Golden: The Collection

By Exoneria

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"Do you accept this humble burden?" Luz demanded. "The burden to protect those who cannot protect themselves... More

Book One - Golden
Chapter I: Different
Chapter II: Welcome!
Chapter III: Analysis
Chapter IV: Scavenger Hunt.. Riiiight..
Chapter V: Revealed
Interlude I: Beneath the Surface
Chapter VI: The Next Step Forward
Chapter VII: Pea's Entries
Chapter VIII: Erosion
Chapter IX: Enrolled
Chapter X: Adapting
Chapter XI: The Night Before
Chapter XII: Broken Mirrors
Chapter XIII: Moment of Truth
Epilogue: Our Beginning
Book Two - Bronze
Cora 101
Chapter I: I, Zombie
Chapter II: A Strange Sanctuary
Chapter III: The Weaver
Chapter IV: The Arctic Trooper
Chapter V: Turning Point
Interlude II: Longtime Friends
Chapter VI: Whispers of the Past..
Chapter VII: ..Bleed into the Present
Chapter VIII: Refuge for the Rebellious
Interlude III: Looking Glass
Chapter IX: Against the Grain
Chapter X: Full Throttle
Chapter XI: Zomburbia's Salvation
Epilogue: Siblings
The Story So Far..
Book Three - Silver
Chapter I: A Moment of Silence
Chapter II: Err..
Chapter III: One Step Closer
Chapter IV: Who We Used to be
Chapter V: Soulful Artist
Interlude IV: Party Planners
Chapter VI: Open Your Eyes
Chapter VII: Reconvening
Chapter VII: Reconvening (Flashback Sequence)
Chapter VII: Reconvening (Flashback Sequence II)
Chapter VIII: Toward the Icy Capital
Chapter IX: The Winds Howl On and On
Chapter X: The Mountain's Peak
Chapter XI: Bushes of Thorns
Chapter XII: City Astray
Interlude V: Project CORA
Chapter XIII: Who We Can Still be
Chapter XIV: The Icy Core
Chapter XV: Inseperable
Chapter XVI: Cursed Blessings
Interlude VI: Hand in Hand
Chapter XVII: Together We Stand
Chapter XVIII: In the Right Direction
Chapter XIX: Who We Are
Epilogue: Within the Ranks

Chapter XX: Sproutage Day

72 5 101
By Exoneria

"..And yet still, this is nothing the Sunfall Kingdom cannot overcome. We will grow stronger from this endeavor." Quynn stood on the balcony an hour later, speaking down to his subjects. The early morning sun rose over the horizon, blanketing the kingdom in a warm light. While he spoke, Aureate and the others lingered on the inside of the castle. Well, all except for Cobolt and Serenia. They had made a departure for the Seashore Kingdom, tagging along with the kingdom's troops.

"It's completely gone? Like, completely-completely?" Lloyd asked in Plant, meaning Aureate was able to make out what he was saying. All of the zombies and Estrella were gawking at Astrophelle's hands, for some reason. Aureate found curiosity biting at her as she edged closer and closer toward their little group.

"Something on your mind, Day?" Astrophelle addressed her without looking. Automatically, the other five focused their attention on her.

"What's this about something being gone?" she asked immediately. "Were you plagued by something, Astro? I always had my suspicions, but.."

"Aye, though perhaps not in the way you believe." He lowered his hands into his pockets. "There are varying repercussions for Cora misuse. One of those includes suppressing one's Core Ability, for as we all know, the Ability is a manifestation of oneself."

"So that's really why you weren't too keen on telling me what your Ability was!" Aureate realized.

"Right again. In case you're unaware, the drawback for such an action is corrupted Cora. This corruption eats away at both the victim's energy and life points until there is not a thing left."

"It's gone, though! Not that I'm not grateful or anything, but how..?" Lloyd's eyes lit up mid-sentence. "Oh! Did it have something to do with when Her Holiness revived you?"

"What..?" Stelora mumbled, having been listening in on their conversation. "Sharp as always, Doughboy. I'm inclined to think the same, given the nature of Amber of Energy. Element of Regeneration. It seems its healing abilities have no limits. Not even when it comes to different species.."

"Wait. Revived?" Aureate smiled nervously. "Astro, you died?"

Zephyr just shook his head. "I suppose," Astrophelle shrugged, "but that's besides the point. You came here to inquire more about my Core Ability, did you not?"


There was no applause, when Quynn was finished with his speech. The citizens remained grieving the damage that'd occurred to their homes. He turned, facing the two princesses behind her, as well as a few other faces. They were out of the direct view. Beside him, Gloria addressed them. "Now's your cue, dearies."

"Thank you, Gloria. For everything," said Aureate, giving Gloria's leaf blades a light squeeze.

Gloria's smile turned a bit more watery as she parted to give them the stage. "This has nothing on you," Quynn encouraged, stepping back as well. Aureate exhaled, the sudden pressure of the situation weighing her down. "I will begin," Stelora offered. Aureate was quick to decline the kind offer. "That's okay, Lora. This is something I have to do."

Stelora nodded. Aureate stepped forward, facing the townsfolk in full.

"Hello, everyone. It is lovely to see you all are well," Aureate began. The silence rang, reminding her what she just signed up for. Over her years in the Sunfall Kingdom, her people never accepted her as their future ruler. The heir to the throne.

Getting cold leaves, are we?

Nonsense, Luz. It's time to make history.

That's the spirit! Hah..

"The temporary seizure of the throne has damaged us all. Despite how my father was born to live a life beneath the moon, he went against the odds for the sake of love. His love for us, and his love for this kingdom. He valiantly pressed on after the passing of my mother, Queen Shine, and did not deserve to have his home—our home—swept away from beneath the rug." Aureate sighed. She gave pause. Her leaf blades had a tremble to them, she could feel, prompting her to tighten her grip on the railing. Stelora took that as her cue to step in.

"People of the Sunfall Kingdom. My name is Stelora Solarex. Long ago, I was stolen away by the Gem Hunters, and the entirety of Choria was forced to suppress their memories in regards to my very existence," she said, voice cutting through the fragile quiet like a dagger. Initially, when Stelora woke up, she made it clear she had no desire to make herself re-known in Choria. So, one could imagine Aurate's surprise when she made such a declaration.

"Still, I know this kingdom. Flawed though it may be, I'm sure nobody wishes for the air that currently resides. What we've gone through, in being attacked by the Gem Hunters, is a chance to become stronger."

"So, all we can do is grow from this hardship together. As a kingdom united," Aureate finished.

The claps were scattered, at first, but they quickly grew to a rally of approval. Aureate felt her spirit soar.

"Welcome home, Princess Stelora!" One of them shouted with a misty gaze. Both she and Stelora bowed. "This is going better than I expected," Stelora admitted through a whisper while their heads were lowered.

"Hopefully, we can keep up the momentum," Aureate replied in the same tone. Once the praise had died down, the time had come for the more.. troublesome part.

"There are a few more announcements to make. No doubt, you're all wondering why the Gem Hunters had seized the castle to begin with. If any of you were watching the ongoing battle yesterday, the answer would be clear. But if not, then, we have a confession to make."

She was the first to transform. Her once golden petals changed to those bearing a multitude of colors within the same shade, all the while surrounded by a certain glow. It was a simple change, but sparked such a difference in her Cora Signature, the audience couldn't help but react.

"I am Daybreaker, the bearer of the Topaz of Light. For so long, have the Gembearers been missing from Choria. But with the disappearance of the eighth comes the birth of the ninth. Please, welcome all of us with no prejudice."

One by one, each Gembearer stood and introduced themselves. Willow Reed, known as Virtuoso, decided to be the second. Then, Panacea. Their most recent, Nicholas as Ombretta, was the next to step forward. Aureate initially found his Gem appearance to be peculiar, but looking at it then, with the rising sun outlining the mushroom, she thought the light blues to be quite endearing. There were two antennae attached to the top of his cap. Combined with the near floor-length cloak, his appearance resembled that of a moth. She could only wonder why.

Together, they faced the crowd. The people of the Sunfall Kingdom. Their people. But, that wasn't all of them.

Aureate turned her head to face the undead folk behind her. Lloyd matched her eyes with eagerness, prompting her to give him a nod. With a short exhale, he stepped forward to face the plants.

Gasps rippled throughout the Sunfallians. Some overcame their shock in favor of shooting at the soldier. He stiffened, bracing himself for the oncoming flurry of peas, sun pulses, and the like.

"You will cease your fire this instant!" Aureate summoned her sword, deflecting each and every shot with speed considered admirable. "B-But it's a zombie!" A civilian called. There were more cries of agreement then she would've preferred, though it was to be expected.

"His name is Lloyd. You'd do well to treat him like any other, for this zombie is under the protection of House Solarex. And by extension, the Sunfall Kingdom." The way Aureate spoke was with such veracity, a stunned silence spread across the area like a cold wind. "And besides. He just so happens to be the first zombie Gembearer." She offered Lloyd an expectant look. He returned it with a smile that shone with gratitude.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Slushie, the bearer of the Quartz of Ice." Though he radiated nothing except for positivity, he was greeted by anything but.

"And I guess that makes me Airborne, Gembearer of the Zircon," Zephyr accompanied Lloyd with a lax demeanor.

"Th-This has gotta be some kind of joke!" Somebody cried.

"You're supposed to be gone!" Another added.

"Information about their existence will be accessible to the public later. It may take you time to understand, and come to terms with this. Though, them being here is simply the reality of things," Aureate said. With that was the moment for the other three to reveal themselves to the kingdom. They stepped out on the balcony, albeit with hesitance.

"Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. So, I'll admit that I wasn't too fond of these living dead folk when they first showed up. None of us were. It caused nothing unease within House Solarex," Aureate admitted with a glance back, "but overtime, I grew to find their Cora Signatures comforting. Each and every single one of them played a significant role in taking back our home. Without them, I'm unsure if we would be standing here this morning. We owe them."

Once Aureate was finished, Gloria rejoined them. Her arrival cued the princess to step back. "With all of this in mind, there is one last announcement to make for now." She turned to face the zombies lined up two paces behind her. "Kindly, kneel as you're bestowed this title."

"What's going on?" Elliot whispered in Zombie, lowering himself.

"I don't know! We didn't talk about any titles," came Valerie's quick reply.

"We are eternally grateful for your assistance," Gloria said. "From now on, you will traverse these lands as honorary knights of the Sunfall Kingdom. This is the beginning of a new era for all of Choria."

"Honorary knights!" Lloyd exclaimed in a hushed tone. "But, uh.. what does it mean?"

"It means we're ultra-special! Duh!" The space cadet was brimming with joy.
Zephyr lightly whistled, impressed. "Y'sure do know how to pick the good ones, Lune," he commented. Astrophelle's eyes were shimmering, accompanied by a faint smile.

"..Aye. I suppose you're right.. for once."


"..It's troubling. The kingdom will never be the same again. That, and, we still have yet to make space for the Sky Dwellers. They've likely been wandering the Kingdoms without a place to stay." Quynn sighed. After everything was all said and done, they once again gathered just outside of the balcony.

"House Solarex can make room," Aureate offered. "F-For the Sky Dwellers, I mean. I'm still unsure on what to do with the citizens while we rebuild."

There was a slight shimmer before the spirit of the Topaz decided to show his face.

"There's something else we have to consider, everyone," Luz said.

"What is it this time, Ghost?" Stelora stared daggers.

"The Sunfall Kingdom is built on the foundation of the entrance to the Void. Should you decide to rebuild, and that accursed realm is opened once more, all of your progress will become null and void.. hah."

"Dave.. I wish we could've discussed this before the speech. But between everyone resting, and the townsfolk's anxiety, there was hard,y any time." Gloria huffed. "Are we to relocate, then?"

"This is crazy!" Smoke said.

"I know. When was the last time a whole kingdom was moved? Like, never!" Zale added. Smoke whipped around his head to shoot Zale a Frostbite-infused look. "Shut up, Zale. You're such a follower."

"Aw, man.."

"Leave him alone," Oliver cut in. "..Come to think of it, isn't there that weird patch of territory in between the Sunfall and Moonfall Kingdoms?"

"Being just between the two, it possesses perfect balance between sun time and moon time, which would make His Majesty's day to day life far easier," Astrophelle stated.

"It is far enough from the Void," Luz put in.

"Is there enough room?" Aureate asked.

"Just enough for a small kingdom's worth," Astrophelle informed her, having done his research.

"Sunfall is a small kingdom's worth!" Harmonia exclaimed. "Let's do it!"

"It's decided, then. We move the Sunfall Kingdom to the territory between the sister kingdoms." However, Quynn gave hesitation before continuing. "..Given how the kingdom will no longer be sun-based, is the name, 'Sunfall,' still appropriate..?"

"Time for a rebranding." Nicholas shrugged.

Astrophelle smiled. "Might I give an offering?"

"Is it something star related?" Lloyd offered a sideways look. The astronomer placed a hand over his mouth, feigning surprise. "Why, Doughboy! I had no idea you were of telepathic ability!"

"The Starfall Kingdom.. has a nice ring to it." Aureate nodded. "Though, I suppose this means we can no longer be called the, 'Sunfall Allegiance.'"

"Why don't we match it to the new kingdom, then?" Willow proposed.

"The Starfall Alliance." Astrophelle's words rang with finality. Aureate didn't mind.


Around two months later, August 4th. House Solarex. Early morning.

There was something going on within the castle. An hour ago, Aureate was awakened by hushed, yet excited whispering just outside of her door. Down the hall, she could make out peculiar sounds, accompanied by her housemates' clamor.

"I'm thinking this calls for a bit of investigation." Luz materialized as soon as she was awakened to the racket. "What do you say, Princess?"

"It's.. fine. I'm sure the.. the Professor will tell them off, or something.." Aureate had finished with a yawn, rolling over to get a better sleeping position. It was to no avail. No matter how much tossing, turning, and waiting she was doing, the noise persisted. Normally, Aureate arose right when the sun did. However, the sun had yet to show itself! Flash forward to an hour later (they were working for an entire hour?!), she was dragging herself out of bed with as much enthusiasm as a sloth.

Alas, the moment her leaves made contact with the carpeting of her chambers, something caught her eye. Atop her nightstand was that familiar plush toy. She was in a slightly slumped position, forcing her stitched eyes to stare at nothing but the floor.

"Say, Luz.. you and Stuffy know one another from your past, yes?" she asked, forcing him to re-materialize at the same time she lifted the stuffed flower into her grasp. She didn't feel as heavy as before.

"That's.. correct." Luz released a hefty sigh. Aureate dug through her belongings until she located some spare, loose threads. With Imagery, she summoned a needle, and began repairing Stuffy. She recalled the simple lessons Harmonia gave her during their early youth as she worked.

"She doesn't seem all that fond of you," the Princess pointed out.

"Yeah." The spirit chuckled, slightly, though it lacked any real humor. "Things between us were certainly better before that fateful day." Aureate spared him a glance, putting a pause on the sewing. For a moment, all was silent, save for the sounds of her teammates' little project down the hall.

"You were there when she got cursed?" Her eyes had widened, shock dripping from her words. His expression turned to one of sorrow. It was right then that the door swung open. Like clockwork, Luz returned to his place within the Topaz.

"Princess, you're awake!" It was Zale. "Of course I am." Aureate raised a brow in a pointed manner. "Who could get any rest with the ruckus you've all been causing?"

"Sorry! It's all within good reason, though!" He bowed his head in apology.

You should go with him. I can tell you the story another day.

..Is that a promise? You won't say anything like, "I'm not ready," or something?

Consider it an oath!

"Alright, Zale. Just one moment." Aureate set the sewing needle on the dresser in favor of hooking up her heal beam to Stuffy Sunflower. The pair watched as she grew from the tiny, huggable, stuffed flower, to the overly-serious, loyal warrior that Aureate had begun to grow fond of.

Stuffy took a long look around the room prior to pinning down Aureate with her gaze.

"Are we on the brink of a mission?" Stuffy asked, curling the tips of her leaf blades into the plant equivalent of a fist. "If so, then—"

"That's okay, Stuffy. I summoned you not for battle, this time," Aureate interrupted. Stuffy blinked, giving a slight tilt of the head in confusion.

"Should there be no danger, then I am not needed. There is no doubt that you're already well aware of this fact," she said, "so why have you called?"

"Our housemates have something fun planned. I wanted you to join me." She couldn't help but crack a smile. "As a friend. Reme—"

"Y-Yes. Yes. I'd like that very much," said Stuffy, far more eagerly than Aureate anticipated. Idly, she wondered if living life as a plushie got boring. Without another hitch, the three were off. Judging by the way Zale couldn't contain the bounce in his step, Aureate had high hopes for what was to come.

And oh, she was not disappointed.

Zale flashed her a certain look before flicking on the lights to the commons, properly illuminating the area. It'd been dressed ceiling to floor in festive decorations. Streamers hung from the high points, such as the lamps or paintings. Balloons were tied to the couches and chairs, a tablecloth draped over the coffee table. Tassels, garlands, a watercolor backdrop along the walls, and paper lanterns all created with so much love, Aureate felt her heart swell. The specifically green color scheme was probably the most noteworthy—she couldn't remember anyone but Stelora knowing about her favorite color, meaning she was a part of the project as well.

Finally, there was a large banner hanging up top. In big words, it read—


Every single one of her friends bursted out of nowhere.

"Oh, wow," Stuffy mumbled. "They did all of this for you."

Nicholas was the first to run up. He offered Aureate a party hat with a flourish. Her smile sparkled like gold as she took it, placing it between the two petals on the top of her head. "We planned this event for you as a way to give our thanks for everything you've done for us, Princess," the nightcap said.

"It's amazing! I love it, Nick!" Aureate was brimming with joy. "Thank you so much!"

Cliiick! She swiveled her head around to meet the rose holding the camera.

"You have such a nice smile!" Serenia said, eyes alight. "Serenia! You made it, too?" Aureate gawked. Ever since Serenia was rescued from the Gem Hunters, she and her brother, Cobolt, had resided in Seashore. They lived a peaceful life, with Cobolt shouldering a handful of the royal responsibilities so as to take the pressure off his sister.

"I wouldn't miss this for the realms!" Serenia exclaimed. "I don't think I've ever felt your hearts be so happy! And look—I can capture memories!"

"And a wonderful photographer you are." Stelora smiled softly. Cobolt, now perched on one of the sofas, gave her a fond look.

Cobolt made it, too?! Oh, wow.. I think I might tear up..

There, there, Princess..

From there, the celebration began. Seeing as how it was early in the morning, Aureate told them she was fine with merely enjoying their company. In reality, she was well aware of how they'd spent the entire night working on that, and figured they deserved a break. She wandered about the room, socializing with each and every single one of her teammates.

"What are you two up to?" Aureate asked Smoke and Lloyd, who were posted by the root beer pitcher. Smoke released a huff.
"My job was supposed to be keeping the drinks cold," he started, "but what's the point if we have the literal Gembearer of Ice standing right here? What—what's even the point of my Core Ability?!" His wings drooped.

"I-I'm not tryna replace you, or anything!" Lloyd made an attempt at calming the frantic snapdragon. "Then why did you summon the ice cubes in there?" Smoke glared. Lloyd scratched the back of his neck.

"I'll just.. leave you alone," he said, taking a glass. Aureate found herself smiling. "Hi, Princess Aureate. Enjoying the party?" She, Stuffy, and Lloyd backed away from Smoke, making their way over to a different corner of the room. Over there, Nicholas, Stelora, and Elliot seemed to be in a deep debate about something.

"It's everything I could've asked for," Aureate told him. At that, he matched her expression. "It doesn't look like everyone's in this room," Stuffy pointed out. With a quick glance around, Aureate knew what she was talking about. A considerable number of members had ran off somewhere else as soon as they were able.

"Don't worry about them!" Lloyd said. Both Stuffy and Aureate narrowed their eyes at him in unison, causing him to backpedal in return.

"Oh, would you look at that—I just remembered I, uh, forgot something!" He scrambled away before either of them had the chance to say anything.

"Happy sproutage day, Princess." Pea approached her from behind, entangling his leaf blade with hers almost automatically. "I can't believe I'm almost a bud," Aureate said with a twinge of sadness. "That's the age to take over the kingdom!" She led them to the couch, where the three of them took a seat. "The rest of us aren't far behind." Pea sighed. "It only feels like yesterday that we were just a couple sprouts going to a school."

"I can't believe I'm almost a bud," Aureate said with a twinge of sadness.

"'Sprouts..' I keep hearing you guys mention that word. Does that mean kid?" Lloyd had reappeared next to them. He leaned over the back of the sofa, elbows digging into the cushions as he took a heavy swig from his drink. "Did you find what you were looking for?" Stuffy gave him a look. His smile turned nervous.

"Yeah, it does," Pea said. "That reminds me, Lloyd. How do—"

"Priinceeess. help.." Nicholas had dashed over to join them, Elliot and Stelora in tow.

"Happy sproutage day," said Elliot and Stelora at the same time.

"Thank you." She smiled. "What is it, Nick?"

"Listen. I'm sorry to bother you with this on your special day and all. It's just, we're trying to explain to Chef why we celebrate sproutage days," Nicholas shot a glance toward the zombie in question, "but he doesn't seem to be able to grasp the concept."

"Well, sorry for trying to understand something!" The super brainz said crossly. "A-And my name is Elliot. I swear, I'm going to get back at the Captain for that.."

With all the free time the zombies had since joining House Solarex, those who didn't already speak it dedicated themselves to learning proper Plant. They'd grown rather fluent.

"That's just the thing, Chef. We've explained it to you in every way possible!" Stelora curled the tips of her leaf blades irritably. Pea and Aureate exchanged glances as they watched the scenario unfold.

"They're the plant version of creation dates," Lloyd told him simply. Elliot made an, "o," shape with his mouth. "We don't celebrate ours, though," he said.

"I dunno. Maybe we should start." Lloyd shrugged. "Could be fun! Wanna take it up to Churro?"

"Yeah!" And the two ran down the hall.

"Wait—that's all it took?" Nicholas groaned. Stelora smacked a leaf blade against her face. Aureate laughed.

"At least you're enjoying yourself," Stelora said to her sister. There was the sound of yet another camera cliiick in the background.

"Perfect. Nice one, Serenia," Cobolt said. The way the little rose brimmed with pride brought yet another sense of joy to Aureate.

"I'm glad you could make it, Cobolt," Aureate said. "It's the least I can do," he replied. "My family owes everything to you Solarexes."

"Cobolt didn't mean that; we ain't here out of obligation," Harmonia inserted herself into the conversation. She seemed to have just entered the room. Behind her was Flare, who blew a party popper as aggressively as possible before dragging Aureate off the sofa.

"Where are we going?" Aureate was hoisted onto the back of Flare's stem, which had somehow become a commonality between them ever since Northreach.

"Preparations are done. That means it's time for the first event," Flare said. "Ooh, already?" Serenia's eyes sparkled at the statement. Everybody followed the red snapdragon and her passenger outside the confines of Castle Solarex. They ended up at the training grounds, where an eerily familiar scene was laid out before them.

There were stumps laid out in the clearing to act as seats. Buckwheat stood in the front as everyone took their places. Aureate could not believe what was happening. Pea was next to her, Stelora on her other side, with Nicholas, Cobolt, and Serenia down the line. Up ahead, Flare joined Buckwheat, and was muttering something to Astrophelle, who was standing up there as well. Upon receiving directions, Astrophelle soon walked off into the gated forest on the side.

"Pea! Are you seeing this??" Aureate whisper-talked, rapidly tugging on his bandana. "It brings back so many memories!" Pea replied, eyes alight with excitement.

"Wait.. you didn't know about this?"

"Flare was super vague with everyone not involved with even—"

"Hey! Do I hear talking back there?!" Buckwheat shouted, causing both of them to jump. "N-No, Sir!" Pea said. "Good. Now, then, you're all here because you think you can be an Allegiance member. Core aspects of being part of this team is keeping your wits about ya. This test is meant to push you to the limits in terms of teamwork, strength, and problem-solving! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Great! Then come here and get your pins! Put in a spot where everyone can see. Once we're situated and all, the rules will be explained!"

Aureate sprung upwards, fetching a pin as quickly as she was able. They looked exactly the same as the ones from the entrance exam! Did it mean they functioned the same as well? Her question was answered as soon as she placed it on her poncho. The image of a sword remained, except—

"Look! Pea! It has sparkles now!" Aureate gestured toward her accessory. "Hey, cool!" Pea said. Aureate glanced down at his, which was connected to his bandana.

"A thought bubble, huh.."

"Oh, hush!"

She hid her smile behind a leaf blade, then proceeded to scope out the others. "Still got a leaf, Harmonia?" she addressed the acorn as she approached.

"You're darn right I do! Still got no idea what it means, but it's fine. Leaves are cool," Harmonia said. "Happy sproutage day, Princess! But, don't go thinkin' we'll be goin' easy on you just 'cause you're the flower of the hour!"

"I'd expect nothing less!" Aureate answered her challenge in kind.

"Aw, Serenia, you've got a lil' bird!" Harmonia gushed as her young cousin neared. Serenia's pin was attached to the back of her cape. The image on it was, indeed, a bird. A dove, to be specific.

"Yeah!" Serenia smiled.

"Serenia, are you participating?" Aureate asked.

"No! I'm just here to take photographs," she replied.

Oh, so that means even non-participants were wearing pins, Aureate realized. She wondered about the significance. Standing next to Serenia was Cobolt, whose pin was the picture of a black rose.

"A sword," Cobolt acknowledged, "Pretty sweet. Happy sproutage day, by the way." His eyes then drifted to where the box of pins was.

"Thanks! Are you participating, Cobolt?" Aureate asked as she followed his line of sight. Stuffy was in the middle of examining her pin, which had a rainbow with clouds over it.

"Of course I am. Bring it, Princess." The glint of mischief in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Yeah, right! Your curses are nifty an' all, but they don't stand a chance against Imagery, cuz," Harmonia chimed in.

Realistically, the only one who can directly counter my Core Ability, would be..

Her eyes caught on Willow. Her pin had changed from its original teardrop design, to a tidal wave.

She's a threat..

Right. Let's keep our guard up, Luz. There's a lot more challengers than there were the first time.


Buckwheat's voice was a reminder for everyone to scramble back to their seats.

"Before we begin, I'll be going over the rules. The use of Core Abilities is allowed, but for the sake of an even playing field, Gemstones are not. Turn them off now."

Gemstones were deactivated in unison—save for Lloyd, who was unable to do so. He must've spoken with Buckwheat about it beforehand, as the kernel corn continued.

"Attacking other test takers is allowed. The pins you're all wearing are enchanted to prevent any fatal injuries to occur. Instead, should you receive a blow otherwise extremely damaging, you will instead be stunned, and remain there unless someone else decides to help you up. With all of that out of the way, the first of three tests'll start."

Alright, Aureate felt herself lean forward, let's do this!

"Get ready for the Scavenger Hunt, kiddos." Buckwheat gestured to a nearby tree, where maps with lists of items were attached. "Gather all these things and return 'em once you're done. If they're stolen, then that's your problem. Go on and start looking for your first one after the moon comes out."

"We hafta wait until nighttime?" Lloyd frowned. Aureate traded looks with Pea.

Think.. what could possibly resemble a moon?

He nudged her, drawing her attention to Nicholas' pin. On it, was the shape of a crescent moon!

Close enough? Pea shrugged. She gave a nod. The two shared the information to who they deemed as their team members—Stuffy and Harmonia—and the group took off.

"The others won't be far behind," Stuffy said. They'd gone into the thick of the adjacent forest, stopping only once Castle Solarex could no longer be seen over the treetops. To make things simple, they had Pea pocket their spare maps, and they all gathered around the one he was holding.

"Okay.. the first clue. 'Up past the thick of it, deep within the forages lies the pinprick,'" Pea read aloud.

"Sounds like something straight out of Riddle's mouth," said a familiar mushroomy voice from above them. They turned their heads to see the nightcap spying at them from the tree branches above.

"I know. Whenever he speaks, I feel as though whatever's left of my sanity is wasting away," Stuffy said with a solemn edge.

"What the—Nick! When did you get here?" Harmonia looked at him incredulously.

"Doesn't matter. Found out the puzzle yet?"

"So you can steal our answers? Go find it out yourself!"

Nicholas made an overdramatic, wounded look before making his swift departure.

"Wait, Harmonia, you helped plan these," Pea brought up. "Doesn't that mean you know all the answers?"

"Actually, no. Flare did a whole lot of the work on her own, 'cause she wanted us to have fun participatin'," Harmonia responded.

That's awfully considerate of her..

"Let's focus." Stuffy glanced around to ensure there were no other eavesdroppers. "'Forages,' I suppose, can technically mean any our organic surroundings. With that, I propose honing in on the rest of the wording instead."

"Good idea." Aureate nodded. "Could, 'past the thick of it,' be referring to the forest we're in?" To support her point, on the map, there was a small clearing where no trees dared to take root.

"It's worth a shot," Harmonia said. With that, they swiftly made their way past the foliage, through the undergrowth, and arrived at the clearing. They were greeted by a wagon creaking under the pressure of a large pile of hay.

"Could that be the 'forages?'" Stuffy gestured to said pile. "That means, 'pinprick' must be a needle!" Aureate realized.

"So we're findin' a needle in a haystack.. greeeaat." Harmonia was just brimming with enthusiasm.

"I'm pretty sure I have something for this," Pea said. He activated Dimensional Storage. They all watched as he sifted through his personal infinite backpack. He ended up pulling out a metal detector. The others cleared the hay according to the detector's beepings, leading them to stumble across their object of interest rather quickly. But, they needed four, didn't they? One for each of them.

"It doesn't look like there's any more," Stuffy said. "Does that mean only one person can win the Scavenger Hunt?" Pea thought aloud.

"The Princess, then."

"Agreed!" Harmonia said.

"What? But you all are trying just as hard. It would be unfair for me to claim the victory as my own," Aureate protested.

"It is your sproutage day," Pea reasoned. "We owe at least this to you, for everything you've done for us." The other two nodded their approval. Unfortunately for Aureate, there was no winning the engagement. They had Pea pocket the needle before taking out the map.

"The next clue is, 'a parchment or two, located somewhere underneath the queue.' Oh. Well, that's easy," Pea said. "Queue, as in, where we started, right?" Harmonia wanted to confirm. Aureate gave her a nod. "But, how do we get underneath there?" the Princess asked.

"Given Pea has a shovel laying around somewhere in that pocket realm of his, the two of you could get to digging, with the Princess using Imagery," Stuffy said. "However, even with two shovels, that would take far too much time and effort."

The group fell silent.

"..How about drills?" Pea asked, eventually. "I don't know. It feels like there should be a better way to go about this," said Aureate, who wore a contemplative look. "Why don't we try asking somebody else for help?"
"The Professor did say he'd be testin' our teamwork. Maybe we're meant to work together," Harmonia proposed. The four lit up with the realization. At the same time, there was that cliicking sound from behind them. "Hi, Serenia!" The acorn greeted her. Serenia smiled.

"Hi! How's your hunt going?" Serenia asked, lowering the camera. "Pretty good! Actually, Serenia, have you seen the other testers?" Aureate asked. "Yes, and they mostly seem to be in groups," Serenia replied. "May I please see your map?"

Pea handed it off to her. "Right here is where the zombies went." She pointed to the area just above the forest clearing. There were trees, as well as the mouth to a cave. "Colby, Nick, and Stelora all went in this direction, but they're not working together." A gesture was made to the section rightmost of the starting area. It was lush with flowers and hills. "I last saw Constance, Lorelei, Oliver, and Zale here," Serenia moved her leaf blade to draw attention to a small, park-like area leftmost of the beginning, "Aand, Smoke, Willow, and Cybrus weren't too far behind you all!"

"Wait a second. Pea, can you take out the maps?" Aureate requested. Pea obliged, giving her the stack. "There's different items on each of these!" She said after a quick couple of glances, "But, some of them overlap."

"Can I see?" Harmonia asked. Aureate laid them on the ground for her. "You're right!" the acorn exclaimed. "This one's got the same needle clue as ours, but all the others are different!"

"That.. makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it," Pea said. Serenia tilted her head at them. "You all sure are talking a lot. At this rate, someone else will beat you!"

"Thank you for your help, Princess Serenia," Stuffy dipped her head before spinning to face the others. "We should get a move on."

"Wait! Smile!" Serenia held up the camera. They gathered, each offering the lens an array of lovely expressions before Serenia froze the moment in the form of the picture.

"Alright. Where to first?" Pea asked. "I'm actually rather curious to check on what the zombies are up to," Stuffy said. "I'm not against the idea, particularly since I've yet to see any of their pins," Aureate said. "That, and, maybe if Zephyr's feeling nice, he'll enchant something that can help us find our next item."

"Then it's decided! Back to the forest clearing we go!" Luz declared, emerging from the Topaz. They all looked at him. "What?" He smiled innocently.

"Y'know, I've always thought it kinda creepy that you spirits hear everythin' we're sayin'," Harmonia said. "It's like, bein' a Gembearer is automatically forfeitin' your solitude."

"I know!" Aureate exclaimed. Given, Luz was mostly respectful in regards to Aureate's more private thoughts, but still!

"I just wanted to be included.." Luz slouched as deeply as possibly. "It gets boring, sitting around in that mind place all day!"

"Sidetraaacked," Serenia reminded them. "Right! As Luz said, back to the forest clearing we go!" Aureate instructed. Pea tucked everything away, they said goodbye to Serenia, and they were off.

"Wow, so you all listen when she says it.." The group went under a silent, unanimous agreement to ignore Luz's mutterings. He took the hint, slinking his way back into the Topaz. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the area past the clearing. The cave entrance was up ahead, when Stuffy spoke up. "I just realized; wouldn't it be better if we split up?" she mentioned.

"There's only four items on the map, so.. yeah. Probably," Pea said. "I can't believe I didn't think of that," Aureate said. "Alright. Pea and Stuffy, you two go on and search for the other two items. Harmonia, Luz, and I will keep looking for a better way to retrieve the second object."

As per her direction, Pea and Stuffy remained stationed at the cave mouth, deciphering the next clue, while Aureate and Harmonia entered. The entrance led underground, making entering it going down a slippery slope of sorts.

"I can't help but wonder how long it took for them to get all of this stuff properly organized," Aureate said once they'd gone farther in, and the ground turned even. "Er, Flare, rather."

The little area the Scavenger Hunt took place in had always been there, beside the training grounds. Aureate, as well as her housemates, found it easy to overlook, simply acknowledging it as part of the environment. So, one could imagine her surprise when Flare utilized it in the way she did.

"Y'know, when Nick originally chose Flare to be the main event planner, she had no idea where to start," Harmonia smiled softly, "but after some encouragement, she found her rhythm. I think the reason why my cousin picked her is 'cause she never does things with half the effort. It don't matter what it is—she's either all in, or not at all. She must've taken quite a likin' to plannin'."

"You can be pretty attentive, Harmonia." Aureate gave her a light nudge. "Are you still unsure on what calls to you?"

"Yeah." Her expression fell, slightly. "But it'll be alright. I'm sure I'll find it eventually, Princess."

They traversed deeper into the cave. Droplets of water fell from the ceiling, creating small puddles by their leaves. It was cold and dreary, but nothing compared to the snowy peaks of Northreach, all the same. A few moments passed, and Aureate could've sworn she could hear voices echoing off the cave walls. She traded looks with Harmonia, and they quickened their pace.

"Come on, Astro! It'll be fuun!" A Valerie-like voice was saying.

There was that trademark siiigh. When Aureate and Harmonia reached the end of the cave, where the tunnel gave way to a subterranean room, they spotted the group of undead folk in the midst of a critical discussion.

"And here I was, thinking you were against the idea of embodying plant traditions," was Astrophelle's dry remark. He was propped up against the cave wall, with the others surrounding him. He craned his neck over Valerie's shoulder to meet Aureate's gaze.

"Happy sproutage day," he said. Like clockwork, Lloyd, Valerie, Elliot, and Zephyr all turned to face them.

"Happy sproutage day, indeed," Zephyr said. "It must be nice. Being celebrated," Valerie said with a bitter edge. "Happy sproutage day, Princess." Valerie's pin was clipped to her bow. On it was a damaged dagger. In contrast, Lloyd's, attached to his hood, was of a hand offering a heart. Elliot's, stuck to the front of his cape, held the silhouette of a caged lion. Meanwhile, Zephyr's, fastened to the brim of his hat, sported the appearance of two chains, crossed over one another.

"Thanks, everyone." Aureate dipped her head. "Why're you here, though?" Lloyd asked.. "Apparently, we need his help." Harmonia gestured to Zephyr. "But of course. Who doesn't need my help?" Zephyr smiled, prompting Astrophelle to glare. Speaking of the astronomer, Aureate couldn't see where he put his pin.

"Is it for the scavenger hunt?" Elliot quiered. 'It is. We've got this annoyin', diggin' thing we gotta do around the training grounds, and figured an enchantment of Zephyr's might make things easier," Harmonia answered. "Oh. I think I have that mission too," Valerie said, whipping out her map. "Yep. Right here." She then eyed the pair of plants, a particular smile creeping up onto her face.

"No," Elliot said sternly. She immediately frowned. "Don't tell me what to do! It's supposed to be a competition, anyway!"

"One of which that you're actively not participating in the first place," Astrophelle brought up. "..Anyhow, I'll be taking my leave." He leveled each of the zombies with a black look. "Do not track me down this time."

"O-kay, but if we find you again by accident, thennnn.." Lloyd shrugged, smiling innocently. "Acting dopey will get you nowhere." Astrophelle scoffed, but there was a certain fondness behind the words. He rose, the others automatically parting to create a path. Aureate glanced back, just in time to catch Estrella poking her head out from his hair. The pin with the cracked star design was attached to her. Ahh. That made sense.

"Alright. Lead the way, Solarex," Zephyr said, filling the silence in the cavern. Aureate raised a brow. "For the last time, Zephyr, it's Aureate," she corrected. Even being called Princess was better than that.

"Oh. My mistake. Lead the way, Laureate."

Harmonia exchanged a look with Aureate. Both of them shook their heads. Dave, those zombies and their endless supply of nicknames..


"So, like, what're you lot doin' runnin' around, botherin' Astro in the first place?" Harmonia asked while they made their way back to the training grounds.

"It's fun," they all said unanimously.

"More fun than the scavenger hunt?" Aureate asked. "Yeah, kind of. I can't wrap my head around all this curly wording," Elliot said, waving around the map in his hand.

"Thinking is too hard," Zephyr joined in, and suddenly, Aureate couldn't help but feel as though she were being messed with.

"Astro isn't a contestant, is he? Just like Serenia," she said in an attempt to change the subject. "Yeah. That's 'cause Flare specifically said he was banned from playin','" Harmonia informed her, "I can't help but wonder why he's goin' around and hidin,' though."

"He has some other role that he won't tell us about," Valerie said matter-of-factly. "One that involves staying as far away from the participants as possible," Lloyd affixed.

Luz took that as a good opportunity to show himself. "So, since he's going out of his way to be avoidant, you guys went out of your way to find him?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Elliot put simply.

From the Quartz, Samui materialized as well. "Dear Leader, during my time spent with them, I've found it is much easier to simply go with these things."

Luz raised his spiritual leaf blades to his face in a way that portrayed adoration. "You've always been so wise, Sammi.."

Samui narrowed his eyes at the other. "..Can you not?"

"Man. And I'm the one that gets called weird," Zephyr muttered.

Thankfully, they'd arrived at the training grounds. By then, Luz and Samui had returned to their respective Gemstones. The queue. "So, what, exactly, am I making an enchantment for?" Zephyr asked.

"Paper," Aureate responded. Zephyr blinked.

"I mean, something to look for paper."

"Gotcha." He looked around the area in search of something suitable to enchant. The place had been cleared of any loose twigs, stones, or leaves. Thus, his plan had turned to enchanting something on whoever was closest to him.

But, just as he was about to do it, he stilled.

"Somethin' wrong?" Harmonia asked. Doubtless, the others had the same question. "It's just—uh—" Zephyr rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes darting elsewhere. "—you're all.. staring.."

"Would it make you feel better if we shut our eyes?" Aureate inquired. He gave a curt nod, still refusing to meet anyone's gaze.

Wow.. who would've thought?

"Alright. Everyone, close your eyes," she ordered. They did so. A moment passed, then another, before Zephyr gave them the green light. "I enchanted the Variant's bow to lightly buzz when near parchment," he said.

"I can feel it! That is not lightly, Witchboy!" Valerie glared. Zephyr shrugged.

"Perfect. Thank you, Zephyr," Aureate said. Those with maps tossed them to the side. They had Valerie walk around until the buzzing picked up again by a certain stump. From there, Aureate used Imagery to use a shovel, and dug until she struck something solid.

They all gathered around. She emerged from the hole with a small chest in her leaf blades. Within it were a few documents.

Awesome! Only two more to go!

Soon after, the zombies departed. Where they went? Aureate didn't know, but she had a really good guess.

"Hey, Princess! Harmonia!" Pea and Stuffy approached, with Stuffy holding up something red. When Aureate narrowed her eyes, she realized it was thin, resemblant of a small scarf. A red scarf? She had definitely seen that before. But where—

"Behind you!" Stuffy cried. As per Stuffy's warning, Aureate whipped her head around to face her sister. They were surrounded by Stelora, Nicholas, and Cobolt in a matter of mere moments. "What the—Serenia said you weren't working together!" Harmonia jumped at the sight of them.

"Of course she did. Serenia's on our side," Nicholas said, idly juggling a spore blade in the air.

"Nothing personal, cuz." Cobolt sneered.

"Now. If you all don't mind, I'll be having that fabric back," Stelora stepped in. She lightly pressed her spear to Stuffy's stem, her smile taunting.

Wh.. she must've summoned that before turning her Gemstone off. Why didn't I think of that..?

In the background, both Flare and Buckwheat kicked back and relaxed as things began to boil.

"Is that our third item?" Aureate turned to Pea. He gave a quick nod, but that was all he managed prior to their minds being infiltrated by an intense swirling sensation. It was followed by the serious throbbing, forcing them to double over.

"Over there!" Luz spawned in again, making mad gestures to where Smoke, Willow, and Cyrbus stood.

"Drat. I knew we shouldn't have taken Serenia's word at heart," Willow said.

"I knoww. We would've gotten here soo much earlier," Smoke whined. Cybrus shook his head in agreement. They plucked the ribbon out of Stuffy's grasp, adding it to their collection.

"That's one, two, three.. just one more item to go!" Willow declared. They cheered, basking in the moment of celebration.

"It seems my group far surpasses yours," Zarya materialized to directed at Luz, who could but manage a look of complete and utter disbelief.

"Oh, no you don't!" Elethea willed herself from the Amber with fire in her eyes. "Steloraaa! DEEESTROOOY!"

Stelora dropped her spear and launched herself at Willow, thanks to Apathy's nullifications of Willow's Ability. She was still affected by the spinning, causing her to miss terribly, but the action alone startled the peashooter enough to loosen Vertigo's grip.

..Just enough, in fact, for Aureate to use Imagery! She summoned a MASSIVE seewsaw on Willow's team. With that one manuever, they were CRUSHED and sent out of commission. Harmonia successfully trapped Nicholas and Cobolt with Resin's sap, granting Pea a chance to start hurling miscellaneous objects at them via Dimensional Storage.

They took back the red ribbon, leaving the others in their dust while they searched for their fourth and final item.

Or at least, that was what Aureate wished happened. Instead, while they were busy being crushed by Vertigo, Lorelei's group turned in their completed list to Buckwheat, and won the Scavenger Hunt.

Cliiiiiick! Cliiick, went Serenia's camera. She blinked down at them, though she might as well have been laughing in their faces.

Well.. there's always next time, right?


Brushing off the fact that they were completely outplayed, Buckwheat told everyone to take their seats again.

"That was.." Beside her, Nicholas let out a bitter laugh. "I know. I thought our victory was assured," Cobolt said, dismayed. "I can't believe I was so foolish to agree to forging an alliance with you two." Stelora glared.

"Hey! Do I hear talking back there?!" Buckwheat's voice cut through the crowd, commanding silence. "Much better. Flare, you're up."

"With that, we'll be transitioning into the next test. The bounty—"

"Actually, Flare, if I may," Aureate interrupted the snapdragon. "I.. think I want to go back to sleep." She enjoyed everything they'd done for her—she did! It was just.. she was so.. tired.. "At least for a little while. Please, enjoy yourselves in my stead."

"You deserve the rest," Astrophelle said while passing by. When did he get there? He deposited his pin in the bin. As soon as he removed it from Estrella, the image disappeared. Everyone else began to do the same. "I'm going on patrol, in case anyone wants to join."

"Yeah!" Lloyd leapt to his feet in an instant. "Can I come too?" Serenia asked. She turned to Cobolt. "Colby, can I go with them? Pleeaase?"

"If that's what you want," Cobolt said. She practically jumped with joy!

Aureate left once she'd said proper goodbyes to everyone. She crossed through the commons, entering the hallway to her bedroom.

"Are you alright, Princess?" Luz asked on the way there. "I think this is the first time you've gone back to sleep."

"It's fine. I'm tired, is all," Aureate easily dismissed his concerns. His mouth turned to a slant.

"What about me, Princess?" Stuffy had been following them. "What about you?" Aureate tilted her head, "Go talk to your friends."

"..Right. Happy sproutage day." Stuffy bowed, her gaze catching on Luz's spiritual form as she departed. Aureate pressed her leaf blade against her door, only to pause when she heard somebody else make their way down the hall.

"Hey.." It was Pea. "Hey," Aureate said. Luz zipped back into the Topaz. Wordlessly, Aureate opened the door, granting the both of them entry.

"I have something," he said. The sunflower took a seat on the edge of her bed. "Did Nick have you covered?"

And the way his slightly confident demeanor broke in an instant brought her a wry sense of amusement. "Y-You know about that?!" He was crestfallen.

"I may have heard a thing or two," she said with nonchalance. "Believe it or not, I'm not as dense as you all may think.."

"Oh.." Pea gave pause. It was almost as though he were having second thoughts. But, after taking one look at the soft excitement in Aureate's expression, his reservations were gone as quickly as they came.

He kneeled.

"I-If you'd have it, Willow and Harmonia worked together in making something for you."

"Yes?" She felt herself lean forward when he activated Dimensional Storage. Out of the blue portal, Pea pulled out a clothing item. It was a poncho—slightly longer than the one she wore. White, with a short green layer over the upper half. On that green layer was the emblem of a sun.

As soon as he placed it in her leaf blades, it adopted a bright glow, before disappeared with a soft sparkle. "What?" Aureate felt herself whisper. "It.. it's gone..?"

"Uh.." Pea's eyes were wide, an indicator that he, too lacked any idea of what had just occurred.

Wait, Princess. Don't panic. T-Try going into your gem form.


Just try it!

Aureate did as he said. She looked down at herself. Instead of the usual short, buttoned, white cloak she'd grown familiar with sporting in both of her forms, the one created by her friends was in its place. But, when she turned back, so did the clothing.

I.. I think I know what's happening.

"Luz," Aureate called him forth.

"This gift.. it's resonated so much with your heart—your soul—that the Gemstone accepted it as a part of you," he uttered.

"I didn't know such a thing was possible!" Pea exclaimed. He looked back to Aureate, who had mist gathering at the corners of her eyes. With clouded vision, she rose to sweep Pea up in a huge hug.

"This means everything," she said. "It's a gift from all of us.. A-Aureate," Pea stammered his way into a reply.

"I know. I know." She was smiling from petal to petal. Wearing the present, it felt as though a piece she hadn't known was missing, was finally returned. "Thank you."

"You and your friends continue to amaze me. Maybe you really can do it." Luz's sigh was somewhat wistful.

The heartfelt moment was interrupted when someone had the audacity to kick the door down!

"Princess, it's urgent! You need to—" Zale didn't end up finishing his sentence when he caught sight of the two, wrapped up in one another's grasp.

"..Am I.. interrupting something?" he asked tentatively.

Pea tried to pull away, but Aureate held on.

"Yes," she arched a brow, "what do you want?"

"Just.. come to the commons when you guys are ready," he said, making it a point to leave as quickly as possible.

"Step on it! I feel like such a third party right now," Luz urged.

"Well.. I guess we should go now.." Pea exaggerated an amount of reluctance, pulling a small giggle out of Aureate.


Stelora took a seat on the stairs to Castle Solarex. In the distance, she could make out the small figures that were those on the patrol. They were just along the boundary that marked the end of the village.

"Keeping watch?"

She didn't have to turn her head to know who it was.

"Please. As if you're not doing the same thing," she returned. "I'm not!" Cobolt insisted, though his laughter betrayed him.

"Oh, really?" she humored him, "then what are you doing?"

"I.. wanted to ask you a question."

Stelora turned her head at the subtle shift in Cobolt's tone. He approached, stopping to plop down next to her. One could hear nothing but the soft chatter of the civilians below.

"Hey, it's Panacea and Mayhem!" Somebody cried from below. There was a rally of hello's that followed. Both Cobolt and Stelora offered small waves in reply.

"You never healed yourself," he said. "I think I know why, but I want to hear you say it."

"These scars.." Stelora extended her leaf blades. They were darkened at the edges. She gave a damaged petal a light brush. "They represent the steps I had to take in becoming who I am. I don't want to erase them. And I think.. I think the Amber can sense it."

For, every time the need be that she heal herself, the Gemstone made no attempt to remove them.

I'm so proud of you, Stelora. I hope I say that often enough.

You do. Three times a day, at least.

All during her small speech, Cobolt watched her with a certain look in his eye. "I expected nothing less," he said at last. "Now, would you care to join the patrol?

"Not wasting any time, are you," Stelora said dryly. She picked herself up into a standing position. "How is Serenia's training with the Morganite going?"

The Morganite of Charm, Element of Fortune. Its control over luck and probability was nothing to scoff at.

"She's still having trouble understanding it, but we'll get there," he told her.

"I see. How about you and the Obsidian?"

Cobolt shook his head, speaking as the two made their way down the stairs. "I can still hear its whispers, every time I tap into its power. It wants me to reopen the Void."

"You shouldn't. Not until we're ready." They passed through the village.

"I know, Stella. What do you take me for?" He gave her a playful nudge.

The two made their way down the stairs. "Serenia's so happy," he told her as they strolled through the village. "It's all I've ever wanted for her."

"What about you?"

From the way Cobolt looked at her as though she'd sprouted a second head, she figured it was safe to assume he had zero idea what she was talking about. "I mean, you have wants too, Cobolt. You don't live for Serenia."

"Ah. Well. This is all I've ever wanted. To be back, without ever having to worry about Nightshade, or the whole of the Hunters again," he said. "With all of this free time, I can even dedicate myself to training the Obsidian. Can you imagine me, going with you all to take down Relcestra? Ha!"

"They wouldn't know what hit them!" Stelora's smile stretched across her entire face. It was then that, both of the plants turned their heads in unison. Nearby, there was a sudden Signature. Stelora didn't know the words to describe it, but.. needless to say, with their eyes glued to the horizon, they picked up the pace.


Astrophelle had wanted to go alone. His friends decided that wasn't allowed, opting to join him against his will. Elliot lifted him up, placing the scientist zombie on his shoulders.

"Sometimes I wonder," the super brainz said.

"Wonder about what?" Lloyd asked from his position beside them.

"Why the Captain's so short."

Astrophelle gave Elliot a harsh tug at the ear. "Says the freakishly tall one," he shot back. Elliot laughed.

"Oftentimes, I see him getting drowned by the rain, he's so small," Zephyr said. Valerie laughed.

"We don't breathe, Zephyr. It wouldn't be possible." Astrophelle exhaled.

"Then I suppose it's an impossible possibility!"

Astrophelle leapt from his place on Elliot's shoulders in favor of lunging at Zephyr. With the strength the outrage from Overclock gave, he grabbed the taller one, flipped him over, and was about to plug his head into the soil, when something—someone, rather—approaching them morphed that outrage into shock.

"Hey.. isn't that the guy we slingshotted into Space?" Elliot scratched his head. "Uh, yeah, Chef. It is." Lloyd's mouth was agape. "Uhh.. Churro?"

Looking as though the whole of Choria had attempted to slice him to bits, it was none other than Top Zombie Leon Lockett nearing them. There was something tightly clutched in his grasp. A book?

Astrophelle dropped Zephyr on his head, dashing over to the zombie on the brink of collapsing.

"Dude.. you're not gonna believe this," Leon managed. Astrophelle caught him right before his body fell to the ground. Zephyr had joined them in less than a moment.

"Leon?! What happened?" the wizard asked. Unfortunately, Leon had grown unresponsive. Astrophelle tapped into the earring's regenerative abilities, though nothing seemed to heal what was ailing him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, isn't he an enemy? Stand back! I'll blow him to bits!" Valerie insisted.

"NO, VIOLETA!" Elliot and Lloyd shouted in unison.

"What's going on?!" Stelora's voice cut through the chaos. She arrived, accompanied by Cobolt.

"Your Grace, can you try healing him?" Astrophelle requested, the shock from Overclock taking a backseat. He placed Leon against the cobble, though the book in his grip caught his eye. Upon attempting to take it, he found there was something preventing him from doing so. Hm..

"It's no use." Stelora shook her head, stopping the flow of energy once she realized her healing held no impact.

"It isn't a matter of life points," Zephyr realized. He, too, was peering down at the book. Cobolt reached down, trying the same thing Astrophelle did, but to no avail. "It's a curse," the nightcap said.

"Let's get him inside. Something feels.. weird about this," Lloyd said. The others agreed, making their way to Castle Solarex. They put Leon down on one of the sofas, laying on his back with the book facing them. Still, no matter what they tried, there was nothing they could do to pry the item away.

They were quick to gather the other members of the Starfall Alliance in the commons, where they updated them on the situation.

When Aureate finally arrived with Pea, Luz materialized with a horrified expression. "That book.." he rubbed his eyes, as though he were somehow seeing things.

"What? What about the book?" Willow asked apprehensively, Luz's behavior startling her.

"Can someone remind me who this guy is, again?" Smoke wrinkled his snout at the unconscious 80's action hero zombie. "I thought you were the only zombies around here, and the rest got blown up or something."

"His name is Leon. We.. never saw him, after the events of Zomburbia," Astrophelle replied with a solemn edge.

"Wait. Ghost, what do you know about this book?" Stelora narrowed her eyes. "It won't let any of us grab it."

The book was blue in color, with darker bits around the corners and spine. In the middle of the pages, lay a red bookmark.

"It's called the Almanac," Luz started. "It.. shouldn't be here. I have no idea how this Leon person could have acquired it."

"The Cora on it 's heavily masked, but from what I can feel, it's similar to the enchantments placed on the Gemstones," Zephyr reported.

"I agree. The Gemstones, and this Almanac were enchanted by the same Chorian. Wouldn't that mean..?" Cobolt trailed off.

"Do you know anything, Samui?" Lloyd asked his spirit, forcing him out of the Gemstone. The other bearers did the same, seeking answers.

"I may have known about the Obsidian, but this is beyond me," Samui said, features morphed into confusion.

"I don't know anything, either," Elethea added.

"There is something he did not say to us, this we must discuss," Riddle spoke in tongues.

Everyone in the room looked to Luz with expectancy.

"Luzio," Stuffy said, raising a brow at him.

"Alright. Alright," Luz conceded, shooting Stuffy and Aureate a meaningful look. "I'll tell you everything."


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