My angel will judge me.

By zhanyi_fantasy

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Love falls apart only when misunderstandings start between them.This misunderstanding is a terrible thing tha... More

character introduction
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14

part 5

510 56 22
By zhanyi_fantasy

After speaking with yibo, Ms. Kim sent her feedback to the Chinese company that night. Because if there is no response to their offer for a long time, there will be a possibility of the project being canceled from above .

When Wang Ji wakes up in the morning, he finds son hugging him and sleeping.Wang Ji patted his son's head gently and he got off the bed.After he freshens up , he prepares breakfast for his son and comes to his room to call him. Yibo looking at his father with sleepy eyes, his father refreshes him very lovingly.And fed him with his own hands. Yibo was upset because his father was leaving for Japan tomorrow.He hugs his father and says, "I will miss you deda"

Hearing this, Wang ji pats his son's head and kisses his forehead, saying, "I'll finish the project as soon as possible."

Hearing this Yibo looked at his father and hurriedly said, "No need, you are going for a work project, do it carefully. Don't worry your lion cub, he has grown up.He knows how to take care of himself "

A soft smile appeared on Wang ji's lips after hearing this. Yibo is surprised and says father, " you are smiling deda"

After listening to this, Wang ji politely hides a smile and says,"  it is getting late to go to college"

Yibo  pout and says," you can smile a little sometimes, you look so beautiful"

Wangji stops hearing this and remembers one .Who used to say to him all the time, "  heyyyy , lanzhan You can smile a little, you look so beautiful when you smile."""

"Wei ying "- Wang ji muttered to his unawares

"Wei ying,  who is this? Deda"-

Yibo  asked his father confused as he had never heard this name before

Wang ji comes to his senses and he realizes what a big mistake he was going to make, he quickly says, "No one."

Wangji left the room and  yibo watching his father leave, he says, "deda you are so mysterious!! why don't you share your thoughts with your  lion cub!!!"


At evening

Yibo , Mrs. Kim and a very beautiful woman is sitting in front of them.This woman did the same research with Mr. Wang .He helped Mr. Wang ji as his right hand.Now Yibo is serious about going to China but has no idea about this project so Mrs. Kim wants to send Mrs. Han, the lady who is currently in front of them, with him.


Wang ji's colleague research. She is very strict in nature and she initially rejects offer .Because it is illegal to publish Mr. Wang Ji's 'boy pregnant research' without his permission.None of them will have a job if Mr. Wang Ji finds out about this.But Mrs. Kim lured her with a large sum of money and convinced her to do so.

Yibo on the other hand was happily thanking Mrs. Kim over and over for sending such a beautiful woman with him.He kept trying to flirt with Mrs. Han but Mrs han ignored him.

"So that's the final tomorrow morning we leave for the project in Japan at ten in the morning  . You and Yibo  both leave for China tomorrow afternoon."-

Mrs. Kim Said and Mrs. Agreed

suddenly she holds Mrs. Han's hand and says, "Please take care of yibo. he is very fragile."

FRAGILE,FRAGILE , FRAGILE What is his sweetie insulting him!!!Girls are fragile. And Yibo is a boy. he Strong and powerful , Yibo is thinking about these things.

Then Yibo said, "Sweetie don't worry about me. Instead tell Han baby  to take care of her because Yibo is going with her."Saying this, he winked at Mrs. Han

Miss han then pulled Yibo's ear and said, "You spoiled Bat, you know how old I am?? I am your father's age. So look at me in mother's eyes and respect me."

Yibo then removed his ears from Mrs. Han and said, "If I see everyone through the eyes of my mother, who will I see through the eyes of my wife?"

Both just shook their heads because they knew Yibo would never get a good boy.


Mrs. Kim knows that yibo's father has a separate spy for Yibo to keep an eye on him .Because in this way he can keep an eye on all the activities of yibo and protect him from danger.So he was very worried if Yibo went away and if Mrs. Kim didn't tell him anything. Even then he will get all the information through his spy.

So Mrs. Kim makes a plan and she informs Wang  Ji that a tour is planned from Yibo's College to another country.And Yibo is willing to go on that tour. So Wang ji agrees because he trusts Mrs. Kim to never lie to him. And he never stops what his son does.

Mrs. Kim made all the arrangements and paid the bodyguards separately to keep this information secret from Wang ji .Mrs. Kim wants to do these things very carefully because Wang Ji has set aside people to protect his son.

The next morning Mrs. Kim and Wang Ji both left for the airport for Japan. Yibo was with them to escort them to the airport.
Wang Ji hugs his son and kisses his forehead.

"Don't do any mischief because I allowed you to go on the college tour."

Yibo then rolls his eyes and says," ok ok but please don't send your rhino gangs with me."

Wang ji narrowed his eyes at his son as if warning his son once again to improve his language.

Yibo avoids his father's warning to his sweetie as he hugs her said," I will miss you a lot "

"I will miss you too "-

Both went inside the airport and Yibo was watching them and waving them goodbye from outside.


After yibo gets home, he starts packing his things and stuffs the burnt diary into his bag.


Kuan had made all arrangements for the scientist Wang ji and had also booked an apartment for him.
Hai kuan sent his personal secretary to receive Mr wang .

Hai kuan's personal secretary Mr. Bean stood at the airport for about half an hour with a signboard in his hand.

Finally after waiting he saw a very beautiful woman accompanied by a young child who wore face masks and introduced himself as Mr. Wang.

Mr. Bean doesn't want to believe it at first because how can such a young boy become a scientist but seeing the face of the woman next to him, he is a little scared and dare not say anything.

They got into the car and left for the apartment.But midway the driver stopped the car and when Mr. Bean asked, the diver said there was a lion cub in front of them.

Hearing this, Mr. Kim noticed the young boy wearing the mask, Mr. Wang quickly got out of the car and sat back inside the car with the lion cub in his arms.

"Mr wang , this baby is a lion cub it can be harmful. Throw it in the street"-

Hearing this, Mr. Bean found the young boy glaring at him.

Just then Mr. Bean heard a very sweet voice, but there was a lot of anger in that voice, "You bald uncle, how dare you throw such a small , cute puppy on the street."

"It's not a puppy and it's lion cub  a lot of dirt on it,  so listen to what Mr. Bean says and throw it out on the street."-

Mrs. Han said in a stern voice.

Hearing this, Yibo hugs the lion cub tighter and says," what if this kid is a lion, he thinks to himself that he is a  puppy."-
Mrs. Kim let out a sigh after hearing yibo's childish talk.

"You bald uncle, look at the puppy and say, do you think this puppy is violent"-

Mr. Bean looked at  boy's puppy-like eyes and the puppy-like eyes of the lion cub and said, "Yes, it's a baby, it's not that harmful for you.And if you pet this lion cub, it will grow up to be your pet."

Hearing this, Yibo happily said," you are not as bad as I thought, good uncle"

Mr. Bean is a bit surprised because the boy's expression changes so quickly that he was just calling him bald uncle and now he is a good uncle.

Mr. Bean leads them to the front of their apartment, gives them the keys to his apartment, and leaves again.

The driver helps them carry their belongings and yibo enters the apartment but he doesn't like the apartment at all.Because this apartment is very small compared to the mansion he lives in.

"Are they making us feel poor for providing us with such a small apartment to live in?"-
Yibo pout and he was looking around the apartment.

Yibo washed the lion cub thoroughly with shampoo and bath and dried it with a towel.He named this lion cub is beauty pup. Hearing this, Mrs. Han looked at him as if he couldn't get a better name than that.

At night wang ji calls yibo and they talk to each other.

Mrs. han orders food online and keeping all the things in place.After dinner came they both went to sleep as they had to join a meeting in the morning.

Yibo didn't know who he would be meeting with until now, and he didn't want to know about it. Mrs. Han would handle it all. He is here on another mission.



Yibo was sleeping peacefully but Mrs han threw cold water on him. Yibo jumps up when Mrs. Kim comes in front of him and says, "Should go jogging in the morning."

Yibo pouted, this woman is really a little too strict. His sweetie would never do this to him. He really misses his sweetie.

"You are bullying an innocent child like me. You oldie, no shame on you for doing such a despicable thing!!!"-

Yibo was complaining like a child to Mrs. han and Mrs. Han looked up at him and said," I could do worse if you don't get ready and go jogging outside now."

Early in the morning, Yibo forced himself to go jogging, which he had never done in his life.He took the lion cub with him.Mrs. han was not willing to take the lion cub with them but Yibo was serious so she didn't say anything anymore.

Inside the park

  Mrs han and Yibo were both jogging but yibo was not used to jogging and was falling behind Han over and over again. So he deliberately went the other way and Mrs. han went the other way. Because to go jogging with this oldie woman, he has to return home sick today.He sat down on a bench after coming to another street and sat down on a bench with the lion cub in his hand.He started drinking water from his bottle.He doesn't have that beauty pup when he sees his beauty pup next to him when he finishes drinking water.

He starts looking for his beauty all over again.After searching for about half an hour, he finally found his beauty.

But he stopped in place before running to her because there was danger ahead.His beauty is in danger!!! Because there is a huge black beast in front of his beauty means a dog ....... Seriously 😒!!!!!

Yibo had a panic attack after seeing this, now who will save his beauty!!!

But if all guys look closely, they realize that actually this dog is scared of the lion cub and the lion cub is scaring the dog.

But then yibo's eyes caught on a handsome man. Can a man be so handsome?The boy was very tall, handsome and manly.

Yibo just observes the boy with wide eyes."How is a man so handsome?"-

Yibo said as he noticed that there would be a group of more than 10 rhinos behind the man . The group of rhinos is definitely the body builder guy in the black coat.

This look a bit strange to yibo because who brings a bodyguard along while jogging??

But his eyes widen when he sees the handsome man trying to hurt his beauty pup and save the beast.

He quickly ran to that place and said,  "heyyy you  , don't you dare to hurt my beauty"

The handsome  man looked at Yibo after listening to him and the two of them met each other's eyes.They stop for a moment and disappear between their eyes.

Yibo sees his beauty lying down and his beauty pup's leg is hurting and he is very angry looking at the man . The boy was still looking at him. Yibo claps his hands in front of him and says, "How dare you hit a puppy like that."

The handsome man snapped out of his thoughts at Yibo's shout and looked at Yibo in confusion.

Yibo then took the lion cub in his arms and said, "baby how come you have a pain in your leg. I told you to stay by my side!!! Why did you leave?? You know how tense your mom was!!"

Just then a man behind that handsome man said with some fear, "the mother of this lion cub means the lioness is here!!!

Hearing this, Yibo looked at him sharply and said, "In what way do I look like a lioness to you? You idiot rhino"

"Who is the rhinoceros?"-
said the man . This boy's name was Wen ning.

" You"- yibo said rolling his eyes

"But in  what  ways I feel like a rhinoceros to you!!!!"-
Wen ning said confusedly.

"Because you are all bodyguards of this handsome young man. A bodyguard's job is to protect their owner.The bodyguard  is very strong like a rhinoceros. That means you are all a group of rhinos "-  yibo said

"But I am not a bodyguard, I am my boss's personal secretary."-
Wen ning said proudly

That's when he heard a very loud laugh from the front which meant that cute boy was laughing loudly

"Is your boss out jogging with his bodyguard and personal secretary?"-

Yibo said this and he starts laughing again.

" Noo ..We are here for a project."- Wen ning again said

He heard the sound of laughter again and the boy was now laughing loudly with his hands on his stomach and said,"What is your project in this park area?are you fooling me"

" Actually, this park will be demolished and a big mall will be built here, that's why we came to see this park."-

Wen ning said that's when he heard the cute boy yelling at them, "How dare you tear down such a beautiful park and build a mall here. Natural resources are being wasted in this way only for you "

"But the park is man-made, there are only a few trees as natural resources"-
Wen ning said confused

"Those trees that are there are great resources, we should save them."- He was there to advise them like an adult

Wen ning was about to say something when he heard his boss say, "We're not here to waste time talking to crazy people."

It was the first time yibo heard such a masculine voice. This voice was so deep and cold that everyone present fell silent.

Yibo is silent for a moment but suddenly a ringing in his head, CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY ............
This handsome young man insulted him as crazy.

"How dare you call me crazy. do you know WHO AM I"-

"You don't know who you are?? So how do I know?"-
The handsome young man replied with an emotionless look on his face

The bodyguard of the young man behind laughed after hearing this and tried to control his laughter.

" You , you "-  yibo was so angry that he could no longer say anything because of his anger.

"Yes I am,  SEAN XIAO ZHAN,  And Sean xiao zhan doesn't waste his time talking to these crazy people "- . Saying this zhan put his hand in his pocket.

Yibo may not have been insulted like this by anyone in his life.

"you!!! I will see you later "-

Yibo said and  gritted his teeth trying to control his anger

"Why later? see me now"- xiao Zhan said that and he closed to him.Seeing this Yibo went into a frenzy because for the first time in his life he was uncomfortable.

Why not!! he is  Street person. If a boy comes in front of him like this,  he will be nervous.

Zhan came very close to him and yibo quickly put his beauty pup before them.Before zhan  knew anything, the lion cub pawed  at him with its small paw.It did not hurt zhan because the claws of the lion cub were not that strong.Perhaps the lion also realized that this man had insulted his mom so much that he took revenge on his mom and When Yibo saw what his beauty had done with this handsome boy , immediately both of them left the place.

A smirk appeared on zhan's lips when he saw this.

The bodyguards, including Wen ning, were all surprised as they had never seen their boss behave like this before.It's unusual for their boss to be standing there teasing someone like that. They stand there as if they have seen a ghost and Wen ning quickly calls Mrs. Xiso to break the news.


Yibo and Yibo's beauty pup has come a long way to run .They yawned profusely.

He happily kisses his beauty's face and says ," you are so great  beauty pup .You did a good job pawed him on the cheek.It would be great if his beautiful cheeks got scarred.
How dare that handso..... mean ugly man insult me."

Yes it's a huge insult to Yibo because he is a playboy. He is flirting and teasing with all the girls. Today, a boy teasing with him  and he left the place in fear.He didn't object!!!!

" 'Chan' or ' se-ean' as if to say the name!!! Anyway, I will see you, who are you messing with!!"- yibo said angrily

He took a deep breath and looking around he remembered he had lost his place now how was he going to get home.Another trouble!!!!Now if he doesn't go home before Mrs. Han, he might have to scold again.

"Deda I miss you "- yibo said. He could understand that it would be very difficult for him to journey alone like this.

Next part will come soon

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