Chapter 11

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"Hmm, I thought I heard that her attitude made her unlikable. That's why people said that Yuzuru would fuck other people despite having a fiancé."

Hyung Suk paused at what she said, "He- he what?"

So Jung was quiet on the other line before sighing. "Yeah....he probably still does that. Hey, you shouldn't let that slide though. You should definitely beat the shit out of him. It's not a surprise coming from him but that's still kind of brings shame.."

Hyung Suk bit his lip, his omega was acting up again.

You stupid thing. Yamazaki Yuzuru isn't yours.

He breathed deeply to calm himself, "It doesn't really matter to be honest. But I need you to bring someone over here from our side, preferably Ms. Paek."

She was quiet for a moment, "Alright, I'm sure that shouldn't be a problem. But it might be a sign to the others that there's mistrust and tension."

Hyung Suk knew that, "I don't care what they think. I'm not getting killed by any of these bastards. There's definitely going to be an uprising. Me and her couldn't talk after that since the other members came. She fucking pulled my hair and put that annoying squeaky voice again."

He heard Soo Jung hum, "She most likely acts like that on the outside. The Hayashi's are known to not have good relationships with the Yamazaki's. The only reason they stay is unknown. They have the political power which makes it even more unreasonable..."

Hyung Suk nodded, "Kanami told me that the reason why they cut off Chihiro and Yuzuru's wedding was because we had more power. Which makes sense since we could both expand the business."

She sighed, "So many unanswered questions. I'll talk about it with my dad. I'm sure he'll tell our ahjussi's. But how are things holding up on your end."

Hyung Suk rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall. "They want us to consummate the wedding. They want a kid so I'm gonna give it to them. What about y'all?"

She stayed quiet for a little, "Don't switch up the topic! You sure you wanna do it? If he forces you that's rape and I will not sit down and watch! I don't care what happens..."

He sighed and hugged his legs closer to himself, he was happy how overprotective his friend was for him. It made him feel safe. "It's okay. It can't be that bad. I'll be fine. Now you answer the question."

She sighed, "It's fine. The movement between Japan and us is going smoothly. It's probably because they always tried to use our routes....but anyways."

Hyung Suk giggled, "Yeah, I'll tell you about anything else if needed."

"Alright then, keep yourself safe....and remember about the card I gave you. It's always an option."

Hyung Suk bit his lip, "Okay"




"This is common for many people in Japan to do so the baby can be healthy, or maybe babies" the young beta female smiled at him.

He smiled a little as the women cleaned his body with a piece of cloth. There were other people cleaning his body as well which made him really uncomfortable. Maybe it was just his omega. No, anyone wouldn't want random hands touching them. He looked up to see the main priest, an old beta male, who was chanting as he held beads. He looked forward again and just closed his eyes.

God damn it sometimes I wish the Yamazaki's weren't so traditional.

His family and the older generations, expect for Dong Soo and Dogyu; he could add Gapryong since the only reason he does traditional stuff is because of Ms. Kang, are traditional.  It was nice that he was connected to his roots but sometimes it was just annoying.

I never knew somebody like you, somebodyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن