The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One

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By MikaelDuncan4


Daytime rises. The boat carrying the Freedom Fighters and the rescued civilians from the village headed towards an island surrounded by glassy water.

[Felix:] We be approachin' Glass Water Island.

[Mr. Chipper:] I've always loved seeing crystal clear waters. You can see the bottom!

[Mendo:] I'm seeing some Rednamalas crawling on the floor below.

[Balla:] Glad we all can get a fascinating view after all the fighting.

Charlotte stands in place while gazing at the water below. Lolly quietly watched her from a distance as Nicholas sat next to her.

[Nicholas:] Still feeling ashamed with what happened a month ago?

[Lolly:] Yes. I was warned by Balla about having feelings for Felix, and because of that I destroyed his relationship with Charlotte.

Felix overheard her, lowering his ears in sadness.

[Nicholas:] I don't think it was your fault Lolly. Like you told me before, Felix was the one who kissed you, so it's on him.

[Lolly:] But if I didn't give any hints that I fell in love with him, then maybe Felix would still be with Charlotte.

[Nicholas:] There are plenty of mistakes we wish we could correct. How we deal with it going forward determines how we continue to live. Don't let this mistake destroy you emotionally Lols. I don't like seeing you like this.

Lolly nods.

[Nicholas:] Have you talked with either one of them since-

[Lolly:] No, I preferred not to. I just think it is best if they solve their problems on their own.

[Nicholas:] But you are still part of the issue. They both need to understand your side of the story that way some blurred lines can become straight and clear.

Lolly remains silent.

[Nicholas:] If you don't want to talk with them then that's fine, but at least consider it ok?

[Lolly:] I'll think about it.

Ronos stands beside Felix.

[Felix:] Oy, me saw ye fightin' Renathor back there. Pretty impressive.

Ronos just nods.

[Felix:] How cum ye dun talk very much? Not criticizin' ye or anyt'ing buh me just wanted ta ask.

Ronos just leans on a rail in front of Felix looking to his left.

[Ronos:] That's just how I lived life after everything I've been through.

[Felix:] Hmm. Sounds ta me like ye have been through quite ta trouble before joinin' us.

[Ronos:] Yes, I have. Being imprisoned by pirates for over 4 years can really do a lot to you.

[Felix:] How cum ye dun talk like a pirate?

[Ronos:] Argh! me choose when ta speak in such a language lad.

[Felix:] *starts giggling* Are ye tryin' ta be humorous.

[Ronos:] No.

[Felix:]*face expression changes* Ok.

Francis and Bonnie later join the two.

[Francis:] Felix, Ronos.

[Bonnie:] You are a good warrior Ronos. Glad we have you with us.

Ronos nods respectfully.

[Felix:] We gettin' close ta docks. Me can a'ready see Sami waitin'.

[Bonnie:] So, how has life been with Charlotte now that your relationship is broken?

[Felix:] Me and her haven't spoken since tis month passed.

[Francis:] Its sad to see after all the crushing you've had with her it all crumbles down. I can't believe you compromised your relationship with her.

[Bonnie:] Seriously, what were you thinking?

[Felix:] Me dun know. Tis complicated.

[Ronos:] Doesn't look that complicated to me.

[Felix:] If ye ever fell in luv, ye would understand.

[Ronos:] No thanks*walks away*. Love sucks and it makes you weak, ask my buddy Killmonger... if he was still alive with me right now.

[Bonnie:] You really should talk with her and Lolly. You cannot allow this problem between you and her to continue.

[Felix:] Me know, me know.

The boat docked and then the civilians exited down the walkway.

[Sami:] You've saved a ton of survivors this day my king.

[Francis:] It's a lot better than how many we've gotten the last time.

[Sami:] Did you encounter Sepitus and Renathor again?

[Francis:] There really isn't anybody else besides those two. Although I'm starting to get the feeling that will change soon.

[Sami:] Anything can happen when you're in a war, especially with the greatest of all evil.

[Francis:] How is everyone doing?

[Sami:] Some are still shaken by what they've experienced from Deadrus' lackeys. He really does have some terrifying monsters.


Bonnie sat down to sharpen his sword as Hope appears next to him.

[Hope:] Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Hi Hope.

[Hope:] I just wanted to say, you and Lightblade have such a strong brotherly bond.

[Bonnie:] Well, that's the result of having friends. Your relationships can go beyond your typical friendship and become something more. I'm glad Lightblade has taught me everything I needed to know about becoming a White Knight of Bludhaven but...

[Hope:] But what?

[Bonnie:] I may have completed my training, but I haven't been able to complete my test.

[Hope:] And that is?

[Bonnie:] To unlock the power of the light. I don't understand why I haven't been able to after learning balance. Lightblade said that my time hasn't arrived yet, whatever that means, so right now I'm just a bit frustrated as to why I can't unlock this power.

[Hope:] Well, I hope you can solve the problem. I'd hate to see you saddened from never passing your test.

[Bonnie:]*smirks* I can tell you're starting to care about me more and more.

[Hope:] Bonnie, if you're thinking what I'm thinking then-

[Bonnie:] It's ok Hope, I know that you're not romantically interested in me. We just have great respect for one another, especially after I slayed Nifsara last month.

[Hope:] Yeah, you really proved that you are a great warrior inside after that fight. I was very impressed by you that day.

[Bonnie:] You were impressive at times too you know.

[Hope:] I get that sometimes.

Lightblade stood by from a distance, gazing at the mark on Bonnie's arm.

[Lightblade:] One day you'll know, Bonnie.

[Francis:] Freedom Fighters! Come, let us return to Goldenza.

All the Freedom Fighters returned to the boat.

[Francis:] Take great care Sami.

Sami and Francis shake hands.

[Sami:] You too my king.


Back in Goldenza, many of the citizens were celebrating the kings return. Francis was then back inside the throne room with all his friends and allies.

[Francis:] Once again we've ran another successful rescue mission. However, I'm already fearing Deadrus' next move.

[Tort:] No denying that my king. For a while Deadrus has only sent invaders across the land to capture innocent civilians.

[Nehemiah:] His bigger plans are probably already underway as we speak.

[Bonnie:] You are our savior Francis, what should we do now?

[Francis:] I think you all know what I plan to do next. It is time to unite all the 7 kingdoms together.

[Tort:] It's about time but there is a problem.

[Nehemiah:] Most of the other kingdoms still won't let go of what happened during the Kingdom Division years ago.

[Bonnie:] Well the prophecy does state that Francis would unite all the 7 kingdoms for one final stand against Deadrus and his forces. Besides, we aren't enough to take on a full-scale army should that happen.

[Francis:] That is true, there isn't enough of us to repel all the evil Deadrus unleashes. Tomorrow, each of us will go in separate groups and invite the other rulers of the 7 kingdoms to discuss an alliance.

Everyone then left the throne room except for Bonnie.

[Francis:] Still here Bonnie?

[Bonnie:] I just want to know how you've been feeling now that the inevitable showdown between you and Deadrus is drawing near?

[Francis:] I try not to think of my confrontation with him. Right now, all I want is to focus on ensuring Veccoran's residents are safe from the wrath of our enemies.

[Bonnie:] I was just thinking that you may feel worried that you won't be able to defeat Deadrus. The prophecy doesn't really say who will come out victorious between you both, so I thought that aspect would trouble you.

[Francis:] Not at all Bonnie, I'm perfectly fine.

Francis' face frowns as he exits the throne room.


Somewhere near the sea, Goldane was adding a stone to a pile of stones in front of a bigger stone with the engraving Solomon, Grandmaster of the Ancient Society of Sorcers and a good friend. He sat down for a moment, keeping his eyes on the memorial he created for his former mentor. Goldane takes out the emblem Solomon gave him before his death. Later, Goldane wanders away from the shores and returns to Goldenza using teleportation.

[Nehemiah:] You've returned Goldane.

[Goldane:] Good to see you too Nehemiah.

[Nehemiah:] I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. Solomon was one of the wisest sorcerers to ever exist. Sad to see him gone.

[Goldane:] He knew his fate and accepted it. Now he's relying on me to carry on his legacy.

[Nehemiah:] I'm certain he would be proud to know you will continue the path he has created.

[Goldane:] How is Francis?

[Nehemiah:] He has led us well into battle. Now he's focused on uniting all the 7 kingdoms together as the prophecy foretells.

[Goldane:] Has he shown any reluctance towards his destiny? I sometimes have this small concern that he is hiding something.

[Nehemiah:] No, he seems alright to me and everyone else. But I do have this small feeling myself.


Later that night, Francis shivered in his bed from having a nightmare. He found himself rising from the dirt floor while many of his fellow warriors were caught in battle against many monsters. Fireballs reigned from the sky with demons emerging out of them. Francis began tossing and turning as he saw his friends mortally wounded in battle while the ground trembled. Rising from the Earth were the three titan sized monsters.

[Francis:] No.

Francis took cover behind a rock as these creatures began scraping and swiping away legions of warriors on the ground. Francis spotted Felix fleeing with a group of warriors only to be flattened by one of the titan's feet.

[Francis:] No!

Francis turned to see Charlotte tackled down by a demon clawing at her face. Bonnie was seen stabbed in the abdomen, laying on a rock, as the titans blew flames upon everyone. Many warriors are burnt along with Bonnie.

[Francis:] No!

As Francis recovers from the flames, Deadrus emerges before him, all decked out in hot smoking armor. He cowers in fear as the greatest of all evil grasps him by the throat then stabs him with a small dagger.

[Francis:] No!!!

Francis sprung up in his bed, sweating. He placed his hand near the area where Deadrus stabbed him in his nightmare. Sighing in relief, Francis lays back and calms down.

[Francis:] Just a dream.


In Vriatonara, Deadrus sat on a ledge staring down at the lava below him, feeling familiarity...

[Vrinigath:] Volcanoes unleash fire and destruction once they erupt. All life around it is destroyed and turned to black, leaving little to be remembered.

[Deadrus:] It is a beautiful sight to witness master.

[Vrinigath:] Yes it is. You see Deadrus, the world creates those who fight for peace and unity believing that is how life should run. But the reality is the world wasn't made peacefully. Everything began with chaos and oblivion. The truth is darkness will always reign supreme no matter how powerful the light becomes. Even when darkness is wiped out, the light cannot repel it forever. That is what I want for Veccoran: to be ruled through chaos and oblivion. This is how I will set the future. When all of that is said and done, Veccoran will become a grand realm of thriving darkness with no light to match it.

[Deadrus:] Your vision is boundless. There is nothing more beautiful than darkness, and I hope to see this future come to pass when fire hails down from the sky and dark clouds imprisons this realm.

[Vrinigath:] And you will, alongside me. Together we shall bring a new realm to life.

Deadrus smiles happily after remembering this moment with Vrinigath. He glanced back, feeling Velorina's presence.

[Deadrus:] Spying on me Velorina?

[Velorina:] Just standing by for your protection like I should with every other ruler of Vriatonara.

[Deadrus:] We have no enemies here, I need no protection.

[Velorina:] I could tell you thought of your master, my father, Vrinigath.

[Deadrus:] I remember when he first took me here. He showed me the truth of how the world works. There are those who fight for peace and those who seek war. For those who fight for a better and more peaceful future are too blind to see that nothing was born from peace. Everything that has transpired from the beginning came from war. Chaos was the birth of our realm and so chaos shall be the future of it.

[Velorina:] Vrinigath was right about darkness reigning always, no matter how much more powerful the light is. Too bad he is dead... at least you stepped up to take his place to finish what he started.

[Deadrus:] I sometimes wonder how different things would be if you were the one chosen to be his successor instead of me.

[Velorina:] Even though I and my fellow sisters are the spawn of our father, I do not have what it takes to rule over these lands.

[Deadrus:] Not to me. I believe you have all the qualities to rule.

[Velorina:] Do you my lord?

[Deadrus:] Yes, I do.

An awkward silence comes between the two until Phantomice materializes behind them. This time, however, he seems older and weaker after Deadrus absorbed most of his soul a month ago. He wobbled toward them, weak and crooked like an elderly man.

[Phantomice:] My lord.

Deadrus and Velorina turn to face him.

[Phantomice:] They have arrived.

Many new faces were present in the crowded throne room. Seth Creighton and his brothers Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane were present. All of the Dreads were aligned in front of the throne, and Phantomice takes his place in a corner of the room. One of the new faces was a fire demon. He appeared to be tall, possibly taller than Deadrus. His skin was burning red hot like metal and his eyes were bright yellow flames pouring out of the sockets. He appeared to have no armor, only bearing a fireproof cloth around his waist. The demon also wielded a sword on his left hand and had a scythe barely visible behind his back. There was also a deathly figure in the room, smaller in size and wore an iron skull around the face, along with black robes that resembled smoke trailing off of him, and had visible skeletal hands: the right one wielding a pitchfork. The last new face in the room was a feminine entity. She appeared to be slimmer than everyone else around her, wore dark green armor covering her entire form, a visible black cape on her back, two pointy horns on the sides of her helmet, and wielded a thunder shaped spear in her left hand with a mechanical owl perched on her right.

Deadrus entered the room, adorning violet royal garment, much to the pleasure of his subjects around him, as he sat on his throne while the Dreads formed a protective line. The greatest of all evil surveyed everyone in his presence. He nodded upon the sight of many evils at his side.

[Deadrus:] I am glad you all could join me. Daemon *turns to the fire demon* you're looking well. Hugo *looks to the figure with the skull face* still as dark as ever with your intimidating pitchfork. And Arterton *gazes at the feminine figure* your still attractive as ever.

[Velorina:] Ahem! My lord, shall we discuss your plans?

[Deadrus:] I was getting to that. As you all know, for the past month I've begun my conquest over Veccoran. We've captured plenty of slaves for future labor, many monsters serving us in combat, and we have big plans after the war is over. However, the one thing standing in my way is the Freedom Fighters. If I am to continue taking over these lands, the resistance must be put to an end.

[Daemon:] Why should we help you, greatest of all evil?

[Hugo:] You have all the power, what's in it for us?

[Deadrus:] It is simple my friends. I just want to enjoy the suffering the Freedom Fighters are about to experience. I want each and every one of you to have a place in the new world I am preparing to create. I will rule all, but the majority of you will be commanded by me to have your fair share living in the rebirthed Veccoran.

[Daemon:] You want us to bow down to you!?

[Hugo:] I will not be commanded by anyone else other than me!

[Daemon:] Neither will I! I command the demons deep inside the Earth, if I ever served under your rule then you would take control of those who live beneath our feet!

[Hugo:] He would also take possession of all the dark forces at my command.

[Deadrus:] The more power the better. That is what Vrinigath taught me when he first took me under his guidance.

[Daemon:] At least Vrinigath wasn't so power hungry all the time like you are! He had it all but would never rule us all who have power as well.

[Hugo:] You shame that throne you sit upon currently! You don't deserve to rule Vriatonara and you are no successor to him!

Velorina and the other Dreads point their spears at Hugo.

[Velorina:] How dare you disrespect our lord!? Have you forgotten the destruction of The Great Wall of Sanchina? He would burn you alive if the decision crosses his mind.

[Hugo:] You should be aware of the forces I contend with dreaded predator! It would be wise to remain quiet for I can be just as destructive as Deadrus.

[Seth:] Your powers are nothing compared to the greatest of all evil, Hugo. You are out of place.

[Hugo:] You are the one out of place Seth Creighton! Too bad your cousin couldn't join us today.

[Soulton:] You dare mention Reaper!?

[Grimsbane:] It would be unwise for you to cause trouble with our family.

[Bane:] We won't tolerate such a tone coming from you!

[Daemon:] I'd advise you to stand down, Family of Seth Creighton.

[Seth:] Don't you dare threaten us fire demon! You won't like the wrath of my family wrought upon you.

[Phantomice:] Enough of this pathetic argument! We all must focus on aiding Deadrus in conquering Veccoran to finally bring an end to this war for him to finish what Vrinigath started.

[Daemon and Hugo:] We will not help him if he rules us!

Daemon swats Phantomice away as he blasts a fire beam at Deadrus.

[Velorina:] Defense shield!

The Dreads cross their spears together to form a black shield that reflects the fire beam back at Daemon.

Hugo steps in but Seth and his brothers block him.

[Hugo:] Stand aside!

Hugo levitates into the air, spinning around while launching shadow projectiles.

[Seth:] No spinning!

Seth raises his lantern which reverses Hugo's technique, sending him spiraling into a wall.

[Daemon:] I will not go down so easily!

[Hugo:] Neither will I!

Daemon draws out his scythe and cuts a tear in midair that opens a doorway for some fire wolves while Hugo levitates to create shadow clouds releasing black humanoid symbiotic creatures with red eyes and inner glow from their mouths filled with razor sharp teeth and long tongues sticking out.

[Velorina:] Defend!

Velorina and her fellow Dreads fight the symbiotic creatures while Seth Creighton and his brothers dealt with the fire wolves. Deadrus remained unphased by the commotion before him. While they were distracted, both Daemon and Hugo blasted magical beams at the greatest of all evil who suddenly leapt out his throne to evade their attack. Once he landed, Deadrus hit the ground with his fist to cause a shockwave that disintegrated the fire wolves and the symbiotic creatures, also knocking back his allies. Daemon and Hugo rolled across the floor then tightly wrapped up in Deadrus' chains.

[Deadrus:] You two will serve me and live under my rule! Or you both can burn.

Deadrus slightly heated his chains as both Daemon and Hugo tried to resist the pain. They gave out once he increased heat travelling through his chains.

[Daemon:] Alright! I surrender...

[Hugo:] We vow from here on out to serve you and live under your rule!

Deadrus smirked then unchained them. He turned to Arterton who observed the whole time.

[Deadrus:] And what about you Arterton? What will you do?

Arterton slowly walked up to Deadrus. Her posture didn't invoke hostile intent. She came face to face with the greatest of all evil then bowed.

[Arterton:] I will serve you my lord. You have my obedience.

[Deadrus:] Good*returns to the throne*. Now that our little ramble is over, we have a war to win. The Dawnbreaker is supposed to unite all the rulers of the 7 kingdoms together. Just like Frandos, I am certain he will attempt a negotiation. Once all the rulers are at the same place at the same time, we will strike and obliterate our enemies for good!

[Arterton:] There is a problem my lord. All the 7 kingdoms are still torn by what occurred during the Kingdom Division.

[Velorina:] Yes! My lord, that is exactly what I was going to say. There is a possibility that a few of the other kings and queens will refuse to discuss an alliance with one another.

[Deadrus:] Don't worry, all of them will be there.


In a separate room, Sepitus paced back and forth while Renathor was kneeling.

[Sepitus:] I am very disappointed with you Renathor! Once again you've failed to annihilate most of the heads of the Freedom Fighters. Once more you fail your master Deadrus, who you are so desperately trying to gain redemption from. And once more you continue to prove that you are nothing but wasted potential! If it was your ancestor Dranor, he would have snuffed out most of the Freedom Fighters by his very own hands. How much more disappointment do you have to offer!?

Renathor keeps silence.

[Sepitus:] Nothing to say?

[Renathor:] The only thing I can say to you right now is I am not a disappointment; I am not wasted potential, and I can be just like my ancestor.

[Sepitus:] You had many chances to prove me wrong. Unfortunately, over this past month you've proved nothing to me except how useless you are! To me you're becoming softer and weaker each day. You may have skills in combat, yet continue to show weakness.

[Renathor:] I am not weak!

[Sepitus:] Did you raise your voice at me?

Renathor keeps his head down as Sepitus approached him.

[Sepitus:] I'm sorry but I could've sworn you raised your voice!

Sepitus gets in Renathor's face, the latter turning away.

[Sepitus:] Not talking so tough now are you? You are soft.

Sepitus slaps Renathor across the face.

[Sepitus:] If you ever raise your tone at me again, I won't hesitate to quash you underfoot, understand?

Renathor nods.

[Sepitus:] Understand!

[Renathor:] Yes Sepitus.

[Sepitus:] Good.

Sepitus walks out while Renathor's eyes flared angry red.

[Renathor:] He'll get what's coming to him one day...


The next day, everyone sets out in separate groups to the other kingdoms. Nehemiah and Tort headed for the kingdom Denver, ruled by Queen Scarlett; Felix, Charlotte, and Ronos headed for Savannah, ruled by King Kosan and Queen Thembeka; Nicholas, Lolly, Balla, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper headed for the kingdom Mesozoica, ruled by King Tyrannus; Lightblade, Bonnie, and Hope headed for the kingdom Turquoise, ruled by King Tartaruga, and Francis sent two messengers out to inform Prince Gillian and Corbin Croc about the meeting. Francis stood outside on a balcony looking ahead while the morning light rose with Goldane watching from behind.

[Goldane:] Francis, is something troubling you?

[Francis:] Not really. I'm just concerned about how this meeting will go. The Kingdom Division truly isolated all the kingdoms from one another, and I don't think I'll be able to convince them to unite once again.

[Goldane:] Do not doubt yourself now Francis. You must unite all the 7 kingdoms as the prophecy foretells. If your father and grandfather were able to keep peace between all the rulers then I am certain you will follow.

[Francis:] I guess we'll have to wait and see. You never know how things will turn out. I already have this feeling Deadrus is bound to make a move very soon.

[Goldane:] As do I... hopefully all the kingdoms resolve to work with one another before Deadrus unleashes his next forces against us.


Somewhere on the road, Charlotte rode up ahead to keep her distance from Felix.

[Felix:] Me need ta talk wit her and set t'ings straight. Me cannot just allow her ta stay angry at me forever.

Ronos watches as Felix rides up ahead to be side by side with Charlotte, who ignored him. Felix tried to say something but he couldn't.

[Ronos:] Oh boy... more cringey love drama.

Felix was close to saying a word, but Charlotte just rode further ahead. Felix sighs sadly by the time Ronos caught up. Felix shortly glanced at him then returns to a sad independent state.

[Foxy:] Me had lots ta say ta her... buh me couldn't let it out o me mouth.

[Ronos:] Mhmm.

[Felix:] Me still feelin' ashamed a'ter what happened a month ago. If only me didn't gut so caught up wit feelin's, ten perhaps me and Charlotte would still be together.

[Ronos:] Mhmm.

[Felix:] Me now beginnin' ta see me mistake, and all me want ta do is fix broken lines, buh it seem ta me like it's gonna be harder t'an me thought.

[Ronos:] Mhmm.

[Felix:] T'at all you're gonna say to me, "Mhmm" t'at be all you're gonna say ta me.

Ronos nods.

[Felix:] Aye aye aye... why me even talkin' ta ye when ye believe luv sucks.

Felix rides ahead of Ronos, smirking at his back.

[Ronos:] And this is why I'd prefer to stay independent. No way would I want to go through all of that drama.


Lightblade, Bonnie, and Hope rested after a long ride.

[Lightblade:] We'll rest here for tonight. By first light we continue our travels.

Bonnie ties up their Striders on a tree trunk while Hope gathers wood. Later that night, all three bunnies ate dinner.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade.

Lightblade turns to Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] What did you mean by "your time hasn't arrived yet" since I haven't been able to unlock the power of the light within me?

Lightblade thought for a minute.

[Lightblade:] That's how it started with me. After completing my training, I too was frustrated with why I could not unlock the power of the light within me. For many months I was always questioning my father why I've been unable to release this power. The only thing he told me was "just to wait and see. It'll come around".

Bonnie nods.

[Lightblade:] Its probably a similar case with you. Just have to wait until that moment comes, because you'll never know when the power will reveal itself to you.

[Hope:] So there isn't anything else he could do to unlock this power?

[Lightblade:] It appears that way. But I am sure that the power is inside somewhere. It will come when it decides to.

[Bonnie:] I'll be anticipating my moment then. Most likely it will come when we're all in peril.

[Hope:] That is highly possible, unfortunately.

Lightblade's ears twitch as Bonnie and Hope continued chatting.

[Lightblade:] We're being watched*swiftly gets up and pulls out sword*.

Bonnie and Hope follow as they survey their surroundings, listening carefully.

[Bonnie:] I bet its another one of Seth Creighton's creations.

[Hope:] That is definitely what it is.

[Lightblade:] I don't know, this feels a little different to me.

Things get eerily quiet. The three bunnies feel a bit giddy while huddling together.

[Hope:] I really don't like this.

[Bonnie:] Me either.

Lightblade looks searches till a shadow loomed over them, following a yell. All three of them looked up to see Grimsbane hailing down with his hammer.

[Lightblade:] Move!

The three bunnies jump out of the way as Grimsbane caused a shockwave upon impact, which blew out their campfire and knocked them back.

[Lightblade:] Who are you?

Grimsbane turns to face the three while resting his hammer upon his shoulders.

[Grimsbane:] I am one of Seth Creighton's brothers, Grimsbane. You must be Lightblade Starlight.

[Lightblade:] Yes. Let me guess? Seth Creighton has some sort of plan to kill me once again.

[Grimsbane:]*nods* My brother wanted me to warn you. You have no idea what is coming.

[Bonnie:] You and Seth Creighton better stay away from Lightblade!

[Grimsbane:] Do not worry little one, we won't lay a hand on him unless instructed to by our brother.

[Hope:] There is more of you?

[Grimsbane:] Three of us, including me. Soon you'll be meeting Soulton and Bane later in this war.

[Lightblade:] I'll look forward to meeting Seth's other family members. Tell him that no matter what he throws at me I will overcome it.

[Grimsbane:]*chuckles* We shall see. Farewell for now, Lightblade Starlight.

Grimsbane then vanishes into the shadows.

[Bonnie:] I never thought Seth had family.

[Hope:] We should keep watch in case another one of Seth's brothers visits us.

[Lightblade:] I'll keep night watch. The two of you rest and keep up your strength. Don't worry I'll be fine.

Bonnie and Hope tuck themselves in for the night as Lightblade sits crisscross.


At the kingdom of Cavoria, Prince Gillian came into his father's throne room with a message in hand.

[Prince Gillian:] Father, a message from the king of Goldenza has arrived.

King Aries reads the message.

[King Aries:] Well then, let us meet some old friends.

At Sanchina, the same thing happened. King Abel sighed after reading it.

[Corbin:] Father?

[Queen Ally:] Is something wrong my king?

[King Abel:] If I go... if we all go... then I suspect King Aries will be there.

[Corbin:] Of course he will father, all the rulers must be there. But we cannot allow memories of the past to ruin this discussion for an alliance.

[Queen Ally:] Just do not let him get to your head.

King Abel thought for a while.

[King Abel:] Very well, we will go.

Over time, each of the rulers received their invitations. Each of them agreed to come while Francis is informed of the other ruler's responses.


Later all the rulers and their representatives entered Goldenza. First came Queen Scarlett, an anamorphic husky with pinkish red eyes and wore scarlet royal armor. Next came King Kosan and Queen Thembeka, both of them were grey lions donning more tribal armor made of gold. King Tyrannus arrived next, a green t-rex larger than those around him. Then came King Tartaruga, a big dark green red ear slider turtle with a smooth shell and beefy limbs.

[Mr. Chipper:] Here comes all the other sovereign of Veccoran. King Kosan and Queen Thembeka seem very rich.

[Mendo:] Of course they are Mendo, they live upon a mountain of gold.

[Balla:] Let's hope Francis can bridge an alliance between them all.

Francis looked over all the rulers approaching the castle.

[Nehemiah:] This is it my king. This is where you will unite all of the 7 kingdoms.

[Tort:] Will you be alright?

Francis doesn't answer.

[Tort:] My king?

[Francis:]*turns to face the two* I'll manage.

In the skies came Prince Gillian, King Aries, and their other representatives.

[Prince Gillian:] Father, whatever you do, don't stir up any trouble with the others, especially King Abel.

[King Aries:] Please my son, you have nothing to be concerned about. I will behave accordingly and so shall the other rulers.

Prince Gillian still expressed worry once the representatives of Sanchina arrived.

[Corbin:] We have arrived. Let's hope we can form this alliance.

Queen Ally felt concerned about her king. His head had stayed low for the duration of their travels.

[Queen Ally:] It is alright my king, I and your son are with you. Don't feed yourself with thoughts of King Aries antagonizing you.

[King Abel:] I'm not worried about him antagonizing me, I'm worried about how I will be antagonizing him.

[Queen Ally:] Abel, that is not how we should act. We must not allow the past memories of the Kingdom Division to affect us.

[Corbin:] Please father, don't do anything that will cause unnecessary conflict. We need this alliance, don't forget about what happened a month ago at the wall.

[King Abel:]*takes a breath* Right.


All the rulers assemble in a room around a big roundtable. Each of the rulers took their respective seats while exchanging aggressive glances. Francis, meanwhile, dresses up in suitable clothes as his friends came to see him.

[Bonnie:] Francis.

[Francis:] Hey guys, how do I look?

[Felix:] Royal lad. Very royal.

[Bonnie:] Listen, if things go south during this meeting, then we'll be at your side and stand with you like always.

[Felix:] We gut ye back friend.

[Francis:] Thanks guys. I don't see Charlotte anywhere though.

[Charlotte:] I'm right here. You look handsome Francis.

[Francis:] Thanks Charlotte. Wish me luck.

[Charlotte:] We will. Now get in there.

Francis nods as he enters the room where all the rulers were. Standing alongside him were Nehemiah, Tort, and Goldane. Francis took a seat while all eyes laid on him.

[Queen Scarlett:] So this is our realm's savior as prophesized?

[King Tyrannus:] I expected something more menacing.

[Francis:] So...

Everyone waited for Francis to continue. He already felt anxiety building up from being in the presence of other royalty.

[Francis:] After so many years since the death of Vrinigath Dread, all of us are gathered together once again to form an alliance to fight a common enemy thought to have been vanquished.

[King Aries:] We all thought the greatest of all evil was killed by your father, but apparently not. How disappointing... You Dawnbreakers are supposed to be special, and now here you are.

[Francis:] What is your issue with my family King Aries?

[King Aries:] I remembered your father when I was a young chick. He too was destined to defeat Deadrus once and for all yet he currently exists to finish what he started. I fail to see what will make things any different this time around.

Francis got lost in thought while everyone else murmured among themselves.

[Nehemiah:] Why does King Aries always have to behave this way?

[Tort:] Maybe he is trying to test Francis or something.

[Francis:] Well... if you all already know, I defeated Red Bear and have reclaimed my family's kingdom. That alone should explain how things will turn out in comparison to my father.

[King Tartaruga:] We all get it Dawnbreaker, you took down a tyrant and you think Deadrus is just the same... you're wrong.

Francis reclined a little.

[King Tartaruga:] Deadrus is living hell. He doesn't feel for others, has no remorse, no mercy, and only cares about slaughtering. If you thought Red Bear was hard to deal with, you have no idea what Deadrus is capable of. Once you encounter him, the only thing you'll remember is fear and death.

Francis' expression shifted to fright. Goldane could sense it.

[King Abel:] I thought this was a negotiation for an alliance, not an informational debate about how evil Deadrus is.

[Goldane:] Yes, we all should return to discussing the alliance.

[Queen Scarlett:] I would align myself with everyone if some golden rich kids weren't present in this room!

[Queen Thembeka:] Don't start with us you red herring! You and all the other rulers are just jealous because of our gold and glory. None of you would ever get this much wealth in a lifetime.

[King Tyrannus:] So what if you're rich? you little kitty cats think you're special or something?

[King Kosan:] Keep your mouth shut you overgrown reptilian.

[King Tyrannus:] That's right I am a giant reptile. After all, if given the chance we could take all of your riches thanks to our great strength and size.

[King Kosan:] You will land none of your filthy claws on our treasures!

[Queen Thembeka:] Just because you're bigger and stronger does not mean you can defeat us!

[King Kosan:] You prehistoric prancers don't have much of a brain!

[King Tyrannus:] We may not have a brain, but at least we're not a bunch of rich bastards grooming each other all the time!

[King Thembeka:] Why you overgrown big pile of-

[Goldane:] Enough, all of you settle down right now! This is no time to argue over petty little things.

[King Aries:] Here comes Goldane. Oh well known sorcerer, please give us this long little lecture about why we all need to align with one another.

[Prince Gillian:] Father, please stop.

[King Aries:] I know what I am doing son, let me handle things.

[Prince Gillian:] This isn't the best way to handle anything.

[King Aries:] You will not tell me what is and what is not the best way to handle anything! If you were more like Sunshine then he would listen to his superior.

Prince Gillian's face turned sour as he turned away from his father. Corbin couldn't believe King Aries would hurt his own son emotionally.

[King Abel:] I think we've heard enough from you King Aries.

[King Aries:]*smiles* It's about time you said something.

[King Abel:] Yes. And I think it's about time you kept your beak shut for the remainder of this meeting!

[King Aries:]*laughs* Oh yes... like the time you got my father killed.

[King Abel:] Do not bring that up!

[King Aries:] I still remember everything Abel. Your poor decision to save all of your people that were remaining instead of my own, including my father!

[King Abel:] We had little time to escape from the clutches of our enemies! What else was I supposed to do!?

[King Aries:] It's because of you and your ignorance that led us into conflict with one another! And for payback, I allowed your sister to die.

King Abel roared angrily as he drew his pistol. Corbin and Queen Ally stopped him while he cursed him.

[King Abel:] You feathered freaking pathetic pigeon! I'll kill you!!!

[Corbin:] Father don't let him tempt you!

[Queen Ally:] Please my king! Resist.

[King Aries:] Yes that's it, let your family stop you.

[Nehemiah:] Will all of you please act like kings and queens! We have a common enemy out there planning his conquest over Veccoran and all of you just fight over past issues with one another!?

[Queen Scarlett:] If you want to go fight against the greatest of all evil then do it yourself!

[Tort:] You don't understand, none of you do! This is the fate of Veccoran we're talking about and all of our lives hang in the balance.

[King Kosan:] Only certain lives you slimy worm. We've survived independently for these last 7 years-

[Nehemiah:] It does not matter if you all survived on your own! We need to help each other right here and now.

[King Tyrannus:] I will gladly watch everyone die before Deadrus slaughters my kingdom!

All the rulers began fought verbally while Nehemiah, Tort, and Goldane tried to maintain peace. Francis didn't do anything during the infighting. His mind swimming in anxious thoughts. Nothing happening right in front of him affected his vast oceans of troubling thought. Everyone outside of the room listened in to all the commotion inside.

[Nicholas:] Sounds like nothing too good in there.

[Mr. Chipper:] Great, I guess we'll never have that alliance.

[Mendo:] This is why we don't become kings and queens...

[Balla:] Give it time. I'm sure some sort of resolution will come between them.

[Ronos:] That's if a resolution can come between them.


Somewhere else in the castle, Lolly was stood outside gazing at the moon and the stars. Felix coincidentally walked by. He saw her for one second and then decided to continue moving along before stopping again. He hadn't really spoken to Lolly since the kiss. He'd been so focused on Charlotte that he forgot her.

[Felix:] Uh... Lolly.

Lolly turned her head upon hearing his approach.

[Lolly:] Oh, Hi Felix.

Felix stood next to her, both looking up at the moon and the stars above. There was awkward silence coming between them. Neither decided to look or thought of speaking to each other.

[Lolly:] I'm really sorry about your relationship with Charlotte. It was all my fault...

[Felix:] No, it wasn't.

[Lolly:] Yes it was. If I didn't develop any feelings towards you from the beginning then-

[Felix:] Lolly... It be my fault. Me ta reason why me relationship wit Charlotte is broken, me ta reason why ye're blaming ye self, and me ta reason ta three o us are emotionally devastated. We cannot hide it even a'ter a battle. We all know t'at we each received pain ta our hearts. If only me didn't make ta decision ta kiss ye there and ten, thin's would be different right now.

[Lolly:] Why did you do it then?

Felix doesn't respond.

[Lolly:] Why did you kiss me even though you were in a relationship with Charlotte?

Felix swallows. It took a while for him to get his mind straight.

[Felix:] Even though me was a'ready in luv wit Charlotte, me started ta like ye when we first met.

Lolly turned to listen.

[Felix:] Ever since these eyes landed upon ye, sometin sparked inside. Whatever these feelin's were, it grew stronger and stronger. It even exceeded my luv for Charlotte. Me was torn apart now t'at I fell for two women. Me longtime luv interest and another beautiful face. Me just felt t'at perhaps Charlotte wasn't ta one at all. Me felt t'at maybe ye were ta one for me instead o her. When t'at moment came a month ago, there was nothin' me could do ta fight back against ta energy and ta feelin's me had towards ye. That's why me did it.

Lolly nods as the two locked eyes. They stared for a good long minute when that glimmer once again occurred between them. Felix got closer to Lolly but she backs away.

[Lolly:] I'm sorry Felix, but I just don't feel the same way I did with you a month ago.

[Felix:] What?

[Lolly:] Look you can't just romance with me out of the blue, especially if it is a way for you to escape your problems with Charlotte. I'm glad you spoke with me and expressed your feelings, but we cannot continue like this. And since you're torn apart between me and Charlotte, you need to decide on who you really love. Other than that, solve your problems with Charlotte.

Lolly walks away, leaving Felix alone with his head and ears down.


Bonnie trains with Hope at the bottom of the castle.

[Bonnie:] *smirks* You do realize I'm going easy on you right?

[Hope:] Why would you need to go easy on me?*in a teasing voice* Is it because I'm a girl?

[Bonnie:]*laughs* Very funny Hope, and no. I just know you're not as skilled as I am, especially after what happened with Nifsara last month.

[Hope:] Then allow me to prove you wrong!*attacks much quicker*.

Bonnie dodged and blocked as Hope let loose on him.

[Bonnie:] Isn't that a bit rough Hope?

[Hope:] I'm just showing you that I can be as skilled as you are.

Bonnie chuckles during the clash. Lightblade watched from above while the two trained. He liked the chemistry between the two of them. Aside from that he continued gazing at the mark on Bonnie's arm.

[Lightblade:] Bonnie has a come a long way in his training. From the moment I first met him, he has proven that he can potentially join the White Knights of Bludhaven. I never thought me and him would form some brotherly bond over the course of this adventure. Bonnie is truly gifted, especially after what I heard about him defeating that cat lady Nifsara. I am proud of what he is becoming, but now I wonder if I should tell him... I probably shouldn't though, it doesn't feel right. But he'll know one of these days, if there are any left to begin with. For now, I need to watch myself. Seth Creighton and his family have something planned for me.


Seth Creighton uses his lantern to watch Lightblade. His three brothers were also present.

[Soulton:] So brother, what is your plan to annihilate our cousin's killer?

[Seth Creighton:] It starts with this*reveals a black needle*.

[Bane:] What's that supposed to do?

[Seth Creighton:]*chuckles* we will find out soon enough.

Meanwhile, outside of his castle, Deadrus was at the old battlefield where he first died. He remembered the death of his master by Frandos' blade and the exact moment where he witnessed the end of Vrinigath Dread.

Deadrus recovered from Frandos knocking him back.

[Frandos:] Destiny has arrived evil sorcerer.

[Vrinigath:] Yes, it has.

Deadrus watched Frandos impale Vrinigath straight to his heart.

[Deadrus:] No!!!

Vrinigath disintegrates while Deadrus roared in anger.

Deadrus then clenched his fist upon another memory. This time at the moment he killed his former brother in arms.

Everybody cheered for Frandos after he slayed Vrinigath. Deadrus seethes with anger as he pulled out a blade from his back and charged with ferocity. With one quick strike, he stabbed Frandos from the back as the blade came through the other side of his chest.

[Deadrus:] You had this coming brother. Now it is your turn to die!

[Frandos:] Dante... my dear brother... I am sorry for leading you on this path...

Deadrus' face stagnated as he lift Frandos above his head.

[Frandos:] I may not have been able to save you, but a day will come where you are.

[Deadrus:] Goodbye brother!

Deadrus ignites his blade on fire, blasting a bloody hole through Frandos' body to everyone's horror. He shut his eyes after killing Frandos then tosses his body down, taking a moment to contemplate what he had done.

[Deadrus:] I did it.

Deadrus smiles to himself but he frowns upon remembering his confrontation with Francisco, facing him with Frandos' sword.

[Francisco:] How could you kill him!? He was your brother...

Deadrus lashes his chain upon him. Francisco blocks but gets knocked back.

[Deadrus:] He was... until I had to start living in his shadow!

Francisco retaliates but Deadrus was too powerful.

[Francisco:] My father cared about you... he wanted to help you... but you were too corrupted and filled with so much jealousy you ended up killing your best friend!

Deadrus kicks Francisco down a slope.

[Deadrus:] If he cared about me, then he would have never overshadowed me. Now, get ready to see him again in death!

Francisco witness his life flash before his eyes as Deadrus descended upon him. The talisman Frandos gave to him glowed as Deadrus came down with his blade. Francisco quickly awoke moments later, and with immense speed, grasped Dawnstar to inflict a fatal slash to Deadrus.

Deadrus approached the exact same slope and looked at the spot where his dead body laid.

[Deadrus:] Well, such final moments are really effective. Unbelievable for me to see where I first died, and look at me now. I am the ruler of Vriatonara, in command of the evils around me, and destiny approaches.

[Arterton:] My lord, Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] Arterton.

[Arterton:] I see you are revisiting the battlefield of your first death.

[Deadrus:] This is where Vrinigath fell, where Frandos fell, and where his son slayed me. I didn't want to rule Vriatonara but Vrinigath had foreseen that he would die. He left everything in his possession to me, and now I am here to finish his work.

[Arterton:] You truly were something special to him. You were like his child even more so than his own spawn.

Velorina observed from a distance while the two talked.

[Velorina:] So, Arterton thinks she can obtain Deadrus? Not on my watch.

[Arterton:] When you were resurrected, what came to mind first?

[Deadrus:] All I could think of was stepping in Vrinigath's position. I could already foresee my future after I was reborn. I plan on creating my own legacy as much as I would continue his. My legacy begins with the end of the Dawnbreaker bloodline.

[Arterton:] And what will you do once this prophecy ordeal is over?

[Deadrus:] Once I kill Francis Dawnbreaker, chaos and destruction will engulf this realm as my master envisioned.

[Arterton:] What about you in general?

Arterton got a little closer to Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] Once this war is over I'll probably settle.

[Velorina:] My lord!

Deadrus and Arterton turn to Velorina.

[Deadrus:] Yes, Velorina?

[Velorina:] Daemon and Hugo are prepared to strike.

[Deadrus:] Good.

Phantomice materializes in front of them.

[Phantomice:] My lord, all of them have gathered together just like you said.

A great evil smile grew on Deadrus' face.

[Deadrus:] Time to put an end to this.


In a dark room, two mysterious figures were seen approaching someone in a white hoodie, their back facing them. Both figures wore armor covering every part of their bodies. Their armor colors were bright red and black.

[Red mystery figure:] Deadrus is making his move against Goldenza. Francis Dawnbreaker, along with his allies, and the other rulers of the 7 kingdoms are there.

[Black mystery figure:] I believe now is the time to come out of the shadows.

[Hooded figure:] Go to Goldenza; save Francis and his allies.


Everything was chaotic in the throne room, locked in aggressive verbal conversation. Nehemiah, Tort, Goldane, Prince Gillian, and Corbin tried their best to restore peace and prevent any physical confrontations. Francis on the other hand remained disturbed by what King Tartaruga said about Deadrus. The thought of encountering Deadrus terrified him enough to bring back the horrible nightmare he had of the greatest of all evil. Outside, his friends and allies just listened.

[Nicholas:] Things sound pretty nasty in there.

[Mr. Chipper:] Why can't they just get along and form this alliance?

[Mendo:] Because each and every one of them won't let go of past conflicts during the Kingdom Division, duh!

[Mr. Chipper:] Don't be mean man, I was just asking.

[Mendo:] I know pal. I've just got used to messing with you.

[Balla:] I hope Francis can tone down all of the aggression coming from inside.

[Ronos:] Don't worry, I'm sure he's thinking of a few words to say.

Francis surveyed the room as the verbal violence continued. He fell into deep thought and clenched his fists. He had to unite everyone together for the sake of Veccoran. His eyes flashed open when he smashed the table with his fists, standing tall.

[Francis:] Enough! All of you sit down!

Everyone around the room froze for a brief moment. Goldane, Nehemiah, and Tort all returned to Francis' side.

[Francis:] Well, what are you waiting for? Sit.

Everyone returned to their seats.

[Francis:] Look at what you've become! Independent, cocky, self-absorbed, and utterly divided. Is this how all of you have ruled while our enemies have grown stronger!? Yes, I understand how difficult the Kingdom Division made things for each of your respective kingdoms... King Abel got so obsessed with the power of Sanchina's wall that he couldn't see that not everything we build is invincible.

[King Abel:] It is true... After what happened I now see that it was never invincible.

[Francis:] Each and every single one of you made yourselves flawed rulers. I may not have any experience with ruling a kingdom, but even I know when to put my differences aside to work with others for the greater good of this realm. Do you not see what is happening out there? People are taken from their homes for either enslavement or death; It won't just stop there. Deadrus will burn this entire realm to nothingness. We need to unite like our predecessors before us. If we do not stand together as one then we all perish individually, and there is no hiding from Deadrus. So please, unite and forget about the past. Move on and fight together for a better future for Veccoran.

A stagnant silence fills the room. King Abel and King Aries share a couple glances with one another, both of their sons feeling worried.

[Queen Scarlett:]*sighs* Very well... you have my allegiance.

Francis nods.

[King Kosan:] Well... I don't want our riches to be violated by that evil creature.

[Queen Thembeka:] You have our allegiance.

[King Tyrannus:] Ok ok... you'll have the strength of the dinosaurs by your side.

Francis and everyone else covers their ears once Tyrannus and his subjects roar to signify their allegiance.

[King Tartaruga:] I'll fight with you, just so my people can be safe.

[Francis:] Looks like it's down to you two *turns to King Abel and King Aries*.

The two don't respond and just glare at one another.

[Francis:] Well, what say you?

[Queen Ally:] My king?

[Corbin:] Please father don't fight. Put the past aside and unite.

King Abel turns to his son momentarily and then back to Aries.

[Prince Gillian:] Father, what will your answer be?

[King Aries:] Alright, I'll align with you all.

[King Abel:] Same goes for me.

Francis smiled now that he finally got all the rulers to unite... and then the room started to dim.

[Goldane:] Oh no.

Phantomice materializes in the middle of the table.

[Francis:] You again!?

[Phantomice:] I must say, your speech was quite impressive Dawnbreaker. You were able to unite all the 7 kingdoms. Congratulations! *applauds*.

Everyone from outside the room enters with their weapons pointed towards him.

[Goldane:] What do you think you are doing Phantomice?

[Phantomice:] Don't be alarmed, I mean no threat... at least not yet.

[Tort:] Just state your business before we kill you!

[Phantomice:] Deadrus has been looking forward to your encounter with him like the prophecy foretold. He's been quite annoyed with your little resistance of Freedom Fighters.

[Nehemiah:] Well he's about to get angrier. Our resistance got a little bigger.

[Phantomice:] *laughs* Oh, I'm afraid their armies won't be able to help you now.

[King Abel:] What do you mean?

[King Tyrannus:] What are you planning?

[Phantomice:] While all of you left your respective kingdoms, Deadrus dispersed his forces to destroy each and every one of them. The poor leaderless souls are now experiencing chaos.

[King Kosan:] No!!!

[Queen Thembeka:] You monsters!

[Queen Ally:] That we can all agree on*draws out sword*.

[King Aries:] Grab him!

King Kosan, Queen Thembeka, and King Aries lunge at Phantomice. However, he disappears and then reappears while the three crash to the floor.

[Phantomice:] All of you will fight in due time. In fact, it will be right now!

Phantomice disappears into nothing as the ground rumbles.

[Francis:] This is not good.

[Goldane:] We are under attack.

Outside of Goldenza, yellowish glowing cracks opened from the ground below. Coming through these cracks were demons armed with swords, spears, and axes. They were a slightly dark red color, had orangey eyes, and a primate's physique. These creatures attacked the already fleeing citizens in their line of sight. Hugo later appears out of thin air.

[Hugo:] I call upon you my harpies. No survivors!

Hugo summons dark clouds around him where harpies come flying out. These creatures were skinny like monkeys, had bat-like wings, red eyes, and rounded mouths filled with piranha-like teeth. They swooped down to scare the citizens running for cover. Arterton later appears, followed by her army of green armored soldiers wielding bows and arrows.


Lightblade, Bonnie, and Hope rush past the crowds.

[Bonnie:] Looks like our enemies have decided to attack us first.

[Hope:] We need to regroup with Francis and the others.

Goldenza's warriors scrambled into the armory grabbing weapons. Among them, Felix put on his utility belt equipped with his pistol and sheathed sword, then grabbing some chainmail armor he slips beneath his clothing. Francis and his allies gathered outside of the castle.

[Francis:] Alright everyone, our main priority right now is to hold off for as long as we can. Nehemiah, you and Tort will help setup our defenses across the city; Balla, take Mr. Chipper and Mendo, save as many of the citizens as you can; Nicholas and Lolly, you'll lead the evacuation. Get them out of here and find safety; The rest of you, follow me to take our enemies head on!

Nehemiah and Tort help other warriors set up canons and blockades. Balla along with Mr. Chipper and Mendo joined a few others rescuing any citizens under attack. Nicholas and Lolly led a crowd away from danger. Francis and the rest engaged the demons, harpies, and the green soldiers. Francis stabs a harpy in the chest, then he ducks from an arrow, pulls out a pistol, and shoots one of the green soldiers. Goldane blasts away demons, later summoning a spear to impale a group of harpies. Bonnie and Hope duel with a demon before Lightblade finishes it off with an arrow to the forehead. Felix hooks a demon to use as a shield against incoming arrows from the green soldiers. Charlotte unsheathes her two daggers to stab a harpy's face. Ronos 360 spins in the air, decapitating some of the demons. Other warriors worked in groups to take out one or two of the demons, harpies, or green soldiers.

[Nicholas:] Everyone, follow us to the evacuation route!

Lolly keeps everyone in order.

[Lolly:] Keep it moving keep it moving, don't stop!

Balla swoops down from the air, rescuing two civilians from three demons she whacks away. Mendo and Mr. Chipper later join to kill them.

[Mendo:] Get these two to safety!

[Warrior 1:] Come with me*leads the civilians away*.

[Balla:] Mr. Chipper, duck!

An arrow hurdles towards him. Mendo hops in the way to knock the arrow back as 8 green soldiers fire more arrows down.

[Mr. Chipper:] Take cover!

The three run and hide around debris.


[Warrior 2:] Giant crossbows are ready sir!

[Tort:] Fire at those flying pests!

Arrows were launched from the crossbows towards the harpies, hitting some while others managed to evade the attack.

[Hugo:] Crush them!

A larger group of harpies assembled as they flew towards the defenses that were set up.

[Nehemiah:] Align together! Make sure they can't reach us.

Nehemiah and other warriors pulled out rifles to shoot the incoming harpies.


Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane emerged from one of the cracks. They searched around until Grimsbane caught Lightblade up ahead.

[Grimsbane:] He's over there.

[Bane:] Let's get him!*cracks his knuckles*.

The three brothers of Seth Creighton charged through the battle. Bonnie finished off one of the demons before spotting them.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade incoming!

Lightblade turns when Grimsbane smashes the ground with his hammer, causing a shockwave that knocks him back, though he lands on his feet.

[Lightblade:] It looks like all the brothers are here. Where's Seth?

[Soulton:] Never mind him, you are ours!

[Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane:] For our cousin!!!

The three attack Lightblade. He triple backflips to avoid Soulton's blade while ducking and sliding under Bane, and then rolls and leaps off of Grimsbane. Lightblade fires a couple arrows at the them, but they countered the attack, immediately closing the distance. Bonnie tried to run in and help, but some of the green soldiers blocked him.

[Hope:] Hang on Bonnie, I'm on my way!

Hope joins Bonnie as they both stand back to back, surrounded by the green soldiers.


Queen Scarlett and her subjects fought together in unison before she personally delivered the last strike. King Kosan and Queen Thembeka fought individually but joined together once one of their subjects was overwhelmed. King Tyrannus and his subjects easily crushed their foes due to their size and strength. King Tartaruga and his subjects all threw around their enemies, the former spinning like a saw with his blades.

[Prince Gillian:] Corbin I've got you!

Prince Gillian tackles down a harpy that attacked Corbin. He stabs the creature with a knife while Corbin shoots one of the green soldiers with a pistol up its chin. The two continued to work together with their fathers watching.

[King Aries:] My son and your son are working together well.

[King Abel:] Their relationship has changed after the battle at Sanchina.

[King Aries:] It looks like our sons are trying to teach us both something we don't know.

[King Abel:] And what would that be?

[King Aries:]*laughs* That we both will never get along even though they will.

[King Abel:] Really!? I thought we were already at peace!?

[King Aries:] You really think I'm going to let go of what you've done to me in the past, especially with my father!?

[King Abel:] I could say the same about what you did to my sister!

Both King Aries and King Abel verbally argued. Both of their sons turned to see them bickering.

[Corbin:] This is not a good time for them to be arguing!

[Prince Gillian:] Come on! Let's separate them before-

The prince's attentions turned to a breach that opens. Walking through it was Daemon.

[Daemon:] Most of the 7 rulers are here... Excellent! I'll have the pleasure of killing you all.

Daemon pulled out his scythe, caused a heatwave to knock everyone down. King Aries and King Abel were the first ones to recover.

[King Abel:] I'll handle this!

[King Aries:]*shoves aside* He's mine!

King Aries flew at full speed towards the demon, but King Abel drags him back to run over him.

[King Abel:] I'll take him on!

King Aries knocks down King Abel as the two started wrestling each other.

[Daemon:]*laughs* How entertaining! Looks like two kings still can't set aside the past.

Daemon prepares to spike both kings down until Queen Ally comes in using a shield to parry the attack.

[Queen Ally:] Stand back demon!

Queen Ally lashes out at Daemon. He dodges then kicks her aside with his left foot.

[Corbin:] Mother!

Corbin rushes at Daemon, who draws his sword to blast a fire beam. The young crocodilian rolls out of harms way while Prince Gillian takes up a bow and arrow to shoot with.


Sepitus and Renathor later appear onto the battlefield.

[Sepitus:] The destruction of the Freedom Fighters!

Sepitus obliterates soldiers with his axe at close range and then goes long range with his canon. Renathor detaches his two arches blades, then joins the fight himself, showing ruthlessness and carnage.

[Francis:] Sepitus Kane has joined the battle!

[Goldane:] Stand back!

Sepitus is hit with a strong golden beam as Goldane confronts him.

[Sepitus:] You again!? Too bad your friend isn't here to stab me in the back.

[Goldane:] Even in death Solomon is still with me, and you will get to experience his power once again.

Goldane puts his hand straight to form it into an energy blade. Him and Sepitus both clash. Felix caught sight of their fight after cutting a harpy's head off.

[Felix:] Oh no, Charlotte!

Charlotte is pinned down by one of the harpies. It tries to bite off her face while she holds it back. She then reverses her daggers to drill them into its head. As Charlotte got back up, she sensed a familiar presence. She slowly looks behind to see Renathor holding up a dead body with his blade through the neck. He drops it as the two stare at each other in the heap of battle.


Balla, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper were still pinned down by the green soldiers, who were waiting to fire an arrow at anything that moves.

[Balla:] Any ideas on how we can take out those green boys?

[Mendo:] No not really.

Mr. Chipper looks at Mendo while rubbing his chin. Balla extends her staff into the open only for it to suddenly be hailed down upon by arrows. She quickly withdraws and then they stop firing.

[Mr. Chipper:] I've got an idea, but you won't like it Mendo...

Before he could react, Mr. Chipper grasped Mendo while running out in the open, using him as a shield. Mendo squirmed around as he got many arrows while also knocking some away.

[Balla:] That's a crazy idea.

Mr. Chipper rams through the green soldiers while swinging his axe. He even used Mendo to knock down a soldier for one brief moment.

[Mendo:] I hate you Mr. Chipper!!!

Hugo appears before Nehemiah and Tort's defense.

[Hugo:] Can any of you defend yourselves against this?

[Nehemiah:] Fire!!!

All the warriors at the crossbows directed their firepower upon Hugo, only to fail once he crashed into them while forming into a ball of shadow that explodes on impact. Everyone scattered when Hugo pulled out his pitchfork and slayed anyone retaliating against him.


Nicholas and a large number of citizens reach a pond at the far edge of the golden city. He hops into the water as Lolly caught up with everyone.

[Nicholas:] It has got to be around here somewhere...

[Lolly:] What are we looking for?

[Nicholas:] It is a secret lever-found it!

Nicholas pulls up a lever that opens a large ramp down into a tunnel.

[Nicholas:] Everyone through here!

[Lolly:] Glad this was here.

[Nicholas:] Yeah, we can thank Frandos for that.

All the citizens suddenly ran back out of the tunnel.

[Lolly:] Why are they running back?

[Nicholas:] I don't know*draws out sword*. Let's find out.

Nicholas and Lolly run down the ramp till they are confronted by a bright flash of light.


Daemon blasts streams of fire from his sword, scattering his opponents. King Kosan charges in with his spear but Daemon cuts it in half with his scythe. He retreats while using his shield to block more flames from the demon. King Tyrannus and Tartaruga charge at Daemon, but he shoves both of them. Daemon is then hit by a few arrows from Prince Gillian until Daemon launches a slash beam from his scythe. Prince Gillian evades as his crossbow takes damage.

[Daemon:] None of you can defeat me when there is no unity here!

Prince Gillian reunites with Corbin, watching the other rulers get tossed around by Daemon.

[Corbin:] He's right. There is no unity here.

[Prince Gillian:] Then let us unite. I'll distract him so you can deliver the final blow.

Corbin grabs King Kosan's broken spear after Daemon knocked the king of Savannah away with a knee to the chest. The two nod at each other as Prince Gillian flies around Daemon.

[Prince Gillian:] Try and knock me out of the sky!

[Daemon:] That won't be so hard.

Daemon unleashes fire beams at Prince Gillian, who swoops and twirls around evasively. Corbin stormed in, but Daemon catches and drives him away.

[Daemon:] I don't think-

Prince Gillian kicks the back of his head, pissing off the demon now desperately trying to take out the prince of Cavoria.

[Queen Ally:] They need some assistance.

[Queen Scarlett:] Let's lend a hand then.

Both Queen Scarlett and Ally rush in to attack Daemon. They gain his attention, inadvertently diverting his eyes from Corbin, who ran around close by in wait for the right opportunity.


Lightblade is overwhelmed by Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane. Each of them threw strong attacks at him once he got moved slower.

[Soulton:] You can't fight all three of us forever!

Lightblade blocks an attack from Soulton but is then knocked back into Bane's fist.

[Bane:] Take this!

Lightblade briskly evades Bane till Grimsbane side kicked him.

[Grimsbane:] Now it is time for you to pay with your life!

Both Bonnie and Hope engage the green soldiers, fighting smoothly together with Bonnie covering Hope with the same happening in reverse. Both combined their strengths, and traded blades for one brief moment. Later, Seth Creighton emerges from the shadows while loading the black needle into his lantern, aiming it. Bonnie and Hope manage to drive the green soldiers to one side of them. Bonnie turned to see Lightblade in trouble as the remaining green soldiers engaged them once again. Hope protects Bonnie from one attack.

[Hope:] I've got this! Go help Lightblade.

Bonnie nods while Hope takes on the rest of the green soldiers. He sees Seth Creighton aiming at Lightblade.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade no!

[Soulton:] Step aside everyone!

Seth's brothers retreated while Bonnie skimmed passed them, leaping before Lightblade. Seth fires the needle which hits Bonnie's shoulder. Lightblade's eyes widen witnessing his friend falling, not moving one inch after the needle struck him.

[Lightblade:] No!!!

Seth chuckles and his brothers laughed. Hope spots her friend lying on the ground.

[Hope:] Bonnie!

[Grimsbane:] That's quite a shame, isn't it brothers?

[Lightblade:] You won't get away with this!

Lightblade fights with more power while Hope rushes to Bonnie's side.

[Bane:] Such fire!

[Soulton:] I'm loving it!

[Grimsbane:] Now this fight just got better!

Grimsbane is flip kicked by Lightblade who closes his eyes.

[Lightblade:] I am a White Knight of Bludhaven, servant of all good things and a defender of the innocent. I swear to all no darkness will go through me... I go through darkness.

Lightblade's sword begins to glow while countering Soulton's attack.

[Lightblade:] I will fight as bright as the light, I will never bow down to evil, I will rise with will...

Lightblade avoids a killing blow from Grimsbane before slashing his back.

[Lightblade:] I will stand against all.

Lightblade fought all three brothers, seemingly untouchable.

[Lightblade:] I may die-

Lightblade is shot aside by Seth Creighton's lantern.

[Seth:] I really hate that creed of yours.

[Lightblade:] Seth! What did you do to my friend!?

[Seth:] You'll see... if you aren't dead.

Lightblade and Seth, along with his brothers, prepare to fight until a bright flash occurred.


Nehemiah lunged at Hugo but gets clocked in the face by the opposite end of his pitchfork.

[Hugo:] You're dead now black cat!

Nehemiah rolled aside after Hugo tries sticking him.

[Hugo:] Hold still so you can meet your death!

Nehemiah grabs his sword to deflect another stab attack. Nehemiah kicks his side and gets up to slice Hugo across the face, only to be blasted by a shadow beam.

[Tort:] Hey!!!

Tort shoots Hugo with his shotgun, but all the bullets were deflected. When Tort got closer, Hugo used his pitchfork to hook the salamander's weapon to toss aside. Tort then delivered a tail swipe to Hugo's head while unsheathing two small swords. Hugo, however, still gained the upper hand after he teleported behind Tort then in front of him, going back and forth to ruin his focus. When Hugo appeared before him again, he stabbed his chest while forcing him down.

[Nehemiah:] Tort!

Tort coughed up blood as Hugo withdrew his pitchfork.

[Hugo:] I thought you were going to be tougher than that?

Nehemiah launched himself toward Hugo but got cut by the throat then pinned. Nehemiah struggles to the point of suffocation. Tort was helpless, his wounds dragging him down.

[Hugo:] The two of you are good fighters, but your skills are inferior.

A bright flash of light suddenly occurs before them.


Goldane blocks an attack from Sepitus then retaliates with a slash to the knee. Sepitus growls as he shoves him with his transformed arm, leaving Goldane to block with a magical shield to stay on his feet. Sepitus stampedes as Goldane summons a golden whip to hold him back.

[Sepitus:] That's enough whipping!

Sepitus's axe is grasped by Goldane's whip, but he uses his strength to pull him forward into his transformed arm claw tightly where he couldn't use his arms to conjure.

[Sepitus:] Now sorcerer, how can you fight back trapped within my grasp!?

[Goldane:] Our newest recruit, Ronos!

As Sepitus turned to his lef,t Ronos is seen zoomed at him then tail whips his face. Ronos then unclips his spear to stab his arm. Sepitus could no longer hold Goldane after his claw opened automatically.

[Goldane:] Begone!

Goldane blasts a stronger gold beam that knocks Sepitus through 5 houses.

[Goldane:] Thanks for the assistance.

[Ronos:] No problem.


Felix ran through some demons while searching for Charlotte.

[Felix:] Charlotte! Charlotte! Charlotte where are ye!?

Charlotte and Renathor continued to stare. Nothing interfered as battles happened around them. She slowly walks up to him. Renathor looked stunned. The only part of him that moved were his eyes. They locked onto Charlotte, who was very close. Before she could take another step closer, Renathor drew a line between them, feigning aggression though there was no hint of it.

[Charlotte:] Renathor.

No response comes from him.

[Charlotte:] It's alright. I won't hurt you.

Charlotte timidly crosses the line as Renathor gripped his weapons, causing her to stop in place.

[Charlotte:] You won't hurt me. I know you won't. Every time we meet, we never hurt each other. You know this ever since the war started.

Felix takes a breather. He looks around till he spots Charlotte and Renathor.

[Felix:]*gasps* Charlotte, no!

Felix dashes at full speed while also slashing and hooking demons in his path.

[Charlotte:] Please, Renathor. We both know something.

Renathor hesitantly lowered his guard.

[Sepitus:] Renathor! What are you doing!?

Both Charlotte and Renathor turn around to see Sepitus charging at them. Renathor looked back and forth between Sepitus and Charlotte.

[Sepitus:] Kill her! Don't just stand there!

Renathor expressed uncertainty as he retracted one of his blades and pointed it at Charlotte's chest.

[Charlotte:] *in tears* No... don't do it.

[Sepitus:] Kill her!

Renathor turned his head away while Charlotte shook her head.

[Felix:] Renathor!!!

Felix tackles Renathor. Sepitus halts as Renathor kicks Felix off.

[Charlotte:] Felix!

[Felix:] Stand back Charlotte! Me'll take care o him.

[Renathor:] This is for kicking me out of the tower!

Renathor and Felix clashed.

[Charlotte:] No, stop!

Felix was kicked down by Renathor, who prepared to stab him.

[Charlotte:] No!!!

Renathor froze as faced Charlotte. The look in her eyes caused him to lower his guard. Felix took advantage to slash Renathor's back.

[Charlotte:] Felix stop!

[Sepitus:] Enough of this nonsense!

Sepitus stormed in, first separating both Felix and Renathor, then slaps Felix aside, and finally punches Renathor down.

[Sepitus:] You pathetic softy!

[Charlotte:] Leave him alone!

Charlotte comes running but Sepitus grabs her then throws her to the side.

[Sepitus:] I'll kill her myself!

Sepitus leaves Renathor down while manually transforming his arm into a blade. He stands above Charlotte intent to end her.

[Felix:] Oh no!

Felix rushed as fast as he could towards Charlotte, until a bright flash of light occurs.


Daemon took some hits from Queen Ally, Queen Scarlett, and Prince Gillian.

[King Tyrannus:] Come on! We've got to help!

King Tyrannus and King Tartaruga both joined the fight. King Tyrannus headbutts Daemon's chest then King Tartaruga pushes him back with two punches to his face.

[Daemon:] No more!

Daemon uses his scythe to summon a heatwave against his attackers.

[Daemon:] I'm going to end this now!

Daemon prepared to use another powerful attack, until Corbin leapt onto his back, stabbing his chest near the heart. Daemon screamed in pain while Corbin was thrown off. All the rulers, including Prince Gillian and Corbin, excluding King Aries and King Abel, stood together as Daemon slumped down.

[Daemon:] I will not go out like this! Say goodbye to those two*points sword towards King Abel and King Aries still wrestling each other*.

[Prince Gillian and Corbin:] Father!!!

Before anything could happen, a bright flash occurred.


Mr. Chipper sat upon a pile of green soldiers he's killed. Mendo was covered in arrows, pulling them out one by one.

[Balla:] What an interesting way to go out Mr. Chipper.

[Mr. Chipper:] Well, I do know that Mendo is durable.

[Mendo:] That wasn't funny! But at least most of our enemies are down.

[Arterton:] Except for me.

Arterton approached them. Mendo and Mr. Chipper were bewitched by her physique.

[Mendo:] Whoa...

[Mr. Chipper:] You and me both brother.

Balla whacks their heads.

[Balla:] Get it together guys! Let's take this one down.

[Arterton:] You three won't take me out so easily like my soldiers.

[Balla:] Let's test that!

Balla swoops in twirling her staff.

[Arterton:] Get her my pet.

Arterton unleashes her mechanical owl upon Balla. She halts her attack when the owl whooshes past her. Balla evades those sharp pointy claws of the creature.

[Mendo:] I'm getting the first strike Mr. Chipper.

[Mr. Chipper:] Please be my guest.

Mendo rushes at Arterton. Hepunches her face... she doesn't flinch. Mendo's eyes widen, slowly backing away. Arterton giggles before grasping Mendo's throat then kicks him repeatedly in the crotch.

[Mendo:] Ow! Ow! Ow! It's. So. Painful... but it doesn't really hurt since I'm made of bones.

[Arterton:] I can fix that.

Arterton lifts her thunder shaped spear, blasting Mendo with a green beam. He skids across the ground when Mr. Chipper steps in with a chop to the leg. He is shocked when Arterton didn't react to the axe stuck in her leg.

[Arterton:] Really? You had to hit one special aspect of a lady?

[Mr. Chipper:] Well uh...

Arterton whacks Mr. Chipper away. Meanwhile, Balla had difficulty shaking off the owl clawing her wing.

[Balla:] Get back!

Balla whacks the owl away while crashing near Mendo, who pursued Arterton again.

[Mendo:] You were just lucky lady! Get ready to feel the power!!!

[Arterton:] I'll show you power.

Arterton sheathes her spear and switches for a bow. A green arrow forms after she hits his chest. Mendo shook rapidly unable to move.

[Mendo:] w-h-a-t-w-a-s-t-h-a-t...

[Arterton:] My arrows can destabilize my targets. That gives me plenty of time to finish them off.

Arterton throws her spear at Mendo. He was helpless as he prepared to accept his fate... Mr. Chipper then jumped as the spear hits his chest, luckily not near his heart.

[Mendo:] No!!!

Mr. Chipper falls to his knees while Arterton calls her spear back into her hands, leaving the beaver to fall forward. Balla rejoins the two as Arterton's owl rests back on her arms.

[Arterton:] It wasn't a bad fight, but this is how it will end.

Arterton prepares to blast another energy beam at them till another bright flash occurred.


Goldane was in the midst of fighting a demon. Once he finishes it off his senses go off.

[Goldane:] Something isn't right.

Francis looked around as he realized people were missing.

Ronos spears down a harpy, sensing something off too.

[Francis:] Goldane! Some of our allies are missing from the battle.

[Goldane:] We are losing strength in numbers.

[Ronos:] We are getting overwhelmed with fewer warriors by our side!

Emerging from the cracks came the Dreads. Not too long after, a large fireball crashed down from the sky.

[Goldane:] No!

[Francis:] Incoming!

Everyone took cover once the fireball crashed into the city, causing a shockwave.. Francis got up first, his eyes widening in horror. Deadrus was here, imposingly armored up. All the Dreads bowed as Deadrus rose.

[Deadrus:] Feels good to be back.

[Goldane:] Take him out!

A few warriors prepared some giant crossbows. They fired large amounts of arrows down onto the greatest of all evil. Deadrus smirked while he unveiled his chain whip and lashed the arrows to dust. All the warriors were terrified once he destroyed the assailants who attacked in one big strike.

[Deadrus:] Just like old times.

Many other warriors attempt to attack Deadrus, but he easily obliterates them. He burnt one person's face, he crushes another's neck, runs one fist straight through someone's chest, and then sets one of his arms on fire to blast a straight line of fire towards a group of warriors.

[Ronos:] I've got him!

[Francis:] Ronos stand back!

Ronos charged at Deadrus, who was in the middle of absorbing a victim's soul. He could hear Ronos coming.

[Deadrus:] Get him Velorina.

[Velorina:] Yes my lord.

Velorina blocks Ronos. He throws his best strikes at her, but Velorina easily rid Ronos of his swords. He then draws his spear, striking once more but nothing changed after Velorina impaled Ronos' arm and pushed him away.

Goldane uses his powers to levitate Ronos out of danger.

[Goldane:] Stand down this time Ronos. I'll handle them.

Goldane places his arms in front of himself: the left hand was above the right hand, as he conjured up a golden ball. He blasts it towards Deadrus.

[Velorina:] Defend!

All the Dreads unite together to create a protective shield for Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] I remember you from the wall. Too bad your friend died.

[Goldane:] Never mention that again!

Goldane, out of fury, fires hundreds of spears he summons.

[Velorina:] Hold them back!

Velorina and the other Dreads stood in a defensive line, twirling their spears to counter Goldane's attack. Francis witnessed everything, still in disbelief seeing Deadrus firsthand. He truly was terrifying. He could not move when his eyes were fixed on the greatest of all evil.

[Deadrus:] Velorina. Enough.

[Velorina:] Cease!

All the Dreads stop defending Deadrus while Goldane tired out from expending so much power. Deadrus stepped forward past the Dreads.

[Deadrus:] My turn.

Deadrus conjures two fireballs in his hands then throws them at Goldane. He summons a shield to protect himself, later met with a straight hand halfway into his abdomen. Goldane quickly reacted by forming a blade around his hand in an attempt to stab his face. Deadrus grabs his hand then burns it off, including his entire arm.

[Deadrus:] I hope your friend is waiting for you in death. When you see his face, send him my regards.

Deadrus prepares to incinerate Goldane similarly to Solomon.

[Francis:] No!!!

A blade slashes Deadrus across the face. He turns to see Francis immediately backing away. Deadrus tosses Goldane as he turns to Francis. He uses two fingers to touch the cut on his face, feeling blood.

[Deadrus:] I'm glad to finally meet you Francis Dawnbreaker. I've been anticipating our encounter.

Francis was speechless, gazing into the deadly eyes of Deadrus.

[Goldane:] Francis! Get-

Velorina pokes Goldane with her spear.

[Velorina:] Silence sorcerer!

[Deadrus:] I can smell fear in you. Seems to me you're not as dangerous as I perceived you to be. At least your father and grandfather had more than just fear.

[Francis:] You killed my grandfather... Your own brother! How could you do such a thing!?

Deadrus' gaze turned away from Francis for a slight second, as if some strange spark flickered once Frandos was mentioned. He then turned to Francis with a horrifying gaze.

[Deadrus:] Your grandfather had his death coming. There was nothing he could do to prevent it. Just like how your own father couldn't prevent his own death.

Francis, with a small spark of anger, tried to stab Deadrus. He then caught the blade with his bare hand. Francis' eyes were deeply filled with terror while the greatest of all evil chuckled slightly.

[Deadrus:] I saw that spark in your eyes...

Deadrus melts down Francis' sword to nothing, leaving the handle to remain.

[Deadrus:] You couldn't ignite it.

Deadrus shoves Francis back with one push, sending him flying through the air. Francis tried to get up while Deadrus emerged through the fire and debris.

[Deadrus:] Here we are Dawnbreaker. This is supposed to be our big confrontation? I have to admit my disappointment. I was really looking forward to this. Oh well... time to end this war with your death. So much for Veccoran's savior.

Deadrus blasted a stream of flames at Francis. He didn't move as the fire came at great speed. Suddenly, the red mystery figure appears out of nowhere, blocking Deadrus' attack with a shield formed from bright red-pinkish lightning. Francis looks up, the last thing he sees is the figure grasping him, pulling out a stone, and then it creates a bright flash that blinds Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] No!

Francis was nowhere to be seen, along with the mystery figure. Velorina and the Dreads rejoin their master.

[Velorina:] Apologies my lord... but the sorcerer and that raptor were taken away as well by those strangers.

The other leaders of evil gathered.

[Deadrus:] I suppose the same story goes to all of you...

[Sepitus:] Yes my lord.

[Deadrus:] Well then... RUN!!!

Everyone scatters when Deadrus angrily punches the ground with his fist, causing a massive fire wave that burns down half the kingdom.


Somewhere far from Goldenza, many of the survivors from retaliate against the strangers who saved them.

[King Abel:] Get away from me!

[King Aries:] Off! Off!

[Black mystery figure:] Easy everyone, easy.

[Charlotte:] Don't touch me!

Francis pushes the figure in red.

[Red mystery figure:] Calm down Dawnbreaker, we aren't going to hurt you.

[Francis:] Why should we trust you!?

[Black mystery figure:] We just saved your life. Everyone's lives. A thank you would be nice at least.

[Nicholas:] You better get back or somebody will get hurt.

Francis, Tort, Nehemiah, the red figure, and the black figure both turn their attention to Mendo and Balla, who were keeping some of these mysterious warriors away from a critically injured Mr. Chipper.

[Red mystery figure:] Hey! Your friend needs medical attention.

[Black mystery figure:] Let them help your friend before his injury gets worse.

[Mendo:] We don't trust any of you!

[Balla:] Leave Mr. Chipper be!

[Red mystery figure:] Dawnbreaker, please, we are not your enemies.

[Francis:] You are wearing armor that fully hides your identities. I may loosen up a little if you tell us who you are.

Both the red and black figure look at each other then back at Francis and his allies. The Red mystery figure takes a couple steps forward, but Nehemiah draws his sword. The red figure raises his hands up.

[Red mystery figure:] Do you really want to know?

[Francis:] Yes.

[Black mystery figure:] Be prepared then. What you're about to see behind these masks will shock you.

[Lolly:] Just remove them!

The red and black figure slowly remove their helmets. Francis and the others are unbelievably shocked. They couldn't believe who they were seeing... Red Bear and Dark Skull. Both of their faces here and now. Two villains Francis dealt with during his journey are standing right in front of him. Red Bear appeared younger and was a very light red color this time around. Dark Skull on the other hand remained the same but with a white skull over his new mask.

[Red Bear:] Now you see me.

[Dark Skull:] Hello Dawnbreaker, been a while.

[Nehemiah:] Red Bear!

[Mendo and Balla:] Dark Skull!

[Francis:] You're both alive!

[Red Bear:] Yes, told you it would be shocking.

[Dark Skull:] Didn't think we would be back huh?

[Nehemiah:] Red Bear!

Nehemiah lunged at Red Bear as Dark Skull drew out his large sword to block him.

[Dark Skull:] Take it easy there Nehemiah, he's not who he was before.

[Nehemiah:] Why should I believe that!?

[Nicholas:] Why would any of us trust the former dictator of Goldenza?

[Felix:] Oh and let me nut forget how bad ye are Dark Skull!

[Red Bear:] He's not the same killer who fought on Deadrus' side Felix.

[Dark Skull:] Look, we know how difficult it is to see the both of us after what we had done in the past. But we assure you we are here to help you win this war. Mostly, we're here to help you, Francis Dawnbreaker.

[Charlotte:] Francis. We cannot trust these two. They probably decided to work together after you killed both of them.

[Red Bear:] We want no vengeance upon your friend. We've changed, honest.

Francis thinks for a while. Everyone waits for his response.

[Francis:] Alright. We'll trust you two.

Francis extends his arm out to shake Red Bear's.

[Francis:] If you two even think about stabbing us in the back... I'll kill you both again.

[Dark Skull:] Noted.

[Red Bear:] Well now that's settled, let's take care of all your citizens and injured before we get moving.

Red Bear, Dark Skull, and the other warriors take their leave of the Dawnbreaker and his allies.

[Felix:] Francis! Are ye mad. Have ye forgotten what ta both o them have done!?

[Francis:] I am completely aware. We'll ask questions later. Right now, we all need to recover from the battle we barely escaped from.



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