The WAR Series

Door MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... Meer

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

Throne Of The World: Act Three

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Door MikaelDuncan4


[Francis:] My father had a saying: The people of your house come first.

Francis was disguised as a normal citizen passing by all the poor people.

[Francis:] This is the key element we've been missing. It is why the people never rebelled. It's because we focused too much on ourselves that we forgot about the people.

Francis notices homeless citizens being taken away by guardsmen.

[Francis:] We need to show them love and care. That is how we can start a rebellion; by helping the people. Just like my father before me, he always cared for those living in his kingdom. Now it is my turn to do the same.

Francis gives some poor people food.

[Tort:] Ok, so where's the part where we talk about dethroning Red Bear?

[Nehemiah:] Tort, please have respect.

[Tort:] I'm just asking.

[Francis:] I'm getting there, but we need to focus on starting this rebellion. And that lies within the people.

Sami and his followers were cornered by some hounds until Francis comes in to take them out.

[Francis:] I will speak with Sami to help spread the word that a rebellion is coming. He will be our main instigator.

Sami and some of his followers drew a crowd of citizens while speaking about Francis' revolution. Slowly, the citizens show some backbone against their superiors, despite the consequences.

[Francis:] Once the rebellion gains strength, that is when we make our move on Red Bear. From what I can tell, he's doubled the defenses around the kingdom, So we need to play this smart. The remainders of the regime will draw out most of Red Bear's subordinates and give us the opportunity we need.

[Lolly:] What do you have planned?

[Francis:] From what I've seen, the main entrance into the castle is guarded by two big five-set canons powered by a tower at the far west side of the castle's wall. It uses moonlight to charge up the canons with tremendous firepower. I won't even forget to mention the large number of guardsmen by the entrance. Priority number one is to disable the tower so I can gain access through the main doorway unharmed.

[Felix:] Me and Charlotte will do it.

[Lolly:] You sure you guys want to take that mission?

[Charlotte:] I'm sure we'll do fine.

[Felix:] No need to worry about us Lolly. Me a member o ta Black-Roger family, remember?

[Lolly:] Right, so what can I do?

[Francis:] Best you stay here Lolly. You need to recover fully.

[Lolly:] But I wanna get in the action to... I'll be fine trust me.

[Charlotte:] He's right Lolly.

[Felix:] Aye, me dun won ta see ye hurt.

Lolly frowns as her ears go down.

[Francis:] Ok, so Felix and Charlotte will disable the tower. Once the tower is disabled, I will march into Red Bear's throne room. Nehemiah and Tort will free our imprisoned friends. I'm sure all the commotion will distract Nifsara and the majority of her guardsmen.

[Nehemiah:] With all due respect, can you really stand against all the forces within Red Bear's castle?

[Francis:] Don't worry, I think I'll manage. After all this does feel like the definitive moment for me. Goldane told me that I had to stand on my own. As a future king, that is what I intend to do.

[Nehemiah:] Then I hope for the best for you.

[Francis:] Now, let's put this plan into action.

Francis places on golden colored armor: First, he straps on the braces, then slips on his body chestplate and leggings, tightening his boots, placing on a white cape, and finally a helmet to cover his head, back head, and upper jaw. Later he sharpens a sword, placing a dagger at his waist belt, grabs some glass bottles, then loads a pistol.

[Nehemiah:] You look good. Your father would be very proud of you.

[Francis:] He already is. I just hope I have the power to dethrone Red Bear.

[Nehemiah:] That remains to be seen. No matter what happens, we all will always believe in you.

Francis smiles while placing his pistol away.

[Nehemiah:] By the way... everyone is waiting for you outside. I think they need a motivational speech to inspire them.

[Francis:] I'll do my best.


Felix adorns a lightweight set of armor while Charlotte finds a pair just right for her. Felix tightens on the braces, locks in the body armor, and straps down his boots.

[Charlotte:] What do you think Felix?

[Felix:] Obviously, ye look ready for a fight.

[Lolly:] Still wish I could participate. If only that raptor guy didn't get the best of me...

[Charlotte:] Speaking of which, I'm hoping Renathor doesn't show up.

Felix sheathes his sword and then wipes his face with a wet rag.

[Felix:] Yep. Buh if ta raptor dares ta show, he'll gut what's comin' ta him.

[Charlotte:] I'm going to head outside. Francisis most likely gonna do a motivational speech.

Charlotte heads out, leaving Felix and Lolly alone. He wipes his hook clean while she stares down at him.

[Felix:] Ye gut sometin ta say Lols?

[Lolly:] No... all I can say is good luck, and come back alive.

[Felix:] Probably more ta t'at.

[Lolly:] What makes you say that?

[Felix:] For ta past couple o days, ye've ben keepin' eyes o me and Charlotte, most notably me. If me had a guess, ye care about me lots, dun you?

Lolly froze up; plenty of thoughts running through her mind.

[Lolly:] Ok fine you caught me, I do care. I've cared ever since we first met each other, and I feel this strong connection with you that I cannot ignore. It's just in a friendly manner nothing beyond that!

[Felix:] T'at be a'right. Me have not'ing against it.

[Lolly:] Really? You don't have an issue with me feeling a strongly to you?

[Felix:] Aye.

Lolly smiles to herself as Felix leaves.

[Lolly:] Felix.

Felix stops midway to give her his attention.

[Lolly:] Please come back. I'd hate not seeing you again.

Felix nods before leaving.


Francis walks into a tent to find Tort all geared up while sharpening his spear. He takes one glance at Francis before continuing.

[Tort:] What do you want?

[Francis:] I just wanted to talk to you.

[Tort:] There's nothing to talk about Francis Dawnbreaker. We have an important task to complete.

[Francis:] I know, but I can tell you don't like me very much do you?

Tort stops sharpening his spear and just sighs.

[Francis:] Is there a reason? Because I know that every single member of the regime has faced a horror that came from Red Bear. From everything that I see, coming from you, I know Red Bear had done something to turn you this way.

Tort places his spear down, standing up.

[Tort:] You're right, he did do something to me...

Tort walks towards a small chest, opens it, and pulls out a picture that he hands to Francis. Once Francis sees two little female salamanders.

[Tort:] Those two were my twin daughters. They were killed when Red Bear first reigned over Goldenza. I couldn't save them... I failed my duty to protect them just as my wife wanted. I remember their faces burning to black when those hounds hunted them down for violating the king. They were always telling me that one day the born king will come to free everyone from Red Bear's wrath. I started to give up on that belief after their deaths. When you first came, I was disappointed, wishing you could have come sooner so my daughters would still be with me.

[Francis:] I'm very sorry Tort. Truly I am, but I wasn't aware that I was the heir to the throne. For the last 30 years of my life I was never told the truth about who I am. Now that I know, I see how much people depend on me. There are still many people who believe in me, and together we can ensure that nobody else will share your daughter's fates.

Francis walks up to Tort with an extended hand. Tort looks up to meet his eyes.

[Francis:] Will you believe in me, knowing that your daughters would be proud to see their father helping the born king save the golden city?

Tort extends his hand out and shakes Francis'.

[Tort:] Yes... now I'm impressed with you.

Francis nods and Tort smiles.


Outside, the remaining regime members, Felix, Charlotte, and Lolly waited as Francis stood in front of them all, with Tort and Nehemiah standing alongside him.

[Francis:] I'm not sure if I can be as motivational as you all think...

Francis takes a few seconds of silence.

[Francis:] But, I can do my best to inspire you all. For the last 8 years, Red Bear inflicted the people with fear, treated them as his slaves, and has taken many lives. The regime may have lost strength but we few remain. We can be the light to rid this once glorious kingdom of its darkness. It is time for Goldenza to shine brightly once more, but first we need to kick Red Bear off the throne. The revolution has begun! At long last the citizens are revolting against their tyrant. This is our chance to finally fight. You all have had losses, but now you can settle the score for those who have suffered, those who died; knowing that their king would one day come, and for the freedom of Goldenza. Today will be the day of our retribution! On this very day, the dark age of Goldenza ends, and the new era of Goldenza begins! Are you with me!?

Everyone cryies out with their weapons raised high. Francis turns to both Nehemiah and Tort noddingto him. Felix, Charlotte, and Lolly nod too.


Mallor speeds into Red Bear's throne room, kneeling before him.

[Mallor:] My king, the citizens are becoming resistant. There are already whispers of the born king leading a revolution. I fear this will be the turning point for us all.

[Red Bear:] Then deal with the citizens and remind them of whom they are ruled under! I will not be rebelled by anyone in Goldenza, or out there beyond our borders. Find our enemies wherever they are, and do not be merciful.

[Mallor:] Yes my king.

Around the city, the citizens fought back against their superiors. Fires lit up the city and statues were brought down to ruin. Some guardsmen were ganged up on by many of the citizens beating them.

[Sami:] Come my friends*picks up a big wooden plank*. Let's show our superiors how it feels to suffer!

Sami leads a group of civilians, who take down five guardsmen trying to defend themselves. Inside prison; Hope, Bonnie, and the other captured regime members turned to the ruckus outside.

[Hope:] Sounds like some trouble out there.

[Bonnie:] I hope we get out of here. I really want to run a blade across Nifsara's throat.


Francis mounts a Strider while riding through the forest. Felix, Charlotte, and some additional regime members rode to the far west side of Goldenza's wall to reach the tower. Nehemiah, Tort, and the rest of the regime scattered to all sides of the castle.

[Nehemiah:] Is everybody ready?

[Tort:] All of our forces are in position.

[Nehemiah:] Good, let's bring plenty of attention to ourselves.

All the regime members went to three separate corners of the castle's exterior armories, where they set up barrels full of explosive liquid. Nehemiah, Tort, and the other regime members have attached them to long threads.

[Nehemiah:] Let's give them a bang.

[Tort:] Blow them up.

One regime member lights up the thread. It starts off singular and then separates into three. One guardsman walks into one of the armories, seeing the light go past him. He later notices the barrels as he screams. With a loud bang, three fiery explosions could be spotted in front of the castle. Red Bear sees this before glaring at Nifsara and Mallor.

[Nifsara:] We're on it my king.

[Mallor:] The regime has begun its attack!

[Nifsara:] Get all our forces out there immediately, and crush the regime once and for all!

[Red Bear:] No survivors!

[Mallor:] Yes my king.

Guardsmen moved out of the castle while Nehemiah, Tort, and the other regime members use higher ground to attack their enemies.

[Nehemiah:] Come Tort, we must get to the prison.

[Tort:] Cover for us!

Some guardsmen spot Nehemiah and Tort running. They try to catch up until the regime attracted their attention using a barrage of bullets.


Francis rode through the city till a fireball hit his Strider, caused him to roll. He got up to face Phantomice and his remaining Imps emerging from the dark. Francis draws his sword.

[Phantomice:] I see you're already on your way to reclaiming the throne.

[Francis:] Well aren't you a smart one.

[Phantomice:] Unfortunately, I will destroy this destiny of yours. You are proving to be a major threat in my master's plans to rule all Veccoran after all.

[Francis:] Why can't he deal with me himself instead of sending lackeys like you?

[Phantomice:] He has grand plans to rule, gathering all the tools he'll need to bring everyone to their knees. You won't be alive long enough to see it however, so goodbye Dawnbreaker!

The Imps throw fireballs at Francis. However, a slash beam negates them out of nowhere.

[Phantomice:] No!!!

Francis turns in surprise at Lord Eld, royally armored and wielding a long sparkling white sword.

[Francis:] Lord Eld...

[Lord Eld:] Not just me.

His son Elliot, along with a squadron of deer, jump in firing arrows at Phantomice and his Imps, who quickly defend themselves.

[Elliot:] Drive them back! Do not give them a chance to slip away.

[Phantomice:] Hold your ground!

[Francis:] What brings you here my lord?

[Lord Eld:] I figured you would require some assistance. After all this is your opportunity to reclaim the throne.

[Francis:] Thank you Lord Eld.

[Lord Eld:] Go now and fulfill your destiny. I will do what I can to drive Phantomice and his companions away.

Francis nods as he continues onward to the castle.

Phantomice and Lord Eld face off.

[Phantomice:] You will regret interfering with the greatest of all evil's business.

[Lord Eld:] Actually, Phantomice, you will be the one to regret interfering with destiny.

Phantomice blasts a smoky shadow blast at Lord Eld, who counters it with one quick slash of his sword. Phantomice then summons claws around his hands. He charges towards Lord Eld clashing blade to claws.


Felix, Charlotte, and the additional regime members accompanying them were nearing the tower.

[Charlotte:] We're almost there.

[Felix:] Hope Francis didn't reach the entrance yet.

They come to a stop once Renathor drops in front of them. He pulls out his arch blade and points at the group.

[Renathor:] I should be on my way to killing your friend, but I want to ensure that the two of you die first.

[Felix:] Outta o ta way Renathor! We need no business wit ye.

[Charlotte:] Move aside or we'll make you.

Renathor swiftly sprung to attack. The group scatters after Renathor stabs a regime member to death. Two more regime members engage but he easily ends their lives: The first one dies by head decapitation while the other dies from a heart stab. Charlotte draws two daggers in an attempt to attack Renathor herself but gets whacked by his tail.

[Renathor:] Time to die!

Renathor is hit with a glass bottle that explodes into a blinding flash, giving Felix the chance to hit him in the head with the back of his sword. Renathor falls while Felix helps Charlotte and hugs her within his arms.

[Felix:] Me gotcha Charlotte.

[Charlotte:] Thanks for saving me, let's get to the tower.

Felix, Charlotte, and the last three regime members in their group continue towards the tower. Meanwhile in the city, hounds and Triderettsia were unleashed upon the citizens. Plenty of them getting burnt and pounced on.

[Sami:] Fall back everyone! Fall back.

Sami and the other citizens retreated while hounds and Triderettsia chase them down.

Francis charged into battle. He dashes past the citizens, who stop to watch him, as he leaps in the air and stabs a hound straight in the mouth before it can blow flames. Then he cuts off a hound's leg and slashes another across the neck. A Triderettsia flips Francis overhead. However, he lands on his feet then stabs it repeatedly in the head. Francis quickly picks up a dead guardsman's body to shield himself from a hound's flame before withdrawing his sword in exchange for his pistol to shoot it dead. Francis turns to the citizens when more guardsmen come.

[Francis:] Come on! Help me get to the castle.

[Sami:] Follow your king! Make way for him.

Francis, Sami, and the other citizens attack the guardsmen together. Meanwhile, Nehemiah and Tort make their way into the prison, quietly assassinating some guards still lurking.

[Nehemiah:] I wonder how our allies are holding up?

[Tort:] From the sound of things, everything's going well.

Inside the throne room, Mallor once again confronts Red Bear.

[Mallor:] My king, I've just received word that the born king is heading towards the entrance of the castle.

[Red Bear:] That would be his greatest mistake. Prepare the newly set canons to obliterate our enemies!

[Mallor:] Yes my king.

A couple guardsmen ready the two big canons protecting the entrance into the castle. The moon slowly appears in the sky as Francis fights his way through the oncoming guardsmen.


Nehemiah swiftly takes out a guardsman while Tort takes the prison keys and unlocks the cells. Hope and the other prisoners hear the doors opening as Tort and Nehemiah appear before them.

[Hope:] Nehemiah! Tort! You finally found us.

[Nehemiah:] Now it is time to get free.

Tort quickly unlocks the cell door as Hope, Bonnie and the other prisoned regime members exit.

[Bonnie:] Ok, now that we're out, where is Nifsara?

[Hope:] You can worry about her another day Bonnie. We need to get out of here now.

[Nehemiah:] Follow us. Grab any weapon along the way to.

Nehemiah and Tort lead everyone out of the prison while Francis' group near the castle entrance.


Felix, Charlotte, and the other regime members battle through the tower as they got closer to the top.

[Felix:] We almost there.

[Charlotte:] Only a few more steps to go.

They reach their destination. Felix, Charlotte, and the other regime members take down the guards defending a big reflective mirror shining the moonlight upon the canons.

[Guardsmen 6:] The canons are powering up!

[Guardsmen 7:] Get ready to fire.

Francis saw the canons aiming at him and the other citizens.

[Francis:] Fall back everyone! The canons are getting ready to fire!

[Sami:] Turn away fast!

[Guardsmen 6 & 7:] Fire away!

The canons reign hell upon the citizens, blowing them into millions of dust. Francis took cover while witnessing the citizens flying around the place.

[Felix:] We need ta take out t'at reflector!

[Charlotte:] I know what to do. Felixcome with me, the rest of you cover for us.

Felix and Charlotte ran towards the mirror while the regime members kept the guards at bay. One guardsman tried to slash Charlotte with a sword; She ducks and stabs the guard with both of her daggers in the chest. Felix leaps over her, using his hook to counter a spear from another guard, giving Charlotte the chance to stab the guard up his chin. Felix draws his sword then tosses it into a guard's face; this guy was holding a little mace, but he drops it midair after getting hit. Charlotte swiftly grabs the mace and tosses it to Felix from behind while stabbing a guard in the side. Once Felix gets a hold of the mace, he throws it directly into the mirror, shattering it. The canons lose their power, leaving the guards confused. Francis and everyone take notice.

[Francis:] They did it.

[Sami:] Go my king! We'll handle the remaining enemies here.

Francis nods before dashing off towards the doorway into the castle to the cheers of the citizens.

[Red Bear:] He is coming. Do whatever you can to stop him from entering this very room.

[Mallor:] Yes my king.


Nehemiah and Tort reach an open area outside. They and everyone else they freed from the prison make their way out of the castle until gunfire came from the left side.

[Tort:] Get cover!

[Nehemiah:] Hide behind those boulders!

Nehemiah, Tort, and the others hurry behind boulders or any good place to evade the bullets.

[Tort:] Time to cover our escape*pulls out three glass bottles with red liquid in them*.

[Nehemiah:] Quickly Tort! We must keep moving.

Tort throws the bottles at the guardsmen. Once they hit the ground, big flames explode to drive them back.

[Nehemiah:] Come! Now is our chance to move.

Tort, Nehemiah, and the others make a dash. However, glass bottles explode before them. Delaying and forcing them into retreat.

[Nifsara:] Now you fools know how it feels to be foiled by those wicked inventions of yours.

Bonnie's ears begin to twitch upon hearing Nifsara's voice. Hope sees Nifsara and many other guards joining in on the attack. Tort, Nehemiah, and the other regime members make a stand while facing attacks left and right.

[Nehemiah:] Hold your ground!

[Tort:] Defend yourselves well!

Nehemiah sliced a couple guardsmen while Tort threw a spear into three and pulled out his shotgun-like weapon to challenge the guardsmen shooting at him. Hope took cover behind a boulder.

[Nehemiah:] Hope! You're probably going to need this*tosses her sword to her*.

Hope grasps her own blade.

[Hope:] Good to have this back.

Bonnie feels the ground, grasping a spear and a dagger while guards surrounded him.

[Nifsara:] Stand back! This one is all mine.

All the guardsmen back off as Bonnie and Nifsara face off. She pulls out both of her metal javelins then gets into a fighting position along with Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] I can already sense you want to settle scores with me just as much as I want to.

[Nifsara:] I had plans to make you and the other prisoners my slaves. Now that you're out and free I will have no choice but to kill all of you since Red Bear wants no survivors.

[Bonnie:] Ok, but you won't be the one surviving.

[Nifsara:] You couldn't defeat me the first few times we've met. This face off will be no different.

[Bonnie:] Enough talk, let's dance skinny kitten!

Bonnie and Nifsara clash without any interference in their dual. However, Nifsara overpowers him easily.


Felix and Charlotte cheer after successfully completing their mission.

[Felix:] We did it!

[Charlotte:] Yeah we did!

Felix and Charlotte prepare to kiss until a scream disrupts them. They both turn to the side to see Renathor has slaughtered the remaining regime members in their group. His eyes flared with anger as he pulled out another arch blade. Renathor was now dual wielding.

[Renathor:] Pretty cheap the way you delayed our ordeal against each other. Without any further interference, I will kill the both of you.

[Charlotte:] You are such a roach!

[Felix:] Fine! Let's settle sum unfinished business.

Felix and Charlotte prepare to fight while Renathor charges at full speed.


Back at Sanchina, things weren't going so well at the trenches. Many warriors fell to Sepitus Kane and his army. The small number of warriors left have regrouped together as their enemies close in.

[Prince Gillian:] We've lost many warriors to our enemies. I don't think we're going to survive this one.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm sorry to say this but I am really scared to die! Can I just leave and do other things I've always wanted to do in life?

[Mendo:] Absolutely not! You can't just walk away from this fight.

[Balla:] We need to hold on.

[Nicholas:] What's left that we can do? We're pretty much finished.

[Goldane:] They are coming closer. We need to make a move now.

[Solomon:] What do you have in mind Corbin? You brought us all here, it's your call on what we shall do.

Corbin sat crisscross with his eyes closed when daylight arose. Sepitus Kane and his army were closing in fast.

[Sepitus Kane:] There's our remaining foes! Attack!

Corbin stands and turns to his remaining allies.

[Corbin:] The only thing we can do right now is to stand, and make the best of it. Surely we may lose, but that doesn't mean it will be the end. I chose to defend the wall, despite all my father's protests, and I will gladly die knowing that I had done my best to ensure evil would not succeed... So I say we fight till the end. We all fight together and die together.

[Prince Gillian:] Yes... yes... I agree. I'm with you Corbin; I am glad that I had the chance to put aside our history and unite against a common foe.

[Goldane:] I speak for us all. Every one of us will fight or die with you Corbin.

Corbin looks over each of his allies who nod in agreement to fight with him till they die.

[Corbin:] Then let's meet our enemies on the battlefield!

Corbin, Prince Gillian, Solomon, Goldane, the fatal five warriors, Nicholas, and the remaining warriors charge together to face Sepitus Kane's army. They clash and fought the hardest they've ever fought during this conflict. Corbin performs spinning and tail swipes while cutting with his sword. Prince Gillian bursts through his enemies, spearing three Umbrones. Goldane summons his golden dragon and wipes out a big portion of the enemy. Solomon summons a lightning dinosaur that electrocutes tons of the enemy forces. Mr. Chipper, Mendo, and Balla fight together back to back. Nicholas, along with a few other warriors, also reduce a good number of threats. Meanwhile, Lightblade was running and flipping downhill with Wrath in pursuit.

[Seth-Wrath:] You can't evade me forever Lightblade!

Wrath nearly cuts off Lightblade's ear, but he dodged it. Wrath then kicks himdown once more as he rolls to evade a stab. Lightblade got up, drawing forth his bow and arrow. He shoots Wrath in the middle of the head then sprints. Wrath swiftly recovers after removing the arrow to continue the chase.


Back in Goldenza...

Bonnie struggled in his fight against Nifsara. She whacked, kicked, tail swiped, and cut him. Nifsara takes both of her javelins in hand to knock Bonnie's head. He falls to his knees.

[Nifsara:] Once again you fall before me.

Bonnie swipes at her, but she swiftly moves aside to push him down.

[Nifsara:] You are blind.

Bonnie swings at her again. Nifsara uses both of her javelins to pin his blade and then kicks him in the face. He weeps while holding his face.

[Nifsara:] You're hurt.

Bonnie slowly gets up but is rolled onto his back by Nifsara.

[Nifsara:] And finally you are weakened.

Hope takes out a guard. She turns to see Nifsara towering above Bonnie. She then battles her way to aid her friend.

[Bonnie:] Can you just stop talking... I'm tired of this.

[Nifsara:] Very well.

Nifsara twirls one javelin to points down at Bonnie. Before she can execute her move, Hope slides in, grabs her waist, and tosses her aside. Nifsara stays on her feet while Hope gets into a battle stance.

[Nifsara:] Once more I have to contend with you... How annoying...

[Hope:] I will not allow you to harm any of my friends. You will not kill Bonnie!

Nifsara and Hope engage while Bonnie struggles to find strength to stand.

[Tort:] We've got more guards coming!

[Nehemiah:] Then prepare for the next wave.

Tort and Nehemiah battle together against the next wave of guards. The group was rapidly outnumbered, losing regime members faster than they could kill off their enemies.


Francis battles through the castle. He has no problem dealing with any foe crossing his path. Somewhere in a room close by, Mallor armors up.

Renathor took down Felix and Charlotte easily. She tried to defend herself but Renathor sidekicks her onto the floor. Felix leaps onto his back but gets tossed off effortlessly. Renathor shoots his blade down at him. Felix quickly blocks and then kicks him in the leg. He closes in on him, however, Renathor swipes at him then fires a blade into his shoulder. Felix screams in pain as Renathor whacks him down with his tail. Charlotte slashes Renathor at the back of his head, but his armor protected him too well. He turned to start swinging at her. She dodges the best she could until using her daggers to shield herself from Renathor's blades coming at both her sides. The two of them were pinned in a struggling tie.


Hope retained offense against Nifsara, blocking and kicking her back. Nifsara, however, was still too skilled, managing to halt Hope's momentum in the fight. She blocks a straight stab from Hope and then uses one of her javelins to pin her foot down. Hope screams when Nifsara retracts her javelin, headbutts her, and then spins her weapons rapidly like saws.

[Nifsara:] You are a much more decent opponent than Bonnie, but even you couldn't best me.

Nifsara rapidly cuts Hope. She received major slashes across her body, face, and limbs. Eventually, Nifsara cuts her straight up from her torso to her face, and sends Hope flying into the air. She hits the ground inflicted with a deep wound. Nifsara closed in on her. Bonnie wasn't able to see, but he could hear Hope was in grave danger. Nehemiah and Tort both attempt to reach her but too many guards stood in their path.

[Bonnie:] I cannot lose to Nifsara... I must beat her for good!

Bonnie rises with his sword firmly grasped.

[Bonnie:] It's time to learn balance.

Bonnie holds the sword close to his body while clearing the mind. Everything reduced to silence.


Lightblade fires more arrows at Wrath, but it easily cut them down. He continued running, however Wrath finds a shortcut and trips him over. Wrath lashes out. Lightblade blocks with his bow, getting cut in two, and then grasps Wrath's arms in an attempt to decapitate it.

[Seth-Wrath:] Just give in to your death Lightblade. There is no point fighting the inevitable. I've beaten you, and will now get revenge for my cousin!

Lightblade seemed ready to give out as Wrath's blades inched closer to his neck.

[Lightblade:] I don't think so...

Lightblade shuts his eyes, leaving Seth confused. Everything went silent.


Both Bonnie and Lightblade cleared their minds, allowing nothing to distract them.

[Bonnie:] Nifsara!

Nifsara turns to face Bonnie the rejuvenated.

[Nifsara:] Took you long enough to get to your feet.

[Bonnie:] Lets just cut the chat and finish our score with each other.

Nifsara lunges at Bonnie. She once again twirled her javelins as Bonnie stood in place with his head down. Nifsara aims directly for his head only to be surprised when he placed his sword in front of his face to block her attack. He smirks before proceeding to clash with her once more. This time though, Bonnie has the upper hand. Nifsara utilizes all of her best moves but he remained unchanged. Hope slowly opened her eyes as she saw Bonnie becoming more challenging for Nifsara.

Lightblade opens his eyes, letting go of Wrath's arms and allowing the blades to approach his neck swiftly. In one swift motion, Lightblade lifts up his legs to push himself up while spreading Wrath's arms apart from each other. He flips onto his feet, delivering a spine buster to Wrath and then proceeds to pound his fist into its face. Wrath could barely do anything as Seth grew infuriated.

[Seth:] No!!! This is impossible.

Bonnie once more evades Nifsara's attacks. She manages to kick him back, throwing one of her javelins at him. Bonnie immediately grabs it, spins around, and throws it back into her arm. Nifsara tries to pull it out only for Bonnie to kick it all the way through her shoulder. She cries out in painwhile furiously striking at him, unable to comprehend he was getting the better of her.

Lightblade busted up Wrath, who struggled to slash him.

[Seth-Wrath:] How are you able to defeat my creation!?

Wrath tried to kick Lightblade, but he grabs its leg, spins it up, and then breaks its leg with an elbow drop.

[Lightblade:] Because I am focused and intent on beating your creation.

Bonnie knocks Nifsara's weapon out of her hand. She brings her claws out in an attempt to claw him but was repelled. With one quick swipe from his sword, Bonnie knocks Nifsara's helmet off bringing her down on her stomach. He stops attacking while she gets to her feet; her face finally revealed. It was white, she had some brown colors covering the top of her head, ears, and around her greenish eyes.

[Nifsara:] You can't see my face... but I will ensure my voice will be the last thing you ever hear!

[Bonnie:] Then attack me.

Nifsara doesn't hesitate to charge at Bonnie. He isn't worried and stands in place.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I am a White Knight of Bludhaven, servant of all good things and a defender of the innocent.

Lightblade dodges another attack from Wrath as Nifsara grasps her javelin.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I swear to all no darkness will go through me...

Nifsara points her javelin at Bonnie while Lightblade punches Wrath in the gut.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I go through darkness.

Lightblade leaps in the air, using his forearm to knock Wrath down while Bonnie places his sword before his face.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will fight as bright as the light...

Nifsara roared while Lightblade stomped onto Wrath's foot to deliver an uppercut.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will never bow down to evil...

Lightblade headbutts Wrath as Nifsara closed in on Bonnie.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will rise with will...

Lightblade draws an arrow from his quiver, stabbing Wrath through the throat while Nifsara leapt into the air.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will stand against all.

Lightblade uses both of his palms to push back Wrath while Nifsara raised up her javelin.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I may die but death isn't the end...

Lightblade grabs ahold of Wrath's wrists once again as he attempted to decapitate it while Bonnie pivoted his leg as if he were preparing to jump.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will come to the light and resurrect...

Lightblade and Wrath were once again in a power struggle while Nifsara inched closer to Bonnie.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] And complete my journey's end.

Bonnie jumps in the air, high enough for Nifsara to zip past under him. They both land on their feet as Bonnie ran his blade through Nifsara's back out to her chest. She falls to her knees while Bonnie remains still. Lightblade smirks at Wrath while twisting its hands backward, causing its blades to twirl backwards, allowing him to cut off its head. Seth yells angrily as Lightblade watches Wrath's head roll downhill.

Lightblade takes a breath before sitting down.


[Bonnie:] I've beaten you Nifsara.

[Nifsara:] Yes you did... well done...

Nifsara dies laying flat on the ground. Bonnie rushes to Hope's side, helping her up as he, Nehemiah, and Tort are surrounded by guardsmen.

[Nehemiah:] We're outmatched.

[Tort:] At least Nifsara is dead.

[Bonnie:] I guess this is probably it then.

Suddenly, Sami and the other citizens barge in to help.

[Sami:] Invade my friends! Help the born king's allies.

[Nehemiah:] We have a chance! Let's take advantage of it.

Tort and Nehemiah continue fighting while Bonnie carries Hope on his shoulders away from the battle.


Felix and Charlotte struggled against Renathor, who was gaining the upper hand in the fight. Charlotte was tossed aside while Felix ran in and clashes blades. Renathor pushes him back then partially slashes his left ear.

[Renathor:] That's a shame. I wanted to remove your entire ear!

Renathor throws his blade down onto Felix, but he uses his hook to direct the attack elsewhere. He was then knocked hard in the head by a tail swipe, preparing to finish him.

[Charlotte:] No!

Charlotte jumps onto Renathor's bac, stabbing her daggers directly into his shoulders. She started riding him till he grasped and tossed her across the floor. Renathor pulls out the daggers in his back and charges at Charlotte. She picks up a sword from one of the dead guards to block Renathor's double stab attack. Charlotte got pinned down on when Renathor hammered down upon her.

[Renathor:] You do not have the fighting power to take me down!

[Charlotte:] Shut up!!!

Charlotte smashes a glass bottle onto his head that causes a bright flash, giving her the chance to deliver a powerful blow to his face from her sword. It was enough force to knock Renathor's off, leaving facing downward. Charlotte closed in for the kill but halted upon seeing his face. He had some cuts and burns, and quite beautiful blue eyes. Charlotte looked deep within them, lowering her guard.

[Felix:] Charlotte!

Charlotte snapped out of her trance when Renathor slashed her chest and stabbed her torso. Felix charges in, tackling Renathor, as they both fall down. Felix throws a punch at him but Renathor moves his head sideways. He then grabs Felix's head and then slams him onto the floor before tossing him overhead to inflict a bloody nose. Renathor once more tries to stab him but a lasso catches his arm. He turns around to see an armored Lolly.

[Lolly:] I don't think so!

Renathor tried to pull her but Felix slashed him across the eye with his hook then Lolly tosses him into a wall. Felix came running with immense power, striking Renathor with a knee to the gut. Lolly lassos his neck and then swings him near a window. When Renathor is released from the lassos grip, Felix kicks him out of the tower, watching him fall into the dark. However, he is unaware that Renathor uses his blade to slow down his fall.

[Felix:] Why did ye cum? Ye are supposed ta be restin'.

[Lolly:] I had to ensure you came back alive*runs to Charlotte's side*.

[Felix:] Charlotte?

[Charlotte:] I'm still alive... but injured badly!

[Lolly:] Cum, let's get her outta here.

Felix and Lolly both carry Charlotte as they exit the tower together.


The deer warriors eliminated the Imps while Lord Eld was on the verge of defeating Phantomice. Phantomice blasted spiky shadow balls at him. Lord Eld twirls his sword really fast to counter the attack as he stabs Phantomice through his body. He quickly backs off after Elliot finishes off the last Imp.

[Elliot:] All of the Imps are dead.

[Lord Eld:] That just leaves you, Phantomice.

[Phantomice:] I will not die today!

Phantomice vanishes while Lord Eld and the other deer warriors stand by.


Back at Sanchina, all the warriors were now surrounded. Corbin, Prince Gillian, Solomon, Goldane, the fatal five warriors, and Nicholas remained. They all fought together as their enemies closed in.

[Sepitus:] Finish them off! They have no chance.

[Mr. Chipper:]*cuts off a Immortuos's head off* I guess this it then. The end of my life.

[Mendo:] At least you're not gonna die alone.

[Balla:] I'm glad to have fought by both of your sides gentlemen.

[Mr. Chipper and Mendo:] Same with me.

[Nicholas:]*stabs a Shadow Man through the chest* I'm sorry Leela, Nick, and Lane. I don't think I'll come home this time.

Goldane and Solomon both blasted magical beams at enemies in front of them.

[Prince Gillian:] It's been an honor, Corbin.

[Corbin:] It truly has, Prince Gillian.

As their enemies drew closer, the sun rose up with the sound of a trumpet following it. Everyone turns to see King Abel mounted upon a Strider with Queen Ally joining him moments later. A smile came upon Corbin's face.

[Corbin:] Father.

[Prince Gillian:] Your parents are here.

[Sepitus:] What's this?

[King Abel:] Our son will no longer fight on his own.

[Queen Ally:] Legions! Come forth.

A large legion of Sanchina's warriors come before everyone.

[Corbin:] They've brought the legions with them!

[King Abel:] For my son!

[Queen Ally:] And for all!

King Abel, Queen Ally, and the legions rode into battle while Corbin and the rest continue fighting. Soon enough, everyone began to clash in a fight that once again changed the tides of battle. King Abel and Queen Ally cut down many of their enemies they rode passed, Corbin and Prince Gillian fought together while covering each other's backs, Goldane and Solomon charged up enough power together to blast a combo powered beam, and the fatal five warriors along with Nicholas battled together until they crossed Sepitus. He strikes first as Mr. Chipper blocks. Mendo then punched Sepitus in the butt. He swiftly turns to kick Mendo away before Balla whacks his head till he punches her away. Nicholas stabs the side of his leg but gets tossed aside. Mr. Chipper returns and clashes with Sepitus for a while until plants his foot on him. Solomon and Goldane see their allies in trouble, stepping in. Sepitus blocks a golden beam from Goldane but is struck with a lightning bolt from Solomon. He fires his triple arm canon at the two, sending them back.

[Nicholas:] Over here!

Sepitus turns around, receiving a shot to the face by Nicholas' pistol. As he attempts to retaliate, Solomon straightens his fingers, forming a white magical blade, and stabs Sepitus in the back.


Back in Goldenza...

Francis approached the throne room, till suddenly Mallor rams him from the shadows and flips him over. Francis quickly recovers while taking a good look at the fully armored carnotaur.

[Mallor:] You will not enter that room Dawnbreaker.

[Francis:] I'll have to go through you then.

Mallor charges at Francis again, the latter shooting him. The bullets have little effect as Francis is tossed to the side. He gets up but has little time to recover once Mallor whips him away with his tail.

[Mallor:] Come on! Give me a better fight than this.

Francis stood up when Mallor rammed him into the side of a wall. The wall cracks as he rams Francis a second time.

[Mallor:] Really? Is this the best of you? Where is all that spunk I saw when you battled Red Bear's Red Knights!?

Francis staggers to his feet while drawing his sword. Mallor prepares to charge again.

[Francis:] You want to see that spunk again? Come to me then.

[Mallor:] Of course...

Mallor charges at the same time Francis does. Mallor had his horns high and his head low while Francis carried his sword at his side. When the two were about to crash, Francis unsheathes his dagger, slides underneath Mallor, and cuts both of his ankles. Mallor slides across the floor as he unintentionally breaks down the wall and falls from a great height, screaming. Sami and the other citizens were taking down the few remaining guardsmen by the time Mallor crashed. All the citizens gather to see his dead corpse. His eyes were wide open, and his tongue stuck out, blood leaking in addition.

[Sami:] Looks like he did fall from a great height after all.

Francis staggers to his feet before opening the doors into the throne room. Red Bear glared from his throne with his Red Knights standing by.

[Red Bear:] So, you made it alive... You've successfully turned the citizens against me. I must congratulate you Dawnbreaker.

[Francis:] I know this may seem out of place, but I'll give you the chance to leave unharmed and to never return just like the other surviving Sin.

[Red Bear:] I am not going to run away and hide! I rightfully took my place here on this throne. I've worked hard to rule over anyone. There will be no easy way out for me.

[Francis:] Then I'll have to resort to killing you.

Francis points his blade to Red Bear. His Red Knights, however, move from their positions and stand in front of Red Bear in a defensive line.

[Red Bear:]*laughing* Fool, you couldn't truly defeat my Red Knights the first time! I am certain this won't be any different.

[Francis:] That is why I have chosen not to fight against these warriors alone.

Coming through the doorway was Nehemiah, Tort, Lord Eld, and Elliot. All of them stood by Francis' side with their weapons drawn out.

[Red Bear:] Impressive.

[Nehemiah:] It is time for you to leave that throne Red Bear.

[Tort:] Your reign cost me my daughters! Once you're gone, no one else has to suffer a similar fate.

[Elliot:] We're here to help you fight, Francis.

[Lord Eld:] You should have never taken the throne of the king.

[Red Bear:] Destroy them!

The Red Knights engage first. Francis and his allies fight equally to them. Francis spins and twirls, Nehemiah stays on offense, Tort slips and slides, Elliot flips and slashes, and Lord Eld fights smoothly with every swing of his sword. One Red Knight fires a purple beam at Francis.

[Nehemiah:] Look out!

Nehemiah blocks the attack with his sword but is knocked back, giving Francis the chance to strike the knight in the shoulder until another one nearly hits him with its mace. Tort dodges a Red Knight trying to whip him then gets grasped by the whip and is pulled in till Elliot fires an arrow in its hand, giving Tort the chance to shoot the knight in the chest. Elliot gets pinned down by a Red Knight's pitchfork, but uses his legs to kick both of the knight's legs, causing it to do the split. Elliot then runs an arrow his opponent's neck. Lord Eld takes on three of the knights circling him. One knight leaps with an intended punch while another attempts to ram him with its shield. Lord Eld flips backwards, allowing the red knight aiming to punch him to get rammed by its comrade. Lord Eld then stabs the third attacking knight while throwing a slash beam at the other two. Francis dodges another purple blast and ducking from a mace swing. He stabs the knight with the mace in the leg using his dagger and then throws a glass bottle at the red knight shooting him again. Francis stabs the knight he blinded, picking up its staff, and then points it at the red knight he stabbed to shoot its head. Nehemiah defeats one red knight along with Tort as Francis deals with one wielding two swords. Francis dodges a quick stab from the knight and before pulling it out of its hand. He then swiftly cuts the knights hand off, following with a stab to its chest with the sword he took from it. All the red knights were finally defeated.

[Francis:] It's over Red Bear. You've lost.

Francis and the others face Red Bear.

[Francis:] Your red knights have been defeated. Now leave the throne or else you will die with them.

[Red Bear:] I wouldn't think it would be easy to dethrone me Dawnbreaker! I may have aged, but that doesn't change the fact that I am a Sin. And you can never fully rid the world of a Sin.

Red Bear's eyes glow once he rises from the throne. A bright red light flashes as a unique titular set of armor starts forming around him. When the light disappears, Red Bear now wore dark red armor that gave a fearful demonic feeling to any who looked upon him. Red Bear was a living nightmare no longer resembling a bear. He was a monster.

[Red Bear:] Gaze upon me now Dawnbreaker. This will be the final day of your life, and the last thing you will remember seeing is this face!

Francis, Nehemiah, Tort, Elliot, and Lord Eld attempt to attack. Red Bear easily blasts them all out of the castle, falling. Lord Eld and Elliot manage to reach the ground safely by gliding down towards the castle banners to slide on. Nehemiah and Tort both slid down the walls of the castle. Francis used his cape like a parachute to slow his fall as he began rolling across the ground in front of the citizens who watched. They all gather as Sami and a few others help him to his feet.

[Sami:] My king! Are you hurt?

[Francis:] Just a little bruised. But I'll live.

Red Bear lands before them, wielding a double edged spiky sword. All the citizens back off while Francis confronts him.

[Red Bear:] I am glad the people are here. They will witness your death firsthand!

Francis and Red Bear clash. He blocked and parried most of the heavy strikes coming from Red Bear. Francis blocks Red Bear's blade coming down to his head, then is hit with a red lightning bolt that sends him flying midair. Francis gets to his feet only to see Red Bear throwing his blade at him like a spear. He evades but is then kicked away by Red Bear. Nehemiah and Tort spot Francis flying through the air, crashing through the roof of one of the armories.

[Nehemiah:] Our king needs help.

[Tort:] Then let's go.

Lord Eld and Elliot both get in their way.

[Lord Eld:] Do not interfere. This is Francis' fight.

[Nehemiah:] But Red Bear is going to kill him!

[Lord Eld:] Just wait and see.

Francis bursts out of the armory once Red Bear chases after him. He dodges a sword swipe to follow up with a kick to Red Bear's head. He slashes his back only to be whacked away. Red Bear then plants his foot down on Francis while preparing to stab him. Francis unsheathes his dagger to stab his foot. Red Bear grasps him by the throat and then smacks him down.He drives his blade down, however, Francis shifts sideways while slashing his arm. Red Bear inflicts more heavy hits to Francis before kicking him away.

[Red Bear:] You fight for your rightful place among the throne, but you are not worthy to be king!

Francis speeds to Red Bear. He delivers as many strikes as possible. Red Bear easily counters all of his attacks then knocks him back with a fist. Francis recovers by the time Red Bear throws a slashes him heavily. He tried to block but his sword breaks, cutting Francis' armor. Everyone watches as him fall flat on the ground, defeated.

[Nehemiah:] No!

[Tort:] It's over then...

Red Bear laughs victoriously while all the citizens mourn for the born king.

[Red Bear:] You fools thought that you could be freed from me? You were wrong! The prophecy, the paints you've spread, the failed revolutions, it was worthless. I will forever rule Goldenza. No one, not even the greatest of all evil Deadrus could dethrone me!

[Francis:] You're wrong Red Bear.

Red Bear turns around as Francis stood. He removes his helmet and other parts of his armor to become more lightweight.

[Red Bear:] How am I wrong Dawnbreaker? No one could overthrow me and end my rule when I first took over this kingdom. No prophecy frightened me when I first heard of it. And no revolution will ever be enough to end my dominion here.

[Francis:] I can dethrone you. You want to know why?

Red Bear remained silent while tightly gripping his blade.

[Francis:] You want to know why I can dethrone you?

Red Bear fumes heavily.

[Francis:] It's because people believe in me. My friends believe that I can achieve my destiny... those who I call family believe that I can achieve my destiny... my allies believe that I can achieve my destiny... even my father, who once ruled this kingdom long ago, believes I can achieve my destiny.

[Red Bear:] Believing will not save you!

Red Bear throws another red lightning bolt at Francis. He shields himself with his arms, able to withstand the attack. Everyone's eyes widen while Lord Eld smiled.

[Red Bear:] What!? How is this possible? You cannot possess that type of power!

[Francis:] Like I said... people believe in me. I can dethrone you, and I will dethrone you, one way or another.

[Red Bear:] You will not!

Red Bear angrily charges at Francis. He swings at him, but Francis ducks before launching himself towards Red Bear to deliver a double punch to his face. Red Bear rolled back onto his feet as Francis strikes him with a spinning back kick to the head. Francis picks up two swords when Red Bear fired a stream of chain lightning at him. He uses both swords to block the attack and then continues to battle.

[Sami:] Slay him my king!

Francis was beating Red Bear. He ducks, rolls, and cuts Red Bear who struggles to follow his every move. Francis then inflicts fatal slashes to Red Bear's back, shoulder, right knee, left leg, and chest while simultaneously cutting his weapon in half. Red Bear resorts to dual wielding, fighting more fiercely. However, it isn't enough as Francis proceeds to cut an X on Red Bear's face.

[Red Bear:] Enough of this!

Red Bear unleashes a strong current of lightning at Francis, who blocks as he slowly slid back on impact. Red Bear gives out while Francis' arms and swords surged with red lightning sparks.

[Francis:] Time for me to take the throne.

[Red Bear:] No! You will never have the throne.

Red Bear charges at Francis, but this time Francis fires red lightning at him. He blocks with his two blades, however, they break as he is then blasted across the ground. By the time Red Bear gets to his feet, Francis stabs him in the chest with both swords in an X shape. Red Bear coughs up blood and then falls to his back.

[Francis:] This is how it ends, Red Bear. Tyrants like you fall... and us chosen heroes rise to the challenge.

Red Bear's armor deteriorates, reverting him back to his normal state.

[Red Bear:] You may've defeated me Dawnbreaker... but you... cannot defeat... Deadrus...*dies*

[Francis:] That remains to be seen. For now, I claim my right as the king of Goldenza.

Francis turns to all the cheering citizens. They chant his name as he looked to each and every person. He turns to Nehemiah, Tort, Lord Eld, and Elliot who all nod to him.

[Francis:] Citizens of Goldenza! I am Francis Dawnbreaker, and I am proud to say that I will liberate this kingdom of Red Bear's stains. No longer will you be treated as slaves. You are all now free to live a life full of love and care. From this day forth a new age of Goldenza begins!

[Sami:] All hail King Francis Dawnbreaker!

Everyone kneels before Francis while he nods happily.


Back at Sanchina, Sepitus Kane and his army were being driven out through the hole they've made in the wall. The battle now took place at its front.

[King Abel:] Drive them back! Show these creatures no mercy.

[Goldane:] We must repair the wall by the time everyone is out.

[Solomon:] You remember the spell Goldane?

[Goldane:] Indeed, but I haven't fully mastered it.

[Solomon:] Allow me to help you my friend. We need to do this together.

Goldane and Solomon both chant as they drew in magical energy.

[Sepitus:] I don't think so!

Sepitus hammers his axe down to the ground to create a shockwave that disrupts both of the sorcerers.

[Mr. Chipper and Mendo:] Get away from them!

Both Mendo and Mr. Chipper leap onto Sepitus then bash him repeatedly in the head, left and right. Balla swooped in using her staff to send Sepitus tumbling down. He shrugs off Mr. Chipper and Mendo but gets poked in the head multiple times by Balla.

[Sepitus:] Get off!

Sepitus pushes Balla back and then he evades an incoming sword strike from Nicholas.

[Solomon:] Come Goldane! We've been given a chance.

[Goldane:] Together then!

Both Goldane and Solomon resume their spell as all the damaged pieces of the wall begin to levitate back into place. Corbin stabs an Immortuos' head while Prince Gillian spears down a Shadow Man. A Lapituras attempts to squash them until King Abel and Queen Ally ride up to it and shoot the creature as a distraction.

[Corbin:] Follow me Prince Gillian!

Both Corbin and Prince Gillian lift up a canon to set up while King Abel and Queen Ally keep the creature at bay.

[Prince Gillian:] It's ready!

[Corbin:] Mother! Father! Take cover!

King Abel and Queen Ally move aside once the canon fire blows the Lapitura's head off.

[King Abel:] My son!

[Corbin:] Father!

Both Corbin and King Abel hug each other happily, along with Queen Ally who joins moments later.

[Queen Ally:] Glad we came just in time.

[Corbin:] Me too. I knew you would arrive eventually.

[King Abel:] I just want to apologize for my behavior son. I should have listened to you from the start.

[Prince Gillian:] Apologies later, fight now.

[Corbin:] Of course.

[King Abel:] Thank you for aiding our son Prince Gillian.

[Prince Gillian:] That's what friends do.

Goldane and Solomon successfully piece the wall back together while all the enemy forces gave up and retreated. Sepitus faltered against the fatal five warriors and Nicholas. Mr. Chipper bops Sepitus back with the top of his axe while Mendo delivers a big punch to his gut, sending him backward.

[Sepitus:] No! This cannot end here...

Sepitus aims with his triple canon.

[Nicholas:] Not this time Sepitus!

Nicholas cuts off Sepitus's forearm that was attached to his weapon while Balla struck him very hard in the head. Mr. Chipper and Mendo inflict attacks to his body. Solomon and Goldane later join the fight as Sepitus struggled to defend himself. Goldane summoned a spear, throwing it into his shoulder followed by Solomon lashing him with a lightning whip. Sepitus was weakened and trembled. He spit out blood as his foes came upon him.

[Goldane:] It is over Sepitus.

[Solomon:] The wall has been rebuilt and your forces are retreating.

[Sepitus:] Yes... they are... but Deadrus wants this wall to fall. And he will ensure of it despite any failures.

Up in the sky, a golden green light popped up. Everyone looked to the fireball coming down.

[Corbin:] Everybody move!

[King Abel:] Get down!

The fireball crashed, many unable to withstand the shockwave on impact. All eyes now horrified.

[Goldane:] No! He is here...

Deadrus emerged from the crater. His eyes illuminated while rotating his chains.

[King Abel:] Everyone hold your ground!

[Queen Ally:] Do not scatter!

[Corbin:] The greatest of all evil is among us...

[Prince Gillian:] Feels like the incident with my brother all over again.

[Deadrus:] This fight is over! If none of my warriors can destroy the wall... then I will!

Deadrus swirls his chains around as they surging with power.

[King Abel:] Everyone attack!

The legions fire their guns at Deadrus, but he lashes them all down with a singular whip. Solomon and Goldane shield their friends from impact till they couldn't hold any longer. Deadrus once again whirls his chains before completely decimating the wall with one titanic whip. Everyone scatters as the wall crumbles.

[Deadrus:] Because of this large resistance, there will be no survivors!

Deadrus punches the ground, causing little tears open up. Coming through them were the Dreads and four-armed purple molten lava creatures, wielding different types of weapons, crawled out into the battle.

[Soldier 1:] Ardsiliqua!

[Velorina:] Deadrus wants no survivors! Kill them all.

The Ardsiliqua clash against the legions, who tried to fight back but could barely get a hit on them.


Back in Goldenza, it was a bright sunny day. All the citizens began repairing the damages caused during the rebellion. Francis stood out on the balcony his kingdom, watching the city shining brightly.

[Nehemiah:] You've done well. You saved Goldenza from its dark age.

[Francis:] It wasn't just me. Everyone contributed to freeing this golden city. But I did reclaim the throne.

[Nehemiah:] All of your ancestors would be very proud of you for what you did.

Francis smiled while he looked on.

[Tort:] My king. All the citizens wish to coronate you and officially crown you king of Goldenza.

[Francis:] Sounds nice but tell them no. I have earned the right to rule over this kingdom, but my quest isn't finished yet. Deadrus is out there planning to rule over Veccoran. We all must be prepared for what is to come.

[Nehemiah:] You are right. We have no time to celebrate until the true threat is vanquished.

[Tort:] Yes, I will inform the people that the coronation will have to be on hold.


Hope wakes up in a bedroom. Bonnie calms her down as she takes deep calming breaths.

[Bonnie:] Hey Hope.

[Hope:] Bonnie, what happened?

[Bonnie:] Francis defeated Red Bear, and now Goldenza is reshaping itself into something better.

[Hope:] What about Nifsara? I saw you fighting her, but I blanked out.

[Bonnie:] I finally defeated her. It was all thanks to finally learning balance. Now I understand that I don't always need my eyes to see when in combat.

[Hope:] I bet Lightblade would be proud of you if he were here right now.

[Bonnie:] Yes, I'm sure he would be.

Bonnie removes his blind fold, revealing them to be fully healed.

[Hope:] You can finally see now! That's good to know.

[Bonnie:] It does feel good to see everything around me, especially you.

[Hope:] Me?

[Bonnie:] I nearly forgot what you looked like so yeah. I'm glad to see you.

[Hope:] You are being strange right now.

[Bonnie:] Yes, I am.


Charlotte walked through the castle hallways, alone in thought. Flashes of Renathor's face last night really caught her, especially those eyes, and she couldn't stop seeing them gazing directly at her. Elsewhere, Felix enters a room where Lolly resided, much to her surprise.

[Lolly:] Felix? What are you doing here, how's Charlotte?

[Felix:] She's fine, her wounds are bein' tended ta and me hope she recovers.

[Lolly:] That Renathor person really took a lot out of you both.

[Felix:] Aye, me hopin' he dead so me dun have ta encounter him again.

[Lolly:] I'm hoping Nicholas is on his way back from Sanchina. I am ready to tell him everything he should've known since my days as a Fox Ranger.

[Felix:] No longer afraid o overt'inkin' about his reaction?

[Lolly:] Yes. I don't feel concerned about how he will feel when I tell him. I'm sure he'll understand, and I'll be happy t'at I finally will "let go o ta past and move o ta the future."

[Felix:]*giggling* Seriously, t'at is actually a pretty decent pirate accent.

[Lolly:] You really think so?

[Felix:] Mhmm, ye could be a pirate.

[Lolly:] I don't know Felix. I don't think a life of piracy is right for me.

[Felix:] Why not?*crossing his arms*

[Lolly:] It just never occurred to me. Also, I can't stand pirates at all.

[Felix:] Me a pirate and ye can handle me... why should any otter be different?

[Lolly:] I just don't know Felix.

[Felix:] Lolly... Me know ye can be a great pirate alongside me. Me can teach ye all there is ta know about livin' like a pirate.

[Lolly:] You would really do that? Specifically for me, by the way you're speaking. Are you ok?

[Felix:] Never better. Me be tryin' ta find a crew. Charlotte is o course ta first one, and me was hopin' ye would also be interested in joinin' me crew.

[Lolly:] Ok... I'm in, as long as I get to spend a lot of time with you.

[Felix:] Ye'll definitely gut ta spend a lot o time wit me.

Felix and Lolly have a moment of silence, staring into each other's eyes. The glimmer once again happened, though she turns away.

[Felix:] What's ta matter Lolly?

[Lolly:] Felix, I...

[Felix:] What? Say it.

[Lolly:] I don't think I should.

[Felix:] It be a'right, I know what it is. Ye have feelin's for me.

[Lolly:] Well...

[Felix:] And ta be honest, me feel for ye as well.

Lolly was caught off guard by Felix's kiss. She struck by lightning as Felix held her closer. Lolly began to enjoy the moment. Charlotte walked in, freezing the moment she saw the man that fell in love with her for the last 20 years kissing a girl he met days ago. Lolly shoves Felix off as they notice Charlotte welling up with tears.

[Charlotte:] Felix how could you!?

Charlotte dashes out the door.

[Felix:] Charlotte wait!

Lolly sits by herself, overwrought with shame and guilt.

[Lolly:] Oh no... what have I done*sobs and cries herself*.


Lord Eld enters the redecorated throne room.

[Francis:] Lord Eld. Come to say goodbye?

[Lord Eld:] Yes, but before I and the rest of my kind leave, I would like to congratulate you on fulfilling part of your destiny.

[Francis:] Thank you my lord. And I never got to say *pulls out the talisman*, thank you for lending me this talisman. Without it, I probably would not be here and Goldenza would still be trapped in its dark age.

Lord Eld bows along with Francis as he makes his way out.

[Francis:] My lord?

Lord Eld turns back to Francis.

[Francis:] Will I see you again?

[Lord Eld:] Who knows. If destiny says that I will return to fight by your side, then we will meet again.

Lord Eld continues leaving while Francis watches him go.


Back in Sanchina, many of the legions fell to the might of Deadrus, the Dreads, and the Ardsiliqua. One warrior tried to attack an Ardsiliqua but ended up impaled and smashed down. Corbin was stabbed in the arm by an Ardsiliqua until Prince Gillian speared it through the head, allowing other warriors to take it down in his place.

[King Abel:] My son? You're injured...

[Corbin:] It just needs some good wrapping. Thanks Prince Gillian.

[Prince Gillian:] I don't think we can win this.

[Queen Ally:] He's right. The wall has fallen, the battle is now over.

[King Abel:] Pull everyone out immediately. Right now!

[Queen Ally:] Fallback! Fallback immediately.

All the legions began retreated, but Deadrus' forces did not let them be.

[Nicholas:] We can't just run away!

[Balla:] There is no way we can defeat Deadrus, we have to leave.

Both Mr. Chipper and Mendo were making a dash for it.

[Mr. Chipper:] I really don't wanna die!

[Mendo:] I'm with you brother!

[Goldane:] No one will make it out alive. Deadrus' forces are going to destroy us all.

[Solomon:] Then we must give everyone time to escape.

[Goldane:] Let us combine our powers.

[Solomon:] Together Goldane!

Both Goldane and Solomon charge up enough power together. They unleash one big blast wave upon their enemies to knock them all back. Deadrus manages to withstand the wave.

[Deadrus:] I will not have any escapees!

Deadrus conjures up some power, punching his fists into the ground to throw a blast wave back.

[Nicholas:] Incoming!

Goldane quickly summons a large magical shield to protect everyone from the blast, but he could barely hold on. Solomon shoves Goldane aside, creating a shield himself. Deadrus performs a second blast wave with his fist. Solomon starts to give out once the second wave slowly breaks his shield.

[Goldane:] Solomon!

Solomon's shield breaks as he's blown away. Goldane races to his mentor's side.

[Goldane:] Solomon...

[Solomon:] Goldane... This is it... this is what I told you about... my time is here!

[Goldane:] No Solomon, we can make it out together!

[Solomon:] You cannot prevent what is laid out for the rest of my life... you cannot prevent this.

[Goldane:] I can heal you! I won't let you die.

[Solomon:] Goldane! Please... you have to leave me to my fate. Remember, it is your turn to lead the next generation of sorcerers.

Solomon pulls out a flat circle emblem with multiple colored gems on it, handing it to Goldane.

[Solomon:] You are the grandmaster now. Train the new sorcerers back at the society, continue my teachings Goldane.

[Goldane:] I will, Solomon. I will lead the next generation of sorcerers.

[Solomon:] Go now and help the others escape. I will do what I can to hold off Deadrus and his forces.

Goldane nods before reluctantly rejoining the others. Solomon then stands on his feet and starts reigning down heavy lightning blasts at the incoming Ardsiliqua's.

[Deadrus:] Do not let anyone escape!

[Velorina:] After them!

Solomon catches the Dreads, with a few other Ardsiliqua, gaining on Goldane and the other warriors. He summons a strong amount of lightning to create a lightning shield that blocks them off from everyone. Goldane turns around to see Solomon fighting back before he too glances at Goldane.

[Deadrus:] Destroy him!

Solomon was outnumbered by the Ardsiliqua's coming at him. He charges up his fist with lightning to punch the ground and blast away his enemies. Solomon was then speared in the shoulder by Velorina while the other Dreads attack.

[Velorina:] Bring him down!

Solomon defends himself well against the dreads, but they managed to get the better of him. He summons a lightning whip them back, then a thunder spear which he tosses it into one of the Dreads. Velorina comes down above with her spear, but Solomon strikes reacts faster using a ball of lightning. Suddenly, Deadrus' chain wraps around Solomon and burns him.

[Goldane:] Solomon, No!

[Deadrus:] Are you ready to die sorcerer?

[Solomon:] Yes, and soon you will be the one to die by the hands of your brother's grandson.

[Deadrus:] We shall see about that. However, today will mark your end!

Deadrus ignites the chain. Solomon closes his eyes while he burns down into white particles drifting into the air.

Goldane falls into tears watching the white particles vanish. He continues following the others as Deadrus retracts his chain. A wounded Sepitus Kane approaches him while clutching his severed arm.

[Sepitus:] My lord... I've failed you. I couldn't destroy the wall without your help. For my failure I am willing to die.

[Deadrus:] No, Sepitus. You are still useful to me. After all I'd prefer if you died in battle rather than by me.

[Velorina:] Should we go after the enemy my lord?

[Deadrus:] No. Let them suffer the pain I've inflicted. The wall has finally fallen. Return to Vriatonara.


Somewhere in Sanchina, the remaining legions settled down. Everyone either tended to the wounded or grieved their losses.

[Corbin:] We lost.... I've failed defending the wall...

[King Abel:] No my son, you did not fail. You gave your best to ensure that evil did not gain a victory.

[Queen Ally:] Besides if it wasn't for you, we would have never come.

[Prince Gillian:] So now what?

[Corbin:] We must keep an eye around our borders. Deadrus may have destroyed the wall, but he'll come for us.

Goldane closely holds the emblem Solomon gave him. Nicholas and the other warriors come to his side.

[Balla:] I'm very sorry Goldane.

[Mendo:] Your mentor was one of the most powerful sorcerers I've ever seen.

[Mr. Chipper:] It does suck seeing people die in front of you.

Lightblade rejoined the group moments later.

[Lightblade:] What did I miss?

Lightblade notices the gloomy faces of everyone and then realizes Solomon is missing.

[Lightblade:] Oh... I'm truly sorry.

[Nicholas:] Now that the battle of Sanchina is over, I think our business here is finished.

[Lightblade:] I'm hoping Bonnie is alright.

[Goldane:] Then let's go. I sense Francis has already reclaimed the throne.

[Corbin:] You're all leaving?

[Prince Gillian:] I believe you are going to check on our savior?

[Goldane:] Yes, I'm hoping he's on the throne. Will the two of you be alright?

[Corbin:] We will do what we can to recover.

[Prince Gillian:] And I'll inform my father of what has transpired this day.

[Goldane:] Farewell for now princes. We hope to see you again.

Corbin and Prince Gillian bow and then walk away.

[Mr. Chipper:] So, uh, we're not riding?

[Goldane:] I've got a faster method in mind. Teleportation.

[Mendo:] And how come you didn't do that way before?

[Goldane:] I haven't mastered it yet. Ended up scattering everyone to different places or in pieces, though I am confident I can successfully transport us all as a whole.

[Mr. Chipper:] Sounds good... WAIT, IN PIECES!?

Goldane chants the spell and then they disappear in a golden flash into Goldenza's throne room.

[Francis:] Goldane! You've returned.

Francis hurries over to hug Goldane.

[Goldane:] Yes, and it seems you've successfully reclaimed the throne.

[Francis:] I did witha good amount of help. I did manage to stand on my own though.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade!

[Lightblade:] Bonnie! You're still alive and quite well, despite those claw marks around your eyes.

[Bonnie:] I know, long story, but I'm just happy to inform you that I've successfully learned balance.

[Lightblade:] I knew you would Bonnie. You have truly proven that you are White Knight material.

[Lolly:] Nicholas?

[Nicholas:] Lolly, I see you're awake.

[Lolly:] Yes, I am, and there's something I need to tell you, in private.

[Nicholas:] Ok then, I'll follow you.

[Francis:] So what happened at Sanchina?

Goldane's face turns grim. signaling to Francis something went wrong.

Moments later, everyone had gathered together in the throne room with Francis sitting on the throne.

[Goldane:] The Great Wall of Sanchina has fallen. Deadrus destroyed it when we were on the verge of victory. Now that all 7 kingdoms have been weakened, I fear the worst is to come for all in Veccoran.

[Nehemiah:] I bet Deadrus already has his next move planned.

[Lightblade:] Whatever comes next, we need to be ready. Who knows what Deadrus will unleash upon us all.


Back in Vriatonara, Phantomice and Renathor were on their knees.

[Deadrus:] You failed to destroy the Dawnbreaker!? Now that he has reclaimed his rightful place as the king, I have no doubt that he will rise up against me!

[Phantomice:] I assure you my lord, you have all the power while the Dawnbreaker doesn't. You can still conquer this realm.

[Deadrus:] Perhaps so Phantomice... but punishment for your failure is still demanded.

Deadrus laces up Phantomice and drains some of his life essence with the palm of his hand. He then tosses Phantomice down, leaving him fragile and weak.

[Deadrus:] I won't kill you Phantomice, but I will have you assemble the other armies I've called.

Deadrus turns to Renathor.

[Deadrus:] And as for you...

Deadrus laces up Renathor with his chains then proceeds to beat him with his fire fueled fist.

[Deadrus:] I told you just to deliver the message! But you continued to disobey me! All of these pathetic attempts to earn my approval has led you to become nothing more than my personal torture toy!

Deadrus raises up the bruised Renathor by his collar, glaring deep into his eyes.

[Renathor:] I beg of you my lord! I can be more than a toy... just give me the-

Deadrus struck him hard in the gut.

[Deadrus:] You will prove nothing! However, I will give you a place for what is next to come.

Deadrus tosses Renathor towards Sepitus, who's arm was replaced by an interchangeable weapons arm.

[Deadrus:] From this day forth, you are to obey Sepitus Kane. You will not speak, you will not act, and you will do everything he says. Understand. Renathor!

[Renathor:] Yes my-

Sepitus pounds him down.

[Sepitus:] Do not speak until told!

Renathor slowly nods as he is forced to stand.

[Deadrus:] Now that the wall has fallen, it is time to fully conquer this realm. My prophesized enemy may have reclaimed his kingdom, but he has no idea what I will unleash next upon Veccoran.

[Seth:] My lord, my family has arrived.

Walking into the room, along with Seth, were his brothers Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane. Soulton wore a hood and appeared to have no face, he was taller than Seth and wore black armor with a smoke textured cloak. Grimsbane bore a demonic mask and a demonic aesthetic tattooed armor. Bane was bigger and bulkier than the rest. He had long curved horns, aqua marine eyes, and an arched back.

[Deadrus:] Ah. The entire family is here. Welcome.

[Soulton, Grimsbane, and Bane:] My lord.

They all kneel.

[Seth:] They've each brought their respective armies to aid you in your conquest of Veccoran.

[Deadrus:] Excellent, I will need all I can gather for this massive take over.


Back in Goldenza, everyone presently in the room murmured amongst themselves.

[Bonnie:] Francis, you haven't said a word yet. Is there something on your mind?

[Francis:] Now that I have retaken this kingdom, I am once again reminded of the possible future my father had shown me when I first walked away from my destiny. It scares me sometimes now that I think about it. I saw what would happen to my friends and family if I turned away. Twice I nearly did...

[Goldane:] You did, but you came back till the end.

[Bonnie:] You don't have to worry about anything Francis. You can ensure that future doesn't happen.

[Felix:] Aye, ye're Veccoran's savior.

[Charlotte:] All of us believe in you Francis, and we will do whatever we can to help you fight the upcoming battles ahead of us now.

[Francis:] Yes, I know.


[Deadrus:] Destiny is arriving... the Dawnbreaker knows this as well. But the prophecy will not distract me from what I planned to finish what my master started. Vrinigath envisioned a future and left me to make that future a reality. I just need to know from all of you... will you help me bring his vision into reality?

[Velorina:] I and the other Dreads will always follow you my lord.

[Sepitus:] Until I am dead, you have my eternal allegiance.

[Seth:] I and my brothers are willing to do your bidding so long as I can fulfill my quest for vengeance.


[Francis:] Days ago I did not want to become this realm's savior. Things changed quickly and I vowed to everyone that I will achieve my destiny and ensure Deadrus will be defeated. No matter what happens out there, I will stop him and all of his allies. I just want to know if any of you will stand with me till the end?

[Goldane:] Francis, I've watched you grow since the day I delivered you to Frieda. I will once more fight by your side.

[Lightblade:] You still have our allegiance.

[Mr. Chipper and Mendo:] You can count on us.

[Balla:] And me.

[Lolly:] And me.

[Bonnie:] Your friends will always be with you.

[Felix:] Aye.

Charlotte just waves.

[Nehemiah:] After what I've seen, my sword is yours to command.

[Tort:] And mine.

[Hope:] And mine.

Francis gets up from his throne while passing everyone. He smiles knowing that nobody will ever leave his side.

[Francis:] Thank you all.

[Bonnie:] So Francis, what's your plan?

Francis thinks for a moment as he returns to his throne.

[Velorina:] You've had our answer my lord, what is our next move?

Francis smirks.

[Deadrus & Francis:] WAR.




The born king has successfully reclaimed the throne of his family's kingdom. However, evil has gained a victory after the fall of The Great Wall of Sanchina. Francis and Deadrus both intend on going to war. The great war that has been spoken of in the prophecy is upon them both. Their destinies are about to collide. War is coming, and we will find out who will become victorious.


To Be Concluded in>>> WAR: FREEDOM OF VECCORAN

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