Stray Kids x Reader

By YourNameLovesKpop

8.1K 109 16

This Stray Kids fanfic collection spans romance, fluff, angst, and smut, immersing readers in a range of inti... More

Han Jisung: Movie Night (smut)
Lee Felix: Morning After (smut)
Minho, felix, seungmin & Jeongin : Lets Have Some Fun (Smut)
Hyunjin : Baby fever (Smut)
Seungmin : Trust (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Jealous (Fluff)
Hyunjin : Haunted Hospital (Fluff)
BangChan: just relax (Smut)
Seungmin: Love At First Sight (Fluff)
Hyunjin & Flix: who I Wanna Be (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: It All Started At The Night Shift
Lee Minho : A Teasing Game (Smut)
Le Felix : Pool Party (Smut)
Jeongin & choi Beomgyu: It's Party Time (Smut)
Hyunjin: Hair (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Cat Girl Chronicles
Seungmin: Phone Call (Smut)
Lee Minho: Stress (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: Mad
Jeongin: Game Night (smut)
Vampire Seungmin: Pray
All members: y/n in revealing outfit
Vampire Seungmin: Mine (smut)
Artist Hyunjin: My Muse (Smut)
Changbin: Big spoon Little spoon (Smut)

Jeongin: I'm Sorry (Fluff, Angst)

146 2 0
By YourNameLovesKpop

Paring: Jeongin x Reader
Style: Angst, Romance, Friendship, SFW
Word count: 3658

. . .

Y/N and Jeongin were amidst the roaring crowd at a basketball game, surrounded by the rest of the Stray Kids members. The atmosphere was electrifying, with fans cheering and the game intensifying. Y/N found herself seated cozily next to Jeongin, with Felix on her other side.

"Wow, this game is incredible, right?" Y/N shouted over the noise, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Jeongin nodded, his focus partly on the game and partly on Y/N. "Yeah, but not as incredible as watching it with you," he replied, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Felix, overhearing their exchange, chuckled and nudged Y/N playfully. "You two are always in your own world," he teased.

As the game progressed, the trio cheered and jeered along with the crowd, getting more engrossed in the excitement. During a break, the big screen started showcasing couples in the crowd, prompting them to kiss - a tradition that brought laughter and cheers from the spectators.

"Look at them!" Y/N exclaimed, pointing at a couple on the screen who shyly obliged the crowd's request.

Suddenly, the camera panned to Felix and Y/N. They were taken aback, realizing they were being mistaken for a couple due to their proximity.

"The crowd thinks you're a couple!" Jeongin said, his voice laced with a touch of discomfort.

Felix looked at Y/N, his cheeks tinting red. "Should we just go for it?" he asked, half-joking.

Y/N, caught in the moment and the excitement of the crowd chanting for them, nodded. "Just a quick one," she agreed, laughing nervously.

Their lips met briefly, but the kiss unexpectedly deepened, their movements syncing in a moment that seemed to stretch beyond time. When they finally pulled away, both were visibly flushed, their eyes locking in a silent acknowledgment of the surprising intensity of their kiss.

The Stray Kids members watched with wide eyes, a mix of shock and amusement evident on their faces. Jeongin's expression, however, was hard to read. His usual playful demeanor had vanished, replaced by a cold, distant look.

As the game ended, the group started to leave. Jeongin remained unusually quiet, his thoughts a turbulent sea. He couldn't shake off the image of Y/N and Felix kissing, the laughter that followed, the way they now seemed slightly closer to each other.

Y/N, sensing something amiss, approached Jeongin. "Jeongin, are you okay? You've been really quiet."

He didn't respond, his pace quickening as he tried to distance himself from the scene that kept replaying in his mind.

"Jeongin!" Y/N called out again, reaching for his arm.

In a sudden outburst of pent-up emotions, Jeongin whirled around, his eyes blazing. "What do you want, Y/N? To gloat about your little moment with Felix?"

Y/N recoiled, shocked by his tone. "Jeongin, it was just for the camera, nothing more."

"Oh, sure," Jeongin snapped, his words laced with bitterness. "You looked pretty into it for something that was 'nothing more'."

The others, noticing the commotion, gathered around. Bang Chan stepped forward, attempting to defuse the situation. "Jeongin, let's talk about this calmly, okay?"

But Jeongin wasn't done. "You know what, Y/N? Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you. I have been trying to tell you and show how how much I like you more than just a friends but you're so oblivious to everything and everyone around you."

His words cut deep, and Y/N's eyes brimmed with tears. She had never seen this side of Jeongin, his words like daggers.

"I... I didn't know you felt that way," she stammered, her voice breaking.

Jeongin, realizing the magnitude of his outburst, paused, his anger giving way to regret. But the damage was done. Without another word, he turned and stormed off, leaving a hurt and crying Y/N behind.

Bang Chan quickly followed Jeongin, leaving the others to comfort Y/N. Felix, feeling responsible, stayed close to her, his own guilt and concern evident.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Felix murmured. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"It's not your fault, Felix," Y/N replied, trying to muster a smile through her tears. "I just... I didn't realize Jeongin felt that way about me."

The drive to Y/N's apartment was filled with a heavy, somber atmosphere. Changbin focused on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel, while Felix sat beside him, his face etched with guilt.

"Changbin, this is all my fault," Felix muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "If I hadn't gone along with that kiss..."

Changbin glanced at him, "Felix, you couldn't have known this would happen. We all thought it was just a game."

In the backseat, Y/N, unable to hold back her tears, had finally succumbed to a troubled sleep on Minho's shoulder. Seungmin, sitting beside her, kept a protective eye on her.

"She's really broken up about this," Seungmin said quietly, his concern evident.

Minho nodded, gently adjusting Y/N's head to make her more comfortable. "Yeah, she's taking it hard. I just wish we could do something to help her."

In the other car, the mood was equally grim. Bang Chan was driving, with Jeongin sitting silently next to him, his expression one of regret and confusion. In the backseat, Jisung and Hyunjin were lost in their thoughts.

"Jeongin, we all make mistakes," Bang Chan said, trying to break the ice. "But it's important to learn from them and make things right."

Jeongin sighed deeply, "I know, Chan. I just don't know how to face her after this."

When Changbin's car reached Y/N's apartment, he parked and turned to Minho and Seungmin. "Do you guys need any help getting her inside?"

"We've got it," Minho replied as he gently lifted Y/N in his arms.

"I'll get the door," Seungmin offered, quickly getting out to open the apartment for them.

Felix watched from the car, his heart heavy with regret. "I hope she'll be okay," he said quietly.

Changbin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "She will be. She's got us."

Inside the apartment, Minho carefully laid Y/N on her bed, his movements gentle and caring.

"Should one of us stay with her?" Seungmin asked in a hushed tone, concern written all over his face.

Minho thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Do you mind?"

"Not at all," Seungmin replied, pulling a chair up beside Y/N's bed. "I'll stay here for the night. Just to make sure she's alright when she wakes up."

Minho gave him a grateful nod. "Thanks, Seungmin. Let us know if anything happens."

Minho's return to the car was met with the quiet realization that Seungmin had stayed behind. "He's staying with Y/N tonight," Minho informed Felix and Changbin, who nodded in understanding, recognizing the need for someone to be with her during such a difficult time.

The next day at the Stray Kids dorm, the atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension. Jeongin's self-imposed isolation had become more pronounced. He barely spoke a word, even when Felix, ridden with guilt, attempted to reach out.

"Jeongin, I'm really sorry about everything," Felix said, standing outside Jeongin's door. "That kiss with Y/N, it was just for the camera, it meant nothing."

From inside his room, Jeongin's voice was cold and distant. "I don't want to talk about it, Felix. Just leave me alone."

Felix lingered for a moment longer before sighing deeply and walking away, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness.

Meanwhile, at Y/N's apartment, the morning brought a fresh wave of tears and sorrow. Seungmin, already awake and attentive, moved to comfort her.

"Y/N, it's okay to cry, but you have to know this isn't your fault," Seungmin said softly, sitting beside her.

Y/N shook her head, her voice choked with emotion. "But it is. Because of me, Jeongin is upset. He probably hates me now."

Seungmin offered a gentle smile. "Jeongin doesn't hate you. He's just confused and hurt. Give him some time."

As the day unfolded, Seungmin took care of Y/N, ensuring she ate and stayed hydrated, while trying to lift her spirits. "Remember, Y/N, we're all here for you. You're not alone in this."

Before leaving, Seungmin reassured her, "We'll all come over regularly to check on you. Just focus on taking care of yourself for now."

However, as weeks passed, Y/N's mood didn't improve significantly. The silence from Jeongin's end was deafening – no calls, no texts, no visits. She felt a growing sense of despair, wondering if their friendship was irreparably damaged.

The other members visited her in turns, each trying to provide comfort and support. During one such visit, Felix and Changbin sat with her, the concern evident on their faces.

"Y/N, you can't keep blaming yourself like this," Felix implored. "We all miss the old you and want to help."

Changbin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and Jeongin... well, he's dealing with his own feelings. But I'm sure he doesn't hate you."

Y/N looked up, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil. "But he hasn't even tried to reach out. It's like I don't exist to him anymore."

"Give him time, Y/N," Changbin advised. "He's probably just trying to figure things out. We're all here for you, no matter what."

As the weeks passed, Y/N found herself trapped in a bleak haze of uncertainty and sadness. The disconnect with Jeongin, compounded by his complete silence, had left a gaping void in her life. The Stray Kids members tried to fill this void with their visits, each bringing a fleeting moment of brightness, but the lingering question of whether Jeongin would ever reach out remained unanswered.

Y/N's attempts to contact Jeongin were met with silence, each unanswered call and unread text adding to her sense of despair. She rarely left her apartment, her appetite dwindled, and her once cheerful demeanor had faded away.

When Bang Chan and Minho visited her, they were immediately struck by the change in her. Bang Chan's concern was palpable as he wrapped his arms around her fragile frame, feeling her significant weight loss.

"Y/N, you need to take care of yourself," Bang Chan urged gently, his voice full of concern.

Minho, observing her disheveled appearance, felt a surge of anger. Y/N's tired eyes, her unkempt hair, and her overall state of neglect were too much for him to bear.

Without a word, Minho abruptly left Y/N's apartment, his mind racing with frustration and worry. He stormed back to the Stray Kids' dorm, his footsteps echoing with a determination fueled by concern for Y/N.

Upon reaching the dorm, Minho slammed the door behind him, drawing the attention of the other members. Without pausing, he marched straight to Jeongin's room and began pounding on the door.

"Jeongin! Open up! We need to talk, now!" Minho's voice was harsh and firm, laden with an urgency that shocked everyone, including Jeongin.

Inside, Jeongin, who had been lost in his thoughts, was startled by the commotion. He hurriedly opened the door, coming face-to-face with an irate Minho.

"Minho, what's... what's happening?" Jeongin stammered, taken aback by the intensity of Minho's demeanor.

"What's happening? Do you have any idea how much Y/N is suffering right now?" Minho snapped, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "She's not sleeping, she's hardly eating, she's losing weight rapidly. She's given up on life, Jeongin!"

Jeongin's eyes widened in shock, guilt washing over him. "I... I didn't know she was in such a bad state."

"How could you? You've been locked up in your room and ignoring her completely!" Minho's words were like daggers, each one aimed squarely at Jeongin's conscience. "Your silence is destroying her, Jeongin. She's breaking apart because of you!"

Jeongin felt a lump form in his throat, the reality of his actions hitting him hard. "I thought keeping my distance was the best thing to do."

"The best thing? Really?" Minho was incredulous. "Y/N is in pain because she thinks you hate her. She's isolated herself, Jeongin. She's suffering!"

The gravity of the situation settled heavily in the air. The other members, who had gathered around Jeongin's room, listened in silence, their expressions a mix of concern and sadness.

Jeongin looked past Minho, meeting the eyes of his bandmates. The concern in their gaze was unmistakable. He felt a wave of regret for his actions, a deep sense of remorse for the pain he had inadvertently caused Y/N.

"I... I need to make this right," Jeongin murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, you do," Changbin said, stepping forward. "You need to talk to her, Jeongin. She needs to hear from you, even if it's just to know that you don't hate her."

Jeongin, with newfound resolve, quickly grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, Minho right on his heels. The urgency of the situation was palpable, each step carrying the weight of the emotions churning within him.

As they traveled to Y/N's apartment, the silence between them was heavy. Minho glanced at Jeongin, noticing the mix of determination and apprehension on his face.

"You're doing the right thing," Minho said, breaking the silence. "She needs to know you care and still there for her."

Jeongin nodded, his throat tight with emotion. "I just hope it's not too late."

Upon arriving at Y/N's apartment, Jeongin hesitated momentarily before knocking on the door. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety and regret swirling within.

The door opened, and there stood Y/N. Her appearance was a stark contrast to the vibrant, lively person Jeongin remembered. Her eyes, once full of light, were now dull and tired. The sight of her in such a state struck Jeongin deeply, and tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Y/N..." Jeongin's voice cracked, the words barely escaping his lips.

Y/N looked at him, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion. "Jeongin? What are you doing here?"

Without a word, Jeongin stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. His body shook as sobs began to break free. All the pent-up emotions, the guilt and regret, spilled out in that moment.

Y/N, taken aback by his sudden embrace, felt her own heart swell with a mix of emotions. At first, she was stiff, but slowly, she wrapped her arms around him, returning the embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Jeongin managed to say between sobs. "I was so wrong. I never meant to hurt you."

Y/N felt tears prick her eyes, the walls she had built around her heart beginning to crumble. "Jeongin, I missed you so much," she whispered, her voice heavy with emotion.

They stood there, holding each other, as if trying to mend the broken pieces with their embrace. The tension, the misunderstandings, and the pain seemed to melt away in that moment of vulnerability and connection.

As they pulled away, Jeongin looked into Y/N's eyes, his own red and swollen from crying. "I thought staying away was for the best, but I realize now how much I've hurt you. Can you ever forgive me?"

Y/N, looking into Jeongin's tear-stained face, felt a surge of affection. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands, and without a word, she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. It was a kiss filled with forgiveness, longing, and a deep-seated affection that had weathered the storm of their recent troubles.

Jeongin responded to the kiss, his heart feeling as if a heavy burden had been lifted. In that kiss, unspoken promises were made, and a silent understanding passed between them – a promise to rebuild, to heal, and to move forward together.

As they broke the kiss, Jeongin held Y/N's face in his hands, looking into her eyes. "I promise, Y/N, I will never let anything like this happen again. I care about you more than you could ever know."

Y/N nodded, a small smile breaking through her tears. "I know, Jeongin. I believe you."

Minho and Bang Chan, having silently witnessed the emotional reunion between Jeongin and Y/N, felt a profound sense of relief. They knew that the path ahead would have its challenges, but this moment marked a crucial turning point in Jeongin and Y/N's relationship.

As Jeongin held Y/N close to him, he felt the alarming thinness of her waist, a stark reminder of how much she had suffered in his absence. Determined not to let go, fearful of losing her again, he gently lifted her into his arms. Turning to Minho and Bang Chan, he made a request, his voice firm yet filled with concern.

"Can you guys pack some of her clothes? She's going to stay with us for a bit," Jeongin said, cradling Y/N carefully.

"Of course, Jeongin. We'll handle it," Bang Chan responded, nodding at Minho to follow him.

Minho glanced at Jeongin and Y/N one more time before leaving with Bang Chan, a sense of purpose in his stride.

Jeongin, carrying Y/N, made his way back to the Stray Kids' apartment. As he entered the living area, the other members paused, their eyes fixating on the pair. Jeongin's gaze swept across the room, finally resting on Felix, who looked back with a mix of relief and remorse, remembering his role in the events that led to this point.

"Guys, I..." Jeongin started, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words.

Hyunjin stood up, breaking the silence. "It's good to see her, Jeongin. We've all been worried."

Jisung nodded in agreement, his expression softening. "Yeah, it's been tough on everyone."

Felix stepped forward, his eyes meeting Jeongin's. "Jeongin, I'm so sorry about everything. That kiss at the game... it was a stupid mistake."

Jeongin shifted Y/N slightly in his arms, allowing her to lean more comfortably against him. "It's not your fault, Felix. I know that now. I should've talked to Y/N instead of shutting her out."

Y/N, still in Jeongin's arms, looked around at the members, her voice weak but determined. "It's not just on Jeongin. I... I should've reached out more too."

Changbin, who had been quietly observing, added, "We all could have done things differently. But what matters now is that you're here, together."

Seungmin, who had been a silent observer, spoke up. "Let's focus on getting Y/N better. She needs us, all of us."

Jeongin nodded, grateful for the support. "Thanks, guys. I... I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Bang Chan and Minho returned then, a bag of Y/N's belongings in hand. "We've got everything she'll need for a week. We will grab some more things if we need to," Bang Chan announced, placing the bag down gently.

"Thank you, both of you," Jeongin said, his voice filled with gratitude.

As Jeongin settled Y/N onto the couch, the members gathered around, each one offering words of encouragement and support. The air was filled with a renewed sense of unity and understanding.

"Let's take it one day at a time," Bang Chan suggested, looking around at the group. "We're a family here. We'll get through this together."

Y/N, now seated comfortably, looked up at Jeongin, her eyes reflecting a mixture of love and appreciation. "Jeongin, thank you for coming back to me. I was so lost without you."

Jeongin knelt beside her, taking her hand in his. "I'll never leave your side again, Y/N. That's a promise."

As the week progressed, Jeongin and Y/N's relationship stabilized into a comfortable rhythm, with Jeongin providing Y/N the support she needed. The Stray Kids members, particularly Bang Chan and Minho, continued to ensure Y/N's well-being, helping her gradually rebuild her strength and health.

Though Y/N's sleep was improving, she occasionally still woke up distressed. Finding comfort in Jeongin's presence, she often ended up spending the rest of the night in his room. Her physical recovery was evident, and emotionally, she seemed to rely heavily on Jeongin, still grappling with the fear of losing their newfound closeness.

One evening, while everyone was gathered in the living area, the atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful. Jeongin and Y/N were sitting together, chatting quietly.

Hyunjin, watching them, commented, "It's really good to see you back to your old self, Y/N."

"Thanks, Hyunjin," Y/N replied with a smile. "I'm feeling a lot better now."

Jisung joined in, "Yeah, the vibe in here is much more lively with you around."

Jeongin, with a hint of pride in his voice, added, "She's been really strong through all of this. I'm just glad I could be there for her."

The conversation flowed naturally, with the members sharing stories and jokes. The topic of the basketball game incident was notably absent, an unspoken agreement among them to leave the past in the past.

At one point, Felix glanced over at Jeongin and Y/N and remarked, "You know, it's kind of inspiring how you two have worked things out."

Jeongin met Felix's gaze, a sense of understanding passing between them. "Life throws curveballs sometimes. It's all about how you catch them," he said.

As the night drew on, Y/N leaned closer to Jeongin and, in a spontaneous moment, kissed him. It wasn't a grand gesture, but a simple, genuine expression of her feelings.

The room erupted in light-hearted teasing. "Ooh, look at these two lovebirds!" Changbin exclaimed, eliciting laughter from everyone.

Y/N laughed, a bit embarrassed but happy. "Can't help it, he's been my rock."

As the evening wound down, Jeongin and Y/N excused themselves, heading to Jeongin's room for the night. "Catch you guys in the morning," Jeongin said casually as they left.

"Goodnight!" several members called out after them.

In the privacy of Jeongin's room, away from the playful eyes of their friends, Y/N and Jeongin reflected on their journey together.

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