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Yu's POV:

"Are you Mitsuo Kubo?" I call out.

The figure slowly turns to me.

He twitches slightly, his eyes seeming like an endless void.

"Answer us, dammit," Kanji snaps.

The figure breathes heavily.

"Are you the murderer?" I ask, gripping my katana at my side.

He smiles.

"You're gonna have to come with us," Yosuke says firmly.

His grin grows wider.

"We're not asking, here," Yosuke snaps.

His heavy breathing resumes, followed up by a small nod. "Yes... I did it... I killed them all..."

"How could you!?" Rise yells.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Chie scoffs.

He chuckles. "He's dead, too."

"...Who are you talking about?" Yukiko frowns.

"Ahaha... hahah... ahaha..."

He slowly lifts his arm, pointing towards some sort of archway to the side.

I can't quite make out what's inside there, but his sinsiter grin is enough to make my stomach churn.

"H-he's got to be kidding..." Rise whispers.

I bite my lip. "I'm gonna go check it out."

"Don't, Senpai," Rise pleads.

"...I think it's best if we don't find out," Chie says slowly.

"We're gonna find out anyway if a body shows up," Kanji scoffs.

"I'll go," Yosuke says.

"...What?" I frown. "No, Yosuke. I'll-"

"I'm your right-hand man. I got this, okay?" He shrugs. "You... Keep an eye on Kubo."

I feel my stomach tinge in pain.

I don't want him to go in there.

...Anything could be in there.

"Trust him, Sensei," Teddie smiles.

I bite my tounge. "...Okay."

"And anyway." Kanji grunts, grabbing Mitsuo by the arm. "You're gonna face your punishment, you hear me?"

But the smile never fades from his face.

"My punishment?"

"Who said that?" I snap, turning this way and that with my katana in hand.

Laughter grows.

"It's... His Shadow," Rise sighs. "He's coming. Are you ready?"

"...Yeah," Yukiko nods.

"...What about Yosuke?" I ask, looking over to the archway.

"Leave him," Kanji shrugs. "We've got enough people to fight with."

"I won't leave him," I scowl.

"Yu-" He tries.

"Sensei, wait!" Teddie frowns, holding me back. "We have to fight him now. Otherwise he'll wipe us all out. We need you, Sensei."

"Yosuke needs me."

"Yosuke's fine," Chie scoffs. "Focus on us, for god's sake!"

"But, I-"

How Could You? (Souyo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang