The Runaway Guitarist.

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A/N: Our final band member has finally made herself known. After a good day at school with friends, they've suddenly found themselves in a predicament. The runaway guitarist Kita Ikuyo has seemingly found her way back to STARRY. This can only end... Well, actually, I don't know. How will this end?

Nijika: "The runaway guitarist!"

She points over to their former guitarist Kita Ikuyo

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She points over to their former guitarist Kita Ikuyo. Kita lets out a light squeal as she sees the others turning the corner.

Bocchi: "Runaway... Guitarist?"

Nijika: "Kita-chan, what are you doing here?"

Kita: "W-W-Well, I..."

Ryo: "Eh?"

Y/n: "Kita-san..."

Seeing her two idols, Kita prostrates herself in front of them.

Kita: "Please forgive me for my prior discourtesy! I'll do anything to make up for it! I give you permission to rough me up good!"

Nijika: "Shh! You're going to give people the wrong idea!"

Y/n: "We aren't like that at all!"

Luckily there was no one around.

Y/n: *He sighs* "Listen, let's talk about this inside. We shouldn't cause a scene."

Kita: *She cowers* "Hai!"

Y/n: "I-I'm not going to rough you up!"

Kita: "I know! I'm just scared!"

Y/n: "Eh?"

His expression changes as all color exits him.

Y/n: "Am I... Scary?"

Ryo: This outta work. "Scarier than ten screaming heads."

Y/n: "Wha?" *He sighs* "You're really strange sometimes, Ryo-chan."

Ryo: *She smiles* "Thanks."

Y/n: "I-...There's no winning with you."

Ryo: "That's because I count losses as wins."

Y/n: "Of course you do."

He motions over to STARRY.

Y/n: "Let's continue this inside, please."

With further interruption, they head down into STARRY. Inside, Kita explains the what caused her to leave.

Kita: "The truth is, I wasn't a rookie. I lied. I've never played guitar before. I barely know the basics. So when Y/n-kun was teaching me, I started to get overwhelmed. I've seen videos of him online playing for crowds. I didn't want to ruin his dream. So I quit. B-But I've been practicing with what Y/n-kun told me! I've gotten slightly better at it."

Nijika: "Whhhaa? So you couldn't play guitar, Kita-chan?"

Kita: *She sighs* "Nope."

Y/n: "And that's why you tried to ditch every practice after the first?"

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