MTaD and TGbtS ✨️B R A I N R...

By ineedtoeatpotatos

602 17 119

Since I'm safekeeping MTaD and TGbtS from the purge, I decided to make a one-shot book! They can be non-canon... More

🇯🇵Rules and Requests 🇰🇵
Interview with Joseon
Incorrect Quotes
Interview: What Is Your Theme Song?
Sussy Baka Incorrect Quotes
POV: You're Crying
POV: You Went Back in Time
All Ships So Far
Joseon and the Kids Jump the Hell Out of IJ
Oblast Podcast
Arkhangelsk Oblast
The Bases Go Back to America and Their Reactions
How They Text (Only the MCs) + Their Usernames
Incorrect Quotes Galore

MTaD-The Bitter Reality

33 2 5
By ineedtoeatpotatos

In the flurry of a heated argument, North Korea's voice echoed against the walls of the speeding car. Tension crackled like a whip in the air, thick with the explosions of released emotions. His words clashed with Russia's, each cutting deeper than the last.

"Russia, why are you like this?" North Korea's voice carried a venomous edge of frustration.

"I can't believe you're so stubborn!" Russia's retort was sharp, filled with exasperation.

The car hurtled through the fog of the night, the lights of the city blending into the dark, indigo sky. Shadows danced across the two nation's strained faces. The exchange reached its crescendo, a cacophony of unresolved grievances spewing back and forth.

Then, a sudden jolt. A sickening screech of metal meeting metal, followed by a deafening silence that shattered the moment.

(Sounds familiar, right? These were the opening lines of MTaD)


Russia's POV:

My body throws itself forward, but the seatbelt confined me to my spot, choking me. "North, I love you!" I shouted as a large oak tree came into view of the headlights. My voice was barely audible amid the cacophony of the crash.

The airbag puffs up like a balloon.

The windshield explodes.

The front of the car caves in.

I can't breathe.

I feel as my head spins round and round. My hand reaches for North's. I have to make sure he's okay. A sharp ringing noise is all I can hear. My vision is clouded and speckled with flickering spots. "North." I coarsely utter. "Are you okay?"

No response. The ringing noise gets louder and louder. I want to grab my hair and tug it to alleviate the pain, but my hands are limp. Completely immobile. The oxygen in this car is insufficient. The acrid scent of gasoline and oil fills the air, only making my attempts to breathe more arduous.

With all the strength I have, I tighten my grip on North's hand. Then, my tunnel vision fades, the scenery around me swirling into a colorful oblivion. With one final breath, my eyes shut and everything goes black.

For a fleeting moment, my surroundings came into view, I was overwhelmed with a wave of sharp stabbing pains all throughout my body. My chest felt constricted like I couldn't breathe, and my legs felt numb and paralyzed. I heard muffled voices and shouts, and I could even feel someone pulling at my arms. But everything felt so far away, like I was in a dream, disconnected from reality.

It felt like an eternity as I tried to hold onto North's hand, but soon, everything went dark.


I woke up in a hospital bed, my head spinning as I tried to get a sense of my surroundings. I felt so exhausted, like I couldn't even lift a finger, my whole body feeling like it was made out of lead. My vision was foggy, and my senses felt dulled, but I could feel someone sitting by my bed. Through the fog and the dizziness, I could barely make out the person's features. All I could see was the outline of a tall figure sitting by my bedside.

"Who are you?" I whispered. The figure stood up and approached. My breathing quickened as it bent over me. Every instinct I had told me to thrash and scream for help, but the figure spoke.

"Sis, it's just me." A soothing voice called. The figure's hand turned my head to face it. It was my younger brother, Kazakhstan. His golden wings were tense with concern. He managed a small smile as I stared, eyes wide.

"Zaky?" I gasped.

"Yeah, it's me, jolaqtar."

In spite of the fogginess surrounding me, I suddenly couldn't help but feel as if something was suddenly lifted off my chest at hearing Kazakhstan call me "jolaqtar." Usually, I'd be annoyed, but hearing him call me that made me feel relieved as if all was alright with the world again.

My younger brother stood there before me, his voice speaking in a soothing tone that immediately brought me a sense of comfort. I could tell that he was also worried, but his gentle demeanor remained unchanged.

"Bela is coming by later and Raine is cursing you." Kazakhstan informed. "I called dibs on seeing you first." I couldn't help but chuckle weakly, despite the fact that my breath was still a bit shaky.

"Oh, is that so?" I replied gently, feeling somewhat amused, in spite of the fact that I felt so exhausted. Suddenly, my thoughts dash to North. My eyebrows arch, a cold sweat running down my forehead. He was unresponsive last I saw him.

"Is North okay?" I asked urgently.

"The qisqa?" Kazakhstan answered, "He's in a coma." My heart drops to my stomach and shatters into millions of pieces. If only I hadn't been arguing with him. What were we even angry about? Why did I have to speak up?

"Wh-" I started to ask, but I wasn't even sure about which piece of information I was asking about initially. The thought of North being in a coma took my breath away, and it felt as if my whole world started to spin out of control again.

"I-is he going to be okay?" I managed to squeak out slowly, feeling as if my throat had suddenly grown sore from my shouting. Hearing the answer to that question would determine how I would feel for the rest of my life.

It felt as if an eternity had passed as I waited patiently for my younger brother to answer my question. The seconds felt so long, the uncertainty surrounding me was so thick. Then, he broke the silence.

"Hopefully," Kazakhstan replied softly, his tone soft and solemn. "I hope he can wake out of the coma. But," he paused, his gaze slowly turning to the ground. "If not," he whispered, "there's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?" I clutched the sheets, dreading the worst. It felt like another eternity before Kazakhstan spoke again, his voice still gentle and kind, but bearing a solemn tone.

"I know this isn't the best time for this right after hearing about something like this, but..." he spoke slowly and gently, "it's something you really should know before we go any farther. You see", he paused again, his eyes filling with sorrow despite his soft manner, "if North doesn't wake up, well..."

My heart sank further and further down my throat as I listened to my young brother speak, unable to make out the words in my trembling state. If not? If not what?! Was he about to say that North, no, surely that wasn't it, right?

My stomach dropped once more at whatever Kazakhstan was about to tell me. A million thoughts raced through my mind, as I felt that sinking feeling creep back into my stomach. I slowly began to realize the direction in which this conversation was going, but I still wanted to maintain some semblance of hope.

"If he doesn't wake up, then what?" I whispered, my throat feeling tight once more from the nervousness of this entire situation.

Kazakhstan looked down at the ground for a moment, the tension in the air growing thicker and thicker as I anxiously awaited his response. He raised his head once more and spoke slowly, his voice filled with sadness.

"If he doesn't wake up," he started, before taking a deep breathe and sighing sadly, "then there will be nothing left to do but pull the plug."

My breath hitches. "How long does he have until that happens?"

"He has one month to recover." Kazakhstan answers.

One month. I felt those two words sink deeper and deeper into my heart. One month. That was all that North had left if he didn't awake. Only a single month before he could be gone forever.

One month before all hope could be lost, and we would be forced to say a permanent goodbye.


South Korea's POV:

"Only one month?" I shout into the phone. "Please, I'll pay the debt as soon as possible, just give him more time!" My breaths quicken, getting more and more shallow. Tears well up in my eyes and my heart feels like a vibration rather than a steady beat. I hang up on the doctor.

As the tears began to fill my eyes and make it hard to see through, I suddenly felt a small tug on my pants. I looked down, finding a young, concerned Okinawa gazing up at me with a soft and somber gaze. It was a stark contrast to her usual playful and childlike manner, and it warmed my heart, even if just slightly.

"Anii-san?" Okinawa tugs on my pant leg once more. "Why are you sad?" I can't tell her. She wouldn't be able to understand.

"Okinawa," I spoke softly, my voice choked up with emotion, "I'm just having a moment, that's all. There's no need to worry."

"Do you need a hug?" She opens her arms. I nod and kneel to her level. I accepted her kind gesture, as she wrapped her small arms around me, holding me close to her and offering me a genuine hug. Even if her embrace was small and childlike, it was enough to bring me some semblance of comfort during these trying times.

I squeezed her tightly, taking in her scent and appreciating the fact that she was there with me, despite not fully understanding the severity of the situation.

"Where's North?" Okinawa starts. "He didn't come back last night and he promised to play with me today."

"He's in a hospital, you see, and..." I paused for a moment, swallowing the lump that had risen in my throat, "...he's really sick." I looked down at Okinawa's innocent and soft facial expression, not wanting to upset her, but also wanting to be truthful about the situation and not keeping anything from her. "That's why he can't come play with you right now."

"Oh." Okinawa trails off. She thinks for a moment, tapping her fingers on my back. "That's okay! We can play when he feels better." Anxiety still stabbing at my heart, I hug my little sister just a bit tighter.

"Let's visit the hospital." I suggest. "We can keep him company."


Okinawa's POV:

Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay! South and I are going to see North! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!

Yay! I get to see North! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay! We get to go see Mr. North soon! Yay! I'm so excited to see him! I can't wait to hug him and tell him all about the toys we will play with together!

South drives us to the hospital. It's a long drive. I get bored. Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. I want to see North now! I huff and slouch in my seat. Bored bored bored bored bored.

I sighed and slouched in my seat as the car drive went on and on. I was getting soooo bored, and the fact that we couldn't even go see North yet made it so much worse. Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. I got so bored that I got angry.

"Are we there yet?" I whined. South Korea spoke up.

"Almost, Oki. We just need to get off the highway." He answered. I sigh again. The highway is sooooo loooooooong. I cross my arms. I want North. I want my big brother. North North North North North. Why did he have to go out with his stupid girlfriend? Who even is she? North North North North North. I bet she's ugly. North North North North.

I felt my annoyance with North's girlfriend grow as we continued on this looooong highway to the hospital. I think she's stupid and ugly and I hate her. Why couldn't North have just stayed home with me instead? Why did he have to leave me alone with Sleepy South and Bossy Japan? Why did he have to go with her?

I started to get even more angry as the thoughts continued to race through my head. North North North North North North. But then, suddenly, South spoke again.

"We're almost there, okay? Just a little while longer and we'll see North." South spoke, a hint of annoyance in his voice. I hated hearing him be annoyed or grumpy. I crossed my arms and pouted. Why was South making me wait? I wanted to see North now! I was so angry and bored that my whole body felt like it was vibrating.

"For God's sake, calm down!" South shouts. I flinch a little, protecting my face with my hands. Scared scared scared scared. Scared. What if South hits me? Like daddy used to. Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy. My heart pounds in my chest. Tears well up in my eyes. I reach into my pant pockets for my shisa figures: Miyagi and Nakamura

"Please protect me." I whimper. The statues remain unresponsive. Maybe Daddy was right; these "stupid monsters" can't protect me from him.

"P-please," I whimpered, my fear increasing with each passing minute, "Don't hit me, South..."

The thought of going through a similar situation again made my stomach drop. The memory of those terrible beatings was still fresh, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body from the anxiety I was feeling. I felt utterly powerless and vulnerable.

South parks at the hospital near a hibiscus bush. He turns around to face me. "Oki, I'm sorry for snapping. I'm just scared right now, okay?" He offers me a somber smile. We step out of the car. South picks a vibrant, fresh, pink hibiscus from the bush to put in my hair.

"P-please," I shivered, clutching my shisa dolls, "N-no... don't hit me, please..." I continued to beg, fear and anxiety filling my entire body.

"D-daddy... d-daddy always said I was worthless," I whispered quietly to myself, remembering the words that my father used to yell at me. "D-daddy said no one would want me..."

South kneels and pins the hibiscus in my hair. He kisses my forehead. "Daddy can't hurt you now."

"He c-can't?" I mumbled, my voice trembling with anxiety.

"No, he can't," South replied gently, his tones of annoyance and frustration having suddenly changed to one of concern and compassion.

"B-but..." I started, my emotions feeling a bit too deep and overwhelming to comprehend.

"But what?" South asked, his soft and soothing voice filling me with a sense of comfort.

"What if his mabui is still here?" I whimper as South walks me inside the hospital.

"His mabui won't hurt you," South replied quietly, trying to reassure me and make me feel better.

"B-but how do you know?" I whispered, my voice choked up from the mix of fear and anxiety that was filling up my body.

"Because I said so," South stated flatly, still trying to be comforting.

In spite of his firm approach, the simple fact that he was there with me made me feel somewhat safer.

South checks us in as visitors. We take the elevator way high up. Everything smells like hand sanitizer. I don't like it but it reminds me of Japan. Japan likes to keep things clean.

South walks down the hall, his hand tight around mine. He carefully enters a room. The only things I can hear are beeping noises, whirring, and South's footsteps. I hear his breathing hitch. He let's go of my hands and runs inside.

I quickly follow. There in the bed, lies North, his face pale. He had many bandages on and tubes were hooked on. He looked like he was being eaten by many snakes.

"North?" I get closer. South Korea is at one end of the bed, sobbing profusely. My eyes widen as I examine North. He's wearing an oxygen mask.

It's scary.

I'm scared.

He's going to die.

I'm scared.

Scared scared scared scared.


Japan's POV:

I hop off the bus and rush into the hospital. I almost forgot to check in as my mind is full of concern. I don't want to wait for the elevator, instead taking my heels off and running up the stairwell.

As I made it to the top of the stairs, out of breath from my run, I checked the room numbers on each door. The numbers continued to climb higher and higher, and I started to feel more and more nervous and anxious with each step I took forward.

I open the door to the room where North is. The first thing I hear is South's inconsolable sobbing. I rush inside and hold back a scream. South is bent over North's bed, Okinawa is standing, shocked on the other side. North is between them, awfully pale and quite weak.

I took a few steps forward, until South suddenly turned to face me, his face now filled with concern and sadness. My heart dropped as I looked back at North, lying motionless and weak between the two of them. His skin looked so pale and sickly, and it was a stark contrast to the stoic and alert look he always had when he was awake.

My thoughts suddenly flashed to the worst possible case scenarios, and I felt my heart skip a beat as the fear of losing North took hold. I couldn't even bear to think about the possibility of him not making it out alive.

My heart was in my throat as I approached the bed, trying to reach North, but South stepped forward and blocked me. "No, Japan," he spoke gently but firmly, stopping me in my tracks. "You cannot see him like this. It's too much for you to process right now, let alone our little sister, and... I do not want either of you to see him like... like this."

"Oh, shut up, South." I snapped. "I practically raised you three. I think I can handle this."

"But..." South started, but was cut off shortly by my sudden outburst. He froze, taken off guard by my aggressive tone. "Like I said, Japan..." he responded softly, his tone still firm and unchanging. "This is not something you would want to witness."

"We saw Amma in the exact same condition, South." I argued. I hear my brother's breath hitch, more and more tears collecting in his eyes.

"D-don't remind me." He stammered.

I paused, my eyes widened as I heard South choke back a sob over the memory. His tear-filled eyes were filled with genuine distress and sorrow, and he was fighting desperately to hold back as he looked away from North.

"I don't want to see this..." he murmured, his voice quiet and pained. South collapsed in the bedside chair, sobbing. "What if he doesn't wake up within a month?" He wailed. I sigh sharply and respond,

"Then we'll just have to emotionally prepare ourselves for the day we have to pull the plug."

"That's easier said than done." South moaned, his tone still quiet and pained. "How could we possibly prepare ourselves for that? It's not something we can just get used to, or something we could just accept."

I shake my head and walk over to Okinawa, picking her up. She remains silent and frozen stiff. "South, we'll have to move on eventually." I say, my throat tight. "We all love him, I-I-" I break down in tears, collapsing on my knees with Okinawa in my arms.

South continued to cry quietly in his seat, and I could feel the tension and anxiety that the situation was causing within him.

"We'll have to move on..." I repeated, my words choked up and interrupted by sobs. My knees gave in as I collapsed on the ground, hugging Okinawa tightly as I cried loudly and uncontrollably.

Please survive, North. You are a survivor. You can do this. Please.


Third Person POV:

For the four countryhumans, each minute with North unconscious felt like an hour, hours felt like days, and days felt like years. South would stay there the most. Every day after school, he'd rush to the hospital and do his homework beside North. Japan, ashamed of her weak moment, avoided the situation as much as she could, disassociating whenever she visited North. In the chaos of the days, Okinawa would have night terrors. She'd wake up crying for North to be okay. Russia would often check in on the family, usually to babysit Okinawa while South and Japan were busy.

Russia and Okinawa became good friends. Okinawa begrudgingly admitted to herself that North's girlfriend was, in fact, exceptionally beautiful, kind, and intelligent.

Before any of them could blink, one month had passed.

South Korea lamented by the bedside. It was only a matter of minutes before the doctors would come and pull the plug. Japan disassociated herself as much as she could, hoping the death would be less painful. Russia bit her trmbling lip, taking in North's weak and pale face. She wanted to remember him. She needed to remember him. Okinawa, just realizing the meaning of death, broke away from her silence and cried out loudly. In just a few minutes, North would be gone forever.

Russia took Okinawa outside of the hospital room. As painful as it was to leave, she had to be there for Okinawa.

Then, by some miracle, the EKG machine quickened. South's eyes glimmered with hope as he sobbed. Japan looked up from her phone, a perceptible curiosity in her gaze.

South Korea heard footsteps clacking outside and began to sob again. The doctors would be here any second. Then, by some miracle, North jolted awake, shooting straight up like a missile.

(This next part is also an exerpt from MTaD)

South Korea was in tears by his side, Japan was staring at him. Her eyes widened and she dashed over to North.

"North!" She exclaimed. South Korea shot up straight, disbelief written all over his expression. Disoriented and confused, North Korea sat up, panicking as he got his arm tangled in the IV tubes and wires.

"What's happening?" He asked, frantically writhing through the wires. "Aren't you dead!?" North Korea's eyes darted around the sterile room, his heartbeat quickening.

Japan put a warm, comforting hand on North's shoulder. "You were in a coma for about a month." Japan explained in a calming demeanor. "You had severe internal bleeding and brain damage after the car crash."

"I've...I've been dreaming this whole time?" North asked. He turned over to South who was speechless. His face was free of bullet holes. He took a closer look at Japan in her lilac dress. Both of her eyes were in place.

South Korea curiously ventured into the conversation. "Dream about what?" North Korea hesitated before explaining everything he thought he experienced.

He talked about the argument, the date, and mundane events like playing with Okinawa and the zoo, but he began to blubber when talking about the glitches, watching Okinawa die, and the fight with America.

"Th-then he shot me and I woke up." North concluded, shaky. South Korea stared with sympathy, Japan with intrigue. Silence hung in the room, before clanking footsteps were heard outside.

"Okinawa's okay now." Russia's voice broke the silence like a sledgehammer to a glass window. "It was just a nervous meltdown." She walked in, holding Okinawa's hand.

Okinawa looked up and saw North awake and immediately rushed over. She was jumping up and down with relief and joy. "North!" She squealed, hugging him tightly. Russia, who was a little slow, realized North was awake. She clumsily walked over, tripping over her own feet many times.

"The gracefulness was also a dream." North thought, finding Russia's clumsiness endearing.

"You're not dead!" Russia exclaimed happily. "Um, wait, I mean—dammit." She mumbled. North Korea chuckled. He was happy to see his family. They weren't perfect at all.

Okinawa was hyperactive, much more than in his dreams.

Russia was klutzy, unlike the version he dreamed of.

South was an emotional mess, his reactions more violent than how calm they'd been in his dream.

And Japan was the same rigid lady she'd always been: rarely smiling or making jokes, but a big fat pushover.

North Korea couldn't be happier, but he couldn't help but feel the weight of guilt pressing on him. "They're perfect the way they are." He thought. "Nothing needs to change."

"OhmygoshNorthyou'realiveandIloveyousomuchandImademoresnakefriendsandnamedoneKimIlSungbecauseyes." Okinawa rambled, faster than the fastest bullet train. North Korea nodded in acknowledgement. Japan and South smiled at the sight while Russia was tangled in the curtains.

"Чёрт!" Russia exclaimed as she stumbled out of the curtains, proceeding to bump into a wall. She klutzily walked over to North's bed and greeted him with a lopsided smile. Okinawa was holding back every urge to jump up and down on North, reminding herself of what the consequences would be.

"North?" She squeaked. "When will you get out of the hospital?"

"I don't know." North shrugged.

"Awwwwwww." Okinawa moaned.

"Leave North alone, Oki." Japan gently pulled Okinawa away from the hospital bed. "He needs to adjust to real life." Okinawa huffed and kept her distance from North. Russia had to leave because 'something came up.' The siblings sat in the room together, the sharp smell of antiseptic burning their nostrils (well, if they had any). North Korea managed to calm himself down and detangle his body from the tubes and wires. Japan was scrolling through her phone, an uninterested expression flat on her face. The twins talked with Okinawa interjecting, desperately wanting to be part of the conversation.

South gesticulated his hands, miming everything that had happened in the month that North missed. A surge of ebullience shot through South as he spoke. Okinawa added things South had forgot to mention, while Japan kept scrolling through her phone, her thumb making repeated robotic movements.

"And Japan got me this really pretty dress!" Okinawa interjected. "It's my favorite color too!" North Korea listened to the animated recounting of the past month, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. As South enthusiastically mimed the events, Okinawa's interjections injected bursts of energy into the room. Meanwhile, Japan remained engrossed in her phone, seemingly detached from the lively discussion.

"That dress suits you, Oki," South remarked, a hint of warmth in his eyes. Okinawa beamed with pride, twirling around as if showcasing an imaginary runway.

Japan, without looking up from her phone, commented, "It's a nice dress." Her monotone delivery betrayed a subtle hint of approval.

North, feeling a surge of gratitude for his family, decided to contribute to the conversation. "And what about you, Russia? Anything interesting happen while I was... dreaming?"

Russia, who had re-entered the room after dealing with her mysterious 'something that came up,' looked around with a bemused expression. "Oh, just the usual chaos. You know, tripping over my own feet, bumping into walls – the usual graceful ballet."

South chuckled, exchanging a glance with North. "Seems like our wishes and reality don't always align."

Russia shrugged, unfazed. "Perfection is overrated, anyway."

As the banter continued, Okinawa couldn't hold back her excitement any longer. "Hey, North, let's plan our next playtime! I've been thinking about it, and I have this amazing idea involving a hot air balloon and a herd of flying turtles!"

South raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and concern crossing his face. "Flying turtles, huh? You're really pushing the boundaries of reality there, Oki."

Japan finally looked up from her phone, a rare smile gracing her lips. "As long as it doesn't involve any more near-death experiences, I'm okay with it." She continued. "You know the house rules: No making lives, no taking lives."

The room filled with laughter and the buzzing energy of their camaraderie. Imperfect, unique, and bound by the threads of family, they embraced the reality of their existence with open hearts.

The End.

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