Strong • W2S

By Xfine__lineX

15.4K 108 31

Love is a complex emotion. Not only can it bring us happiness and joy but it can also bring us pain, sadness... More



157 3 0
By Xfine__lineX

Chapter Thirty-Six

"Right that's it, you're going to hospital." Ronnie said as he lifted me up, with how intense this pain was I really don't think I could walk. Millie immediately called an ambulance since I clearly needed to be seen by a doctor. The three of us rushed out of the airport and by the time we managed to get outside the ambulance was just pulling up. Everything that happened after that was a complete blur.

When I got to the hospital I was rushed straight into A&E and was immediately seen by three doctors who'd rushed into the room as they heard my screams.
"Erin listen to me alright." One nurse spoke as I looked towards her and tried to control my breathing.
"Is there any chance you could be pregnant." She asked and I immediately began shaking my head no but then I realised that Harry and I rarely ever used any sort of protection. "Maybe." I panted.
"Can I get an ultrasound machine in here!" A doctor shouted as the screams became louder. I could no longer push the pain to the back of my mind, it was far to intense now.
Another doctor rushed in a few minutes later with an ultrasound machine, I was petrified. Ronnie and Millie were stood by my side the whole time, I could tell that both of them had absolutely no idea what was going on and that they were both scared but I was so unbelievably thankful for them.
"Alright Erin, we're going to do an ultrasound just incase you are pregnant. There's is a possibility it's ectopic and we'll have to rush you into theatre." I nodded as the wave of pain slowed down slightly and I could somewhat breathe normally again. The doctor began performing the ultrasound and by the look on her face I just knew something was wrong.

"Call L&D, we've got a baby on the way!" She shouted across the room to one of the other doctors who immediately obeyed her.
"What's L&D? What baby? Can someone tell us what the fucking is happening." Ronnie panicked, I immediately began screaming out in pain again and took no attention as to what was happening around me, there was no time.
"Labour and delivery, your sisters in labour." The same doctor spoke calmly as she wheeled me out of the room.
"I'M HAVING A... AHHHHHHH FUCK!" I was unable to finish my sentence because the pain just kept getting worse, it was coming on stronger every single time.
How could I be having a baby? I didn't even know Harry nine months ago... oh, oh fuck.
"Ronnie phone Dylan, it's... FUCK— it's his baby." I shouted to him, he stopped dead in his tracks and pulled out his phone.

"Erin Barnes, twenty-two years old, cryptic pregnancy." The doctor spoke to the midwife who was waiting for us as we got out of the lift. She said nothing but nodded and grabbed the handle bars of the bed I was lay on. I was wheeled into another room, there was another midwife waiting for us in here. Millie was still by my side and holding my hand while she waited for Ronnie to come and take over. It was strange, I barely even knew this girl but I didn't want her to leave, I didn't want to be alone.
"Erin I'm Nicola and this is Sharon, I'm just going to check you over alright? We have to check how many centimetres dilated you are." Sharon handed me what I assumed was gas and air, I immediately began inhaling it.
"You're about nine centimetres Erin, not long now." I said nothing but nodded my head as I felt another, what I now know were contractions.
Ronnie rushed back into the room with the phone up to his ear.

"Dylan's on his way." He told me hanging up the phone and placing his hand in mine as I squeezed it tightly.

Fifteen minutes had passed and I was being checked over again. Ronnie had left the room five minutes ago to find Dylan who was lost, of course he was fucking lost.
"Alright love, it's time." My eyes widened and I stared at Nicola.
"No, I'm not ready— I can't do this."
"You don't have a choice Erin, this baby is coming now." My heart was pounding just as another contraction started, Dylan and Ronnie rushed into the room just in time as I started pushing.
"JUST GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING HAND!" I screamed at Dylan who clearly didn't know what to do but then again neither did I.

A few pushes, a lot of screaming and swearing later a baby was born... my baby.
"Congratulations Erin, it's a girl!" Nicola spoke as she place the small baby on my bare chest.
"A girl?" I asked teary eyed. I looked down at the baby and immediately began sobbing, I was a mum, I have a daughter.
"I am so, so fucking proud of you Er." Dylan placed a kiss on my forehead as he held our daughter's hand carefully.

She was taken away after the cord had been cut— which Dylan did. Since I was completely unaware I was pregnant, she missed out on every single check possible which was now terrifying me. I'd been drinking and all sorts in the past nine months, I hadn't been to any doctors appointments, no scans, absolutely nothing.

"I hate to ask this but she is mine isn't she?" Dylan asked placing his hand in mine.
"You remember when I was up visiting about nine months ago? We all went to the pub and got absolutely pissed to the point none of us knew what the bloody hell we were doing." I began speaking as I slowly remembered that night.
"Aye I remember, I might've been drunk but I'll never fucking forget it." He told me and I knew what he was referring to because I never forgot it either.
"It was that night I'm guessing." As I finished speaking Ronnie returned to the room with Millie.
"Freya wants to speak to you." He said handing me the phone.

"Erin? Are you okay? Ronnie told me you're in the hospital, what happened?" She panicked as I placed the phone to my ear.
"Hi Frey, I'm alright now. I urm, I had a baby." The phone went silent, as the words left my mouth I struggled to believe I'd just said that myself. I didn't even want to imagine the shock everyone else would be in.

Harry's POV

I was angry, I had the right to be angry but not at Erin. It wasn't her fault that Dylan kissed her, she was adamant that she didn't kiss him back and I believed her but that still didn't stop me from being angry.
I kept my distance the whole day in fear that I'd say something wrong again, after all the horrible things I called her I wasn't sure she'd forgive me. I was mid planning on a way to make it up to her when she walked into our bedroom but things escalated and instead of apologising like I originally planned on, we ended up arguing again and I stormed out.

The villa was already divided so convincing the boys to go out was easier than I could've imagined.
Hours had passed, it was dark and we'd ended up in a nightclub. I was drunk, too drunk to even know where I was or what I was doing. There was this girl, she looked so much like Erin did or maybe it was just because I was drunk and imagining that she was with me and that things between us were alright.
I was completely unaware of what I was actually doing until Ronnie pulled me away from this girl and repeated punched me, at first I fought back wondering why he was punching me for kissing my girlfriend but when I looked at the girl I realised that it wasn't Erin and that's when I knew how much I'd fucked up.
I continued letting Ronnie punch me, I was in pain sure but I deserved it. A few of the boys managed to rip Ronnie away, they tried taking me to the hospital but I refused.
All I wanted to go was go home and beg Erin for forgiveness. When we arrived back at the villa the sun was coming up, I was taken straight to the bathroom by Simon and Tobi.

When Erin rushed into the bathroom, I knew that she knew and that made me even more angry at myself than I already was. Her fist connected to my face and that's when my heart broke, she screamed that we were done and stormed out of the room. Simon and Tobi finished cleaning up all the blood and cleaning out the wounds. By the time I was all cleaned up, Erin, Ronnie and Millie had left.

Hours later and we were all sat around the pool, it was almost dinner time but no one was talking to me except from Simon and Tobi. The girls hated me and they had every right to, when Freya got a call from Ronnie she put it on speaker.

"Erm we're in the hospital, when we got off the plane Erin took a... turn and we had to get an ambulance."
I knew that Ronnie was hiding something from us but I didn't know how big or small it was.
"I think it's better if she tells you herself." He spoke again, I was panicking and I think everyone was to be honest. Was Erin okay? Was she hurt?

"Erin? Are you okay? Ronnie told me you're in the hospital, what happened?" Freya spoke panicked, everyone as crowded around the phone so we were all able to hear Erin speak.
"Hi Frey, I'm alright now. I urm, I had a baby." My heart dropped, she had a baby? She was pregnant this entire time and she didn't tell me. I didn't understand it, she didn't look pregnant and when your pregnant you have a bump don't you?
"YOU HAD A BABY?" Freya and Amy shouted at the same time.
"Yeah I didn't even know I was pregnant actually. We're all in shock to be honest but I'm fine and I think she's fine as well, the doctors are just checking her over." I was confident that my heart actually stopped for a minute there, Erin was a mum now and she had a daughter? I knew that I wasn't the dad, there was no possible way that I could be so who was it?.
"You had a little girl!" Amy excitedly said, she was practically jumping up and down while the rest of us were just stood in shock.
"Oh am I on speaker? Hi guys!" Everyone replied with a "hi" or "are you alright?" but I stayed silent.
"I have so many questions." Freya began to say but Erin probably already knew all of the answers.
"She doesn't have a name yet, I'm in shock and Dylan." Erin replied, see I told you she already knew the answers.
"Dylan? The father's Dylan... oh shit." One of the boys said, I don't know who because I genuinely think I blacked out for a second.

Erin's POV

I think part of me knew that Harry was listening, he never spoke but I knew that he was there. I hadn't even had any time to process what had happened between us, from the tiniest of arguments the other day to being single to then giving birth to a baby I never even knew I was carrying, my head was all over the place.
"Oh Freya, I'll give you a phone soon the midwives just came back in." I quickly said goodbye and handed the phone back to Ronnie who was sat on one of the chairs. The baby was placed in my arms and I fell even more in love with her, she was so tiny, dressed in a little white outfit with a tiny pink hat on her head.
"Everything's absolutely fine, she's in perfect health Erin. You did an amazing job." Nicola spoke as she began looking through the papers. I nodded as I felt the tears come once again, I never wanted to part with her but still after a few minutes of holding her I passed her to Dylan.

"What are we going to call her?" He asked looking up from our daughter.
"I have absolutely no idea, we'll have a think soon. I need to phone Layla first, she's gonna freak the fuck out." I chuckled as Ronnie passed me my phone.

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