The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue

Cold Shadow: Act One

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By MikaelDuncan4


50 Years Earlier...

~The Ice Kingdom~

The kingdom was under threat by an invasive force of Ice Knights. Many of the kingdom's soldiers were overwhelmed by the sheer number of the enemy forces swarming through the castle. In particular, King Ord, current head of the Ice Kingdom, was being chased by a few of these invaders closing in on him down his castle halls. Once he turned a corner, the king was met by a frightful sight.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 1: Get down your highness!

King Ord ducked down fast as several arrows flew overhead and chipped down the pursuing Ice Knights. Ord's soldiers then quickly helped him to his feet.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 1: Are you alright your highness?

King Ord: *panting* I am... unharmed.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 1: We cannot hold them. The kingdom is lost.

King Ord: Evacuate as many of our citizens as you can. And prepare my escape capsule.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 2: What are we to do after, my king?

King Ord: Regroup with me further down the borderlines of the Frozen Lands. I will seek counsel with the other seven kingdoms for assistance.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 2: But your highness, respectfully, we've never sought out aid from the other foreign kingdoms for years.

King Ord: *sighs* I know... but now is the time we accept aid from those beyond our borders.


Elsewhere, the two doorways into the now empty throne room were completely frozen before being shattered into many pieces. Ice Knights came swarming inside while a four-armed demoness emerged from the icy mists in the wake of the door's destruction. She looked ice cold blue, was draped in cobalt blue robes, had an interesting ring around her finger on her lower right arm, and wore a sparkling tiara atop her head. As she approached the now vacant throne, the demoness placed one of her hands to her mouth and blew a frosty blizzard breath that froze the throne to her liking as she seated herself upon it.

Ice Witch: At long last... vengeance is mine.

All the Ice Knights present in the room knelt before their ruler. As she smiled with satisfaction, a white hooded figure wielding a lengthy white staff with a light blue crystal tip emerged from the shadows beside her.

Ice Witch: Alodi, my dear friend.

Alodi: *Kneels* Today is a triumphant day for you my dear.

Ice Witch: The work is not yet done. I shall be quenched once the king is brought before me.

Alodi: It shouldn't take long. Last I heard, our forces chased him down toward the eastern pillar of the castle.


King Ord and the soldiers who accompanied him made it to the eastern pillar. There, outside right on top of the ledge, was some sort of canon launcher. 

Ice Kingdom Soldier 1: Make haste your majesty! The enemy is not far behind.

King Ord quickly stepped before the canon as a doorway opened up outward, unveiling a crawlspace a single person could step into. 

King Ord: *glances back at the soldiers* We will liberate our home. I promise you.

The soldiers nod as their king entered inside the crawlspace and was sealed inside. Meanwhile, two chains connected to the canon were seen being drawn back like fishing pole lines to raise the canon's nose higher. On a separate mechanism, rotated by a lever that moved like a wheel, the canon was positioned to face the more left side of the pillar.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 3: We are ready to launch your majesty!

At the same time, some Ice Knights were already charging their way towards the pillar. Some of the soldiers present moved to intercept and held them off for as long as possible.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 1: *holds up a large crystal* Safe travels my king.

The ice kingdom soldier proceeds to insert the crystal he had in hand inside the backend of the canon. Once it was fully assimilated inside, the canon itself began to emit a bright light blue lightning themed pattern glow. 

Ice Kingdom Soldier 3: Hurry, launch!

The Ice Knights breakthrough the defense line holding them back, slaughtering those who got in their way. Thankfully, by the time the enemy forces made it outside, the canon fired a white cylinder capsule safely containing King Ord, all the way into the sky. The capsule then disappeared into the dark horizon of the frozen tundra while the remaining soldiers died in honor of their king.


Ice Witch: Unbelievable!

The Ice Witch yelled angrily while simultaneously emitting a cold wind enough to disturb her present subjects.

Alodi: It would seem the king was far more crafty than anticipated.

Ice Witch: I must have my revenge in full! Scour across the frozen lands and do not rest until he is found.

Alodi: I assure you my dear, he cannot evade us forever.

Ice Witch: For your sake, my friend... you better hope so.


~Borders of Goldenza~

A battle was occurring around the outer rim of Goldenza. Bandits had been a notorious nuisance throughout the seven kingdoms, particularly The Hundred Beasts Bandits which consisted of various groups; namely vermin, bats, dark horses, and vampiric creatures, who were "rejected" by society and desire to gain what others have through violent means. They specifically attacked villages and other settlements in the outer rims of the seven kingdoms since they're deemed to be the most vulnerable. However, The Hundred Beasts Bandits had made a grave mistake in attacking this kingdom. For they were unprepared for what came to rescue its people.

Vermin 1: Take everything you can, quickly!

Dark Horse 1: They are coming!

Many of the bandits took as many valuables they could currently carry from the village they had been raiding all day. Some of them looked to the skies as Aerosaur swooped down from the clouds with Frandos Dawnbreaker, decked out in royal golden-white armor, riding on his back while wielding his family's legendary sword, Dawnstar, in hand. Sitting right behind him, immediately leaping off to enter the battle first, was Dante Aranka. 

Dante: *smiles* First strike's mine, brother!

Upon reaching solid ground, Dante swiftly drew out his sleek blades and spun in a three-sixty to easily cut down several of the vampiric creatures already swarming on top of him. The vampiric creatures in question were as black as the sand, had long pointy ears, were skinny as hell, had red glowing eyes, and visible long fangs that jutted out of their mouths. 

Vermin 2: *points at Dante with a sharp dagger* Get that golden bunny!

Dante smirked from amusement as a large group of vermin came charging at him. They were anamorphic rodents that had dirty light brown fur, visible pink skin, sharp claws, thrashing tails, and mainly wore helmets with a singular spike at the center. 

Dante: I can take you all on, easily. 

Before Dante could make a move, Aerosaur swoops down and begins rolling over the enemy groups while Frandos leapt off and took down any surviving stragglers. 

Dante: Come on brother... I had that!

Frandos: *winks playfully* Gotta be quicker next time.

Dante: *shakes head amusingly* Damn Dawnbreaker... 

Dante and Frandos continue to fight their enemies side by side. They worked like a strong unit that covered each other's backs. No threat could ever get between them for their brotherhood was likened to an impenetrable shield. Frandos wielded the most raw power, but Dante contrasted that with his speed, agility, and quick thinking. His eyes and ears were always on high alert in battle to keep track of his enemy's movements, that way he can act accordingly.

Bat 1: *swoops in from above* Your head is mine, Dawnbreaker!

Frandos nodded to Dante, who flipped forward over his back to strike their airborne enemy directly in the face with a back heel kick that broke the bat's jaw and sent it flying into some of the other bandits. The sound of a battle horn from afar then caught everyone's attention.

Frandos: Sounds like the cavalry has arrived. 

Goldenza's army came riding in on the scene, easily sweeping the enemy forces clean. Among them were several other golden anamorphic rabbits similar to Dante. They were members of the Aranka Clan: a group of knights that have served the Dawnbreakers for generations and are mainly known for their special ability to awaken their true power deep within their souls.

Frandos: Drive them to the river!

Dante: Everyone, on me!

Dante rallied members of his clan as he backflipped onto the back of a lonesome Strider and chased the bandits out from the village all the way down to a riverbank. The bats were able to fly away, but the rest of their comrades were unable to swim to the other side. Very soon, the remaining bandits were surrounded by Goldenza's soldiers, spears and blades pointed to them. 

Dante: Lay down your arms. You have lost this battle.

Some of the bandits expressed rebellion and were prepared to go down fighting. However, the moment Aerosaur, with Frandos on his back, hovered above them while growling menacingly they immediately dropped their weapons and raised their hands up.

Frandos: Victory is ours!

All Goldenza Soldiers: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!


Following the battle, many of the bandits were imprisoned in steel cages at the back of some wagons. Meanwhile, the soldiers of Goldenza were giving aid to the villagers who were unfortunately robbed by the invaders. 

Frandos: Rest assured good sir, I will send builders and farmers to restore what has been lost this day.

Village Leader: Thank you your majesty! We will be forever in your debt.

Frandos: *laughs* No need my friend. Your gratitude is enough for me.

Villager 1: All hail the king of Goldenza!

Villager 2: Thank you for saving our village! 

Frandos happily soaked in the praise he received from the citizens. Being a Dawnbreaker easily called for the attention and recognition of the people. However, watching from afar, with a slight jealous look upon his face was Dante.

Frandos: Brother! *waves to Dante upon approach*

Dante: *lightly smiles* We did good today.

Frandos: You looked a little glum before I came. Is everything alright?

Dante: No, nothing at all! *laughs a bit* I'm just hoping we've seen the last of those annoying bandits.

Frandos: *sighs* I wish... but those guys are literal rodents. It would take several years for us to finally rid them from our kingdom, and others. But for now they are a problem we must continue to confront to the best of our abilities.

Dante: Yeah... one day we will squash those cockroaches. 

Frandos: Literally or figuratively? *bursts out a laugh* I'm just messing with you brother.

Dante: You know, you've become quite joyful ever since your son was born. I'm starting to think you'll eventually lose your edge.

Frandos: *playfully punches Dante's shoulder* Now I know you're trying to downplay my efforts. Don't think because I'm a family guy means I'll slip so you could somehow keep up with me.

Dante: *smirks playfully* Oh I can. Just you wait.

Frandos: I'm waiting alright... in a million years, hahahaha!

Dante laughed alongside his golden brother as the late evening approached.


Later on, Frandos, Dante, and the rest of Goldenza's soldiers returned to the castle. A welcome home party was already waiting for them. Flowers, confetti, and music played upon the heroes safe return home. Frandos of course received the most reward, and he enjoyed every second of it. Dante too received a few cheers here and there, but it was nowhere near the amount of appreciation Frandos received.

Female Bear 1: *flirtatiously* Frandos!

Female Bear 2: Look over here!

Female Bear 3: We're your biggest admirers!

Dante: More like his biggest stalkers.

The moment Frandos dismounted from his Strider, several females were already swarming around him. 

Frandos: *smiles nervously* Ladies, please, one at a time. I can only handle so much.

Dante and several other soldiers backed away quietly all of a sudden with disturbed looks upon their faces.


All the females surrounding Frandos screamed and ran for their lives, while others were unfortunately caught in the queen's monstrous grasp to be tossed aside like toys. 

Female Bear 1: Run for your lives!!!

Female Bear 2: Its the Ursa Major!

Florence let out a terrifying roar that sent chills down the spines of the nearby soldiers, minus Dante, while all the females ran away with their literal tails between their legs.

Frandos: *runs up to embrace her* Florence, my love!

Florence: *grips Frandos tightly by the ear* How many times do I have to remind you, the only woman you should seek attention from is me! Your loving wife and queen!

Frandos: *whimpers* You're the only woman I love, honest!

Florence: *pulls Frando's ear harder* Then why do you continuously give those tramps attention!? Do you seem to forget we're both married and have a child!?

As the two continued to argue, Dante couldn't help but chuckle from his golden brother's predicament. Frandos always had females chasing after him since even when he was a little cub. There was just this irresistible aura he carried not even his own father could figure out. This of course inevitably drew the attention of Florence, who was once a former noble from the kingdom of Denver. And Dante will never forget the day she first laid eyes on the future king of Goldenza. She came at him really hard.


IA, the immortal servant of the Dawnbreaker bloodline, was softly rolling a red ball towards the heir to the throne of Goldenza, Francisco Dawnbreaker. The cute little cub happily grasped the ball in between his paws and then proceeded to chew on it.

Frandos: *bursts into the room with a big smile* Where's my little prince?

Francisco: *cheers happily* Dada!

The little toddler crawled towards his father who happily picked him up from the ground to nuzzle playfully with. IA rose up from the ground and smiled at the joyful display of love between father and son.

IA: He's going to grow up strong like his father.

Frandos: Of course you would know IA. You've been in service to my family for generations. I'm genuinely surprised you're able to keep up your loyalty for so long.

IA: My immortality has allowed me to experience many things. One thing remains constant however. You Dawnbreakers are the embodiment of all good this world has to offer.

Frandos: We couldn't have been all good could we? You sure there weren't any rotten apples?

IA: Only spoiled entitled brats, but that's just the extent. Even they had redeeming qualities towards the end of their lives.

Frandos: Can't imagine how rough that must've been for you. 

IA: Well good thing you aren't immortal. Some things you'll wish you'd have never seen.

Florence: Yeah, like seeing other females thinking they can claim what belongs to you.

Frandos jumped up with fright upon hearing his wife's voice. 

Francisco: Mama!

The little toddler reached out to his mother, who's mood quickly changed upon being handed the child she birthed several months ago.

Frandos: Please my love, don't get so upset. I would never betray your love. You know that right?

Florence: I know honey. It just annoys me when you don't put up much of a fight to draw the line. *Smirks* Good thing you have me around, huh?

Frandos: Yes, of course dear.

IA: They call her the Ursa Major for a reason. *ponders mischievously* I wonder if the prince will develop into an Ursa Minor.

Frandos: *whispers* Please don't jinx it IA...


Elsewhere, Dante was sparring with a fellow member of his clan. She was a sleek lighter gold rabbit named Vale. She was just as fast as Dante and is regarded as the second strongest among the Aranka Clan.

Vale: Heard you fought off The Hundred Beasts Bandits. *smirks playfully while performing spin attacks* Too bad I wasn't there to sweep the enemy forces for you.

Dante: Me and my brother can handle them on our own. Besides, you needed to help the sorcerers.

Vale starts striking more precisely with her movements. However, Dante was able to keep up and remained unfazed by her increased momentum.

Vale: If you can call standing by on guard helping. I had to waste most of the day watching over them giving blessings to the poor and needy.

Dante: Why would that be a waste of time? I think its good for you to see other aspects of life aside from combat. After all, we must take care of every single person throughout the kingdom. Failure to do so will cause major division between others of varying status and could lead to chaotic outcomes.

Vale: Always the most caring... that's what people like about you Dante. 

The moment Dante got a little flustered by the manner in which she spoke and the look in her eyes, Vale seized the opportunity to take advantage of this momentary distraction to trip him and hold her blade pointed towards his face.

Vale: *winks* I win. 

Dante: *chuckles* Not bad... If this were a real fight you'd have truly bested me.

Vale: Oh please, Dante, don't undersell yourself. *pulls Dante back to his feet* I'd never win in a real fight with you. 

Dante: But you're deemed the second strongest among our clan. I'm only as good as I am because I've been raised with the lower class of the kingdom, which is a different lifestyle compared to you all.

Vale: Nonsense! Class has no merit on anyone from the Aranka. You're just born different like all of us.

Dante: I'm literally born different. *face turns a bit solemn* Though I wish I weren't. 

Vale: Don't say that Dante. Our differences is what makes us unique among one another. For us specifically, its what makes the best of us powerful. 

Dante: Sometimes I don't feel powerful enough. I want more. 

Vale: You don't need more power. We know where that leads. The only power you require stems from what's inside, not from the outside.

The Clan Head of the Aranka then stepped forth in the training barracks.

Ezran: *applauds* Wise counsel my daughter. You'll be a fine leader when it is your time.

Dante: *bows respectfully* Honored One.

Ezran: As Aranka, it is our duty to never allow power gained to corrupt power already within. It is what brought our clan great tragedy a decade before. We nearly lost everything we held dear because of one who sought out more to crave a satisfaction that could never fully quench.

Dante: I am well aware of The Tragedy of Saurow. He was the greatest amongst the clan, as wise and as powerful as any could become. All that changed when he tasted power promised to him beyond what he'd already had. His downfall truly began the moment he became so powerful he started to think he alone should wield all power. 

Ezran: It is a terrible fate one can bring upon oneself. The moment they gain so much they forget what they already had. That is why we train ourselves not to seek greater power. Nothing could be more fulfilling than the one we carry inside. 

Dante nodded in agreement with the Clan Head's words. However, there had always been this lingering feeling inside him. A desire to have more. One where he could do more for the benefit of Goldenza and the citizens of the kingdom. He specifically thought back to his life living among the poorer class. It was there he learned to survive on his own and gain power through it. His actions inevitably led him to garnering the attention of Frandos' father, who took him in and raised the little rabbit alongside his son. Thus the two of them bonded to become the golden brothers they were today.


Near the borderlines of The Frozen Lands, King Ord had disguised himself in a full-body fur coat that hid his face. He had been travelling on foot for a while since emerging from his escape capsule, avoiding any prying eyes who could be associated with the enemy that stole his kingdom from him. 

King Ord: I hope some of my men escaped. I'll need them for protection just in case.

As the former king of the Ice Kingdom trudged his way through the snow, a few familiar faces came walking in his direction. He ducked down and waited for them to get a bit closer to confirm his visualization. King Ord was overwhelmed with joy upon seeing at least six of his soldiers passing by.

King Ord: *waves over* Captain!

Captain Ashina, who was a white wolf with dark blue eyes, happily rushed over to the king alongside her soldiers. 

Ashina: Your highness! *kneels, along with the other five soldiers* Thank goodness you're alive.

King Ord: Did anybody else make it?

Ashina: That unfortunately remains unclear to my knowledge. Most of our forces have been slaughtered during the invasion. 

King Ord: And as for our people?

Ashina: The enemy forces have begun to spread out across the land. They're already claiming ownership over nearby villages. Some of them are being forced to cooperate in locating you or any one of us who survived.

King Ord: All the more reason we should make haste and contact the seven kingdoms. This is a fight we cannot win alone.

Ashina: Your majesty!

King Ord narrowly evaded an icy arrow fired upon him. Not too long after that, even more arrows rained down upon the group.

Ashina: Protect the king! Shield yourselves! 

King Ord was huddled in the middle of his soldiers who used their coats or robes as makeshift shields while moving out of the open to a place of cover. Approaching the group fast were some Ice Knights running at full speed. 

Ashina: Get ready to arm yourselves! 

In a matter of minutes, the incoming Ice Knights bulldozed into the group but the Ice Kingdom soldiers held their ground. 

Ashina: Hold them back! Do not waver!

With enough strength put together, Ashina and the other soldiers were able to push back the attacking Ice Knights. Giving the captain an opening to at least take out three of the enemy foes. 

Ashina: *Points to the two closest soldiers to the king* You both, take our king to safety! The rest of you, hold them off for as long as you can!

Ashina broke out into a battle frenzy as she drew out a short spear from her left waist belt and took out several Ice Knights. The other three join her in battle as they maintain a defensive perimeter line so their enemies couldn't easily breakthrough despite being severely outnumbered.


Ice Kingdom Soldier 4: Hurry your majesty! 

King Ord: We must reach the other side of the border. If we escape the boundaries of the Frozen Lands, that witch's powers should no longer take effect.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 5: *expresses happily* Sounds good for us sir.

The trio stop in their tracks once a Cold Carnotaur suddenly steps in their path after breaking down a few trees. The creature roars at them with its icy cold breath as they quickly turn back and run.

King Ord: Excellent! The witch has brought a Primal back from the dead.

One of the Ice Kingdom soldiers gets flipped up into the air by the Carnotaur's head and then chomped in two within its mighty armor piercing jaws.

Ice Kingdom Soldier 5: *charges angrily* You're going to pay for that!

King Ord: No soldier, don't!

The moment the soldier attempted to strike the Cold Carnotaur, he was immediately flattened by the therapod's foot. King Ord then bolted before the creature's attention turned back to him.

King Ord: Damn it! Help! Somebody help!

The king kept running but it was obvious the Cold Carnotaur was faster. The moment it came in reach of him, it thwacked King Ord aside into a rocky wall. Once the king recovered, the creature stalked towards him into a corner. 

King Ord: No. Please.

The king knew that his words would have no effect upon a creature hailing from a primordial era of Veccoran, especially one that is undead, but was prepared to face his end even on trembly legs. The moment the Cold Carnotaur lunged at him, a huge lightning blast struck the creature down and shattered it into several pieces. 

King Ord: What the?

Hailing down from the skies above was the Grandmaster of the Ancient Society of Sorcerers, Solomon. 

Solomon: *bows* Your majesty.

King Ord: *bows back* Grandmaster Solomon! I am honored to be in your presence.

Solomon: The honor is mine, King Ord. I and my apprentice have traveled a long way to aid you in your quest.

Ashina and the three remaining Ice Kingdom soldiers quickly arrived to their king's whereabouts. Accompanying them was Goldane, Solomon's apprentice.

Goldane: The enemy forces have been dealt with master.

Solomon: Very good. Now, we must leave the Frozen Lands. More enemies are certainly on their way. Send out a message immediately to all seven kingdoms. We need to let them know of the forthcoming danger.

King Ord: I just hope they are willing to listen. We have been isolated for so long, I'm beginning to feel doubtful anyone would be willing to help us.

Solomon: Have faith your majesty. I'm certain some hearts will be sympathetic to your plight and extend a hand of support for you.


~Ice Kingdom, Throne Room

Alodi: We have received news regarding the whereabouts of King Ord. 

The Ice Witch leans forward with intrigue.

Alodi: He has left the borders of The Frozen Lands.

The Ice Witch growls angrily as she unleashes her cold power throughout the room.

Alodi: It is likely he seeks the aid of the other seven kingdoms.

Ice Witch: Pfft! That old fool believes they'll lend him support? Please... this kingdom has been unaffiliated with the other seven for years. Why would they care to help?

Alodi: We should take caution my dear. Facing so many foes is not the wisest choice.

Ice Witch: I'll get to decide what is the wisest choice. Though admittedly it wouldn't hurt to take precautions... summon Glacieron!

Alodi: *bows* As you wish.


King Ord and his soldiers, with the accompaniment of both Solomon and Goldane, had taken shelter at a village inn. The local villagers were a bit uneased by the king's presence, but the two sorcerers ensured them that no trouble would find them here.

Goldane: Master? Why is the Ice Witch after the king?

Solomon: She was once a member of King Ord's court. It was due to her that he even ascended to the throne. Sadly, things took a turn for the worse once Ord caught her practicing dangerous magic from a magic ring she uncovered. No one knows where she obtained such an item, but its power corrupted her soul and slowly turned her into the evil she's known as today. King Ord threw her out, but he didn't take into account she'd return with a vengeance. 

Goldane: Seems to be a great unfortunate oversight by the king.

Solomon: Many who sit upon a seat of all-power are easily subjected to complacency. It is why even those of higher power should be weary of their own karma.

Captain Ashina approaches the two sorcerers with a letter in hand. 

Ashina: My king has written the letter of urgency with his signature seal of approval. We are ready to call forth a summit at Goldenza.

Goldane: The House of the golden bloodline? 

Solomon: It is the better option to host a summit with all seven kingdoms. The Dawnbreakers have a knack for drawing others together no matter the opposition.

Ashina: And they're the greatest heroes of Veccoran.

Solomon then began chanting a spell that summoned several ethereal messenger birds with copies of the letters engraved onto them. They were then dispersed in seven directions.

King Ord: *mounts upon a Strider* Let us head to Goldenza. Hopefully all the other seven kingdoms attend.


~Goldenza, throne room

Frandos and his wife sat in their respective thrones while other members of their court were standing nearby. IA specifically stood at Frandos' side while his brother Dante was seated at the bottom of the steps to the throne floor.

Goldenza Court member 1: The Hundred Beast Bandits have migrated away from our borders. Though we have accomplished another victory today, it won't be long until they return to take back those we've imprisoned.

Goldenza Court member 2: I don't think we should be too concerned with their return as of this moment. Cavoria will surely dwindle their forces.

Goldenza Court member 3: While that would be beneficial for us, let us not forget the other groups scattered around Veccoran. If one group falls another will quickly take its place.

Dante: *snorts* Cockroaches.

Goldenza Court member 4: Why can't we just kill the ones we've captured and be done with it? Seems like a simple solution to a big problem.

Frandos: While the option seems promising, I highly doubt taking such an action would provide us with a satisfying resolution. A similar case occurred in Turquoise. It only caused further violence from the bandits.

Goldenza Court member 5: Respectfully my king, the leader of The Hundred Beasts Bandits in that region were dead set on overthrowing its former ruler. They were never gonna cease their violent tendencies anyway.

Frandos: While true it is also important to remember that most of the bandits even followed people with that kind of power out of fear and desperation. It was the neglect they were faced with that even led them to form their group in the first place.

Goldenza Court member 6: What do you suggest we do my king? The Hundred Beasts Bandits are nothing more than a bunch of criminals that take from others while inflicting harm upon the innocent. Hardly reasonable individuals.

Goldenza Court member 7: If I may interject... would it hurt to try negotiating peace with our prisoners? The way most of this court speaks of this group portrays them as barbarians. They are not. Many of you seem to forget that they were once good folk and citizens that lived in our kingdom. As our king has stated, it is because we neglected these lower class individuals they formed into the enemies we're struggling against today. It didn't help when a few rotten apples instilled a rebellious fire within them to make them more of a threat. So, I say we treat the ones we've captured with the same kindness and care we show to any other good citizen in the realm. If we can turn a few, we may be on the road to solving this issue.

Frandos: Well said Councilman Vinsyl. As always your words resonate with my heart.

Vinsyl was an anamorphic blue tongued skink who formerly lived in the kingdom of Savannah until he moved to Goldenza since he could no longer stand the lifestyle of the rich and wealthy. Frandos immediately took a liking to him when they crossed paths during a skirmish out in the streets between some dangerous thieves and his father.

Before anyone could continue speaking, one of the ethereal messenger birds sent by Solomon entered the room and then burst like a firework. The message was displayed for all to see for about two minutes before fading out.

Florence: The Ice Kingdom? Why would they call for help? They purposefully remained independent for years.

Frandos: Nevertheless, we shouldn't turn down a call for help. That is not what our kingdom stands for.


Each of the other kingdoms in Veccoran had received the call for a summit at Goldenza. It didn't take long for any of the kings and queens to immediately begin their travels to the house of the golden bloodline. Along the way, some meager threats like small groups of The Hundred Beasts Bandits were bold enough to attack the caravans of royalty, but were even more foolish to do so.

On one such occasion, Queen Hera of Denver encountered a group of bandits that had a specific vendetta against her. His name was Viro, and he sought out personal vengeance against the queen for causing his family's downfall several years ago at a time of civil unrest in the kingdom of Denver.

Viro: Death to the queen!

Denver Soldier 1: Protect her majesty at all costs!

The soldiers of Denver fought with minimal effort required to beat their attackers. Queen Hera was specifically chill in her caravan during this skirmish. She never even looked in the direction of the enemy who's eyes were fixed upon her silhouette hiding behind the curtain doors of the caravan.

Viro:*screams* Come out here and face me you annihilator!

Queen Hera remained ignorant of the enemy leader as her soldiers made quick work of the bandits. 

Vermin 3: *grasps Viro's shoulder* Viro, we need to retreat!

Viro: No, the queen of Denver must die today!

Vermin 3: Listen to me, you'll never obtain your vengeance if you die yourself. Now come on!

Viro was forced to retreat against his will. Driven mad by his need to settle the score with the queen once and for all. Once the enemy had fully been driven out, the Denver soldiers lowered their guard.

Denver soldier 2: My queen, I suggest we trek much safer road to Goldenza. We're dangerously close to some Hundred Beast Bandit territories.

Queen Hera: Proceed on course soldier. This is the fastest route and I will not be deterred by mere bandits. Is that understood?

Denver soldier 2: Yes, my queen. *To the other soldiers* Proceed onward!

Meanwhile, Solomon and Goldane had safely escorted King Ord and his soldiers to Goldenza. At the same time upon their arrival, two kings of the other six kingdoms had come. King Aries IX of Cavoria and King Niles of Sanchina.

King Aries IX: *To Niles* Well well, it has been quite sometime old friend. Age hasn't been very kind to you has it? I guess that's the result of complacency when surrounded by a great wall.

King Niles: *scowls* Are you mocking me, bird boy?

King Aries IX: I'm only calling out your physical appearance. Not everyone can maintain their youthfulness like yours truly *spreads out wings in a showy manner*.

King Niles: You pride yourself too much on your own self-worth and majesty. It disgusts me.

King Aries IX: *smirks* Jealous much?

King Niles: These days, I find there isn't any worth in feeling envy of another. Least of all birdbrains such as yourself.

King Aries IX: *eyebrow twitches slightly* Oh... you're not getting away with that my friend.

Frandos: My fellow neighborly kings, do not forget we are representatives of Veccoran's equal and shared symbol of peace and unity. In times of urgency we must act as rulers of a kingdom, not children who squabble over the most miniscule things.

King Niles: *bows respectfully* Your majesty.

King Aries IX: Forgive the... uh... argumentative performance hehehe... I was merely jesting to my fellow king.

Frandos: *frowns* I'm sure you were. Please, follow me to your guest chambers. I'm sure you've all had quite the exhausting travels.

King Niles: You could say we've had a few run-ins with the Hundred Beasts Bandits.

King Aries IX: They're painful thorns in my side. Always robbing my treasure vaults that I've worked tirelessly to store for future use. It is utterly absurd!

Frandos: I'm sure we can all come to a resolution for that problem during the summit. But first we must answer King Ord's call for aid.

King Aries IX: *chuckles* I find it hilarious that the kingdom that once proclaimed itself as an independent party has now decided to jump back into the fold. 

King Niles: I'd have to agree with my fellow neighbor. The Ice Kingdom has notoriously been able to handle its own internal affairs. Perhaps they've become far too overconfident with themselves.

Frandos: Almost sounds similar to how your kingdom has treated your great wall. No offense of course, King Niles.

King Niles: *groans* None taken, Dawnbreaker.


Glacieron was an anamorphic ice dragon. His presence exuded a frightening cold darkness akin to the person he served. His skin looked very jagged like frozen shards and ice spikes, his eyes glowed a frosty white blue color, and his wings were as broad as shields.

Ice Witch: *grins widely* Glacieron, my most deadliest servant. I have a task for you.

Glacieron kneels before the Ice Witch despite being of larger size in comparison to all other subjects present in the throne room.

Ice Witch: I'm sure you're well aware that King Ord has escaped my clutches. He has gone beyond the borders of the Frozen Lands, and my power unfortunately cannot reach past those territorial boundaries. Luckily for you, you're not bound to the power I wield. So you'll have the honor of hunting down the king and returning him to me immediately for my personal revenge.

Glacieron nodded as he rose up from one knee.

Ice Witch: I trust you will get the job done, Last Son of the Drakons.

Glacieron was later seen flying out into the cold winter skies of the Frozen Lands as Alodi and the Ice Witch watched from below the Ice Kingdom's castle balcony.

Ice Witch: I sense my thirst for revenge is already on the cusp of being quenched.

Alodi: Sending the Drakon out was a wise decision my dear. This world has forgotten the might of one of its long forgotten Primal species.

Ice Witch: And I shall create many more once I've tapped into the true power of this magic ring.

Alodi: Your will extends beyond vengeance against the king?

Ice Witch: Why wield all this power and not use it for greater ambition? *chuckles* It would be such a waste.


The summit had begun between all seven kingdoms of Veccoran. It was being held at a big roundtable with assigned seats specifically for each ruler of their respective kingdoms. This was done for all the seven kingdoms long ago when they decided to coexist peacefully instead of actively attempting to overtake the other.

Aside from Frandos, King Aries XI, and King Niles, the other kings and queens had taken their seats. First was Queen Hera from Denver, an anamorphic husky with red fur patches. Second was Queen Tyria from Mesozoica, an anamorphic tyrannosaurus with bright green eyes. Third was King Asad from Savannah, an anamorphic gray colored lion. And the fourth and final was King Turles from Turquoise, an anamorphic ear slider turtle.

Frandos: On the behalf of Goldenza, we respectfully appreciate each and every one of you for attending our 67th summit of the kingdoms.

Dante: *whispers to Vale* And there'll be plenty more to come, hehehe.

Vale: *chuckles* Oh stop it Dante.

Frandos: We have all been called here today to answer the call of the Ice Kingdom's sovereign ruler, King Ord.

King Ord steps forth towards the center of the roundtable where everyone's attention can be fully focused on him.

King Ord: Neighboring sovereigns of Veccoran, it is with great reluctance that I've called such a meeting. I know long ago the Ice Kingdom had withdrawn itself from all affairs within the realm other than its own, but today I am ready to admit that this crisis my kingdom faces cannot be dealt with alone. I stand before you all today extending my hand for yours to take and join as one in a fight to liberate the Frozen Lands from the wrath of the witch who has seized complete control over it.

The other rulers and some of their representatives begin murmuring amongst themselves. 

King Ord: I do not ask for much of any of you. The Ice Kingdom never has. But it would be greatly appreciated if my kingdom were aided by your power to repel my enemy from the seat she stole from me.

King Aries XI: Stole from you? *laughs in a mock tone* Seems to me you were too weak to keep it, your majesty.

King Ord: If you had experienced what I've faced, you wouldn't be laughing from the sidelines.

Queen Hera: The Ice Kingdom had stated clearly prior to their secession that they're more than capable of governing themselves. And that meant all affairs within the Frozen Lands remains in the Frozen Lands.

Queen Tyria: It was not too long ago that when I last ventured near your lands, we were met with slight hostility. You and your people make your independence stance very clear.

King Ord: That was simply the actions of one of my predecessors. But that should have no merit on the present crisis now.

Queen Tyria: Of course it does have merit. Your kingdom has hammered us for so long over the fact you need no sort of aid or other with the rest of Veccoran. And now all of a sudden you thought you could just call us altogether and act as if we've forgotten how we've been treated by you?

King Ord: I cannot speak for past occupants of my throne, but we cannot allow the past to influence our present. Please, I beg you all, help me now and I shall repay you respectfully to establish working relations between the Ice Kingdom and the seven kingdoms of Veccoran. 

Frandos: I agree with our esteemed guest. At times of crisis, the best resolve we can muster is one forged through the will to act and cooperate with one another.

King Aries XI: You seem to forget, Dawnbreaker, we have our own crises to handle at this present time. Not to purposefully burst your encouraging words to pump energy into our blood, but you cannot simply ignore the threats currently plaguing our lands in exchange for another beyond our territories?

King Asad: The Hundred Beasts Bandits grow numerous and are becoming far more ruthless. They're stealing from villages and turning some of our own people against us.

King Turles: I for one have my own issues to deal with back at home. Something I'd like to return to as soon as possible mind you.

King Niles: I am sorry for the crisis that has befallen your people in the Frozen Lands, King Ord... but I cannot help you. Not while there are a few prying eyes fixed on infiltrating Sanchina.

King Ord looked down in gloom.

King Aries XI: Don't feel bad my friend. You can handle this problem yourself like you've always done. *smirks* Alone.

Vale: *whispers softly* What an asshole.

Dante raised an eyebrow at her since he's never once heard Vale swear in her life.

King Ord: *sighs* It seems I have wasted my time coming here. 

As King Ord stepped away from the middle of the table, the seven rulers of the seven kingdoms of Veccoran began to conversate about how to best deal with The Hundred Beasts Bandits across the land.


Dante: *pacing back and forth, frustrated* How could they do this? King Ord asked for help and everyone basically spat in his face over past discrepancies.

Vale: They did speak out of turn but their point still stands. The Hundred Beasts Bandits are Veccoran's main priority at the moment. We must respect the choices of our fellow kingdoms.

Dante: It doesn't sound fair. They can't just reject someone in need. That's just... just... 

Vinsyl: Do not stress about this dear knight. Everyone wants nothing more than to serve themselves first before being considerate of others around them.

Vale & Dante: *bows* Councilman.

Vinsyl: It is disheartening to see the Ice Kingdom's ruler turned down after going through all this effort to seek help from others. From the way he's described his ordeal, this crisis in the Frozen Lands sounds serious. It shouldn't be overlooked.

Dante: I agree. Who's to say the threat that plagues King Ord won't find its way to other lands? It's a risk we cannot be allowed to take.

Vale: Let's not think too rash. We must handle one problem at a time. I'm sure our king already has a solution in mind for how best to resolve these two issues.

Vinsyl: You can always count on a Dawnbreaker to save the day. Heroes of their status never seem to fail in their given roles within the realm.

Dante: *nods slowly but solemnly* Yeah... my golden brother will never let us down.

Vale raised an eyebrow seeing the solemn expression in his eyes. She didn't think too much of it but felt a tad bit concerned. 

The three of them then hear several footsteps trekking down the hallways.

Vinsyl: It appears the summit has reached its conclusion.


The little cub Francisco was happily playing with his toys while Frandos and Florence stood nearby by the doorway into the child's room.

Florence: You don't really have to do this my love. Goldenza needs its king, not a hero.

Frandos: *smiles* I'm a Dawnbreaker. It's in my blood. Besides it'd be wrong of me not to answer someone's call for help.

Florence: *sighs* You worry too much.

Frandos: *kisses her* But I always come back to you.

IA: The kingdom will remain protected in your absence my king.

Frandos: You sure you're not coming IA? You are basically my guide and guardian after all.

IA: My duty is to ensure the continuation and survival of the Dawnbreaker bloodline. *Looks down to Francisco crawling towards her* And right now that task is directed at your only son and heir.

Frandos: As you wish. At least you'll have wifey over here to keep you company.

Florence: *playfully pulls Frandos' ear* Never call me that again.

Frandos: Yes my love, hehehe...


Frandos, accompanied by Dante, arrived outside Goldenza with a small group of Aranka Clan members. King Ord and his soldiers were waiting to meet with them.

Frandos: King Ord.

King Ord: Dawnbreaker.

Frandos: I cannot amass all of my forces, but what I bring should be a good starting point.

King Ord: Your willingness to help save my kingdom is greatly appreciated, your majesty. I only wish the other kingdoms could have also developed a generous golden heart of gold such as yours. 

Frandos: Your words warm me King Ord, but you have to understand that all of us have our own battles to fight. We cannot face them all simultaneously.

Dante: Brother, not to interrupt you, but I'm pretty certain the numbers we have now won't be sufficient enough to face who knows what lies out there in the Frozen Lands.

Frandos: That's why I'm calling on an old friend to meet us out there. He's always had perfect timing when the moment counts.

Dante: *chuckles lightly* Right... that guy.

King Ord: May I ask who this mystery person you're referring to is?

Dante: *smirks* Once we reach the borders of the Frozen Lands I'm sure you'll get the chance to properly meet him.

Frandos: You don't have to smirk like that you know? It gives the wrong impression.

Dante: *laughs* Yeah, you're right, my bad.

King Ord: *mutters* Children...

Ashina: Are we gonna keep chatting or are we finally heading back home?

Dante: Mount up everyone! To the Frozen Lands we go!

Frandos drew out Dawnstar, holding it before his face as the yellow glowing crystal star at the center between the hilt and the blade began to glow. Aerosaur came swooping downward to him as Frandos leapt onto the creature's back and took flight while the Frozen Lands Battle Party rode out of Goldenza on their Striders, with King Ord, Ashina, and Dante in the lead. 



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