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Yosuke's POV:

...He's not in school today.

I mean, is he for real!?

I groan, resting my head on the desk.

Yesterday was just... so fucked up.

Seriously, what was he thinking!? Just kissing me outta the blue!? It's downright creepy.

I frown inwardly.

Even still, I feel guilty that he's not in today.

But... I mean, there could be another explanation, surely?

Maybe he's ill. Maybe Dojima-san is in hospital?

Geez, I'd rather either of those then to find out that it's my fault.

...Dammit. He's the one who... who...


He did what he did. And it was wrong.

The last thing I expected was for him to lean in like that.

Jesus, he scared me shitless all to give me some sloppy kiss!?

I mean... fuck!

That can't count as my first kiss, right...? It can't. Surely, right?

Yeah, yeah, I know... My first kiss is at seventeen... Even worse, it was with a guy - even worse, it was with my best friend.

Ha... Best friend...

There's no way that title is gonna uphold anymore.

...It's all his stupid fault, anyway.

What, he can't get enough!?

First, it was Yukiko. Then, Kanji, and finally, me.

Christ, is he gay or not!?

He's fucked up in the head.

And... why me?

...Does he...?

Nah, I'm probably overthinking this.

He probably only did it to piss me off, to be fair.

...Can't be another reason.


Yu's POV:

Coast: clear.

Fucking finally.

I've been dying for a cool glass of water all morning.

As soon as I heard the front door close, I knew I could finally come down.

...'Cause, I mean... If Dojima sees me not at school for the second time this week... Geez, I don't even want to think about it.

I make my way over to the fridge and pour myself a glass.

It's all quiet.

I bring the glass to my lips, allowing the smooth liquid to run down like a waterfall.

After I put the glass back down, I press two fingers to my lips.


I know I shouldn't have done what I did. But, honestly? I can't say I regret it.

He felt so... warm. He was so gentle - so soft.

I mean... a guy like him, you'd expect quite the opposite. Then again, maybe things would have been different if I were a girl.

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