Echoes of Eclipsed Fears (Fre...

Por murd3rsc3n3

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In the depths of despair, Frank finds himself trapped in a mundane existence - hating his job, despising his... Más

Author's Note/ Potential Trigger Warnings
1. Shiver the Whole Night Through
2. Simply Irresistible
3. (He only thinks in the form of) Crunching Numbers
4. House Visit
5. And I Can't Be Stronger When He's Gone
6. Dreams of Stabbing and/or Being Stabbed
7. All Your Things Out the Window, You're Gone
8. Friday night (Just Sleep)
9. I Can't Find My Way Home, But it's Through You
10. And I'll Admire Your Expensive Tastes
11. Bloodletting
12. Cover Me, Unwanted Clemency
13. Loss then Victory
14. A Stain That Never Comes Off the Sheets
15. But it's Better if You Do
16. A Rose Under the Sun
17. Is This More Than You Bargained for Yet?
18. Tell me Where we Go from Here
19. Tell Me You'll Be My Rhythm Playing Hand in Hand
20. The Taste of Ink
21. I Can't Begin to Let You Know Just What I'm Feeling (I Think I'll Die Alone)
22. Pump This Venom Gaping Hole
23. Buckle Up for Christmas
24. The Only Hope for Me
25. Pulsing Through My Veins Like You Ain't a Sin
26. Savour this Healing Heart
27. Perfect for One Last Night
29. And Down We Go
30. Not Knowing You'd Change From Just One Bite
31. Thank You for the Venom
32. Speak in Kisses, to Those Around You and Those Up in Heaven
Thanks for Reading (please read this chapter!)

28. The Devil's Got My Number

19 2 3
Por murd3rsc3n3

Gerard paced disgruntledly as Bert explained himself.

"There's no hard feelings," Bert had reasoned, though Gerard could feel that he was lying. "I just wanted to come and check up on you. And who is the human in the next room? I can hear their heart beating."

This was Bert's third attempt at meeting Frank; each time he tried to enter the living room, Gerard had cut him off.

"None of your concern," Gerard reiterated. "I just don't understand, you're only hurting yourself by coming here. I'm sorry, Bert. I know I did some shitty things in the past, but there's really no moving forward. It would be best if we didn't have anything to do with one another."

The other vampire huffed annoyedly.

"I know," he lied. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well, I'm doing fine," Gerard said slowly. Bert craned his neck to look beyond the taller vampire, trying to catch a glimpse of the human in the next room. He could smell him now, and he was curious as to why Gerard had some random snack sitting around in his home on Christmas day.

Gerard cocked an eyebrow at Bert, the corners of his mouth turning downwards.

"Who is he?" Bert persisted. "Did you pick up some little human pet?"

"He's my boyfriend," Gerard grunted. There was a silence, in which Bert absorbed the words that had just left Gerard's mouth. Once he'd fully registered the weight of Gerard's sentiment, Bert tipped back his head and guffawed with laughter.

"You're fucking joking!" He cackled. "Aw, man, that's unfortunate."

Gerard frowned; he wanted to knock Bert's lights out but, sadly, that wasn't possible for a vampire. He breathed slowly and deeply, listening to the part of his brain that was reminding him to remain civil. Bert continued rambling, his voice sounding light and airy.

"You, of all vampires!" Bert chuckled. "Always stressing about being immortal and losing all your loved ones, and now you're with a human." He shook his head in disbelief. His tone wasn't fooling Gerard, though; he could feel every ounce of jealousy that trickled out of Bert's aura. If it were possible for vampires to secrete such fluids, Bert would be sweating with it.

"So," Gerard said impatiently. "Have you seen enough? You've certainly said enough."

"I wanna meet him," Bert said matter-of-factly. Gerard rolled his eyes, sweeping past Bert and into the living room.

"Frank?" He edged cautiously. As he crossed the threshold to the lounge room, he picked up on Frank's emotions more clearly. The boy was worried for him, it seemed. "This is Bert," he explained. "He wants to meet you, and then he'll be on his way." Gerard reinforced the last part, hoping that Bert would get the memo.

"Hi," Frank squeaked. He sat awkwardly on the couch, his hands clasped over his knees. There was something about Bert's demeanour that he didn't like, and Frank found his mind travelling back to the nightmares he'd had recently. Had his brain been trying to foreshadow something? God, he hoped that Bert's special vampire ability wasn't mind reading, then he'd really be in for it.

As if on cue, Bert cracked a tiny smile, his lips stretching across his front teeth as if he was trying to bite back laughter. Frank bit the inside of his cheek, waiting for either of the vampires to speak up.

"Nice to meet you," Bert said, his pitch going up at the end as if he was on the verge of cracking up. Gerard sighed at the other vampire's immaturity; it was so obvious that Bert had never gotten over him, and now that he knew about Frank's existence, he'd be paying out on Gerard for it every chance he got. "How did you two meet?" Bert asked, feigning politeness. Frank looked up at Gerard, scratching the back of his neck. Gerard could feel Frank's panic crackling around the room like electricity.

"It's a long story," Gerard explained. He didn't elaborate any further.

"I've got time, I'd love to hear it," Bert insisted. Gerard grit his teeth, gently touching Bert's elbow. He tugged on the other vampire's sleeve slightly, guiding him out of the room.

"I think it's best that you leave Frank and I now," He said. "Do you have somewhere to go? What are you doing in Jersey at this time of year?"

Gerard was pretty sure that Bert had obviously made the trip to come see him specifically, and his hunch was only solidified when Bert didn't say anything. Instead, the other vampire gazed puzzledly in Frank's direction, though he didn't protest when Gerard pulled him back into the main entrance of the house.

"Do you drink from him?" Bert asked, his voice sounding faraway. Gerard eyed him quizzically, his lips curling into a frown. "Can I have a taste?" Bert asked, unashamed.

"Oh my God, are you fucking on one?" Gerard scoffed in disbelief. He wrenched open the front door, marching Bert outside. He paused once Bert was over the threshold, standing on the front steps. "Go away."

"Fine," Bert whined like a child. "I'm going to go feed off someone. Then I might come back."

"Please don't," Gerard said plainly, closing the door in the vampire's face.

Bert hovered under the portico for a minute before disappearing down Gerard's driveway. Gerard leaned against the door after locking it, pressing the heels of his hands into his eye sockets. Frank's head poked out from the doorway to the living room, and Gerard held out his arms for a hug. Frank cuddled up to him, stroking his hair as the vampire calmed down.

"I'm so sorry he bothered us," Gerard sighed. "I haven't seen him in seven years, I don't know what his deal is."

"He's not over you," Frank noted plainly. Gerard nodded, patting Frank's back.

"He's so immature," he mumbled against the boy's hair. "I could feel everything he was feeling; he's just pissed off about the whole situation."

Frank nodded, nuzzling deeper into the vampire's shirt. He kissed Gerard's chest.

"He'll be back again, won't he?" He asked. Gerard bit his lip.

"If he does, he'll be sorry," he grumbled. "But yeah, he probably will be. He's sick in the head. I haven't told you the full story about what he went on to become after we broke off all contact."

"What did he do?" Frank asked worriedly. Gerard took his hand, walking him back to the living room so they could sit by the fire.

"He's just a bit twisted," Gerard explained. "Aggressive towards everyone - vampires and humans. Extra violent when he's drinking from someone, or so I've heard."

Frank shuddered, tucking his feet under his butt and wriggling closer to Gerard on the couch. He rested his head against Gerard's chest, thinking for a moment.

"I might go have a shower and get dressed in proper clothes," Frank mused. "If Bert comes back again, I might just go for a drive until he's gone. I don't really wanna be around him."

Gerard frowned, rubbing Frank's back soothingly.

"I'd rather you be safe here, with me," he tried, but his voice trailed off as he realised what Frank was suggesting. The boy had dreamt about Bert, after all, and Gerard could pick up on the unease that tumbled around in Frank's stomach. His heart battled between the desire to keep Frank close and shield him from harm, and the wish to let him go, granting him the autonomy that he wanted. "Never mind, I understand," he said. Frank nodded, hopping off the couch.

"Gonna go shower," he announced. "Care to join me?"

"Not tonight, baby," Gerard said softly. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Frank said. He disappeared from the room, and it wasn't long before Gerard heard the taps from the shower upstairs turning on. He trudged up the stairs himself, swapping his comfy sweats for some jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket. Frank emerged, fully clothed, from the bathroom just as Gerard was sliding his brand new belt through the loops in his jeans. The vampire stepped towards him, wrapping his arms around Frank's warm body.

"I love you," Gerard muttered against Frank's clean hair. "Thank you for the belt."

"I love you too," Frank said happily. He stepped back to admire the belt that sat on the vampire's hips. "Looks good."

He turned his face upwards, planting a kiss on Gerard's jawline. Together, they made their way downstairs to the kitchen, where Frank fixed himself a quick, early dinner. He and Gerard sat together on the floor of the living room, Frank leaning against the couch and Gerard nestled between his legs, his solid back pressed up against Frank's chest. Frank gingerly carded his fingers through Gerard's dark hair, gently scratching at the shorter bits near his temples and the base of his neck. Gerard relaxed into Frank's touch, feeling contentment with a strange mix of unease, though he was sure everything would work out in the end.

An hour passed, and Gerard perked up in his seat slightly. Frank moved to be on his level, eyeing him curiously.

"You alright?" He asked. Gerard nodded, his eyes narrowing in the direction of the door.

"He's coming back," he explained tiredly. 'Smug as ever. And slightly angry? I think he's just jealous."

Frank raised his eyebrows, impressed with how much Gerard could tell from Bert's emotions, especially from a distance.

"This is going to sound random," he began, "but does Bert have a special power, like you?"

"I dunno," Gerard said, pondering for a moment. "He never told me. If I had to assume, I'd say he's just extra cunning, you know what I mean? And fast. He's faster than me."

Frank nodded slowly, his fingers twitching against his thigh. Within moments, there was an eager knock at the door. The pair stood up, Gerard leading the way to answer the door and face his past.

"Hi," he grunted as Bert's flushed face came into view. The vampire had just fed from someone, Gerard could sense that much. In the background, Frank pulled on his shoes and zipped up his jacket, standing up to exit the house.

"Where's he going?" Bert asked quizzically.

"Out," Gerard stated plainly, placing his hand on the small of Frank's back and guiding him out the door. "I'll be back in a moment, then we can talk about whatever the fuck's bothering you. Stay here."

Gerard and Frank rounded the house, unlocking the car so Frank could get inside. He started the ignition, getting the heat cranking.

"Drive safely," Gerard said softly, bending down to kiss Frank's exposed face.

"I will," Frank smiled. "I'll only be an hour, at most. I just need to clear my head while you guys get things sorted. I love you. Hope this all works out."

"I love you too, Frankie."

Gerard stood back as Frank reversed out of the carport, offering him a small wave as he turned around in the driveway. The gravel crunched under the Lexus' wheels as Frank rolled away.

"Now," the vampire huffed, making his way back to Bert. He hadn't moved from his station on the steps. "You, inside." He jabbed a finger in the direction of the door, leading Bert into the kitchen.

"So now that he's gone," Bert said leisurely, "what are we doing?"

"Fucking nothing!" Gerard said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're unbelievable, coming here on Christmas day. How did you even find out where I lived?"

"Word gets around," Bert hummed. Gerard's jaw clenched as he dragged back a chair, his patience wearing thin.

"Word gets around, huh?" he retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Well, consider this your last visit."

Bert smirked smugly, unfazed by Gerard's hostility.

"Always the charmer, aren't you?" he remarked, his eyes darting around the surroundings of Gerard's kitchen. He noted the cooking appliances, the distinctly human aspects that looked out of place, considering Gerard's diet. He'd really gone all out for this human, hadn't he?

"What do you want, Bert?" Gerard demanded, his voice firm and unwavering. "You know I have nothing to say to you."

Bert shrugged nonchalantly, but there was a glint of determination in his eyes.

"Well, firstly I came to check up on you; it's been years, you know? And then, well, when you told me you were with that human? I just wanted to come back again to find out what all the fuss was about," he admitted, his tone dripping with insincerity. "And now that I have, I can't say I'm impressed."

Gerard resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and Bert's smirk widened into a grin.

"You're really gonna stay with him while I'm right here? You basically kicked him out of the house so we could talk," he taunted, his voice oozing with arrogance. "Face it, Gerard, you still have a soft spot for me."

Gerard clenched his fists, struggling to contain his anger.

"You're delusional," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "I didn't kick Frank out. And you're not welcome here. I'd appreciate it if you left as soon as Frank gets home."

With that, Gerard pushed back his chair, turning on his heel and storming out of the kitchen, leaving Bert sitting alone in the empty room. As he made his way back to the living room, his mind raced with thoughts of Frank and the safety of their future together. Bert was clearly persistent and unhinged and, if anything, his harsh words had only reminded Gerard of the prospect of his immortality. Frank was going to grow old and Gerard would lose him, a silent witness to the passage of time.

Gerard listened to Bert's inner emotions intently, feeling every ounce of disbelief, anger, and smug jealousy that coursed through the other vampire's veins. He heard the scraping of a chair being pushed back, so he strode back into the kitchen to witness Bert turning to face him.

"I'm just going to go now," Bert said, patting his knees and standing up. "I'm wasting my time here."

"Yeah, you are," Gerard said plainly, watching Bert with narrow eyes. The anger and smugness radiating off of the vampire was palpable now, and Gerard wondered if it was because he'd finally accepted defeat and given up. Gerard marched Bert out the door, watching intently as he sped down the driveway, a blur of crunching gravel and whistling wind. He sighed, shutting the door and resting his head against the hard wood. What a fucking night. He retired to the living room, watching the fireplace absentmindedly and awaiting Frank's return.

As Bert's departure loomed, and Frank hadn't returned home yet, Gerard couldn't shake the gnawing feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. The intensity of Bert's emotions had been a stark reminder of his jealousy, and Gerard couldn't help but wonder what schemes may be brewing in the depths of the other vampire's mind.

A thousand possibilities raced through Gerard's brain; was Bert planning on confronting Frank himself? Or perhaps he harboured darker intentions, ones that could jeopardise Frank's safety.

That worry hit Gerard like a tonne of bricks. What if Frank wasn't safe right now? What if letting him go out alone was the worst thing he could've done? Gerard deliberated between possible courses of action, torn between staying put and going out to find Frank. Shouldn't he stay here, in case Frank came home to an empty house? Frank could be anywhere, driving in the Lexus, and Gerard wasn't a particularly good tracker. He relied mostly on scent, lacking the instincts that some vampires had.

But, then again, that flicker of doubt ignited in his mind. Perhaps he should catch up to Bert, instead. If Bert was with Gerard, then he wouldn't be able to bother Frank. The worst thing that could come from that scenario would be Frank coming home to an empty house and worrying about Gerard's whereabouts. And something as simple as that could be resolved by a note.

With a sigh, Gerard pulled on his coat and boots, leaving the front door unlocked in case Frank came home before him. He left a note on the kitchen bench, explaining his predicament in untidy, swoopy scrawl:

Bert left early and I was worried about him maybe catching up to you. So I headed out to follow him. Nothing's the matter, I'll come home shortly after I can confirm that everything's okay. I love you so much. Merry Christmas baby boy, -G.

Gerard didn't care that the pet name sounded cheesy or creepy; all he could think about in that moment was Frank's safety. As he stepped out into the cool night air, the weight of his decision hung heavy on his shoulders. But deep down, Gerard knew it was the right choice. For Frank. For their love. For their future.

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