I got your back (Reyna and Killjoy)

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the sounds of gunshots and her team screaming in her ear did little to waver the concentration Killjoy had. she was hiding behind the corner, where the omega agents had planted spike and was trying to defuse it quickly. Footsteps and the sound of her girlfriend's boombot confirmed that she was nearby and safe. renya was to her left, making sure the engineer was protected as she fought her way to the spike. 

after their last talk the two had grown closer, and starting a friendship no one could predict, though the engineer managed to befriend the chemist so maybe not a unusual friendship. said chemist was Site As mid slowly helping in drawing the omega forces back. "killjoy hurry, we dont have eyes on two omega agents." "i know i know, they upgraded their stuff though! sheisse" killjoy jumped back as the spike sparked and the beeping getting louder. a sudden force knocked her unbalanced as she hit the wall with a soft grunt, about to question reyna until footsteps made themselves known. "where are you guys hiding?" omega cyphers voice called from above, and a flash of white warned them that his hat had been thrown. 

reyna was first to react, shooting the hat then repositioning to shoot at cypher from above. Killjoy gripped her phantom tighter ready to reposition herself and help with knocking cypher down when a flurry of shoots had her ducking away agin. the sounds of gas being extracted and the sight and smell of the poison gas had killjoy running for the hallway to get away, effectively separating her from the others on her team. she could hear reyna, Raze, and Jett  through the comms. "killjoy where the hell are you?! we need you to defuse!" "hurry Omega cypher and Phoenix are pulling back for now." "anyone have eyes on Omega Viper?" she was shaken out of her thoughts by a sharp pain to her side, and she dove for the closest cover. she could hear grunts of pain from her girlfriend and Reyna as they fought them back, and the wind carried the spikes quick beeping over the site. "farewell persistent mouse." Vipers words got drowned out by the sounds of a dropship, and as killjoy peeked, she saw it retreat with the omega agents.

 "EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE SPIKES BLAST RADIUS! HURRY!" Killjoy yelled into the mic as she pushed herself up ad started running. the panicked sounds of her team confirmed they were doing the same, if not already had done it as she counted down the seconds she had. running out of time she forgot to look where she was going and landed on a loose crack in the pavement, rolling her ankle and falling to the ground with a grunt. adrenaline filled her system as she felt hands on her jacket and pull her into a sturdy looking wall as the spike went off. 

she clutched tightly to the person closing her eyes and pressing herself as close to the wall as she could as the resounding boom and spark of light from the spike went off, the wave swallowing everything in its path. she clenched her teeth hard as pain sprouted from her arms and side as the blast radices reached them, though it was gone just as fast. after a second of heavy breathing the figure pulled away and looked over the young engineer,saying something that killjoy couldn't hear over the pounding of her own heart. 

renya was glad she managed to find illjoy not dead, though with time running very short the first thing she coud think of was dragging the egnieer behind a wall. she felt killjoy grip her arms tightly and shove her eyes closed jus as the spike went off. without thinking Renya pulled the egnieer closer to protect her as much as she could while the spike went off, and as soon as it was over she sighed. releasing the eginner she looked her over and relaxed seeing her relatively unharmed she felt the anger coming back to her. the engineer left them to deal with the spike, probably to gain more information and that couldve killed the rest of the team. "what the hell where you thinking killjoy?! what happened back there anyway?! your the only one who knows how to defuse the damn spike and you just di- killjoy?"

 finally Renya registered that killjoy wasnt asnwering, nor even registering what was going on just yet. a quick glance into glaze eyes confirmed that the engieer was in the middle of  a panic attack, one that had her just completly shut down. "hey, hey listen to my vouce Klara, your okay, i do need you to breathe please.. deep breathes, there you go." reyna took one of her hands and pressed it agasint her chest in a effort for killjoy to follow her breathing. slowly it seemed to work as killjoy started following her breathes, faintly at first but as she relaxed more it was more noticable. finally her eyes seemed to focus once again on renya and she let out  deep sigh, pulling her hand back. "so-sorry reyna.. i kn-know i jeopardized the mission i-i wa try-" renya stopped the scrambling and mumbling engineer with a queit hug, letting out a sigh. slowly she felt the enginner hug back, still shaking, likely from the near hit and renyas yelling ealier. "its fine killjoy, just glad your safe. i got your back no matter what remeber?"

killjoy chuckled softly at her words, remebering her last mission with the Empress, killjoy hd said those exact words to her and they had both gotton out alive. after a few more moments Reyna helped Klara up and led the way back to the ship where jett and Raze greeted them with a hug. once everyone was seeted they headed back to the protocol, reyna and kiljoy sitting side by side, a mutral trust forming stronger.

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