Safe and Sound (killjoy/Raze)

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The quiet of the hanger left the three agents on edge. One figure stood close to the landing pad, his bright orange hat like a beacon as he stood, arms clasped behind him. Outwardly he showed no sins of being worried, though he was completely freaking out inside. Two other figures stood just behind him. One cloaked in a long sleeved overcoat with a belt, containing little spheres of heals. She had a medic team right beside her, ready to take agents that were hurt to the medbay.

A Brazilian woman stood to the left of brimstone, her head held high though taught with worry. Her eyes anxiously scanning the sky for any sign of the airship. They had gotten the call from Sova that the mission was a bust. Kingdom was ready for them somehow, and 2 agents were hurt, one badly. Raze felt her heart stutter when she heard the call, as her girlfriend, well secret girlfriend, was on that mission. She prayed to any god above that Killjoy wasn't hurt and she would be safe.

Finally the sounds of the aircraft got louder and eventually they could see the craft as it started its descent. As soon as it touched the ground and shut off Sages team moved forward and was ready to move as soon as the doors open. Raze watched nervously as jett limped out, to the healer who motioned her over as the rest of the team ran inside the ship. She could hear taking from within, then all chaos broke loose as the team frantically yelled for the healer.

Raze had seen Sova, Viper and Omen walk out, all looking fine despite some minor scratches, so she ran over to them. "Where's killjoy is she ok-" as she started talking the medical team started pushing the gurney out, all their faces tight with worry and concern, sage was right behind them yelling orders, though Raze could only focus on the limp form on the bed. Bleeding from a head wound, and stomach wound, her usually bright yellow jacket was stained with crimson, her glasses were cracked beyond saving, and she was deathly still.

Raze didn't register the hand on her shoulder until Sova pulled her close, intrupputing her gaze as the team ran into the base. "Wh-what happened?!" Raze said softly, meeting the eyes of Sova. "Kingdom was waiting for us.. there was no way to get close without risking death, so killjoy ran forward to distract them with jett... their plan.. she flatlined as soon as we landed.." Raze watched the usually composed man shift worriedly. "She'll be fine though Raze, Sage's got her." Omen said softly, resting his own hand on Razes shoulder.

The bomb expert just nodded, then moved as Brimstone walked over, to get a mission debrief, and started heading towards the medical bay. She hated the fact that her girlfriend was hurt, though killjoy was always willing to throw her life away if it meant her team was safe. Raze thought she had stopped Klara from doing that, but this mission just proves she didn't. Raze pushed through the doors to find the medic team finishing up with the cleaning and wrapping of killjoys wounds, sage stood to the side, ready to revive the young engineer as soon as they were done.

Upon spotting the bomb expert, sage motioned her over with a grim smile. "Hey kiddo.. came to check on your friend?" Raze just nodded, looking over the still form of her girlfriend. Both her beanie and jacket had been taken off, now sitting on the chair next to the bed, alongside her belt and leg piece. The young engineer looked so tiny in the bed, her pale face visible once the medic team put a blanket over her. "She will e fine when she wakes up.. though she will feel the pain.." safe said as she quickly revived the German. When will she wake up..?" Raze whispered, already grabbing her girlfriend's hand softly, feeling the warmth return. "Within a hour or longer.. it's always different kiddo. I'm going to assume you want to stay?" Raze nodded before looking sheepishly at the healer. "If that's okay.. I want to make sure she will be fine.." sage just nodded with a smile. She knew that the two girls had something more than friendship going on, especially after seeing Raze's face contorted with worry.

Instead of saying anything sage just nodded and watched as raze gently moved Killjoys gear, before sitting in the chair and taking her girlfriends hand again, ready to wait patiently for her love to wake up. Sage smiled softly and turned away from the bed, about to head to brimstones office to tell him killjoy would be fine, before a soft voice stopped her. "You and me till the end meu amor." Sage smiled before heading fully out, her suspicions confirmed by the simple line.

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