First Day On The Job? Don't Worry! Follow My Guide And You'll Be Safe.

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A/n: Hello, and welcome back. A chapter so soon? Yup. I got some inspiration from a reader, so I'm really determined to write another chapter. Plus, I enjoy this series. This chapter will also feature some art by GeneralAtsu. Anyhow, let's begin.

Alarm: "Come on! Time to go. You don't want to be late."

Y/n: Or do I?

He hears a knock at his door.

Nijika: "Oi! Y/n-kun!"

Y/n: "I'm up!" There's no use resisting it.

He sits up and stretches.

Nijika: "I'm coming in!"

Y/n: "Alright! You don't need to yell."

Nijika: "A-Ah..."

She opens the door and enters the room.

Nijika: "Good morning."

Y/n: "Good morning."

Nijika: "Ready for your first day of work?"

Y/n: *He tilts his head* "Eh? I don't need a job."

Nijika: "I may have told our classmates you were working..."

Y/n: "Starry isn't a host club."

Nijika: "It's a good way to attract customers."

Y/n: "Niji-chan..."

Nijika: *She awkwardly laughs* Maybe next time. "Just kidding! Now, come on. You promised Bocchi you'd support her all the way."

Y/n: "Hai, hai."

After getting dressed, Y/n heads downstairs. Nijika has made today's breakfast. Today is eggs, bacon, and okonomiyaki.

Nijika: "Table's already set."

Y/n: "You've been busy today, hm?"

Nijika: *She laughs* "A little bit."

She takes out her phone.

Nijika: "I'll check in with Bocchi-chan."

Y/n: "That's a good idea. She seemed hesitant last meeting."

He pours himself a glass of orange juice.

Nijika: *Mimicking Bocchi* "You've made me realize the foolish era of my ways. For making an honest woman out of me, you have my boundless gratitude."

(Thanks again to @GeneralAtsu for making this awesome drawing

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(Thanks again to @GeneralAtsu for making this awesome drawing.)

Y/n: How are we supposed to take that?!

Nijika: "What is she talking about?"

Y/n: "I have no idea." Sounds like something a recently disciplined wife would say. "But I think that means she'll be there."

Nijika: "I hope so."

She pours herself a glass of milk, and they have breakfast together.

Nijika: "Seika went early."

You Don't Have To Rush Yourself. Let's Take It Easy. (Bocchi The Rock! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now