Attack On Titan: Season 1 (X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

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Elias Heinrich is a childhood friend of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, located in the Shinganshina District in Wall... More

To You In 2000 Years - The Fall of Shinganshina: Part 1
That Day - The Fall of Shinganshina: Part 2
A Dim Light Amid Deapair - Humanity's Comeback: Part 1
Night of The Detachment Ceremony - Humanity's Comeback: Part 2
The First Battle - The Struggle For Trost: Part 1
The World The Girl Saw - The Struggle For Trost: Part 2
Small Blade - The Struggle For Trost: Part 3
I Hear His Heartbeat - The Struggle For Trost: Part 4
2 Episodes In 1
The Response - The Struggle For Trost: Part 4
Flaw - The Struggle For Trost: Part 5
Primal Desire - The Struggle For Trost: Part 6
Glory Of Love (Side Story)
Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 1
Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 2
Shoot Interview 1
Female Titan - The 57th Expedition: Part 1

Eve Of The Counteroffensive: Part 3

149 3 46
By Freedom_Fighter24

(A/N: This is a long one! Get ready for a snack and some soda!)

~Elias POV~

After the incident with the Titan test subjects getting killed, we had our ODM gear inspected.

Everyone's in Levi Squad, including mine, checked out, but we still had to keep an eye out for the suspect.

It was Happy Hour for the enemy, you can tell.

Like I said before, whoever they are, they had something all planned out from the beginning and it's working in their favor. They're trying to keep us from finding information on the Titans and trying to keep us in the dark, no pun intended.

The crazy part is, no one knows who or what the real enemy is, because we never found any information about them yet.

Anyway, even though the investigation is still underway, although a few days after, mom and I managed to find ways to get that trust restored.

I mean, she's abandoned me to the Jaegers after she gave birth to me. Who in their right mind would do that to their son, besides my own mom?

The day I "reunited" with her, she was still crying and apologizing profusely about giving me up and wanting to make amends.

Listen, I'm all for forgiveness if the person really means it, but for my mom, I have to know if it's for real because if it isn't, I'm gonna ask Levi for a dishonorable discharge on her. I don't wanna see her face again, I don't wanna rebuild the trust, and most of all, I don't want her to know about my relationship with Mikasa because if we ever get to the point of wanting kids, I sure as hell won't be putting them up for adoption like my mom did.

And you know what? I do hope she's for real on wanting forgiveness or I'll be asking for a transfer to the another Regiment pretty damn soon.

Sorry for the tangent, I just went off topic.

Anyway, we were just done doing the weeds and I was given a much needed break.

While I was looking through some things in my room, I saw something in the corner of a trunk. It had to be journal.

I then pulled it out and it read on the front...

It got me interested and I was wanting to know who wrote it.

When I turned the page, the first thing I saw was,

Seeing this made me a bit teary eyed and I think he wrote this for when he wanted to retire from the military. If that's the case, then why was it here of all places? That got me thinking, what if he was writing this while he was stationed here and forgot about it?

I definitely have to read this and ask mom if she knew about this book he was writing before he died.

I decided to keep it under wraps by putting it under my bed and walked out to enjoy the outdoors as I sat down and drank from my water pouch before I heard a voice.

Mom: Hey, think fast!

She threw an apple to me as she had one as well. I caught it, looked at it, and smiled at her.

Elias: Thanks.

Mom: Hey, you earned it. You worked hard.

She sat down next to me as I took a bite of the apple.

Elias: Yeah, just for doing some yardwork that's not even different when I had to live with the Jaegers.

Mom: Listen, Elias, I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better, I was against giving you up. I wanted to raise you, but of course this had to happen.

Elias: Well, at least you're showing remorse.

Mom: Yeah. Ever since we reunited, I've been wanting to make up for what I've done to you.

(A/N: Well, that's great and all, but would you really mean it if you're not playing a ukulele?)

Elias: Now that you are, I think it's fair to say that I forgive you. I mean, I understand what you did, but while I still feel that it's wrong, I can put it behind me.

Mom: I'm happy to hear that, son.

We hugged as it felt good to put it behind me after thinking about it.

Look, I know that a few days may not be much to some, but it was to me. I needed time to think about whether or not I should forgive my mom for giving me up, and to see the sadness in her eyes and her voice trembling, I could tell that she meant every word.

I was willing to forgive her because her talking to me and her remorse somehow made us closer than before.

Mom: So, how have you been, regardless of how long I've been away from you?

Elias: Been surviving, just doing what I can to see humanity grow and fight back against the Titans.

Mom: Same.

Elias: Other than that, I think it's fitting if I told you that have a girlfriend now.

Mom: Ooh, is she pretty?

Elias: I wouldn't say pretty, adorable sounds more fitting when you finally meet her.

Mom: She's got a name?

Elias: Yeah. It's Mikasa. She may not be friendly once I introduce you to her because of what happened between you and I a month ago, but I know she'll forgive you over time.

Mom: That's fair.

Elias: Well, life isn't fair when we got those things out there, just walking around mindlessly, eating our fellow soldiers. Speaking of which, I found a book in a trunk in my room and I wanna ask you something, did you know what dad wanted for life after serving in the military?

Mom: That's a good question. Thing is, he never told me what he wanted, but I do know that he wanted you to carry on his life as the soldier he never got to be.

Elias: What do you mean?

Mom: He was a Scout, yes, but he never wanted to kill Titans. He wanted to stay close to his friends because he trusted them and he knew learning about the Titans with Hange and many others could make things all the more important. He knew the risks, he just couldn't be on the front lines that much.

Elias: So he wanted to learn more about Titans than actually fight?

Mom: Oh, no. He did fight on many occasions, very impressive skills. I've seen him swirl around and just slashing the napes however he wanted, almost like a ballet if you will, but deep down, he wanted to learn more. He once said that if you learn more about the enemy, the more you gain an advantage. Sounds simple, but it's deadly.

Elias: Yeah, you're right about that.

Levi: Hey, listen up.

We saw Levi coming up and we had to stand at attention.

Levi: We're falling in to go on patrol. Get on your horses and let's get going.

Elias/Mom: Sir!

We threw the apples away, got to the stable, grabbed our horses, prepped our horses, got on and we rode with everyone to the site where the plan was taking place.

Once we got to the site, I saw that Petra and Bootleg Captain Levi (Oluo) were already there.

As we got off our horses we approached them as Oluo wasn't to fond of me being here. I wasn't as well, but I'm willing to be professional about this, unless Bozad doesn't bother to do the same.

We laid out the map and the plans of the Expedition as we gathered around and started talking about it.

Gunther: Our Special Ope squad'll be positioned here, on standby. Behind the center rank.

Eren: So we'll be pretty far back then.

Gunther: It's the safest position in the formation. The supply wagons don't get such fine treatment. Our goal this time around is to simply leave, then come back. Today's expedition will serve as a sort of test run. To see if we got a shot at getting you all the way to Shinganshina.

Eren: Understood. Either way, I still don't really know how to use my ability or if I can even control it.

Gunther: Eren, do you understand what the Commander was asking you back then? "Who do you think the real enemy is here?"

Eren: What did he mean by that? What do you guys think?

Eld: Not a clue.

Oluo: Well, if I told you what he meant, I'd be lying to you. That said I-

Mom: It's entirely feasible, that this operation has an alternate goal. And yet, the Commander has decided it's best to withhold it from the rank and file.

Gunther: Lina's right. If that's the case, leaving and coming back is all we need to concern ourselves with. Have faith in the commander.

Eren: I will.

Gunther: Today's training has concluded. Return to base.

Elias: Hold on, hold on, wait a minute. After hearing about what Erwin has said to Eren, I came up with a theory a month back and it mainly has to do with the Collosus and Armored Titan, there's gotta be a plan involved because the last time I checked, the attacks have been pre-ordained and pre-determined, so there's gotta be some planning involved.

Gunther: So you think planning has everything to do with this?

Elias: Yeah. Whoever has been doing this our home, they've been successful, especially when the test subjects have been killed a few days back. They're trying to keep this in the dark and until they revealed themselves we gotta keep on our toes.

Mom: That's a good point. Some mystery people planned this out from the beginning. At Shinganshina, Wall Maria, planned out. Trost at Wall Rose, planned out as well. We have to find out whoever the enemy is.

Gunther: We'll worry about that, but for now, let's head back.

Elias: Right.

We all got in our horses and rode back to the base, but soon enough, I gotta be at the Scout Recruitment ceremony where we determine who will join the Scouts, but it's also where I'm gonna announce the Titan Killer Corps formation.

I already have a few people in mind as I already sent a letter to Hange and asked her if she was interested in joining, and she accepted.

It made me happy because she told me in her letter that Eriche, my dad, would've wanted her to join the Corps.

~Hours Later~

When we finally arrived at the Scout Regiment ceremony, it was near the evening as it was perfect timing, but before it could start, I saw that many of the cadets, including my friends, and Shitstain, are waiting to be talked to by Erwin.

It was only a few minutes until I saw Mikasa was with Armin, but I don't know if she notices me.

Elias: You think this will work out for all of us? I mean, this plan is pretty risky.

Mom: I agree with you on that, but with Erwin being a mastermind, he'll definitely bring it into action. He's that much of a badass.

Elias: Based on the stories I've been told, I'll trust you on that.

Then, Mikasa saw me, gasped silently with her hand covering her mouth with her eyes watering.

Elias: Excuse me.

Mom: Of course.

Then, I gestured Mikasa to go into the alleyway, where I was pointing, and I followed her.

When we came close to each other, Mikasa wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could go and cried silently as I did the same, but without the tears being shed.

I kissed her head as continued to cry into my shoulder, but when she looked at me, she smashed her lips onto mine as I had to return it before we released.

It was great to feel her lips again after a few days. It must've been torture without me being around.

Mikasa: Oh, Elias, I missed you so much.

Elias: It was only a few days.

Mikasa: A few days without you was torture.

Elias: But I'm here, that's what matters. Hey, there's someone I want you to meet when it's all over.

Mikasa: Do I?

Elias: Yeah.

Then, she looked away from me for a bit, but I had to ask what was wrong.

Elias: Mikasa, you alright?

Mikasa: I don't know how I can tell you, but Jean, he's been staring at me.

Elias: What?

Mikasa: He's been looking at me for some time, and I had to keep it in until I talked to you.

Elias: Why is he staring at you?

Mikasa: I think it has to do with my figure. I think he's looking at my ass.

I then start to bite my fist until Mikasa held my by the hands.

Mikasa: Elias, don't.

Elias: What do you mean?

Mikasa: It'll make things worse.

Elias: I'll see about bringing you to the base, okay? For now, just go to Hange. Let her know I sent you.

Mikasa: I will. Thank you.

We hugged and kissed again as I told her to go to Hange and let her know that I was gonna be fighting for her.

When I saw Jean, he was leaning against the wall back first with his eyes closed. So, I walked over to him and I made the "shush" gesture towards Conny, Sasha, Reiner, and the others as this was me.

When I came up to him with a smile, it took him a while to realize that I was standing next to him.

When Jean opened his eyes, he was about to run, but he held his own while I had no smile on my face this time.

Jean: So Elias. Heard you already joined Eren with the Scouts.

Elias: Yeah, but there's something else you should know. Yours truly will be starting a group called the Titan Killer Corps, and you're not on the list.

Jean: Why is that?

Elias: A little birdie told me that you were looking at Mikasa's ass for some time now, and now you're not allowed to join. I can't have that kinda people in my group.

Jean: This is ridiculous.

Elias: I'd prefer smart.

Jean: I can be just as good as killing titans and for you to say that I'm not allowed is stupidity!

Elias: I can't have that happen. Whether you like it or not, you're not joining. It's real simple.

Jean: Is this how you treat a soldier?

Elias: No, it's how I treat someone who's a pussy despite acting like he's destroying it all the time.

I then walked away back to the others as Erwin was about to start.

I saw Erwin getting started as I was looking forward to it, but I saw that some of the Scouts, besides Team Levi are here as well.

I'm pretty sure that it has to do with Titan Killer Corps as I got some of their names and I plan on shouting them out.

I'll get to that in a bit, but let's set the stage for what's ahead of us right now.

Erwin: Good evening. I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps, also known as the Scout Regiment. Today, you will choose your own regiment. Let's cut to the chase here. The Scouts need you. We need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent Titan attack, you now know first-hand the horrors of which they are capable, as well as the limits of your own skill. However, this battle's aftermath gave humanity a new chance for victory. I refer to Eren Jaeger. After selflessly risking life and limb, he has proven, beyond a doubt, his unwavering loyalty to the cause. Hope lives in him. Eren didn't just help deter the Titan invasion, he's offered us a means to discern the truth of their origin!

Everyone had gasps of shock as I was looking forward to what Erwin meant.

Erwin: Intel suggests that the cellar of Jaeger's home in Shinganshina holds a vital secret regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find this secret, find it, and use it to break free from the Titans' tyrannical hundred-year reign once and for all!

This got a lot of people talking and scared about all, but I think I know what Erwin's trying to do.

From what I know, I think he's trying to bait someone or something into the plan. The question is, who's the real enemy and what are their motives behind the Titans attacking?

Whoever they are, they don't know what we're capable of and in this fight, no matter what win or loss, we won't give up. We're going to win.

And to me, there are no rules when it comes to a Scout or any kind of regimental soldier. The bottom line is if you're my enemy, I'm gonna kill you.

Erwin: Before we can reach the aforementioned cellar in Shinganshina, another problem must be dealt with. We must first retake Wall Maria. Of course, this is much easier said than done.

Then, I saw Petra put up a map of the route we plan on taking back Shinganshina as Erwin looked to explain the idea for this operation.

Erwin: And now that the gate at Trost has been rendered inaccessible, we'll be forced to stage future operations from the Calanath District, further east. Thus, the battalion route we've spent the last four years establishing is completely useless to us. Over the course of those four years, we've incurred losses in excess of 60%. 60% in four years. That's a horrifying figure. One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission outside the walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be expected to take part. I estimate a third of them will die. After four years, most will be dead, but those who endure will be amongst the most capable soldiers alive.

It was only a moment of silence before Erwin said the following...

Erwin: Now having heard this dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line and join us, remain here. But first ask yourself. Can you give your heart? Can you give everything for humanity?

After another brief of silence, he says...

Erwin: That is all. Those wanting to join other regiments are dismissed.

Then Darius, one of the scouts who I will possibly choose for the Titan Killer Corps, had to walk out and ruin the whole thing with this statement...

Darius: Commander! I think that you may've overly intimidated the cadets, sir. None of them are gonna stick around.

Then, just like that, almost all the cadets were turning around and leaving the ceremony, and among them was Annie.

I can give her some respect because it's her choice for wanting to join the MPs, wish I could say the same for Shitstain, I mean, Jean.

All that were left were my fellow cadets from the 104th Corps, including Mina, which really surprised me because I haven't talked to her in a while.

Erwin: I ask you, if you were to die, could you do it?

Cadet: We don't wanna die, sir!

Erwin, with a smile, said...

Erwin: Of course. Let us hope that you die then. You who stayed, you are now one of us, but before we end this off, there's one more thing as our Captain, Levi, will introduce to you a new group of soldiers.

Levi walked out and of course, Mikasa started to glare at him. Color my tooth gold and let the truth be told, I couldn't blame her after what he had done to Eren in the courtroom, but I couldn't tell that she was holding back out of respect for me.

Levi: Listen up, Cadets. Soon enough, there will be recruitment for a new corps call the Titan Killer Corps. And our new Vice Captain, Elias Heinrich, will call out a few names and once that's done, you are a part of the Titan Killer Corps. Heinrich, come on out. Pick the soldiers who you want in your squad, but keep in mind that once you choose, there's no turning back.

(A/N: This is the theme song I chose for Titan Killer Corps and keep in mind that it's sung in Japanese. I know the lyrics by heart since I do a lot of research, I listened to this all the time, and I found them translated from a website. If you guys want the translated lyrics, go ahead and pm me and I'll send you the link to where they're translated.)

I nodded at him as he stood back and I took out my clipboard with the group of people.

I declared before that there were seven spots and the two are chosen: me as the leader, and Hange as Vice Leaders.

Elias: Alright, listen up. There's a corps that we're starting up and we could really use you. We call it the Titan Killer Corps, as it's a group of soldiers that can kill Titans much more brutally than the Scout Regiment themselves could've imagined. Yours truly is the commander of this group and Section Commander Hange Zöe has declared herself the vice captain of TKC. Now that we are at war with the Titans, I will be choosing who will be a member of this group. When I state your name, step forward and be recognized.

The first name I declared is...

Elias: Mikasa Ackerman.

She looked a bit shocked, but she stepped forward.

Elias: Petra Ral.

Petra was surprised and actually stepped up to be recognized while I was telling off the names.

Elias: Oluo Bozad.

The reason I chose Oluo is because while we have a rivalry going on, I know that by his stats, he'll be a big part in killing Titans and paving the way for other Scouts.

And when I said his name, he stepped up next to Petra as I was gonna proclaim this person's next name.

Elias: Nanaba.

She smiled and stepped up as I continued...

Elias: Eld Gin.

He stepped up.

Elias: Gelgar.

And last but not least...

Elias: Armin Arlert.

When I said his name, he stepped up and looked surprised, but I had a very specific reason as to why I chose him, which I'll get to in a little bit.

Armin: Why am I in your group, Elias? I'm not combat worthy.

Levi: Soldier, you will treat your superiors with respect! Do you-

Elias: Levi, it's alright.

He nodded and stepped back as I explained my reason.

Elias: You may not have the combat skills, Armin, but I believe you have what it takes to help this group ascend into greater heights with your academical talents, and I believe you can make Titan Killer Corps the best in the military with just that. Am I wrong?

Then, knowing now why I chose him, Armin smiled and folded his arms, saying to me in a respectful manner...

Armin: No sir.

Elias: Good. If any of you have an idea for certain missions, I wanna hear it. There are times where I'm gonna need help and I can't possibly be the only one doing all the work. We are the Titan Killer Corps, and we're gonna run this town because we're the ones who will do whatever it takes to take back our home from those Titans!

Everyone I've chosen has cheered, but I gotta explain some rules.

Elias: Before we start killing Titans and do it however we want later on and whatever, we gotta go through a few rules I put together. I'm serious about these so you all listen and listen good! The rules are very simple:

1. Speak when spoken to, and do it in a respectful manner.
2. If you need a shoulder to cry on, use a pillow.
3. Use your brain over the weapons.
4. If you ever have any questions or problems, you come see me, personally.
5. Last but not least, you can call me Elias when I'm on break, but when on missions, you call me Captain.

When I was finished, I knew I had these guys in the palm of my hand. All these rules are what I made and I can't wait to put them to good use.

Elias: Now that I have explained everything, I have one more question: do I make myself very clear? This is a genuine salute! Together, we give our hearts!

I saluted as they did as well and yelled as loud as they could go...

Cadets/Scouts: Yes sir!

Elias: Bullshit, I wanna hear you! Yell it out like you got a pair of balls!

Cadets/Scouts: YES SIR!!!

Elias: I'll see you guys at the base tomorrow. Dismissed.

(A/N: You can end the song here if you want, but I'll bring it back later on.)

I walked off the stage and looked to ride back to base, but I saw Mikasa coming up to me.

Instead of going onto my horse and riding away, I looked at Hange for confirmation, and she nodded with a smile, letting me know that I can bring Mikasa with me.

I brought her up to my horse as I got on first, and then Mikasa got up as she wrapped her arms around me.

Elias: You ready?

Mikasa: Always.

She then leaned over and kissed my cheek as we Traveller started walking forward with Hange and the others back to the base.

It was a few long hours, but we made it as I took her to my room.

I noticed that Mikasa was very tired and was about to sleep, so I carried her in my arms, put her on my bed, pulled a blanket over her, and kissed her head.

Elias: G'night, sweetheart. I love you.

Instead of going into the bed with her, I took another pillow and slept on the floor.

I felt like it was only right to let her have the bed because it's gentlemanly to do so.

Also, Carla, while I was young, taught me proper etiquette and how to be respectful towards girls and other women. I do believe Equal Rights, Equal Fights, but at the same time, it's better to be have morals and boundaries than be a complete asshole.

That's just how I see it and I don't care if anyone disagrees.

~Next Morning~

I saw that all the people were here and Eren was talking to them, but Mikasa and I were cleaning out the horse stable while Oluo was out front.

I cleaned up the horse shit while Mikasa was dealing with the hay.

You know what? I think this would be an ideal life for us when we retire, just living off the grid and making a living.

Of course, we'd have to get enough money to make it happen, but I think that with our service in the military, I think we'll be pretty well paid.

However, I saw that Jean was talking to Eren and told him about Marco. When he said that Marco had died, Eren didn't seem to believe it until Jean told him the whole story.

I plan on giving Jean the remains of Marco's jacket sometime soon because I really want Marco to be remembered. We might not have known each other since the Cadet years, but he was a nice guy.

After a while, their Scout cloaks were here and there was one left for Mikasa after they went through them all.

I really loved the fact that everyone had gotten one, even if I already had gotten one thanks to automatically becoming a Scout since Hange vouched for me.

However, later on, we all got to talking about Eren's Titan power and why it was very important to this mission.

Eren: So then, you guys are really...

Mikasa: Yes. We will be in the upcoming operation as well.

Jean: Hey, Eren. I heard that while you were in your Titan form, you intentionally tried to crush both Elias and Mikasa. You mind telling us what that's all about?

Elias: You're wrong. He thought he was just swatting a fly.

Jean: I wasn't asking you. How come your shoulder's not working as properly and she's got a cut on her cheek? It looks deep. Just how did she get that, again?

Eren: Apparently it's all true. When I was a Titan, I tried to kill them both.

Jean: "Apparently?" As in you don't remember whether you did or not? So basically, you can transform into a 14-meter tall monster at will, but when you do, you don't actually have full control over it?

Eren: Not yet, but that's right.

Jean: Do you hear that everyone? What a fine situation this is. Our lives and the fate of all mankind rest on his shoulders. I'm guessin' we'll probably all end up like Marco, dead well before Eren even knows it.

Elias: Would you cut the shit? What's the point of chastising Eren now? Give it a rest.

Jean: Listen, Elias. Unlike you and Mikasa, most of the rest of us aren't just willing to throw our lives away for him on a whim. We need a reason. The truth. We want to know what we're laying our lives down for. Otherwise, we might hesitate when the time is at hand. What we want is a guarantee from Eren.

Elias: It's quite simple, for the fate of humanity's in the balance and I can guarantee that Eren can plus up the wall in Shinganshina.

Jean: How do you know, Elias? He's a walking wild card.

Elias: Maybe so, but he can be better than what happened before.

Jean: You really don't know what he's capable of. Just because he tried to kill you and Mikasa it doesn't mean that he can make things better.

Elias: You can try to slander his potential all you want, but I can see us taking back the wall. It's no wonder I left you off the Titan Killer Corps, Shitstain.

Then, some of the friends actually chuckled or laughed at the nickname I gave to Jean as he looked pissed.

Jean: You're calling me that again? Let me tell you something Elias, you may not like me, but at this point, any soldier is worth laying down their lives for Eren. If he can do it, we'll all for him.

Elias: Finally you said something that's memorable. For now, let's just get some rest. I mean, we have a lot to go over for the Expedition and it makes sense if we go to bed.

~One Month Later~

We all had our horses ready to go and we had everyone for TKC as we were in Calanth District to begin our journey.

Mikasa, Oluo, Petra, Armin, Nanaba, Gin, Gelgar, Hange, and myself are together as Eren was with Gunther and Levi.

I hated leaving him, but it was better if we went with the plan.

Garrison Elite 1: Gates open in 30 seconds!

Elias: Gates open in 30 seconds!

Darius: This is it! The day has come for humanity to take another step forward! Now let's show those Titans exactly what we're made of!

Then, Erwin, who must've heard me the other time, when Tristan was being taken back, nodded at me to give out the word as the gates were risen up...

Erwin: It's officially begun, the 57th Recon Mission! Scouts, move out!


The scouts cheered as we rode through the entrance and looked to take back Wall Maria, but little did everyone know, this was much bigger than we thought it was gonna be.

(A/N: And now I can ice my fingers until I write the next chapter for another book.)

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