Niall Horan Imagines and Pref...

By Harrys_Kitten_xo

372K 6.7K 314

I was requested for this book by one of my beautiful readers 'emmalee1D', hope you like it love :) More

How You Meet
First Date
You Meet The Boys For The First Time
He's Sick
You're Sick
You Fall Asleep On Him
He Forces You To Kiss Him
Personal for Emma
He Comes Home Upset
"You're Late"
Another Man Hits You
You Have A Nightmare
You Get Stressed
He Finds Something Dark From Your Past
Wedding Planning
"It's Okay Princess"
Self Concious
Knee Issues
Snow Storms
He's Leaving For Tour
He Gives You A Massage
You Turn Him On Then Leave
He Gets Jealous Of Another Member
You Tease Him At Dinner
He's Stressed and In A Bad Mood
"I've Got You"
Stars In The Sky
"I Miss You"
He's Drunk
You Get Mobbed
Hate On Twitter
He Finds Out
First Tour
The Paparazzi Touch You
He Needs You
He Helps You
You Fall Asleep On Him And He Doesn't Want To Wake You
You Get Caught In A Storm
He Meets Your Brothers
He Finds Out Your A Dancer
Fans Catch Him Touching Your Bum
He Gets Scared
Meeting Him At The Airport After A Long Tour
You Convince Him Too Take The Day Off
I Miss This
Personal Requests Now Opennnn
Personal For Kris

Cold Awakenings

5.4K 118 14
By Harrys_Kitten_xo

You had woken up before him, which wasn't much of a surprise since he literally would sleep in till afternoon if you gave him the chance.

It was freezing outside, and the cold had infiltrated the house over the hours of the night in which the heating wasn't constantly warming within the rooms.

Yet, no matter what the weather, Niall insisted on sleeping in absolutely nothing. Of course, you didn't mind it. Mainly because it made morning sex a little bit more accessible, but also because it meant you could have a bit of fun while you were waking him up.

You sat, cross-legged, in the bed, wriggling your toes as you rubbed the bottom of your feet. They were literally freezing - but you knew you could do better. You put your feet down onto the wooden floors, moving from your bed and into the kitchen. There, you stood on the tiles for a moment before running back to the bedroom and jumping onto the bed. You placed your feet on his bare bum, grinning as he moved away from you quickly.

"Oi!" Niall said, his voice slightly muffled by the pillows beneath his face, "Get your cold feet off my bum!"

"Nope!" You sang, laughing as you dug your heels into his bum. Niall only groaned in response.

"You're a little shit for waking me up so early."

"It's eleven Niall. ELEVEN."

"Still too early."

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