Stray Kids x Reader

Od YourNameLovesKpop

7.1K 104 14

This Stray Kids fanfic collection spans romance, fluff, angst, and smut, immersing readers in a range of inti... Více

Han Jisung: Movie Night (smut)
Lee Felix: Morning After (smut)
Minho, felix, seungmin & Jeongin : Lets Have Some Fun (Smut)
Seungmin : Trust (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Jealous (Fluff)
Hyunjin : Haunted Hospital (Fluff)
BangChan: just relax (Smut)
Seungmin: Love At First Sight (Fluff)
Hyunjin & Flix: who I Wanna Be (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: It All Started At The Night Shift
Jeongin: I'm Sorry (Fluff, Angst)
Lee Minho : A Teasing Game (Smut)
Le Felix : Pool Party (Smut)
Jeongin & choi Beomgyu: It's Party Time (Smut)
Hyunjin: Hair (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Cat Girl Chronicles
Seungmin: Phone Call (Smut)
Lee Minho: Stress (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: Mad
Jeongin: Game Night (smut)
Vampire Seungmin: Pray
All members: y/n in revealing outfit
Vampire Seungmin: Mine (smut)
Artist Hyunjin: My Muse (Smut)

Hyunjin : Baby fever (Smut)

569 8 3
Od YourNameLovesKpop

Paring: HyunJin x Reader
Summery: HyunJin is getting baby fever and it's obvious how badly he wants one of his own
Word count: 2693
Style: fluff, romance, smut

Hyunjin watched with a gleam in his eye as a toddler giggled at the next table. The child's laughter seemed to light up the entire café, drawing everyone's attention, including his. It wasn't the first time his Stray Kids bandmates had noticed his growing fondness for little ones. As the toddler's parents prepared to leave, Hyunjin's gaze followed them out the door, his mind clearly elsewhere.

At their table, Y/N was in the middle of a hilarious story, making Jisung and Felix laugh out loud. "And then he says, 'That's not a piano, that's my mother-in-law!'" Y/N concluded, sending the table into another round of laughter.

Hyunjin, however, barely cracked a smile, his thoughts preoccupied. Noticing his distraction, Chan leaned in, "Everything okay, Hyunjin?"

"Yeah, just thinking," Hyunjin murmured, his eyes still tracing the spot where the child had been.

Seungmin nudged him playfully, "Thinking about tiny shoes and lullabies, huh?"

Hyunjin shot him a mock glare but didn't deny it. "Maybe."

It wasn't a secret within the group that Hyunjin had a soft spot for children. His interactions with young fans were always gentle and patient, and he never missed a chance to coo over a baby. But lately, it seemed more than just an affectionate gesture; it felt like a longing.

Jisung, ever the observant one, added, "You've been pretty baby-crazy lately, Hyunjin. Thinking of starting a family with Y/N?"

The question hung in the air. Hyunjin's gaze finally drifted back to Y/N, who was now watching him with a curious expression.

"Maybe it's something we should talk about," Hyunjin said, more to Y/N than to the others.

Later, in the quiet of Hyunjin's room in the Stray Kids' apartment, he and Y/N lay cuddled together. The noise of the city drifted through the window, a gentle reminder of the world outside their cozy bubble.

Breaking the silence, Y/N turned to face him. "You've been pretty quiet since we left the café. Something on your mind?"

Hyunjin took a deep breath, the words he'd been holding back ready to spill. "I've been thinking... about us, our future."

Y/N's expression softened, encouraging him to continue.

"It's just that... every time I see a child, I can't help but imagine what it would be like for us to have one. To start a family together." His voice was hesitant, unsure of Y/N's reaction.

Y/N's hand found his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hyunjin, I love you, and I've thought about it too. A family with you... it sounds wonderful."

Relief washed over Hyunjin's face. "Really? You've thought about it?"

"Of course," Y/N smiled. "I just wasn't sure how you felt about it."

They lay there for a moment, the possibility of a future they both desired hanging warmly between them.

"So, does this mean we're thinking about... a baby?" Hyunjin asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

Y/N laughed, the sound bright and clear. "Let's take it one step at a time. But yes, I think we're on the same page."

Over the weeks, the topic of starting a family became a frequent and heartfelt conversation between Hyunjin and Y/N. Each discussion, each shared dream, seemed to deepen Hyunjin's yearning. He had always been fond of children, but now the idea of having his own felt like a calling.
One particularly memorable day, Hyunjin and his Stray Kids bandmates had an engagement to babysit children for a reality TV show. Throughout the day, Hyunjin's natural affinity for caring and guiding the kids shone through. Whether he was helping tie shoelaces, soothing a scraped knee, or leading a game, he was the perfect blend of a big brother and a father figure. His bandmates couldn't help but tease him playfully, but they all acknowledged Hyunjin's remarkable ability with children.

"Hyunjin, you're a natural at this," Chan observed with a smile as they wrapped up the shoot. "You'd make an amazing dad."

Hyunjin blushed at the compliment, his heart full. "Thanks, Chan. I hope I get the chance to be one, someday."

That hope seemed to edge closer to reality one day during dance practice. Y/N, having finished her own practice, came by to watch Stray Kids rehearse. The members greeted her warmly, always happy to see her. During a break, as the others hydrated and chatted, Y/N approached Hyunjin with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"Hey, Hyunjin," she started, her voice soft but clear.

Hyunjin turned to her, a smile instantly blooming on his face. "Hey, what's up?"

Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes meeting his with a mix of excitement and seriousness. "I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about... about having a baby. I'm ready, Hyunjin. I'm ready for us to start our family."

Hyunjin's eyes widened in shock and joy. "What? Right now?" he exclaimed, a bit louder than he intended.

His voice caught the attention of some of the members, who turned to look with raised eyebrows. Y/N laughed at Hyunjin's reaction, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Not right this second," she teased, biting her lip shyly. She leaned in and kissed him, a tender and loving gesture that Hyunjin eagerly reciprocated.

Pulling back slightly, Y/N whispered, "After practice, come over to my place. I have a surprise for you."

Hyunjin was left dazed and ecstatic for the rest of the day, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the future. He couldn't contain his happiness, and it didn't go unnoticed by the rest of Stray Kids.

"Hyunjin, you look like you're walking on air. What did Y/N say?" Felix asked, nudging him playfully.

Hyunjin hesitated for a moment before sharing the news. "Y/N and I are thinking about starting a family."

The group erupted in cheers and congratulations, patting him on the back and expressing their support. They were genuinely happy for him, their faces beaming with excitement.
Later that evening, after a refreshing shower, Hyunjin dressed in something comfortable yet stylish, his heart pounding with anticipation. He made his way to Y/N's place, thoughts of their future together filling his mind.
Upon arriving, Y/N greeted him at the door. The apartment was softly lit with dim lights and scented candles, creating a cozy and romantic ambiance. A delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen, indicating that Y/N had been cooking something special.

"Wow, this place looks incredible," Hyunjin commented, stepping inside and taking in the scene.

Y/N smiled, a little nervously. "I wanted tonight to be perfect for us."

They sat down to a beautifully prepared meal, talking and laughing easily. The conversation naturally drifted to their future, their hopes and dreams for a family. Y/N spoke about the kind of mother she hoped to be, while Hyunjin shared his excitement and a few anxieties about fatherhood.

As they ate, Y/N brought the topic back to their earlier conversation. "So, about starting a family... I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I feel like we're ready. I'm ready, if you are."

Hyunjin reached for her hand, his eyes alight with love and emotion. "Y/N, there's nothing I want more than to start a family with you."

As they finished their meal, the soft clink of champagne glasses added a sweet rhythm to their evening. Y/N stood up, extending her hand to Hyunjin. "Shall we dance?" she asked with a playful glint in her eye.

Hyunjin grinned, accepting her hand as they moved to the open space in her living room. Gentle music filled the room, setting a romantic tone. They swayed together, lost in the melody and each other's eyes.

"You're a surprisingly good dancer," Y/N teased, her eyes sparkling.

Hyunjin chuckled, spinning her around playfully. "Only with the right partner," he replied, pulling her close again.

Their laughter mingled in the air, creating a melody of its own. As the song continued, Y/N leaned in, bringing her lips to Hyunjin's in a tender, loving kiss. Hyunjin responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around her more tightly.

"Mmm, I could stay like this forever," Hyunjin murmured against her lips, a soft hum escaping him as he deepened the kiss.

The room seemed to grow warmer with their shared affection. Hyunjin's lips traced a path down Y/N's jawline to her neck, each kiss a whisper of his love and desire.
In a seamless motion, he lifted her in his arms, carrying her towards the bedroom amidst their shared giggles and soft expressions of disbelief and excitement.

"You're surprisingly light," Hyunjin joked, his eyes twinkling with joy.

Y/N laughed, her heart fluttering. "It's all those dance practices."

He gently set her down on the bed, his hands reaching for the hem of her black dress. Y/N nodded, a silent permission, and they proceeded to help each other out of their clothes, the air filled with soft chuckles and tender gazes.
Once they were undressed, Hyunjin resumed his loving exploration, his lips moving slowly and thoughtfully over Y/N's skin. He was keen on savoring every moment, every breath, every soft sigh that escaped Y/N.
As he reached her waist, his hands gently slid off her lingerie, continuing his tender kisses. Y/N let out a contented sigh, her fingers weaving through his hair, a gesture of love and trust.
Their movements were slow, deliberate, each one a testament to the deep connection they shared. As Hyunjin's tender kisses continued, Y/N felt herself drifting into a state of bliss. Each gentle touch was like a whisper against her skin, sending waves of warmth through her. She let out a soft cry, a sound that spoke volumes about the depth of her feelings and the intensity of the moment.
Just as Y/N felt herself nearing the edge, Hyunjin pulled back, trailing kisses up her body until he reached her lips again. The connection in that kiss was electric, a perfect fusion of love and desire.
Hyunjin then paused, sitting up to remove the last barrier between them. There was a moment of intense eye contact, a silent communication filled with love and anticipation. Gently, he eased his way in, and Y/N instinctively gripped his shoulders, steadying herself as he started with a slow, deliberate rhythm.

"I love you so much, Y/N," Hyunjin whispered tenderly, each word punctuated with a gentle movement. "I'm so lucky to have you."

Y/N gazed into his eyes, seeing the truth and depth of his feelings mirrored there. "I love you too, Hyunjin," she replied, her voice laced with emotion.

A small, sincere smile spread across Hyunjin's face, reassuring her of his genuine feelings. Everything about this moment felt right – the connection, the love, the unspoken promises they were making to each other.
As their movements synchronized, Hyunjin shifted slightly, finding a better angle. Y/N's gentle strokes along his back sent shivers down his spine, encouraging him to quicken the pace. The room was filled with the sound of their synchronized breaths and soft whispers of affection.
Minutes passed, their emotions and physical sensations intensifying until they both reached their climax. Hyunjin paused for a second, his breathing heavy, before gradually slowing down. Then, with a tenderness that spoke volumes, he slid next to her, pulling her into a warm, loving embrace.
They lay there, entwined in each other's arms, the afterglow of their love enveloping them. The room was silent except for their soft breaths and the faint hum of the city outside. In that moment, nothing else mattered – it was just Hyunjin and Y/N, together in their own little world.

After a while, Hyunjin broke the silence, his voice soft and filled with affection. "This... us... it's everything I've ever wanted."

Y/N snuggled closer to him, her heart full. "Me too, Hyunjin. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

They lay in silence for a few moments, simply enjoying each other's presence. Then, Y/N looked up at him, a playful glint in her eyes. "So, about that family we were talking about..."

Hyunjin chuckled, a sound of pure joy. "I can't wait to start that adventure with you."

Months passed, and Hyunjin and Y/N's relationship continued to blossom. Their intimate moments became a cherished part of their routine, deepening their connection. As their bond grew stronger, Hyunjin gradually started moving some of his belongings to Y/N's place, making it a second home. He spent his weekends there, cherishing every moment they had together.
The members of Stray Kids noticed a change in Hyunjin. He seemed more relaxed and content with each passing week. His smiles were brighter, his laughter more frequent, and there was a noticeable lightness to his step.
One day, during a particularly intense dance practice, Y/N walked into the studio. Her entrance was marked by a radiant smile that seemed to light up the room. She made her way straight to Hyunjin and pulled him into an enthusiastic hello kiss that caught him completely off guard.

"Whoa, what's got you so excited?" Hyunjin asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity and amusement.

Y/N beamed at him, her eyes shining with unspoken joy. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small object, handing it to Hyunjin. He took it, his eyes widening as he looked down at the clear blue pregnancy test. It read 'Pregnant.'
For a moment, Hyunjin was speechless, his eyes fixed on the test. Then, he gasped, almost choking on air, his shock turning into overwhelming joy.
Y/N laughed at his reaction, her heart swelling with happiness. The commotion caught the attention of the other Stray Kids members, who quickly gathered around.

"I'm going to be a dad!" Hyunjin exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and disbelief. He swept Y/N into his arms, spinning her around as the room erupted into cheers and congratulations.

"Be careful!" Y/N laughed, still in his arms. "I've been feeling a bit sick this morning."

Hyunjin immediately set her down, his expression turning to one of concern. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, just a little morning sickness. It's normal," Y/N assured him, still smiling.

The members of Stray Kids were overjoyed for their bandmate. Felix clapped Hyunjin on the back. "Hyunjin, you're going to be an amazing dad!"

"Yeah, we can already see it," added Han, grinning broadly.

Chan stepped forward, his eyes soft with happiness. "This is such great news, Hyunjin. We're all here for you guys, every step of the way."

The rest of the practice session was filled with a new energy. The members couldn't stop talking about the baby, asking Y/N questions, and making plans to support Hyunjin and Y/N through the pregnancy.

As they left the studio, Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Y/N, a protective gesture. "We should celebrate," he suggested, his voice full of excitement. "How about dinner at your favorite place?"

Y/N nodded, leaning into him. "That sounds perfect."

That evening, they went out to celebrate, choosing a cozy restaurant that Y/N loved. Over dinner, they talked about everything from baby names to nursery themes. They discussed how they would juggle their careers with parenthood, and how excited they were for this new chapter in their lives.

"This is going to be an amazing journey, Y/N," Hyunjin said, reaching across the table to hold her hand. "I can't wait to see you as a mom."

Y/N squeezed his hand, her eyes bright with tears of joy. "And I can't wait to see you as a dad, Hyunjin. We're going to be great at this."

They spent the rest of the evening making plans and dreaming about their future as a family. There was a sense of wonder and anticipation in the air, a feeling that something truly magical was about to begin. As they walked home, hand in hand under the starlit sky, they knew that their lives were about to change forever – and they couldn't be more excited.

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