The Dark Truth.

By -Cherry_Light-

232 14 166

. . . "Sometimes, the truth is darker than the lie told..." Quote by: Me, :) Original Storyline? An HoO and... More

. . .


14 1 19
By -Cherry_Light-


    So, random question-

    Which is better? Supernatural or Spider-Man?
     What color is Math(I think it's either Green or Red-)

    Jason groaned aloud as Piper scolded him. He understood what she was getting at, considering he did almost die. He was lucky, apparently Caligula had missed anything complete fatal. Only by an inch though. He'd been stuck, basically bedridden, for almost a week. It reminded him of what happened when he got stabbed during the quest, and he really wasn't a big fan of it.

    "I'm fine Pipes, remember?" Jason sighed. "Apollo said I'd be alright in a few days with his healing after he became a god."

    Yes, you read that right, Apollo healed him. After becoming a god, he apparently felt bad for almost getting Jason killed, and decided to heal him as a sort of apology. Naturally, Jason forgave him, because it wasn't really his fault. Also, he remembered what it was like to be human, which was all Jason had wanted.

    "I know, I know..." Piper said guiltily. "I'm just worried. We might not be dating and all, but I still care about you as a friend."

    "I wouldn't ask for anything more." Jason smiled. "Just, can I atleast walk around?"

    "Sure Momma Jason!" Piper said with a serious tone. Jason groaned at the joke. Apparently, accourding to the other seven, he acted like a mother while Annabeth acted like a father, so they had a running joke of calling him mom and Annabeth dad.

    He didn't quite understand, considering he was male and Annabeth was female, but he just went with it. As Piper walked out, he heard his phone going off. It wasn't monster-proof or anything(they hadn't exactly figured out how on earth to do that) so whenever someone called, it was either important, or Leo and Percy pranking them. He grabbed the phone off the infirmary table next to the bed and read the callers ID. Leo.

    Jason groaned and answered the call. "Not to be rude Leo, but please tell me you aren't pranking me. Last time you pranked someone, Hazel got attacked by monsters."

    "Um, sorry?" The person said, and Jason was immediately on guard. It wasn't Leo, his voice was more high-pitched in a sense and had a slight Hispanic accent to it(he didn't even notice at first until he asked Leo if he'd ever had an accent. When Jason was younger, he'd had a stutter so he was curious. Apparently he had a Hispanic accent, but sort of hid it so people could understand him. He showed Jason it.).

    "Who is this, and why do you have my friends phone?" Jason asked, slightly hoping it wasn't a mortal. He didn't want to explain the monster concept.

    "I'm one of Leos friends? well, I think I am. He's friends with Peter and all," He cut himself off. "But that's not the point. Look, I have no idea if you can help but since you obviously know what he was talking about I don't really care. Peter and Leo are missing."

    Jason stiffened, swinging his feet to the side of the infirmary bed. "Tell me what happened."

    The person sighed in relief and began to explain what happened. Or, what he knew happened. Jason sparked slightly hearing about the fake call. When he was finished explaining, Jason got out of the bed with a wince, grabbing his coin from the table.

    "I'm Harry, by the way. Peter's friend." The person, Harry, said. "Also, are you okay?"

    "I'm good." Jason told him. He knew it wasnt a good idea, but he told the person where the camp was, so he could explain more. He usually would be more cautious about a situation like this, but his friend was kidnapped. The friend that killed basically every monsters mother, he had a reason to be concerned.

    He hung up the call and immediately went to Percy cabin, expecting both him and Annabeth to be there. Luckily, they didn't disappoint.

    Percy was teasing Annabeth about being the father, in which she just groaned at, when Jason knocked on the door. Percy answered it with a grin, asking 'what's up?'

    Jason sighed and explained the story. Percy's anger slowly rose until they heard the sound of a pipe breaking. There goes the plumbing in the Poseidon cabin, someone would probably need to fix that later.

    "And you're positive this isn't a prank?" Annabeth asked, and Jason nodded.

    "Accourding to the person I was talking to, he wasn't the only one who got kidnapped." Jason explained. "And I don't think Leo would go that far."

    Annabeth nodded in understanding. "And you said that person's coming here? And they're mortal?"

    "As far as I'm aware, yes." Jason agreed.

    "Can they get through the barrier?" Percy wondered.

    "No." Annabeth said. "We'll have to let him in when he gets here. After we make sure he isn't a monster by whether or not he can see the camp. And yes, I know he can also be clear-sighted."

    Another camper, Simon from Hermes Cabin(a complete trickster, he's almost as bad as the Stolls used to be before Travis left), walked into the cabin. Jason was pretty sure him and Leo were pretty decent friends, and by that he means they pull pranks together.

    Simon had short, yellow blonde hair that barely reached past his ears. His skin was almost as dark as Hazel's, with patches of almost white skin across his body. He was wearing an orange -- well, you can't really call it orange with the amount of other colors all over it from paintball -- camp tee-shirt and pitch black shorts(like, Nico's favorite color black, not gray black) with chocolate brown boots. His eyes were a bright yellow color, filled with a mischievous look only Leo could top.

    "Sup my guys!" Simon grinned. "How's it going? Oo, nice!" He said, grabbing a blue bear plush from the floor. "You keeping this?"

    "Uh, yes!" Percy immediately responds, grabbing the bear and hugging it. "And her name is blueberry."

    "Seriously bro?" Jason asked. "You named a stuffed bear?"

    "Shhh!" Percy scolded. "She doesn't know she's stuffed!"

    Jason stared at Annabeth, who just shrugged her shoulders at him. He sighed.

    "No offense bro, but we kinda have other problems then a stuffed bear." Jason retracted his statement. "Sorry, a blue bear."

    "Fine." Percy relented, squeezing the bear one last time. Simon walks over to Percy's bed at the same time and plops down on it, grinning.

    "So, what's the tea, sisters?" Simon asked, causing Jason to stare at him in confusion.

    "Um, we don't have any tea?" Jason questioned. "Also, we aren't related?"

    "He means the news." Annabeth explains. "And sisters is like friends. I'm guessing you didn't learn that at Camp Jupiter?"

    Jason blinked a few times.

    "Didn't think so." Annabeth said. "The campers don't seem like the type to 'get with the trends' as most people say."

    "For real, they are way too uptight." Simon grinned, popping a potato chip in his mouth. Jason had no idea where he got it. "Not you though, man. You're pretty chill. Anywho, the tea?"

    Annabeth looked at Jason, a silent message in her eyes. 'Do you want to tell him?'. Jason contemplates that for a few seconds, but eventually relents, explaining the problem. Simon actually gets a serious, and maybe a bit pissed, look. He closes the chip bag.

    "I'm coming." Simon decided. "Besides, my cabin needs more snacks and they volunteered me to do it."

    Jason sighed. He figured out pretty quickly that Hermes kids are way too stubborn.


    Jason waited outside the barrier, seeing a kid with medium blonde hair and a blue-ish eyes color looking around. Jason wondered why he knew so many blonde people. They walked up to him.

    "I'm guessing you're Jason?" Yup, definitely the same person from the phone, just less squeaky of a voice.

    "Uh yeah," Jason said. "And this is-"

    "Wassap, I'm Simon!" Simon interjected, shaking Harry's hand. "By far the prettiest kid here, don't tell Drew I said that though, she liked to think she is." Simon snorts. "Not with all that makeup, and not without it either."

    "Prettiest?" Harry asked, and Jason internally groaned.

    "Yeah!" Simon stated. "Percy and Jason are the 'hottest', I'm the prettiest, and Leo -- whether he denys it or not -- is the cutest. Not counting Harley though. And yes, I did a vote with lots of the campers!"

    "Seriously?" Jason asked.

    "Hell yeah!" Simon said proudly. "I'm assuming you aren't here for our camp rankings?"

    "I actually want to ask about that, what's with the camp?" Harry asked. "Everyone else says it's a strawberry farm."

    "I guess he is clear-sighted." Simon said, which felt kinda obvious to Jason. "Peachy, less explaining! Come one, come all, into our wonderful camp! Warning, avoid the Aphrodite girls and the whole of Ares Cabin!"

    "Aphrodite? Ares?" Harry asked. Jason glared pointedly at Simon before sighing.

    "Just come in," Jason smiled nervously. "We'll explain on the way."

    Jason entirely forgot about the barrier until he heard the sound of someone basically walking into something. He turned around and quickly granted Harry(and only Harry, he did ask Harry's last name) the ability to enter the camp.

    "You could have warned me about the obvious magic!" Harry complained.

    "How do you know it's magic?" Simon asked, though Jason kinda felt like it was obvious.

    "I've deal with magic before," Harry groaned. "That and, Pete's told me stories about his encounters. And then he's talked about Thor before-"

    "Like, the Norse god?" Jason asked.


    Okay, so maybe explaining the Greek God concept wouldn't be that hard.


    I swear, this chapter is much longer then I thought it would be-

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