The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act One
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

A Journey Begins: Act Two

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By MikaelDuncan4


[Francis:] How long until we reach Goldenza?

[Goldane:] It is a 10-day ride to the golden kingdom. I doubt we will not have an encounter with any threat Deadrus decides to send after you.

[Bonnie:] What happens if another one of Deadrus' forces finds us?

[Francis:] Well, we've got these five warriors to protect us.

[Goldane:] They will do their best to protect you, but they won't always be able to defend you. Which is why I have assigned Lightblade and Lolly to train you during our journey. You each must learn to protect yourselves, especially you Francis.

The group rests in the forest separated. Not too far from each other. Mr. Chipper was adding wood to a fire Mendo made, Goldane meditates, Balla was hanging upside down on a tree branch, ears opened, and Francis and his friends were training with Lightblade and Lolly: Francis and Bonnie with Lightblade, Felix and Charlotte with Lolly.

[Lightblade:] You're doing well for a beginner, Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] This isn't the first time I have used a sword. Also, I hear you were a White Knight of Bludhaven.

[Lightblade:] Yes, I was.

[Bonnie:] You don't sound too happy.

[Lightblade:] I prefer to speak less of my run with the White Knights. Why do you sound so energetic just by speaking about them?

[Bonnie:] I've always wanted to be a White Knight. That is a dream I've held onto since I was a much smaller boy.

[Lightblade:] Hmm... I've got advice for you.

[Bonnie:] What is it?

[Lightblade:] Don't join them.

Bonnie looked puzzled.

[Lolly:] Focus Felix, never keep your eyes off the target.

Felix was blocking a few friendly strikes from Lolly. He was evading her and defending himself. Charlotte watched from under a tree sitting next to Francis.

[Francis:] You're doing great Felix!

[Charlotte:] How does it feel to be this far from home?

[Francis:] Unnatural... I never thought I would be this far at all in my life. As much as I miss home I do admire the beauty of nature all around me.

[Charlotte:] Yeah, I love this cool breeze, the different variations of green, some of the little insects, and the motions of the trees swaying slightly.

Felix evaded another strike from Lolly. He turned over to see Charlotte wasn't paying any attention to him. This distraction caused Lolly to defeat Felix. She was standing tall while he laid flat on his back.

[Felix:] Ow...

[Lolly:] You weren't focused.

[Felix:] Sorry, just gut a bee distracted.

[Lolly:] Yes, you were.

[Mr. Chipper:] Don't worry man. Not everyone is perfect in combat.

[Mendo:] Doesn't really inspire confidence Mr. Chipper.

Lolly offers her hand to Felix. She lifts him to his feet.

[Felix:] So... how did me do?

[Lolly:] You were good until you lost focus. I wonder why that is?

Felix could tell, from the smile on her face and the look in her eyes, she knew he was in love with Charlotte.

[Felix:] Ooh, uh, yeah me just gut distracted easily.

[Lolly:] Sure you do...

Felix felt really embarrassed while looking back at Charlotte.

[Lolly:] A word of advice Felix... you shouldn't wait too long.

[Felix:] Gotcha.

[Lolly:] Charlotte! You're up.

Charlotte got up from under the tree trunk, sword in hand.

[Charlotte:] I'm not much of a fighter, but I hope I'm at least decent.

[Francis:] Just don't get yourself chopped into pieces.

[Lightblade:] You're up next Francis!

Francis hesitantly gets up from under the shade of a tree trunk. Bonnie backs away, still puzzled.

[Mendo:] The Dawnbreaker is training now.

[Mr. Chipper:] This should be good.

[Lightblade:] Is this the first time you've wielded a sword?

[Francis:] Not really. Surprisingly I was a much better sword wielder than Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Oh yeah, I could never beat him in any play fight.

[Lightblade:] I see... hold your weapon firmly.

Francis does what he is told, even though he doesn't want to.

[Lightblade:] If it wasn't obvious already, you are naturally exceptional in combat. It runs through your blood.

[Francis:] I already knew that.

[Lightblade:] Good. When wielding your weapon always keep a balance.

Lightblade gets into a battle stance. Francis does the same.

[Lightblade:] Keep your sword in a firm grip, never let it go.

Lightblade twirls his blade around while Francis just stares.

[Lightblade:] Watch your surroundings, always be on guard, and most importantly never lose focus.

[Francis:] I really don't want to do this.

[Lightblade:] There's no escaping battle Francis Dawnbreaker. Whether you like it or not, this is an important lesson to learn. Are you ready?

[Francis:] But I really don't-

Lightblade gives a few swings. Francis dodges quickly and twirls behind him.

[Francis:] Do not-

Lightblade strikes him, but Francis blocks on instinct. Everyone kept their eyes on Francis as he blocked and rolled out of harm's way.

[Bonnie:] Uh Goldane...

[Goldane:] Don't help him.

[Bonnie:] But-

[Goldane:] Just wait and see.

Francis started deflecting Lightblade's attacks. He was then hit with a sweep kick and fell on his back. Bonnie, Charlotte, Felix, and the rest were stunned by Francis possibly getting hurt after the fall.

[Lightblade:] Come on. Get up Francis.

Francis slowly got back up to his feet.

[Balla:] Lightblade, don't you think you should be a little easy on him?

[Lightblade:] No, if he's going to be Veccoran's savior then he needs to overcome the hardest battles ahead.

[Francis:] I agree with Balla. We should stop and resume later.

Without warning, Lightblade was already attacking Francis. He blocked a couple more swings until they both were at a standstill once Francis got a hold of Lightblade's sword wielding right arm. The two then separate.

[Francis:] Stop it! I don't-

Lightblade continued to strike him. However, Francis was deflecting more fiercely as if a fire began to light up inside. Everyone watched closely as Francis blocked two heavy hits and then swung Lightblade's sword out of his hands, holding him at the tip of his blade by the neck.

[Mendo:] Amazing.

[Mr. Chipper:] Unbelievable.

[Goldane:] *Turns to Bonnie* You see? He didn't need your help.

Francis quickly backed away and dropped his sword. He looked at his hands, finding it hard to believe he was able to stand his ground against a former White Knight of Bludhaven.

[Lightblade:] You've got a fire burning within you. Make sure you use it when real danger approaches.

Francis stumbles onto his bum, breathing heavily as Lightblade retrieves his sword.

[Lightblade:] End of your lesson for today.

Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte all come around their star-struck friend.

[Bonnie:] Are you alright?

[Francis:] Just surprised with myself. Am I really that skilled deep inside?

[Charlotte:] You are a Dawnbreaker, so yeah.

[Felix:] Ye really gifted lad. Me wish I was t'at skilled wit blades.

[Goldane:] It is time to keep moving. We still have a long road ahead.

Everyone packs up their belongings. Bonnie watches Lightblade as he walked past him. He couldn't stop wondering about him.

[Bonnie:] I think there is something up with Lightblade.

[Freddy:] What could be up with him other than that he is hard and a bit pushy?

[Bonnie:] I've got this feeling he's hiding something. When we were training, I told him that I wanted to become a White Knight someday.

[Francis:] Of course you would. Well what did he say?

[Bonnie:] He told me not to join them. The way he said it got me suspicious about him.

[Freddy:] I'm sure there is a good explanation for his behavior. Maybe he's just trying to protect you?

[Bonnie:] From what? The White Knights are one of Veccoran's greatest heroes. I've studied and learned about them long enough to know that being a part of their cause is dangerous. Besides, I'm capable of protecting myself.

[Francis:] Whatever's going on with him, I think you should stay out of it. Who knows what he's been through.

[Bonnie:] Ok, but I'm keeping a close eye on him.

[Francis:] Just don't get too close.

The group is seen continuing their ride through the forest.


Back in Vriatonara, Seth Creighton is seen walking down some black steps that make direct turns. He enters a room where a bloody altar stands. Seth picks up his lantern and then hovers it over the liquid inside the altar. He then chants a spell, resulting in his lantern projecting three faces: one was wearing a hood and had aqua marine eyes, one wore a demonic mask, and one had long curved horns.

[Seth Creighton:] My brothers.

[Grimsbane:] Seth Creighton.

[Soulton:] You look well brother.

[Bane:] It has been a while, why have you called us?

[Seth:] If news hasn't broken out already, Deadrus has successfully returned.

[Grimsbane:] Ah, so you've successfully brought the greatest of all evil back from death.

[Soulton:] What does he request?

[Seth:] Deadrus plans for a great war. He is calling all evil to join him in the great battles to come. He would be pleased to have your armies join us as well.

[Bane:] We will come as soon as we can brother.

[Grimsbane:] Expect us to arrive sooner than later.

[Soulton:] We shall see you soon Seth.

[Seth:] I'll await your arrival.


Francis and the others were riding past a lake where a waterfall runs in the distance. Goldane turns to Francis and sees the look upon his face. He seemed down about something.

[Goldane:] Is there something troubling you Francis?

[Francis:] No, nothing at all Goldane. I'm fine.

[Bonnie:] You sure? Because you have been shaken up after that small training lesson earlier.

[Francis:] I just really miss Green Hills. It's been on my mind ever since we left.

[Bonnie:] You're not the only one feeling a little homesick. I too am missing home. I may feel unfamiliar with what awaits us ahead, but if the fate of Veccoran rests on you then I want to be there for you.

[Charlotte:] All of us want help you the best we can. None of us want evil to take victory and bring us into darkness.

[Felix:] We'll be back at Green Hills unce tis is over... or will we?

[Bonnie and Charlotte:] Felix!

[Felix:] Oh, sorry lads...

[Goldane:] He is right though. We all can't guarantee a return journey, however this journey continues.

Francis turns his head away in deep thought. Coming out of the water was a giant salamander creature that had armored plating similar to a crustacean. It also had four limbs with black claws, a triangle shaped head, didn't have a mouth, a flat tail swaying back and forth, and blue glowing eyes. Francis and the others stopped moving as the creature slowly approached. Charlotte was the most fascinated with the creature out of everyone else.

[Felix:] Big water dweller.

[Charlotte:] It's a Rednamalas. They live near waterfalls in big bodies of water.

[Mr. Chipper:] Not taking any chances with this big beast!

Mr. Chipper pulls out his big axe which threatens the Rednamalas, growling in defense. Balla places her hand on Mr. Chipper's axe.

[Balla:] Lower your weapon Mr. Chipper. It will not harm us unless you threaten it.

Mr. Chipper lowers his axe.

[Mendo:] It's still staring at us.

[Charlotte:] It is just curious. Don't make any threatening displays.

The Rednamalas turns around and submerges back into the water, rejoining its kind near the waterfall.

[Felix:] Well... ok ten.

[Charlotte:] Glad to see nature in its natural habitat.

[Goldane:] Keep moving.

As the group continues travelling, Felix couldn't keep his eyes off of Charlotte.

[Felix:] Oh one day. One day.

[Lolly:] Are you just going to stare at her all day or will you finally say something?

[Felix:] Me can't do it. What if she dun like me? Or what if she rejects me? Or-

[Lolly:] Take it easy there Felix. You're obviously overthinking the situation. You have no idea what she probably feels for you. There is always a possibility when it comes to attraction to another. She probably does like you, and there is the possible chance she doesn't.

[Felix:] T'at don really inspire confidence.

[Lolly:] Hey, I'm just telling you two possibilities. The fact of the matter is you just never know, and you won't know unless you try.

Lolly's eyes go down, puzzling Felix.

[Felix:] Are ye ok?

[Lolly:] Yeah.

Felix raises an eyebrow as she rides ahead. He began thinking curiously to himself. Bonnie was looking back at Lightblade continuously. The former White Knight caught him and expressed a stern face. Bonnie quickly looked away, whistling.

[Lightblade:] He's been keeping his eyes on me nearly all day now. I'm feeling suspicious of him.

[Balla:] You weren't so different either Lightblade. Out of everyone else here, you are the least interactive.

[Lightblade:] Why should that be a problem? I have my reason for who I am right now. I'm a rogue, remember?

[Mendo:] You may act that way tough guy, but somewhere deep inside you've got a soft spot.

[Mr. Chipper:] There is something nice and fluffy under there.

[Bonnie:] I really want to know what he is hiding.

[Francis] Whatever's going on with Lightblade is his business, I think you should let him be.

Bonnie gives Freddy the are you kidding me look.

[Bonnie:] I have looked up to the White Knights of Bludhaven for my entire life. I've always wanted to meet an actual White Knight, and now there is one right in front of me. But I can sense there is something wrong with him. I just want to know what it is.

[Goldane:] I say go for it.

Francis looks up at Goldane in surprise.

[Goldane:] I believe the four of you each have a journey to accomplish. Francis must save Veccoran from imminent destruction...

Francis' eyes go down when nobody was looking.

[Goldane:] Felix and Charlotte are...well I'm not entirely sure. And Bonnie, your journey possibly deals with Lightblade.

[Bonnie:] Yeah, I guess my destiny does involve Lightblade in some way. I'll go for it. Thank you Goldane.

Goldane bows his head lightly.

[Francis:] Well... ok then.


~Cavoria, Sky Tower

Along the outskirts of Cavoria, smoke and fire was approaching as many anamorphic birds flee back to the defense line of the tall white structure with swirling upward blue lines.

[Gillian:] What is going on out here!?

[Soldier:] Prince Gillian, a strange series of smoke and fire sparked in the forest hours ago and it is now on its way towards the tower.

An anamorphic bald eagle comes down from the sky and lands next to Gillian.

[Gillian:] Brother.

[Sunshine:] There are six shadows approaching.

Sunshine points to 6 fast moving shadows. Coming out through the smoke and fire was Velorina and the other Dreads, all in predatory positions.

[Gillian:] It is the Dreads, Vrinigath's spawn!

[Velorina:] I see you remember us Prince Gillian son of King Aries XI.

[Sunshine:] Why have you come to the Sky Tower?

[Velorina:] To weaken your kingdom of course.

[Sunshine:] Go ahead and try it, the Sky Tower shall never fall by your hands.

An army of anamorphic birds assemble in front of the tower: swords, shields, spears, and arrows ready for usage.

[Gillian:] No matter what happens, you will not topple the tower, nor shall you enter.

[Velorina:] That's what you think...but we have a great amount of assistance.

Gillian and Sunshine just look at each other before the sound of rotating chains echoes from the smoke and fire. The Dreads move aside as the sound gets closer and closer. A shadow appears as well as a flash of light from the chains sparking the ground. Sunshine, Gillian, and their soldiers gasp in fear as the figure of Deadrus comes before them, rotating his chain whip, and eyes glowing darkish-white.

[Sunshine:] So...the greatest of all evil lives once again.

[Gillian:] The prophecy is true.

Deadrus walks passed the Dreads who bow before him.

[Deadrus:] Ah, the Sky Tower... still as high in the sky as it always has been. Unfortunately, this stronghold is in the way of my plans to conquer, and Cavoria shall be weakened by me.

[Sunshine:] Archers! Fire away!!!!

Archers fire their arrows at Deadrus who smiles and deflects them with his chains.


Francis and company are seen riding up a hill.

[Goldane:] We shall camp here tonight.

Everyone hops down from their Striders as night approached. Goldane, Mendo, Francis, Mr. Chipper, Felix, Balla, and Charlotte are seated around the newly made campfire.

[Mendo:] Alright, who's hungry for my famous Bonemeal soup?

[Mr. Chipper:] Ooh! I'll have some of that.

Mr. Chipper attempts to take Mendo's big bowl of soup but Mendo quickly slaps it out of his hand.

[Mendo:] No stealing Mr. Chipper! Have some respect.

[Mr. Chipper:] Sorry, I'm just an all-out eater.

Mendo hands over bowls of his soup to each person around the campfire.

[Felix:] Mmm, this is good.

[Charlotte:] I like it.

[Francis:] What's in it?

[Mendo:] My old bones of course! *flexes* Makes you strong.

While Mendo was flexing, Felix and Charlotte silently spit out the soup.

[Balla:] Thank you for the meal Mendo.

[Mendo:] Your all welcome.

Goldane takes a sip of the soup and nods in satisfaction.

[Mendo:] Will one of you please give these two to Bonnie and Lightblade.

[Francis:] I've got it.

Mendo hands the two bowls of soup to Francis who carries it to Lightblade and Bonnie.

Lightblade stood over a rock under the moonlight, slashing his sword around. He stops once he feels a presence nearby. He turns around to see Bonnie watching him from below.

[Lightblade:] Shouldn't you be by the campfire? I hear Mendo was making his special soup.

[Bonnie:] I could ask the same of you Lightblade. Why did you leave the White Knights of Bludhaven?

[Lightblade:] I already told you it is no concern of yours. And don't even bother joining them either, it is not worth your life serving under such an organization.

[Bonnie:] Being a White Knight is worth something Lightblade. You have the power to guide others into the light when they have fallen into darkness, you can give hope into the hearts of the hopeless, and you can replenish yourself to move forward in life.

[Lightblade:] Those are the words of Percival Paige, one of the ancient White Knights of Bludhaven... impressive.

[Bonnie:] Yes, I have read plenty of history about the White Knights of Bludhaven and all the good deeds they've done for Veccoran. I always imagined myself becoming a White Knight. The coronation, earning the blade of the white, and standing by the greatest of all the knights.

[Lightblade:] You really do have a love for the White Knights. But believe me, you do not want to be part of them. Trust me on that.

[Bonnie:] Never, I won't give up my dreams to become one of you. I would do anything to prove I am White Knight material.

[Lightblade:] You can't risk yourself to join them. Please believe me Bonnie, you do not want to be a part of the White Knights of Bludhaven.

[Bonnie:] Just tell me why you left them, at least give me something. All I want is to understand.

[Lightblade:] It is personal and I do not need anyone to know my life story as a White Knight, now just leave me be.

Bonnie just shakes his head and walks away as Lightblade watches him leave.

Charlotte is seen walking with Felix through the forest.

[Felix:] Uh, Charlotte.

[Charlotte:] Hmm.

[Felix:] Why we wanderin' true ta forest?

[Charlotte:] Just trying to find a certain bush.

[Felix:] Why ye be searchin' for a bush?

[Charlotte:] There it is.

Charlotte jogs over to a bush full of red fruit-like berries. Felix soon follows.

[Charlotte:] Here, try one.

Felix looks at the fruit awkwardly before accepting it from Charlotte. He sniffs it for a second before taking one good bite out of it.

[Felix:] Mmm...this is good.

Charlotte takes a bite from one herself, smiling.

[Felix:] What is it?

[Charlotte:] This is the Red Bushberry, I knew they would be around these parts of the forest because they like to be under trees that have less light coming through them, also the ground is perfectly fertile.

[Felix:] Wow, ye smart.

[Charlotte:] Yeah, I have longed for exploring the world beyond Green Hills. So, to prepare for such a travel I started reading through books and maps about places and other things in the outside world.

[Felix:] How cum ye din't long time ago?

[Charlotte:] My family liked to keep me homebound, especially after the disappearance of my father 20 years ago. Since I looked up to him all the time, mother didn't want me to end up like him. I have remained in Green Hills just as I promised to mother.

[Felix:] nut in Green Hills anymore are ye?

[Charlotte:] Yeah, I just thought this would be a good opportunity for me to leave Green Hills. Mother would not be happy about this.

[Felix:] So what? If ye luv ta explore ten go for it. Dun let anyone prevent ye from achievin' ye dreams.

[Charlotte:] You're right, you are such a good friend Felix.

Felix smiles and quickly turns away from Chica, blushing. Felix begins to think about lesson 1 of Lolly's way of winning someone's heart. He thinks for a while and takes a deep breath.

[Felix:] Mmm Charlotte.

[Charlotte:] Yes.

[Felix:] Me uh well uh...

Charlotte waits for him to speak.

[Felix:] Me was wondering if well uh...

[Charlotte:] Go on...

[Felix:] Will ye-

Lolly comes down from the top of the trees with her lasso in hand.

[Lolly:] Watch out!

Felix and Charlotte turn around screaming as a werewolf-like creature leaps towards them. Lolly uses her lasso to pull it away from them and swing it into a tree.

[Felix:] Lolly-

[Lolly:] Stay behind me!

The werewolf-like creature charges at Lolly, but she wraps it up with her lasso and stabs it with a dagger she pulls from her left side.

[Lolly:] Run! Back to the campsite.

The three of them begin to run off as more werewolf-like creatures come after them.


Francis, Bonnie, and Lightblade return to the campfire together.

[Francis:] You seem upset Bonnie, is something wrong?

[Bonnie:] Oh no not at all. Just starting to realize that some people are hard locks that will never open.

Lightblade just huffs and looks away.

[Francis:] I guess you were still having trouble with Lightblade.

[Lightblade:] He just needs to learn to stay out of other's business.

[Bonnie:] How about you lighten up and start acting like a White Knight?

[Lightblade:] I left the White Knights and I want nothing to do with them any further!

[Balla:] Settle down you two. We don't need to start up any fire.

[Mr. Chipper:] Heh, I get what you were saying.

[Mendo:] Not funny at all Mr. Chipper.

[Francis:] I hear screaming.

[Goldane:] Lolly, Felix, and Charlotte are in danger.

Everyone gets up and turns around, seeing their three friends running from one of the creatures. Lolly turns around to whip the creature, but it dodges her attack and claws her side, pinning her down. Felix swiftly turns around to pull out his sword and runs back after Lolly.

[Charlotte:] Felix no!

[Felix:] Get away from her!

The werewolf-like creature sees Felix coming and prepares to pounce him down, but Lolly lassos it back, giving Felix the opportunity to stab it in the stomach.

Another werewolf-like creature tries to pounce down on the crew near the campfire, but Lightblade shoots it with one of his arrows, giving Mendo and Mr. Chipper the chance to finish it off. Everyone then regroups together.

[Felix:] Are you alright?

[Lolly:] I'm fine, just scratched.

[Bonnie:] What were those things.

[Lightblade:] Warves, wolf-like monsters from Vriatonara.

[Balla:] These were most likely scouts, which means a pack cannot be too far behind.

[Goldane:] Deadrus sent them after Francis.

[Francis:] We've got to get out of here then!

[Bonnie:] I think that's going to be a problem.

The group turns sideways and sees a large pack of Warves attacking their Striders.

[Mr. Chipper:] There goes our rides.

Fangs spots the group and leads the charge towards them.

[Goldane:] Get behind me, I'll cover our escape!

As Fangs and his pack of Warves get closer, Goldane chants a spell that flashes a bright golden light that blinds them. After the light dims, Fangs growls angrily.

[Goldane:] Run!!!

Francis and company ran through the forest as the howls of the Warves echo from behind.

[Goldane:] Balla, fly up ahead and call for help! Quickly now.

Balla takes flight and zooms out of the trees into the air. Fangs and the other Warves were catching up fast.

[Mr. Chipper:] They are gaining on us!

[Goldane:] Everyone stay to Francis' side and protect him!

The Fatal Five Warriors run alongside Francis in a defensive circle around him. One Warve catches up with the group, but Mendo swiftly turns around to punch it down. More Warves were coming one by one, but each were being killed or repelled by one of the Fatal Five Warriors. Fangs looks around and sees Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte running separately from the others. Fangs growls to order some of his pack members to attack Francis' friends. Goldane sees some of the Warves going after Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte..

[Goldane:] You three! They're coming for you!

[Bonnie:] Ah shreg!

The three scattered as different numbers of Warves pursue them.

[Felix:] Down here Charlotte!

Felix and Charlotte both slide down a small ravine, but the Warves still followed. Bonnie runs up a tree and flips over three Warves trying to get him. After landing back down on the ground, Bonnie slashes one of the Warves and then continues running.

[Francis:] Someone please help my friends!

[Lolly:] I've got Felix and Charlotte!

[Goldane:] Lolly wait!

As Lolly broke the defensive formation around Francis, some of the Warves jump in and manages to disperse everyone.

Mr. Chipper chops one of the Warve's face to avoid being bitten, Mendo wrestles with a Warve across the ground, Lolly swings herself up a tree away from a couple of Warves, Lightblade does a tuck-and-roll before shooting two arrows into a Warve's neck, and Francis is shielded by Goldane but keeps on running.

[Charlotte:] Felix! Wait up.

[Felix:] Me'll slow down for ye tis time!

Felix gives Charlotte an opportunity to catch up with him. But the Warves were also catching up with the two.

[Charlotte:] They're getting closer Felix!

[Felix:] Stay close to me!

Lolly followed the two by tree.

[Lolly:] Hang on Felix and Charlotte!

A Warve leaps over Francis, confronting him. It charges but Francis quickly pulls out his sword and stabs it directly in the nose up to its brain. Killing the beast.

[Francis:] That's something you don't do every day.

Francis quickly pulls his sword out of the creature and continues running from more Warves. Mendo jabs the Warve he was wrestling with and manages to kill it.

[Mendo:] Haha! I am dom-

As Mendo began bragging and boasting, a Warve tackles him down.

[Mr. Chipper:] Timber!!!

Mr. Chipper drops down a tree he chopped down upon some of the Warves that chased him. Goldane summons a magical golden whip that he lashes against the Warves attacking him. Bonnie is seen getting tackled down by one of the Warves, but it stops moving after Bonnie swiftly drives his sword through its body.

[Bonnie:] Well, that wasn't too bad.

Lolly lassos two Warves and kills them both by hanging them before they could reach Felix and Charlotte. Charlotte looks up and sees a couple of rocks being blocked by a log.

[Charlotte:] Felix, cut that log to block them!

Felix swiftly pulls out his sword and chops the log three times till the rocks tumble down and block the incoming Warves, killing one in the process.

[Felix:] T'at probably wun stop t'em at all.

A Warve climbs over the pile of rocks and continues to chase the two.

[Charlotte:] Just keep running.

Lolly prepares to lasso the Warve, but one climbs up the tree she is on and nearly grasps her. She leaps down and lassos that Warve instead, forcefully pulls it down to the ground, and has it land on its neck to kill it. Bonnie gets cornered by two Warves. He swings his sword around to ward them off, but the Warves were not deterred. Lightblade jumps in with his sword in hand, and fights off the Warves. Lightblade stabs one Warve and quickly slashes the other, but then gets tripped by a Warve out of nowhere. Lightblade struggles to grab his sword as he uses his arm to push the Warve's head away from his face.

[Bonnie:] Lightblade.

Bonnie prepares to go in and try to help.

[Lightblade:] Stand back Bonnie!

[Bonnie:] "A White Knight will do what he thinks is right whenever his heart tells him so".

Bonnie charges in with his sword. The Warve turns to him and slaps Bonnie's weapon out of his hand before trying to claw him. Bonnie ducks and falls on his back as the Warve hovers over him, preparing to bite. However, a blade goes through its body as Lightblade finishes the creature.

[Lightblade:] What were you thinking Bonnie!?

[Bonnie:] Just doing what a White Knight would do.

More Warves were coming.

[Lightblade:] Get up and run-run!

Bonnie dashes ahead while Lightblade shoots one arrow at a Warve before running himself. Charlotte trips over and falls while Felix gets ahead.

[Charlotte:] Felix help!

[Felix:] Hang on Charlotte, me on ta way!

Charlotte gets up and pulls out her dagger until a Warve knocks her down, despite getting knifed in the hand, and pins her. The Warve then comes down to chomp on her face, but Felix throws his fist in its mouth. The Warve bites down on his hand and crushes it. Blood dripping down on Charlotte's face. Felix screams in pain as Charlotte kicks the creature off, giving the two the time to stab the creature together.

[Lolly:] Quickly climb!

Lolly tosses down her lasso down and pulls them both out of the ravine before other Warves could reach them.

Fangs searches around until his sights catch Francis on his own. Fangs pursues him. Most of the group slowly assembles back with each other while fending off the Warves still attacking them. Mr. Chipper, Mendo, Lightblade, and Goldane are front in center. Bonnie, Felix, Charlotte, and Lolly were behind.

[Goldane:] Where is Francis!?

[Mendo:] Over there!

Francis ran towards the group, but Fangs was not too far behind.

[Goldane:] Francis behind you!

[Bonnie:] Watch out!

Francis tries his best to run faster towards his friends as Fangs is in near reach of him. Lightblade shoots an arrow to delay Francis' pursuer. Goldane, Mr. Chipper, Mendo, and Lightblade attempt to aid Francis, but plenty of Warves stand in their way.

[Bonnie:] Francis hold on!

Bonnie attempts to help Francis, but Felix and Charlotte hold him back.

[Bonnie:] Let go of me guys!

[Charlotte:] You can't go after him.

[Bonnie:] But he needs help.

[Felix:] We can't help him.

Fangs grasps Francis and drags him away, but the Dawnbreaker cuts his chest in a attempt to run. However, Fangs grabs his shoulder and tosses him aside. Francis quickly grasps his sword firmly and fends himself against Fangs who still managed to knock him down. Suddenly, Balla comes down from the trees with her staff in hand, whacking Fangs away from Francis, pulling him to safety as the sound of a horn blairs.

[Goldane:] I know that horn sound.

Running down towards their enemies were deer warriors armed with blades and bows. Fangs and his pack stood their ground for as long as they could... but the strength and numbers of the deer warriors overpowered the Warves, forcing Fangs and his remaining pack members to retreat.

[Balla:] Are you alright Francis?

[Francis:] I'm alright...just a little bruised.

[Bonnie:] Francis, thank goodness, you're ok! I got worried about you for a second.

[Felix:] I'm surprised you managed to stand your ground against that Warve.

[Charlotte:] Talk about natural ability.

[Francis:] I'm not sure what was going on with me.

[Bonnie:] Well, at least you're still alive.

[Francis:] Yeah, and it was all thanks to these guys.

[Balla:] I am glad the Veil Deers were nearby, we needed some extra help.

[Elliot:] Goldane.

[Goldane:] Ah, Elliot Daily.

The two of them bow in respect.

[Elliot:] It's good to see you my friend, glad Balla found us while we were out securing our borders.

[Goldane:] And we thank you for saving us all from the wrath of those Warves, especially with the heir to Goldenza alongside us.

[Elliot:] This must be Francisco's heir to the throne.

[Francis:] Yes...that would be me.

[Elliot:] Pleased to meet your acquaintance.

Elliot and the other deer kneel before Francis.

[Francis:] Uh...thank you.

[Goldane:] I believe we head to the Mystic Forests for your protection?

[Elliot:] Of course, my father will gladly welcome you all into our kingdom. Follow us.

Everyone begins following the deer. Felix sat down tending to his injured hand that still bled. Charlotte and Lolly approach him.

[Charlotte:] That hand really needs to be tended to.

[Lolly:] Come on, we've got to move.

[Felix:] Dun worry ladies, a member o ta Black-Roger family knows ta stay strong a'ter bein' wounded.

Lolly and Charlotte stand by Felix's side and walk with him.


Francis and company are seen following the deer through a more mystical part of the forest. There were plenty of small yellow lights floating around like fireflies, and plenty of veil colors emanating all around. The group were later seen crossing over a bridge that hovered over a bright blue stream, until they come across an arch with ancient writings written.

[Bonnie:] Well this should be exciting.

The group enter the kingdom of the Veil Deer. They make it to the throne room where the king resided. He was pure royalty, with an aura of mysticism and nobility, but the most notable characteristic about the king was the tip of his antlers having blue glowing gems on them.

[Elliot:] Father.

Elliot bows down in respect to his father along with everyone else present.

[Elliot:] We have brought visitors.

[Goldane:] Lord Eld of the Mystic Forests.

[Eld:] Goldane, it has been a long time.

Goldane and Eld hug each other.

[Eld:] How have you been my friend?

[Goldane:] Just seeing how the world has changed over all the years that have passed...

Goldane and Eld turn to Francis.

[Goldane:] And I have been aiding the last of the Dawnbreaker bloodline.

[Eld:] Welcome to Veilas, Francis Dawnbreaker. I have foreseen the prophecy where you shall aid Veccoran in the darkest times.

[Francis:] I can already tell you know of one of my predecessors.

[Eld:] Indeed, I have known your grandfather during his reign in Goldenza. I greatly respected him and once fought alongside him when Deadrus first came into existence.

[Francis:] My family must be quite popular.

[Eld:] Yes, they have done many deeds for all who lived in Veccoran.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'd hate to interrupt but um...I need some food.

[Mendo:] You already had most of my soup!

[Mr. Chipper:] I already told you, big belly big appetite.

[Eld:] Of course, we were preparing a special dinner tonight. You are all welcomed to rest until you have the strength to continue your journey.

[Francis:] Thank you Lord Eld.

[Mr. Chipper:] Well then...where's the food?

Everyone gathered at a big long table where plenty of delicious and nutritious food was served.

[Felix:] Mmm, tis be so much bettah tan Mendo's soup.

[Charlotte:] I agree 100%.

[Mendo:] What was that about my soup?

[Felix:] Uh...

[Charlotte:] We love this food, but your soup is just as good *fake smiles*.

[Mendo:] Hmm... glad to hear it!

[Balla:] Slow down Mr. Chipper. You need to save food for everyone else.

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm sorry but this food is so good.

[Francis:] I never thought I would be dining with the Veil Deer of the Mystic Forests.

[Goldane:] You were always fascinated with them. This must be a dream come true for you.

[Francis:] Yes...

Francis looks down.

[Goldane:] What's wrong Francis?

[Francis:] My mother, I mean, Frieda would have loved this too... She used to tell me about how much she would love to come here. Just thinking about her makes me miss her.

[Goldane:] I am sure Frieda would have loved to come... but alas this is your journey and she would want you to find joy in it just as much as she would love to come.

[Francis:] Your right Goldane, you're always right.

Lightblade barely touched his food, something Bonnie noticed it.

[Bonnie:] I can tell something is on your mind Lightblade.

[Lightblade:] I cannot believe you risked yourself to try and save me. I can handle my own if you haven't noticed.

[Bonnie:] I could clearly see you needed some help with that Warve earlier. Don't act like you can do everything on your own. Besides I did what a White Knight would do, and that is to-

[Lightblade:] Bonnie, enough with your absolute knowledge of the White Knights of Bludhaven! You are not a White Knight and you never will be one no matter what White Knight qualities you use. Just give up that dream that will never ever come true in your life!

The room goes silent... everyone's attention turns to both Lightblade and Bonnie, the latter who falls into tears despite maintaining a stony face.

[Bonnie:] You know what Lightblade...

Bonnie sniffs and wipes away most of his tears.

[Bonnie:] Maybe you're just a lost cause!

Bonnie angrily stomps away as Lightblade turns looking down.

[Francis:] Lightblade that was too far.

[Felix:] Ye dun just hert otter's feelin's.

[Charlotte:] That was very disrespectful of you Lightblade... for a former White Knight of Bludhaven.

[Lightblade:] Can you all please never refer to me as a former White Knight for once...!

[Goldane:] But that is who you were long ago Lightblade, and I know that part of you remains inside locked up for an emotional reason.

[Francis:] If you left the White Knights of Bludhaven, then that is fine. But don't break another person's dreams of becoming one. The White Knights were Bonnie's role models. He would have loved for someone to teach him the ways of the knights so one day he could earn the right to be one of them. You are just being very mean and disrespectful... not a very good figure to look up to hmm?

Lightblade just sits and listens while placing his hands together, covering his mouth.

[Goldane:] All we want you to do Lightblade is see how much these dreams mean to Bonnie, and we want you to apologize to him. We are not saying you should go back to the White Knights of Bludhaven.

Lightblade thinks to himself before walking away.

[Francis:] Hope that turned things around.


Goldane and Eld sat standing atop of a balcony.

[Eld:] I can sense the heir of Goldenza refuses to accept his destiny laid before him.

[Goldane:] He will accept it sooner or later as he continues his journey.

[Eld:] That is if he chooses to.

Goldane and Eld watch Francis down below. He was playing his flute.

[Eld:] I can already see the high possibility he'll abandon this quest and never look back.

[Goldane:] He just needs a better understanding of it. I could see the power he has within him, but he's holding back. I believe eventually he'll see why he is important to Veccoran and why he was chosen to save it.

[Eld:] I am hoping he does...if Francis rejects his destiny, then Veccoran will fall to the evil might of Deadrus.

[Goldane:] I believe it will not come to that. I am confident Francis will have his moment to show he finally knows his importance.


At the Sky Tower, plenty of dead bodies laid around. Deadrus was laughed gloriously while slaughtering more attacking soldiers.

[Deadrus:] Weak powerless birds.

The Dreads climbed to the very top of the tower to destroy its central core, sending the tower crumbling down. Sunshine and Gillian were watching down on the ground, exhausted.

[Sunshine:] We've failed.

[Gillian:] It doesn't matter...we must warn the kingdom of Cavoria that Deadrus has returned to conquer all Veccoran.

[Sunshine:] Then let us fly.

As the two took off into the air; Springtrap catches them in his sight, swings around his chain whip, launches it, and then drags down Sunshine forcefully to the ground.

[Gillian:] Sunshine!

Deadrus laughs evilly as he retracts his chains. Sunshine on the other hand was in serious pain and found his right wing ripped clean off from his back.

[Gillian:] Brother I'm coming!

[Sunshine:] No Gillian! Head back to Cavoria and warn the king, warn Veccoran of Deadrus' return...

[Gillian:] I won't leave you brother!

[Sunshine:] Just go!!!

Deadrus kicks Sunshine's injury to flip him over, purposefully hurting him even more. Gillian falls into tears as he shares one final glance with the greatest of all evil. Gillian then takes a deep breath and flies away.

[Deadrus:] Now that the Sky Tower has fallen, only one stronghold remains in my way.

[Sunshine:] You will never conquer Veccoran...

Deadrus just kneels, down smiling at Sunshine.

[Deadrus:] Who will stop me Obviously not after I tore your wing clean off.

[Sunshine:] I hope the last descendent of the Dawnbreaker bloodline annihilates you at the end of all this.

[Deadrus:] I highly doubt it. After all, my pet has possibly already killed him.

The Dreads return from toppling the tower, Velorina front and center.

[Sunshine:] You lie!

[Deadrus:] Maybe...or possibly not.

[Sunshine:] I know the heir to Goldenza will not be easily slain by your lesser companions.

[Deadrus:] That remains to be seen Sunshine.

Deadrus winks at him while making a clicking noise with his tongue.

[Sunshine:] I hope you rot in hell!

[Deadrus:] I am hell...

Deadrus lights his hand on fire.

[Deadrus:] Now burn.

Deadrus grabs Sunshine's face and melts him down to the point only his skull, now red hot, remained untouched.

[Velorina:] Shall we go after the prince my lord.

[Springtrap:] No, let him suffer. I want all Veccoran to suffer. Return to Vriatonara.


Back in Veilas, Felix's hand was wrapped up in bandages. Charlotte peaks in and gently knocks on the doorway.

[Felix:] Ahoy Charlotte, how ye been?

[Charlotte:] I just wanted to say thank you for saving me from the Warve from before.

[Felix:] Ye welcome me lady.

[Charlotte:] How is your arm?

[Felix:] Crushed n compacted by razor sharp teet.

Charlotte sits down next to Felix.

[Felix:] Looks like me woo have ta get me hand decapitated... me probably goin' ta be gettin' a hook ta replace it.

[Charlotte:] You're going to have another accessary as a pirate.

[Felix:] Indeed, just like me great great grandfather, Jackson Stormo Piraton Black-Roger. He wuss wrestlin' wit a Krahs out on Krahs Bite Pool. He may've lost a hand, but he defeated it wit just won fist. A'ter t'at he gut a silver hook t'at he used ta fight in many battles in his life.

[Charlotte:] I guess from then on out your family loved hooks.

[Felix:] Aye, most of them anyway.

Another silent moment occurs between the two. Felix was thinking about telling Charlotte how he feels about her... but once again he begins to overthink. Then he remembers what Lolly told him earlier today. "You'll never know unless you try". Confidence was beginning to build within Felix.

[Charlotte:] Well then, I'm going to have a look around.

[Felix:] Uh Charlotte...

[Charlotte:] Yes.

[Felix:] Have fun exploring.

[Charlotte:] Ok.

As Charlotte walks away and Felix watches her go, they are unaware of Lolly standing in the shadows, her eyes glowing white, leaning on a pillar with her arms crossed. Felix could already feel her presence.

[Felix:] Spyin' on me unce again Lolly?

[Lolly:] Why didn't you tell her? That was an opportunity right there.

[Felix:] Me just dun think it be ta right time ta say some'tin.

[Lolly:] Well it's either now or never Felix. If you continue to waste opportunities there will be a chance she will find someone else, and that will leave you broken inside. Trust me... I know.

Felix saw the sudden mood change in Lolly and remembered the same thing happened to her today.

[Felix:] Me can tell some'tin is wrong.

Lolly doesn't say anything and just sits down.

[Felix:] Did ye waste opportunities ta be wit ta person ye fell for?

[Lolly:] Yes... I did, and since then I've regretted it for the rest of my life.

[Felix:] What happened?

[Lolly:] During my life as a Fox Ranger, I fell in love with the great captain of all the rangers. You probably know who that is.

[Felix:] You fell in love with Captain Nicholas Wilde!?

[Lolly:] I did, and I had plenty of chances to tell him how I felt... but things got tougher for me when another girl wanted him just the same.

Felix listens to her story more closely.

[Lolly:] Her name was Leela Lyborne, and we competed for him. But after a few months time, she successfully won him over...I was heartbroken, and I just couldn't handle the pain. It was too late, and I wished I could have told him...

Felix felt terrible for her, feeling the same pain she was feeling. He could already imagine the same scenario happening to him.

[Lolly:] So you's now or never.

Felix gives Lolly a hug, making her feel more comfortable.

[Felix:] Me very sorry for ye loss. Me can a'ready feel ta pain ye have experienced. But me know tis...

The two break apart and look each other in the eyes dearly, unaware that some sort of shining glimmer occurred in their eyes.

[Felix:] Ye must learn ta move on frum ta past and look tward ta future. If ye keep on holdin' to ta past...ten it will haunt ye for ta rest of ye life.

[Lolly:] You're right Felix, I should move on.

The two smile at each other before Felix decides to leave.


Bonnie sat down over a ledge, still upset about what Lightblade said to him. Lightblade himself watched from the shadows. His white eyes glowing in the dark. He takes a deep breath and approaches Bonnie, sitting next to him.

[Bonnie:] What do you want!? Come to hurt my feelings even more.

[Lightblade:] No...I wanted to apologize for earlier. It wasn't the right thing to say.

Bonnie doesn't say anything as he turns to look at him.

[Lightblade:] Look uh... if you want to be a White Knight of Bludhaven then that's fine, I'll respect that. But I made my choice to leave it, and the reason why I left is too personal to tell. I get defensive easily whenever someone questions my decision to leave the White Knights. So...yeah, I am sorry.

[Bonnie:] Apology accepted...I'll respect your decision to leave the White Knights.

[Lightblade:] Good, glad we straightened that out. Now tell me, what made you so fascinated with becoming a White Knight of Bludhaven?

[Bonnie:] My oldest ancestor, never knew his or her name, was a White Knight in ancient times. All I knew was that he led the White Knights in many great battles, and ensured the safety of the innocent and aided the poor. After hearing those stories, I decided to learn more through books and fairytales. Ever since then, I became very fascinated with them and wanted to be one myself one day, despite what others thought.

[Lightblade:] You really don't know who your ancestor was?

[Bonnie:] Yes, I don't really know much about him or her.

Lightblade saw a familiar mark on Bonnie's right arm. It almost resembled a four pointed star.

[Lightblade:] What is that mark on your arm?

[Bonnie:] What this... mother told me it was something from birth, probably just a special birthmark.

[Lightblade:] I looks familiar though.

[Bonnie:] That's what the majority of people say.

Lightblade nods.

[Lightblade:] Have you ever heard of Arthur Bludhaven?

[Bonnie:] Yes, he was the one who started the White Knights of Bludhaven in ancient times. He fought against many of Veccoran's greatest evils and saved it from invaders of the sea.

[Lightblade:] Then you may also know about the creed he created...I haven't spoken it in a while, but if you want to be a White Knight, you must know and honor this creed.

[Bonnie:] Ok, let's do it.

Bonnie and Lightblade were in another room where the moonlight dived down upon them. Both had their swords in hand and were perfectly aligned with each other.

[Lightblade:] ...I am a White Knight of Bludhaven. servant of all good things, and a defender of the innocent.

Lightblade and Bonnie both swing their swords together.

[Lightblade:] I swear to all that no darkness will go through me...

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I go through darkness.

The two of them once again swing their swords together in harmony.

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will fight as bright as the light... I will never bow down to evil... I will rise with will... I will stand against all.

Lightblade and Bonnie swing their swords together once again.

[Lightblade:] I may die, but death isn't the end...

[Bonnie:] I may die, but death isn't the end...

[Lightblade and Bonnie:] I will come to the light and resurrect...

[Lightblade:] And complete my journey's end.

[Bonnie:] And complete my journey's end.

The two of them swing their swords again, but this time, Lightblade's sword glows before dimming down.

[Bonnie:] Whoa, what was that?

[Lightblade:] The power of the light...all White Knights have a special power inside, but I have never used mine since I could never really unlock it.

[Bonnie:] Wow, I hope I have the power of the light within me.

[Lightblade:] You'll never know until the time is right.

[Bonnie:] Thank you Lightblade, I feel very confident that I will become a White Knight in the future.

[Lightblade:] Good, just follow your heart.



Deadrus is seated in his throne room.

[Phantomice:] My lord, Fangs and his pack have returned... but unfortunately, they have failed to annihilate the last descendent of the Dawnbreakers.

Deadrus nods angrily as his pet returns by his side.

[Deadrus:] Fangs, I had high hope that you would be able to complete this task...

Fangs just stares up at Deadrus.

[Deadrus:] But now you face the consequences of failure!

Deadrus grabs Fangs by the neck and breaks it, killing his own pet. Everyone around the room doesn't flinch at all as he burns Fang's dead body.

[Seth:] What shall you do now master?

[Springtrap:] It appears this last living member of the Dawnbreaker bloodline is stronger than I have anticipated...

[Phantomice:] Who will you send next?

[Deadrus:] Dark Skull!

Entering the throne room was a black figure, wearing demonic armor, had a skull painted on his mask, and had a big sword strapped to his back.

[Dark Skull:] I am at your service my lord.

[Deadrus:] I have a task for you... find the last Dawnbreaker and kill him however you please.

[Dark Skull:] It will be done master.



Francis and company began packing, ready to travel once again.

[Eld:] Francis Dawnbreaker, take this talisman.

Francis takes a veil crystal object from Eld's hands.

[Francis:] Thanks...what is this?

[Eld:] This talisman belonged to your father and grandfather before you... someday you will figure out why it will be important as your journey continues.

[Francis:] Oh...thank you Lord Eld.

[Eld:] May you reach Goldenza and save Veccoran from the growing evil in the world.

Felix walks out with a golden hook replacing his hand.

[Charlotte:] Nice, very shiny.

[Felix:] Thanks. Fits me nicely eh.

[Goldane:] Farewell great protectors of the Mystic Forests.

Eld, Elliot, and the other residents wave goodbye to Francis and company as they travel away from the forest, beginning to cross different terrain other than forested regions.



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