classroom Of The Elite reacti...

By Aniketpg244

210K 3.1K 1.6K

reaction fic More

how it started
reactions Horikita and Ibuki vs Ichika
Reactions Pictures
one shot nanase x ayanokoji
one shot ichika as ayanokouji sister
one shot ayanokouji in minecraft
reaction island exam
one shot kushida x ayanokouji part 1
one shot female ryuuen ( short )
one shot : the girl i forgot part 1
reaction yagami takuya
reaction to pictures part 2
reaction female ryuuen
reaction papkouji
reaction to pictures
one shot ayanokouji pet lion
reactions pictures part 3
reaction Ayanokouji pet lion
one shot ayanokouji mother part 1
short story ( Very short )
reaction short story (short)
reaction ichika revealed
one shot mareied life karuwizawa route
one shot married life ichinose route
one shot kiyone ayanokoji
reaction picture part 4
one shot narcissistic koji
one shot ayanokouji mother part 2
one shot ayanokouji fiancée
new fanfic
reaction narcissistic koji
reaction to ships
one shot ayanokouji can see girl's through clothes
reaction react to ships 2
one shot class d goes to zoo
one shot the horny system
Reaction Class D goes to the zoo
Reaction memes
Reaction to ships 3
Reaction memes 2
Reaction Picture ( Times Mag )
Reaction to quotes
One shot Ayanokouji goes back in time
Reaction pictures ( Times mag )
Reaction to Ayanokouji goes back in time
Ayankouji goes back in time 2
Reaction Ayanokouji vs Ichika
One shot nice Atsuomi
Reaction Ayanokouji goes back in time 2
One shot Class D goes to Zoo 2
Ayanokouji goes back in time 3
One shot ayanokouji's sister
Reaction ayankouji goes back in time 3
Ayankouji goes back in time 4
Split personality Kushida
Split personality kushida 2
future of this fic
one shot Kiyo as a father(kiyoxichinosexsuzune)

Ayanokouji and Airsu date

1.3K 18 2
By Aniketpg244

( Before ayankouji and airsu meet ) 

The sun was setting over the campus of Advanced Nurturing High School, casting a warm glow over the meticulously landscaped gardens and elegant architecture. Amidst this picturesque scene, Arisu Sakayanagi found herself waiting anxiously at the entrance of the school's main building, a delicate blush gracing her cheeks.

She glanced at her watch, noting the time with a hint of impatience. It was unlike her to be kept waiting, but today was no ordinary day. Today, she was meeting someone special—someone who had intrigued her in ways she couldn't quite understand.

Just as she was about to give up hope, she spotted him approaching from across the courtyard. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, with his characteristic calm demeanor and enigmatic aura, strode towards her with a casual elegance that belied his true nature.

"Good evening, Sakayanagi-san," Ayanokouji greeted, his voice as composed as ever.

Arisu nodded in acknowledgment, her heart fluttering in her chest. "Good evening, Ayanokouji-kun. Thank you for agreeing to meet me."

Ayanokouji inclined his head slightly. "The pleasure is mine. Shall we proceed?"

With a nod, Arisu fell into step beside him as they made their way towards their destination—a quaint French bistro that had recently opened near the school. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the soft murmur of conversation as they entered the cozy establishment.

Seated at a secluded table near the window, Arisu and Ayanokouji exchanged polite small talk as they perused the menu. Arisu couldn't help but steal glances at Ayanokouji, marveling at the subtle nuances of his expression and the quiet strength that seemed to radiate from him.

As they placed their orders and waited for their food to arrive, Arisu found herself growing increasingly curious about the person sitting across from her. There was something about Ayanokouji that defied explanation—a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

"So, Ayanokouji-kun, tell me about yourself," Arisu began, her voice tinged with genuine interest.

Ayanokouji regarded her with a thoughtful expression, as if considering his response carefully. "There isn't much to tell, Sakayanagi-san. I am simply a student like any other, trying to navigate the complexities of high school life."

Arisu couldn't help but smile at his modesty. "Surely there must be more to you than that, Ayanokouji-kun. You have a reputation for being... unconventional, shall we say?"

Ayanokouji's lips quirked in a faint smile, a rare sight that sent a thrill of excitement coursing through Arisu's veins. "Perhaps you are right, Sakayanagi-san. But I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves."

"Kiyotaka-kun," Arisu began, her voice laced with curiosity, "I've always wondered about your past. You're such a mysterious figure, and yet you seem to navigate life with such ease. How did you become the person you are today?"

Ayanokouji glanced up from his cup of espresso, his expression unreadable. "My past is not something I like to dwell on, Sakayanagi-san. I prefer to focus on the present and the future."

Arisu frowned slightly, sensing the deflection in Ayanokouji's response. She had expected as much—after all, prying into Ayanokouji's past was like trying to unravel a tangled web of secrets and shadows. But still, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at his evasiveness.

"I understand," Arisu said, masking her disappointment with a polite smile. "Let's talk about something else, then. How are you finding your classes this semester?"

Ayanokouji's lips twitched in what might have been a smile as he launched into a discussion about their academic pursuits. Arisu listened intently, marveling at Ayanokouji's intellect and keen insights. Despite his reluctance to open up about his past, there was no denying his brilliance.

As they continued to converse, their plates gradually emptied, each dish a symphony of flavors that delighted the senses. Arisu found herself losing track of time as she savored each moment, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Ayanokouji, however fleeting it may be.

But beneath the surface, a sense of unease lingered. Try as she might, Arisu couldn't shake the feeling that there was something Ayanokouji wasn't telling her—something hidden in the shadows of his past.

"Kiyotaka-kun," Arisu said, her tone gentle yet probing, "there's one thing I can't help but wonder. Why are you so guarded about your past? What is it that you're afraid of?"

Ayanokouji's gaze flickered for a moment, a fleeting glimpse of vulnerability before his mask slipped back into place. "I'm not afraid of anything, Sakayanagi-san. I simply prefer to keep certain things to myself."

Arisu studied him carefully, searching for any hint of the truth behind his stoic facade. But try as she might, Ayanokouji's secrets remained firmly locked away, hidden from prying eyes.

"Very well," Arisu said with a resigned sigh, "I won't press the matter any further. But just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they dined on exquisite cuisine and shared anecdotes about their experiences at school. Arisu found herself opening up to Ayanokouji in a way she hadn't with anyone else, drawn to the quiet strength and unwavering confidence that seemed to define him.

As the evening wore on and the sky outside darkened to shades of indigo and violet, Arisu realized with a start that she didn't want the night to end. There was something about Ayanokouji that made her feel alive, as if she were seeing the world through new eyes.

"Would you like to take a walk with me, Sakayanagi-san?" Ayanokouji suggested, his voice soft and inviting.

Arisu nodded eagerly, her heart pounding in her chest. Together, they ventured out into the cool night air, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone path that wound its way through the school grounds.

As they walked side by side, Arisu stole glances at Ayanokouji, her cheeks flushing with warmth. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him, nor the sense of excitement that coursed through her veins.

"Ayanokouji-kun, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Arisu began, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ayanokouji turned to look at her, his gaze steady and unwavering. "What is it, Sakayanagi-san?"

Arisu took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Do you believe in fate, Ayanokouji-kun? Do you believe that two people can be destined to meet, regardless of the circumstances?"

Ayanokouji's expression softened, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I believe that sometimes, the universe has a way of bringing people together, even when it seems improbable."

Their eyes met in a silent understanding, a shared moment of connection that transcended words. And as they continued to walk beneath the starlit sky, Arisu couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, this serendipitous encounter was the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

Then Ayanokouji walked towards the male dormitory which led to Sakayanagi to walk home alone.

As Arisu Sakayanagi walked home from the French café where she had shared a meal with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, her thoughts were consumed by him. The memory of their conversation lingered in her mind, along with the taste of the exquisite food they had shared and the warmth of his presence.

With each step, Arisu found herself reflecting on the enigmatic boy who had captured her curiosity and sparked a flame of interest within her. She had always prided herself on her rationality and logic, but Ayanokouji seemed to defy all her expectations, his mysterious aura drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

As she entered her empty apartment and settled onto the couch, Arisu allowed herself to acknowledge the truth that had been simmering beneath the surface of her consciousness. She had fallen in love with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka—a realization that filled her with both joy and trepidation.

The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the depths of her heart with a clarity she had never known before. She had spent so long guarding herself against the vulnerabilities of love, but now, faced with the undeniable truth of her feelings for Ayanokouji, she couldn't help but surrender to the overwhelming tide of emotions.

With a sigh, Arisu closed her eyes and allowed herself to bask in the warmth of her newfound affection. She replayed their conversation in her mind, savoring each moment and cherishing the subtle nuances of Ayanokouji's presence.

But amidst the euphoria of love, a sense of apprehension lingered. She knew that loving someone like Ayanokouji would not be easy—that his past was shrouded in mystery and his future uncertain. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, Arisu was willing to take the risk, to embrace the unknown and follow her heart wherever it may lead.

As the night wore on and the moon cast its gentle glow upon the world outside, Arisu made a silent vow to herself. She would cherish her love for Ayanokouji, nurturing it like a delicate flower and allowing it to bloom into something beautiful and enduring.

For in the depths of her heart, she knew that her love for him was not just a passing fancy, but a profound and immutable truth—a truth that would shape the course of her life in ways she could never have imagined. And as she drifted off to sleep, a serene smile graced her lips, her heart filled with the boundless possibility of love.


I've created a new story in which Light will be reborn into cote. 

Even if this was short it took almost 30 min to make it because I made it sound better. 

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