Blood Curse

By Nikolunamanu

110 4 0

In a world where Vampire's command, human have to live by the rules they've made. Vampires farm humans like a... More

I hate this
Kill me please
Why me
I want to die
My life Now
Don't feel
The beginning
Lab rat
friend or foe
Kiss me
New world


3 0 0
By Nikolunamanu

The next morning I wake up feeling sore, like I had a beat up. I look at my side and Dorian was not there, I sit up and the room was empty. then the door bust open, it was he with a plate of food. as he looks at me he looks down nervous, he puts the plate of scramble eggs in front of me.

-eat up, or it will get cold- he order

I fast eat, I was so hungry, I cleaned my plate withing seconds. 

-thanks master-

He just looks at me weird. -just wash yourself and get dressed we got work to do, well me, but I want you with me- he walked out of the room after when was done talking.

I go to the bathroom, clean my face and teeth. I remember what happen last night. it was so fast and blurry. what has gone to me, did I really did that. What is wrong with me. I put a shameful pink dressed on, with cute bows on the skirt. I brush my hair and went out, he was not there, so I went down the stairs. I see Mia offering a glass of wine to Dorians father while he was talking to Dorian's. She looks at me and smiles, then he waves his hand and hits the glass of whine, throwing all to the floor and braking the glass.

-you insolent stupid human, you cannot do anything right- he spits to her in rage, then he lifts his hand to hit her, I do not know what got in to me but I ran and stood between them and he hit my face instead. -what did you do? how dare you interpose?-

I just stayed quiet. -I'm talking to you!- he screamed at me. 

-I'm Sorry my king, she is just helping me- Mia talked in my defense

-who give you permission to talk human- he looks at her with such hate, he was going to grab her but I move again in front of him.

-father- Dorian tried to speak but his father give him a look that you know you should keep your mouth shut.

He grabs my neck and pulls me up, it hurt a lot and I couldn't breath. A voice in my head speak to me, put your blood in his mouth. what? how? I thought. Do it! the voice screamed. I bite my thumb as I could and rubbed in his mouth, he them throws me across the room. I hit a wall, in pain I stood up. he cleaned his mouth with his hand, he walked instantly appeared in front of me. Now order him to stop, the voice said.

-Stop!- I speak with confidence

His face changed, he looks confuse. he looks back and then back at me.

Now order him to go away, the voice speaks again. 

-Go to your room- 

He turned around and walked away without saying any word. Mia was speechless and so was Dorians, then Mia run towards me and hugged me.

-you are amazing, but how?-

-just don't show them any fear- I lied to her for now

-Nix- Dorians call me

-I have to go, but Ill see you at night- I walked towards Dorian

He didn't say anything just looked at me weird and we walked outside, towards his car. We went to his stupid new store, well, pet shop. It was almost done, they where painting and putting the human crates on the walls. This makes my stomach hurt. His sister was there.

-what are you doing here?- he asks bothered

-well little brother, you will need a worker for your new store, lucky for you I need a job- she said with a big smile

-Lucky for you, you might say, but no thanks, I don't hire junkies-

-mother fucker, will you help me for once in your miserable life- she said mad following him around the room

-didn't I help you already? getting your drugs- he stops looking at a crate

-shut up- she says lowing her voice

-what? are you ashamed-

-come on Dorian, please, at least give me the cleaning position-

-done, is yours-

-really?- she said exited

-yes, I don't want to be cleaning human feces in the bathroom, or any cleaning at all-


-do you want it or not?-

-yes I do, dad just cut my money bank, so anything works-

-perfect, but another thing before you leave, you need to be out of the drugs, clean, ok?-


-yes or no work-

-fine- she leaves and Dorian had a cute smile on his face. He had feelings, he cared for his sister. What is this, my heart was pounding fast. Don't feel, don't feel. After he  order a few thing there, we got in the car again and went to a big field, full of yellow and white little flowers. We walked for a few minutes then he sit on the green grass, the wind was blowing hard. I sit next to him and we where there in silence for about half of an hour. I closed my eyes and breath the air, I wish my family was here with me, running and playing, hearing my mom laughing and my dad snoring because he felled asleep on the floor. Tears went down my face, I feel Dorian cold fingers rushing my Sheek cleaning my tear. I open my eyes and look at him. he licks the tear out of his finger.

-you know, I always wonder, where tears come from, you humans are incredible, this clear liquid that come out just like that, it tastes like the ocean, you taste like the ocean-

-do you ever cry?- I ask

-I cried once, when my mother was killed and my tears are horrible, black and tasted like venom; why where you crying?-

-I was remembering my family, how I wish they where here with me-

-I'm sorry is this way, the things, our Lifes, I wish things where different, please don't blame me for their mistakes, I know I was like them when I met you, but now, I feel different, since you came to my life, Phoenix- he stops and moves to face me -I want to be with you always, I...I love you, I cant bare the idea of losing you, at first I couldn't believe it, I thought I just like you, but today when my father grabbed you like that I wanted to kill him, take you and run away from all this cursed world, to be with you-

I was in shock, freeze there, I felt something inside of me moved up and down again. I didn't know what to say. 

-Don't love me- I order like I did before to his father

-What? how can you say that, I know you don't feel the same, for what I did to you and for what my kind has done to your people, but believe me, I will not be a part of it, no more-

Why it didn't work, I thought. Its because his love is real, the voice pop in my head again. What? how is that even possible, he is evil, vampires don't love, I said to the voice. But she didn't answer.

-Phoenix, please say something- he grabbed my hands

-Then why are you opening the human pet shop?- I said mad

-look, we can help humans this way, grooming vampires to see them not only as food, I know it looks bad, but is a start, maybe we can make a new agreement and free your people one day-

-I got a better idea, but first I got to think things true and if you really love me, you will do as I say, and maybe I will consider falling in love with you-

-really?- he said getting closer to me

-yes, but you'll have to support me, is the least you can do-

-I will, phoenix, I love you, I mean it, I have never felt this way before, in my hundred years-

-I believe you-

-oh I almost forgot, here- he gave me an apple, I took it. -now is a picnic, that's what you people call it, right?-

-well yes, but it has to be more food-

-well next time, I will bring more- he moves and sits looking front at the sky. -hey, you have to tell me what did you do to my father, I have never seen him like that, I like it-

-I will master-

-oh no more master, Dorian is fine, or whatever you want to call me, but Infront of people, you still have to call me master, you know, we have to keep a low profile for now-


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