Carl Grimes Oneshots

By ClassyCassyCadallac

2.7K 59 8

Recently decided I wanted to read a good oneshots book for Carl but couldn't find one that ✨Tickled My Fancy✨... More

Meet me in the night.
The nobody Pt1
The boy in the prison.
Causal update
Our final Meal
Quiet Ride
The nobody Pt2
The nobody Pt3
The Morning After
Carl Headcanons
The Boy in the Prison Pt 2
He who destroys Negan

Competing for Power Pt1

126 2 1
By ClassyCassyCadallac


I'd been on many runs before, none of them ever being anything more than what they were, runs. I'd go alongside Edin, Daryl, Michonne and Rick, but I'd never done a one on one run before.

Carl seemed bothered by the proposition from his dad, he protested against it when I'd left the room. We'd talked before, but there always seemed to be an air of competition, like he had to be better than me at all times.

I never understood why but I wasn't the type to confront others over minor things, if he didn't like me that was his problem. With didn't need to be friends, we didn't even need to like each other, we just had to accept that we are stuck together for the time being.

We wandered through a small town, speaking as little as we could without ignoring each other. We'd gone through a few convenience stores and gas stations, grabbing what we were told as well as a few personal things.

It was just about a month since my last period, so I moved to the hygiene section of one of the stores. I scanned the shelves, hoping to find something helpful but they'd been cleared out, all that remained were sanitary wipes and condoms. I sighed and picked up the wipes, 'may as well that something instead of nothing' I thought to myself. I looked over at the boxes condoms and at first thought I wouldn't need them, but then again, as much as sex as I wasn't having I still didn't want to get pregnant any time soon.

There were three options I could chose from; regular, ribbed, and her pleasure. I wasn't sure what the difference was so I picked up the her pleasure ones and began reading the box.

Carl came down the isle, breathing out a laugh when he noticed the box in my hands.

"Why would you ever need those?" He said, although it was a question, the way he said it was more as if it were a fact.

"I'd rather not get pregnant isn't he further, better to be safe than sorry." I replied not looking at him.

"Ya, like anyone would ever want to fuck you." He took the box from my hands and placed it back onto the shelf. "Come on, we're getting things we need, not things we'll never use."

He left the isle and went behind the pharmacy counter a few feet away, opening a cabinet and looking over the pill bottles inside. He looked back at me as I gave him a glare, to which he sighed, annoyed.

"What's your problem Carl?" I questioned.

"What are you talking about." He put a bottle in his bag.

"You either don't talk to me, or belittle me. What have I done to get this shit from you?"

He frowned and lent forward onto the counter, tilting his hat up a bit.

"I don't have a problem, it's you who's always one upping me." He accused.

"Since when?"

"Since I met you."

I shifted my weight and put a hand on my hip. "I need some proof of that, otherwise your full of shit."

He pushed off the counter and put his bag on the ground, lifting his hat and adjusting his bandages.

"Ever since we came to Alexandria, you've always had to be better than me. A better shot, a better partner on runs with my dad, even a better friend to Enid. You always do everything you can to be better than me."

Now I was confused, he was the one competing with me, not the other way around.

"I don't do that, did you ever think that maybe your just overthinking the stuff I do?"

"I'm not overthinking it, even my dad has said your better at me in things. He prefers to go on runs with you more than me."

"That's because I can keep up with him. Your not exactly the fasted person on the planet."

"Yes like that's what it is. It's like your trying to be better than me, make everyone like you more."

I turned around and sighed, I didn't understand what he meant. Since they'd arrived I'd only been on four runs with Rick, the rest with with Enid and Daryl, which was closer to the twenty range.

"So what now your gonna avoid the truth to. We both know your stuck up and self-absorbed, no need hiding it now, not behind your little good girl, can't do any wrong facade you've got going."

I spun around and looked at him, he come over the pharmacy counter and was barely a foot from me. I could feel the anger within me, I'd never done any of this to him, at least not knowingly.

He stared down into my eyes, his own full of jealousy and rage, and something else I couldn't quite place. A tension was growing between us, heavy and cold in the quiet of the convenience store. He was breathing deeply, long steady breathes.

"You started all of this, not me."

"I never said you did Carl, your accusing yourself and me other things that never happened."

"Yes because-" he grabbed the condoms off the shelf and held them to me. "-I wanted to started an argument that could've happened any other time because of a bunch of condoms."

"Then put them down, shut up, and we can argue about this when we-" he suddenly reached his hand behind my head, grasped a fistful of my hair and smashed his lips onto mine.

We pushed back and forth at each other, hungrily fighting for dominance over the other. Pushed back against him hard enough that he began to step back, pulling me with him till his waist hit the counter.

He pulled back and took in a deep breathe, myself doing the same. We stared at each other deeply, his eyes full of rage and desire now. He looked down at his hand, the box of regular condoms hand become crumbled in it, but was otherwise fine.

Carl looked back up to me, an angered smile creeping onto his lips.

"On the counter, now."


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