Madagascar (Reader Insert)

By helicrapters

1.7K 4 6

Alex, Marty, Christian, Melman and Gloria the zoo animals find themselves in Madagascar. They must find help... More

Heroes 1
Villains 1
Day at the Zoo
Marty's Birthday
Sudden Escape
Crate Talk
Stranded in Madagascar
Party at the Lemurs
Stopping the Fossas
Heroes 2
Villains 2
Plane Ride Home
Plane Crash
Africa Reunion
Operation Tourist Trap
Ancient Hobbies
Melman's Confession
Water Problem Gone Empty
Volcano Sacrifise and Dam Destruction
Heroes 3
Villains 3
Alex's Wish
Going to Monte Carlo and On The Run
Second Plane Crash and Blending in the Circus
Old Friends Reunion
First Circus Experience Fail
Circus Motivation
Circus Practice
London Performance
Return To New York and Ambushed
Reconcile and Afro Circus Rescue
Heroes 4
Villains 4
Antartica Origin
Private's Birthday
Meeting Dave
Chase Through Venice and Meeting The North Wind
Dave's Plan
Penguin Disappearance Spree
Operation Flash, Splash and Crash
$19,000,000 Vehicle
Getting Captured
Saving the Penguins in New York
Post Credits
End Credits

Struggling to Go Home

33 0 0
By helicrapters

[In the meantime, the boat sails to Antarctica for 2501 Miles South by the Penguins on an important mission.]

Skipper: Well, boys, it's gonna be ice-cold sushi for breakfast.

[They high five each other and Rico slaps the captain again.]

Skipper: Rico.

[Rico Grab the bottle of beer and shakes it so the beer can blast off]


[Melman prepares his grave for his predicted death and reads it]

Melman: Well, since I'm doomed to die on this forsaken island, I, Melman Mankiewicz, being of sound mind and unsound body, have divided my estate equally among the three of you. [The wave erases ths rest of the message of his final moments] Oh… Sorry, Alex.

Marty: Hey! A latrine. Nice work, Melman. Outdoor plumbing.

Michael: No, it's not a latrine. It's a grave! You sent Melman to his grave! Are you happy?

Marty: Aw, come on. This isn't the end. This is a whole new beginning. This could be the best that's ever happened to us.

Alex: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. This is not the best thing that's ever happened to us!

Melman: Yeah! You abused the power of the birthday wish and brought this bad luck on all of us. So why'd you tell your wish? You're not supposed to do that.

Marty: Wait a minute. I didn't wanna tell you. Remember? You guys made me tell you.

Melman: Oh, OK.

Marty: Besides, this isn't bad luck. This is good luck. Look around. There's no fences, no schedule. This place is beautiful. Baby, we were born…

Alex: OK. OK. I've had enough of this. This is your side of the island, and this is our side of the island. That is the bad side, where you can prance and skip like a magical pixie horse and do whatever the heck you wanna do all day long. And this, this is the good side for those who love New York and care about going home.

Marty: Come on.

Alex: No, no. Back! Back! Back! Back!

Gloria: You know what? This isn't good.

Marty: OK! You all have your side, and I'll have mine. And if you need me, I'll be over here, on the fun side of the island, having a good old time! A gay old time! A yay old time! A Yabba-dabba-doo old time!

Alex: That’s not the fun side, this is the fun side! This is the fun side, where we'll have a great time surviving until we go home. Whoo! I love this side. This side's the best. That side stinks! You're on the Jersey side of this cesspool!!

Marty: Wilma!!!

Melman: Well, now what do we do?

Alex: Don't worry, Melman. I have a plan to get us rescued.

Christian: Okay, you guys do that. I'll find some food to survived.


[At nightfall, Alex builds a statue that looks like the Statue of Liberty]

Alex: Can't wait to see the look on Marty's face when he sees this. Ooh. Just look at him. He's helpless without us. Shut up, Spalding!

Gloria: I've been standing here for hours, man. How long do I have to pose like this?

Alex: She is finito. I defy any rescue boat within a million miles to miss this baby. When the moment is right, we will ignite the beacon of liberty and be rescued from this awful nightmare! What do you think? Pretty cool, huh? How's the liberty fire going, Melman?

Melman: Great. Idiot.

Alex: I heard that!

Melman: Ugh. Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire?

Alex: That's wildfire! We're not using wildfire on the Lady Liberty. Now, rub, Melman.

Melman: I've been doing... I can't. I can't. I can't do it. I ju... I can't do it! [The fire appeared on the woodsticks of Melman as he is surprised] Fire. Fire. Fire! Fire! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Ah. Oh, my... Ah! Oh! Fire!! AAHHHH!!

Alex: Not yet! No, no! No!

[Melman accidentaly puts the Statue of Liberty made by Alex on fire]

Melman: Fire!

Alex: No, no! No! Not yet! [Jumps off]

Gloria: Melman, hold still! Jump! Alex, jump! [Instead Alex lands on his face] Don't worry, cats always land on their... Face? Man, what kind of cat are you?

[The handcrafted Statue of Liberty fire got blown off by the wind and it collapses.]

Alex: You maniac!! You burned it up! Darn you! Darn you all to heck!

Melman: Can we go to the fun side now?

Christian: Hey guys. I'm back with some food I can find an- What the heck happened here!!


[At the Lemur tree with a plane inside there is a meeting going on.]

Maurice: Everybody, calm down. Come on. Into your chairs. Yes. Everybody please, calm down. Let go of his tail. Separate those two, would you, please? You over here, and you over there. Everybody, Shhh... Calm down, people, OK? Ugh. Now, presenting your royal highness, the illustrious blah, blah, blah. You know, et cetera, et cetera. Hooray. Let's go.

King Julien: Now, everybody, we all have great curiosity about our guests, the New York giants. Yes, Willie?

Willie: I like them.

Mort: I like them. I like them. I liked them first. Before I even met them I liked them.

King Julien: Yes, yes.

Mort: When I saw them, I liked them right away. You hate them compared to how much I like them.

King Julien: Oh, shut up. You're so annoying!

Mort: Hee-hee-hee.

King Julien: Now, for as long as we can remember, we have been attacked and eaten by the dreaded fossa.

Lemur: The fossa! The fossa are attacking! AAAHHH!!! AAHHH!!

[Everyone all screamed and panic.]

Lemur: It's a cookbook! IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!!!

King Julien: Alright! Please. Please. Maurice.

Maurice: Shh! Quiet!! Come on, y'all. They're not attacking us this very instant.

(All lemurs sigh in relief)

King Julien: So my genius plan is this: We will make the New York giants our friends and keep them close. Then, with Mr. Alex protecting us, we will be safe and never have to worry about the dreaded fossa ever again!

[Everyone all agrees.]

King Julien: I thought of that! I thought of that! Yes! Me! I did.

Maurice: Hold on, hold on, everybody. Hold on. I'm just thinking now. I mean, does anyone wonder why the fossa were so scared of Mr. Alex? I mean, maybe we should be scared too. What if Mr. Alex is even worse than the fossa?! (Lemurs gasp in shock) I'm telling you, that dude just gives me the heebiedabajeebies!

King Julien: Maurice, you did not raise your hand. Therefore, your heinous comment will be stricken from the record. (Chameleon uses the typewriter) Does anyone else have the heebie-jeebies? No? Good. So shut up. When the New York giants wake up, we will make sure that they wake up in paradise. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Now, who would like a cookie?

[All lemurs cheering for a cookie.]


[In the meantime, Alex makes the sign of "Help!" for waiting the boat. And Marty tries to cheer up Alex for an apology]

Marty: Yo, Al. Christian, Melman and Gloria are over there having a good time. There's room on the fun side for one more.

Alex: No, thanks.

Marty: Look, I've been thinking. Maybe if you gave this place a chance, I don't know, you might even enjoy yourself.

Alex: Marty, I'm tired. I'm hungry. I just want to go home.

Marty: Could you just give it a chance? Think about it. It really isn't the fun side without you. [Leaves]

[The the "P" pieces fell don and it spelled "Hell!"]

Christian: It's getring dark out here.

[Christian and Alex arrives to Marty's Side. Christian and Alex is waiting.]

Michael: Come on Alex. His your best friend, just go apologise to him and it will be over.

Alex: Okay, okay. [Knocks on the front door]

Melman: Shh. Shh. It's him.

Marty: Who is it?

Alex: It's the pizza man. Who the heck do you think it is?

Marty: Yes? Can I help you?

Alex: Can I come to the fun side?

Marty: Beg your pardon?

Alex: You know, I've been kind of a jerk, Marty. But I've been talking to Christian and I've thinking about what you said, and I'm sorry.

Marty: Welcome to Casa del Wild. Take a load off. Hey, hey, wipe your feet.

Gloria: Alex!

Marty: Mi casa is su casa.

Melman: Well done, Christian!

Christian: Thank you, thank you.

Alex: Very impressive.

Marty: [Prepares a drink] Hey, have a drink. It's on the house.

Alex: This is seawater.

Marty: Oh, you don't swallow it. It's just temporary till the plumbing's done. Hey, y'all look hungry. How would you like some of nature's goodness?

Gloria: You have food?

Marty: The Fun Side Special, coming up. Seaweed on a stick.

Alex: Seaweed?

Marty: On a stick. Don't love it till you try it.

Melman: That's unbelievable!

Gloria: Mmm… So good.

Marty: Well, thanks. It does kind of hit the spot, doesn't it? (Alex coughs of eating seaweed, because he wants steak.) Well, maybe it could use a little lemon.

Alex: No, it's great. It's really great. Doesn't get any better than this?

Marty: Oh, but it does. Check this out.

Christian: Wow!

Gloria: Would you look at that.

Alex: It's like billions and billions of helicopters.

Marty: It's a shooting star. Make a wish. Quick!

Alex: Ooh! How about a thick, juicy steak?

Marty: You know what, Alex? I promise you I'm going to find you a steak tomorrow if it kills me.

Alex: Thanks, Marty.

Christian: Yeah good time, good times.

Melman: It is getting late. I guess I'm gonna...

Gloria: I think I'm gonna hit the sack too. Sweet dreams, everyone.

[The dream appears many steaks that Alex wants them, when he grabs on of the steaks and licks it up]

Marty: Alex. [Alex accidentally licks Marty as the others are shocked] What are you doing?

Alex: 27, 28, 29, 30. Hmm. 30. 30 black and only 29 white. Looks like you're black with white stripes after all. Dilemma solved. Good night. [Pretends to sleep with his eyes open]

[From the trees, Julien and Maurice looked below at the sleeping group.]

King Julien: You see, Maurice, Mr. Alex was grooming his friend. He is clearly a tender, loving thing. How can you have the heebie-jeebies for Mr. Alex? Look at him. He's so cute and plushy.

Maurice: I don't think he was grooming him, Julien. Look more like he was tasting him to me.

King Julien: Suit yourself, no matter. I don't care. Soon we will put my excellent plan to action. All we have to do is wait until they are deep in their sleep... [A long pause] How long is this going to take?!

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