Let's Learn More About Each Other And Get Closer As A Band! Again!

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A/N: Hey, I'm back. I come bearing news. I'm going to be scaling back the art. I'm not good at drawing. Trying to force myself to draw something only leads to lower quality. So for the sake of improvement and quicker chapter release windows, I'll be slowing that aspect down. Anyhow, let's start.

The tapping is light but rapid. The forecast was correct today.

Y/n: "What a relaxing feeling..."

He has his hand stuck out and is feeling the rain. The taps are soothing, and the cold rain is reassuring. 

Nijika: "Don't do that! You'll end up getting a cold!"

Y/n: "That doesn't sound too bad."

Nijika: "Bocchi-chan and Kita-chan are counting on you."

Y/n: "Yeah, that's true."

Despite this, his hand still yearns for the sensation.

Nijika: "Oi!" *She blushes* "You leave me no choice."

She takes hold of Y/n's hand.

Nijika: "Since you don't know how to take care of yourself, I am hereby confiscating your hand. You'll get it back once we enter STARRY."

Y/n: *He sighs* "Fine, fine."

With his other hand holding the umbrella, he's forced into complying. 

Nijika: "You like rain too much."

Y/n: "Why shouldn't I?"

Nijika: "Sickness is one."

Y/n: "But sick days are cool."

Nijika: "But makeup work isn't. And who would have to deliver your classwork to you?" *She points to herself* "Me. So if you get sick, you're putting me in a bind."

Y/n: "Oh. I see. Don't worry, I'll get Ryo-chan to deliver it for me."

Nijika: "That's not the point! And don't look so smug while saying something like that!" *She sighs* "Geez. Rich people are weird."

Y/n: *He tilts his head* "Are you just now finding that out?"

Nijika: "Don't be so matter of fact with me."

Their bickering could be confused with that of an old married couple. After a few minutes more they reach STARRY. Heading inside, Bocchi and Kita have already taken out their guitars. 

Y/n: "Give me a sec to get my guitar out, and we'll begin."

Kita/Bocchi: "Hai."

The two head into the practice room.

Nijika: "I'm going to check in with my sister."

Y/n: "Sounds good."

The two head their separate ways and Y/n walks into the practicing room with guitar in hand. 

Y/n: "So, let's begin."

While Bocchi is already pretty good at guitar, she still needs to be taught how to play as part of a band. Kita needs to learn both.

Y/n: "I hope you've studied the chords I assigned as homework over the weekend."

Kita: "I still remember where the strings are and such."

Y/n: *He nods* "I see. Then, let's start with the chords you should know. Bocchi-chan, how about you start us off?"

Bocchi: Aren't you supposed to be the teacher?! "H-Hai!"

Not wanting to disappoint Y/n or Kita, Bocchi does her best to explain chords. While Kita thinks she has it, she fails to replicate and play back what she has just heard. They continue for a while longer, but Kita keeps messing up. Eventually, Kita powers through a song with the same chords. It doesn't sound the greatest, but at least she tried. 

You Don't Have To Rush Yourself. Let's Take It Easy. (Bocchi The Rock! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now