Love & Affection

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Yu's POV:

And in my dream, I'm holding him tightly, with his head listening to the sound of my heart beating.

He's so small in my arms. So cute. So perfect.

Quiet snores come from his mouth, clutching at my heart.

Skin touching skin, I feel my heart leap at the adrenaline.

His hair tickles my chin and his hands embrace me softly.

But it doesn't last.

No, dreams never do, do they?

We're nowhere near that intimate. And we never will be. He's made that quite clear.

I squeeze my eyes closed, but nothing can stop the wet tears strolling down my cheeks.


Yosuke's POV:

"...Yu?" I whisper.

He has his back to me, but that doesn't drown out the sound of silent sobbing.

"...Hey, Yu..." I nudge him on the shoulder slightly. His breathing comes to a halt. "Are you alright?"

He nods quickly, pulling the covers back over his head, as if to hide himself.


And here come the tears.

I feel my heart ache. I set it off, didn't I? I could have called him anything else, but I didn't. I just reminded him of how lonely he really is. How he has no one romantically.

"Come here," I whisper, pressing a hand to his shoulder.

He nuzzles his head to it, apologizing profusely.

"Don't do that," I say softly. "Don't apologize to me."

"I'm sorry," he croaks.


"You shouldn't have to see me like this."

"It's alright," I chuckle. "I can't see you, anyway."

He stifles a laugh.

"It's okay to cry," I sigh. "You loved her, man. I know how that feels. When Saki-senpai died..."

I find myself trailing off.

I was upset when she died. I honestly was, but... It wasn't a heartbreak, really... was it?

I thought I loved her, but... when they found her dead, I just felt like I lost a coworker - barely even a friend. Maybe we weren't as close as I had thought. Maybe I don't know what this is like.

"You don't have to talk about her," he grunts. He sounds almost like he doesn't want me to talk about her. But that's fine by me.

"...Come here?" It comes out as more of a question, than anything.

"...What?" He mumbles, his head twisting over his shoulder.

I usher him to my futon as he stares at me, open-eyed.


"Y-you don't have to, if you don't want to." I clear my throat awkwardly. "But I meant what I said before. I want to be your shoulder to cry on. Literally, or metaphorically."

"...I- I can't," he sighs. "Sharing a futon with you...? Th-that's for girls, and-"

"Yu." I cut him short. "If you need me, I'll be here."

He licks his lips carefully, contemplating the offer.

"I'd like you to join me," I find myself admitting.

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