You Don't Have To Rush Yourse...

By SomeTypicalMilk

15.5K 680 629

Y/N's father used to be a famous musician traveling the world. That was before he decided to retire due to th... More

Please Take A Seat Wherever You'd Like. The Show Will Begin Soon.
Welcome To The Stage, Hitori Gotoh... Too Long. How About Bocchi Instead?
Our Next Step? Let's Get To Know Each Other. At Least A Little Bit.
First Day On The Job? Don't Worry! Follow My Guide And You'll Be Safe.
An Average Day At School? Not So Bad.
The Runaway Guitarist.
Well Then, How Should We Celebrate?
Let's Learn More About Each Other And Get Closer As A Band! Again!

Bocchi The Brave!

536 29 40
By SomeTypicalMilk

A/N: Well, it's time. She's been through a lot, right? After starting her journey as Bocchi The Caterpillar! She's finally become Bocchi The Butterfly! We don't talk about Bocchi The Chrysalis! Without further ado, let's get right into it.

Something's off. Today doesn't feel like an average day.

Y/n: Since I'm up early, maybe I'll wake Nijika up for a change.

Deciding to take advantage of the day's oddities, he walks over to Nijika's house. He quietly slides open their glass backdoor and walks inside. Y/n has successfully snuck in undetected. Or, so he thought.

Seika: "Well, someone's up early."

Y/n: "Seika? Why are you up so early? Isn't today your day off?"

Seika: "I wish. We had an uber-popular band want to perform here today. Obviously, I couldn't tell them no."

Y/n: "Is Nijika up yet?"

Seika: "No, she went to bed late. She was up later than usual. She said your name a lot, so I thought you two were doing something."

Y/n: "I was busy cleaning my house last night. We were on call for a little while, though."

Seika: "That must be it."

She sits back in her chair and yawns.

Seika: "It goes without saying, but I hate waking up on my days off."

Y/n: "At least that popular band will help drag in business later."

Seika: "Yeah, yeah." *She sighs* "Is it too late to turn into a nightclub?"

Y/n: "You'd have to hire an entirely new staff. Not to mention dealing with sleazy clientele. Notion rejected."

Seika: "Boo. You're no fun."

Y/n: "You weren't out drinking last night, were you?"

Seika: "Of course not." *She rubs her eyes* "I'm just tired, that's all."

Y/n: This is the first time I've seen a sleepy Seika. I guess I'll have to trust her. "Is it alright if I wake up Nijika?"

Seika: "Go ahead. She's a morning person, so she won't kill you over it."

Y/n: "H-Hai?" Is that a warning?

Something's off. Regardless, Y/n ventures to Nijika's room. He walks through the unlit hallway without caution. That is until he reaches his destined location. Y/n gently opens the door.

Nijika: "H-Huh?! Y/n-kun?!"

Y/n: "N-N-Niji-chan?!"

He swiftly shuts the door and turns around. His face is brighter than the ripest tomato.

Y/n: "I swear I wasn't trying to take a peek!"

Nijika: "I know! You're not the type to do something like that!"

Even though they're right next to each other, they can't help but yell.

Nijika: "What are you doing here, anyway? You're never up this early."

Y/n: "I know. I thought I'd take the opportunity to wake you up for a change."

Nijika: Aww. How sweet. "Well, thanks a bunch. But even at your earliest, you'd never wake up earlier than me."

Y/n: "I guess that's true."

Nijika: "Can you wait in the dining room until I'm done getting dressed?"

Y/N: "Right. Sorry for barging in."

Nijika: "Just remember to knock next time."

Now with a new coat of red, Y/n goes back downstairs.

Seika: "Do I need to ask?"

Y/n: "I'm sure you can guess."

Seika: "It's pretty obvious." Worked like a charm. Retirement fund, here I go!

After a couple of minutes, Nijika joins them in the dining room.

Nijika: "It feels kind of strange to not be meeting at your place."

Y/n: "A nice change of pace, though."

Nijika: *While pouring orange juice* "I'm sorry to say, but we can't hang out today."

Y/n: "Helping out Seika today?"

Seika: "I wish."

Nijika: *While putting the juice in the fridge* "I promised Ryo-chan that we'd go window shopping."

Y/n: "Window since she doesn't have any money, right?"

Nijika: "I don't even want to know what she blew it all on."

She sits next to Seika.

Nijika: "I think this is a world record."

Y/n: "She'll find a way to beat it."

Seika: *She sighs* "I should probably be giving Ryo's checks directly to her parents."

Y/n: Like that would fix anything. "If you're busy today, then I guess I'll find something to do, too."

Seika: "We could always use help at STARRY."

Y/n: "I'm the owner. I shouldn't be doing menial labor."

Seika: *She smirks* "That wasn't a no. Come on, answer the question."

Y/n: "Well, I have nothing better to do today."

Or does he? Before he can go any further, his phone buzzes and puts an end to any work discussions. 

Y/n: "It's... From Bocchi?"

Nijika: "HUH?! Bocchi-chan is texting first?!"

Y/n: "I hope she's doing okay." However... I can't rule out the possibility that she isn't. Is she sick? Or worse?!

Curious, Y/n reads the text.

Bocchi The Sock!: 'Hey.'

Y/n: Hey? What could this mean? Could it be an acronym for something? Help, everyone, yai'vebeenkidnapped. That's probably it! I need to get more information stat! 'Yo.' 'What's up?' 

Bocchi The O'clock!: 'If it's okay with you, I'd like to call.'

Y/n: The kidnappers want to discuss their ransom over a call so I can hear Bocchi suffering! How vile! 'Sure thing.' "She said she wants to call."

Nijika: "She sure is being adventurous today."

Y/n: Too adventurous. Don't worry, Bocchi. No matter how much it is, I'll do whatever it takes to save you.

He steels his nerves as he awaits Bocchi's call.

Bocchi The Stock!: "G-Good morning."

Y/n: "Good morning, Gotoh-chan."

Bocchi The Mock!: "Bocchi-chan is fine. I like my nickname."

Y/n: "Oh, alright. Is something wrong, Bocchi-chan?"

Bocchi The Shock!: "N-No, nothing's wrong."

Y/n: Her voice is as shaky as ever. Maybe I've overthought things. "That's good to hear. I didn't expect to get a call from you this early." Or at all.

Bocchi The Flock!: "I was just wondering something."

Y/n: "I'll try to answer to the best of my ability."

Bocchi The Lock!: "Do... Do you want to go on a date?"

Y/n: "Excuse me?"

Bocchi The Ziplock!: "D-Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Y/n: This... This is beyond left field. But I have nothing better to do. "I don't see why not. Where and when?"

Bocchi The Block!: "Let's meet at the station around thirteen?"

Y/n: "Sounds like a plan." How incredibly cliche! 

Bocchi The Airlock!: "See you there."

Before Y/n can get another word out, Bocchi hangs up.

Nijika: "So?"

Y/n: "She wants to hang out?"

Nijika: "Just the two of you?"

Y/n: "Apparently so."

Nijika: "She was opposed to all of us having dinner together the other night. To see her willingly reach out to someone else... I'm glad to see she's starting to get used to us. Bocchi-chan sure is being brave today."

Y/n: *He nods* "Well then, I should probably change into something else. I don't think a dog onesie would be appropriate."

Seika: "Ya think?" He does know what time it is, right? It'd be funnier to not remind him.

Now with something to do, Y/n goes back home. Thanks to Seika, Y/n has no shortage of fashionable outfits. Since the weather is cool, Y/n decides to dress formally. A black Italian suit should suffice for such a serious outing.

Y/n: Nothing but the best. Right? That's how it's supposed to go.

Realizing that it's only seven in the morning, Y/n has a lot of time to kill. Luckily he's able to find a quick solution after wasting an hour. 

Y/n: I need to get ready! Again!

After getting ready for his date for the second time that day, he leaves the house. He buys an Uber which takes him to the station in no time. 

Y/n: Now all I have to do is wait.

Or rather, he would, if not for an unaccounted-for variable. Bocchi, being the anxious mess she is, has already been waiting at the station for an hour now.

Y/n: "Heya, Bocchi-chan. You haven't been waiting long, have you?"

Bocchi The Dock!: "N-No, I just got here."

Her outfit is completely different from anything she normally wears. A pink cable knit sweater and washed blue jeans. Though, despite this change in appearance, she's still wearing her usual pink jacket. 

*Insert a drawing too great for the likes of me to draw*

Y/n: I guess she can't bear to part with it. Still, I can't deny how brave she is to venture past her usual wardrobe. "You look amazing, Bocchi-chan."

Bocchi The Talk!: *She blushes* "You also look great!"

Y/n: "Thanks."

Now comes the problem with two inexperienced people, they have no idea how to progress.

Bocchi The Glock!: Right. Plans. P-Plans.

She shakily takes out her phone and checks her notes. 

Notes: 'Step one: Welcome your date.'

Bocchi The Crosswalk!: Done.

Notes: 'Step Two: Hug your date.'

Bocchi The Peacock!: A-A-Already?! No, I can't back down now. I have to be brave.

As she approaches Y/n, her body begins to segment into imaginary shapes. 

Bocchi The Jackson Pollock!: No! I can't give up this early!

Through sheer willpower alone, she's able to form an arm out of her expressionist body. Her hug, if you can call it that, is brief and is over before Y/n can register what happened.

Y/n: "So, where to first?"

Bocchi The Writer's Block!: "U-Um..."

Notes: 'Step Three: Ask if they're hungry. If they are, suggest a nearby restaurant.'

Bocchi The Chalk!: "Are you hungry?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I could eat. How about you?"

Bocchi The Wok!: ": I was so nervous that I skipped breakfast. "I think that's a good idea. I suggest a nearby restaurant."

Y/n: "Sure, which one?"

Bocchi The Buldak!: "W-Which one?"

Y/n: "Which place are you suggesting we eat at?"

Bocchi The Hawk!: I've never been here before! What do I do now?!

She points to a random store.

Bocchi The Warlock!: "T-There. We should eat there."

Y/n: "Oh! I didn't know you had such expensive taste." *He nods* "I should've known. Your guitar is a Gibson Les Paul 1968 custom reissue ebony. Accounting for luxury import costs, such a piece could easily go for more than a million yen! I should've known that your taste would be refined."

Bocchi The Out Of Stock!: What?! Why didn't Father tell me that I was playing one million yen?! Why did he ever let me have such an expensive thing?! Now I don't feel worthy at all. "Y-Yeah. T-The fancier, the better."

Y/n: *He nods* "Agreed. However, sometimes cheap street food has the same charm."

Having dug her grave, Bocchi has no other option but to lie. At least she found out something interesting. The two walk into the restaurant.

Server: "Do you have a reservation?"

Y/n: "Sure do."

He turns to Bocchi.

Y/n: "Show them your reservation."

Bocchi The Mach!: T-Talking to other people?! *She turns away* "W-We have a reservation for two."

Reservation: "Two people at the window seat at thirteen ten?"

Bocchi The Doc!: "H-Hai." Wait, what?!

Before realizing what she had said, the waiter had already begun escorting them to their table. After seating them, the waiter hands them menus.

Bocchi The Gawk!: "W-Where are the prices?"

Y/n: Right. She's shy, so I doubt she's been to restaurants before. She was very panicky at the last one we went to. "If you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it. Restaurants on this tier all go off that belief."

Bocchi The Frock!: "A-Ah, I see."

Despite a few setbacks, the two were able to enjoy their lunch together. As a way to repay Bocchi for setting up the reservation, Y/n paid for their food.

Bocchi The Walk!: Next up, the date location. "W-We should get going."

She sheepishly extends her hand to Y/n.

Y/n: She really is pushing herself today, huh?

He accepts and envelops Bocchi's hand into his.

Y/n: "Lead the way, Bocchi-chan."

Bocchi The Unlock!: *She smiles* "Hai!"

*Insert another drawing I'm nowhere near trained enough to draw* *Please pretend to be in awe of how amazing I am*

While walking to their date, Y/n decides to make small talk.

Y/n: "Forgive me if we've already asked, but do you have any siblings?"

Bocchi The Crock!: "I have a little sister named Futari."

Y/n: "What's she like?"

Bocchi The Tock!: "Supportive... At times. S-She's not mean to me, or anything!"

Y/n: "What about pets?"

Bocchi The Brock!: "I have a dog. Jimihen. A Shiba Inu." I can't start freezing up now! Small talk is a part of a normal relationship.

Despite her survival instincts telling her to run away, she remains strong. 

Bocchi The Murdoch!: I need to ask him questions back. "W-What about you? Any family or pets?"

Y/n: *He shakes his head* "I'm an only child. I've never really wanted a pet, either."

Bocchi The Ascot!: "I-I could get rid of Jimihen!"

Y/n: "H-huh?"

Bocchi The Flintlock!: "Huh?"

A violent silence sneaks through and murders Bocchi's confidence. 

Y/n: *He laughs* "Don't worry, don't worry. It's not because I'm against the idea of having a pet. I've just never really thought about having one." I think I can guess where this date will end. I'll play along.

With Bocchi's mental state destroyed, the rest of the walk is spent quietly. She reorganizes her thoughts when they reach the date location. But...

Bocchi The Hammock!: "Here it is." This isn't anything like the pictures!

Y/n: "A sunflower field?"

Bocchi The Livestock!: "Y-Yeah." I remember Nijika mentioning that sunflowers are Y/n's favorite. But the pictures showed lively fields. These flowers are as depressed as I am!

Regrettably, they enter the sad-looking sunflower field.

Bocchi The Daglock!: He has expensive taste. I'm surprised he's still here. After seeing these down flowers, I'd have left too.

Y/n: "Amazing! There are so many!"

Going against Bocchi's better judgment, Y/n begins running amongst the flowers.

Y/n: "They're all so fantastic!"

Bocchi The Electroshock!: "I-I'm glad." Huh? He doesn't hate it here? I should take a leaf from his book. He's always so carefree. I'm always worrying about everything. In the end, it's just who I am, but...

She lets go of her worries and frolics in the fields hand in hand with Y/n.

Y/n: *He holds up a sunflower* "In a way, these flowers kinda remind me of you."

Bocchi The Haddock!: *She sighs* "Because it's just as depressed as I am?"

Y/n: "No-Well, sort of." *He shakes his head* "That's not it." *He hands Bocchi a sunflower* "While some only see a depressed flower, there's a hidden beauty to them. It's reserved and shy, so only those looking for it can find it. Most people wouldn't give this flower a second glance. But if they did, they'd find a beautiful potential waiting for them. Give these flowers some time, and they'll bloom into a breathtaking meadow."

Bocchi The Fussock!: He-He's saying all these kind things about me?! I didn't expect him to want to go on a date with me, much less enjoy it. Hearing him say all of these things... There's no way he doesn't feel the same way, r-right? "M-Marry me!"

Y/n: "I-It's a bit too soon for that. We're still kids, after all."

Bocchi's mistake shatters her into 50,000 different pieces(all sold separately). 

Y/n: *He grabs a few shards* "While we can't get married, I wouldn't mind dating until we come of age."

Bocchi The floutingstock!: "You wouldn't mind going with someone like me? Someone who can't even handle her feelings in a healthy way?"

Y/n: "I'm sure that'll change as we keep maturing."

Bocchi The Bock!: "My family isn't rich. W-We aren't poor, but we are swimming in it. I didn't set the reservation at that fancy restaurant. I only chose that restaurant at random. I didn't check what this place would look like in advance. I'm a complete failure who didn't prepare for this date in the slightest. Are you okay with that? Are you okay with someone like me?"

Y/n: "I love you for who you are, Bocchi—all 50,000 thousand pieces."

Getting ready for the confession, Bocchi swiftly reassembles herself.

Y/n: "If you don't mind putting up with me, I'd love to go out with you."

The two lock eyes. It takes everything Bocchi has not to explode.

Y/n: "Would you be my girlfriend, Hitori Gotoh?"

Hitori: "O-Of course!" *She bows* "Thank you for picking me!"

Y/n: "Pfft. You've always been so unique, Bocchi."

Only one more thing to do. Kith. The two lean in slowly until they can go no further. Soft. That's how they'd describe the sensation of their lover's lips. A second is all Bocchi can handle before she shrinks back.

Bocchi The Shaddock!: *With part of her face drooping away* That's enough excitement for one day to last me a couple of years. "W-We should be getting back. I'm supposed to be home before sixteen."

Y/n: A shame we couldn't stay longer. "Right."

The walk back is silent, and that's okay. This silence is almost the opposite of the one that ran by earlier. It's serene and eloquent. It adds to the mood instead of destroying it. It walks beside them until they reach the station.

Y/n: "See you tomorrow?"

Bocchi The Rock!: "Hai! I look forward to it!"

They share one more peck before heading their separate ways. They've graduated from friends to boyfriend and girlfriend.

Futari: "Onee-chan! Onee-chan, wake up!"

Bocchi: "H-Huh?!"

Futari: "You're going to be late for school!"

Bocchi: A dream. "I'm sorry!"

Futari: "Geez." She sure was smiling a lot.


A/N: As you might've guessed, yes, this is an April Fools' Day chapter. I love April Fools' Day. There's a lot of fun to be had by writing something so strange. There's also seeing everyone's reactions to the chapter. I always give it my all for the sake of a joke chapter. A normal chapter will come out sometime this month. So look forward to that. Anyhow, that's all for now. 

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