The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Two
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

A Journey Begins: Act Three

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By MikaelDuncan4

Act Three:

While everyone is travelling, Francis pulls out the talisman Lord Eld gave him, pondering about it for a while.

[Francis:] I wonder what importance this thing will have in the future?

[Goldane:] I'm certain you will figure it out when the time is right.

[Francis:] I hope we don't encounter more danger during this trip.

[Goldane:] Oh, I assure you, we will be far from danger as this journey continues. You can never ask for no more danger, it will always be around to oppose you.


Somewhere in a darker forest region, Dark Skull leaps down from the trees above. Following him were a few companions of his, all dressed in black, wearing masks to cover their mouths, and each had a different type of weapon on their arms.

Dark Skull sniffs the air. Through his vision he could see many scent colors. He picks the brownest scent, indicating it belongs to Francis.

[Dark Skull:] The Dawnbreaker is in this direction...Move out!

Dark Skull and his companions pace themselves quickly through the forest, cutting down any vegetation in the way. Francis' group completely unaware they are being tracked.


Francis and company settle down where mountains were standing in the distance.

[Francis:] So you and Lightblade are finally peaceful with each other huh?

[Bonnie:] Yeah, we respect each other, and I think I'm officially done with trying to figure out what he is hiding.

[Francis:] Good... respect is important, especially to those who like to keep their secrets to themselves.

[Bonnie:] I am curious about that talisman Lord Eld gave you after we left Veilas.

[Francis:] Me too, I wonder what this did for my father and grandfather before me?

[Felix:] Well, whatever t'at magnificent shiny object did, Me hope it dos ye good lad.

[Charlotte:] You have a magnificent shiny object too you know?

[Felix:] T'at supposed ta be humorous Charlotte?

[Charlotte:] No, just pointing it out.

[Bonnie:] Oh quit your lying Charlotte. We all know you're not very funny.

[Charlotte:] Well, you are not funny yourself if you failed to remember.

[Felix:] Ye all know me be very funny.

[Francis:] I believe you on that.

[Bonnie:] Pssh yeah right, you can't make me laugh Piraton.

[Felix:] Oh yeah! Ten try not ta loff at tis.

Felix began doing a funny pirate dance that had Francis, Bonnie, and Charlotte laughing.

[Bonnie:] win Foxy you win.

[Mr. Chipper:] That was great! Do it again do it again!

Francis, Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte just stare at Mr. Chipper who had an annoying laugh. Mendo approached Goldane ,who was sitting on top of a rock looking towards the mountains.

[Mendo:] Goldane, the road we have been treading on for the last couple of days is too long. Also, we are heading into open territory where we could be ambushed at any time, and the worst part is there are many tornadoes present.

[Goldane:] That is why I intend we take the Mountain Pass of Glashere.

[Lightblade:] We should not take that passage way.

[Goldane:] Going through the mountains is the quickest way to reach Goldenza. Besides, we cannot risk open road, and going around will take us longer to reach the golden city.

[Lightblade:] I advise you Goldane, we should not enter that pass.

[Mendo:] What is the matter with you Lightblade? We are on a very important quest and now you want us to further long our travels just because you don't want us to go through the mountains

[Lightblade:] If we go through the mountains then-

[Goldane:] I will argue no more Lightblade...

Lightblade looks away and shakes his head.

[Goldane:] We will go through the mountain pass and that's that.

[Lightblade:] I'm just warning you Goldane... you'll regret ever entering that pass.

Lightblade walks away while Goldane shakes his head, confused about why Lightblade seemed to fear going into the mountains. The group proceed travelling upward, entering mountain terrain.

[Bonnie:] Hey Lightblade, why don't you want us to go through the mountains?

[Lightblade:] I have been here before and my experience here wasn't a very pleasant one.

[Bonnie:] So you hate mountain climbing?

[Lightblade:]'s what is in the mountains that I hate.

Bonnie stood still for a second processing what he told him.

[Francis:] Goldane, why is this passage way called the Mountain Pass of Glashere?

[Goldane:] Way back before your time, there were great mountain climbers here in this region. They were led by a man named Everest Glashere, an excellent climber. Many times he would come up the mountains and explore what was within. But then as time went on things were not the same for Glashere. No one knows what happened to him exactly, but some assume he and his crew were killed by a great beast hidden within the mountains.

[Felix:] A great beast...what kind o beast?

[Charlotte:] Possibly the mythical creature known as the Collost.

[Felix:] What is tis Collost?

[Charlotte:] Many people say it is a white monster: wielding icy claws and fangs, has the ears of a bat, a well-rounded head, and the body of a wolf. Most notably it is as large as an elephant but very aggressive and very violent.

[Felix:] Well...does the creature exist?

[Mendo:] Of course it doesn't exist! It is just a myth I assure you, and people are probably overexaggerating since the mountains can have very harsh environments.

[Felix:] Phew, t'at's a relief. Me believed for a second a mythical monster exists.

[Goldane:] You never know when something exists, and something doesn't.

Everyone looks to Goldane with fear in their eyes.

[Francis:] Are you saying the Collost might exist?

[Goldane:] I am saying you should never doubt the possibilities of the mythical.

Everyone stops moving for a moment before continuing to follow Goldane. As the group climb higher and higher up towards the mountains, harsh blizzards begin to blow.

[Felix:] It be gettin' windy up here!

[Charlotte:] I am having a hard time seeing!

Felix waits for Charlotte, grabs her hand, and pulls her alongside him.

[Charlotte:] Thank you Felix.

[Felix:] Ye welcome me lady.

[Mr. Chipper:] The snow is getting deeper!

Mendo struggles to catch up, along with Balla ,since they both are the slimmer people. Goldane turns back for a second to see the two lagging behind.

[Goldane:] Mr. Chipper! Would you be so kind to help Mendo and Balla?

[Mr. Chipper:] I've got them Goldane!

Mr. Chipper turns around to carry both Mendo and Balla in his huge arms.

[Mendo:] Thanks for the assistance big man.

[Balla:] Yes, thank you. One more moment and then we would be frozen statues.

[Mr. Chipper:] Anytime my friends!

The group begin digging their way across the edge of the mountain they are climbing. The winds get harsher and travelling becomes more difficult.

[Francis:] These winds are starting to become harmful!

[Charlotte:] I am getting very cold!

[Lolly:] I'm starting to shiver myself!

[Felix:] Come here ladies!

Felix grasps both Charlotte and Lolly, huddling them close.

[Felix:] Ye both can warm up with me.

[Charlotte and Lolly:] Thank you Felix.

[Mendo:] Hey big man, your lagging behind a bit.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm sorry... but this weather is weighing me down!

[Francis:] We can't hold out much longer on the mountain!

[Lightblade:] Goldane we need to turn back! Everyone won't make it out.

[Goldane:] No!

Goldane chants a spell and then a cave is revealed just above them.

[Goldane:] There is a cave just above us! Quickly now if we are to escape this harsh weather.

Everyone uses the last of their strength to make it up towards the cave. They all manage to reach inside, with Goldane providing light from his hands. Later, everyone begins to settle down.

[Francis:] Someone please get a fire going, we're all freezing.

Later everyone was surrounded by a fire, warming up with blankets.

[Mr. Chipper:] Hey Mendo.

[Mendo:] What is it?

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm hungry...

Mendo sighs and shakes his head.

[Lightblade:] We should leave Goldane.

[Goldane:] Why? We cannot go back out there when it is snowing dreadfully.

[Lightblade:] Please believe me, we must leave the mountains.

[Goldane:] I do not wish to argue with you Lightblade... now stand down.

Bonnie looks back and forth between Goldane and Lightblade. Moments later he approaches Lightblade, who stands away from the group.

[Bonnie:] Did something tragic happen here?

Lightblade's serious face expression dims down.

[Bonnie:] Is that why you want us to leave the mountains as soon as possible?

Lightblade takes a deep breath before slightly turning his head to face Bonnie.

[Lightblade:] Yes...a deep and terrible tragedy occurred here.

[Bonnie:] Oh...what happened here?

Lightblade just remains silent.

[Bonnie:] Right, it is just too personal for you to tell.

[Lightblade:] We really should be leaving though...especially if you want Francis to live.

[Bonnie:] Nothing dangerous here.

[Lightblade:] For now...

Everyone slept accept Francis, who remained sitting up. Plenty of things have been running through his mind since he left Green Hills, and it wouldn't be long till the pressure set in.

[Goldane:] Still awake Francis?

[Francis:] ...Too many things have been on my mind lately.

Francis pulls out the talisman and gazes upon it for a while.

[Goldane:] Francis...

Francis puts the talisman down to look at Goldane.

[Goldane:] I know you have been hiding something...

Francis' eyes dart away from Goldane's gaze.

[Goldane:] You have been giving signs that you did not wish to be on this journey... it would appear, that you have not accepted your destiny.

Francis sighs and shakes his head.

[Francis:] I'm sorry Goldane, but I can't take this anymore.

[Goldane:] You cannot turn away from this Francis... Veccoran needs you.

[Francis:] No, Veccoran needs real warriors, real kings, real courageous people... it doesn't need me. Out of all the people in this realm, why do I have to be this very important person from a dead bloodline to save Veccoran from the greatest of all evil?

[Goldane:] I do not know the answer to that question, but I do know this is what your mother, father, and the prophet Marione have foreseen.

[Francis:] Please... I do not care about some stupid prophecy that is just a bunch of parc! Besides I belong in Green Hills, I have a real life there.

[Goldane:] Francis, please you must under-

[Francis:] No Goldane!

Everyone slowly wakes up from Francis' outburst.

[Francis:] I am done with this whole journey, I want nothing to do with it. Me and my friends are going back to Green Hills, and none of you will prevent us from doing it.

[Bonnie:] But Francis... I'm starting to see where my life might go if I continue walking on this journey.

[Felix:] Me like goin' on tis adventure wit Charlotte.

[Charlotte:] And I really love all the sights that I have seen so far on this long travel.

[Francis:] What...? But don't you guys miss Green Hills?

[Bonnie:] We do Francis, there isn't a day that goes by where we don't remember home.

[Felix:] Buh we be finding sum new routes in our lives.

[Charlotte:] This new adventure we are taking is showing the three of us that we could mean more then what we already were in Green Hills.

[Francis:] Ok, fine, stay... but I want out.

[Bonnie:] You can't turn your back on this Francis.

[Francis:] Oh... so now your starting to sound like Goldane.

[Felix:] He just speakin' truth.

[Charlotte:] We all believe you are important Francis.

[Francis:] Well, too bad because I don't believe I am the sole savior of Veccoran... if you guys want a savior, find someone who is willing to or one of you just step up to the plate and do it yourselves.

[Lolly:] We all have our roles and you have the most important out of us all.

[Lightblade:] You must see how important you are to Veccoran.

[Francis:] I am not important to Veccoran, somebody else can have that role!

Suddenly a loud roar echoes from outside. Everyone pulls out their weapons in defense.

[Goldane:] Everyone stand your ground and protect Francis.

[Lightblade:] What is this monstrosity among us?

A strange shadow appears from outside.

[Charlotte:] No can't be.

Felix's eyes widen once he recognized its form from what Charlotte had described earlier. Running into the cave was the mythical creature, roaring at the group with cold breaths.

[Felix:] AH COLLOST!!!

The Collost blew a blizzard breath from its mouth, but Goldane cast a protection spell to repel its attack.

[Mendo:] I believe in the mythical now. Now let me destroy the mythical!

Mendo leaps towards the Collost, but he is slapped back down to the ground. Mr. Chipper comes with a big swing from his axe, but the Collost leaps up and then tries to claw him. Luckily, Lightblade shoots an arrow at its paw to block it off, giving Mr. Chipper the chance to bop it in the chest before Balla swoops in with her metal staff, hitting the Collost on the hand. Suddenly the snowy beast retaliates by shooting icy spines from its bushy tail.

[Lightblade:] Take cover!

Everyone scatters into any place in the cave to evade the spikes. The Collost later barrages through Goldane and the Fatal Five Warriors. Francis, Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte are run behind a wall to avoid the Collost's ice beam, which ends up blocking Goldane and the Fatal Five Warrior's path.

[Goldane:] Quickly! We must break through the ice.

[Lightblade:] Hack away everyone!

Goldane and the Fatal Five Warriors begin using their weapons to break the ice.

[Felix:] Ta Collost is real, it be very real, and we all goin' to die!

[Charlotte:] Ssh! It will find us if you keep breathing like that.

[Bonnie:] No more arguments and just stay quiet.

[Francis:] I need to leave immediately.

The Collost sniffs around, searching for the four. All of them stand still with their weapons close to them as the Collost approaches the wall. Francis, Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte all try their best to stay quiet when it suddenly disappears. Felix sighs in relief, noticing Charlotte squeezing his hand. Bonnie catches the two holding hands, bringing out a small giggle. The Collost suddenly jumps to the other side of the wall and roars at the four, who scream in terror. It once again blows its ice beam. Francis moved his friends out of the way and ends up having frozen feet.

[Bonnie:] Francis!

[Francis:] Help me guys!

The Collost stalks Francis as he tries to free himself. Bonnie steps in the way and slashes the creature's nose, pissing it off. The angry Collost swipes Bonnie to the side, knocking him unconscious. Felix and Charlotte attempt to assist but are blown away by the hard winds it blows.

[Francis:] No...!

Francis cuts the Collost across the face before it grabs him. It comes back furiously and freezes him fully in ice. It attempts to smash him into pieces but luckily Lightblade comes in to stab it in the hand, then Mr. Chipper chops its hand off, then Balla pokes its injured nose, then Lolbit lassos it down, and Goldane finally chants a spell to shoot a thunderous spear into its abdomen, driving it off into the darkness of the cave.

[Goldane:] Francis! Hold on dear boy I'll free you.

Goldane begins chanting a defrosting spell to free Francis while the Fatal Five Warriors tend to Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte.

[Lolly:] Are you two hurt badly?

[Felix:] We be fine, me strong.

[Charlotte:] I do feel rather chilly after that.

[Lightblade:] Bonnie...

Lightblade places his ear on Bonnie's chest to check for a heartbeat... and there was one when Bonnie slowly woke.

[Lightblade:] Thank the ancient ones your still alive.

[Bonnie:] Worried about me hmm? That's surprising.

[Lightblade:] I just didn't want anyone to die.

[Bonnie:] Sure doesn't sound like it.

Goldane successfully thaws Francis out of the ice as he slowly gets back to his feet.

[Goldane:] Are you alright Freddy, you are so very cold...

[Francis:] Get away from me all of you!

Francis backs away from everyone, falling backwards.

[Goldane:] It's alright Francis, you are safe now.

[Francis:] No! I nearly died...I am leaving!

[Goldane:] Francis wait! Do not run off, no one will protect you...

Francis dashes out of the cave into the calm snowy landscape of the mountain.

[Bonnie:] Come on, we must go get him.

Everyone begins chasing after Francis as he got way ahead of everyone else.

[Francis:] I want no part of this! I need to get down from this mountain.

Francis begins searching for a way down as his friends and allies called out his name from a distance. Somewhere at the bottom of the mountain... Dark Skull sees Francis' scent trailing up.

[Dark Skull:] The fool has decided to cross the Mountain Pass of Glashere... climb!

Dark Skull and his companions began climbing up the mountain... nothing was going to slow them down, not even the harsh winds that would blow.


[Felix:] The lad run fast.

[Charlotte:] Francis! Please come back.

Francis tried his best to steadily head down the mountain, ended up sliding and falling. He doesn't get hurt too badly, but groans in pain after his little fall.

[Francis:] I've got to keep moving...

Goldane and the others are seen searching endlessly in one section of the mountain.

[Lightblade:] I've got tracks from him!

[Goldane:] He went down in this direction.

[Bonnie:] Well then what are we waiting for, let's go.

Suddenly the ground begins to crack open beneath the feet of the group.

[Felix:] Me dun like what's happenin'.

Everyone gets off balance and while remaining on their feet.

[Lightblade:] Mr. Chipper, move up move up!

Everyone tries to move up from the cracking ground, but the group is separated into two as the ground falls. The group that didn't fall consisted of Felix, Charlotte, Lolly, Balla, and Mr. Chipper. The second group that did fall consisted of Goldane, Lightblade, Bonnie, and Mendo.

The second group is rolling down until they are surrounded by darkness. The first group is seen hovering over the hole that they fell through.

[Felix:] Oy! Are any of ye alright?

[Chica:] Is anyone still alive!?


Down in the darkness, Goldane chants a spell and shines a bright ball of light that floats around him.

[Goldane:] Is anybody hurt?

[Bonnie:] I'm good Goldane.

[Lightblade:] Still alive.

[Mendo:] One piece still.

[Bonnie:] Where are we?

Lightblade looks around and sees halls that he recognizes.

[Lightblade:] Oh no...

[Goldane:] We have fallen into some ancient ruins within the mountain. There must be a way out of this place... be very careful, I know there could be ancient evils slumbering in dark places such as this.

[Bonnie:] I think you should fire a flare arrow to inform the others we are still alive.

Lightblade nods and then fires an arrow into the air. As it flew high up it began to flare.


[Mr. Chipper:] I think they are dead.

[Lolly:] That's not possible.

[Charlotte:] I know they are still alive.

[Felix:] Look! There be light comin' up from ta dark.

The arrow comes up, burns out, and then disappears back down into the darkness.

[Balla:] That confirms they are still alive.

[Mr. Chipper:] If so... we must find them.

[Charlotte:] If I had a guess, there is probably some ancient ruins down there.

[Felix:] There must be sum cave o tis mountain t'at leads out o ruins ten.

[Lolly:] Let's go find it then.

Out of nowhere, an arrow nearly hits Lolly. She and everyone else look up to see Dark Skull and his companions standing above them from a ledge.

[Charlotte:] Oh my...

[Felix:] Who t'at?

[Dark Skull:] You all must be accompanying the last descendent of the Dawnbreaker bloodline.

[Mr. Chipper:] Yeah... well you won't find him, and you'll have to go through us!

[Dark Skull:] Easy to achieve.

Dark Skull's companions fire more arrows down upon the group.

[Felix:] Run for the hills!

The group began running while Dark Skull and his companions gave chase.

[Charlotte:] They are on our tails!

[Lolly:] Just keep running!

[Dark Skull:] Don't let them out of your sight, catch them all!


Down in the ruins, the second group was passing through a big hall. Lightblade didn't appear alright as he started having flashbacks.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade...

Lightblade quickly turns to face Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] I can tell you're uneven.

[Lightblade:] What are you talking about, I'm fine.

[Bonnie:] No you are not. Something in these ruins is troubling you. Maybe that's why you didn't want us to come to these ruins...

[Lightblade:] Look, Bonnie, I really don't want to talk about this. I just need to get through these ruins before... before...

[Bonnie:] Before what Lightblade.

[Mendo:] There's a lit-up room over there.

Mendo jogged off to the room.

[Goldane:] Mendo! Get back here and focus on our main priority.

Mendo ignored Goldane and kept going.

[Goldane:] Let's go get him.

Goldane, Bonnie, and Lightblade run after Mendo. Once they all get into the room, they find Mendo staring at some dead skeletal bodies lying on the floor.

[Mendo:] It seems some people didn't make it alive here.

Goldane inspects the bodies. They have travelling gear on.

[Goldane:] This must be the crew of Everest Glashere... so this is what happened to them long ago.

[Bonnie:] What could have killed them?

[Lightblade:] Something we do not want to meet. Goldane, we need to leave immediately.

[Goldane:] What are you so concerned about that you want us to leave instantly?

[Lightblade:] Trust me Goldane, we need to leave these ruins right now!

[Bonnie:] It's ok, Lightblade, nothing has discovered us down here yet.

[Mendo:] I wonder what Mr. Glashere has written in this dear book?

Mendo opens it, blows all the dust off, and then begins reading.

[Mendo:] You all might want to hear this.

Goldane is handed the book and begins reading himself.

[Goldane:] "Our exploration in the ruins has been extraordinary during the last three days. But as we got deeper into this dark place ,we discovered dark forces beneath. Watching from the shadows is a being of darkness... but the worst discovery we have found beneath this mountain... is an ancient evil. Leave this mountain quickly, before this evil finds you."

[Bonnie:] All that sounds like plenty of trouble.

Unknown to everyone... something was watching from the shadows.

[Lightblade:] We all need to leave immediately.

[Goldane:] Ssh... there's a dark presence amongst us.

Goldane begins to chant the same spell he used to reveal the wraiths earlier. Hurling out of the shadows were some skinny black humanoid creatures that tackle down Goldane and rips off his necklace. The surrounding room turns dark as the sounds of struggling and shrieking occurred.


Back outside of the mountain... the first group was still evading the wrath of Dark Skull and his companions.

[Felix:] We never goin' ta shake him off!

[Charlotte:] We need to slow them down somehow.

[Lolly:] How about we slide!?

Lolly led everyone down a nearby slope and it appeared like the group was snowtubing.

[Mr. Chipper:] Let's see them catch us now!

[Balla:] I wouldn't underestimate these warriors if I were you...

Skiing down the slope were Dark Skull and his companions.

[Dark Skull:] Fools! There is no escape from me.

[Felix:] Get ready me hearties!

Felix pulls out his sword along with everyone else pulling out their weapons. Dark Skull and his companions leap into the air, pull out their weapons, and then descend towards their targets.


Back inside of the ruins, the creatures that attacked the second group now held them prisoners. Goldane had his amulet taken away, rendering him useless in the situation.

[Lightblade:] Oh's happening again.

[Bonnie:] What's going on Lightblade?

Lightblade remains silent and looks away from Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade-

One of the creature's lashes Bonnie to look forward. All the creatures gather in one room where they force their prisoners down on their knees.

[Mendo:] I wonder what these creatures are going to do with us...

[Goldane:] I would hate to find out.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade... you appear to have memories of this place.

[Lightblade:] I do...

Coming out of the shadows was a figure in black. The figure had looks similar to the grim reaper, appearing to have black cloudy shaped energy emanating from it, knightly armor, and a red amulet around the neck. The figure also appeared to be wielding two hook shaped swords on the back.

[Reaper:] Well well well... what do we have here? New prisoners to torture for another lifetime.

Reaper examined each prisoner individually, starting with Goldane.

[Reaper:] You are a powerful sorcerer... I've heard about you Goldane. But I have seen sorcerers more powerful than you.

Goldane glare at him. Reaper approached Mendo.

[Reaper:] Not much I can say about some old dead bones.

[Mendo:] Old!? Why I oughta-

One of the creature's lash Mendo.

Reaper then turned to Bonnie.

[Reaper:] I can see a potential warrior within you... but unfortunately, I do not think you will live long enough to fulfill that potential.

Reaper lastly turns to Lightblade, who's eyes dart away from Reaper's shadowy gaze. He begins to recognize the former White Knight of Bludhaven.

[Reaper:] My oh my... if it isn't Lightblade Starlight. It has been a long time since I last saw you.

Bonnie looks at the two.

[Lightblade:] I never thought I would see your blank face again Reaper.

[Reaper:] Well now you have. Good to have you back after the terrible incident that happened here.

[Lightblade:] Don't you dare bring those memories back to me!

Lightblade gets lashed.

[Reaper:] Oh, don't hide it Lightblade. Those memories still haunt you to this very day no matter how strong you are to resist them.

[Bonnie:] What's going on Lightblade?

[Lightblade:] I already told you, it is none of your business Bonnie.

[Reaper:] It looks like you have a curious friend by your side Lightblade...

Reaper turns back to Bonnie.

[Reaper:] You really want to know kid...

Bonnie nods slightly.

[Reaper:] The first time Lightblade came here, he had his whole family with him: his father, his mother, his twin brothers, and his dear sweet sister. They followed me and my cousin Seth Creighton for miles during the third year of the Kingdom Division. Oh... what good times we had back then huh old friend?

[Lightblade:] Keep your blackened mouth shut Reaper!

Lightblade gets slapped across the face and then gets lashed many times.

[Reaper:] Anyway, in the end, Lightblade and his family had a great battle with many of my subjects before me... until they met something in the dark they did not expect to see. The only thing I will say is that Lightblade failed his family, and couldn't unlock the light inside to save them!

Lightblade began shedding tears but didn't make any noise.

[Bonnie:] His family are dead aren't they...

[Reaper:] Yes. Now, let me think on what I shall do with all of you.

Bonnie turns to Lightblade, feeling sorrow.


Somewhere on the mountain, Francis moves slower than before, most likely due to the cold. He was swaying back and forth, dropping his sword before falling forward... he turns over on his back and looking up at the sky.

[Francis:] I can't go on any further... I think this is how it all ends for me... I didn't expect to die at such a young age... now, I'm going to rest in pain... I wish I never, went on this journey, in the first place...

Francis slowly faints as the talisman glows. Before his eyes fully closed, a bright blinding light pierces through the sky, where he could only see blank white. Once Francis opens his eyes, he finds himself in a blank white empty space.

[Francisco:] Francis...

[Francis:] Who's there?

[Francisco:] The one who came before you. I am one of your predecessors.

Francis looks around as a figure materializes behind him.

[Francisco:] Most importantly... I am your father Francisco Dawnbreaker.

Francis' eyes widen as he turned around to see his actual father.

[Francis:] It cannot be...your dead.

[Francisco:] Yes, I am, in the real world. But I call to you from another realm far beyond yours.

[Francis:] What do you want?

[Francisco:] It's not what I or anybody wants. It's what you need to do for everyone in this realm.

[Francis:] Please don't speak to me about how important in Veccoran I am or whatever else. I am done, and I shouldn't have come on this journey in the first place.

[Francisco:] You do not understand, Francis, what will happen if you do not accept your destiny.

[Francisco:] I think someone else can hold that responsibility. There are plenty of other great warriors or some sort of heroes that can save Veccoran instead of me.

[Francisco:] If I cannot talk you into accepting your destiny, let me show you what will happen if you refuse.

The landscape changes into a fiery hellish version of Veccoran. The land was riddled with ashes and fire, black clouds hovering above, and a large sight of death and enslavement across the land.

[Francis:] What is this?

[Francisco:] This is a possible future of Veccoran if you decide to abandon your destiny completely. All 7 kingdoms will fall, no warriors will be left to stand up to the rising evil, innocent lives will be taken, and the land will be filled with death and enslavement. Even the place you called home, Green Hills, will suffer the same fate. Think about the fates of your friends and family. Is this what you want for them or anyone else that lives in this realm?

Francisco gets into tears upon seeing Frieda and his other three friends chained up in shackles, working endlessly in dead fields. The setting reverses to blank space where Francisco stands in front of a distraught Francis.

[Francis:] I know I can't force you son, but I can only show you and tell you possible things to come. You want to know why you are important in Veccoran? You want to know why out of everyone in the entire realm why you were chosen as this realm's savior... it's because of me.

Francis looks up to his father who wipes his tears away.

[Francisco:] When you were first born, I saw great things within you. I knew from the beginning you were going to be a mighty king just like me and your grandfather before you. I knew I wouldn't be the one to fully destroy Deadrus ever since Marione foretold the prophecy about your future. I knew I would have to count on you to finish what me and your grandfather tried to end long ago. Just like your predecessors, we of the Dawnbreaker bloodline were meant for great things of the future. You have special abilities that surpass my own, but they will never truly grow unless you accept. So, you see why you are destined for all of this?

[Francis:] Yes, yes, I do.

[Francisco:] Then what is your decision my son? Will you accept your destiny and save Veccoran from Deadrus' wrath or will you leave it for death and enslavement?

Francisco closes his eyes, thinking for a good moment... Francis then opens his eyes with a brand new look in them. He seemed to have changed from within, and doesn't appear to be the same person he was after he left Green Hills. He truly became fullgrown.

[Francis:] Father, I have chosen to save Veccoran and finally free it from Deadrus' wrath. From the heavens above you will see this realm living and breathing without any darkness.

Francisco smiles at Francis.

[Francisco:] I know you will save this realm... the fate of everyone now lies with you my son.

Francis runs over to hug his deceased father, who gracefully hugs him back.

[Francis:] Thank you father...

[Francisco:] Now go my son. Go back to your friends and show them you are truly the next king of your family's kingdom.

A bright flash occurs while Francis smiles happily in his father's arms. Francis' eyes open up and tightens his hands into fists. He feels new life within him with a new drive. Rising up from the snow, Francis takes a good look at the talisman that gives off one final glow before dimming down completely. Francis then picks up his sword and stands tall.

[Francis:] I'm coming my friends.


Somewhere on the mountain, Felix, Charlotte, Lolly, Balla, and Mr. Chipper are tangled up by Dark Skull's companions. He himself walked back in forth in front of them as he waves his giant sword around.

[Felix:] Ye know, maybe we should have listened ta Francis.

[Charlotte:] No Felix, we followed our hearts and that's a good thing. Francis just needs to work things through.

[Lolly:] Well does anyone have a plan of escape?

[Balla:] I don't think we can get ourselves out of this situation... these hunters are serious.

[Mr. Chipper:] Heh! These jokers just got lucky with me.

[Dark Skull:] Luck is just a false belief to escape the reality of things... and you are not the brightest either woodland rat.

[Mr. Chipper:] How about you let me out of these restraints and allow me to kick you right in the-

Dark Skull knocks him in the mouth with the handle of his blade, leaving Mr. Chipper with some blood leaking from his lip.

[Dark Skull:] You couldn't no matter how fast you swing that big axe of yours. I'll only ask you this once...

Dark Skull stands in front of Felix and points his blade over his head.

[Dark Skull:] Where is the last descendent of the Dawnbreaker bloodline?

[Felix:] Why dun ye sniff 'em out hmm... ye are a hunter.

[Dark Skull:] His scent is mostly centered around you, sea dog.

[Felix:] Sea dog! How dare ye call me such a thing.

[Dark Skull:] If you won't tell me, then I'm sure your love interest here will spill out the beans.

Dark Skull points his blade at Lolly.

[Lolly:] Ok, 1. He and I are not in love with each other, and 2. I will never talk.

[Dark Skull:] You seem tough woman, if you're not his love interest... then she must be.

Dark Skull points his weapon at Charlotte, who shakes in fear.

[Dark Skull:] Where is the Dawnbreaker's descendent?

[Felix:] Leave her 'lone or me'll give ye ta hook.

[Dark Skull:] Hit him.

One of Dark Skull's companions cuts Felix across the top of his jaw, causing Charlotte to scream. Dark Skull began looking back and forth between Felix and Charlotte... he knew the connection between the two.

[Dark Skull:] looks like I have found something special with these two.

Felix and Charlotte exchange glances before looking back at Dark Skull.

[Dark Skull:] Bring the fox over here.

Felix was shoved away from the group, who try to save him but they are held back by their restraints. Felix is shoved flat on the ground while Dark Skull hovers over him with his sword pointing down to his back.

[Lolly:] Leave him alone! Kill me instead of him.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm gonna kick that black buttocks of yours!

[Charlotte:] Felix...

[Felix:] Stay calm Charlotte, me'll be a'right.

Dark Skull runs the tip of his blade across Felix's back.

[Dark Skull:] No you won't...

Dark Skull returns his attention to Chica.

[Dark Skull:] Now tell me... Where. Is. The. Dawnbreaker's. Last. Descendent!?

Charlotte remains silent and doesn't say a word.

[Dark Skull:] I'm not wasting my time with this, I'll just kill him immediately.

Dark Skull raises his blade in the air. Charlotte closes her eyes and begins to cry, believing this is the end of Felix Piraton Roberts Black-Roger.

[Francis:] Hey!

Dark Skull ceases his actions looking in Francis' direction. Everyone else looks up and gasps happily.

[Francis:] You want the last descendent of the Dawnbreaker bloodline... here I am!

[Dark Skull:] So, my prey comes to me. Big mistake for a born king.

[Francis:] We'll see about that. Who are you?

[Dark Skull:] I am Dark Skull, and Deadrus has sent me to kill you.

[Francis:] Good luck Dark Skull, now try and catch me!

Francis throws a snowball down at Dark Skull, who punches it into millions of pieces.

[Dark Skull:] Leave these fools to freeze, go after our prey.

Dark Skull leads his companions after Francis who already fled the scene after throwing that snowball.

[Charlotte:] do we free ourselves.

[Lolly:] I have an idea.

Lolly leans over to Charlotte to chew her restraints off.

[Charlotte:] Nice thinking Lols.

[Lolly:] *chuckles* Am I getting a nickname now?

[Charlotte:] I think it's cute.

[Felix:] Aye, it sound cute.

[Charlotte:] Ok, now let's free ourselves and go help Francis.

Francis ran as fast as he could while Dark Skull and his companions pursued him.

[Francis:] Man these guys are fast!

[Dark Skull:] You cannot run for long! You'll slow down eventually.

Francis made a full stop when confronted by a cliff. He looks in all directions for a possible escape route. Dark Skull and his companions catch up, but Francis is nowhere in sight.

[Dark Skull:] Where is he!?

Dark Skull sniffs the air until he and his companions hear some snow falling. They all look up to see Francis climbing up.

[Dark Skull:] Well then, the higher you climb, the harder you will fall!

Dark Skull and his companions climb after Francis who was mustering as much strength as possible to get out of reach.


Back inside of the ancient ruins, Reaper takes Lightblade, Goldane, Bonnie, and Mendo across a bridge.

[Reaper:] Get ready to join your family in death Lightblade. So fitting for you to return here and die in the same place.

[Mendo:] We need a plan of escape.

[Goldane:] Without my amulet I cannot access my powers.

Bonnie couldn't keep his eyes off Lightblade since hearing his backstory.

[Bonnie:] Now I know why you left the White Knights of Bludhaven.

Lightblade didn't respond and just kept his head down.

[Bonnie:] Listen to me Lightblade... I can see how difficult it is for others to lose people very close to them. But do not allow these losses to stop you from being who you are. There was once light within you Lightblade, but it has been blown out. Bring it back to life inside. Take a stand just like all the white knights today and from tomorrow...

[Lightblade:] I can't... I lost the light... now I am about to lose my life because I couldn't save my family, and I cannot save my allies.

[Bonnie:] Yes you can... I believe in you. Remember the words of the ancient white knight Lancelot Lane. "I can, I always can, and I shall".

Lightblade thought for a minute. He remebered his family, hearing the same words Bonnie said but in the tone of his father before he perished in battle.

[Lightblade:] It is time.

Lightblade swiftly throws a drop kick on the creature behind him, who was holding Goldane's amulet, where Goldane quickly grabs the amulet and places it on quickly, then unleashes his magical abilities upon the creatures around them.

[Mendo:] Yeah!!!

Goldane freed Mendo, Bonnie, and Lightblade to fight back. Each of them were handed back their weapons to kill off most of the creatures around them. Reaper pulls out his blades and charges in to attack as well.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade behind you!

Lightblade swiftly turns around and gets into a standstill with Reaper.

[Reaper:] I see you have been reinvigorated into becoming a White Knight again... well it won't matter, you're still going to die!

Lightblade breaks the standstill, slashes at Reaper, and then sidekicks him off the bridge. Goldane sees a bright light emanating from a bridge far away from them.

[Goldane:] I see an exit on another bridge.

Mendo jabs one of the creatures to death.

[Bonnie:] What are we waiting for, let's run for it!

Goldane, Lightblade, Bonnie, and Mendo race for the other bridge as more creatures chased them through the dark.


Back outside of the mountain, Francis reached a top flat area where he began to rest for a moment. He got back up in search of another place to escape through, but there was no escaping this time.

[Francis:] Ah shreg!

Dark Skull and his companions make it to the top moments later, armed and ready to kill.

[Dark Skull:] Well well, the predator has now cornered its prey, who has no escape from my wrath.

Francis pulls out his sword while backing up into a corner.

[Francis:] Stay back! I'm not afraid to use this thing.

[Dark Skull:] Let's see if you can.

Dark Skull charges in with his large sword. Francis rolls out of the way as Dark Skull strikes the ground hard.

[Francis:] That wasn't a good idea Dark Skull.

[Dark Skull:] What!?

A loud rumbling sound shook the ground they stood upon. Everyone looked up and saw an avalanche coming down to them. Dark Skull quickly his blade out and turns to Francis, who already jumps off the ledge as the avalanche takes out Dark Skull and his companions.

[Dark Skull:] AH!!!!

Francis fell until Balla caught him before he could hit the ground.

[Balla:] I've gotcha Francis.

[Francis:] This is the second time you saved me on this journey. Guess I should repay you one day.

[Balla:] That would be nice.

Balla safely landed Francis with Felix, Charlotte, Lolly, and Mr. Chipper. Felix and Charlotte hug Francis while everyone else expressed happiness to see him alive.

[Felix:] Glad ye came back lad.

[Charlotte:] Thanks for saving us from that hunter back there.

[Franics:] You're all welcome. What happened to Goldane and the rest?

[Lolly:] They fell down a hole, probably ending up in some sort of ruins beneath this mountain.

[Mr. Chipper:] We know there still alive so don't worry about them being dead.

[Balla:] I saw an opening down the mountain, maybe they will come out of there.

[Francis:] Then let's go find them.

Francis and the others start heading down the mountain. Back up top in the aftermath of the avalanche, Dark Skull's hand bursts through the snow.


Back inside of the mountain, the second group was running through smaller halls where they all repelled many of the creatures coming out from the dark. Goldane flashed a group of these creatures before Lightblade shot multiple arrows in their heads. Mendo punches one of these creature's heads on both sides to flatten it. Bonnie stabs one before slashing another across the neck.

[Goldane:] Keep moving! Do not stop.

They all run into a room where a small squadron of these creature's, accompanied by a large snowy beast like the Collost, was waiting for them.

[Goldane:] Feel the light creatures from the dark!

Goldane chants a spell that causes him to blast a bright ball of light to blind the creatures. Lightblade, Bonnie, and Mendo quickly slaughter them all when they are blinded. And then Goldane summons a golden arrow to shoot the Collost lookalike through the neck to kill it.

[Bonnie:] We've got more incoming!

They all look down another hallway to see multiple shadows moving through them.

[Goldane:] Get to the bridge quickly!

They all run through a large hall. When Bonnie turns around, he sees thousands of these creatures chasing after them.

[Bonnie:] Man there are so many of these guys down here!

As many more of these creatures popped up, Reaper confronts the group by blasting a purple sonic beam to knock the group down.

[Reaper:] You shall not leave these ruins alive.

[Goldane:] We can, and we will Reaper.

[Reaper:] Not while I still stand in front of you.

Goldane throws a golden saw at Reaper, but he slices through it. Reaper tornado spins and blasts a gush of wind at Goldane, who is now flying across the floor.

[Bonnie:] Goldane!

Bonnie charges in an attempt to fight Reaper. However, Reaper shrieks like a banshee to scare him off.

[Mendo:] I'll kick this guy's but.

Mendo throws a double punch at Reaper. He dodges and then slashes him across the face. Reaper kicks Mendo in the upper jaw and sends him flying.

[Reaper:] You're next!

Lightblade and Reaper dual, but Reaper gains the upper hand, defeating him.

[Reaper:] Like I told you all before... you shall not leave these ruins alive.

Bonnie swiftly gets up and stabs Reaper in the leg before getting punched in the face and picked up by the neck.

[Reaper:] And what were you planning blue boy?

[Bonnie:] Just distracting you pal.

Goldane shot a spear at Reaper, but he deflects it with one of his blades. Reaper laughs.

[Reaper:] What was that supposed to do?

[Bonnie:] That was just a pawn.

Lightblade stabs Reaper through his body, dropping his blade and Bonnie as the blade is pushed deeper into him. Reaper falls on his knees before sliding off the blade. Cold and dead.

[Lightblade:] That's the end of you Reaper.

Everyone groups back together as the creatures surround them.

[Goldane:] Hold your ground.

[Mendo:] Come at me freaks!

Everyone was ready to brawl... until a loud horrifying roar echoed through the halls. A fiery ravine glowed not too far away from everyone else as all the creatures decided to scatter back into the dark.

[Bonnie:] What is that?

[Lightblade:] Oh no, it has awakened again...

[Bonnie:] What is it Lightblade?

[Lightblade:] It's the evil that took my family away.

[Mendo:] What is this new foe Goldane?

Rising from the glowing ravine was a large titan sized demon. It appeared to have lava colored skin and had some black molten rock-like skin that gave it an armored appearance. It had two horns, reddish-yellow glowing eyes, and wielded a large molten-looking-sword.

[Goldane:] It is the demon Rornok. A monstrous evil from the ancient world of Veccoran...

Rornok spots the group, roars at them, and then charges.

[Lightblade:] Run!

The group bolted as Rornok pursued them. They kept on running and running but they couldn't outrun the ancient demon.

Rornok blasts a fireball from his mouth at them, but Goldane shields everyone and ends up falling due to the demon's overwhelming might.

[Lightblade:] Lead on Goldane.

Goldane is helped back to his feet as the group continues running.

[Goldane:] The bridge is just up ahead!

Bonnie, Mendo, and Lightblade all turn around to see Rornok strike the ground with his big fist, causing a heatwave to knock everyone down. Goldane is the first person to recover and is closest to the bridge. Mendo is woozy but manages to push himself up. Bonnie lays flat on the ground. Lightblade sits up and rubs his head as Rornok closes in on Bonnie.

[Lightblade:] No!

Bonnie remains speechless as Rornok hovers over him, roaring. Lightblade climbs up to a balcony.

[Lightblade:] Rornok!

The demon turns its attention to Lightblade. Rornok appears to recognize the former White Knight as it walks towards him.

[Lightblade:] I know you remember me. I believe you were hoping to finish what you started with me many years ago.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade!

Bonnie runs after him but Goldane pulls him back.

[Goldane:] Leave him Bonnie! This is his fight.

[Lightblade:] It's time I faced my fears. You will pay for what you did to my family, and I will ensure no one else's life is taken by you, ancient shadow dweller!

As Rornok roars, Lightblade quickly shoots two arrows into its left eye. The demon roars angrily and tries to swipe him with an open hand. Lightblade was too quick and leaped over to shoot another arrow up its chin. Bonnie, Goldane, and Mendo watch as Lightblade continued evading Rornok's attacks. After getting shot at the side of the head, Rornok slashed the balcony with its blade and sent Lightblade tumbling down. He started hopping up to avoid falling but was then grasped by Rornok who threw him down across the floor.

[Bonnie:] No! Lightblade, get up!

Lightblade appeared knocked out as Rornok roared upon approaching its target.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade, don't fail us like you did with your family... unlock the power of the light within you... remember the creed.

Lightblade only twitched a little as the ground shook around him due to the large footsteps of Rornok.

[Bonnie:] I am a White Knight of Bludhaven. Servant of all good things, and a defender of the innocent.

Lightblade twitches his ears as if he could hear Bonnie's voice and nothing else.

[Bonnie:] I swear to all no darkness will go through me...

Lightblade slowly opens his eyes.

[Lightblade:] I go through darkness.

Lightblade steadily pushes himself up.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I will fight as bright as the light...

Rornok stops in place and prepares to shoot another fireball from its mouth.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I will never bow down to evil...

As Rornok blasts the fireball at Lightblade, he quickly turns around to roll out of the way.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I will rise with will...

Lightblade dodges a sword slash from Rornok.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I will stand against all...

Rornok throws down his sword, but Lightblade leaps into the air and runs up his sword.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I may die, but death isn't the end...

Rornok tries to grasp Lightblade, who ducks and cuts his hand.

[Bonnie and Lightblade:] I will come to the light and resurrect...

Rornok pulls up its blade as Lightblade leapt towards it with his sword in front.

[Bonnie:] And complete my journey's end.

[Lightblade:] And complete my journey's end.

Lightblade's sword glows white along with himself as Rornok throws up his sword in defense. The two clash blades together, but Lightblade was moving faster than the ancient demon. Goldane, Mendo, and Bonnie cheered as Lightblade slashed the demon left and right all over its body.

[Lightblade:] Time to end this Rornok.

Lightblade slices Rornok across the face and lands back on the ground ready to attack again.

[Lightblade:] This. Is. For. My Family!

Rornok charges in with a swing of its sword, but Lightblade spins upward, dodging the attack, moves at high speeds, then leaps into the air to stab Rornok in the heart. Lightblade then slides down the ancient demon with his sword, causing some red blood to be spilled. Rornok later falls to the floor and slowly stops glowing, finalizing its death.

[Bonnie:] Where's Lightblade?

Goldane and Mendo look around to see if Lightblade was alright.

[Mendo:] There he is.

Lightblade walks out from the dark, glowing like a bright light. He nods while Bonnie couldn't help but smile.

[Bonnie:] You did it Lightblade, you unlocked the light within you.

[Goldane:] Most importantly you have saved us all.

[Mendo:] You were spectacular.

[Lightblade:] Thank you, but I suggest we get out of here now.

They all turn around and see more creatures crawling out of the dark. The second group then crosses the bridge and runs up a stairway, eventually running outside in a less snowy portion of the mountain. There they regroup with everyone else. Everyone was greeting each other now that they were reunited.

[Goldane:] Ah Francis...

Francis runs over to hug Goldane.

[Goldane:] You have returned.

[Francis:] Yes, I have... you wouldn't believe what we've been through.

[Bonnie:] You wouldn't believe what we had to go through either.

[Lolly:] I must ask, what made you decide to come back?

[Felix:] Aye, what drove ye back o tis journey lad?

Everyone had their eyes on Francis, who just looked at each and every person he has been journeying with for the last couple of days.

[Francis:] You all wouldn't believe me if I told you... but I saw my father.

[Goldane:] Your father?

[Bonnie:] Francisco Dawnbreaker himself?

[Francis:] Yes, well, from a different realm. He spoke to me and showed me things that could happen in Veccoran. Especially the fate of Green Hills that I miss so much. I really do want to go back and see all my friends and family. But now I see why I am important to Veccoran. Just like my predecessors before me, we were all destined for big things to come. And right now, Veccoran needs a Dawnbreaker to once again save it from the dark forces rising. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Veccoran is free from Deadrus' wrath.

Everyone smiles at Francis.

[Goldane:] I am glad to hear it Freddy. Now let's get off this mountain.

[Felix:] Hold on, wait!

Everyone turns to look at Foxy.

[Francis:] What's the matter Felix?

[Felix:] Not'ing... me just have ta say somet'ing very important.

[Bonnie:] What's there to say after all that we have been through?

[Felix:] Somet'ing me should have dun long time ago.

Lolly smiled and nodded at Felix. He turns to Charlotte and approaches her.

[Felix:] Charlotte Henna, for a long time me have 'ad special feelin's for ye. 20 years me kept it hidden... but now a'ter what we did on tis great journey, me think it ta right time ta say...I luv ye.

Charlotte gasps while shedding tears of joy.

Francis and Bonnie look at each other and then nod approvingly to their friend.

[Felix:] Ye make me happy every day, and Me would do anyt'ing ta stand by ye for eternity.

[Charlotte:] Oh Felix...I love you too.

Francis, Bonnie, and Lolly were caught off guard. They didn't expect Charlotte to have feelings for Felix since she showed no signs.

[Charlotte:] Ever since we left Green Hills, I've started to develop feelings for you as well. I decided not to show them because... I was being a chicken.

Everyone giggled after hearing the bad pun.

[Charlotte:] But now that you confessed your feelings for me, I'm confessing my feelings for you... Felix, you are the most interesting person I have ever met, and I would love to be by your side for eternity as well.

Everyone clapped as Felix and Charlotte prepared to kiss... until Dark Skull yells down at them.

[Dark Skull:] Kill them all but leave the Dawnbreaker's descendent for me.

Dark Skull's companions charge down the mountain as the group see them coming.

[Francis:] Not these guys again.

[Goldane:] Run!

The group run away, but Dark Skull's companions were fast enough to catch up with them. Most of them were after Francis.

[Bonnie:] Everyone to Francis' side!

Everyone gets in the way of Dark Skull's companions before they can gain on Franci, clashing in an epic brawl.

[Goldane:] Stay away from him!

Goldane summons arrows he shoots at Dark Skull's warriors. Francis ran ahead of the group. Lightblade shot arrows at some of Dark Skull's warriors leaping towards him. Mr. Chipper trips one and knocks it in the head. Lolly ropes one up away from Francis before stabbing it. Bonnie leaps on a companion and wrestles with it before Felix and Charlotte both take turns stabbing the warrior to death. Francis tucks and rolls from a blade, giving Mendo the time to take the enemy out. Dark Skull charges through the battle to chase Francis.

[Balla:] That hunter is going after Francis!

Balla whacks some companions down and then is shielded from arrows thanks to Goldane.

[Lightblade:] We've got this fight! Go save your friend.

Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte chase after Dark Skull while Goldane and the Fatal Five Warriors deal with his companions. Francis hides behind a tree taking a breath...

[Francis:] I have a bad feeling.

Francis quickly ducks down as Dark Skull easily sliced down the tree he was hiding behind. Francis gets to his feet with his sword grasped.

[Dark Skull:] No more running! Face me like a true warrior would.

[Francis:] As you wish.

Dark Skull attacks first. Francis dodges the attack and attempts to slash him, but Dark Skull easily knocks him over. Dark Skull leaps down hard with his sword. Francis rolls out of the way. He blocks Dark Skull's next attack but gets a boot to the head.

[Dark Skull:] I thought you were supposed to be a mighty king? Guess you're nothing like the Dawnbreakers before you.

[Francis:] I am a Dawnbreaker!

Francis furiously fights back but to no avail. Dark Skull once again knocks him down, and sends him rolling across the ground.

[Dark Skull:] It is time to finish you off.

Dark Skull prepares to end Francis' life... luckily, Bonnie tackles down Dark Skull and wrestles with him for a little while. Dark Skull throws Bonnie off and punches him across the face. Felix then clashes blades with him for a bit before he gets suplexed on top Bonnie. Charlotte comes charging in with her dagger. Dark Skull counters it, crushes her wrist so she lets it go, punches her in the stomach, and then prepares to stab her.

[Felix:] Let my lady go!

Felix leaps onto Dark Skull and claws his mask with his golden hook. Bonnie then comes in to stab the hunter, but he throws off Charlotte and Felix, and then kicks Bonnie in the leg and then proceeds to punch him in the face a second time. Bonnie is bleeding from the mouth and tries to stand. Felix comes at Dark Skull again but is slashed across the body and then the back, making him fall. Charlotte tends to Felix while Bonnie stands to protect them. Dark Skull approaches with his sword, ready to cut them into pieces.

[Dark Skull:] You three are no match for me. I can tell you are all willing to risk your lives for your friend. Now you can die before he does.

[Francis:] Hey!

Dark Skull turns around to see Francis standing tall with his sword grasped firmly.

[Francis:] Leave my friends alone, and finish what you started with me.

Francis gets into a defensive stance. Within his eyes was willpower that drove him back to his feet. Dark Skull seemed impressed with what he was seeing.

[Dark Skull:] I guess this is round two between you and me. I'll kill you first, and then your friends will join you.

Dark Skull charges at Francis. The two clash blades together as Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte watched them. The battle was fierce between the two and Francis was doing better in combat than ever before.

[Dark Skull:] I find it surprising that you have gathered great strength to combat me.

[Francis:] You were hurting my friends, and I refused to stand down and watch them die.

[Dark Skull:] They will die, after I finish you!

Dark Skull fought more fiercely, but Francis stood his ground. Dark Skull eventually round kicks Francis across the face, getting him off balance so he can slash him plenty of times... Francis fell down, spitting out blood as Dark Skull hovered over him.

[Dark Skull:] I am having a good time fighting you... but you must die.

Dark Skull comes down with his sword while Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte cover their eyes. Suddenly, an amazing shock occurs... Dark Skull couldn't believe it himself. Francis blocked the huge blade and cut it into three pieces.

[Dark Skull:] Impossible! How did he do that?

[Francis:] I am a Dawnbreaker.

Dark Skull attempts to fight Francis further, but gets his weapon deflected from his hand, before getting his legs sliced off and held at death point.

[Francis:] That is why I am capable of such unbelievable abilities. I am like my predecessors before me, their blood runs through my veins. You are now defeated Dark Skull, it is over. You have lost.

[Dark Skull:] You may have defeated me... but I must warn you, Dawnbreaker... Deadrus is far worse then what you've experienced with me. I hope he slays you just like Frandos Dawnbreaker.

[Francis:] It won't matter, Dark Skull. I am no longer afraid of Deadrus, and I highly doubt he will slay me much like he did with my grandfather. At the end of all this, I am anticipating my encounter with him.

Francis decapitates Dark Skull, ending him.

[Bonnie:] Francis... are you ok?

Francis places his sword away and turns towards his friends.

[Francis:] Of course I am Bonnie. I'm just happy that you three are still alive. I am glad you all came along with me on this journey.

[Felix:] We happy to help a friend.

[Charlotte:] You seem very confident about your destiny now.

Francis nods and hugs his friends each.

[Francis:] Will you be ok Felix?

[Felix:] Oh ho ho... Me can handle tis pain.

[Bonnie:] You really are a member of the Black-Roger family.

[Charlotte:] Yes, he is.

Goldane and the Fatal Five Warriors regroup with them.

[Goldane:] Thank goodness you all are still alive.

[Lightblade:] It looks like you finished off Deadrus' hunter.

[Bonnie:] You should have seen Francis, he was incredible today.

[Felix:] Me think he truly will save Veccoran.

[Lolly:] We are all very proud of you Francis.

[Balla:] We are glad you decided to come back to complete your journey.

[Francis:] Thanks, all of you.

[Goldane:] Oh, I just remembered Francis. I asked you a question back in Green Hills... but you didn't answer because your friends came in.

Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte just shrug.

[Goldane:] Once again I must ask you Francis...

Francis looks in Goldane's eyes.

[Goldane:] Are you ready to go on this journey and fulfill your destiny, for the fate of Veccoran rests on your hands?

Francis looked at each person around him... and moment of silence occurs.

[Francis:] Yes, I am. My friends old and new, I vow from this day forth that I will face Deadrus just as the prophecy foretold. And I will defeat him for the people of Veccoran.

[Mendo:] You carry our fates in your hands my liege.

[Mr. Chipper:] We are with you till the very end.

[Balla:] We will all be here when you face the greatest of all evil.

[Lolly:] As will I.

[Lightblade:] My sword is yours to command.

[Bonnie:] You can count on your friends to be by your side.

[Goldane:] I will help you throughout your journey Francis

Everyone kneels before Francis, who smiles happily.

Francis and company pack up and get ready to move out.

[Lightblade:] Bonnie.

Bonnie turns to Lightblade.

[Lightblade:] Thank you for reinvigorating the White Knight within me.

[Bonnie:] I knew that part of you was locked up somewhere. I'm glad you are starting to act like a White Knight.

[Lightblade:] As am I...

[Bonnie:] Is there anything else you want to say?

[Lightblade:] How would you like me to train you as my apprentice.

Bonnie looks up at Lightblade with surprise in his eyes.

[Bonnie:] Really?

[Lightblade:] You do want to be a White Knight of Bludhaven don't you?

[Bonnie:] Of course I do, more than anything!

[Lightblade:] Then what do you say?

[Bonnie:] Yes, this is truly a dream come true... thanks Lightblade.

Bonnie hugs him, but Lightblade isn't used to being hugged so he just goes with the flow. Felix and Charlotte finally share a kiss with Lolly watching from a distance.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm happy those two got together, they deserve this happiness.

[Lolly:] Yeah, they do.

The group prepares to leave till something catches Francis' eyes in the great distance. Everyone else later look in the same direction.

[Bonnie:] Is that what I think it is?

[Goldane:] Yes... Goldenza, one of the great 7 kingdoms and the house of the golden bloodline.

[Francis:] We're almost there.

[Felix:] Aye, we about ta meet a journey's end.

[Charlotte:] I'll take this as a good sign.

[Goldane:] Well then... best be on our way.

[Francis:] Hold on Goldane... I just want to savor this moment a lot longer.

Goldane smiles as everyone continues gazing at the golden city. This truly meant they are at a journey's end.


Back in Vriatonara, Deadrus is enraged after hearing about Dark Skull's failure.

[Deadrus:] That blasted Dawnbreaker survived Dark Skull!? How infuriating...

[Seth:] They were always great warriors of old.

[Velorina:] And he is nearing Goldenza, where he shall reclaim the throne.

[Deadrus:] He shall not reclaim his rightful throne. It looks like I will have to ensure of it, and I know how exactly.

Phantomice walks in.

[Phantomice:] My lord, I have something to show you.

Deadrus is lead over a balcony where an army of beasts stands.

[Phantomice:] This army will be the one to take down the remaining stronghold of the 7 kingdoms.

Deadrus smiles evilly.

[Deadrus:] I am impressed Phantomice. The last of the Dawnbreaker bloodline should be weary of my plans to conquer this realm. Soon enough, the end will come to all in Veccoran.

Deadrus' chant his name and are battle ready.




And so... the future king has decided to save the world that he loves. After a long journey, our future king promises to save all from the forces of evil. This journey has come to an end... but a new one is quickly arising. Now that the future king is reaching his family's homeland, he must figure out a way to bring hope to his people and become the born king he is meant to be... while evil slowly gains a victory over this realm.


To Be Continued in>>> WAR: THRONE OF THE KING

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