Sheepish [Warrior Cats OC Fan...

By MissPomSkinnylegs

244 20 3

SheepFur just wishes everything in the world would be the way she wanted, but because of that she finds it ha... More

not necessary to read
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11, finale

chapter 3

8 1 0
By MissPomSkinnylegs

SheepPaw and BurrPaw were told to mark the borders by themselves. They both were scared and nervous. SheepPaw wondered what would happen if they were attacked.

After practising for more than a moon, SheepPaw managed to get better at her pouncing. She pounced high enough to catch prey, and now she was getting better at hunting, tho most of the time she'd either miss or scare away the prey before she could even pounce

"Ever wonder what would happen if we stepped outside of the territory?" BurrPaw asked her sister as she leaped out of the territory into the lands that no cat actually owned. "Look at me! I'm outside of FuzzyClan territory!"

SheepPaw laughed, tho she didn't want to leave her territory. As she was giggling she looked at the distance and saw a dark brown shape. It was probably another animal, but it seemed to get bigger.
"BurrPaw, what's that?" She pointed at the shape.

BurrPaw raised an eyebrow and looked behind. She stepped back next to terrified SheepPaw, but stayed calm. "What are you here for? You're not from FuzzyClan!"

SheepPaw was so confused, but then she realised it was a cat. A very dark brown and white cat. His black muzzle made him look like a very huge bird.

"But I am you kin!" The cat meowed. "I'm your father for crying out loud!"

"You're our dad!?" BurrPaw meowed, twitching her whiskers in confusion.

SheepPaw thought that BurrPaw was being too gullible, but RyeBerry never told her about her father, and for some reason never had questions about his father. She took it as a completely normal thing to not have a father. She still didn't trust the cat as it was a stranger!

BurrPaw stepped closer to the large cat with her ears slightly flattened. "Why were you never seen in our home then?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because your mother didn't want to see me again after she abandoned half of her litter." The tom explained.

SheepPaw and BurrPaw were flabbergasted. They had other siblings that RyeBerry abandoned? Why? There has to be reason! RyeBerry isn't the type of cat to just heartlessly leave her kits in the mud! But does that mean RyeBerry loved her and BurrPaw more than her other kits? How does the cat even know they are his kin?

BurrPaw narrowed her eyes and lowered her head. "That's not like her. Are you sure you're talking to the right cats?"

"I remember what you two looked like when you were just born." The tom rolled his eyes. "I especially recognise that white splotch on that white cat's black face."

SheepPaw tucked her tail between her tail awkwardly.

"So, would you like to meet your siblings?" The tom asked.

"Okay!" BurrPaw meowed cheerfully, but SheepPaw bristled her fur, barring her teeth at BurrPaw angrily. The tabby she-cat looked at her with confusion. "What? You don't want to spend time with your own father? What is wrong with you!?"

"I'm not forcing any of you." The tom mewed.

"But I want to!" BurrPaw loudly meowed, then turned to SheepPaw. "I'm going with dad!" She hissed and walked thowards the sad-looking tom, who was leading her away.

SheepPaw clawed the ground in frustration. Ofcourse she wants to meet the rest of her family, but she can't risk being scolded! But this might me the only chance. The she-cat hissed silently and trotted after the two cats.

The tabby tom looked behind him and happiness shone in his eyes. "You're coming too! This is great!"

BurrPaw widened her eyes when she saw SheepPaw, then smiled. "Oh, yea, and this is SheepPaw. SheepPaw, our dad's name is Scratch by the way! Isn't it cool?"

You only found out now that cats have names?

The tom chuckled. "Why do you two need to have 'paw' at the end of your name? I shall just call you Burr and Sheep. And.. Sheep don't have paws, do they?" He chuckled again. "At least not in my life I have seen a sheep with paws."

BurrPaw giggled. "It's how it works in our clan!"

SheepPaw looked back anxiously, hating the situation she's putting herself in right now.

The cats arrived at a beautiful looking place. SheepPaw thought it looked like the barn GarStripe showed her once, but it looked a lot different and less colourful, but there were way more twoleg nests. They had to cross a ThunderPath, then walked through another path.
SheepPaw didn't like how far she was from home.

The three cats walked close to one of the twoleg nests. A bunch of cats, the same size as SheepPaw and BurrPaw ran over to them, but they all stopped when they saw the two strangers.

"These are your sisters I keep telling you about! This is Sheep and this is Burr!" Scratch places his tail on BurrPaw's back.

"Oh!" One of the cats meowed and walked closer. He rubbed his face against both of the cats. He smelled weird, but SheepPaw giggled.

"You smell like vomit!" The cat mewed happily.

Scratch pointed his paw at each of his kits to introduce them. "This is Teddy, Siren and Moony!"

SheepPaw thought that is would be so much more fun if the rest of his siblings were by her side during her training.

"Is it true you're wild cats?" Asked Moony.

"Yeah!" BurrPaw replied. "We're training to be warriors of FuzzyClan?"

Teddy tipped his head. "What does that mean?"

BurrPaw pawed Teddy's head. "It's a group of cats we're in! But the cats here are boring. They keep bossing is around! But I love my friends here. And our mom is so cool!"

Scratch lowered his head and looked less happy at the mention of their mother.

Siren gasped. "Our mom! We never met her. Dad said she abandoned us."

"That can't be right." SheepPaw mumbled. She really wanted to know why she took her and her sister but left behind the rest of her kits.

Scratch gazed over at SheepPaw coldly, which intimidated SheepPaw. "You're mother never wanted kittens. I begged her not to leave me, and she literally said that she'll leave me the kittens that looked most like her. She's such a nice cat." He then looked away with a scoff.

SheepPaw couldn't tell if Scratch's last sentence was sarcasm or not.
RyeBerry didn't want kits? So SheepPaw and BurrPaw are unwanted. Did their mother even love them then?
SheepPaw watched BurrPaw play with her littermates. She joined it.
SheepPaw chased Siren around. Siren was fast as the wind. SheepPaw could barely catch him. She stopped running when she almost mistook Teddy for Siren. She couldn't tell them apart, but siren had a black stripe on his nose bridge, kind of like SheepPaw had. Maybe life would be fun at the twoleg place. Free food, sleep, play, life would be amazing, but that means her close ones would have to be left behind.

"Are there more kittens than usual, Scratch?" A very high pitched voice yowled. SheepPaw looked to her side and saw a pretty light brown and white she-cat. She had a few very small kits with her. Is she Scratch's new mate?

"Padla!" Scratch trotted closer to the she-cat. "I let some of my kits that Raya took with her meet their siblings! Don't worry! They're no danger!"

Who's Raya? SheepPaw wondered while staring at the small cute kits.

The she-cat kept her tail Infront of her three kits while glancing at the two cats suspiciously. "I'm Padla. Your father's sister."

"I'm BurrP- I'm Burr!" BurrPaw meowed and jumped next to SheepPaw. "This is my sister sheep! Wh-Who are these kits?" She looked at the scared kits.

"They're mine." Padla hissed softly.

BurrPaw groaned. "We can see that! What are their names?"

The she-cat stood silently before she responded. "Joey, Noodle and Guppy. Guppy is the only she."

SheepPaw likes the fact that she had little cousins. She adores the little ones.

Scratch looked at BurrPaw and SheepPaw with a sigh. "Well, you've met your kin. Would you like to go ba-"

"Don't make them go!" Teddy yowled, jumping at BurrPaw.

"Yeah!" Said BurrPaw. "I'm staying here for as long as I want!"

SheepPaw was relieved she could now go, but she didn't want to. She shouldn't even have left her territory anyways.
"I want to go." She quietly meowed.

"Okay!" Scratch walked over to her, swishing his tail that was up in the air. "I'll lead you back. Remember not to tell your mother that we've met. She'll kill me."

SheepFur really wondered what happened between her parents. It must be really bad. Looks like she'll never know.

"Bye-Bye!" Her siblings meowed.

"Bye." SheepPaw meowed back as she followed her father, hoping to hurry up.

Scratch stopped after leading SheepPaw for abit.
"Well, from now you'll go alone, just go straight and you'll get back home!"

SheepPaw walked forward and turned around at Scratch. "Bye." She raised her tail. She's glad she didn't have to walk on her own, otherwise she would have gotten lost.

"Farewell, daughter. I'm glad I got to meet you." Scratch purred and walked off.

Without wasting any time SheepPaw dashed away while making up an excuse she'll need so she won't get yelled at. Alteast seeing BurrPaw being yelled at will be funny, if she'll even come back.

As dusk began to fall SheepPaw returned to her territory. When she was almost back to camp she was spotted by her clan-mates.

"SheepPaw!?" TwilightChirp yowled, running over to her, looking extremely concerned. "Where have you been!?"

"And where is BurrPaw!?" Asked HoneyMoon while sniffing her. "Faint smell of a kittypet?"

"I was- we were chased by a dog and went to hide in the twoleg place!" SheepPaw quickly responded. "BurrPaw did not want to leave because she liked it there."

The two adult she-cats looked at each other awkwardly.
"You wanted to keep the dog away from the camp, didn't you? Well, that's good." TwilightChirp purred while looking up at the sky. "I guess BurrPaw will come back when she'll be ready. Not surprising from her. Well, let's get you to camp."

SheepPaw layed down next to RyeBerry. SheepPaw did not want to say a word about what her father had told her, or what she experienced. She doesn't know how to feel about what she has found out.
SheepPaw had also found out that HappySprout has died when he was hit by a twoleg monster while she and BurrPaw were away from the territory. His kin were sitting vilig for him and some cats were wailing for the dead warrior. Especially SunflowerPatch. The clan liked his cheerful personality.

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