Tale In The Red Sand

By Sparklesxshimmer

935 53 0

In the heart of Somalia resided a young woman by the name, Hibaaq Cali. Sheltered and guarded her whole life... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty- Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty - seven
Twenty - Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty - Four
Chapter Thirty - five
Chapter Thirty - Six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty -Nine
Chapter Forty


15 1 0
By Sparklesxshimmer

Turin, Italy 1974

Hibaaq walked with guidance because she couldn't see what was in front of her, all she registered was that the ground they walked on was soft, as soft as grass, if the smell of morning dew wasn't already a dead giveaway. It smelt so fresh and if she strained her ears hard enough, she could hear a gushing body of water in the distance.

"Can I look now?" She asked, her fingers clasping over the thick ones that covered her eyes. She playfully tugged at them. "Come on, let me see."

"Not yet, just a little more."

She counted her steps after that. One, two, three, four, five, six — the fingers uncovered her eyes and Hibaaq slowly peeled them open to the view before her. She blinked once then twice, her eyes flitting around the green landscape, wondering if she was dreaming or if she was really standing in such an ethereal place.

Hibaaq widened her eyes to saucers at the majestic Manor House nestled amidst the lush, emerald green grassy fields. It was huge and littered with paned windows. The front and sides of the muddy brown brick was covered in vines, that grew the most beautiful climbing hydrangeas. The air was perfumed with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, their vibrant colours harmoniously dancing in the warm summer breeze. In the distance, Hibaaq spotted a serene woodland, with a thick line of trees standing tall and mighty towards the sky. A place where nature's beauty and serenity came together in perfect rhapsody.

Since leaving the car, they had trekked for awhile to reach the astonishing estate. Hibaaq kind of liked that it didn't have an extravagant driveway and a fancy fountain in the middle or humongous stairs leading up to the house. It was simply exquisite. Now the question is, why did her dear husband bring her here all of a sudden. She whirled around to peer inquisitively at her grinning husband. "Ercole, my love, what is this place?" She asked him.

"It's yours." He answered.

Hibaaq's jaw slackened, she couldn't believe her ears. "You mean to tell me, this house... is ours?"

"Not ours, it's yours, Bella." Ercole said again. "If you'll have me, I'll gladly stay," He jested. A minute had gone by since she said anything else, Hibaaq only stared hard at her husband to see when his mischievous grin would pop out and tell her it's all a big joke, but Ercole only returned the hard stare with a glimmer of entertainment lighting his hazel eyes.

"Not just the house by the way, the whole estate is yours. From the fields beyond it"- Ercole gently spun her around by the shoulders, and pulled her frame into his broad chest before resting his stubbled chin atop her covered head. His arm raised and he started to draw a line through the air.  "Through those woods, and a little further across the stream, it's all yours, Habibti." 'Habibti' was a new term of endearment added to her many other pet names, she couldn't say she liked it more than 'Bella' but it beat 'sugar cheeks' by a million.

Hibaaq was left astounded, she didn't no what to say, a 'thank you' she supposed, but would that simply cut it. "Ercole, I"- She paused, suddenly remembering something... her mehr. It wasn't money, or a car or a ring. She remembered uttering at her nikkah, 'an estate' and it wasn't something she calculated the night before or even days before then. Hibaaq didn't ponder on a fixed mehr at all until the imam of the masjid asked her for it. It must've been a nervous blubber, a thought in the spur of the moment because she couldn't think of a number to give. Now here she was, with what she asked for, five summers later.

"It took five years to build, and I know you didn't specify where you wanted it, so I figured my mother's hometown would be perfect to build it on."

If Hibaaq thought she was astounded before then she was incomprehensibly shocked now. "You built it, it wasn't purchased! What about the vines on the house, they look years old?!"

"I purchased the land, and the manor was designed to look like something out of the renaissance. The vines were Lisa's idea, she spent most of her life studying botany. I don't know how she made it work, but in two years the vines started growing with those white flowers." Ercole pointed to the hydrangeas. "She also planted those flower beds by the entrance."

"Ercole, it's beautiful, honestly I would've been over the moon with a simple house." Hibaaq breathed.

"That wouldn't be adequate for you Bella, that's why I built this manor with a queen in mind. Come, let's go inside." Ercole outstretched his hand for Hibaaq to take before they started off towards the extensive abode. Seeing it up close, Hibaaq drank in just how large it truly was, though nothing could've prepared her for the inside.

They stepped inside through its grand rectangular doorway, and was instantly greeted by a sight straight out of a fairytale. A sweeping staircase gracefully adorned the side, beckoning them to explore the vast upstairs. The white walls were ornamented with regal paintings of more flowers and fruits and grassy landscapes, just like the outside but captured through the careful brushstrokes on a canvas. Their vibrant colours brought the walls to life. The wooden floors shone with an enthralling glow, reflecting the warmth of the sun and the history of the house. Only it was made to look like it had seen centuries, and it was fascinating how well it was replicated. And right in the center, there was an intricately carved wooden stand, painted a striking white. Perched atop it, a massive vase overflowed with a mixture of dahlias, peonies and roses.

Hibaaq's eyes bounced around, lingering on spots she found more diverting than others. The hallways unfolded on either side of the foyer, one of them was adorned with the tall paned windows she spotted from outside. They streamed the sunlight in, casting a warm golden along its path. Hibaaq looked forward and she was drawn to the sight of two large, sturdy double doors made of rich brown wood and beyond them awaited a cushy and yet grand drawing room with a mighty fireplace standing proudly. As they wandered through the house, she was astonished to find a kitchen way too big for the both of them, a pool room?! A swimming pool inside the house made of marble and stone and guarded by pillars, it resembled a Roman bathhouse. Even a ballroom?! As if it were the eighteenth century and she would be hosting any balls. Although, Ercole assured her it was for the both of them to sway in whenever they wished.

Ercole led her back to the foyer, and by then she was feeling a little dizzy.

"Do you like it?" He enquired, squeezing her hand in his own.

"Like it?! I adore it." She breathed. "Thank you, my love."

"Does that mean I get to stay the night?" He jested, releasing her hand to grab a hold of her hips. It's been five years of marriage, five years of their travels around the world, sharing a home, treasured memories and secrets. Still Ercole always somehow found a way to make the same joke, and Hibaaq somehow always found it hilarious.

"Perhaps." She murmured, cupping the sides of his face and tucking the lose strands of hair behind his ears. She remembered being overjoyed when he told her he would be growing out his hair again, he really did suit it. She stood on her tiptoes and began peppering his face with feathery kisses, lingering a little longer and pressed a little harder on his rosy lips before she pulled away with saccharine smile. "I love you." She said, laying her head on his chest to listen to the calming beat of his heart.

"I love you." He replied, stroking her back the way she liked. "I can't wait for our little one to join us." He pulled away to place a large and warm palm on her small protruding belly.

"Is that why there's so many rooms, so the baby can have many siblings," Hibaaq chortled, covering her hand where his still softly stroked. Her heart was brimful with bliss.

"Perhaps." Ercole said lowly into her ear.

Their eyes locked in a gaze that spoke volumes of their shared dreams and the countless memories that waited to be woven within these walls. They knew that this enchanting place would be the backdrop for laughter, love and cherished moments that will forever hold a special place in their hearts. It was a beautiful beginning to a lifelong journey, and this estate would forever stand as a testament to their love and the years that lie ahead of them.

In Sha Allah.


The end.

Oh my gosh...

I can't believe it's over after two whole years. I only started posting chapters around this time last year because I finally felt brave enough to put a little something of mine out there, and I'm so glad I did because I ADORED writing this story. I definitely have more up my sleeves, BUT in all due time In sha Allah!

To my kind and gentle readers,
I love you ❤️

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