Dice 2 [h.s.]

By tpwk_pleaseeee

555 23 10

"Did goodbye mean letting go and did letting go mean forever?" -perry - THIS BOOK CONTAINS TRIGGER WORTH SUBJ... More



48 2 3
By tpwk_pleaseeee

"You weren't mine to lose." -Taylor Swift


"You look very pretty." Willow smiled as she helped zip my dress up. I smiled at her and moved to look in the mirror.

    I had chosen a tight floor length navy blue dress with a huge slit on my left leg. I matched black stilettos and my natural curls. Willow said this was a gala and called for fancy clothes. Willow was sporting a gray dress, floor length with a tule skirt. As extra as always.

"Thanks." I tried to smile.

    A few hours had gone by since Harry and I's fight. He disappeared so we decided to create a new game plan. I don't know where he went and frankly do not care. I'm both upset and angry at him.

"Wowza." I heard Xavier say from behind me. I sighed and turned around.

"You look handsome too." I winked.

"I'll go get the car ready." Willow left the room, leaving Xavier and I alone in the room.

    I turned around and faced the mirror as Xavier walked up from behind me. He had a deep red suit on that fit his figure perfectly. His hair was gelled to sit perfectly. He removed his hands from his pockets as he approached me.

    I fixed my posture as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I stared at him through the mirror. He moved his hand to fix my necklace to sit perfect on my chest. I placed my hand against it as he put his hands back in his pockets.

"I heard you guys fighting." Xavier cleared his throat as we both turned and broke the tension.

"Not right now Xavier." I shook my head.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. If I caused any of it I'm sorry." Xavier nodded.

"It wasn't you actually." I chuckled and sat down on the bed, collapsing my hands in my lamp.

"Oh." Xavier hid a grin.

"I already booked a flight for tomorrow morning to head back to Las Vegas, I hope you don't mind. I can't sit in a car with him." I took a deep breath to fight off tears.

"I can drive with grumpy." Xavier leaned over and nudged me, making me smile slightly.

"I really need tonight to go smoothly. Get in, get out." I trilled my lips and stood up.

"It will, I promise." Xavier placed his hand on his chest and gave me a firm nod. I grinned back and patted his shoulder.

"Let's get going." I grabbed my purse from off the bed and began to walk out the room, feeling Xavier trail behind.

    When we reached outside the safe house, Willow was already sitting in the passenger seat on her phone. I got in behind her as Xavier climbed into the driver's seat. Only Willow knows where we are going so she had to lead the way.

    It was a drive to Santa Monica, which was pretty far away from where we were staying. I got to stare out the window and people watched. The last time I was in California was nearly ten years ago to see an artist I really liked.

    Xavier pulled up to a huge brick mansion sitting on top of a hill surrounded by other huge houses. Xavier parked the car a little down the street before we all got out. Willow looked uncomfortable while looking around.

"Here." Xavier brought me to the trunk. He pulled out a gun and held it out for me to take.

"No, it's ok. I won't be using it." I pushed it back, my palms getting sweaty when looking at it.

"It's for protection. I know you won't use it but just in case." Xavier pushed it into my hand.

"O-ok." I gulped. I shoved the gun into my purse and cleared my throat, joining Willow in front of the car.

    She was staring up at the house with a nervous expression. Willow licked her lips and turned towards me, putting her back to the house. I glanced between her and the house and grinned.

"So, care to tell me who this mystery man is?" I pressed my hands down my dress.

"I think you might know him." Willow bit down on her lip.


"Let's get it, ladies." Xavier pushed between us and began to walk. Willow quickly hurried after him, forcing me to catch up.

"Willow what do you mean I kn-"

    My words were cut off as we approached the house and I froze. In big bold letters it read "Genovese". My mouth went dry as Willow and Xavier turned around to see me stuck in place.

"This is Luca's house!" I shouted, stomping my foot while remembering the exact house from old memories just in a different city.

"Suprise!" Willow chuckled nervously.

"We're coming here to kill a mafia member!" I shouted again.

"Don't say it so loud." Willow slapped her hand on my shoulder.

"And one's that are my friends!" I whispered.

"This is why she didn't tell us." Xavier stepped back to stand beside me.

"What's all this- Kennedy?" The familiar sound of one of my favorite Italians forced me to turn around. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

"Luca!" I ran into his arms and bear hugged him, him hugging me tightly back.

"I heard the news, I was at the funeral but didn't get a chance to come up to you. Family business and all." Luca frowned as he laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Luca, trust me I get it." I nodded with a smile.

"What are you doing here at my gala?" Luca smiled and glanced up, instantly losing his smile when he saw Willow.

"Cosa stai facendo qui? (what are you doing here?)" Luca shouted in Italian.

"Vendetta (revenge)." Willow responded back in Italian.

"You can't be here, if my father sees you." Luca warned.

"That's exactly who I'm here for!" Willow smirked as Xavier stumbled back.

"Non eri altro che il giocattolo di mio fratello. Vattene ora. (you were nothing but my brother's toy. Leave, now)." Luca pulled me back instinctively while looking around us.

"Tuo padre si è messo in mezzo. Ho bisogno che se ne vada. (your father got in the way, I need him gone)" Willow hissed.

"Then you leave me no choice." Luca pressed a button on his watch and quickly three people ran out of the house.

    Xavier stumbled behind Luca as we watched Willow get detained by three olive skinned men. Willow kicked and tried to scratch but they had too strong of a hold on her. She began to sob.

"If they take me, you'll never know who the last sucker is!" She screamed with her eyes growing blood red.

"You think I trusted you for a minute? I've already got his location." Xavier said from behind.

"Fuck!" She screamed.

"Prendila (take her)." Luca flicked his hand and Willow was being pulled completely out of sight.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" Luca sighed and turned back to me.

"Nothing now I guess." I frowned.

"Oh but you just got here! Please, be my date for the night. I can't bear these Italian ladies up my ass anymore." Luca smiled his big smile and I glanced at Xavier.

"I'll go find Harry." Xavier grinned.

"Thanks." I quickly walked and gave him a kiss on the cheek before locking arms with Luca.

"Let's go sir." I grinned.

Harry's POV

"Dude, why the fuck did you lie?" Niall screamed through the phone. I pulled at my hair sitting at the end of the bar I had found.

"You don't get it. I need to find her." I took a sip of my beer and bounced my knee.

"But she's Kennedy. She's your girlfriend. The woman you once told me you wanted to marry. How can you put someone who abandoned you above the love of your life?" Niall asked bitterly.

"I-I don't know. Fuck!" I shouted, glancing around the room but the music was too loud for anyone to hear.

"You need to get a fucking grip." Niall hissed.

"I know. I'm going crazy." I shook my head.

"Bud Light." A familiar voice ordered from beside me. I glanced up to see Xavier suddenly sitting beside me.

"I'll call you back Niall." I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"You were a hard fellow to track." Xavier chuckled as he gave the bartender cash for his drink.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I made a fist beside my drink.

"Helping my dear friend out. You fucked up, Styles." Xavier took a sip of his beer and sighed. I fought the urge to punch his fucking face in.

"Why do you care? If she breaks up with me, you can swoop in and have her for yourself." I began to breathe faster.

"While that is a dream scenario, I can't do that to you two. She loves you too much and I'm not a home wrecker to my friends." Xavier shrugged.

"How sweet." I rolled my eyes.

"Remember Luca? The one who baby sat you in your locker room?" Xavier grinned.

"One of Kennedy's ex boyfriends?" I questioned back.

"Thats the one." Xavier chuckled.

"What about him?" I sipped my drink.

"Willow brought us to his house to kill his brother, a fucking mafia guy. Kennedy's with him tonight. I left to come find your idiot ass." Xavier flicked my temple and shook his head.

"Wait, the whole point of this was for you guys to kill someone?" I stopped my motion and glanced towards Xavier.

"Fuck." Xavier's face flushed.

"So she fucking lied to me too? Why did you really come to California with Willow? Huh?" I stood up, getting angry.

"Harry." Xavier warned.

"I will punch you." I held my fist up as I narrowed him against a wall.

"Kennedy wanted to find out where the last sucker was." Xavier relaxed as he spilled.

So she fucking lied too?

"She's dead." I pushed into my pocket and found cash for my tab.

"Harry, where are you going?" Xavier finished his drink and followed me outside the bar.

"She's fucking done." I began to feel angry boiling in my blood.

"Think about this, man." Xavier pushed in front of me.

"Ok." I paused. "Done, she's toast." I climbed into my car and slammed it shut.

"Harry!" Xavier shouted as he banged on my window.

    I backed out of my spot and avoided Xavier as he collapsed to his knees. She thinks she can place blame on me? Looks like we were both liars honey. She's fucking dead.

Kennedy's POV

"See her, right there?" Luca whispered in my ear and pointed across the room. A girl with big curly brown hair and a tiny body was smiling at someone while chewing gum.

"I see her." I grinned, watching her double over in a fake laugh.

"She's my dad's dream girl for me. I don't know why, but he loves her." Luca shuddered and turned back towards the bar.

    I turned too and sipped my screw driver. Luca ran his fingers through his perfectly slicked back brunette hair. I pushed myself to sit on the bar stool and stare ahead as Luca calmed himself down.

"I want someone kind of like you. Confident, not afraid of anything, understanding. All of these girls just want me for my money. They don't actually know the life they'll live." Luca sat on the barstool beside me and sighed.

"Not everyone can be like me I guess." I said sarcastically. "But I get it. That was a big reason we didn't work, because I knew what it would entail. Although, I just wound up being the thing I feared." I shrugged and looked down my body and narrowed at the knife outline by my inner thigh.

"I have to marry soon since my dad's looking to step down." Luca shook his head.

"What about your brother?" I asked, glancing behind me to see Lucas look-a-like watching us like a hawk.

"He fucked around with Willow, my father doesn't trust him." Luca mouthed something to him before turning back to the bar.

"Hey!" Someone screamed from behind us as the doors busted open. Luca and I quickly jumped and grabbed our weapons.

    My mood completely changed as Harry entered the room. Luca and I glanced at each other and back at Harry as he came in, his face angry and a gun squeezed in his hand. I put my gun back in my purse and walked towards him.

"You." He hissed as he lunged towards me.

"Outside." I grabbed his hair, having an advantage with my heels, and pulled him.

"Ow!" He screamed as I pulled him, having a hard lock on his curls. I dragged us all the way outside until we were away from people.

"What the fuck was that?" He rubbed his head with his gun still in his hand. I crossed my arms and sighed.

"I could ask you the same question." I growled.

"Kennedy! Fuck, I tried to stop him. Shit." Xavier stopped beside Harry and doubled over, breathing fast and heavy.

    Quickly, I realized our annoyance was a two way street and both lead to Xavier. The bastard spilt, didn't he?

Karmas a bitch

"You lied." Harry tucked his gun in the back of his pants and put his hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes.

"No, what I did was not tell you stuff because you never cared to ask. But you, you lied." I felt my blood begin to bowl and my heart continue to rip open.

"You told me she wasn't worth it? How is your obsession with killing off the suckers any different than me finding Natalie?" Harry questioned, more calmly than I thought.

"I don't revolve my life around it and abandon the people I love for people who truly mean nothing. Unlike you, who neglects what's standing right in front of you for someone who could give two shits about you." I hissed.

    Harry stumbled back and created silence between the two of us. I felt my words cut like a sharp knife through skin. I was pouring my heart out to him, and he could care less.

Is this the end?

"What are you saying?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"What do you think I'm saying?"

"I'm not going to be the one to say it." Harry shook his head.

"I want to go." I turned to Xavier who was watching the whole entire fight.

"Don't walk away. Fucking tell me what you want." Harry stepped in front of my gaze.

"Let her go, man." Xavier walked around to stand beside me.

"If you walk away right now, and leave with Xavier right now. I'm done trying to save this." Harry gulped.

    I stared at Harry directly into his eyes. I felt so tired and done. For half of our relationship, I've shared it with Natalie. She left us, left me when I needed her most. Even not here, she's ruled my life and relationship.

    I'm done trying to argue and fight for something I want but he doesn't. It's clear he doesn't want me like I want him. Or love me like I love him. I'm sick of trying to save something that was gone months ago.

    I continued to stare at him, watching as tears began to form in his eyes. Staring at him, every fiber in my being didn't want to leave. But him, standing there, begging me to stay for something he doesn't seem to want, I can't allow my heart to keep getting broken.

It's time for a clean break

"Let's go." I watched Harry's eyes turn black as Xavier removed his jacket and threw it over my shoulders.

"Really?" Harry asked as he clutched his chest. I took a deep breath and kept my face dry.

"Come on." I turned to Xavier as he threw his arm around my shoulder and escorted me away from him.

I'm too bruised to keep taking beatings and pretending to be ok. 

Harry's POV

    I collapsed to my knees as Kennedy and Xavier walked away from me. I allowed tears to escape from my eyes as my chest ached. The familiar feeling, of which I felt when my dad's body guard told me my mother was dead. My breathing began to quicken until I was searching for air.

"What have I done?" I whispered to myself, realizing I just lost my everything.

    My world, my love, my heart. It's gone and it's all my fault. I couldn't give her up, my only ounce of blood family I had left. But she's not worth it if I don't have my real family by my side.

"Harry?" The voice of Kennedy's ex boyfriend entered my ears as I let my sobs out.

"I fucked up." I struggled out as I continued to shake.

"She left, didn't she?" Luca asked, getting down to my level.

I nodded, unable to respond.

"Let's get you home." Luca put his arm around me and helped me up. I didn't even care if he saw me like that, my reputation was nothing without her.

She's my everything, and I just lost it.
What the fuck was I thinking?

Kennedy's POV

"Thanks Xavier." I nodded as I got out of the car and entered our safe house. I placed Xavier's coat on the couch as he locked up.

"I'm sorry Kennedy, I know how much you loved him." Xavier placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Not enough, I guess." I shivered.

"I'll make sure a car is waiting for you to take you to the airport." Xavier sighed and began to rub up and down my arm.

"Thanks X." I continued to hold back tears as I turned around.

    Suddenly I was face to face with Xavier. His breath was hot against my skin as his lips parted staring at me. I felt nothing staring back at him except the pain from my aching heart.

Perhaps he could supply a quick home made remedy?


    We stood still as his hand laid against the small of my back. I quickly felt something hard on my thigh. I searched his eyes, hoping to god he wasn't thinking about me. But all I could find was a want. For me.

No one has looked at me like that in awhile


"Xavier." I whispered, trying to break his look of lust but it increased as he tightened his hold on my back.

    My breathing quickened as his eyes narrowed down the lip of my nose and to my lips. Memories of old times flooded in and I was too fragile to fight them off. As much as he did have a small dick, he knew the way to a woman's body and every hidden message encoded inside.

"X." I shortened his name as my heart rate quickened.

"Sh." He shushed as he stared down my body and back into my eyes.

"I can't." I shook my head, truly feeling nothing but the need for a distraction and the promise of an orgasm.

"Why not?" He asked, moving so his nose rubbed against my jaw line, forcing my chin up to escape his touch.

"B-because." I stumbled on my words as I heard his nose sniff beside my neck.

"Because of him? You're single now." Xavier smiled as he placed a kiss on my neck.

My heart broke slightly at the use of single

He wants you, Kennedy

My brain hissed words at me like the devil on my shoulder. Where on earth was the angel to pull me away?

"X." I tried to stop the soft moan that left my lips as he bit down on the skin behind my ear.

"Hm?" He asked as he attached himself to my skin.

Your single, Kennedy. Act like it

How to turn off your brain is a challenge I won't ever know but will now be my life's mission.

"Xavier." I whispered out loud.

"Let me help you, just for tonight." He whispered into my skin.

    A flash of him taking me on the very counter he did a body shot off of me on, pushes through and forces the excited feeling down to my core. I groan, both out of annoyance and need.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

I whined.

    Suddenly, his lips were on mine. My first instinct was to pull away, but the devil pulling the strings in my head forced my lips to kiss back. And suddenly, I was no longer sweet old Kennedy.

I was just plain old fucked.


a/n: what's a part two to a book without a little drama?

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