Desai. We need a display that reflects Bairya's commitment to progress, to functionality."

Their bickering had become a well-worn dance over the past few weeks. Reena, the passionate event planner, and Rajveer, the steely representative of the Bairya Foundation, a major donor to the gala, were locked in a constant battle for the event's soul.

Reena, determined not to back down, gestured towards a corner of the hall where a team of construction workers were meticulously assembling a towering replica of a steel girder. "Functionality is important, Mr. Bairya, I understand that. But people connect with emotions, with stories. We need a balance."

Rajveer's lips thinned into a disapproving line. "Perhaps a few strategically placed models showcasing Bairya's latest construction technology would suffice for the emotional connection you desire."

Reena's patience was wearing thin. "Models? This isn't a trade show, Mr. Bairya! This is a gala, a celebration. We need to engage the audience, make them feel the difference Bairya Constructions makes in people's lives."

Just then, a booming voice cut through their tense exchange. "Enough of this squabbling!" Nani, stood at the entrance, her presence commanding immediate attention.

Reena and Rajveer exchanged sheepish glances, momentarily united in their apprehension. 

"Reena," she began, his voice surprisingly calm, "show Mr. Bairya your initial design concept."

Reena retrieved a beautifully rendered sketch depicting the proposed venue – a blend of construction-themed elements like exposed brick walls and metallic accents, balanced with pops of color, warm lighting, and nature-inspired decorations.

Rajveer studied the sketch with a frown, his initial skepticism slowly giving way to grudging interest. The design, while incorporating the industrial aesthetic he favored, also held a touch of warmth, a subtle nod to the human element of construction.

"This..." he conceded, his voice softer than usual, "has potential. It showcases our work without sacrificing... atmosphere."

A flicker of a smile touched Nani lips. "Excellent. Now, collaborate. Show me a plan that reflects both of your... strengths."

Reena and Rajveer locked eyes, a silent challenge passing between them. Could they, despite their differences, create an event that was both impactful and engaging? The challenge was daunting, but a spark of something new flickered within Reena – a competitive spirit, perhaps, or maybe a flicker of grudging respect for Rajveer's unwavering focus.

With a shared nod, they set to work, their initial hostility replaced by a tense determination. The cavernous hall still echoed with their disagreements, but now, there was a hint of something else – a begrudging partnership fueled by a shared goal: to create a gala that would be more than just a fundraiser, but a testament to the impact of construction, a celebration of progress built on a foundation of human connection.

That's it for today

See you guys in next chapter

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