The Shadow Queen | Draco Malf...

By Emmamalfoy007

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"You may believe yourself to be the rightful heir, but you are nothing more than a deceitful pretender, while... More

I - I
I - IV
I - VI
I - IX
II - I


33 0 0
By Emmamalfoy007

As Daphne and I emerged from our rooms into the common room, the aftermath of the snowfall outside greeted us with a serene beauty. The decision to take a stroll seemed perfect in such weather, and as we descended the stairs, we spotted Draco, Theo, and Blaise engaged in conversation by the fireplace.

Draco's eyes lit up as he saw us, and he rose from his seat, Theo and Blaise following suit. Stepping towards us, Draco took my hands in his and tenderly kissed my knuckles, his whispered compliment sending shivers down my spine and eliciting a blush from my cheeks.

Blaise couldn't help but interject, his tone laced with playful exasperation. "This is torture!" His sudden outburst drew curious glances from those nearby."What's torturous?" Theo inquired.

"Seeing the four of you all lovey-dovey!" Blaise declared with mock indignation. "It's gross and makes me feel lonely!" 

 "Ah, young love in its prime, truly a sight to behold." Theo chimed in with a smirk,

Daphne rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, spare us the romantic banter, Draco. You're making the rest of us sick."

Draco chuckled, unfazed by her teasing, "Can't help it if I appreciate beauty when I see it."

Blaise shook his head dramatically, "Well, keep it to yourselves, will you? Some of us are trying to maintain our dignity here."

Theo nudged Blaise with a grin, "Come on, Blaise, don't be jealous. Your time will come."

Blaise shot him a mock glare before joining in the laughter, "Easy for you to say, Theo. You're practically married already."

The banter continued as we made our way out of the common room, the playful teasing lightening the mood and adding to the camaraderie among us. Moments like these reminded us of the bonds of friendship and love that sustained us through even the darkest times.

As we strolled along, Cedric unexpectedly joined our little group, and when Blaise began griping about the recent incident in the common room, Cedric playfully consoled him, adopting a boyfriend-like demeanour, which sent us all into fits of laughter.

On our way back, Blaise paused to tie his shoelaces, a fact we only noticed after walking a few steps ahead. Halting in our tracks, we resumed our chatter, patiently awaiting Blaise's return. Suddenly, I felt a chilly impact against the back of my head. Whirling around, I discovered Blaise armed with a heap of snowballs, gleefully launching them at us.

"Game on!" Theo declared, dropping to the ground to fashion his own arsenal of snowballs. The rest of us followed suit, engaging in a chaotic snowball fight. Before long, we had buried Blaise under a mound of snow, and Cedric became our primary target as he valiantly attempted to rescue his friend. In the midst of the flurry, I found myself in the crosshairs. With no shelter in sight, I made a dash for cover, spotting Severus nearby. I darted behind him just in time, causing the snowball Blaise had launched to inadvertently collide with Severus's face.

Amidst our laughter, Severus wiped the snow from his face with a resigned sigh. "You lot should head back to your dorms and change into dry clothes before you catch a cold," he admonished, his tone tinged with exasperation. Just as he turned to leave, I couldn't suppress a sneeze from my hiding spot behind him, eliciting another shake of his head before he disappeared from view.


It was Christmas, and for once, none of us had chosen to return to our respective homes. Instead, we opted to remain at one of my numerous estates. This particular one, akin to the Salvatore palace, was nestled deep within the forest, although, unlike the magical creatures that inhabited the vicinity of Salvatore palace, this forest remained devoid of such wonders.

The morning of Christmas Eve found me wandering alone in the expansive back gardens. The hour was still early, and the world around me slumbered in tranquil silence.

Amidst my solitary stroll, a small black cat caught my eye. Approaching cautiously, I scooped the delicate creature into my arms. It was frail and thin, a mere wisp of a creature. Knowing it wouldn't survive long in the cold, I made the decision to bring it inside.

Settling the cat atop a soft blanket by the crackling fire, I fetched a saucer of milk and a bowl of water. As soon as the liquid came into view, the cat eagerly lapped it up, its tiny frame trembling with each gulp. It was a heartwarming sight, this little creature finding solace and warmth on this wintry Christmas morning.

I had never laid eyes on a kitten quite like this one. There was something strikingly different about it, though I couldn't quite put my finger on what exactly it was.

As everyone began to stir and filter into the living room, their attention was immediately drawn to the kitten. They gathered around it, mesmerized by its presence as it slept peacefully.

"Where did you find this little one?" Blaise inquired, gently stroking its head.

"It was nestled in the snow out in the back gardens, near the edge of the forest," I replied.

"It's not your typical kitten, is it?" Theo observed.

"No, definitely not," I agreed, studying the unique creature.

"Could it be a panther? Panthers are known to roam these forests," Daphne speculated.

"Imagine that, a tiny panther," I mused, glancing down at the kitten snuggled on the blankets.

"It's a possibility," Theo chimed in, nodding in agreement with Daphne.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see," I said, scooping up the kitten and heading towards the staircase.

"Are you planning on keeping it?" Draco questioned.

"I think so," I replied with a smile. "It's black and adorable, fits perfectly with my aesthetic," I added as I ascended the stairs and disappeared into my room.


Just like the past two years, Draco woke me up by bouncing on my bed with his usual exuberance.

However, this year was different; it wasn't just the two of us exchanging presents. After Draco roused me from sleep, we made our way downstairs to find everyone eagerly awaiting our arrival in the living room.

Together, we all unwrapped our gifts, following our customary tradition of Draco and I waiting until the very end.

Draco insisted that I present his gift first, promising to reveal his only after mine was given. I had chosen for him a sword, similar in color to mine, knowing his skill with blades. Although his wasn't enchanted like mine, it possessed a unique feature; it transformed into a fountain pen, and to unveil the sword's true form, he simply had to think about it and remove the cap. After he finished wielding the imaginary sword through the air, he finally presented me with his gift.

It was a small silver box containing a charm. But this wasn't just any ordinary charm; engraved on it were the initials "DM." It was a profound gesture of understanding. As I glanced up at Draco, I found him on one knee.

"Aara, I've put a lot of thought into this gift, wanting it to truly convey the depth of my feelings for you. This charm isn't just a piece of jewellery; it's a promise—a promise to love you, to cherish you, and to be there for you always. It's a promise that when we're older, I'll present you with a ring, but until then, let this charm symbolize my commitment to you. I know I haven't always been the best at expressing myself, and for that, I apologize. But please know that with this charm, I want you to feel secure in the knowledge that I see you, I understand you, and I cherish every part of who you are. You mean everything to me, Aara and I hope this gift serves as a constant reminder of that," he expressed, and tears welled up in my eyes. All I could manage was a nod.

Taking my response as affirmation, Draco rose, retrieved the charm from the box, and affixed it to the bracelet I was wearing. As soon as he finished, Daphne leaped onto me with squeals of joy. Draco shot a bemused glance at Theo, who raised his hands in surrender.

"I tried to hold her back, but she bit me, man," Theo explained, showing the spot where Daphne had nipped him. I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

For the remainder of the holiday, we indulged in playing muggle board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly.

A word of advice: in Monopoly, trust no one. Even friends become foes in the pursuit of victory.

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