On our Side

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(What if something in Kay/Os system made him turn agaisnt his radiant teammates??)

Killjoy was the first one to notice that
Kay/o was acting strange. She had worked with robots her entire life, though they were much smaller and less complex than Kay/O she could recognize a malfunction when she saw it. It was just her, Pheonix, Kay/O, Neon and Jett in the training rooms Lobby, just relaxing and chatting as Killjoy was trying to fix and update the bots for the group. Pheonix and Jett were snacking on some chips and throwing taunts at each other, as Neon chatted with Killjoy and Kay/O.

It started with a slight twitch of his head, that's what gained Killjoys attention to it, though she didn't think much of it since he was operating like normal. She just made a mental note to see if she can fix it before turning back to her computer. Though it happened 3 more times, the glitch lasting abit longer every single time. That's when killjoy finally snapped shut her laptop and focused on Kay/O. "What's up KJ? You look like you're about to dissect Kay/O." Neon stated, noting her friend acting unusual. "You didn't see it?" Killjoy said not moving her eyes from Kay/O.

"See what bruv?" Pheonix stated from behind her, their talking gaining his attention. "Bro you much be spending way to much time on the computers and your bots. Nothings happening see." Neon said motioning around them, though that didn't seem to help, instead earn a frown from her friend. "I-I swear.. it looked like a glitch." "I am working fine killjoy. No need for this study." Kay/O said, his voice slightly off, which had Killjoy glaring at him again. Suddenly his systems went red and blaring, he immediately tried fixing it, killjoy jumping up to help when he suddenly just shut down.

"O.....Kay? I see what you mean now KJ.. Yo Kay/O got it fixed?" Jett said moving closer, stopping just beside Killjoy when she held out a hand. "Don't.. it might not be safe. Remeber he is a radiant killing bot.." killjoy stated quickly. If his systems were acting weird like this then there's a chance he could go back to his previous objectives. Her friends seem to take the hint and back away, as Killjoy slowly approached. Kay/O system seemed to come back with a hum though it was red not his normal blue they knew.

"Kay/o? You good buddy?" Killjoy said reaching out to touch his shoulder when her arm was grabbed midair. With a grunt she grabbed his hand and yanked trying to get her arm free as he slowly stood. "He-hey Kay/O... starting to hurt alittle buddy, mind let-" she heard her friend yell her name as she was suddenly thrown in the air, crashing into the wall and dropping with a thud out cold. Kay/O grabbed the nearest Vandal, cocking it before walking towards the three radiants huddled infront of him. "Terminate radiants."

Neon tapped into her powers and shot past Kay/O to behind him and shooting electricity at his wirings, praying that that would get him to stop, though it got nothing more than pissing off the robot more. He turned to her and started shooting, neon tapping into her powers again and bolting off as Pheonix and Jett dove for guns of their own. "Neon! Get Brimstone or Sage or someone to help!" Jett said as she rolled away from the gunshots and started shooting at the bot herself, which had switched its target to her, giving neon enough time to dart out of the door and towards Brimstones Office yelling for help.

Few agents stopped, curious on why Neon was yelling, and Viper actually stopped the young girl girl, eyebrows furrowed. "Neon? What's wrong? Why are you so frantic?" "Kay/O- Training- Jett and Pheonix!" Neon said between breathes, frantically trying to explain and get the older agents to follow her. Dogs shared a glance with Viper and omen before stepping forward. "Easy neon, take a breathe then explain." Neon shook her head though did take a deep breathe. "You need to go to the training room! Somethings wrong with Kay/O! Attacking Radiants!" Viper narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Wouldn't Killjoy be able to shut him down before he hurts anyone?" Sova asked, asking the question Viper was just thinking. "Knocked out before she could! We need help now!" That got the other into action as Sova ran for Sage and Brimstone while Vioer and Omen followed Neon back to the training room, where sounds of gunshots could be heard from behind the door. When they entered the room was in chaos.

Jett and Pheonix were ducked behind an overturned table popping up to shoot at the boy as Kay/O shot at them. Both seemed relatively unharmed though sported shallow scratches and bruises from things falling. Raze was shooting at it from the side, with Breach and Astra helping out. Killjoy was just getting back to their feet as they entered, groaning softly and getting to hands and knees trying to reorient herself . Viper was quick to throw a snakebite right at the robots feet, watching it eat away at the metal and verbose and kicking him off balance. They took the chance to kick away the gun from his hands, and Vioer shot another snakebite at Kay/O.

Once figuring out what was going on the engineer was quick to get to her feet and run over to where the other agents where inning down Kay/O. Quickly getting through thanks to the psion, ignoring it for the time being, she grabbed the power core and turned it off after a few tense minutes. The robots struggles faded to a halt, the only sounds where the agents panting and the sizzling of the poison eating away at the metal. That's when Brinstone, Sova and Sage ran in, all three panting heavily and taking in the damage done to the Pratcie room.

Sage walked over to the agents and started healing the small cuts and bruising from the fight, thankful that no one was seriously injured. Brimstone stood over the agents, who where still processing themselves what happened, a tense silence filling the room before Brinstone broke it. "What in the world happened here?" Jett, Pheonix and Neon all looked over to Killjoy, who was looking over Kay/O so she could fix him. Feeling eyes on her she glanced up and thought back to the question.

"O-oh.. he was glitching a lot then just kinda shut down, I think his backup core restarted him, but instead of being.. how he was.. he was the radiant killer bot from his world. I told the others to stay back, since we all know his suppression abilities and he could've actually hurt them, and I tried to get him to either come back, or get close enough to shut down when he kinda grabbed my arm.. then threw me into the wall? I don't know what happened after that, though seemed like you guys fought him?" She turned back to the three radiants who nodded their heads.

"Me and Jett started shooting at Kay/O to get him away from Killjoy, and sent Neon to get help since she was fast, Raze heard the commotion and came in to help, her bombs did most of the damage though it doesn't look bad." Pheonix took over, filling in the engineer as well as the older agents. "Killjoy, do you think you could fix him?" Sage said tilting her head. "Of course I can! Don't call me the genius of Germany for nothing." Killjoy said with a hint of sarcasm. "Though I may need some help from cypher, some of this wiring looks complicated.."

"Alright kiddos, go rest up or relax, you all had a busy day." Brimstone said, watching as they filed past, talking softly to each other, killjoy shot one last look to Kay/O before leaving. Once they were out Brinstone sighed. "I don't want to hear it Viper." Viper shot him a look, paring it with a glare. But wisely held her tounge for now as Omen and Sova picked up the main peices, being careful of the poison and bringing them to Killjoys workshop. "Cmon viper I know you and me have a mission. Sage can you make sure the youngers are alright." "Of course Brinstone." Sage would've done it anyway, feeling protective of the younger agents, and worry about them after fighting a radiant killer.

With one last look to the mess of the pratcie room, they headed out, splitting off and hoping this would be the last incident.

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