Chapter 14

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"I didn't find anything....."

Jong Gun stared at her and slowly processed her words. She looked nervous as she stared at the floor and not him.

"Did he do anything to you?"

She didn't answer and he furrowed his brows. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. It was now concerning as her usual scent of cherry blossoms with mangos was nowhere near this rotten smell of stress she was spewing.

"Tell me. I'm pretty sure your family tried to assassinate my husband. And you already know that I won't let anything happen to you. I don't give a fuck about what those bastards say."

She continued to look at him with fear and confusion. He didn't know why she was acting like this but he needed to know why now.

"Dad- that man...found out what I was trying to do. He-"

She started to tremble and put her hands in her face and he let go of her and watched her break down. They both knew there was a chance of this happening, but the consequences for her were unknown. He cared for his friend, but he didn't really know how to comfort her right now.

He put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed, "What did he do?"

She hiccuped and looked up at him with teary eyes before looking back down as she used her sleeves to wipe away her tears. Her lips trembles as he waited for her to speak up.

"He- cough.....he made me strip in front of the family and beg for forgiveness. When I said no he beat me until I started to beg. And then..." more tears fell from her eyes "there were shamans that came and they were chanting and screaming so they could purify my soul....."

He stood there as he tried to process what she just said. It made him furious, but it was bound to happen. No one took lightly to traitors, especially the Hayashi's; it's a miracle she's still alive. 

"Don't worry. I won't let you die. I just need to figure out a way to get them out of the picture..." he narrowed his eyes and let her go as he dug into his pocket for his phone. "I have someone who can take you away from here."

She nodded, "I have to leave now though. I'm sure dad knows that I'm talking to you again. I'm sure he'll kill me this time."

"This person is reliable. They'll get you out of here soon."

He dialed the phone number and ordered his service quickly.

"They'll be here in an hour. You have to get to this shop in Tokyo. You can lose yourself in the crowd."

She nodded, "Yuzuru....."

He looked at her, "What?"

".....this time I don't think it's dad who tried to assassinate Park Hyung Suk. From everything I've gathered he's more focused on taking you down. He knows the importance of being allied with Choi Dong Soo and all of them. I think he wanted to take you down and make an alliance with them....." she looked up at him.

He stood there in disbelief; it made total sense and he trusted his friend. But the question now was who tried to assassinate Park Hyung Suk. He just couldn't figure out who else.

"Alright....get there safe."

She nodded and he turned around and left her.




Hyung Suk's whole body shook as he shivered from the shocks of lust that coursed through his body. He was at the peak of his heat and Yuzuru still hasn't come. It was a lonely feeling. Despite all of the hatred he felt for him he was resenting himself too. Was he not a good enough omega? He understood that they had a lot of tension, but even this was harsh.

I never knew somebody like you, somebodyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat