Valorant One-Shot Book

By goldpaw0821

1.8K 44 50

Killjoy/raze, sage/Renya, and other ships and friendships! Dont be afraid to send me requests! More

Requests Open!
Blood on her hands (warmth in her heart) (killjoy centric)
Family has your back
Lost in the Dark (not a ship)
Panic and Parents (Iso oneshot)
Game Night
Family Bonding (Jett, Killjoy, Neon, and Raze)
Friends in the night (Neon and Killjoy)
Death do us part (Killjoy/Raze)
Friends at her Side
Bots vrs. Blinks
Omen and his cat
Safe and Sound (killjoy/Raze)
My Nightmare
Agent Renya plus one
Little maus
"What Happened to me?!" (Omen & Viper)
Not your fault (renya and Killjoy)
I got your back (Reyna and Killjoy)
Nightmares in the Night (Fade & Neon)
On our Side
Father Sova
Helpless in the night (Jett/Pheonix)
Lab Antics (killjoy&Viper)
Lab kisses (Viper/Killjoy)
Lean on me (Viper and Killjoy)
Karaoke Night
Little knitted plushies (Omen)
Captured Radiant (Jett/Pheonix)
Killjoy vrs The Cold
Downed in Icebox (Skye/Yoru)
Futuristic Lovers
Druken Kisses (Yoru/Skye)
Googly eye cuteness (Omen/Cypher)
Your not Alone anymore (Iso and Gekko)
Problems on Vacation. (Fade/Neon)

Useless Bots/useless enginneer

27 2 0
By goldpaw0821

(Reyna hates killjoy because of what happened to her hometown and her sister, but even though Kingdom used her weapons, Reyna believes that its still Killjoys fault. Angst but Killjoy gets a little comfort at the end. also im so sorry for all those who actually like Reyna being nice to KJ, bc me too, they would be such good friends if Reyna can look past her anger.)

It had started almost the moment Reyna had joined the protocol. Reyna's eyes darkened with anger anytime Killjoy was nearby, or one of her bots came anywhere close to Reyna. It had started with sharp glares, and rough shoves, shoulder checks, and bruising grips. On missions with Reyna, killjoy tried to stay as far from the mexican as she could, though whenever she finished off a omega agent, or god forbid one of her bots stole the kill, she could feels Reyna's sharp glare promising pain. 

It had exilated from there to actual physical bruises, and broken bones. she had passed them off to being clumsy in the lab or Training anytime she went to Sage or even Skye for any broken bones or bad bruising. she had to wave away any concern from her friends who saw the supiscally placed bruises on her arms or neck, saying that it was always something from her workshop, but she knew that everyone in the protocol knew of Reynas Hate of Killjoy's bots, they didn't know the hate to the engineer herself. It had all came to a terrifying end when Killjoy's torrent managed to hit the mexican.

They had a mission in Icebox. the cold biting Killjoys face and hands as she shot down B mid to keep the omega agents from planting. her turrent was placed down B and she could hear it chirp every time it spotted a enemy. after downing both Omega Reyna and Raze, her heart always clenches when she had to shoot at her girlfriends counterpart, she had placed down a alarm bot to her position before crossing the bridge to her turret. She started helping her team shoot down B Mid again to keep them from sneaking up on them, She could hear Jett, Viper, Phoenix and Reyna down below her calling out every time they saw a enemy agent, making sure the rest of the team knew. seeing Jett go down towards where she was aiming Killjoy turned to her turret to check on it when she saw it chirp again. at that moment both her turret and Reyna started shooting, the mexican stepping out of her cover to down the agent. Killjoy watched a call of warning on her lips as she watched her turret shoot, and watched as reyna shot down the agent. at that moment her turret shot one last time and she saw it arch towards Reyna. She opened her mouth to call out a warning though was a second to late as the bullet hit the mexican on the shoulder. 

She winced and quickly zipped down the rope and carefully made her way to Reyna, feeling the chilling death glare the mexican had on her. "mein gott are you okay? you mov- umph!" when she was close enough reynas eyes flashed dangerously and she grabbed the engineer's arm dragging her behind some containers with a bruising grip. Killjoy groaned softly as her back met the containers wall roughly, and swiftly met the eyes of the mexican. "re-reyna.. i swear i didn-" her stuttered apology was halted as Reyna snarled and grabbed the engineer by the throat, lifting ehr off the ground as Killjoy furiously tried to pry Reyna's hands off her throat. "did  you do that on purpose little rat." Reyna spat furiously, a almost smirk growing on her face as killjoy scrambling got more frantic. the engineer couldn't say anything more than a soft whimper of pain, feeling her head grow heavy with how long she was left unbreathing.

Reyna only seemed to snarl at her pathetic attempts at freeing herself, and instead threw the engineer roughly to the ground, earning a bitten back yell of pain as killjoy landed on her shoulder and hit her head against the snow covered ground. when the engineer was disoriented Reyna kicked her side hard, throwing her up and hitting her back and the back of her head against the container before falling to the ground again. Killjoy half yelled out in pain, as she yet again hit the ground, tears gathering in the enginners eyes. Reyna scoffed at the show of weakness from the engineer, grabbing her arm roughly again to pull her up and pin her against the container. "you are lucky that we are on a mission and your worthless brain is useful. your only on the protocol because your Brimstone's Kid. your bots are USELESS." Reyna pushed her roughly into the coniater one last time, relishing in the yell of pain it elicited from killjoy, before dropping the engineer to the ground. 

Reyna just scoffed at the limp form of the engineer, out before she hit the ground. sounds of confusion rang through the earpiece as Jett and Viper tried to figure out why Killjoy yelled. "Omega got to Killjoy and had roughed her up abit before i got to her, she is fine though." Reyna said simply, grabbing the limp form of the engineer and threw her over her shoulder and reemerging from behind the container and heading towards the rest of her team. "alright, Omega has retreated, lets get out of here " Vipers voice rang over the comms as Reyna met Jett and Phoenix By B mid. Reyna saw Jett look worriedly to the engineer on her shoulder and just scoffed, depositing Killjoy next to her friends before walking a few steps away to wait for Viper to finish requesting a dropship back. Reyna saw that Jett had messed with Killjoys bracelet to store back her turret and Alarm Bot, as Phoenix looked over the engineer. 

Jett was confused. she knew from experience that Omega didn't fight hand on hand, they would rather shoot, and yet Killjoy had no bullet wounds. instead a bruise in the suspicious shape of a hand was on the engineers throat, and a decent bump was slowly forming on the back of the engineers head. Jett was most worried about concussion, though knew that once they got Killjoy to Sage she would be fine. Phoenix was beside her, helping to make sure their friend was okay. Soon they heard the engines of a dropship, and Viper had joined the group yet again. The only thing showing Vipers worried was the slight furrowing of her eyebrows as she noted the bruises on Killjoy's throat. 

as soon as the dropship landed, the ramp opened and Sage stood on the ramp. Sage was quick to take the engineer gently from Jetts hands and she turned to put the engineer gently on a few sets to heal her up. Phoenix and Jett had gathered around the healer, ready to stay with their friend as Reyna and Viper climbed aboard. Ryena scoffed quietly at the sight of the duelist near the sential before taking a seat of her own, Though Viper was quick to stand in front of the mexican. "what did you do." Viper stated simply, her gaze boring into the mexican, who morphed her face to one of nonchalant. "whatever do you mean Viper?" Vipers face soured further, her mask no longer covering how her nose scrunched in distaste and her mouth curling into a snarl. "to killjoy. Omega had retreated as soon as you killed their Sova, and then you both just disappear. and now Killjoy ends up like that? we both know how much you dislike her Machines, but to get PHYSICAL over it is petty." Reyna's face morphed into one of anger as she stood up to face Viper head on. "dont try protecting the little rat. you know as well as i do what her and her MACHINES did to me. and besides HER machine shot me. so like i said. it was a OMEGA agent." the duelist glared down the initiator, both aring the other to move as Sage moved forward. Reyna felt Sage's healing stitch up her shoulder wound. 

when they had landed Sage had brought Killjoy to the medbay, letting her sleep off the pain, and wake up on her own. Jett and Phoenix, and quickly Neon and Raze had joined the two duelist in watching over Killjoy and ready to wait until the engineer was up. they knew there was something worse going on between Reyna and Killjoy, though without proof they couldn't do anything else but helping the engineer and staying with her,

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