The WAR Series

By MikaelDuncan4

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This epic saga revolves around a legendary family known as the Dawnbreakers and their battles against nefario... More

A Journey Begins: Prologue
A Journey Begins: Act Two
A Journey Begins: Act Three
Throne Of The King: Prologue
Throne Of The King: Act One
Throne Of The King: Act Two
Throne Of The World: Act Three
Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act One
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Two
Freedom Of Veccoran: Act Three
Cold Shadow: Prologue
Cold Shadow: Act One

A Journey Begins: Act One

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By MikaelDuncan4

Act One:


A brown bear, sitting on a long in the forest, was playing the flute. He is surrounded by lush green, peaceful insects, and a bright sunshine seaming through from the trees above. His ears began twitching, causing him to cease tuning. He turned to his side and heard humming noises close by. A horse-like creature, known as a Strider, walked along a dirt road with a humming hooded figure mounted upon it. The humming noise was coming from a male, who appeared to have an elderly voice tone. The brown bear is seen treading through the forest towards the noises and comes across the dirt road. He is confronted by the Strider and the figure riding it.

[Francis:] I see you're humming the poem Travel by Robin Louis Stevenson.

The figure raises his head and removes his hood, revealing himself to be a golden bear similar to the late king, Frandos, but with a more yellowish color in the mix.

[Goldane:] I see you know your poems dear Francis.

[Francis:] Well I won't be young for much longer you know.

[Goldane:] *chuckles* Oh of course, today is your special day after all.

[Francis:] Yes, today will be the day I become a fullgrown.

[Goldane:] Well then let us be on our way.

Francis climbs atop the Goldane's Strider, with some assistance from him, and then continue down the dirt road. Soon, a landscape of hills came into sight, with several houses on top each one.

[Goldane:] Ah, it is good to be back in Green Hills. I missed the wonderful greenery of this place, and all the folk here are very welcoming.

[Francis:] I can tell.

Local citizens around the place waved towards Goldane who nods his head in return while they pass by.

[Francis:] And some miss you as well.

[Goldane:] Oh I am sure they do. I have helped quite a few children find families and give the homeless homes.

[Francis:] So how was your travelling Goldane? What has Veccoran been like lately?

[Goldane:] Oh what's there to tell...? The world is still suffering from how the current rulers of the other 7 kingdoms are handling society. At least they are not fighting against each other like years before.

[Francis:] I'm glad the Kingdom Divison ended 7 years ago. The last thing we need is more social conflict.

Hopping alongside the two came a blue bunny nearly the same age as Francis in appearance.

[Bonnie:] Hello Francis and welcome back Goldane.

[Francis:] *waves* Hello Bonnie.

[Goldane:] Ah, Bonnie Becks how are you?

[Bonnie:] Hopping around from rocks to rivers of course, and spending quality time with my closest friend.

[Francis:] I should be going now Goldane.

Goldane turned to Francis with a leaving already look on his face.

[Francis:] Me and Bonnie are gathering all our friends together to discuss our plans for the future.

[Goldane:] Ah I see, well go on ahead. The future is important, and you must always plan for it.

Goldane stops his Strider momentarily for Francis to step down.

[Francis:] I'm glad you could make it to my celebration today Goldane. It really means so much to me.

Goldane smiles gracefully as Francis and Bonnie stride off across the hill.

[Goldane:] I'll see you both later tonight.

Goldane continues onward as both Francis and Bonnie disappear down a hill. Later he is seen riding up one hill. He climbs down from the Strider and ties it to a nearby post, giving it an apple as a reward before heading for the front door. He gives it two knocks and waits for a response.

[Frieda:] Who's there? If you're another annoying neighbor please go away.

[Goldane:] *smiles* Do I count as one.

The door open's and a female light brown bear comes into appearance.

[Frieda:] Goldane! Your back.

[Goldane:] Frieda Major.

The two hug each other happily.

[Frieda:] It has been too long since I last saw you.

[Goldane:] It has just been 3 years 7 months and 6 days. You're still as beautiful as the last moonlight of spring.

[Frieda:] Thank You. Come in.

Frieda waves him inside and welcomes Goldane in before closing the door.

[Frieda:] Can I get you anything? After all you must have had quite a long travel back here to Green Hills.

[Goldane:] Oh no, but a little Scott Tea would be nice.

Frieda hurries into the kitchen.

[Frieda:] Coming right up.

Goldane takes a little tour around the house, looking over pictures of Frieda and Freddy together, while she was making his tea.

[Frieda:] So how was your travels? You must have seen wonderful places.

[Goldane:] Indeed I have. I wandered through the Mystic Forests, visited Glass Water Island, and recently I have visited The Great Wall of Sanchina.

[Frieda:] Really?

Frieda is seen finishing up the Scott Tea and gives it to Goldane at the dinner table.

[Frieda:] You've traveled all the way to one of the strongest defenses in all Veccoran?

[Goldane:] Yes, it is still as strong as it has been for the last 100 years.

Goldane takes a sip of his tea while Frieda cleans up her kitchen sink.

[Frieda:] I suppose you already ran into Francis.

[Goldane:] Yes, I have. He is very happy about reaching adulthood.

[Frieda:] He has grown to be quite the cub.

[Goldane:] Francis truly has changed throughout his childhood. All thanks to you of course.

[Frieda:] Oh, it wasn't just me. You also played a role in his time of growing.

[Goldane:] Yes, I did teach him well in his educational years. You were responsible for who he has become today, mostly.

Frieda smiles while nodding her head in agreement. Goldane's eyes fell downward.

[Goldane:] Frieda...

Frieda turns to face him.

[Goldane:] I hate to say this...

Frieda just stares, waiting for him to continue.

[Goldane:] It is time that Francis knew the truth.

Frieda turns away from him and looks out the window in front of her.

[Goldane:] I know it's going to be hard for you, but you knew this day would come.

[Frieda:] I know... I've just been so accustomed to Francis being my own child that I decided to forget who he really is and what lies ahead for him. I know his destiny is important, but I feel he shouldn't be taken away from this life. This is his home, and he loves it deep within his heart.

[Goldane:] He cannot avoid what is destined for him in the future. The signs of the growing dark are all around Veccoran. The prophecy has begun to spread around, and whispers about the return of Goldenza's true king has formed a regime awaiting Francis. More urgently, I've become aware that Deadrus is on the verge of returning... the time is now Frieda. You know how important this is.

Frieda is seen in deep emotional thoughts as she sheds a couple of tears, trying her best not to cry.

[Frieda:] You're right...

She wipes her tears away and takes a breath.

[Frieda:] I guess it is time for him to know the truth, but not yet. Just please allow him to enjoy his celebration tonight. If this will be the last time he is ever going to live in Green Hills with me and everyone he has ever known, then he should enjoy his possible last moments of peace.

[Goldane:] Of course. Today will be his last day here in this place he calls home.


Down near a harbor not too far away from Green Hills, a fox is seen fishing at the edge of a dock. This wasn't just any fox, this was a pirate fox.

[Francis:] Felix!

The fox turns around to see Francis and Bonnie approaching.

[Felix:] Ahoy me lads! Guut ta see ta both o yah.

[Bonnie:] So what are we fishing for this day?

[Felix:] Em attempting ta catch one o tem sparkling fish cumming 'round durin ta summer time. Unfortunately, nun 'ave tempted ta bite.

[Bonnie:] Don't worry maybe they're not very active today.

[Francis:] Found your own pirate crew yet?

[Felix:] Nay, tis ben very 'ard ta hire crew members. Me startin ta feel lie nobody won ta join me.

[Francis:] Don't give up just yet Felix. I'm sure some people will come around. After all, you are a part of the Black-Roger family.

Felix nods knowing how special his family is.

[Bonnie:] Yeah, if your great great great grandfather Luscious Piraton Black-Roger could find and recruit a whole fleet then this shouldn't be harder than it already looks.

[Felix:] Buh me ain't me great great great grandfather. Me just useless unrecognizable Felix Piraton Roberts Black-Roger.

[Bonnie:] We understand that you could never be like him, but don't ever doubt yourself. Just wait and see. You might be surprised how things will turnout.

Felix smiles until he starts feeling a strong tug on his line. He quickly gets to his feet and begins reeling in his pole.

[Francis:] It looks like we are going to wait and see.

Felix reels in his line and to his surprise, as well as Francis and Bonnie's, a sparkling fish was at the end of his line.

[Felix:] Yar har! Me caught ta sparklin fish.

[Bonnie:] I hope today boosts your confidence in finding your very own crew one day.

[Felix:] Aye that be true, me can a'ready see a crew right now.

[Francis:] So are you coming to my birthday party tonight?

[Felix:] Oh ho ho... wouldn't miss it.

[Bonnie:] Good, and just to let you know... Charlotte Henna will be there.

Felix's eyes widen, left totally speechless, as Francis and Bonnie walk away.

[Felix:] Are ye serious?

[Francis:] Of course. She is one of our friends.

[Bonnie:] And I'm going to tell her that you have feelings directly for her.

Bonnie winked at him in a teasing manner.

[Felix:] Oh no ye don't!

Felix chased after Bonnie, who was laughing while getting a head start. Francis soon followed in pursuit, giggling with joy.


Far out in the land of Vriatonara, on the erupting mountain, inside of the castle was a chamber where a bunch of purple cloaked creatures are gathering, chanting in an unrecognizable language. Coming through a small crowd of the cloaked creatures is a finely dressed priest figure, wearing a torn-up hood and sleeveless coat while holding a dark evil glowing lantern. He approaches a pit full of purple liquid. Then he kneels over and looks down for a moment, before raising a left hand to silence the creatures surrounding the place.

[Seth Creighton:] Today! We bring back the greatest evil Veccoran has ever known.

The hooded creatures began chanting. Then again being motioned to silence.

[Seth Creighton:] For 30 years he has been kept under the face of death, but no longer. Today, we shall resurrect our fallen master. Today, Deadrus the greatest of all evil, shall rise again!

Other hooded creatures appeared, holding separate objects in their grasp, upon approaching the pit.

[Seth Creighton:] The Hellfire, The Soul of Darkness, Deadrus golden armor, and the shards of Vrinigath Dread. With these elements, our master shall rise once again!

All the hooded creatures chant loudly while the priest hovers his lantern over the pit and begins casting a dark spell of resurrection. All the other creatures chant along to enhance the spell. The pit begins to bubble and boil. Soon enough, the lava within the pit turns golden green... Rising from the pit comes Deadrus. He takes a breath of air and opens his glowing white eyes. He stands tall as the priest and the other hooded creatures bow before him.

[Seth Creighton:] Welcome back my lord.

[Deadrus:] You've done well Seth... I have returned!

Deadrus enters his former master's throne room, seating himself upon the black throne. On his left side was a werewolf-like creature that blended very well within the dark, and on his right side was Seth Creighton. Lined up along both sides of the room were 6 female human-like knights, who shared similarities to Vrinigath Dread.

[Deadrus:] What news from the outside world?

[Seth:] All 7 kingdoms have been weakened thanks to my efforts. For the last 7 years they have disbanded their unity after a little schism we've caused to drive them apart.

Deadrus is seen stroking the werewolf creature next to him.

[Deadrus:] Excellent, with all kingdoms weakened I will be able to conquer the land with little resistance.

Walking into the throne room was a glowing greenish-yellow humanoid phantom being. He bows in respect to his master.

[Deadrus:] Phantomice.

[Phantomice:] I have come to inform you about a prophecy that has been spreading out throughout the realm.

[Deadrus:] What is this prophecy?

[Phantomice:] There have been rumors about one who is the last survivor of the Dawnbreaker bloodline. It has been foretold that he will journey all the way to Goldenza, reclaim it, and then confront you in the upcoming war.

[Deadrus:] Is this true?

[Seth:] Indeed my lord, I refused to believe it the first time the rumors began. Now it all appears to be true.

[Deadrus:] So where is this Dawnbreaker?

[Phantomice:] We do not know... This last heir to the throne has not been seen since the death of Francisco Dawnbreaker.

[Deadrus:] Then we must find him and kill him. If the prophecy is true then I cannot allow an enemy to rise up against me.

Deadrus turns to Seth.

[Deadrus:] Send out your wraiths to track him down.

[Seth:] At once my lord.

Seth enters a tomb where 12 stone casings are held. He lifts his lantern and begins chanting an awakening spell. Rising from the casings were 12 black wraiths, screeching like banshees.

[Seth:] Arise my wraiths.


In Green Hills, Francis' birthday celebration has begun. There were lights, music, fireworks, dancing, eating, and many conversations going on. Francis, Bonnie, and many of their friends were sitting together, socializing. Frieda and Goldane were talking with one another. Felix sat at a table, drinking a bottle of rum, while watching a female yellow chicken dancing.

[Bonnie:] Felix.

He gets startled by both Francis and Bonnie.

[Felix:] Ahoy lads, nice party we have eh.

[Bonnie:] Yes, this is a wonderful party, but it would be more fun if you would dance with Charlotte.

Felix looks at Charlotte for one moment and then quickly diverts his eyes.

[Felix:] Me need more rum!

Felix quickly tried to run. Bonnie however pulled him back down.

[Bonnie:] Oh no buddy! You're not cowering out this time.

[Felix:] Unhand me Bonnie!

[Bonnie:] Quickly, call Charlotte over.

Francis smiled and shook his head-smiling.

[Francis:] Charlotte! Come over here.

Charlotte comes over to the table as Felix squirms, managing wriggling out of Bonnie's grip.

[Charlotte:] Hey guys. What's up?

[Bonnie:] Felix here wanted to ask you to dance with him.

Felix faints and lays his head on the table, embarrassed.

[Charlotte:] Really?

[Felix:] Aye...

[Charlotte:] Ok then let's go.

Charlotte offers her hand to him. Felix unwillingly accepts and then both start dancing together with the rest of the crowd. To Bonnie's delight, he laughs, noticing Felix is trying to keep things less awkward.

[Francis:] You think the two of them will get together one day?

[Bonnie:] Possibly, after all he has been in love with her for the last 10 years.


Out from the borders of Green Hills, a raccoon is seen sitting around a campfire cooking some meat. A wind gushes, putting out the fire. The raccoon begins hearing faint screams behind him. Once he turns around a skeletal hand grabs him by the face... the raccoon is reduced into a lifeless husk. Back at the party everyone was gathering at a table where Francis was front and center.

[Francis:] My moment has finally come.

A big chocolate covered cake is seen being carried over towards Francis.

[Bonnie:] Such a big day for you. We are all very proud to have grown up alongside you.

[Felix:] Me happy for ye lad.

[Charlotte:] So am I. Congratulations Francis.

The cake is placed in front of Francis. Everyone claps for him as Goldane and Frieda appear alongside him.

[Frieda:] Happy birthday son.

[Francis:] Thanks mom, I really appreciate the party today.

[Goldane:] We all are proud to have been part of your journey and are excited to see how you live on as an fullgrown.

[Frieda:] Go ahead son... make a wish.

Francis was about to blow his candles until a gush of wind blew it out for him. All other lights in the surrounding area were taken out not long after. Everyone began to get a bit jumpy.

[Bonnie:] What's going on?

[Francis:] I don't know.

Charlotte huddles up with Felix, who is surprised she is clutching him closer to her, as his ears began to twitch. Faint screams sound off.

[Frieda:] What's that noise?

Goldane's eyes squint as he pulls out a golden amulet.

[Francis:] That is not a normal sound from any creature we have heard before.

[Frieda:] What is it Goldane?

[Goldane:] A dark presence is among us.

Goldane places his amulet around his neck, transforming into a sorcerer wearing a golden cape and a flat hat.

[Goldane:] Everyone get out of here!

Goldane quickly chants a spell, throwing his fist down to the ground causing a bright golden wave of light to spread across the land, revealing the 12 wraiths preparing to attack. Goldane swiftly engaged them as everyone scatters. Three wraiths target Goldane while the rest throw down purple magic blasts upon the citizens of Green Hills.

[Francis:] Oh my lord-

[Bonnie:] Get down!

Bonnie drags Francis to the ground to avoid getting hit.

[Francis:] Thanks Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] Come on let's get out of here!

Both Francis and Bonnie ran as the wraiths continued causing mayhem. Goldane shields himself from some of the wraith's melee attacks before striking back with a melee of his own. The rest of the wraiths were searching, killing others in the process.

[Bonnie:] What the heck are those things?!

[Francis:] Dark forces of some kind.

Felix and Charlotte ran together. She was lagging behind.

[Charlotte:] Felix slow down!

[Felix:] Sorry me lady! When danger is here ye gawt ta run.

One wraith confronts the two of them. Charlotte quickly hides behind Felix, backing away from the entity.

[Charlotte:] Felix I'm scared...

[Felix:] Just stay b'hind me.

Francis and Bonnie hide under a bench. The two notice both Felix and Charlotte in trouble. Bonnie crawls out, but Francis holds him back.

[Francis:] What are you doing!? Don't go out there!

[Bonnie:] Our friends are in trouble, and someone has to help.

Bonnie dashes out into the open, grabs a candle light, and then quickly tosses it at the wraith. On impact, the wraith was now covered with flames, distracting it long enough for Bonnie to lure Felix and Charlotte away from it.

[Francis:] Quickly under here!

The wraith recovers from the flames and pursues the trio.

[Charlotte:] It's coming for us!

Felix and Bonnie turn around. The wraith reaches out to grab one of the three... until it catches Francis in its sight, zooming past the others.

[Bonnie:] It's going after Francis!

[Felix and Charlotte:] Run Francis!

[Felix:] Get outta there laddy!

Francis moves from under the bench. He makes a run for it, but the wraith grasps him and then screeches out a loud noise that irritates everyone's hearing. The other wraiths respond and converge on the single wraith calling. The three wraiths battling Goldane avoid him. The wraith that grasped Francis began dragging him away as he struggled to free himself.

[Frieda:] Where's my son!?

[Bonnie:] Those things took him.

[Felix:] Why those bein's of darkness a'ter him?

[Charlotte:] We must save him.

[Goldane:] Leave that to me.

Goldane chases after the wraiths who were dragging Francis away. One wraith catches him pursuing them and signals 6 other wraiths to hold him off.

[Francis:] Let me go!

The remaining wraiths drop Francis down near a stream away from Green Hills.

[Francis:] Don't come any closer!

Francis tosses a couple of rocks at them. No damage was done. When he throws another rock, one wraith catches it within its skeletal hand and crushes it. Francis is then grabbed by the throat by one wraith... life being drained from his healthy body. Suddenly, an arrow hits the wraith trying to kill him. A white bunny leaps out from the shadows, pulling out a bright sword, and draws the wraiths away from Francis, who slowly recovers. The white bunny easily repels the wraiths. Goldane, on the other hand, was having a small struggle with the wraiths keeping him away from Francis.

[Goldane:] I've had enough of you shadow dwellers!

Goldane summons a golden shield of light that pushes away the wraiths, giving him enough time to chant a spell. Once he casts it, Goldane summons a translucent golden dragon that devours and disintegrates the wraiths.

[Bonnie:] That was incredible.

[Frieda:] He is a powerful sorcerer.

Goldane rides on his golden dragon all the way to where the white bunny was fending off the wraiths. Francis looks up and saw him coming.

[Francis:] Goldane.

[Goldane:] Begone beings of darkness!

Goldane annihilates the wraiths before his golden dragon disappears. Francis gets back to his feet as the white bunny places his sword back in his scabbard.

[Goldane:] Ah, Lightblade Starlight.

[Lightblade:] Goldane.

[Goldane:] So glad you could make it. If you weren't here Francis would have been killed.

[Francis:] Ok Goldane... what just happened and why were those things after me!?

[Goldane:] Francis-

[Frieda:] Oh my goodness! Francis are you alright!?

Frieda hugs and kisses him.

[Francis:] Its ok mom I'm fine...

Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte make it to the scene.

[Francis:] Just a little confused about what happened tonight.

[Goldane:] I believe now is the time Frieda.

Francis looks at the two with confusion written in his eyes.

[Francis:] Time-time for what?

Frieda looks at Francis, looks back at Goldane, and directly back at Francis. The look in her eyes worried him. Francis could tell something was wrong and his friends were starting to see it to.

[Frieda:] Francis... there is something I need to tell you.


At Frieda's home, Goldane stands at the front door watching Lightblade walk out. Inside, everyone sat at the dinner table.

[Frieda:] Francis, I know this is going to be very hard for you, but there is something very important you must know.

[Francis:] What is it?

[Frieda:] Francis dear... I love you, but the truth is-

She tries to hold back her tears. Goldane was very sad knowing Frieda didn't want to speak the truth.

[Frieda:] You're not really my son.

Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte gasped out of shocked. Francis couldn't believe what he was hearing.

[Francis:] No... it's not true... tell me this isn't true Goldane.

Goldane turned away for a moment, deep breaths.

[Goldane:] It is Francis.

[Bonnie:] So all this time you were adopted?

[Felix:] Aye, t'at must be 'ard ta hear.

[Charlotte:] So if Francis is adopted, who is his real family?

[Goldane:] Francis is the last of the Dawnbreaker bloodline.

Everyone's jaw dropped once they heard the name Dawnbreaker.

[Bonnie:] Then that means he is the-

[Goldane:] Son of Francisco Dawnbreaker, grandson of Frandos Dawnbreaker, and the heir to the throne of Goldenza.

[Charlotte:] Wow! I never thought Francis would have royal blood within him. He must be truly special then.

Francis was speechless and just pondered about the fact he is a Dawnbreaker.

[Felix:] Ye alright lad?

[Francis:] I-I-Why didn't you tell me about this?

[Frieda:] I'm sorry... but I loved you too much to reveal to you your true heritage.

[Goldane:] It was a means to protect you from anyone who would be willing to kill you if they learned of your existence.

[Francis:] If what you're saying is true, then I'm the one the prophecy refers to.

[Goldane:] Yes, you are destined to reclaim Goldenza, unite all the 7 kingdoms, and lead them into the final war of Veccoran. There, you will come face to face with Deadrus at the end of all things.

The name of the greatest of all evil brought fear to everyone present in the room. Even Goldane had fear in his voice speaking his name.

[Charlotte:] Deadrus... as in Deadrus the greatest of all evil?

[Goldane:] Yes.

[Bonnie:] Are you seriously saying my friend here is going to fight that evil menace slain long ago by Francisco Dawnbreaker?

[Goldane:] Yes.

[Felix:] Buh wasn't he slain?

[Francis:] Yeah, I thought he was dead.

Goldane and Frieda looked at each other, reluctance in their eyes.

[Goldane:] No... Deadrus has been resurrected by his remaining allies. Throughout the last 7 years the Twisted One Seth Creighton has gathered all the necessary pieces to bring him back to life. I sensed his awakening earlier today. I fear he will begin his plot to conquer Veccoran now that he has returned.

[Bonnie:] You mean a war like 30 years ago is going to happen again?

[Goldane:] Yes, only this time the assault will be far worse.

Bonnie, Charlotte, and Felix begin talking amongst themselves as Francis sat still. Frieda saw the look in his eyes and felt very worried about him.

[Frieda:] Francis-

Francis quickly got up from his seat and rushed outside. Frieda ran after him but stopped after he ran out the door, rolling down the hill.

[Frieda:] Francis!

[Bonnie:] We'll get him back.

Bonnie, Charlotte, and Felix left the house while Frieda closed the door, slumping down, crying. Goldane came to comfort her.

[Frieda:] I didn't want to tell him...

[Goldane:] You did the right thing. He'll come through.


At the castle in Vriatonara, Phantomice returns into the throne room.

[Deadrus:] Well...?

[Phantomice:] The wraiths were annihilated.

Deadrus growls angrily. He summons a stream of flames from his left hand, blasting it down to the ground where it spreads across the floor. Everyone in the throne room avoids the deadly fire.

[Deadrus:] No matter. He was just lucky.

[Seth:] What shall we do about him now my lord?

Deadrus turns his attention to the werewolf creature at his right.

[Deadrus:] You and your pack will have some hunting to do, Fangs.

Fangs growled, showing off his long bloodthirsty fangs, running down into a pit where he stood over his pack of 40 creatures similar to him. He howls down to gain their attention, and then all of them are seen running across the black lands of Vriatonara.


Somewhere not too far from Green Hills, Francis sat on a log under the moonlight. He couldn't bare the truth about who he really is and what his destiny involves. He hears his friends but does not face them.

[Bonnie:] There you are Francis.

[Felix:] Under ta moonlight eh.

[Charlotte:] Are you still trying to process the truth about you?

[Francis:] What does it look like? I cannot believe both Frieda and Goldane kept this secret from me for 30 years! The worst part is, I am destined to fight the greatest evil Veccoran has ever known. I don't even have much experience in combat.

[Bonnie:] You are afraid.

[Francis:] Of course I am afraid! All my life I always felt that there was something about me I never knew. Now here we are, the prophecy has already begun to come true, and the greatest of all evil is back.

[Bonnie:] I can already feel the terror going up against Deadrus... but if this prophecy says you are the hero Veccoran needs, then I think you should go on this journey.

Felix and Charlotte stare at Bonnie.

[Charlotte:] Um Bonnie? I know you are a good friend to Francis, but do you think he really wants to go through with this? After all, it's still his special day today.

[Felix:] Aye, let he decide.

Francis thinks to himself while his friends wait for a response. He takes a deep breath before finally standing up to face his friends.

[Francis:] I'll do it... but it's just that I am afraid to.

[Bonnie:] Don't worry we'll come with you.

Felix and Charlotte are speechless.

[Francis:] Really? You would?

[Bonnie:] Of course we're friends, and friends help each other when needed.

[Charlotte:] But we but we...

[Felix:] mmm... me not sure if me goin' ta go on tis journey.

Felix and Charlotte walk off.

[Bonnie:] I'll try to convince them to join.


Upon returning home, Francis finds other people besides Goldane and Frieda inside. Lightblade was back, just standing in a corner sharpening his blade. Aside from him was a female white and yellow fox, a humanoid skeleton with two big fists, a beaver wielding a pretty large axe, and a bat wielding a metal staff. Everyone turns to him after he closes the door.

[Goldane:] Welcome back Francis.

[Freida:] Francis I just want to apologize for-

[Francis:] It's ok I'm over it. What's going on?

[Goldane:] Ah. Francis Dawnbreaker allow me to introduce you to the warriors who will protect you during your journey.

Francis looks at each member.

[Frieda:] All five of them will ensure you reach Goldenza and fight any danger that comes for you.

[Lightblade:] Especially after those wraiths nearly killed you.

[Goldane:] Allow me to introduce you to each of them.

Goldane approaches the white and yellow fox first.

[Goldane:] This is former Fox Ranger, Lolly Lakers.

[Lolly:] I'll make sure any threat meets my lasso before they meet you.

She shows off her golden lasso, spinning it around skillfully. Francis nods. Goldane then approaches the skeleton with the big fists.

[Goldane:] This is Mendo of the Boneyards.

[Mendo:] I will gladly die in a fight to ensure your safety.

Mendo shadow boxes in demonstration of his skills. Francis just looks at his big hands. Goldane then approaches the beaver with the big axe.

[Goldane:] This is Mr. Chipper.

[Mr. Chipper:] Your royalness.

Mr. Chipper bows respectfully. Francis bows back. Goldane then approaches the female bat.

[Goldane:] This is Balla.

[Francis:] Nice to meet you.

[Balla:] Same with you Francis Dawnbreaker.

Goldane approaches the white bunny from earlier.

[Goldane:] And lastly, you've met Lightblade Starlight, a former White Knight of Bludhaven.

Lightblade doesn't say anything and just bows his head before immediately returning to sharpening his blade. Francis simply nods.

[Goldane:] Now that introductions are out of the way, it is time to focus on the real matter at hands. You all remember your main priority is to protect Francis and ensure his survival. After the attack that occurred this night, Deadrus is now aware of his existence, and therefore will do whatever it takes to kill him.

All five warriors nod.

[Goldane:] Now I must ask you Francis...

Everyone kept their eyes on Francis. He didn't know how to respond while standing frozen solid. Balla's ears twitch facing the window next to her.

[Balla:] We have some eavesdroppers.

[Lolly:] I've got this.

Lolly pulls out her lasso and launches it out the window, pulling through Bonnie, Felix, and Charlotte.

[Bonnie:] Oh hi.

[Lightblade:] Easy everyone. They are not a threat.

Lolly relieves the lasso off the three who get back on their feet.

[Bonnie:] Well I managed to talk the two into joining you on this journey, so we are all with you.

[Goldane:] Oh I'm afraid the three of you cannot come along.

Francis, Bonnie, Charlotte, and Felix looked perplexed.

[Francis:] Why not Goldane?

[Goldane:] This journey your about to embark on is very dangerous. Besides, this task isn't suitable for the three of them. You wouldn't want your friends in mortal danger would you?

[Francis:] That is true, but they are my friends, and we all have done so much together.

[Goldane:] Yes, the four of you had quite the adventures since childhood. This is different however. The four of you are no longer little children playing outside in the fields. I am sorry Francis, but none of your friends can come.

Francis' face saddens as he turns away from Goldane. Bonnie shakes his head and then steps forward.

[Bonnie:] I know we may not be qualified for special quests of any sort, but you must understand that Francis would feel easier travelling if we are beside him. Friends help friends and they'll always be there when you need them most. Please Goldane let us come with you, do it if you want Francis to be more confident with his destiny.

[Felix:] T'at be right, Francis needs ta three o us. If he will save Veccoran, Me will wan ta see it dun.

[Charlotte:] I've always wondered about the world beyond the borders of Green Hills anyway. This is an opportunity for me to see what else is out there.

Francis turns to his friends. Bonnie gives him a nod while he, Charlotte, and Felix look back at Goldane, standing together. He keeps his eyes locked onto the four of them, deciding.

[Lightblade:] Just let them come along.

[Lolly:] I genuinely agree with them all.

[Mendo:] I do admire their support for their friend.

[Mr. Chipper:] They deserve to stand by their friend as war approaches.

[Frieda:] I agree with Bonnie. Friends helping friends is very important, after all Francis would feel more comfortable with people he is familiar with.

Goldane scratches his chin. Everybody in the room waited for his final decision.

[Goldane:] If you all join us, will you be willing to face the possible dangers we will encounter during our travels?

Bonnie looks at Felix and Charlotte, then they all turn to Francis.

[Bonnie:] Yes, we'll do it.

[Goldane:] Very well, welcome to the quest.

Francis and his friends celebrate together. They hug each other before Mr. Chipper joins in and hugs all three of them.

[Francis:] Uh, Mr. Chipper... why are you hugging us?

[Mr. Chipper:] I'm just supporting the four of you.

[Bonnie:] Well can you please give us more room to breathe at least...?

[Mr. Chipper:] Whoops, sorry.

Mr. Chipper releases them so they could breathe.

[Francis:] Thank you guys. I'm glad I've got friends like you.

[Bonnie:] What can we say? We will be there for you until either one of us is dead.

[Felix:] Ahem! So, when will we go?

Francis, Bonnie, and Charlotte just blankly stare at Felix.


In Vriatonara, Deadrus is seen in a war room with his other comrades.

[Deadrus:] I see you all have been busy bringing down the kingdoms.

[Phantomice:] Except Goldenza, that kingdom has a new ruler that we won't even begin to contend with.

[Deadrus:] I understand why.

[Phantomice:] We managed to bring down 5 defenses of the other kingdoms. The only strongholds remaining are the Sky Tower and The Great Wall of Sanchina.

[Seth:] Now that you have returned, how do you wish to bring these kingdoms to their knees?

[Deadrus:] I will solely destroy the Sky Tower.

[Velorina:] Alone my lord? You will clearly be far outnumbered. Allow us to destroy the tower for you.

The 6 female knights emerge out of the shadows.

[Deadrus:] No Velorina... I can handle this all on my own. It is time for me to remind this realm what is to come. All shall feel my wrath!

[Phantomice:] Yes, all of Veccoran has forgotten the power of the greatest of all evil and must learn to fear it once again.

[Deadrus:] Once the Sky Tower falls, all in this realm will be plunged into great terror.


In Green Hills, Freida helps Francis with packing.

[Francis:] I'm going to need some extra food along the way mom.

Frieda accidentally drops some items she was about to hand Francis. He turns to his adopted mother and could tell she was uneven.

[Frieda:] I'm sorry Francis.

[Francis:] No it's my fault. I guess now that you told me the truth it is kind of hard for you to accept me calling you mother.

[Frieda:] It's not that. I just want to apologize for keeping the truth hidden from you. I-I wish you were my biological son so you wouldn't have to leave my side.

[Francis:] I know...

Francis and Frieda hug each other.

[Frieda:] I am very proud of you Francis. I am so proud to have been your mother.

[Francis:] There's no better mother for me than you. I wouldn't have it any other way.

[Frieda:] No matter what happens out there, Francis, you will always be my son.

The two hug each other one last time. Outside of the house, everyone else was saddling up on their Striders. Charlotte was having difficulty carrying her backpack. She drops some items before Felix comes in to help her.

[Charlotte:] Thanks Felix.

[Felix:] Your welcome me lady. Need help wit otter thin's?

[Charlotte:] No, I'm good. Thanks.

Felix stares at her for a moment as she mounts up. Lolly catches how the two were interacting with each other. She could tell what was going on. Menawhile, Goldane was meditating on a rock.

[Bonnie:] He's taking his sweet time.

[Goldane:] It will be hard for him. Leaving the only place he considered home.

[Bonnie:] Hope that doesn't sway him off from his destiny.

[Goldane:] That depends on him, but he will realize the importance of his destiny as we begin this long journey to Goldenza.

Francis was coming downhill, prepared.

[Francis:] I am ready.

[Bonnie:] Did you say goodbye to everyone?

[Francis:] Yes...

[Charlotte:] Don't worry Francis. Nobody will forget you.

[Felix:] Aye! If we make it bock, ten we'll be home sweet home. If we cum back alive t'at is...

[Charlotte, Bonnie, Mendo, and Mr. Chipper:] Felix!

Felix covers his mouth quickly.

[Felix:] Me bad, sorry lad.

[Goldane:] It is time my friends. Let us begin the journey.

Everyone mounted up on their Striders. Charlotte was having difficulty moving her Strider forward.

[Charlotte:] Come on move forward! Please move forward.

[Felix:] Allow me meh lady.

Felix smacks the creature in the rear, causing it to stand on its two feet. Charlotte holds tightly as her Strider dashes off.

[Felix:] Me bad!

Felix rides after Charlotte as everyone else takes a moment to chuckle.

[Lolly:] Your friend is such a loony person.

[Francis:] Oh yeah, Felix is a funny guy at best. Especially around girls he crushes on.

[Bonnie:] However, he doesn't have the balls to exploit his true feelings towards her.


Lolly just smiles as Felix fails to slow down Charlotte's Strider. Falling off his own and rolling down a hill into a small pond.

[Lolly:] I think I'm gonna like him a lot.

Lolly rides ahead of the two.

[Bonnie:] Hmm... Do you think she-

[Francis:] No, I don't think so.

The group were getting farther, farther, farther, and farther from Green Hills until they entered new landscapes.

[Goldane:] Your life is about to change greatly, Francis Dawnbreaker. Your adventure in Green Hills has ended. Now begins your new journey. Remember, you are the last of the Dawnbreaker bloodline, and you are destined to save Veccoran.



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