Chapter 7

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Hyung Suk watched as the whole place was filled with people. Just how many friends did the Yamazaki's have? It's no wonder how they've stayed at the top but at the same time its a wonder.

Not even them as gangsters had this much people as allies even with the whole of South Korea united.

He looked around as a way to entertain himself. The place was absolutley beautiful. It had slightly dimmed lights creating a calm atmosphere. The elegance the place gave off was immaculate.

And the kimonos everyone was wearing were so pretty. The patterns, the colors, the accessories. As much as he hated the fact that he would stay here, the people seemed interesting. But even so he would rather his people be here. Apparently there was a sort of delay so it might take longer for them to arrive.

So for now he was just kneeling on the floor, ignoring the food on the table as he watched. There was nothing left to do since they already greeted their guests. It lasted for only a few seconds. Though some of them were funny as Yuzuru's friend did a routines as a way to show respect. There were also a few he knew, not as friends though.

"Not having much fun?"

Hyung Suk resisted the urge to frown as he started to become annoyed, "I guess..." he responded indifferently.

He could sense that Yuzuru did not like that answer. Perhaps he could smell it too but he ignored it. He wasn't going to do things just to make the bastard happy; he could give two fucks about him.

He turned to Yuzuru as he was going to say something but he didn't. They were both so.....close. From here he could see the older man's black eyes clearly. Not the ones where he was the Shiro Oni, no, his actual eyes. Yuzuru stared at him too and he felt himself blush. He furrowed his brow and scrunched his face before turning away from him. He stared at the wall and "admired" the decorations.


He heard some people start to talk to Yuzuru but he didn't look. He tried to control his rapid heartbeat and breath. He closed his eyes and took a breath. Why was he so angry?

Remember who you're doing this for. Mom, Dad, Uncle, Gimyeong, Jihoon, Soo Jung...You can't let this bastard get into your head. Just indure.....

He heard some commotion and turned towards it. It was by the doors and he held his breath; it was Soo Jung, who looked so beautiful in her hanbok, and the others coming in. He smiled and started getting up-


He sat back down when he heard a very loud, high pitched voice along with a bang on the table. He looked up to the person who yelled with distaste; a girl, with brown long hair and bangs, along with the most brighest brown eyes hes seen, was staring down at him. He looked at Yuzuru who was staring at the girl. He couldn't help but frown and clicked his tongue. He got up from his seat and started walking down; he was seriously getting pissed off.

That stupid idiot. He shouldn't bring me into his problems. Not my fault I ruined your wedding. I never wanted this in the first place!

"Are you okay?"

He jumped a little when a hand grabbed his shoulder but he saw Soo Jung. He stared at her and felt like hugging her and crying.

"I'm fine....just annoyed" he sighed and put on the best smile he could.

"Hyung Suk!!"

He was held into a hug making him groan but he didn't try to get out of it.

"Let him go dumbass. You're gonna ruin his look" Jihoon came to the rescue thankfully.

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