Watching Alex Karev

By reggieisdaddy

2.8K 26 10

Before Greys Anatomy officially starts, the characters are transported into a room to watch the harrowing lif... More

Karev Family Cast
Alex Karev
Alex Karevs Backstory
Alex's Two Little Stars

Three More Stars

396 11 10
By reggieisdaddy

Austin, Texas. December 1, 2005

Excitement filled the people in the theater, their boy lived in Texas. Though they were still weary about the ominous statement made previously. About how his life was going to get darker.

Alex woke up at 5 in the morning so he could take care of his babies. They were growing nicely, with cute little teeth growing in. He scurried over towards the nursery that he set up.

"What do you mean he set up the nursery?" Questioned Preston in astonishment. Everyone was thinking the same thing.

"What do you think? Catherine and Patrick wouldn't do it, they are barely home. And when they are all they do is abuse Alex and ignore the babies. So he took matters into his own hands, he stole Patrick's credit card and ordered a shit ton of baby stuff. He figured out the instructions, built the furniture, and set up a nursery for his babies." Explained the voice.

They were astonished, a four year old had managed to set up a nursery all by himself. He was raising twins by himself at four years old! Most adults couldn't do that. Much less a four year old, and yet he did it.

He walked in and smiled fondly down at his malen'kiye zvezdy.

"What does that mean?" Asked Arizona curiously at the sight of the Russian words on the screen.

"It translates to 'little stars'." The voice explained. Everyone in the theater awed even if the interns tried not to. It was really cute.

He walked over the the only one awake. The oldest Adelaide was peering up at him with big blue eyes, a gummy smile stretching her chubby cheeks. He cooed down at her grinning at the sight of her three little teeth. He picked her up to give her a bath and change her.

" Hello, malen'koye plamya. How are you doing today?"

Adele cooed at the sound of her baby's accent, he had such a pretty Russian accent.

Mark thought his accent was adorable and it made him blush a little thinking about what it would sound like as he got older. As his voice deepened a little, his face got progressively redder before he stopped that train of thought.

"What does that mean," Callie asked curiously.

"It means 'little flame'," the voice translated for them.

"Awwww, its so cute that he calls her that." Arizona awed.

He was giving her a bath when he noticed that his malen'kaya lisa Elanor was waking up. He saw her pale blonde lashes flutter upwards as she gave off a cute yawn. He walked over to pick her up with his Adelaide sitting snug in his arms. He was getting wet but he didn't care, he was just taking care of his babies.

"He called her 'little fox'," the voice explained before anyone could ask.

Mark cooed softly under his breath finding his future husband absolutely adorable. The way he took care of his kids so lovingly was making Mark's heart pound.

He brought both his babies over to the little bath he bought from Amazon. He played them down gently in the lukewarm water. He had read somewhere that intense temperatures were not good for babies, so he always made sure the water was room temperature. He started singing the lullaby his babushka sang to him.

"Be warned that this song is not normal in America. Some see it as violent but it is normal for Russian families, especially the Karev family." The voice warned the room.

People were worried, how bad could a lullaby be?

They were actually scared listening to the haunting lullaby.

For some reason this song just made Mark fall even more in love. He loved that Alex seemed a little twisted and demented. He couldn't believe that he hadn't even met this man and was already in love with him.

Miranda smiled at the lullaby, sure it was a little haunting and twisted. But it was beautiful, and her boy had a lovely singing voice.

Christina Yang couldn't help but smile a little at the song, it was hauntingly beautiful.

He was still humming the lullaby as he was applying their baby powder and lotion. He dressed them up in black and white striped onsies, that he found absolutely adorable. He sat in the rocking chair by the window watching his little ones roll around on their play mat.

Their breaths hitched at the sight of the child sitting in the rocking chair. He had shoulder length fluffy black hair, pretty heterochromatic eyes that seemed to glow as he stared at his kids. He had a soft smile on his pretty face, which showed the dimples in his cheeks. But they also couldn't help but notice that the child was a little thing. They almost burned holes in the screen as they stared at the bruises on their boy.

Now that he was sitting in the morning sun you could see the bruises better. A huge hand shaped bruise wrapped around his throat. Hand shaped bruises on his arms, a large red cut on his head. The redness to his eyes that indicated crying. But he was smiling still and that showed them a very important thing to them.

Alex Karev was a survivor.

He knew that he was going to have to leave them alone for a while. He had to go downstairs and clean up the mess his parents left last night and make breakfast for his pregnant mother. He had to make sure she had her medicine and that she was comfortable while also making sure his dad was asleep or gone.

"She's pregnant again? That means Alex is going to get more kids." Commented Derek.

A resigned sigh echoed through the theater, it seemed their boy was going to have even more children to take care of. And on top of that he had to take care of two adults that only harmed him.

Alex smiled gently as his little girls got up and started stumbling towards him. He slid off the chair and onto his knees while opening his arms so he could catch them. They walked right into his arms giggling happily, it was one of his favorite sounds in the world. The sound of his children's laughter, it warmed him up from the inside out. He smiled brightly as the smell of strawberries and baby powder filled his nose.

"Mamuchka, Mamuchka!" His babies babbled to him, he grinned down at them as he brought their faces close together. All of their foreheads were touching, and he made a funny face which made his malen'kiye zvezdy giggle sweetly.

"Yes, malen'kiye zvezdy? What do you need?" He asked gently, wondering what they wanted to say to him.

"We love you!" The girls giggled in sync, with bright gummy grins. He grinned wildly back.

"Mamuchka loves you to malen'koye plamya and malen'kaya lisa, he loves you forever and always." He stated gently as he rubbed all their noses together.

Everyone's heart warmed at the scene the loving family displayed. You could see the love in Alex's eyes as he gazed at his little ones. And you could see the absolute adoration that his kids had for their Mamuchka.

A sniffle rang out and everyone turned towards the source of the noise. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd was sniffling softly because of the heartwarming scene.

"Are you crying?" Derek asked in amusement, a small smile on his face.

"No, I just have something in my eye!" Addison choked out as she glared tearfully at Derek.

He noticed their eyes drooping and the little yawns they tried to cover. He looked at the clock on the wall 9:00 AM it had been four hours since he woke up. His babies must be tired, he gathered them into his arms and carried them to their cribs. He knew he had to get to work soon. He layed them down and rubbed their tummies gently, coaxing them to sleep. His smile dropped as soon as they were asleep.

He had work to do and why would he smile unless he was with his babies. He had no reason except for his children and babushka to smile. But his babushka was still in Russia and his babies couldn't be with him every second of every day.

The people in the theater smiles dropped as well. This child barely had a reason to smile, it was devastating. He should be smiling everyday but he's not, he doesn't have many reasons to smile. And that was a sad thought.

But Mark was reassured, Alex would almost always have a smile on his face when he was with him. Mark made a promise to himself that Alex would always have a reason to smile. That he would make Alex so happy that he would never feel this way again.

Miranda was having similar thoughts, she was going to make sure that her boy was happy. She would take care of him and he would never feel like this again. He would never even have a reason to feel this miserable ever again.

Preston was frowning at how sad and miserable his little brother was. He wanted to see that beautiful smile again, he didn't want to see the blank look on his brothers face. He vowed to himself to make his little brother smile at least once a day, to give him even just a small bit of happiness in this dark world.

Richard was worried about the blank look he saw on his son's face. He just knew that he was like this a lot at the hospital, but even with that look on his face he knew something for certain. His little boy was going to be an amazing surgeon.

Alex walked down stairs and was greeted by a trashed bottom floor. He let an almost silent sigh escape his lips as he saw the mess he had to clean up, he better get to work.

Disgusted expressions filled the theater as they saw the bottom floor of the Karev house. It was filthy, condoms and alcohol bottles littered the floor. Cigarette butts and drugs littered almost every surface.

"They are making a four year old boy clean all of this!!!?? Making him come in contact with drugs and alcohol!! HE COULD BE HARMED!!" Boomed Derek, he was furious. They were forcing their child to clean this mess and it could harm him. Fuck, he could even see syringes filled with drugs on the floor.

The others were furious as well, Alex could step on a syringe and get any number if diseases. He could accidently inhale some of the powdered drugs. Everyone was fuming in anger at these disgusting human beings.

Thankfully it looked like his dad wasn't home and his mom was asleep on the couch. He pulled on a pair of gloves and a mask and got to work. He was picking up condoms, drugs, used syringes. He cleaned quickly and efficiently. Once he was done he double bagged the bags before taking them out to the dumpster.

Once he came back in he started cooking breakfast for his mother. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, potatoes, and sliced up fruit. He also got her medicine and some orange juice out, thankfully she stopped drinking when she got pregnant.

"This boy making a whole as meal and I can't even make toast without burning it." Muttered Isobel bitterly. (She was just a jealous bitch)

She shut up though once she saw the severe side eye from Mark.

He was getting pissed of with all these comments towards his husband.

He walked over and gently woke his mother up, he backed away quickly so he didn't get hit. She woke up with a start and glared darkly at him.

"What do you want, brat!?" She spat harshly.

A growl came from Mark's throat. He knows that he took the Hippocratic Oath, but he seriously wanted to do harm right now. How dare this bitch talk to his husband like that!! She was worth nothing compared to his husband, she was nothing but shit on the bottom of his shoe.

The others were furious as well but none of it compared to the pure fury practically radiating off of Mark. The interns leaned as far away as they could get from the man, they were terrified of him. Derek and Addison were scared as well, they had never seen Mark like this before.

The three parents nodded in approval, this man seemed terrifying enough to protect their son. He was already displaying intense protective behavior and he hadn't even met Alex in person yet.

"Breakfast is ready mother," he stated blankly. She scoffed and slapped him across the face roughly. Before she let out a choked cry and a gushing noise was heard. Alex's eyes widened minutely as he saw his mother's water break.

Fury once again filled the room at the way his mother was treating him. Derek was genuinely concerned for everyone's health including his own, it couldn't be healthy to be this angry.

He rushed upstairs and got his babies quickly while grabbing their diaper bag that he carried with him everywhere. He quickly went downstairs with his babies in his arms while dialing 911.

"Hi, my mother is giving birth and my father isn't home to bring us to the hospital." He told the operator in a calm professional tone.

In no time he was sitting in the ambulance with his children on his lap and his mother screaming on a gurney. A EMT tried to talk to him to distract him but he just looked at them with a blank face and raised his eyebrow. He was not in the mood to listen to someone that wasn't his kids.

He was beaming internally though, he had more children on the way. He just saw Catherine as a surrogate for his children by this point. That's all she was to him.

People winced at this as they fully realized how detached Alex was from his birth giver. Of course they knew that they didn't have a good relationship, she was abusive. But normally in that situation the child still loves the parents and tries to get the parent to love them. But not Alex, all he saw his mother as was a surrogate for his children.

Of course he wasn't wrong as all she was doing was abusing him and giving birth to children that he had to raise.

"Mamuchka where we goin?" Came his malen'kaya lisa's cute voice. He smiled down at her as he answered.

"We are going to the hospital so you're new siblings can come home with us." He crooned out softly his Russian accent thickening slightly. He didn't notice the looks coming from the paramedics due to his accent and the fact that the babies are calling him mommy.

The paramedics shared worried looks as they realized they this kid was way too calm. They were also worried because the babies on his lap were calling him mommy and they saw a bruise peeking out of his shirt.

"Yay, new siblings!" His little Adelaide cheered softly. He couldn't help the smile spreading across his face. She was just too cute, both his babies were adorable. He had no doubt that his new children were going to be adorable as well.

"Of course they will be, he's gorgeous and his kids will be as well!" Callie scoffed out. She was already hyping up her bestie and they haven't even met yet.

People couldn't disagree though, Alex was gorgeous as a child and even if they hadn't seen him grown up yet they knew he would be stunning. And Adelaide and Elanor are really cute babies too, who are probably going to grow up gorgeous.

Mark sighed dreamily to himself, his husband and kids were amazing. He just knew that any kids they did have in the future would be just as awesome.

They arrived at the hospital and Alex sat in the waiting room. He was just entertaining his girls while waiting for his new children to be born. A nurse came out of the room and over to him after a few hours.

She gave him the identification papers with a worried look. The mother had told her to give the birth certificates to "the brat" outside. She didn't know why a child would be in charge of these things. But she complied with the mother wishes. The boy looked up at her as she walked over with a blank face, he had two red headed babies in his lap.

"I need names for the triplets and the mother and fathers names." She stated in a professional tone to the small child.

"Triplets!!" Shrieked Derek, his temper revving up again. First they had a child raising two babies and taking care of the house, while simultaneously being abused. He also had to take care of two adults, and now they wanted to force him to take care of three more babies. He was furious with these people, and his hatred would only keep growing.

Mark was troubled as well, he knew his husband was amazing. Being a four year old running a house hold, raising two children by himself, and still pushing through despite the abuse showed that. But could he handle three more babies on top of all of this. And he would have to go to school soon as well, he was just worried for his beloved. He just wanted Alex to be happy, and he wasn't really seeing much of that.

Richard was in disbelief, he was a grandfather to five children. He was going to fucking faint! He was too young to have this many grandchildren!

" Mother's name is Catherine Karev, I don't know who the father is, she cheats on dad all of the time. But you can put Patrick Karev as the birth father. And I need to know the genders of the children." He informed the nurse coldly. He wasn't trying to be rude or anything, he just didn't show much emotion to anyone except his kids and babushka.

The nurse was taken aback by how well spoken this child was. And how he just nonchalantly informed her of his mother's infidelity. She got her composure back and answered the child's question.

" All three of the children are girls," she stated in a calm tone.

Miranda was thrilled she had five granddaughters, but she was worried how Alex was going to juggle all of this.

She shouldn't have worried though, Alex Karev always found a solution. Even at the expense of his own health.

So maybe she should have been worried.

"The oldest is Jada Inez Karev, the middle child is Katherine Nalani Karev, and the youngest is Quintessa Rhea Karev." Alex stayed all of this information clinically. On the inside he was screaming with joy though, he had three more daughters. Three more malen'kiye zvezdy.

They laughed at the contrast between what he was projecting on the outside and actually feeling on the inside.

Mark smiled softly at how adorable his beloved was. He couldn't wait to make Alex loose that calm and cool composure. He wanted Alex to be able to show his feelings without fear.

The nurse was surprised at the beautiful names the child came up with. She documented the names down and asked the boy if he wanted to see the babies. It was the first time she saw emotion on this child's face. A small smile filled the boys face and his eyes softened momentarily before he nodded.

She took him into the room and ked him over to the three babies cradles. Before leaving the room, still concerned for the strange little child.

Alex bounced his two girls in his arms for a moment before peering over the edge of the cradles.

On December 1, 2005 Alex Karevs sky lit up just a little bit more. Three new stars brought light into his life.

But he didn't know that just a few weeks later his life would get even darker.

Worry filled their hearts, this boy never got a break did he? They thought as the screen went dark.

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