How Could You? (Souyo)

By personamo

5K 206 47

Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. He also knew he had no chance with Yosuke. Even then, he couldn't let g... More

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Bon Appétit
Big City
We're Friends, Aren't We?
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Won't Go
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?

Can't Keep Checking My Phone

38 0 0
By personamo

Yu's POV:

"...How have you been?"

I don't respond. Primarily because I don't think the question is for me.

"I was worried," Nanako admits quietly, slowly letting go of my hand.

"Now, now," Dojima sighs. "There was no need to worry, was there?"

It's sort of hard to have a family reunion like this when another officer is sitting in the room.

He told us not to mind him, but I can't help but think this is a test—something to test Dojima's behaviour at home.

I feel uncomfortable.

"Yu's been doing good, too," Adachi pipes up, slapping me on the back.

I blink. Since when did he call me by my first name?

"I see," he nods slowly. He's watching me. I don't have to look up to know that.

"Dad? Can we order sushi?" Nanako smiles brightly. "Please?"

Dojima opens his mouth to respond, but his officer beats him to it.

"Actually, Nanako-chan, you will need to head back shortly."

"Back?" She frowns.

"Back to my place," Adachi gives a small smile.

"But..." She mutters, playing with the hem of her skirt as she looks back to the ground.

"The doctor says I need a night or two alone," Dojima lies. "That's all."

She looks back up to the three men on the couch. "But you've been alone for a long time."

"It wasn't that long, Nanako," he chuckles. "Don't worry. Adachi will order you sushi—the most expensive sushi in Inaba. Isn't that right?" He grins, turning back to Adachi.

"H-Huh?" He stammers, shifting a little in his seat. "D-Dojima-san—"

"Yay!" Nanako giggles.

"How can you say no to that?" Dojima hums.

"Fine. Sushi for dinner," Adachi surrenders.

"Not for breakfast?" She mumbles.

"You haven't made her any breakfast?" Dojima snaps.

"W-We were gonna be late," he splutters.

"I can't believe you..."

"I'll make her something," I say, getting to my feet.

"I can make my own breakfast," she pouts.

"You mean, you don't want to taste my cooking?"

She pauses for a second. "Okay, big bro. You can make my breakfast."

I pat her on the head before turning for the kitchen.

Some toast and eggs should do..

I grab out the bread, sliding two slices into the toaster with a quiet pop.

"Is he alright to be alone over there?" I hear the guy whisper.

"Eh?" Adachi scoffs. "Of course he is."

"There are plenty of sharp objects in a kitchen."


"Hey," Dojima snaps. "Don't make assumptions like that, alright?"

I chew my lip. He's defending me?

"Perhaps you should join him, Adachi-san," the guy grunts. "Or rather, maybe I should. Just to be safe."

"I got it," Adachi grumbles. I hear the fabric of the couch shift before seeing him appear beside me.

"I'm okay," I murmur.

"You heard?"

"You weren't quiet."

"Right," he nods with a sigh. "Ignore him. Just a miserable old bastard."

I smile a little. It's reassuring to hear him say something like that.

"Dojima-san seems well," he continues, glancing back.

"Yeah," I breathe.

"I wanted to give you guys chance to talk, but..." He says. "Kammono-san over there won't allow it."

"I'd be surprised if he did."

"Listen. Let me give you a hand, alright?"

"I'm fine alone."


"Go find out whatever else you can about the situation."

His eyes widen. I suppose he wasn't expecting me to bark orders at him, but he nods anyway.

At least I can count on him.


Yosuke's POV:

No Yu, huh? Seems like it's gonna be a long day...

He never said anything, though. I guess that's what's bothering me. Did something come up?

As if on cue, my cell vibrates beneath the table.

"Whoever's cellphone that is," Kashiwagi snaps. "Turn it off. Otherwise, I'll take it and you won't get it back."


Then again, King Moron woulda just come up and snatched it off me in front of everyone, giving a huge lecture on how useless and pathetic technology was.

...Still. He didn't deserve to go down like that. He was innocent.

I wait until Kashiwagi turns her back.


Kanji: Yu should be
back by lunch.

I frown.

Yosuke: u spoke 2 him?

Kanji: Yeah?

Yosuke: well is he okay?

Kanji: He's fine.

He's acting as if I don't have the right to know what's going on with Yu.

Yosuke: where is he

Kanji: With Dojima-san.

Shit. Why didn't he say anything!?

Yosuke: Alone??

Kanji: Adachi-san and
Nanako-chan are there too.

Oh, great. Adachi.

Kanji: Don't worry about

Yosuke: yeah

Yosuke: dont worry abt naoto

Yosuke: we'll save him


Yu's POV:

"Have you heard?" Adachi mumbles, tearing his eyes from the road. "That Naoto's disappeared."

"I heard."

"Honestly," he groans, shaking his head. "He should leave it to the professionals."

"If anything, he's helping you out," I say. "He's getting info on the killer than you have failed to capture. If all goes well, he might even be able to identify the guy."

"Wow," he chuckles. "You really are fond of him, huh?"

"I'm just saying."

He stops the car just down the road from Nanako's school. The jolt takes me by surprise, but I try not to let it show.

"Thank you," Nanako smiles, grabbing her bag and opening the door.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" I ask, leaning over the seat.

She merely shakes her head. "I'll be okay. Bye!"

"Have a good day," Adachi waves as she shuts the door behind her, skipping her way up to the school.

I wish I was as excited as her.

Seeing Dojima today made me feel a mixture of a whole range of emotions. I didn't know whether to be scared and cautious, or jovial and friendly for the sake of Nanako.

I didn't know what I felt. I felt ashamed, I guess. Like I had no right to be in that very room with him. Because I was the one who had to be watched. Not him and whatever drugs he'd taken.

Though, I guess I understand. I'm lucky they haven't put the attack on my permanent record, thanks to Adachi.

Just seeing Dojima eye-to-eye again... All I can see is him pleading and begging me to call for an ambulance.

I don't expect him to forgive me—not in the least. Similarly, I don't want to split him and Nanako apart. She needs him.

"Why don't we head to Okina?" Adachi says softly, starting the car back up.

I pull a face. "But—"

"School can wait," he scoffs. "I don't have work for the rest of the day, anyway."

I nod slowly. It's not like I actually want to go there, anyway. Not when I can't think straight. I'm afraid of letting it show.


Yosuke's POV:

"I thought you said he'd be here by now," I groan, pacing up and down the rooftop.

"Maybe I got it wrong," he mutters, waving his chopsticks in the air. "Why don't you give him a call?"

"Wha—?" I turn back. "Me?"

"You're the one who's curious."

"I'm worried. There's a difference."

"He's probably fine," Rise forces a smile.

"Unless Dojima's done something," I snap.

"He wouldn't," Chie frowns. "Not with Nanako-chan around."

"Yeah, but—"

"You're thinking too much," Yukiko says gently. "I'm sure he's fine."

I shake my head, sitting back down. We still need to find out what the hell even happened that night—why did Dojima have cocaine in his system? It doesn't make any sense.

"Talk to Yuna-san," Rise suggests. "She always puts a smile on your face."

"No," Kanji frowns. "We need to talk about Naoto."

"Right," Chie nods. "So... After school, we head to Junes?"

"We'll see," I grunt, flipping open my cell. "Just wait til we hear from Yu."

"Better yet, we could take a break," Yukiko mumbles. "Yesterday was really tough."

Kanji tenses; it's clear. "But, he's—"

"We have time," I shrug.

"I know." He rubs his nose. "I just don't like waiting around."

"I know the feeling," Chie sighs. "But we can't do anything without Yu."

"Yeah," I agree. "Yu's the one who holds us all together. Without him, we wouldn't last."

"We wouldn't," Rise scoffs. "Because you and Kanji would tear each other's throats out."

I roll my eyes. Does she have to be so dramatic about it?

"Here's an idea," Chie beams. "Yosuke, say something nice about Kanji."

"What?" I splutter.

"Just do it," she snaps.

"Uh..." I look down at my lap, grimacing. "Your tattoo is pretty cool."

"It's fake," he says.

"No shit," I scoff.

"Yosuke," Chie scolds.

"Sorry. Whatever."

"Now, Kanji, say something nice about Yosuke."

He exhales. "You're a good friend."

"Don't try to butter me up," I frown.

"I'm serious," he grunts. "Yu wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. Not just the case—everything at home, too. You showed him how much you cared. It's admirable."

"Yeah, but," I grumble, kicking the floor. "You're the one he goes to, really, when he needs help."

He sighs. "He talks to me, yeah, but, with you, it's different, y'know? You cover the more... sensitive subjects."

Yeah, well, you cover the more physical subjects.

I shake out of it.

"Everything with Dojima," he shrugs. "And you take care of him. Like back in Iwatodai. When I was bein' an asshole."

I nod slowly. "Well, he's my best friend."

"He knows that," he nods. "And he appreciates that."

And he wants something more.

"See?" Chie chuckles, clasping her hands together. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Guess not," I mumble.

Kanji doesn't look my way, but I can tell he's smiling. He's a good kid at heart. I just haven't been the easiest to get along with, I guess.

But if things can be normal between me and Yu after finding out he's gay... It can't be too hard for things to be like that with Kanji, too.


Yu's POV:

"Adachi-san," I murmur, looking at all the bags on the floor. "Do you seriously need so many clothes?"

"They're for work." He sits down beside me, slurping a shake.

I frown, because I don't buy it. The money came from his promotion, sure, but... There's just no way he'd spend all his money on suits and ties.

"Are you trying to impress someone?" I ask.

He almost spits out his drink. "What?"

"Each outfit seems... too professional," I point out. "Formal—like you're headed to some sort of important event, that is completely unrelated to work." I pull a face.

"I'm not the greatest at this sort of thing," he mumbles. "So I just... bought it all."

"But, why?"

He looks away.

"Adachi-san?" I scoff. "I'm not carrying your bags around all day without knowing why."

"Like I said: it's work stuff."

"I don't believe you."

"I'm going out tonight," he snaps, tossing his cup into the trash.

"With who?"

He closes his eyes.




That's all? I mean... is he even allowed—?

"To a bar," he finishes.

I blink, my heart pounding. "Oh."

"Listen. I know it's not what you wanted to hear—"

"You're right. It's not."

Does he even realise how stupid he's being? If Dojima does anything stupid, he could end up back in hospital. Or worse, he could lose Nanako for good.

"It was his idea; not mine," he says, like it makes a damn difference. "Said he was sick of hospital food. He wanted something proper."

I shake my head. "You're unbelievable."


"You know what?" I scoff, throwing his bags onto his lap. "Forget it."

"Where the hell are you going? Yu!"


Yosuke's POV:

"Quit checking your phone," Chie scoffs, skipping alongside me. "She's probably busy."

I frown. "I was checking to see if Yu called, actually."

Her eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yes, really," I grunt. "He didn't show up at all today. I'm worried."

"Yeah," she breathes. "Let's head to Adachi's place to check up on him."

"N-Now?" I splutter.

"Yeah," she shrugs. "It's not like you've got anything better to do."

I was gonna head to the gym, but... Eh. I'm still a bit sore. And I don't wanna piss Mom off.

"Alright," I sigh.

"And, uh..." She begins. "It's good. That you and Kanji are getting along."

"Huh? I guess."

"Yu's gonna really appreciate it. Speaking of Yu..." She trails off, like she's seen something.

I lift my head up and spot him hurrying down the road, hands in his pockets.

"...Is he okay?" Chie murmurs.

"...I gotta go."


Yu's POV:

I don't have the heart to ignore him. But I don't have the will to reply.

I stop in my tracks, feeling my legs tense beneath me as he walks up alongside me.

"Are you okay?" He says. "I've been worried."

I nod slowly. "I'm fine."

"...How was Dojima?"

Dammit, Kanji.

"He was fine."

I know that's not what he meant. He couldn't give a damn about Dojima; he's worried about how I took it. God, why does he have to be like this?

"It was fine," I correct myself, clearing my throat. "Anyways. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Eh?" He pulls a face. "No, man... I'm free."

I bite my tongue, refusing to look his way in case he catches me out. "Go talk to Yuna, then."

"Yu," he murmurs.

"She probably misses you."

"If you need me—"

"I don't need you."

There's a moment of silence. I look back to him, just begging for him to speak.

"I don't wanna be with her. I wanna be with you."

I put my hand on a nearby wall, trying my hardest not to headbutt it a trillion times.

"Come on. Let's head somewhere quieter," he mutters. "Please, Yu."





Yosuke's POV:

Well, I guess the storage closet at Junes has got to do it...

Mom said she was on a video call or something at home, which kinda sucked. But I guess Yu would feel better when it's just the two of us.

"Uh," he breathes, looking to the ground.

"What's up?" I ask, shutting the door behind us.

Ah. Right.

"I'm sorry about what happened last time," he mumbles. "In here, I mean."

I nod slowly. "I know, man."

I swallow hard. Ha... That bastard kissed me... Uh, anyways.

"So," I say, sitting down on a fold-up chair. "What's going on?"

He does the same, and he sits with a sigh, slouching over his knees. "It's Adachi."

When is it not Adachi?

"What happened?"

"He cares about Dojima," he grunts. "Like, a lot."


"And I know he has good intentions, but," he frowns, pausing for a second. "He's being reckless."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's taking Dojima to some bar or something."


What an ass... Can't he see what that bastard's like when he's wasted?

"Yeah," he sighs. "I know it's none of my business, but—"

"Dude. It is your business," I scoff. "Man, you gotta stop him."

He shakes his head slowly. "If I get involved, it'll only end badly for me."

"And what about Dojima?"

"He'll be staying at his place tonight," he shrugs. "But, I..."


"I'm scared Adachi's gonna bring him back home anyway."

I bite my tongue, closing my eyes tight. "Dude..."

"It's stupid," he grumbles.

"It's not stupid."

"I'm scared for Nanako," he sighs. "I don't want her to see her dad like that, Yosuke. Not again."

"...I know."

"Because if he does anything stupid, they're gonna run more drug tests on him. They're gonna suspect every little thing is a reaction or side effect."

I sigh. I hate to ask, but... "And what about you? The police haven't said anything to you?"

He swallows hard. "Adachi cleared my name. It was self-defence, and... well, it's not like I'm the one with a kid."

"Yeah," I breathe.

"I'll be okay," he says, standing up. "Everything will be."

"Dude," I frown, stepping in his way to stop him from leaving.

His breath hitches.

Shit. Didn't mean to stand this close...

I take a step back. "Stay at my place tonight. So you don't have to see him."

"And what about Nanako?"

I furrow a brow. "We'll stay at yours, then."


"I'm not gonna let him hurt you," I frown. "Or Nanako."

"I'm not involving you in this," he scoffs.

"Let me be there for you. Please."

He nods slowly. "Thank you. Really."

He's gonna hug me. He's gonna hug me, he's gonna hug me; he's gonna—

He steps to the side, tugging on his jacket. "I'll leave the door open for you."

"S-Sure," I splutter. "I, uh... won't be long."


thanks for reading:)

word count: 2795

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