Stray Kids x Reader

By YourNameLovesKpop

6.1K 96 7

This Stray Kids fanfic collection spans romance, fluff, angst, and smut, immersing readers in a range of inti... More

Han Jisung: Movie Night (smut)
Lee Felix: Morning After (smut)
Minho, felix, seungmin & Jeongin : Lets Have Some Fun (Smut)
Hyunjin : Baby fever (Smut)
Seungmin : Trust (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Jealous (Fluff)
Hyunjin : Haunted Hospital (Fluff)
BangChan: just relax (Smut)
Seungmin: Love At First Sight (Fluff)
Lee Felix: It All Started At The Night Shift
Jeongin: I'm Sorry (Fluff, Angst)
Lee Minho : A Teasing Game (Smut)
Le Felix : Pool Party (Smut)
Jeongin & choi Beomgyu: It's Party Time (Smut)
Hyunjin: Hair (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Cat Girl Chronicles
Seungmin: Phone Call (Smut)
Lee Minho: Stress (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: Mad
Jeongin: Game Night (smut)
Vampire Seungmin: Pray
All members: y/n in revealing outfit
Vampire Seungmin: Mine (smut)

Hyunjin & Flix: who I Wanna Be (Angst, Fluff)

136 2 0
By YourNameLovesKpop

Paring: Felix x Reader x Hyunjin
Style: Romance, Angst, SFW, Friendship, fluff
Word count: 3,603
Warning: cheating! Heartbreak

. . .

Y/N and Hyunjin's relationship had been flourishing, like a garden in spring. Hyunjin, with his magnetic charm and warm smile, had always made Y/N feel like the center of his world. But that evening, at a Stray Kids concert, things took an unexpected turn.

As the concert began, Hyunjin's usual laser-focused attention on Y/N wavered. His gaze kept drifting to a girl in the front row, a fan who seemed to captivate him more than the thousands of lights around. Y/N, standing at the side, felt a knot form in her stomach. Each glance Hyunjin sent towards the girl was like a tiny dagger to her heart.

Felix, always observant, noticed the shift immediately. He saw the hurt flicker across Y/N's face and knew he had to do something. Throughout the concert, he made extra efforts to engage with Y/N, grabbing her hand during a high note, shooting her winks, and singing parts of the songs directly to her. He didn't speak a word about it, but his actions spoke volumes.

Y/N appreciated Felix's gestures, but they couldn't mask the pain. Hyunjin's distraction was too much. Excusing herself, she slipped out for fresh air, her heart heavy.

Backstage, the atmosphere was tense. Hyunjin, frustrated, couldn't shake off his annoyance. He felt Felix's actions were an overstep, flirting with Y/N so openly. As the members gathered, his irritation bubbled over.

"Why were you all over Y/N tonight, Felix?" Hyunjin's voice was sharp, cutting through the room's silence.

Felix, usually the peacemaker, didn't hold back. "Maybe because someone else was too busy eyeing another girl!" he retorted, his voice rising. "We're supposed to interact with fans, Hyunjin, but you... you were fixated on her. What about Y/N?"

The room fell into a stunned silence. The others hadn't noticed Hyunjin's preoccupation with the fan, but now it was glaringly obvious.

Hyunjin was at a loss for words. His mind raced, trying to piece together a defense, but nothing came.

"I'm going to find Y/N," Felix declared, grabbing his coat and turning to leave. "And you," he pointed at Hyunjin, "should stay here. She doesn't need to see you right now."

Outside, Felix found Y/N, tears streaming down her face, her sobs muffled by the night air. He approached gently, draping his coat over her shoulders against the chill.

"Hey, it's okay," Felix whispered, pulling her close. "Hyunjin... he's just doing his job, you know?"

But Y/N shook her head, her voice broken. "It's not just that, Felix. He was so... focused on her. How can I compare?"

Felix held her tighter. "You don't need to compare yourself to anyone, Y/N. You're beautiful, kind, and you're more than good enough. Don't ever doubt that."

As Y/N's sobs slowly subsided, resting her head on Felix's shoulder, a comforting silence enveloped them.

Meanwhile, the tension backstage was palpable. Minho finally broke the silence, his voice laced with disappointment. "Hyunjin, what were you thinking? You have someone who cares about you, and you risk it all for what? A fleeting glance?"

Felix's care had a soothing effect on Y/N, his gentle touch and the warmth of his coat wrapped around her offering a sense of security amidst the emotional chaos. As she regained her composure, Felix, ever attentive, suggested they head back inside. "Let's get you cleaned up and comfortable," he said softly, leading her by the hand.

Back in the green room, Y/N kept her gaze low, not ready to confront the others, especially Hyunjin. Felix, protective and understanding, subtly gestured to Hyunjin to keep his distance. He sat Y/N down and began to gently help her remove her makeup, interspersing his actions with light-hearted jokes. His efforts were soon joined by Jisung, Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin, and Changbin, who chimed in with their own humor, gradually coaxing a few genuine laughs from Y/N.

Meanwhile, Bang Chan observed the scene from a distance, standing beside a visibly troubled Hyunjin. "She's really upset, Hyunjin," Bang Chan commented quietly. "We need to respect her space right now."

After Y/N's makeup was removed, Felix carefully applied toner, serum, and moisturizer, ensuring her skin was cared for. Then, looking around the room, he announced, "I'm taking Y/N out for a bite to eat. Anyone want to join?"

Jeongin and Jisung immediately volunteered, eager to maintain the lighter atmosphere. The others, acknowledging the need for rest before the next concert, opted to head back.

As they prepared to leave, Hyunjin spoke up for the first time. "Can I talk to her, just for a minute?" His voice was quiet, laced with regret.

Felix glanced at Y/N, seeking her approval. She hesitated, then gave a small nod.

Hyunjin stepped forward, his words stumbling slightly. "Y/N, I... I'm sorry. I didn't realize how my actions were affecting you. I got carried away with the performance, and I... I never meant to hurt you."

Y/N listened, her expression unreadable. "I appreciate your apology, Hyunjin. But right now, I just need some time to think, away from all this."

Hyunjin nodded solemnly. "I understand. Take all the time you need. I just want you to know I care about you, more than anything."

With that, Y/N, accompanied by Felix, Jeongin, and Jisung, left the green room. The evening air was refreshing, and the promise of a quiet meal with friends seemed like the perfect way to end the tumultuous night. The absence of Y/N from the subsequent Stray Kids concerts left a void in Hyunjin's heart, but it also gave him a perplexing sense of freedom. With her not being there, he found his attention increasingly drawn to the girl in the front row, the one who had unwittingly become the source of so much turmoil.

As the tour progressed, this girl seemed to be everywhere, her presence both a temptation and a reminder of his wavering commitment to Y/N. Despite his best efforts and the subtle cues from his bandmates to stay focused, Hyunjin's gaze would often find her in the crowd.

After the eighth concert, Felix pulled Hyunjin aside for a tough conversation.

"Hyunjin, we need to talk," Felix said, his tone serious. "I've seen how you look at her. It's not just about being friendly with a fan anymore. Do you even love Y/N anymore?"

Hyunjin sighed deeply, his internal conflict evident. "I don't know, Felix. I'm so confused. I care about Y/N, but there's something about this girl... I can't explain it."

"Man, you're playing with fire," Felix warned. "If you're not sure about your feelings, you owe it to Y/N to be honest. Don't lead her on."

Meanwhile, Y/N was struggling with her own mix of emotions. The distance growing between her and Hyunjin was palpable. They tried to mend things, but their interactions felt forced and strained.

To make matters more complicated, the girl from the concert started appearing more frequently in places Hyunjin frequented. One day, they accidentally bumped into each other. She was just as charming in person, her laughter infectious and her conversation engaging.

"Hi, Hyunjin! It's so cool to run into you here," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

Hyunjin found himself drawn into the conversation, her presence igniting something he hadn't felt in a while. "Yeah, it's a pleasant surprise," he replied, his guilt momentarily overshadowed by the excitement of the encounter.

As Hyunjin and the girl started meeting more often, the guilt inside him grew. He liked her, more than he had expected, and this realization made him feel even more conflicted about his relationship with Y/N.

Felix, always observant, noticed the shift in Hyunjin's demeanor. He knew something was up and decided to confront him again.

"Hyunjin, are you seeing that girl from the concert?" Felix asked bluntly one day.

Hyunjin hesitated before answering, "Yes, but it's not what you think. We just... talk."

"But what about Y/N?" Felix pressed. "You can't keep doing this to her. She deserves honesty."

Hyunjin ran his fingers through his hair, a mix of frustration and helplessness in his eyes. "I know, I know. It's just... complicated."

Felix shook his head. "It's only complicated because you're making it so. You need to figure out what you want, Hyunjin, before you hurt Y/N even more."

The situation came to a head one evening when Hyunjin inadvertently mentioned the other girl in a conversation with Y/N. Her reaction was a mix of heartbreak and disbelief.

"Hyunjin, have you been seeing someone else?" Y/N's voice trembled, her eyes searching his for the truth.

Hyunjin couldn't hide it any longer. "Y/N, I... I've met someone. I didn't plan for this to happen. I'm so sorry."

The pain in Y/N's eyes was evident. "I thought we were trying to fix things. How could you do this?"

Hyunjin's guilt was overwhelming. "I don't know, Y/N. I'm just as confused. I never wanted to hurt you."

Y/N stood up, her decision clear. "I think it's best if we... if we take a break, Hyunjin. I need to process all of this."

As Y/N walked away, Hyunjin felt a wave of regret. His indecision had cost him the relationship he once cherished. He realized too late that in seeking something new, he had lost something truly valuable.

Felix, his heart heavy with concern, quickly followed Y/N after she left, determined to ensure her safety and offer her the support she desperately needed. His feelings for her had always been more than platonic, but right now, his priority was to be the friend she needed.

"Y/N, wait up!" Felix called out, catching up to her. His breath was slightly labored from the quick pace, but his focus was solely on her.

Y/N stopped, her back still turned to Felix. Her shoulders were tense, a clear sign of the emotional turmoil she was experiencing.

Felix gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? I just wanted to make sure you're safe."

Y/N turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I... I don't know, Felix. Everything just hurts right now."

Felix's heart ached seeing her like this. "I know it's tough, Y/N. But you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, okay?"

They found a quiet bench nearby and sat down. Felix listened as Y/N poured out her feelings - the confusion, the hurt, the sense of betrayal. She spoke of her relationship with Hyunjin, the good times they had, and how everything had come crashing down.

As she spoke, Felix felt a mix of emotions. He was angry at Hyunjin for hurting her, sad for her pain, but also conflicted by his own feelings for her.

"Y/N, I wish I could take this pain away," Felix said softly. "Hyunjin made a mistake, a big one. But you're strong, and you'll get through this. And I'll be right here to help in any way I can."

Y/N looked at Felix, a faint smile appearing through her tears. "Thank you, Felix. It means a lot to have you here. I just feel so lost."

Felix offered her a comforting smile. "We all get lost sometimes. But remember, it's okay to lean on your friends. We're your support system."

Their conversation continued into the evening, with Felix doing his best to cheer her up. He shared funny anecdotes, offered words of encouragement, and most importantly, gave her the space to express her feelings without judgment.

As the night drew to a close, Felix walked Y/N home, ensuring she reached safely. At her doorstep, Y/N turned to Felix, gratitude in her eyes.

"Felix, I don't know what I would do without you. You've been such a great friend through all of this."

Felix felt a surge of emotions. He wanted to tell her how he felt, to confess his feelings, but he knew this wasn't the right time. She was vulnerable, and he didn't want to add to her confusion.

"Y/N, just focus on healing right now. And remember, I'm just a call away, anytime you need me," he said sincerely.

Y/N nodded, offering him a weary but genuine smile. "Goodnight, Felix. And thank you again."

As Felix walked away, he felt a mix of contentment and longing. He had been there for Y/N in her time of need, but his feelings for her remained unspoken. He knew he had to wait for the right moment, but he also wondered if that moment would ever come.

In the following days, Felix remained a constant presence in Y/N's life. He checked in on her, spent time with her, and made sure she was coping. He also kept a respectful distance, giving her the space to process her emotions.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was grappling with his own set of emotions. The guilt of hurting Y/N weighed heavily on him, and the realization of what he had lost began to sink in. He missed her, but he also knew he had no right to ask for her forgiveness.

The dynamic within the Stray Kids group was tense as well. The other members were disappointed in Hyunjin's actions, and it took a while for things to return to a semblance of normalcy.

As time passed, Y/N began to heal. The initial sharpness of the betrayal dulled, leaving her with a clearer perspective on what she wanted for her future. Felix's support had been invaluable, and she found herself drawn to his kindness and unwavering loyalty.

One afternoon, as they sat in a café, Y/N looked at Felix, a new sense of clarity in her eyes. "Felix, I've been thinking a lot lately. About us, about everything. You've been such an amazing friend to me, and I... I've started to feel something more."

Felix's heart skipped a beat. He had waited for this moment, but now that it was here, he was almost afraid to respond. "Y/N, are you sure? I mean, after everything with Hyunjin..."

Y/N nodded, her decision clear. "I'm sure, Felix. I see now where my heart truly lies. It's with someone who's been there for me, who's shown me what it means to be cared for and respected."

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, Felix knew his patience and care had not been in vain. He reached for her hand, a smile spreading across his face.

"Y/N, I've wanted to tell you for so long. I have feelings for you, too. But I wanted to wait until you were ready."

As they sat there, holding hands, the world around them seemed to fade. They both knew there would be challenges ahead, but for now, they reveled in the new beginning that lay before them. Felix's newfound happiness, fueled by Y/N's presence in his life, was evident to everyone around him. His performances gained an extra spark, his smiles a bit wider, his energy infectious. Y/N, now a regular at their concerts, watched from the front row, her heart swelling with pride and affection.

Their relationship had blossomed slowly, with Felix being incredibly patient and understanding of Y/N's recent heartbreak. He made sure to give her the time and space she needed, all the while being a constant source of support and joy.

At one concert, Felix spotted Y/N in the front row. He couldn't help but beam at her, his eyes lighting up. The fans around her noticed his gaze and began to cheer, sensing the special connection between them.

As the concert progressed, Felix found an opportunity to approach her during a performance. With a wide, goofy smile that was both charming and endearing, he reached out and gently took her hand, lifting it to his lips for a tender kiss. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, thoroughly enjoying the public display of affection.

Backstage, however, Hyunjin watched the scene with a mixture of emotions. He was happy for Felix and Y/N, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of loss and regret. His gaze lingered on them a moment longer before he turned away, a sigh escaping his lips.

The other members, having witnessed Felix's bold move, were both amused and happy for their friend. Changbin nudged Han playfully. "Look at Felix, the romantic," he teased.

Han laughed. "I know, right? Who would've thought he had it in him?"

Bang Chan, observing the interaction, added, "It's good to see them both so happy. They've been through a lot."

As the concert came to an end, the members gathered backstage, buzzing with the adrenaline of their performance. Felix was the last to join them, his happiness palpable.

"Did you see Y/N's face when you did that?" Seungmin asked, a grin on his face.

Felix nodded, his smile unwavering. "Yeah, I think she liked it."

"No doubt about it," Minho chimed in. "You two are really good together."

As the group continued to chat and unwind, Felix's phone buzzed with a message from Y/N: "That was quite the surprise, Mr. Romantic. Thank you for making tonight so special. 😊"

Felix's heart warmed at the message. He quickly typed a response, telling her how much her being there meant to him.

The days turned into weeks, and Felix and Y/N's relationship continued to grow stronger. They spent their free time together, exploring the city, trying new restaurants, or simply enjoying each other's company at home.

One evening, as they walked along the river, Y/N broached a subject that had been on her mind. "Felix, have you ever talked to Hyunjin after... everything?"

Felix glanced at her, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "Not really. I mean, we're still bandmates and friends, but it's been a bit awkward. Why do you ask?"

Y/N looked out over the water, her expression thoughtful. "I just wonder if he's okay. I mean, I've moved on, thanks to you, but I hope he's doing alright too."

Felix understood her concern. "I think he's coping, in his own way. But I can talk to him if you think that would help."

Y/N shook her head. "No, that's okay. I just hope he finds happiness too, eventually."

Felix wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "I'm sure he will. And in the meantime, we have our own happiness to focus on."

Y/N leaned into him, feeling content and secure. They stood there for a while, watching the city lights reflecting off the water, grateful for the journey that had brought them together and the future they were building side by side. As time passed, Felix and Y/N's relationship blossomed beautifully. Felix, always proud and openly affectionate, never missed a chance to show off his feelings for Y/N. Their relationship was public, in stark contrast to Y/N's past secretive relationship with Hyunjin.

Felix's fans were eager to know more about the 'girl he kissed' at the concert. During a live stream, Felix couldn't help but gush over Y/N. "Her name's Y/N," he said with a bright smile, his eyes twinkling. "She's amazing, and yes, I'm incredibly lucky to have her."

On a particularly memorable evening, Felix and Y/N went out for a dinner date. Under the soft glow of the restaurant lights, Felix took Y/N's hand across the table. "Y/N, I've been wanting to say this for so long," he began, his voice tinged with emotion. "I love you." He leaned forward and kissed her gently, sealing his words with the tender gesture.

The following afternoon, when Felix returned to the dorms, he was met by an unexpected conversation with Hyunjin. The members were gathered in the living room, and the air was thick with anticipation.

"Felix, can we talk for a sec?" Hyunjin asked, his tone serious yet hesitant.

"Of course, Hyunjin," Felix replied, intrigued by the sudden request.

They stepped aside, away from the others. Hyunjin took a deep breath before speaking. "I've been doing a lot of thinking... about Y/N, about us, about everything. I need to apologize to you, Felix. For the awkwardness, for the mess. I'm truly happy for you and Y/N."

Felix looked at Hyunjin, noting the sincerity in his eyes. "Thank you, Hyunjin. That means a lot. I know it wasn't easy for you to say this."

"Yeah, it wasn't," Hyunjin admitted. "But seeing Y/N happy with you, it's made things clearer for me. I'm glad she's with someone who truly cares for her."

Felix nodded, appreciating Hyunjin's maturity. "I do care about her, a lot. And I promise, I'll take good care of her. She means the world to me."

Hyunjin offered a small smile. "I know you will. And I'm glad we can move past this, for the sake of our friendship and the group."

The two shook hands, a gesture of reconciliation and understanding. The conversation was a turning point, not just for Felix and Hyunjin, but for the entire group.

As Felix and Y/N's relationship continued to grow, they became a beloved couple among the fans. Their story, filled with understanding, resilience, and love, served as a beautiful reminder of the unexpected journeys that life can take us on. Felix and Y/N, who had started as friends, had found something much deeper and enduring, showing the world that sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the most beautiful destinations.

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