I never knew somebody like yo...

By babygirlhyungsuk

3.6K 273 119

The war between the Yakuza and Korean Gangsters seem to be on the brink of destruction. But what happens afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

105 6 6
By babygirlhyungsuk

"What's even happening?" he held his head in his hands.

"We can't let the Koreans know; we have his phone, so we're fine. But I'm sure that they will catch up if he doesn't wake up soon. And he's in critical condition too so if he dies...."

Jong Gun raised his hand up to Mr. Nakamura; he didn't want to hear about problems on top of problems. Maybe if he just stayed home this wouldn't have happened. It was clear there were traitors in their premises since there so happened to be no guards at the moment. He heard the door open and raised his head up to see Kenji and Moriko walking out.

"Is he alright?" he saw the way their faces were contorted; they looked tired.

Kenji began, "Stable. It's a miracle really; somehow the shot didn't completely affect his heart. The other shots were much more manageable. He's in critical condition, so there's a chance he could-" Kenji looked at him with a grimace.

"If we aren't careful he could die. Leave this to us; we'll try our best to save him. For now you should worry about fixing this situation. It's no coincidence he was left alone, even Kyungsun was knocked out and that's some feat. Perhaps you should check your servants" Moriko finished off for him.

Jong Gun's face contorted as he heard those words.

"Oh, and you should push back your dads funeral. Everyone is focused on different things, so for now leave it be."

He stared at the ground. She was right, but those words didn't seem right; he didn't want her to be right but she was.

"We will closely monitor him with Mr. Nakamura by our side" Kenji held Hyung Suk's phone in his vision.

He looked away from the floor and towards Kenji.

"You should look at past messages to see how Park Hyung Suk texts. Do whatever you can to not raise suspicions."

He grabbed the phone and watched as the two doctors left where Hyung Suk was.




He heard a pained whimper coming from the house along with a yell. He could smell the scent of a furious alpha all the way from the outside of his house. His body immediately turned to running and what he found wasn't pleasant.

Junko was on the ground passed out, her face was bloody and bruised up. While Murasaki had blood running down her nose with tears in her eyes as Paek Kyungsun held onto the collar of her kimono. In a moment he grabbed onto Ms. Paek and threw her off of Murasaki. He turned to Murasaki who held her head down as she could barely hold her body up with her elbows.

He looked at Hyung Suk's bodyguard, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he walked towards the woman who was already getting up. His scent was flaring around the room, but even so she didn't back down and continued to glare at him.

"Huh?! They're the reason I was knocked out while Hyung Suk was out there fighting for his life. She was the one who gave me that drink!!" she pointed at Murasaki who looked at him with fearful, teary eyes and quickly bowed her head to the floor again.

He clenched his jaw, despite him having trusted Jakucho and Murasaki for a long time there still is a chance they're traitors.

"It's not your place to do so. I'll punish them accordingly so if they did do something. You should just go to where Hyung Suk is at and look over him" he tried to remain calm.

She stared at him, but he could smell the way her scent was becoming more and more faint and her chest wasn't rising as quickly.

She continued to glare at him, "Fine, but if I hear that you gave them the easy way out I'm gonna come for you and then them. Even if this is a political marriage, one shouldn't be so cruel"

With that she turned around and left; the room was silent except for Murasaki's silent cries.

"Yuzuru-sama.....I don't know what she said, but please....believe me I didn't do anything. I just thought that she'd need some soothing tea since I saw her stressed out. I asked the kitchen to prepare it and send it to me....please" she had stopped laying on the ground and knelt on the floor, going into a bow with her forehead on the floor.

He stood there as he moved his gaze towards the wall. He honestly didn't know what to think, Jakucho and Murasaki were like what Mr. Nakamura was to his father: his most loyal servants. Even the people in the kitchen were trusted people and for them to have betrayed them and allowed this to happen. Not only that, but also whoever was involved with there being no guards. Once could be a coincidence, but twice was not.

He needed to find out who was ruining the trust in the Yamazaki household. Bunta right now was helping out with the questioning of the guards while the twins, Manami and Katsutoshi, were taking over his spot as head for the meantime.

"Go to Myoko. Tell him that I ordered for you and Jakucho to be locked up...."

He of course wasn't putting his trust in her after this, Myoko already knew and if she and/or Jakucho ran away then he knows they most definitely had a role in knocking Ms. Paek out. He needed to update him though on including the kitchen staff as well.

He left the room with a heavy feeling in his chest, like a thousand burdens were weighing him down. Ms. Paek was right, he should have treated Hyung Suk better. It's just that he didn't think the omega was deserving of this lifestyle. Other families think that being married to him is like being saved, but his family weren't good people. His great aunt Yukka and her lineage were shitty people and did everything in their power to make others, like people who marry into the family, lives feel like hell.

It was already proof enough that Hyung Suk was mistreated with the exception of his father and maybe his aunt Yurika; he hasn't seen them interact at all. He was starting to feel guilty about all the times he treated Hyung Suk bad himself. Throughout those interactions he was wishing that Hyung Suk would try to divorce or leave him. He himself doesn't like the idea of having children; he's too young and doesn't feel like he'd be a good dad. He refused to continue this pity party since what was done was done and everything that's happening now was his fault.

Right now he needed to pretend like he was Hyung Suk. He took out the omegas phone to notice that it had a cute phone case on it; bears, baby blue color, charms, etc. He couldn't help but smile. He easily opened the phone guessing that they already took out the Face ID and password. He started by going through the messages first and clicked on the first contact which was Soo Jung who had already texted him since 5 hours ago; this was bad since it would raise suspicions.

Heyyyy, your heats passed. How do you feel? I did hear that that bastard didn't help you out through it. Seriously would you just take my advice and use the damn card! You wouldn't have to live a life like that.
9 hours ago

He wondered what she meant by that.

Hey, are you going to answer?
8 hours ago

Man, how bad was your heat for you to not be answering me!?
5 hours ago

Yuzuru stared at the messages and wondered how he should respond. He decided to scroll to past conversations, but with that he discovered a lot of things.

I told you I can't just decide to up and leave. I'm doing this for all of you; I don't want there to be an even worse war just because I decided to be selfish.

I do hate it here, but what can I do?


The messages continued and he read them all and continued to feel his guilt grow more and more.

I think I like him.

He stared at that text message and continued to do so for how long. The only thing that brought him back to reality was the fact that he should answer Soo Jung or else it would be weird.

Yeah, I've just been drowsy. I'm still tired so don't be surprised if I don't answer.

It didn't sound exactly like Hyung Suk, but he thought it was good enough. He would soon have to move on to the millions of contacts he has. Seriously, why were there a lot of people texting Hyung Suk? It was annoying.




There were grunts of pain as he walked closer to the room. A rather painful howl came as the sounds of something drill-like were heard. He opened the door to see a lean man strapped to a chair with a smoothing machine grazing his skin causing his flesh to thin and become a bright pink with blood coming out. Myoko had unique ways of torturing.

He stood there as the tall bulky man noticed him and stood up with his usual indifferent look on his face.

"He was the one who told the others to not patrol the area because apparently they were not needed at the time" Myoko put the machine on the table and used a cloth to clean himself.

Jong Gun stayed quiet as he stared at the man strapped to the chair. His face was bloody and he noticed a few teeth missing from his mouth.

"Were you able to find anything out?"

"From him, yeah. He was paid by this woman to deter our men away from your compound."

He felt himself breathe more harshly as his anger rose, "What woman?"

"He didn't see her face, but there's still footage of them speaking. We can catch her soon enough. It's just a matter of if she left already though; who knows where she's at now that she's done her job."

"Kill him then dump him at the usual place."

The man looked at him and started whimpering and begging, trying to get his words out from the gag he had in his mouth. Jong Gun looked at Myoko and was about to leave.

"Wait" he said throughout the cries of the man. He brought them out of the room and away from the howling man. "I want to apologize. This is practically my fault; I'm one of your people who set up the roles in the house. I clearly failed since one of ours was easy to betray us."

He stared at Myoko before sighing and shaking his head; he really needed a cigarette, no multiple of them. "It's not your fault. We all make mistakes, but it's better for you to better yourself so it doesn't happen again."

Right now he didn't want to argue with everything that was going on. He saw the surprised look on his friend's face but he just quickly recovered and nodded. Sheesh, was he too harsh on them? Maybe he should start being nicer like this.

"Oh and never mind. Leave that guy for me; I want to let out some steam..."




Jong Gun was starting to worry. These people Hyung Suk had in his contacts were many and he's starting to become unable to keep these people from questioning. Choi Soo Jung and Hyung Suk's family were the ones who were starting to become suspicious the most. He set the phone aside and looked at Park Hyung Suk.

It's already been over a week since he'd been shot. He's been improving overall, but doesn't seem to want to wake up. He watched closely as his chest rose and fell; his plump lips were open with each breath. Hyung Suk was pretty, that was a fact; he was like the sweetheart in this whole gangster shit. Despite him defeating a lot of his strongest men he was still an overly nice and caring person. It was even rumored that he hated seeing people get tortured.

And from his contacts he could see that a lot of people loved and cared for him as well. It was his mistake for being so distant towards the omega. Maybe they could've had a better start if he wasn't such an asshole. He should've token his fathers nagging; he wouldn't be so regretting now with how much he took his dad for granted.




Soo Jung was worried and deep inside her heart she felt like something was off. Not only with Hyung Suk, but also her dad. Her relationship with him is rocky; she would describe it as a business partner, no, not even that but her dad was more like her boss. But it's not like she followed whatever he said all the time.

Hyung Suk doesn't want to call and has been distant and with the fact that he hates it over there has been making her worry. Her protective side, or alpha whatever, has been screaming at her to go to the airport and fly over there. But of course she couldn't because her dad would refuse and it would just seem weird. Hyung Suk's heat passed and there was an announcement that Yamazaki Yakeru died from health related issues.

She already knew since Hyung Suk told her, but she did not expect that to happen so soon. But it didn't surprise her either, her mother died from illness as well. She looked completely fine in one moment and in the next her dad was coming to her with news. Even the others have been asking her about Hyung Suk, but of course the bastard rarely responds to her now.

That was one issue, the next has been that her father has been spewing this nonsense bullshit out.

"Get ready and remember everything I've told you"

"It's about to be a mess soon enough"

Which isn't helping her with the way Hyung Suk isn't responding to her. That's why she made the decision to come and speak to Hyung Suk's uncle. It was silent as she stood there watching Jinyoung cook. She breathed in and out.

"I've noticed that Hyung Suk has been acting odd, but I thought that maybe it's because of Yamazaki Yakeru's death..."

The older alpha was standing with his back towards her as he was cooking a meal, not saying anything.

"Have Mr and Mrs. Park gotten any information about him. It's just that-" she bit her lip as she wondered if she should tell him about her dads weird behavior.

He hasn't specifically told her to not speak about anything and keep her mouth shut, but even so if she were to be truthful she saw the Park family as her family rather than her father. She was basically raised by them when she turned older; she always stayed with them because if she came home it would be quiet since she was old enough for the maids not to take care of every single thing.

He turned around and crossed his arms, he let out his scent in a comforting way to warm her up without making it obvious. She exhaled in and sighed.

"Dad has been acting weird and saying weird things to be honest. He told me that it's about to turn to shit and I mean Yakeru did die so yeah. But...I don't know...." she trailed off as she stared at some corner.

The room was silent for a long moment causing her to feel very awkward and wonder if she said the wrong thing. But then she felt Jinyoung's hand on her shoulder and looked up to see his smile.

"I know you won't believe me but— I think that your father has something to do with Hyung Suk's behavior."

Her eyes widened as he started to walk towards the couch.

"It's best you sit down for this one. It's going to come quite shocking for you considering it's your father."




"Does our son not love us anymore..." she pouted as she played with her food.

Her husband was quiet and she looked up at him with an arched brow. He was just eating his food before he noticed the shift in the air.

"We-well he did say he was sick and you know with the news of the Yamazaki head dying...."

She clicked her tongue, "Who cares if that bastard died. He's part of the reason Hyung Suk is in this position. Don't forget about that little shits behavior towards Hyung Suk. Just imagine how shitty his father has to be for him to act like that. Even if he's sick he should call..." she pushed some rice into her mouth.

"Don't remind me...we can't do anything. We're both living this lifestyle because of your brother, no offense. Although we should visit Hyung Suk again just to see how things are. We should make a plan for him to run away. Acting hastily will just end in more trouble."

Mrs. Park rolled her eyes, but then smiled, "Hehe....you're so smart dear. I let my emotions get the best of me. We should start planning that escape. I would sacrifice him not talking to me if I know that he's out of that shitty house."

"Please don't curse sweetheart..."

A/N- We about to finish!!! YAYA!!! I kind of like how it's going😅. But anyways the reason why I made Hyungsuk get shot is because it's realistic let's be honest. No matter how good of a fighter you are you are gonna get shot. Like in the movies sure you'll survive but I wanted to make this more realistic so yeah. Also I did kind of not like putting Hyungsuk in such positions because he's definitely not a damsel in distress. Unless I make a story of him not fighting😭. But yeah I'm glad I'm finishing up this story. I know it says it'll end on chap 19 but I think I may end it next chapter cause I'm just trying to wrap this bitch up tbh😂. But anyways thanks to everyone who has been reading up till now❤️. Appreciate y'all.

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